Kenshi Lone Wolf - EP9 - THE CRAB QUEEN

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi lone wolf this is a solo series where we play as one character and try to survive in the world of kimchi in the previous episode we made our way back to the hub and we've got ourselves some new limbs unfortunately we had one of our legs cut out from under us and we had to crawl all the way to World's End and we picked up a replacement limp so now we have basically three robotic limbs now and hopefully we can find a better one for the skeleton arm but we are getting a +3 unarmed damage bonus with this one and also the Scout leg will increase our athletics by 24% right now so our top run speed is currently 19 but we are encumbered so the Scout legs will really help us travel around the world a lot faster so maybe we can find another one and purchase that I think of this episode we're gonna try to explore some of the new territory as well in the southeast the southeast section of the world map has been released and if you guys want to play this southeast part of the map you've got to be on the experimental version I've had a lot of you guys ask whether or not it's unstable it's all the new updates are always gonna be on experimental before they become over to stable so you got to switch over to this experimental branch and import your game and then you'll be able to access this entire territory so in the apocalypse series we've kind of explored the south whet the south part of the map I'm gonna try to explore like the south eastern side like over in this area in this series and see if we can kind of see what else is out there and having one character will allow me to just try to choose the battles that we want to fight in and with our seventy-five toughness I mean our knockout point is negative 76 so I'm not too worried about losing anything at this point we can't really lose our limbs the only thing we can lose is our left arm so I think we're gonna stop over here at the weigh station really fast and just check it out and see if there's any robotic limbs I went and sold some stuff that we had in the last episode and we're up to 31 K now we also have a spring bat crossbow which I'm gonna buy some heavies for that and start using that as well I think that'll be really good to get into some crossbow action playing with one character is super-fun because the game runs really smooth with one character you know there's a limit to how many characters you can have in the base game which is thirty characters and I think that's a good number because when you start getting above 30 the game does start to lag a bit especially if you have a lower tier machine so if you have like 80 characters you're gonna you gotta run into some performance problems and even 15 60 characters and also I've noticed if you have multiple squads I think the more squads that you have it also lags up the screen or lags up the game a bit too so if you have like 60 characters and like ten squads that's gonna cause some issues as well but you know I've had 80 to 90 characters and still have been able to play the game so I mean it's not like it's not possible but the game just plays so well with one character it's really polished let's see spring bat we want heavy so let me buy some heavies these are gonna last literally no time so we have food now I'm out of food let me sell this you sell the CPU units and yeah sell those and I'll bye-bye just a little bit of food here I don't need too much alright we're up to 40k let's check this guy out over here see if there's any robotic limbs that we need alright oh they got some specialist grade specialist grade stuff honestly though maybe we should check black desert city really fast see if they have anything good worth buying or stealing although I'm not gonna be able to steal anything with these robotic limbs hold on a second this guy had a he has a stealth leg for 14,000 oh he's got a left and a right stealthily right hmm well the Scout leg is lowering my my stealth so if I got a right skeleton leg that lowers my stealth as well interesting it's interesting that the skeleton leg left is not lowering stealth but the skeleton leg right high grade is lowering my stealth that's weird why is that oh wait oh it is lowering stealth what the hell am I even looking at okay I'm an idiot I must be blind or something okay uh well anyway we'll go see what they have over at black desert city maybe we'll buy a limb since we're really close not gonna take very long we made it to black desert city I'm gonna go into the bar here and talk to the bartender the other thing that I want to do is start looking for bounties if we can and I think we heard he I think there is a bounty up here yeah this guy named razor has a bounty of 10,000 and he's wanted by United cities [Music] he's got 40 attack ooh interesting oh they got a safe up here too all right well I'm gonna beat this guy up let's take them down hopefully I can beat him hey you go 76 where you gonna go now razor huh Oh [Music] okay damn get that oh this guy is good he's not doing much damage to me though 61 Wow well we got this come on damn [Music] come on fight back there you go damn this guy's kicking my ass I'm almost down what's up come on oh it keeps blocking all my attacks what's his uh this defense is thirty seven it's pretty good to be fair I did start the battle a little wounded but come on Wow I fight for me no one else damn it this guy razor beat me up alright that's fine we're gonna get back up here and beat them up but here just you myself [Music] Wow can't believe that alright can you put my mask back on I'm gonna peg him with a bolt let's go sneak mode sneak over here all right actually I'm just gonna knock him out what the hell come here that's probably what I should have done in the first place all right let me first aid him let me loot him he's got a decent he's got green fruit out of interesting all right