Dwarf Fortress, Waterfall Fort! #1

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today we are embarking on a brand new adventure of learning Dwarf Fortress striking the Earth and I know many of the basics of this game so I'm going to call this uh further along than our total beginner series uh we're streaming this to twitch but we're going to be getting a little bit of backseating and I I seem to have some idea of what's going on around me in the game I think this is going to be a really neat Fort because I got random map spawns and we have now got a waterfall going in the middle of this fertile Valley here we are in the you can kind of see the cross sections of the mountains to the North and the South here and if we go way up we see the trees and the canopy into the sky and as we come down to the Earth we start to see the river valley that we're occupying right here and I've got my dwarves digging out a moat of what will eventually be our our entire base I'm going to do a little bit more workflow management but I just wanted to get it moving just to get an idea of what this is going to look like right off the bat but at the bottom here we've got this waterfall which is a really neat natural feature and you can start to see the water flowing off so the water is Flowing from the right to the left side of the map and we've got dotted ponds and things like that it's just a really neat spawn in my opinion now we're channeling down into the lower level as we come down uh my idea here was to mist my dwarves at their meeting area because this is a big mood buff to them just a few levels over and we're going to have balconies along this waterfall where our dwarves can meet uh and they like I said they enjoy the feeling of having Mist spraying on them in it what a like a luxuriant place to live um and anyway we've got the river flowing out here to the left off the map but I just thought it would be a neat place to try out a few things that I learned in my original learning Series so I've got a few meeting rooms that we're going to be digging out and I think I'm going to pause time at this point I'm just going to slow things down because I don't want the game to get too far ahead of me um I I know the cool stuff I want to do like channeling water a little bit we played around with Magma in the last series not much but I would kind of consider myself somewhat done with most of the beginner stuff there's still gaps in my knowledge but we'll call this beginner Intuit media intermediate or total beginner inter into intermediate because everybody's still kind of learning Dwarf Fortress around me um anyway we're going to struggle through some of the advanced stuff and we'll probably try to tackle one project at a time so I I've I want to shape the land first but then we're going to be getting well let's get to it so we're going to begin by setting up all of our designations our mining orders and we've got a couple of other people on labors here I just want to make sure that we're I'm going to try to not show most of the tutorials uh and just kind of muddle my way through we've got dabbling and Adept miners here stodier udib niral is our Mason and I'm sure we're going to be hearing a lot from nil us to the mill Bill uh or however you say it and we've got Nish I'm just gonna not attempt that uh is our Expedition leader so we'll just leave them there for now my very first thing that I would like to do though we've got our remote getting dug out by our minor dwarves and we're getting started on a farm up here where I believe we have some black sand and hopefully we'll be able to find some loamy sand and soil or whatever and then get some crops in the ground right away to start because as you know it would be horrible if we were to lose uh those plum helmet seeds right away that would be a real shame um but ignoring that and moving along we're going to just make sure that they Channel out the rest of this and then we'll also let's Channel just these few spaces we don't want to get a corner flow of water going yet so I want to make sure that they get some of this but I don't want my dwarves to drown in the water but I do want to try to get a sort of a neat moat here so I'm just gonna pause time again uh I I kind of yeah water flows through corners so you do need to be careful there um could we do it this way where we do something like that and we don't want the water to flow through it's all right we'll figure it out at some point um and I know that this is going is not going to be maybe 100 secure but at the very least it will be beautiful and I think Beauty has some of its own utility as well so here we are we're several levels below but not quite to the bottom of the river um and we're digging out what's going to be our meeting area so I want to move most of this stuff but we need to start to ask ourselves how else do we want workflow to kind of go in this fort because I think the major failure of my last port was that just there was no workflow order and stuff like that so I think we're probably going to end up meet things we Channel well let's Channel along yeah we're gonna have to do this somewhere or another we could just Channel them one score at a time hopefully the dwarves won't drown um I mean they could get themselves out of water a little bit of water we'll have to monitor that slightly or they'll just drown but they're down there you merrily mining merrily mining very nice um in fact I'm going to just cancel that until I have a better eye on that I want to make sure that they don't mess that up for now let's go ahead and you guys are all standing there so let's give you some sort of task we want to haul in let's say that our wood will go closer to the top of the fort uh but on this level we'll still have water around it because this is the level beneath the moat so we wouldn't really go too far we might have Barracks down here or something where they need to be near the surface but maybe down here we will have the upper World surface area stockpiles because what I'm thinking is look this is a long way to get in and out of the fort like you have a moat here you have the river flowing along so you don't really want to go too far out of that but but but they could go up and around out here if they need resources from the Overworld we could also do secret entrances along the waterfall but I want this to be kind of secure and have only one entrance and also maybe the waterfall entrance if you count that but I mean I just want a waterfall so let's do this let's go up a few levels and let's just mine out we'll speed up time again we'll mine out along here and let's stick to this generalized structure of mining around like that and I guess we'll do four on each level and then we will allow the creation of store rooms here I'm thinking that I won't re I just want I I know that I'm gonna obsess over making it look pretty but I think that we had a the right idea the last time that we played so let's do that because this is a fairly good thing right we want to do two wide hallways also because we didn't do two wide hallways the last time and I very much regretted that because dwarves were pushing past one another and that wasn't the right idea was it there we go so just getting our minor dwarves set up here let's also give our other dwarves some task to do so we will have them gather plants for for up here while they're on the surface that way they can get seeds and things like that gather that uh oh yeah try to gather that let's gather the things here too because we're probably going to clear out this area and put flooring up here as well we might be able to haul some of this but the wagon is close enough so we should be fine um what else will we want to do we will probably want to start to oh not smooth we could smooth the rocks out up here yeah let's smooth boy the Rocks uh I've got a couple of stones up here that I'm going to want them to get out of the way so let's just if there's anything else I'm not seeing let's have them smooth that good they're going to smooth that tile and good that one as well we've got fish jumping out of the ocean or rather the river to see us in our amazing fort um looks like our music kind of went out we I want to keep an eye on notifications but not too much of one you know what I mean like there's just so many notifications and they could really slow us down but they didn't really kill us the last time nothing to catch in the central swaps I mean that's fine we've got we don't really need that pond I guess they're just using that for fun but let's also set this up because this is going to be our meeting area here um or probably our Tavern ultimately and what have we got here let's do this is the zoom to location so this is the wagon arrival I guess we'll leave that or we could just make that here whoops I did it accidentally zoomed to it I always mix up those two controls the one that actually causes you to zoom to it as well as the one that sets a new location so let's set it to the current location and we're just going to never look at our wagon again uh we will deconstruct that later on but let's see good most of our dwarves have gotten off of idleness and they're now out there very good very good are we going to flood the map we aren't really going to do so many experiments maybe later on when we get into playthrough for right now it's just going to be regular boy setup so for right now we're getting out our meeting area just things that our dwarves need to kind of congregate uh there's stockpiles um they're Farms I want to get up fairly early on uh mainly the underground ones we won't do any hardcore irrigation which would be crazy but uh where are our other minor dwarves are they mining obviously they should be mining but it looks like let's just go ahead and find them um let's go over to nil where is nil what is Neil doing okay for some reason he's doing um like Gathering let's give him a moment here nil stop that um Gathering plants Gathering plants we want the labor we want him to do exclusively this worker will not specialize okay so we will pretty much specialize these two on mining for now at least for the first few