Kenshi Lone Wolf - EP5 - THE HOUSE OF PAIN

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi lone wolf this is a solo series where we play as one character and try to survive in the world of kimchi in the previous episode we captured some hungry bandits and put them in our little house over here in the hub and tried to fight them one on one but they seem to have jumped out of a window or somehow escaped my captivity while I was while I was researching general storage boxes and when we came back downstairs they were gone so those sneaky bastards we're gonna have to see if we can capture some more guys maybe get into some more combat and maybe get some better equipment besides this kimono even though it's pretty boss you know it is giving me a really big bonus to martial arts right now and this is a part of a mod so normally you wouldn't find this clothing in the game so it does give you a little bit of a bonus which could kind of be cheating a little bit but I'm like I'm at that point where I want to try all these new mods out anyway guys if you want to see more kimchi lone wolf in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes the other thing I forgot about is that we've got some rusty chainmail here and if we take a look at this our Dodge skill effect is point 80 so we actually need to take this off because it's gonna hinder us and you can also see that the combat speed effect is point 97 and even dexterity is lowered so we don't want to be using chain the det the developers went ahead and have been doing some armor balancing passes to try and make the armor a little bit better in situational for different things instead of everybody just using like samurai armor which is pretty much like the in-game armor that you most people would use now there's like there's trade-offs to different things so now you have to use like heavy armor if you want to like have survivability but the the lighter armor actually is it doesn't hinder you as much you don't lose your skills and you can make more like ninja type of characters and so it's pretty viable having lighter armor now which is amazing I really like the way the the direction that the developers are taking the the armor change I'm gonna run around and see if I can find some dust bandits maybe we can knock some out and capture them and fight a few of them those bandits are kind of our preferred enemy right now we're a little bit past hungry bandits and dust minutes will increase our skill a lot more you know if you're new to kimchi one of the things you need to know is that when you fight harder enemies your skill is going to gain a lot faster than is than if you fought just kind of like weaker enemies so you know fighting weaker enemies just isn't gonna cut it you're gonna have to search for better and stronger opponents so that you can further your skill gain well I've found some dust bandits I'm gonna see if I can maybe knock this guy out or or beat him up he's trying to chase me hey meat sack oh crap they're all chasing me now [ __ ] alright I'm gonna run and then I'm gonna try and sneak break a line of sight with these guys and then see if I can go back and knock them out okay now there now they're walking away okay perfect haha he's still talking to me even though I'm in sneak mode the lion stalks the gazelle hiding behind a tree all right stakeout I guess the sky 67% chance nice alright pick them up and bam let's get out of here okay cool we got a UH Oh looks like they found me oh oh they're coming back they don't want me to capture this guy your sneak skill goes up a lot when people are chasing you and you have this red reticle like this that's why I'm activating sneak all the time because look at my my stealth is that 65 already it goes up so much when you're detected and they see you like that all right we've got a solo dust bandit let's take him out 1v1 I think I can I could probably beat this guy maybe now I'm trying to fight overloaded actually to gain strength faster I'm pretty sure you get a strength bonus yeah you do when you're over oh I knocked him down let's see you hold on yeah my strength XP is 12% while I'm fighting carrying this guy we've got another bandit over there damn I can't land any hits alright sticking my arm down alright as long as he doesn't get my legs or actually if he takes my arm I'm not gonna be able to carry this dude am I go out we got this give me a swift kick to the groin Wow one D one these bandits are tough nice knocked him down okay let's run let's put this guy away oh no we got an archer get to him oh god I'm gonna go in my house get in there maybe I can knock this guy I can take this guy's stuff hold on a second let me loop this guy and yeah we'll leave him with his armor let's see is he knocked out yeah whatever let's put him down and let's go back outside and lock the door there we go all right yeah let's heal up and see if we can take out another bandit or capture one at least knock one out knock them all out all right let's go sneak time should know be the citizens you guys