Oh stealth kill we can't use right [Music] interesting all right we're gonna kidnap him though and he's gonna be ours hey but that was a pretty decent battle now the question is can I loot like a nice thick lock anything up here doesn't look like anybody's noticing me all right I've unlocked both of these chests we've got a bunch of skeleton repair kits Wow 80% chance to steal it I'm not gonna take them though because I don't want to get caught the only problem is is I need to I need to rest so let me put him down and beat him up there we go sit down alright I'm healed up a little bit so now let me pick him up and let's take him with us we're gonna take him to the United cities and make some profit let's go into there's a robotic shop here okay so they've got all kinds of stuff scout legs master work great Scout leg let's see did they have the yeah the industrial lifter that thing is nice oh but it's only +3 unarmed swimming thievery lock-picking interesting I think the this one increases your strength though so the industrial lift their arms yeah I mean I think it's probably good to have one industrial lifter arm and then and then one KLR series arm because that way you get or one skeleton arm at least because that way you can increase your dexterity and strength with each one but if you get to industrial lifter arms you're gonna have plus 23 strength with a master work damn you you could be doing some really good damage let's see we need we need a right arm for the skeleton arm but it looks like there's only industrial lifter arm left so you might not be able to get oh no here's one industrial lift arm right unarmed damage bonus plus two okay huh alright well anyway I bought myself a masterwork grade scout leg left so they're pretty cheap to be honest 18k is not bad and I know I could probably go up here and steal everything in here but I'm just gonna buy it whatever I've done a lot of playthroughs in the game with our where I've done a lot of stealing so I'm just gonna steal when I feel like it's not too you know not steal everything but the cool thing about the scout legs is that your run speed just like increases so much like I'm encumbered right now that's why I'm not running really fast and I do need to get my athletics higher but let's go up here and see if they have anything interesting here we go right here Eagles cross masterwork great this thing is the best a rare extreme long-range weapon for snipers I like this one a lot I don't know some people say they like the old world bow better I kind of like the Eagles cross they have a masterwork let's kind of compare masterwork this takes regulars it does 44 to 63 damage this one does 76 to 127 but the reload time is 4 to 8 seconds I guess depending on skill [Music] it says required skill is 80 I don't know what that means because you can use it right away but uh it's it the range on the old-world bow is only 130 109 meters whereas the Eagles cross is 188 meters for the master work so that's a big difference let's see the reload time though is 2 to 4 seconds huh well I went ahead and bought the Eagles cross I like that one a lot and we're basically going to be sniping people and and I don't know if if we don't like it we can switch to another one but uh I feel like we're gonna snipe people and then when they get close we're gonna switch to martial arts anyway so this could be helpful all right let's take this guy to the united city's territory really quick and then we're gonna head southeast I'm in the weigh station here I bought a couple long bolts so that we can use our crossbow all right let's head a little bit north here and let's see there's hang up there we can go to we've made it to hang let's go into the police station turn this guy in looks like you caught a bounty you wanted a reward take him all right ten thousand not bad okay so we've done our first bounty let's go to the bar see if we can get some more bounty posters just make sure we have them all let's see we got Simeon we have I think blue eyes we have we have old gray we don't have old gray who's this guy and Jaeger the mad and big bow you have Jaeger the mad and we have big bow let's see this guy big bow scorch Lander female wanted for acts of terrorism and anti workforce propaganda target is hostile okay I have no idea where to find big bill right now hmm who do brothers are both skeletons ancient voodoo practitioners in various cities across the land hmm old gray is high standing amongst the anti workforce cultists anti workforce cultists does that mean auntie slavers or the actual cultists in the Far East that might be where he is maybe I have to pay to pay a visit to the cultists Sabbath the skin eater we definitely know where he is this guy is gonna be dangerous to take in right now I'm sure we're younger than Matt is I do know where the sand ninja is so we could probably fight the sand ninjas okay so yeah there's still a lot more bounty posters out there we got to find there's there's tons of people to turn in okay we found some scavengers let's see if we could take them out ranged go for it yeah oh whoa where'd these guys come from I didn't see them all right hold on let's leave these guys into each other here kind of do this little distracting oh this guy hit my right leg all right take off of ranged go in martial arts style oh nice all right we got the grass pirates I'd rather fight grass pirates than the scavengers because the scavengers have about five more stats on each but it looks like the grass pirates are winning there you go you don't stand a chance oh yeah Oh crushing him that's it you said you could get up stay down oh man oh that's it Oh take up these guys get up here yeah there you go sit down oh man we're just like kicking everyone's ass here oh there in his arm [Music] yeah there we go just be in this pirate left what are you gonna do now son crushed him oh we got a little scavenger in the back Wow dude you got