days we're gonna specialize and we'll only do tasks that match their workshop assignments work details and occupations click to toggle so now let's get another eye on nil and he should have stopped Gathering plants um still a few of these little things yeah are going to come up for me I'm not like I don't have the okay there we go so now he has begun mining I wanted to get these Farms out right away so that's fantastic great job nil everyone's rooting for you we love you nil um and let's go ahead and X out because he's getting a little bit overly ambitious I think he's a try hard and nil no don't go that deep under the mountain I'm also going to use this uh series as an opportunity to say under the mountain and um it's a mine or and they call it a mine as many times as physically possible for me throughout the rest of the series so it looks like we aren't getting this kind of black sand Cavern floor I wonder if we can we plant in this it seems to me as though we should be able to be I mean the sand worked before the sand worked before let's go ahead and do our workshops we're gonna do farming and we're gonna make a farm plot here we go and I always think of the old Dwarf Fortress controls whenever I'm doing this it's like material after placement I believe this is just just do it there we go and great now that should work I think the sand will the sand work I mean the sand seems to have worked rather than just soil yes soil though also too would have been an amazing substance look at this guy doing it all mathematically like he's John Nash wow very very exciting um let's go ahead and we won't fertilize I think we're fine poor soil Cavern soil is best ideally we would have had that multiple budget games by watching you on YT thanks for the content thank you very much bobski Happy you've enjoyed the videos be a shame if you didn't um uh I'm sorry thank you very much yeah um plump helmets I think we'll go with for now and we'll probably get our Workshop up and running in there probably in this caverny Cavern area although I'm just thinking it look at all the sand down here what we may ultimately want to do I did it into the side of this mountain but there's just so much sand over here everyone so let's go down a level and maybe if we dig out here we might even be able to get Farming done inside of our Fort I had done that as sort of a last resort uh but perhaps this could happen like we do farming in here we do four by four Farm plots or we could even do six by six if we're feeling really excited today oh but I'm beginning to realize that that wouldn't really work for us I don't know we could do it yeah we could do it like that oh that's kind of pretty actually I don't want everything to always have this radial spiraling out pattern but I guess this is just the way that my mind works you sort of learn how your mind works geometrically when you play this game that looks like a pretty good place for uh Farm plots and look we're getting actual black sand there so that's quite useful we can plant here inside of our own fort that may even be better um in fact I might just take it back on that last place where was I give me a moment I just want to make sure I got some farming up and running yeah and in fact you know I stand corrected that wasn't even the best place for Farm plots they've already kind of begun here so let's allow them to use this for some of their farming but yeah we'll do the other ones um down beneath the Earth here because look at how nice this sand is or how amazing it is I'm gonna have the mod list below they're all like just basic UI Improvement stuff so we've got the um the actual key press designation here um I just want to make sure we get to the mod authors so yeah do check the description for that I put them at the beginning of the stream and that should be in the YouTube description but um we've got also the Z level fog so that we can see down more levels I felt like I couldn't see down enough levels when I was playing before so I I do think that this is a good feature as well as um there's one more I can't remember but it's going to be listed below so yeah um just stay tuned for that on the VOD anyway I figure most people see the vods too so that's um but very important though but so many people have kind of gone right to town on modding the game and I think that's amazing let's go ahead and channel here there we go and now we will test out possibly drowning someone there we are good oh no I accidentally did it way too soon well there is the water flowing I'm going to just give you the release of Serotonin that you deserve from watching this fortunately that wasn't connected to the main river segment I've got to connect it to some puddles oh my gosh blue is my favorite color wow wow that's exciting oh my gosh wow I'm so happy that AAA showed me that blue because I had never seen blue before this I had only heard about the color there we are but that is really I gotta say that this game's color palette for making I don't know very nice YouTube thumbnails and stuff like that and considering that this game does have its own kind of Niche art style uh or niche as I am told it is pronounced in my non-american way um it is it is quite nice it is a very beautiful color paddle and it's been very fun to just I don't know make the YouTube stuff around it anyway for some reason someone chopped what appears to be Willow logs into the stream they have the same colors as old school RuneScape which is giving me great Nostalgia and here we've got this Pond is kind of flowing into what will be our moat so that is nice and I like that but let's go ahead and uh build we're gonna do another Workshop here so we'll do farming and we will do farm plots here and I think I'm just going to conservatively begin with only one Farm plot there because I don't want to overextend and just bad things happen to me when I do farming with plump helmets we can always order more but I just don't want to mess it up in the first season look at all the beautiful flow of the water and the fishes I wonder if they can survive in the puddles or if we could just sort of drain that that would be neat look why are the cats I guess that they're eating the fish or something once they can get into the puddle that's neat they look so well they look so dainty that's what I meant that's what I meant to say and here we've got oh Cavern floor I should have done the further down we get we find even more fertile land I was thinking that would be only Stone well one good thing happened to us so this is kind of the main idea of this Fortress Is I wanted to get a meeting area here so let's get this right away we'll do Z for zones because as you know zones starts with the letter Z from spelling class so let's go ahead and make this our meeting area ultimately this is going to be the tavern so we'll redesignate some of these things and ultimately perhaps this should be larger as well I'm not entirely certain um let's make this our and we'll make it the meeting area for now just so that they spend a lot of time in there or what happens if we just directly make it a Tavern I don't know if they will go directly there from usually they're kind of hanging out okay so cool they are coming from the wagon usually they hang out at the wagon to begin with but it appears as if I just immediately designated meeting Zone as a Tavern they will go to that so that is good to see because this is where visitors visitors will come and oh my gosh who is this Dak host nakas uh planter and he should be enjoying the Mist spraying on his small Dwarven body I mean she it's a she whoops I saw Golden God and feed Helms recite the paper of sheens that the constructive peppers it's boring I mean basically random sentence generator for now however we will get more into the Dwarven stories and intrigues but yes she loves it she loves every minute look at that dog being sprayed with the Mist now this will give them a positive mood effect Allah like I'm trying to like a luxurious meal in rimworld or something like that and it's quite overpowered that you can just sit your people next to a bunch of mist and they like that so that's why I wanted this for it but anyway it seems that now almost all of our plans have gone to rise so let's go down into where we have stone on the sides and I probably should have looked close more closely at this but we have jet walls here which I do believe is quite a hard substance so I I like this upstairs structure this was quite nice we could put in supports around in places I'm thinking I might even like that better than my original plan but how are we going to store a lot of I mean I'm not going to go to the quantum stockpiles and stuff yet I'm not that much of a power user I know that some of this stuff exists so I am a bit of a smooth brain that I'm not using it but I also you know we'll cross that bridge when we come to it um I think let's just continue with my kind of two wide hallway thing I want to start simple and then as we get further down you know if we want to explore more like beauteous forms of Cavern structures we could do that but um yeah so here we go good we've got jet here so I'm thinking that this would be a decent place for a stockpile we do have calcite that wasn't the cavern floor so yeah there we're at to have a minimum needs a five by five empty zone for dancing some tables ah I did not know about the very emptiness requirements of the areas so thank you for that although we do have six by six here so yeah that's at least the minimum Tavern requirement eventually we might scale up and we had a bunch of humans coming in there the last time humans there we are okay so let's go back here I'm gonna go for something similar-ish hmm let's make something just a little bit more like radial and ring-like though don't you think the last time we just sort of had it simple let's make it sort of like a big cul-de-sac maybe like I think that this could be quite beautiful if we did that and then we did maybe like two wide entrances here and then I'm just sort of taking a guess at what would look cool here um I figure once people get into the fort if they got into the fort we don't