want to help me out here all right : eek uh I was gonna sneak and take this guy out Oh 48 damage nice oh crap I'm in trouble yeah alright time to bail retreat I can't take all these guys myself oh they just shot the Shinobi's citizen he's just like oh he's got a bolt sticking out of this his neck oh let me take off my backpack give me an extra two points oh I'm starting to see some new combat moves now Oh 46 damage wow that's like a double punch kind of thing well I got freakin bolts sticking out of my back Oh crushing this yet Oh nuts yet oh well we got this take this guy down Oh crushed him I don't need my left arm bring it 31 damage this guy's gonna be shooting his buddy in the back oh nice I hit the other guy whoa Oh left arm is certain yeah I thought like a porcupine I'm littered with bolts ah that's a problem fighting two archers or two crossbowmen I start fighting one of them and the other guy breaks out his crossbow I'll take this guy down come on help me a little goat there we go all right all right bone dog you just mind your own business oh this guy is toast I got his left arm he's not gonna do anything what are you gonna do now huh crushed him well done okay just took out three bandits let's take all their gear take the bolts like you guys suggested and I guess we should probably first aid him huh first aid him so he doesn't die first aid me and let's pick him up and oh I can't carry anybody play my arm okay let me splint can I can I pick him up now no crap all right this guy's playing dead we try and take his pants there we go sit down all right well heal him so he doesn't die let me go back oh what about this guy he's in a recovery coma all right we'll heal him and I'm gonna have to go rest real quick and heal with my arm let me knock out this guy though come on bring it bring it on my martial arts is up to 30 now Dodge's or no my dodge is 30 martial arts 17 sweet ok knocked him down throw out of home oh that's a new option I think that's cool they must have added that at some point I didn't even notice it those devs are the devs are sneaky in this game they just add all this stuff I'm pretty sure that was there for probably the last five patches or so I think along the time when they started adding the auto eject thing I think there's an audio eject in year share food rescue what there was an auto eject or like remove people from your town I think they must have removed it interesting all right let's run out here and see if we can pick this guy up now yes step into the slaughterhouse alright I've got four bandits in here now welcome to my home okay these guys gonna be down forever let's see can we put one in a bed let's see if that works oh yeah you can oh that's nice that actually does work okay I need some more sleeping bags uh I don't have any more can i buy them from some Hey get out of my house you're trying to do in my house that should obese innocent was like oh let me come in and have a beer uh crap okay we don't have any sleeping bags that weekend let's see do we have I'm gonna buy some research books because I think we need to get Tecla Tech level to market tents and stalls [Music] yeah I need to buy a sleeping bag from somebody I wonder if the shinobi thieves have one shinobi thieves do not have a sleeping bag however assassin rags check these out assassination skill is up dexterity is up combat speed dodges up everything is up with these gut melee attack bonus +8 martial arts bonus +6 okay I don't feel so bad about using the kimono now the assassin rags have +6 martial arts bonus holy crap I'm using these say goodbye to the kimono wow that's amazing what about the ninja mask I think just looks amazing I think I want the ninja mask give me that I want to be a ninja this gives me a perception bonus but I don't need perception coz I'm not using a crossbow at least not right now and I guess I'll keep the Shinigami tabhi for now but man that's gonna be cool now we look like a freakin assassin they made assassin rags awesome I always liked them I like the look of them and everything but they were pretty weak because you kind of need like I need to get a shirt did they have a shirt that I could buy I didn't even look I need to get an Under Armour shirt like a leather turtleneck or something they have a black cloth shirt but they don't have any other okay I'll have to wait maybe tomorrow they'll have something all right I've finished resting at the bar kind of healed up a little bit since the dust bandit in here is healing in the bed let's go ahead and unlock the door run in oh ah don't let him out crap okay let me attack them all then hey come back here get in here all of you get in here are you gonna ride on [ __ ] come back hold on lock door can you open it if I didn't lock it now you can alright whatever I'm gonna kill all of you that's what I get trying to heal these guys they just betray me oh I was a good matrix nudge right there Oh too damaged that's weak that's weak son oh yeah 60 damaged holy crap I'm doing a lot of damage now my strength is at 30 tough