the wrong weapon you're never gonna swing that fast enough where do you think you're going come back here I'm gonna take your right leg too there you go this guy is totally limbless hey that was not bad not bad at all these are the kind of guys I need to find should I take their weapons these guys have heavies they're not gonna have Long's I don't think I might take their longswords just because they're they don't take up a lot of room and I can sell them for a decent amount I see more grass pirates let me get a good angle on them so I can fire the crossbow here we go get this guy Oh 135 took him down in one hit there we go yeah maybe the old-world bow is a little bit better just because you can fire more shots before they get to you I don't know I think though once I skill up a little bit with ranged I'll be a little bit better with reloading because I think the reloading gets better as your range skill obviously increases that would make sense so wow these guys are only hitting my chest there you go nice nice and once I learned that extra move I'm gonna do some damage there you go that guy out of there [Music] damnit they got me are you guys going are you going to heal that guy almost killed over there that's fine because I'm about to get back up and beat you yeah let's take this guy down there you go good dodge nice well done there's a lot of them I'm slowly would he come though Oh No ah close I love having super high toughness because I've literally never gonna get knocked out like where I I won't get up I ate my food this guy is doing push-ups over here the good thing is I've wounded them all so now I can get back up and beat him up again would take me a while to learn how to use this thing ah I missed again take this hiver down he's already wounded Oh damn take this guy out here nice 119 oh you're in trouble you're in trouble lady that's right come on hit this guy right here ah close we got the skeleton though that that guy takes a lot more hits I definitely recommend that multiracial bandit mod it's so cool having different types of characters and stuff in the end these different roaming controls and groups I'm on the outside of this fishing village I was gonna try to buy some board long bolts in a as I was trying to figure out how to get in there I'm getting attacked by Reavers here and I am literally destroying them these guys have really good attack and defense so we'll see if I win this it doesn't look like the United Cities is gonna help me out at all I can't get knocked out by these guys cuz I'll probably be enslaved by them oh damn oh alright time to run almost got knocked out here too many of them they have really high stats but I'd knocked out a couple I don't know why they're not United cities isn't what the hell they're inside how'd they get in there I gotta heal myself [Music] this guy uh-oh this guy's hurting already all right I might be able to but run fast enough I might be able to get some distance and then shoot him all right let's turn around and PEG him oh I got him 115 all this guy Reaver blooded that's the dude we got to watch out for yeah they can't really catch me because I'm super fast all right turn around get this guy I missed is he gonna martial-arts me okay I'll take him and a watch out for this big boy whoa there you go Oh take him down we might win this actually okay maybe not ah come on come on there you go damn it come on all right run we got to chest health don't want to get captured now we almost took this guy down seriously a couple more hits if I can land a bolt on and might be able to get them I'm not good at shooting moving targets but as they're running towards me I might be able to get him come on hey all right in the head oh that was a head shot right there damn oh and another one head shot oh he's gonna get knocked out he's gonna get knocked out for sure he's losing blood really fast all right turn around reload come on we got this aim boom gotcha what now son Oh headshot damn that was awesome we took that guy down that was pretty epic we got another guy coming in on us oh this is their slave not too worried about the slave the bolts we have left not too many this thing is super accurate though I mean it's really accurate for a crossbow with having no skill in it let's see my perception is only two crossbows is five so obviously got a lot of work to do on that but I'm down here roaming around in the south and I noticed there's a camp down here I'm not exactly sure what camp this is so we're gonna check this out okay this is actually the Reaver camp this is a Reaver neophyte River ironclad interesting okay so we're not gonna be able to probably fight them right now but let's keep going southeast here and check out this area there's got to be something cool maybe something on these islands too okay we've got some crab Raiders damn these guys gonna be way too tough for me are they automatically hostile or what how exotic a drifter from out of the pits go crabs so they're automatically hostile I discovered a settlement oh I got a settlement to the Far East okay we've got beat things adults out here fighting crabs I could probably take this crab Raider it's just one of them bring it on how am I missing when he's down like that it's like they're immune when you get knocked down I gotta say though I like their armor oh geez I just crush this guy rusty chain maille oh wow this is a faction uniform it's definitely not good for martial arts I don't think wow that lowers our melee attack but it has really good defense it looks like look at that cut resistance 61% jeez nice that's what I got to do though is just fight guys one-on-one because I think with martial arts if you have if you're outnumbered you usually don't do too well and that's where the mass combat skill that isn't in the game yet that's where this is gonna come into play because as you can see it's already leveled up a few times but it hasn't really you