really care about the entrances here so let's just I don't want to put in multiple walls and things like that but yeah we could have individual stockpiled rooms for individual things or no you know what I wanted to do something like that so that we have sort of this radial outward pattern and we could repeat that along the other Wells I just want to make the squares a little bit more interesting because this game can get very boring if you're not kind of creative at how to keep it interesting and a lot of other people are I regret this is really something I'm not good at but I have to pretend to be good at it like that's somewhat interesting right oh I just see a flaw in our design let me just go fix this there we go um two of those that's too wide so then I could kind of continue this pattern and it sort of snowflakes out but I think that that's a little bit too blocky so let's just bring it in I'm just trying to make things not look so blocky you see what I mean let's go maybe one two three four out and then we do that something like that might look cool like there is it's important to keep it looking somewhat cool one two three four there we go and then we do that okay I'm okay with that pattern um but in fact Let Me Maybe bring it in because I don't think we need quite that much stockpile space and maybe we'll make it four wide yeah something like this [Music] I mean is that a maybe it's horribly ugly in which case just screw it I'm just going to delete that part we just want to get some kind of stockpile going and I don't want it to be a giant rectangle or I'm going to hate myself so let's begin there um and I see I should just do one two one two one two and through and through there we go okay that's sort of Dwarven yeah I mean if we get things looking Dwarven that would be nice as well oops there we go I have no idea where that got me I just went to my other location so let's set a few other quick access areas so we are going to want to go to I guess the top of our Fort would be another good place we want to zoom to most of the time so let's go up here and let's just edit the recenter hotkey locations and we'll make that here so F2 is going to be the top of our Fort F1 is our Tavern F2 is our top of the fort and then I think F3 we're going to want for Farms if I ever want to check on the farming um I know that might end up being here but we could always change that if we decide not to so let's go yeah maybe I just made three mistakes we'll call this the Farms so this is gonna be our Farms already I'm just trying to keep myself organized so that everything doesn't go horribly awry and then I think this is going to be our main stockpile floor so let's make this F4 so now we can quickly swap locations F1 F2 F3 F4 and let's make F3 our actual Farms now okay so for Farms we've got some water adjacent to these this is water above I hadn't really thought of this but I hope it's not going to mess up our Fort multiple Z levels tall and lots of pillars yeah getting something like very Casa Doom would be nice you know kazad doom and they call it a mine I just said it again oh my gosh wow I'm tickled with enjoyment oh my God 4x4 okay we could have something like this hopefully this Sandy loamy Cavern floor will continue along here man I would make a great DM and then I would probably run out of patience for all of my players and then just start crying in front of them all I don't have anything prepared for you today we want these to be somewhat box-like though although ain't it true that we want them to be somewhat box like so let's make it like this six by six okay this is somewhat of a similar pattern but it's still very kazadum so very good I don't think I like four wide but though I mean why not just have big entrances Grand entrances that's beautiful okay let's tell them have we tell them to plant anything good because I don't even want to start here and it turns out that we ran out of Plum pelvic seeds because they're all probably planted in here also to begin with Okay good we have Plum helmet spawns there so we're just going to have to wait until they harvest those and then we will tell them okay your next seeds let's just delete this like totally don't even plant here this was a huge mistake we should never have made this let's do it on this Cavern floor instead okay Farms stockpiles meeting area I'm a little stressed I'm a little stressed because I want to make sure I don't mess up horribly although the series will probably end up in some sort of horrible mistake which would be very exciting but let's go ahead and start to get our basic stockpiles out so that our dwarves won't be lazy and so that they'll have something to do as they mine out the floor they'll make this even something very small small boy stockpile please sir may I have some more I'm not going to do all in this I'm going to do custom all whoops all and then I'm going to say don't put Corpses because we don't want me asthma where is refuse we don't want refuse none of that no thank you not for me I'm pretty sure those are the only two main things that we don't need animals I mean we don't really have too many captured animals right now we zero we have as few not many as possible so let's go ahead and do that and they'll put everything in here and let's make that a much bigger stockpile because we're going to need this way bigger and this is just going to be my kind of catch-all stockpile for now so good they're going to bring everything down here and eventually we'll move these into more specialized stockpiles and they'll sort of do this autonomously on their own uh why is there an actual plump helmet there oh because they've harvested it okay so now we are of course going to need to start to think about cooking these and I mean not cooking them we're going to brew them um so I should have thought of this in a more centralized location but we'll just make one of these four quadrants oh my God I just said quadrants I'm getting smarter Can you feel it throughout the playthrough maybe I'll become torn by the end of it psycho Nico ah Neko thank you very much for the sub as well as may also May is awesome me is awesome thank you very much for the sub and day like the person thank you very much for the subs but yes they need to booze otherwise they're going to be in a very bad mood um it's good that we're mining this out it's good that we're mining this out good we're starting to bring in stuff like a giant bag of rock nuts oh my gosh I didn't think I would see that today um uh the animals and who are you a human oh great we've already got bards visiting uh so we've got the human Bard okay so the bars just like to sing around uh our place dig Channel dangerous terrain Okay so we've got some dangerous terrain here we've got a giant puddle and what's a good thing about this is it's actually it appears to be evaporating so we'll have more safety when we dig this out I want to make sure I don't let any of the flowing water get in here so it looks like it's going to be more safe to channel out this area too so let's go ahead and do this we're doing a lot at once keep in mind people however we will overcome because we are dwarves what is that oh no is that another downward slope into even more downward that might be from the tree root that we uprooted I am finding that the game is taking a good amount of time to save that is a really good amount of time actually wow that was a great amount of time it's surprising but you know at least you know that because after all I suspect that Tarn is individually saving the file for everyone who's playing Dwarf Fortress at the same time so he needs to put it into his calculator or something like that a whoops I didn't mean to dig out this there we go no I I will say you know as fishy facetious as I'm being there is some math going on in this game and it is quite impressive and I like it okay so other things on my checklist workshops and kind of getting a little bit more efficiency going I guess we'll train our military in the black Lomi soil um yes you need to summon tarn's ghost every time you save at least as I learned it um as people on Twitch taught it to me but let's go ahead and um we will do B for workshops there we go um farming and let's put a farm plot in up here now this is the for real farm blot good they will make that and then here I know that we are also on the cavern floor but let's just put our Steel in here because it was so inefficient my last Ford and let's just make that slightly better for ourselves b o and I am going to start to use hotkeys I know I've got an interface but it's just faster and I played Legacy and I am the realist let's player on YouTube after all um I I might be the perfect let's player let's go ahead let's go ahead and laughs at his own joke classic farming uh still here we go and I see no issue with putting it here although I'll probably figure that out later let's make it out of I don't really care if we have inconsistent stuff but I generally find that stone is going to be the most plentiful so let's just use jet uh oh wow look at the progression of the building that's amazing uh we don't have a manager yet but we will want to get that going so let's go ahead downward and let me just think about where I'm going to want these people's bedrooms to be because I'm going to do bedrooms and offices and I want to architect this out in a very nice way we've got our meeting area let's go further down more stuff will happen I mean efficiency efficiency I'm thinking that it would be nice to have a long hallway of beds we could do it like graph paper too if we start to oh I will create a design that's like a grid oh my gosh no one has ever thought of this squares upon squares upon squares wow that would be amazing now we could record a macro here but I think it's going to be somewhat pointless so let's just call this our grid will be like a six by six block and let's just kind of do this out only because I need to think uh no we're gonna need more room we'll have to do this eight by eight Whoops a Daisy let's do that uh I'm just using these as markers to help me think about how to do this eight by eight okay so then another