to 61 dexterity 31 geez all right I think we're done kind of like sitting around here we're gonna have to just see if we can face an entire group by ourselves see what see what we can do we might not be strong enough yet but it'll be fun [Music] we got another bandit leave and come back oh this guy's gonna only need one hit 50 damage that's crazy this guy's doing a pretty good job at blocking my attacks [Music] oh I thought that was gonna hit [Music] he's having a tough time hitting me and he's down all right let me sell his stuff really quick just in case we find some better gear if we find something like specialist great assassin rags or something I'm totally gonna buy him on our travels will have to visit the armor the armor King and see if he has any good stuff we're gonna need to make a lot of money first though before we do that nice throw up to 90 400 that's pretty good all right let me take out the trash here throw out of home get out of my house nice okay let's lock the door here and let's go find some enemies let's beat them up martial arts is at 18 that's good we're getting it getting it higher so we'll be able to maybe fight some stronger opponents eventually still need to fight some more dust bandits for right now though if we could take out an entire group of dust bandits then we can see about fighting something stronger so let me see if I can find another group all right we're creeping up on dust bandit camp over here it looks like they almost see me my stealth is 84 how the hell did they see me from that distance that's insane I got to get my stealth fire all right whatever knock him out just go in there and take him down off crap you got me uh whatever got here Oh what's going on I was kind of stuck all right let's see what we can do here against this group even though they got two free hits on me oh geez all right four hits without me even five hits six hits without me even swinging once what am I just gonna dance around all day damn apparently I can't do much in a large group yet I am definitely losing this battle [Music] all right hold on let me run back up this way I wanted I don't want to get knocked out in front of their camp because then I'll never get out of here they fight them up this ravine and go ahead and first aid myself here trying to get my vital organs before if you can kind of like run away and get your vital organs healed usually that will help too if you get knocked out you won't like die immediately but we'll see how this goes here Wow I was crushing them in my house and now I can't land any hits there we go I got these arched knees crossbowmen just tagging me [Music] I was a good hit damn I'm gonna get knocked out any second oh I took one down with me throwing my backpack on the ground so they can't loot it I'm really hoping the developer fixes that though fixes this kind of little exploit because it's kind of cheap Oh was I fighting two different groups probably Oh see I could probably take this mini I almost took that hiver down personally I'm a fan of having kind of like realistic looting I think that all the enemies in the game should try to like take at least one piece of your idea or weapon or something like and it could be random but I feel like they should take some stuff like take my splint kits you know take my backpack take my shoes or something I mean these guys need to make money somehow and it's it's kind of weird like they don't take anything from you and I feel like it should be like that for all the factions so that you know the world feels more alive because people are trying to survive and of course they're gonna loot you they're gonna take what they can and sell it or use it themselves that's just what I think I mean there's an option already in the game when you start a new game that says you know bandits loot the player but I think it should change so that like all enemies loot the player or like maybe 50% of the factions you know maybe more of the in-game factions loot you or something but you know if you're gonna be playing like that with looting on then make it more than just bandits because you're not always fighting bandits and once you get to a point where like bandits are nothing to you then you're never going to lose your gear and like I feel like once you have the best gear in the game you should have some sort of way to lose it besides getting imprisoned or you know getting captured or something like that those are the only reasons you're gonna you're you're gonna lose your gear and you know I feel like it should change so that you you have to go back and craft more gear or you have to go and hunt those people down and and get your gear back before you know they they run off the screen or whatever but uh you know that could be quite fun but I also find that a lot of times I end up you know once I have my set characters and we have all the gear like you don't even go back to crafting anymore because you've already crafted everything but if you have a chance to lose stuff then you'll have to go back and you know