know it's not active but mass combat is basically when you're fighting outnumbered so if you're doing you know if you're fighting like ten on one or something like that so that's gonna be where that skill comes into play and I feel like with martial arts if you fight one person you can take down people that are like that have 20 times the stats as you like if you have 30 martial arts you could probably take down somebody that has 50 attack and 50 defense like I just did that guy was better than me but I think his stats are actually a little bit lower due to the armor and stuff but I still think you could do you can take on some tougher opponents then you normally could well obviously this is the crab raider faction can I actually come in here and talk to you guys or what a crab let's say can I come in you guys gonna jump on me as soon as I walk up here who's this guy this guy's name is knife all right you're not attacking me can I go in [Music] oh dude tell me I can buy a crab [Music] so you want to buy a crab bait well first you gotta have a solid crab care routine let me tell you about it they like fish that's their favorite food otherwise they'll eat funghi algae you know standard stuff but you gotta make sure they eat five meals a day and be warned to never feed them after sundown never it gives them indigestion you've also got to give them 90 minutes salt baths once a month so you could buy crabs oh dude that's so epic I'm not gonna buy any crabs just because this is a solo play but that's pretty epic we're down here in the southeast and we've discovered another settlement it's interesting what is this here Oh more crab guys interesting so they have more than one town damn still can't buy from this guy okay we got ourselves a little outpost down here old empire supply outpost I want to check out what's over in this spot to the east too but let's see what's in here damn not skilled enough to open it but I'll smash it down and I guess probably gonna be a security spider too all right we almost have the door down what is gonna be in here the two of them two security spider twos huh there's no way I can take those down those things are super tough well I'll do whatever is down here tenet not not skilled enough to get that lockpick that all right some med kits I could always use those I was able to open this chest here which increase my lock-picking skill to 34 which is allowing me to open this middle chest thank goodness if I if I get my skill enough I might be able to open these two over here but I have a feeling I need 40 40 skill or something wow this one has ancient nutri rations they have 125 nutrition an ancient food ration that must be thousands of years old it's sealed container that contains a dense cake that's surprisingly filling interesting Wow well I'm taking all of this that'll keep us that'll keep me fed for a while hopefully it doesn't kill me all right so my lock-picking went up to 35 which isn't enough to get into those [Music] damn all right well anyway I guess I'm not gonna be able to now let me see if I can sneak up here and check out a few things ring saber that's 3000 I'll take that Wow he sees me Oh Oh No can I beat it come outside let me see if I can fight it isn't gonna kick my ass we'll find out Oh God yeah it's gonna beat me up big time I'm out of here Wow those things are super fast - however I wonder if I could run back inside really quick yeah that's probably not a good idea tear it bond repair no I'm not gonna do it uh I didn't repair it fast enough damn I can repair the door and close it I might be able to let me run farther away all right now oh where'd they go oh there they are all right now when you run over here [Music] prepare repair close yeah got it pair I don't know where they're going now now they just run around like they don't know what to do yeah oh they're gonna they're gonna annihilate these scavengers let's watch this just watch this happen oh they actually took it down wow I'm actually pretty impressed wait a minute here comes the other one now you're in trouble oh my goodness look at that [Music] oh the other ones back up wow we're getting really lucky hitting that thing but anyway let's go back up here and try to loop this stuff you got steel bars that we can sell whoa what do we have here we've got some gurgler x' Fishman oh they're martial artists oh this guy is an alpha gurgler yeah he looks really nasty the thing is these guys eat you or what I don't know let's fight them let's fight him and find out all right I don't know where he's running to fight this guy come on bring it one martial artist to another let me show you who's boss see that I'm gonna dodge out of the way then I'm gonna jump kick you in the face yeah nothing double tap that's it what kind of armor they have they don't have armor interesting yeah I guess they shouldn't with the since they're doing martial artists but it's got to be something cool over here this spot cuz there's not really like a lot going on and we also just discovered a settlement to the bottom right I knew there was gonna be something over here okay let's take a look and see what's in here whoa uh security spiders lots and lots and lots of them oh god damn you got a lucky hit on me all right this looks like the crab capital or whatever the the made crab town so I wanted to check it out see who the crab leader is and it looks like they've got a bar and some other shops and stuff let's take a look all right you got bunch of crab guys who's this crab queen crab queen has a bounty from united cities interesting let's go ahead and talk to her a boy of the crab will sways I see well crab this boy what do you know of crabs they pinch hard yeah but they're not just strong they're loyal - and smart respect the crabs and they'll respect you interesting so I could join them if I wanted to but I don't know if I want to join them yet I want to see what other what other factions there