eight by eight block would be like one two three four five six seven eight that would be these are like the the markers of the edge of this block so that's one two three four five six seven eight and one two three four five six seven eight okay so then this from here to here to here to here is an eight by eight block let's go ahead and try to put two wide hallways so there's not a lot of jostling of people and then if we want our bedrooms to be two by three we can do it like that although that's then not going to leave any room for a wall so now we need to scale it up to ten by ten I'm just trying to do this with a sample so that I know because I'm going to repeat this pattern over the entire floor and I don't want to mess it up so if we do 10 by 10 there and then we I'm going to escape from that and do that this is 10 by 10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yep that's 10 and that should be 10. so now let's try it again if we have a two wide hallway and we do 10 by 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. I do wish that there were more counting tools here like if someone were to make a ruler mod I would be in heaven I would I would be straight up in heaven now if we put in the two this is we're still not gonna have enough room we're going to need to be a to have a 12 by 12 and then that will be the thing here I go he goes from four by four to eight by eight to twelve by twelve now the reason I'm doing this is only because I'm going to have to look at this for the next 36 hours when we're playing this game so if it's slightly ugly I know I'm going to spend the rest of the time regretting it which is why I'm spending so much time planning right now and I know it seems a little bit crazy of me however I mean it's important three four wait that's 11 by wait no it's 12 by 12 because we're counting by twos I'm going insane now two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve there we go okay I have emerged from the tunnel of Madness and I am stronger there we go okay so now here's what this is going to look like now you're going to see the glory and the beauty of everything I just went to all that effort so if we do a two by three room or we could even make it a three by three room oh my gosh the possibilities are endless now we can create a massive hallway of these things although I think that's way too big for a Dwarven bedroom it might just look aesthetically pleasing is that way too big or I could make them two by twos I can make them two by twos but this is four Dwarven bedrooms and that's kind of cool that everyone has room I mean I will want to do cabinets and stuff like that because I don't believe that any of them should be subjected to the inadequacy of not owning a cabinet so that would be quite sad and I would cry for them okay so let's go ahead and see this is the edge of the boundary so if we do that yeah see how this pattern is gonna start to repeat and I could even make a macro of this so that I could make like hundreds of these things if I wanted to uh two by three and then the next Square begins there okay I'm not actually gonna mine these out I was just using that to designate what I was actually going to do so here are the bounds and it's all kind of fits nicely into that I'm going to just leave this there just to remind myself that our grid looks like this and voila amazing right if you still think I'm crazy Zoom ahead in the playthrough to when it actually looks good um although I am crazy to be fair so that could get two wide hallway so that dwarves can get in and out and that means that we can expand this pattern as much as we want over this entire area so that makes me very comfortable with this it does it's perfect well it's really not perfect but it's good enough um are we continuing time again yes time is continuing we have decided that time should not stop so we'll do that uh as for offices does that give us room to create an office in here as well we ought to ask ourselves so if we were to can we repeat this pattern with like a free office size too so we could go M that we could give them a small bedroom off their office or maybe we'll just make the office a separate section over here because we don't have too many offices to fill so let's get our offices ready maybe over here and we'll make those kind of a line because my goal is that the dwarves live on that whole side of the map but maybe our dwarf officers live in a lineup over here um and perhaps their lineup will look like this a two by three bedroom they don't really need that much space and or is it a two by three office no I like to do three by three for office I really don't know if these numbers are any good but it's just what I've done in Legacy in the past and sort of How I Learned the game we'll do a three by three and a two by three and like that I'm not gonna do any macros here because honestly having the GUI has just graphical user interface if you don't know what GUI means um because I'm just that advanced and like Elite hacker yo but yeah here we go two by three okay that's good so now that gives us plenty of room for offices because there are going to have quite a lot of offices for our dwarves to fill maybe even just one more there and this is where like a couple would sleep oops a daisy there we go because I mean if you don't already you know you could sleep with your spouse at work and apparently in this game you can if you don't have a house because they're not paying you enough because currently we've got dwarves sleeping around and that's no good sheesh that was a lot of planning yes I mean technically at home well now we're getting into the post pandemic world that we live in this gen Z world everyone these are probably gen Z dwarves to be fair um let's go back up oh and we also need to make sure that we're designating the uh even before we get a manager in here or what is it I can't remember what the exact title is but yeah we want to uh oh no oh yes we need barrels how could I have been so ignorant so let's go ahead and say we're putting everything on this floor so maybe we could have some workshops here too because we're going to be putting everything in here I mean that would be a pretty Cash Money idea so let's go ahead and do workshops um clothing and leather let's do uh Carpenter here okay so we're going to need to create some barrels for these drinks we will couch the carpenter here I should have given a little bit more room for this but maybe I'll end up putting the workshops further out and maybe just everything will go wrong with my design this is a truth of the truest kind of the factual type thank you very much vilrath for the 14 months of old wrath it's been quite a while do appreciate the subs thank you my friend is this the where how do I okay there we go full stockpile I want to make sure that this is fully expanded and now they have room to bring all this stuff in I'm thinking we might even just want to do this I hadn't even thought of this type of Workshop design but what if we put the workshops on the inner radial circles and then as you go further out you get to the spots where they get the goods that way it's very efficient because then they can just bring it into the center of the circle and bring it back out into the I am a genius oh my God I had forgotten how smart I am foreign where will this playthrough take us next five four five six there we go there it is that's nice my God I am amazed by how smart I am I just said I didn't want to make it blocky but now it's starting to make sense and now I have a reason to make it block you would do three four five six there we go can you imagine when this game gets the level of quality of life mods that rimworld already has to it because there have already been some genius ideas genius although I keep saying that word and it is kind of killing it so it's it's a very smart idea is all I'm going to say okay so we need the the storage so let's get the barrels good old Barrel there we are a barrow there we are um let's not make it forever we want it to be um can we do how do we do it on repeat without the manager again wow I have now have begun to forget everything um work orders I'm just gonna go back into the thing I know how to do with the manage [Music] what have I messed up I think I forgot it in labors anyway let's just get a manager there like now let's have that let's make a table we're gonna need a table you're gonna need uh chairs uh chairs that would be good and then let's get a bed of course we'll need a bed I think the very first task that we'll hire as a manager because I need that immediately uh that would be important for us and let's go back down to this level it looks like this is quite good and we'll also need doors too doors for our dwarves um I believe that is made in here although there are many places because you can make practically anything out of anything in this game which is amazing uh let's also set a hotkey for our bedroom and office level because I seem to be going back and forth there quite a lot so let's go down to our office and I don't like scrolling like this although here we go let's make F5 I'm going to be kind of off center here at the office area and that's all right let's do that and then we will say and we'll give them a minute to do that I really do want them to do some smoothing though here too because that's going to keep everyone from going crazy in the first couple of days so let's go ahead and do that let's do V and smooth boy all of this don't smooth into the waterfall because you can very easily drown although they probably are very much at risk of drowning to begin with as they are here so more of that I mean less of that of course meeting area that oh look at the fields changing they're growing everything's growing oh my gosh look at all the plump helmets they're so full and plump almost as if that were their name wow that's incredible um let's go ahead and expand our stockpiles too because I don't want those to rot in there that is making me kind of nervous oh no oh no are they have they rotted already that would be very bad that would be very bad let's go ahead and just set out more stockpiles that