craft more gear and it just kind of like you know makes the whole crafting stuff not useless at the very end game so you still actually use those facilities I'm gonna come back and beat up these guys when we when I go up and heal I need to rest let's take a look though my dodge is at 32 martial arts 18 okay I'm over here at the shinobi thieves trader I'm going to buy a dark leather shirt this will give me a little bit protection and also it's a dark leather shirt yeah I don't want the black and chainmail because that's gonna lower my dodge and dexterity so yeah I think that'll work I'm gonna get the black tabby though instead of the white ones there we go nice hey little gold slippers I'm gonna probably replace those with drifters boots at some point anyway let me go back up here and rest we can go back out there and fight those bandits okay I see them down there in the distance let's go out there and see if we can pick a fight with them there's a lot of these guys somehow I need to bring I can't fight the entire camp I need to like find a group of them or somehow like lure them out let me go back over here and see if there's any more over the hill where I was oh I see a group running who are these guys hungry bandits okay let me take these guys out oh no where'd they go I lost sight of him oh here they are okay got them all no wait these are escaped servants damn what happened to the hungry bandits damnit those guys just like straight up snuck away okay we got slave mongers over here I wonder if they're gonna fight the bandits that could be interesting let's see if they fight the bandits you're just gonna walk right by him damn you'd think they'd uh they'd attack all right anyway uh okay hold on we got escaped servants over here all right these guys gonna attack or what somebody attacks somebody Oh sweetie we got a book over here and grab that um all right whatever would sue knock this dude out BAM oh I was on super speed all right hold on let me lead them into the the servants up here all right that didn't work but I did get one bandit by himself all right I'll take him one-on-one you're toast Oh left arm left leg you're toast man you're dodges down your dinner you're dexterities down just sit down take it take it like a man I'm gonna take all your stuff though oh he was trying to whoa he's this guy's fighting dirty did you see that move it was like he was crawling but he tried to get up it was weird and awesome at the same time all right take all his stuff let me heal up I didn't take much damage that's good all right let me see if I can just pick him off in all right we got two more candidates coming up all right to v1 now let's go bring it on I'm waiting I am waiting ring it oh I got the flying jump kick now hahaha oh this guy is he's hurtin okay oh we got more guys coming in now alright three on one right three-on-one still [Music] give me more of that flying jump kick there you go like I was exposed we had the perfect opportunity right just what I need is you dodging back up into the heat the rest of the camp all right nice you knocked out one guy Wow my chest gets exposed every time I swing like that oh my goodness you got me so high ever got me meant all right well I took out two two or three [Music] these guys are in a recovery coma they're not getting back up toughness is still at 62 all right hi ever wants another piece of me okay bring it he brought it all right holy crap this hiver is like he's a boss he just knocked me out again he waited till 8:00 I threw the first punch of it just one tapped me wow that's impressive I'm not gonna lie get back over here let's have a rematch ah Wow armored drag skirts give you a martial-arts bonus interesting clothes for martial-arts bonus Wow it gets you not as good at legs but Wow we might have to use that do we have a these guys have standard grade you're gonna find a standard grade armored drag skirt and we could use that for the bonus yeah my martial arts is now plus 12 with all these equipment bonuses that's amazing all right well now that the camp is here let's and we got a +4 bonus let's run back to let's run back to the hub and heal up I've led the holy servants into fighting the dust bandits that's amazing all right let me see if I can take this guy out Oh 70 damage to the stomach oh my god I missed all those attacks that's unbelievable I had four attacks on him while he was knocked out for hurting a bit there you go distract him nice oh this guy is like getting up he's just in block mode now there we go death tap right at the end oh we got more guys coming in get this guy from behind oh nice I'm teaming up with the the holy servant Oh Oh run run run all right bail retreat holy serve it sorry gotta go now whatever who cares if I get knocked out take him I've got 30 martial arts 31 I should be able to maybe survive this we'll see oh yeah more enemies coming in Oh wow I can't land it Oh oh we're getting overrun tits oh it was a good man I'm doing a ton of damage to the stomach okay I can't handle this Vinny Oh what do we got