are and kind of choose there's some skeleton bandits out there there's rivers and stuff I wanna find out what everybody's about first before I go and join more allies so we got a ton of fish man up here okay we're gonna have to help them out get up here help out the crab Raiders so the crab Raiders are at war with like fish man it looks like a little wounded but man I'm gonna help you guys out and kick some ass let's go bring it on fish man Oh oh yeah - down at once there we go [Music] this guy has no fish sharp yeah he losses are these guys are pretty weak 17 attack gurgle gurgle ha ha take this guy from behind now he's running they like to run when you take out their limbs keep hitting these guys I want to get as much combat experience in as possible here comes the giant crabs hey you're welcome crab guys it's interesting like why aren't they attacking me here but they attack me elsewhere in the world I guess it's just like a random squad leader you know has a mind of their own kind of thing so it's not like the faction is like attacking you per se it's just like the just the the squatting in general just wow there's a lot of stuff going on okay yeah let's get into this battle ha ha wakey-wakey see crossbows caused a problem get up here take Kaman down there you go ouch I do better against other martial artists I feel like but these scavengers do have 30 attack and 30 defense whereas the burglars have 13 martial arts yeah these guys are pretty weak the Fishman but uh these are like the probably the weak version there's probably better harder versions like this guy here this guy is the alpha gurgler so he's a little bit better if I can take this alpha gurgler down just me and him left on the battlefield oh he got me oh no oh wait we got more scavengers up here I thought I took these guys down alright that's fine let me get back up I gotta get up and oh geez these guys are pegging me with crossbows I got a I got a retreat I'm out here outside of this ruin and this is a dead workshop we've got these soldier bots skeletons these guys are really tough but they're out here fighting we got crabs coming in now so I might actually be able to do something here just wait and see what these crabs can do while these crabs are insane look at that they are crushing them Wow I'm gonna loop those guys as soon as these crabs get done beating them up I actually hold on a second let me lead these guys there's a couple up here let me be these guys down into the crabs too so that the crabs can finish him off help me crabs help me there you go there you go all right let me loop this guy he's got nothing oh crap ouch guy hurts I think these crabs are gonna win hold on while they're distracted let me go up here and loot this stuff no no there's another one damn it how many more are there come on crabs I hope you're gonna win wow these guys are getting really damaged but I don't know if it's gonna be enough I can try and fight these guys oh no only gotta get beat up oh geez Wow okay my left arm is hurting car ID I'm down yeah so the crabs didn't do however they are wounded I don't think they're healing themselves either I made it to another old Empire outpost right down here and looted it up the only thing I found that was really good was this master work grade armored hood this thing is a beast like that seventy percent cut efficiency 73 percent cut resistance 25 percent burning acid dust storms that's pretty good value is eighty five hundred but only lowers melee attack and defense by two and crossbow effect point ninety so as you could see it's definitely better than this skeleton mask that I'm using and it covers more percentage of the head but I'll keep using the mask for right now aha did I find their base well I've got one dude fighting me all right I think I could take him I have 25% asset protection there you go and a few hits on him ouch come on take him down is this the skeleton bandit HQ I want to know quickly there you go well done yeah okay let's go ahead and check this out actually heal up really fast let's see is this the skeleton bandit I don't know I might have to go in here and hide though from the acid rain oh hello there fellas these guys are where's the boss I want to talk to the boss they have skeleton repair beds are they part skeleton do they have skeleton features this guy's an upgraded skeleton guard I think these guys are like skeleton fanatics here's a guy elder we talked to this dude oh wait he's gonna freakin attack me isn't he damn it ah alright hold on I got a runaway first and then come back I want to talk to that guy maybe you can only talk to him if you're a skeleton maybe that's what it is holy these guys are fast all right let me try to go back in again and see if I can talk to the leader I probably have to be a skeleton though or dress up like one of them well let's see are they gonna attack me on sight I don't think yeah yeah I guess they are okay all right well anyway that would have been cool to see there's another camp up here to the northwest I'll check that out but I guess you could join the skeleton bandits if you are a skeleton [Music] or if I pretend to be one of them maybe and talk to the guy so that might work if I put on in disguise okay looks like we've got another Reaver camp here so we're slowly checking things out around the area it's pretty cool a couple Reaver camps couple crab camps [Music] well I think this makes a good stopping point guys hope you enjoyed the episode if you want to see more kimchi lone wolf in the future don't forget to subscribe I'll see you guys again in the next episode take care
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 30,421
Rating: 4.8968253 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi stealth, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi lonewolf
Id: tNZ_s_h3UO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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