we have barrels for these things because that is also bad give me a moment we are kind of tripping all over ourselves a little bit here uh we don't have an empty food storage and we still need more barrels so let's go back down there have you created a barrel you have created a barrel we're going to need a lot more of these barrels just give me a moment I'm just going to basically tell you to make them forever do it forever because I said so just for now because as long as we can get them we'll have them and let's also just set out more stockpiles like I said you know there's still a few things that kind of go of Rye here but we have to kind of well we have to get through them set up more stockpiles good and then expand that to go over here uh until our miners get to that task we'll just have to live with this as it is it is what it is um you know just put all in there for now and I know I said I wouldn't do that but I just I'm kind of procrastinating here at this moment good enough good enough yes ultimately we won't want to do it in Barrel but I mean it's the best that we've got right now too so let's go ahead and tell them to eventually put in the plump helmets when we get them and honestly if it doesn't come up then we'll just trade for them later but that is kind of like an amateur mistake so oh no there we go we've got this I think it's almost time to prepare the moat as well as soon as they dig that out yeah we can give our dwarves just some time to work on this [Music] ah yeah still a lot of it is kind of tripping over little things that are easy to forget because for example running out of plump helmet seeds is perhaps the worst thing although it may very well happen to us although we have improved it our trading ability now and we do have uh enough food and drinks hopefully to keep us good uh for now so worst case scenario like we'll survive um as well as the last time that we played I'm quite hopeful because even thinking that everything was going horribly awry uh we had way more than I knew what to account for with our dwarves okay here we go Brew drink from plant and then we will do that indefinitely for now for now that we want to get that manager in the bookkeeper and all the other tasks just make the wooden barrels forever because we're probably going to need a zillion million of them for now oh look at this amazing sand Cavern floor okay we will go B finally we'll get that damn manager uh furniture oh no it's not under Furniture because technically a door isn't Furniture how could I have been so naive almond wood doors that's good enough for me let's go back to our workshop and just designate of course more doors I think we're gonna be good on barrels here let's just designate a door first I need to get another one put that up there we go so we've got two doors and that way we have room for a bedroom as well as here we go we're on this floor the so let's be another I'm just gonna pause there for a second let's put it in a chair good old chair there Hazelwood chair looks fine to me and another table right there in front of the chair so they can look at it that's what I call a room now everyone's like hauling things up and down we might want to get some more wheelbarrows over time too just trying to get things going a little bit more efficiently here but there we go good they're starting to use everything up we're starting to see some of the furniture appear in here as well I'm going to go ahead and expand this stockpile as well because ultimately the stockpiles will probably go out up to here so now we're putting things uh more or less in the right places as they will be but we'll eventually get rid of these just have workshops in here okay good you've spent a little bit of time away from that you're getting stuff for a door let's go back down the stairs I think it's five here okay somebody should be soon delivering this stuff but it looks like most of them are just hauling around for now okay what we will do then oh what else have we got um migrants have arrived okay so good we've got more dwarves coming this was from before I missed that actually we did have a little bit of a fight I have no idea what happened there nothing really made here we had the minor somebody had a baby uh I mean I think it was an animal I don't know we got things stolen from the oh Jesus we lost one of our picks isn't the Kia a bird that's not like related to Ikea right they're in Sweden I guess we're gonna have to go to war with Sweden or something no oh God yeah so one thing I should also say is I did turn up the savagery in this world so it's the Lego at a moderate level because the last time I was expecting that we would get rated because I turned down the game's savagery because you don't want to get raided by an army of zombies is it parrot basically alas alas that's why we want to get everything underground ASAP so I've been like okay here we go good the dwarves are planting the seeds that is nice good we didn't run out of plump helmets so my the worst of my fears have not materialized and I am actually like breathing off a huge I was afraid I was going to mess everything up but no everything is fine there will be many moments like that very much like when my first Emerald Colony everyone died because I accidentally set everyone on fire I forgot that um they needed to not be on fire which is unfortunate some of you guys have had horrible starts but honestly to be fair a good way to play Dwarf Fortress is to just play and not fear the failure although the one thing that I found is that it kept me from enjoying the game because I would have to repeat the same steps over and over again which is why in the last series I just went all out in I'm just gonna ask Chad as many questions as possible and I learned quite a lot about the game and I do have the advantage there of being a streamer but you know hopefully over time I'll keep iterating and then there will be more tutorial videos at least for my own part although there are plenty of good ones on YouTube right now I do know what you mean though like it's it's often helpful to be able to just sit in and enjoy a playthrough rather than have to go through 20 million tutorials in order to learn a game um okay keys are taking a lot this is not authorized I should probably disassemble the I was gonna say the station wagon yes we should disassemble the station wagon somebody's sock is on there uh what are these Keys come are they coming are these Subterranean keys it's also dismantle this not authorized not authorized now I'm kind of wondering how the water will flow out of this River look uh another interesting factoid though water does evaporate in this game so you remember we had all that water there it's all gone now it's up in the great bowl of pasta in the sky yes yes that's right and we'll all get a big bite out of that plate of pasta someday um things are not getting built construction oh oops ah construction and active suspension no wait a minute it's it's not suspended we can see our list of tasks so this is quite a good thing to do is it uh work is it work orders is it where is it where is it where is it I believe it's under task list tasks here we go so this will tell you every single thing that is being done so mostly it's just them storing things in the stockpile so I didn't think that they would end up doing that first but apparently they have decided to do that first so I could just kind of take down the size of these stockpiles and I may very well do that because I want them to focus more on construction right now instead um although one thing that I am finding in this game is that there doesn't seem to be a way to just shrink the stockpile or are you working on the bedrooms oh my gosh wow it's as if I asked you to do that right now how amazing of you look and your little duck has followed you in pet of Mr oh no he's a pet this is going to make him very bonded he was content being near to a waterfall sea this was the thesis statement of my video he is stronger from being near the waterfall with the duck energy [Music] we could call him the Mighty Duck okay we're going to go ahead and call this an office and this is going to be for our we have only our Expedition leader I'm just going to go ahead and assign a manager though right away eventually we'll get a bookkeeper to figure out how much of everything we actually have what's the duck's personality it's a duck personality of course never heard of duck duck personality come on yeah we should probably get the wooden although I eventually do want them to put the wood in the stone in those stockpiles um I I if you will I'm not really going in with this with a scalpel right now but a hatchet that is I will get to those Finer Things but you're right there are some there are some major inefficiencies but yeah bear with me um let's go ahead over to our dwarf nobley no no Village nobleman and Noble women um let's go ahead and see what is what does this button do symbols I didn't realize that was a thing he will carry a giant tomato so who is your but Nish you are the Expedition leader unfortunately that's your thing um I'm thinking that we aren't going to have much of a use for a furnace operator for a while so let's have missed him Doran Nomo be our uh person there we are you're the manager missed him isn't it funny that his name is missed him and I'm misting my dwarves right now oh my God oh my god wow sign a newer existing location of the Zone assigned a Zone to this Zone some things are what does that mean of where let me put I think it's exhibit is exhibit in that you know the meme I'm talking about puts a zoned in the zone in the zone I get some of that from the UI even still even still I admit I admit okay one thing that we can do now is we can tell them to stop doing this and we could just do this in the labor menu um in fact uh let's go ahead and say have you got a hold of your office yet because then I want to start doing work orders the right way the best way we've struck great ciao something or other cool we've got an ax store for visiting uh people are stealing things who um where is it under oh right okay work orders so this is where we