here does more dust bandits wow this is like dust bandit territory I am fighting all of them they're taking hits from their bowmen from behind okay I got knocked out and there I go rolling down the hill all right a back up get my backpack and let's go rest a lot more enemies to fight here tons of dust bandits we're leaving the hub and headed back towards the dust bandit camp we have 35 martial arts attack or martial arts skill right now plus 15 for the equipment that we have +4 for the armor drag skirt plus 5 for the black Taavi and plus 6 for the assassins rags which is pretty amazing so hopefully we can do some damage here let's see strength is at 30% but we're not really overloaded so we're gonna have to figure out how to get that higher we got a fight encumbered and that's gonna get our strength up a lot faster we got to get that higher otherwise I mean because that's what affects martial arts damage as you can see our martial arts damage is 47 right now with 30 strength on average I guess all right whatever see what do we got here oh oh wow did that bone dog just eat that holy servant wow this guy like died really dead like every limb is dead holy crap all right hold on akin knock this dude out my stealth is a hundred by the way okay he's knocked out knock out this guy I'm just knocking out everybody got to get my assassination skill higher oh damn it I failed Oh Oh God wow you really run into a problem right there with that that's trying to trying to do that to those guys crap yeah the bow dog right away with the with the limb all right attack all here kill him they got a lot of free hits on me but it's not gonna matter I'm gonna crush you all Oh damnit stop getting hit like that there you go oh we got our freaking skeleton bandit whoa that's rare okay now we're starting to take some people out sort of I get some edson food on me I took out that dudes left leg it's kind of funny they don't heal themselves where those guys go in I wonder Wow IRA actually did some damage look at they're all limping all right get back up go after him pick these guys up [Music] a couple hits and these guys are going down to are down there we go oh oh damn crossbowmen was hit me from behind I can't feel my bloody legs he says alright I'm just gonna mess with these guys let me roll up on him roll up on them oh I've got really crappy stealth because of my injuries but I should still be able to sneak up on this guy and knock him out let me knock out the skeleton oh he's down quick take out the band oh come here come over here there's a little bug with that you've got to click on the ground first before you try to knock out another guy otherwise they just like he tries to knock people out from like the distance that you knocked the other guy out it's kind of weird but anyway nice nicely done get rid of the boots and the helmet those sulfur nothing hey a bandit is crippled yeah that's funny let me take out this guy [Music] here we go nice I'm looking for a standard raid there we go standard grade arbor drag shirt nice or armored drag skirts rather tin it there we go nice that'll protect me a little bit better on the legs a little bit more see blunt resistance on the shoddy grade is 13% and 24% cut this is 24% in 37% oh yeah so much better alright let's see we got we've got two guys here we can maybe roll up on here we go taking these guys out [Music] I've gotta sleep in their bed oh these guys knocked me out right in front of them oh this would be interesting all right I got away yes let's not get knocked out in front of their camp that's a very bad idea take out this guy here my assassination skill is up to 35 now now 36 sweet that'll come in handy later we'll be able to knock out all kinds of people all right let's take out the just take out the skeleton ooh martial arts the martial arts here we go he's got two martial arts he's never gonna hit me [Music] I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow to the knee the guy's got an arrow right in almost his knee it's more like his shin Wow I'm oh my gosh I'm messing this guy up I don't know where I'm going now I guess I'm going back to fight these guys all right bring it on flying jump kick the flank jump kick seems to be like the opener oh I got hit in the head there you go well who love seeing that bolt sticking out of my head dulse panics are now hostile well good we got hungry bandits over there I'm fighting the dust boss now oh one hit and I'm toast one hit to the chest there we go 48 damage whoa all right ah come on block that Oh nicely done we got him down oh he's gonna lose his leg possibly he's playing dead take as a frickin weapon I'm just on the outside of the hub and I'm gonna be mining some raw iron so that I can stuff it in my backpack and [Music] get overloaded so that I can fight overloaded that's gonna get my strength up higher so I'm gonna be sitting out here for a little while getting enough iron to stuff in my backpack I'm not gonna sell it just use it to overweight me all right I went ahead and finally mined a bunch of raw