assign all of our orders from and I had been doing things from workbenches and that's beautiful but at the same time it's much just better to make everything Universal we heard you like zone so we put a Zone in your yeah exactly it's like amazing right okay so let's go ahead and do doors uh I just want a regular door is there a is there a control for a door of any material because that would be that would be a door um and we are going to do this as a conditional uh amount of doors available is less than 10 yes if there are less than 10 available doors so this means satisfied for next check so when it says satisfied that means make the doors or do the thing here so when this is because this confused me all the time because I used to think that satisfied meant like there's enough doors bro like don't make any more doors but it what's really happening here is kind of a code line amount of doors so this is like the thing available is so yeah uh less than ten okay so this is our conditional is less than 10 and that evaluates to true or false like the code and then okay yep like of satisfied so that means do the thing and then this is 10 of 10 and I can't remember this per day or total but I mean good enough that was what I learned it took me forever to figure out what the actual work order meant but yeah that's like the short explanation of it um yeah it took me forever to figure out that menu and I don't know why it just went right over my head so I'm just explaining it for future me in case if I ever decide to go back and watch my own videos which is always a bizarre and crazy experience okay um are we Brewing drinks from good we're getting Dwarven wine and we should be getting Dwarven seeds and Dwarven dwarves let's go ahead and it looks like they've started channeling this out and I want to do something cool here wait a minute does that oh my gosh that's the thing to show you where my cursor is how amazing is that um let's go ahead and do go down the stairs and my brain just exploded you do have moments playing Dwarf Fortress where you just forget everything that's happening brute drink from plant there we go okay so we're going to make this a conditional and let's say amount of we had decided that we wanted to make this depend on seeds amount of seeds available is less than 10 so that means that we have a lot of seats this is a very good piece of news so let's make it um no we want to set it to be less than let's say 1 000 because I want 1 000 seeds in fact let's make it so that they just do this forever and ever and ever so I don't know how many they can store on a barrel but I mean come on guys they're seeds does anyone know off the top of their head how many I would be willing to say like 10 000 honestly because I could easily fit 10 000 seeds into a barrel and that would still be just like one barrel right I just pretty much want them to do this forever or am I going to get myself horribly destroyed if I put in this number ten thousand maybe we should 14 371 waiter is that a real number that sounds awfully specific so I am inclined to believe you I will put I'm gonna Price is Right Here you fourteen thousand three edible just fifteen thousand three hundred seventy two fifteen thousand oh sixty per barrel okay then let's make it way less than that I'll still do like two thousand because that's quite a lot and I I don't ever want to run out of drinks ever because I am afraid of what will happen to my life if I don't do that um have we made this into the right type of order okay uh I feel as though this merits an explanation well I kind of blue screened there because I was going over the work orders but pretty much I'm just gonna quickly go over what this means let's just pause the game so work orders are a struggle for new players and as well as for me because I am a new player however we had assigned this and pretty much what this says is every day universally in our entire Fort and this is why I prefer to do this with managers rather than at singular workshops because then it becomes limited to the workshop alone but by hitting oh I get to the um actually where is it located here yeah our work orders menu so when we get to work orders this is all the conditional things that we're checking the fort so they can use any shop that we can say do it at one shop Max or whatever this is very very specific I wish that this number were over here and this number were over here but this says make 100 a day whoops that's a thousand let's bring that down we want to do a hundred there we go so every day throughout the entire Fort let's make a hundred drinks okay now furthermore we have to go to the conditional section and we need to add conditions here and we can add as many of these things as we want I just want to keep mine simple like I don't want to depend on the number of drinks I want to depend on the number of seeds which well they'll stop Brewing that if we might want to also add in drinks later on but this will get us through the vast majority of the beginning of the game um if we have less than 2 000 seeds then let's Brew drinks let's also say I guess is it an and so amount of drinks is a let's try two conditionals here then I'm gonna do this because we have more than 10 drinks so this is I'm assuming that this is an and that links these two together like check if both of these things are true if you've ever done any coding this will make any this will make sense to you Dwarf Fortress is a little bit like that um let's say if we have less than 2 000 drinks too it is an end okay that's great yeah not an or statement um yeah I don't know learn to code isn't that a meme just learn to code bro whatever it is um yeah like uh or whatever it is I'm not gonna get too deep into that but yeah um whew that was a lot of information our water is evaporating we've got the drinks uh under order we do want to get some food going we're probably going to want to get some Cavern uh or Quarry bushes so let's go ahead and do that let's get the food and drink going and then maybe we'll start to think about the military so let's do B workshops farming here and we'll do a farm plot and there we go another Farm they're making that we'll have another Workshop over here maybe we'll have a kitchen on this side just a couple of workshops over here and then we might start to mine out these I think six by six is a nice size um I'm trying to think of how I want this to look if we do another six by six here would this be acceptable to the emperor if we do this if I make that that large then I am allowed to do this like the two by two theme here yeah let's go with that I I'm fine with this I mean it doesn't have to be perfectly efficient just as long as we get a little bit more efficient and it should be kind of pretty I think that's important too prettiness matters all right there we go so let's make our Farms like this I don't know why I do mine in squares it just makes me feel more comfortable like there's not something wait uh 100 Brewing tests it's not 100 drinks drinks are oh so maybe I did 100 Brewing tasks so it's a hundred times that uh should I bring it down slightly then let's just do that okay so then let's say like a hundred Brewing tasks I don't know how many drinks that makes per thing so let's just say I mean they're pretty much going to be spending the entire day doing it anyway so we'll say uh 50. and generally speaking once we get a bookkeeper we'll we'll keep an eye on this as to like okay is everything going horribly awry uh we're making doors so we should have doors for our dwarves so now if we go in here and this is just convenient because we don't have to keep ordering all of the work orders every single time we want to do anything we're also going to order chairs tables and beds so let's go in and make a few more work orders so we will do chairs uh wooden chairs good we will say make this a conditional if we have Thrones I believe is just the more general term for it so less than 10 yeah so they're going to make them let's do it thus good right click out of there and then we need some tables we'll do some tables let's just make these out of let's do everything out of wood to begin with for now but eventually we will want to do stone only because we have a lot of it right now um tables is less than ten satisfied for the next check that's good um I think that's good there tables chairs and what else did I say beds yeah so let's go ahead and do beds bid just a normal bid there we go beds less than 10. yeah good enough because those are going to be the beds that are available in our storage I do believe so now we can go over here and we can order all of these doors so P for door and R for door and then we're going to keep this building after placement uh let's just use the closest material because I think I don't really care it doesn't make a big difference to me let's just put this on repeat okay and now we've run out of doors it's a little unfortunate that you can't just assign them so like as they make the doors the doors but I guess this game is very exact like that I keep saying dwarves like dwarves in the meantime in the meantime a nobleman okay the militia Commander is important but the main one I want for right now is our bookkeeper because this is going to tell us what we have in terms of resources right now this tilde means ah we think we have around 70 of these give or take who knows uh but drinks around 200 I don't know why it tells us exactly with meat and fish I guess because it's less than 10 or something like that but yeah they just kind of have a random idea once we get a bookkeeper though then the bookkeeper will be able to tell us exactly how and we can make the big keep I can't say these words bookkeeper more or less exact that cost currently doesn't have a job proficient Record Keeper will take that as a planter so good we're going to do that um we'll do another B and then we can probably get that furniture in here now amazing wow tables for everyone we ran out of tables we had them before another gun you should have appreciated them we'll put in another chair and I think this will be for our yep okay we had at least one something happened let's make another Zone and let's go Z for Zone we will make another office here and I'm going to make this a bookkeeper's office uh except and we will call on you Dak host Knack has sex this old bookkeeper female oh where'd she where did all of her hair go is that like a she doesn't even have any she's the least her suit of the dwarves I thought dwarves were hairy folks maybe she's an imposter oh my gosh guys I almost said among us brewing a single plant will take almost the singer a day we would say before they work with smaller oh so we'll I mean I'm just doing it with so many plants because I expect someone to spend their entire life although we could get to the same downward spiral with our dwarves room before maybe I should be more conservative is what you're saying I think that's fair I drown in our sin thank you very much for the kind wishes as well as a Butters is pollen thank you very much for the prime she could be like a large number I I want to leave those I don't want to be like very picky I know I've probably done things horribly awry in terms of work order amounts but live in my life okay another thing that I'm gonna do I'm gonna go out on a limb here no one expected this but I'm instead uh not instead I'm going to put a stockpile of like greater priority to put let's say we will put barrels of seeds here and we will put will the drinks be here I suppose perhaps but let's kind of look into what we could do we're going to make this a custom stockpile and we will say um we have located the seeds out of place in alphabetical order but that's fine we're just going to put all of the seeds can we allow all of this no oh we need to allow individual seeds so this is plump helmet then so if I scroll you can hear me scrolling right now unfortunately this part is alphabetized Plum helmets spawn and plump pits is uh uh I guess that's it let's just see what happens if we designate this because we're bound to have a few bum stockpiles here but we'll do that and let's see what happens with them oh my gosh it has a small icon that indicates what's there what an ingenious idea that's incredible um let's do oh my gosh they put them in with the barrel wow this is a tunnel 2 Barrel number three now I'm told that this is not the best way to store them but this is my way to store them for now oh we could also just say all that's probably a good idea because I mean after all we're pretty much going to be doing that um we should probably be putting plump helmets in there as well but this just means that they don't have to keep going up and down the stairs every time that they want to do something let's set this to custom again yeah we'll do seeds and we'll just say all all seeds belong there okay so now we know that this is the seed Kingdom or whatever we'll call it the seed plays bring them here bring them here and then we're going to go ahead uh to this stockpile and let's start to differentiate these a little bit we'll make this custom and we're going to say no more seeds no more seeds and we'll just start to gradually skim away all of our other items from this area um where is it yes seeds uh no seeds thank you very much and we can say plants even plants we won't store here let's just try to bring all of the food out of this level to be fair no more food no more corpses no more refuse and so on and so forth and let's also now that I'm thinking of it that I have it in this stockpile let's go here uh yes I did unfortunately have seeds and ref yeah let's just start to take all of this stuff out because we don't want any of this okay now let's start to handle these other types of things so things that are a little bit more let's call them biological or Alive we're going to take care of how to store these things because I don't want these things stored in our main Ford area um in the meantime though also too I don't want to give those no stockpiles so let's give them a stockpile because I don't want them to just go you know to the wastes um let's put another one here and this will also be for in fact this is going to be very messy but I'm just going to do this right now this works in my head I know several of you will get a knee-jerk reaction of complete horror when I do this it just it's going to look horrible but bear with me because I have no organizational skills oh my God I know it's horrible uh look away but yeah just put all the stuff there for now eventually we'll move it again I'm sorry I'm sorry I did my best but you didn't appreciate it you didn't appreciate it okay we're going to just allow all food types of items in here I've decided it will get more specific but we're going from very broad to very specific as time goes on okay refuse p um I get stressed I get stressed guys only because of how my first sports I'm I've been very fortunate to have had 40 failed hours into our Fortress most of you have been destroyed horribly before this let's just put the refuse all in front of the place thank you uh whoops we could just do corpses and let's just do corpses and refuse here wow what an amazing idea to put them all in one pile except it's probably a horrible idea because we need to chop up some of these courses but here's the main idea I don't want to have that is because if we leave corpses and refuse in the fort miasma will start to spread and that sounds like fun but it's not fun uh it's basically like purple goop or disease like basically Oobleck in the most Seussical sense that just spreads and and goes around and it's weird and now we've got you can see that we've lost the tildes here so we now have an actual count on all of our stockpiles in the meantime I'm going to start to get a couple more Offices here ready because it seems we've got plenty of doors now and that's nice oh no there was not a door in the door um very well I keep thinking that the one two and three keys speed up time but this game has one speed except for that FPS thing anyway carrying on uh Furniture here we've got more tables now so we can start to get more of these ready for our dwarves and we should probably get some beds as well for the bedrooms now I do believe that the nobleman dwarves will designate the bedrooms nearest their offices or the adjacent ones as their bedrooms let's go ahead and make this I could have done a dormitory honestly that probably would have been smart but well whatever I'm going to we'll do these ones individually for now except we could have done multi but I'm it's fine um let's also just be Furniture we might be able to do it by double clicking here actually this could be a play so we'll do this this this this this this good enough cool and then we will start to mine out the rest of this because we've got two of our dwarves on mining so we might as well there we go and then we'll go back to that 12 by 12 pattern I'm so Place ah thank you very much drowned in arson I do appreciate you're being so selfishly kind to me that it's very important to me thank you very much though there are many other actually I'm I'm quite insecure about how good the people are right now I am must be yes I must be the best I must be the greatest huh carrying him um hmm raw muscle now this is nice to see all of the different foods down here which are probably going to go bad somehow um let's go ahead and get a kitchen ready because it would be nice to have that we could also get the Fisher wolf now my head is spinning with the number of ideas but no one is angry and that's good um let's do B workshops we'll do a it's not under Kitchen yes there we are kitchen um and I will put this here let's just see if this automatically moves the stockpile oh no it doesn't move the stockpile that is very unfortunate we could put them in here but that would be very ugly so let's go ahead and oh no I'm going to repaint the entire thing all right yeah I'm gonna do it okay no more stockpile uh let's just do it the right way now we still can't get it all right this is gonna be slightly annoying but yeah repainting stockpiles for the umpteenth time we do that here we do that here we go we bring it across we bring it around town and then we put it in here that way there's room enough for where I wanted to put my other stockpile which was right there amazing is this only for food custom food all food good we did the thing okay B B workshops farming kitchen I want to put a kitchen here so that they can cook the food and eat it amazingly for how long it sometimes takes to do the orders your dwarves do work extremely efficiently like a lot of people say that this game is so Advanced so Advanced to our Fortress but at the same time uh we'll do let's have a bunch of easy whoops I don't want to do it from here I want to do it from here meal work orders here we go meal smooth boy meal your dwarves are quite efficient though okay let's make let's say 50 meals a day maybe that's too many though maybe those will go bad let's say we've got 15 dwarfs let's say 30 meals a day that's good okay and the conditional it's not a one-time order we want this to be a conditional good so we want to say that there are at least food oh food doesn't go bad into our Fortress I thought that a goat went bad this is news to me what's the calendar in the corner of the day in the fort is like a few minute tops therefore oh so they are all on yeah Fair yeah you don't really have a day night cycle so let's go ahead and do amount of items available as unrotton prepared meals then how is it as a meal rod [Music] amount of items why do they just call it items [Music] I mean we might as well make sure that they're unrotten ones oh we need more barrels for it okay then that makes sense if it's in a barrel it doesn't spoil thank you for that so much information at once I generally speaking I I admit that my my smooth brain knowledge is just sort of like insert Dwarf Fortress I mean sorry uh rimworld knowledge here assume that it applies to Dwarf Fortress and then adjust based on what chat tells me I do think that's probably going to get me killed but in in kind of funny ways uh everyone starved oh no so unlikely alas wow um B workshe oh we're saving we're going to be patient for the save again saving announcements I always wondered