iron so let's see my head covers is 63 so this should be pretty good too it's gonna slow me down of course but it's also going to increase my strength as we get into some battles so we'll see if we can find some guys actually I think I saw some people over here yeah we've cut you've got some slaves over here that are just hanging out some of our disbanded buddies let's go ahead and beat them up I don't know where the slavers win I think they disappeared we got a bone dog though we have to worry about it's an adult but I think we should be able to kick these guys asses because they're all in slave shackles go for it attack all here take them down there you go now take a look at my strength XP bonuses 64% so that's really good that's really high for gaining strength I think while fighting yeah strength XP bonus oh I took out the bone dog wait a minute the bone dog was the one that that they were the bone dog was the one that they were waiting on because the rest of the the slave traders were knocked out or something or dead or whatever come here let me fight this guy I'm never gonna catch him overload it where are you running man you got nowhere to go you're either gonna run into the shinobi thieves or me who would you rather face where the hell is this guy going he's like hiding in the bushes or something alright come here face your destiny what the hell come here oh this guy's just running just wait till I get my strength up rope I'm gonna catch you one of these days I'm gonna find you I'm gonna follow you this guy doesn't even know where he's going he's like where the hell's my camp so the kind of trade-off with having high encumbrance is that your dodge skill goes down so you can see I have an encumbrance penalty of 20 so my dodges is is going down because of that but it's kind of a trade-off I want to get higher strength now we could just like if I could find some dude to pick up Oh actually hold on let me go back up here I could pick up one of these guys and fight with them this guy's got a no leg or he's crippled let me carry this guy let me beat him up first oh now I'm fighting the bone dog oh I killed him nice okay now you take a pick up this guy and now my encumbrance should be 71% okay so like 10% encumbrance my dodge has gone down even oh no my dodge is still 20 or 13 okay cool well I got a wounded chest but I'm gonna fight these guys wow they even see me from a distance work on myself too well you could see it going up it goes up really frickin fast when they're chasing you and your stealth Inc okay trying to dodge these bolts oh did you see that dodge it was epic alright now let me fight this guy let's take a look at my strength at 40% 41% 42 [Music] well it does actually go up quite a bit when you're fighting overloaded like this oh damn can I use this guy's ass as a shield the kite pegged me from a distance oh I'm gonna take a beating but it's alright gotta get that strength higher cuz then I'll do more damage then I'll be able to take these guys out in like two it's I'm noticing that undershirt is definitely helping damp I just got to get some bitter oh holy crap they knocked me out good I don't have anything to lose gentlemen all right my strength is that 31 it went up to up to 55% not bad I guess I just got to carry around somebody and trying to work on my strengths that way oh damn it these guys are coming back inside I can't run her sneak let me go up this way go up the mountain I was just gonna carry this dude around with me huh I'm just gonna do all my shopping with him like we're best pals even though he's probably dead is he dead no he's in a recovery coma show me your goods all right let me sell this stuff and oh we got some more research books I'll probably buy those well up to eleven thousand it's not bad alright guys well I think this is a pretty good stopping point we've got our martial arts up to 22 now Dodge's at 33 got some really good toughness here at 67 strength is going up in dexterity you've got to get that higher you just got to keep working on it keep fighting stuff and eventually it'll go higher we'll be able to fight harder opponents will probably I don't know head somewhere else where we can fight some stronger guys maybe get our martial arts even higher I think the dust bandits probably we can still probably gain skill with them but we if we fight some like I don't know red Sabres or swamp ninjas or something even though we'll probably lose and we'll get our skill up a lot higher than we would fight in the dust bandits so we'll see what we do in the next episode hope you guys enjoyed it you want to see more kimchi lone wolf in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you again next time take care [Music]
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 45,296
Rating: 4.9214659 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, kenshi prospecting, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival
Id: bTcj5q61-zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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