why it's like this because there's so much text happening in Dwarf Fortress that one would think it's just text to save right the adventure data which reminds me that Adventure Mode will eventually be coming and that's going to be very exciting too we had that one crash on launch day but so far we've not had a single other crash of the game ever since so that's been amazing and it's run really well um plump helmets poor soil why is it that I thought this was the good soil no no that's so sad there we go I am finding the music very pleasant here and I feel like something welling up deep inside of me whenever I hear this music like a sense of purpose only because it reminds me of back in 2017 when I started my YouTube channel and I thought it was just like oh this is just a fun hobby and now I'm like this is my job YouTube isn't a job it's a hobby it's a hobby is it one or is it the other let's have some uh Rock nuts in the ground there great to have the rock Nets okay so we are going to get some food going from this from the Quarry bushes because this also seems to be a pretty good source of food oh we have to do a little bit of reorganization we've got the diplomacy now of people coming in to trade with us uh of the items that I could ask for I'm assuming that we should just go with uh metal bars again let's go for iron bars I think that was a pretty good ask from the last time so we'll go with that um I don't even know what he needed I'm probably not even going to rely on trading them I I am going to be ignoring a lot of the announcements again I regret to say as I did in the last series because um straight water buffalo uh uh our water buffaloes died um did we not pasture them as long as that cat doesn't die oh and look it's Autumn it's Autumn I mean like I said I'm going to make some massive mistakes so we're just gonna have to live with it but yeah that is quite bad uh gherkin leopard thank you very much for the sub that is very nice name and Captain thick and hard gun thank you very much for the subs for now I I know I've made a few mistakes here and there but let's just continue to do that because that's the best way to learn the game and let's also allow the FL the fluvius floods of the river into our uh awful Fort hopefully no one will drown here but this should be exciting to watch and you know you got a pepper in spectacles and visual excitement when you're playing Dwarf Fortress otherwise what's it worth you know I mean guys it's it inspired Minecraft if someone would come up to channel it oh what we got to do is this hang on a second I just remembered how to do this quite nicely let's go ahead back into our um I'll go into Mining and we will open up the advanced options and let's set these to a one just that they come over and do them right now uh M oops uh oh I guess I have to originally designate out the order and then we have to cancel the whole thing and then redo it okay better is that whoops I meant to channel there we go good no mine there we go the blinking Mr blinking light tells us that oh my god did he get swept down the waterfall is he on the bottom of the waterfall who is that I think that was oh no there he is we'll keep track of this this is nil s that's a spicy meatball that's his name okay so he has been I didn't know if he would get swept away with the water but no he's right back at it at her work okay let's just go back up to our top level because the water is now flowing in so amazingly to the rest of the fort and I was kind of curious as to how this would work unfortunately I forgot to get all of those logs out of there before this ended but oh well we do have some salmon remains here so we could have picked those out not a bad way to fish for a bunch of fish but I was curious as to how this would interact now they do still have a path to walk around here before we get set up with a drawbridge eventually but um who died our stray Yak bull died oh well uh we yeah we should have put those things we should have given them a pasture okay so let's think about pastures let's do z um pen and pasture certain livestock need to graze angry yep yeah we just killed our realized okay let's leave them somewhere outside of the fort because that was a major a boo-boo will call we'll call it a boo-boo I hate that word um man they even named the Ducks oh only the ones that they like let's just put the anything that looks like it needs food uh yeah the duck could need it we're gonna learn a lot about animal death over the next few of these hate to say it forbid those locks towards a little trip uh yes that is true they will go for the logs if the uh if it is full I will do that after this thank you very much for reminding me of that okay so basically anything that's not a pet I guess the pets follow them around no I just put the pets there too we don't well let's be miserable it's fine but the dogs and the cats should be fine I do believe right so we'll leave them okay um now we will leave that location as it is and did I just undesignate the whole thing nope it's still there although it doesn't really have a very good indicator that it is there we'll do that and let's see they should lead the animals up and out good the docks and the other Ducks and the third and fourth and fifth ducks are being led up there but let's also yeah we will forbid those things um forbidden so we'll use the little lock mechanism and yeah don't go after these logs ladies and gentlemen or even that because are the cats going after it too yeah we don't really want that I truly don't care if we get these logs let's just leave them in the river I think that's fine so there goes the water flowing in two hours soon to be moat this is of course only going to get that part of it so we'll also Channel over here and this is fun and I guess we'll just try to make it four wide I tried to kind of blend it with the natural landscape I didn't really want to do too much filling in I guess we could have done that later but I mean I kind of know more about subtractive we'll call it subtractive terraforming than anything else good so it looks like there was more water pressure over there so that did fill in faster and now we've got uh we've got ourselves a nice natural defense mechanism here I thought that this Blended very well with our Ford and we've got the waterfall over the side so now it is kind of a beautiful place to have a fort I think and look as we go down in we see all their food stores this is nice uh okay um wait a minute okay I was confusion there for a second look the waters oh that's neat the water as it fills in it starts to show the dampness like coming up on top of it so here it is we're going to get water droplets appear there in a second so assuming that the what yeah there it is so assuming that the water droplets aren't coming in here I think we should be fine if we just keep mining out this cave as is right let's set this back to a four priority um famous last words there we go that should be fine and this should be fine as well just giant Deluge of water comes in floods the entire Port playthrough over that would be a classic Dwarf Fortress Yeah the dirt is sweating uh the Water hasn't really stopped up top so it's it's kind of like puddles these ones and it does flow a little weirdly here but I also think it's because so much of the water is getting carried over the edge here eventually this should mostly fill in I'm kind of curious as to whether this water will fill in but ultimately what I want to do is build a drawbridge up here so let's do that that'd be a totally separate task I mean are dwarves more or less mainly taken care of in their needs we've got the farmer's Workshop we're processing some of our seeds I know we didn't do it perfectly but as long as our dwarves are more or less okay I'm willing to let that go for a little while because I do want to do different types of tasks than just kind of work order stuff oh they keep resetting the order as they mine out more so we'll just have to keep doing this it's probably a setting to tick on or off but they just mine whether or not it's wet there but okay good so they've done it and that's pretty much what I wanted good because that gives us more room for fields and let's plant some pigtails there as well because whoops I didn't mean to mine that let's just do this maybe a couple more of these I know I just said I wouldn't but let's do this anyway uh let's do another one over here okay and as soon as they finish that we'll come back down there so basically I think that the next thing we're gonna do is try to build a tower along here and then we'll build well we'll make this into a drawbridge so let's go ahead into B and well we're going to need is stone masons Workshop before we do any of this so let's go down to our stockpile level and I'm liking the way this looks because now we have room for stockpiles and we got a loom here while I was off camera B we could do workshops so let's do our Stone worker the names seem to have changed slightly so Stone worker is Stone Mason's Workshop right I'm pretty sure they can just walk over the accessible squares it's not really an issue with that I've noticed let's go ahead and do um uh is it a mechanisms yeah we're going to be using mechanisms before you know it so we'll make a a machine there sard this is an interesting material what is this okay we have more machines and fluids uh man we Arison thank you very much for the sub do appreciate that and we might get mold from the Wet Stone wait are you being serious is mold actually in this game oh there is a setting for dwarf uh dwarf damp warm Stone thank you for that this game is so endlessly customizable it's amazing I think I'll get a Boyer set up right now too because we're probably going to need that was my longest running Fortress I have no idea I think I have 70 hours and many of most of my fortresses where I was trying just died out this will probably be the longest running one if you don't include the one where I made it so peaceful magma Forge Jewelers screw press screw press um what is this for again pressing liquids from various sources uh uh not ready for that yet I'm pretty sure carpenter crafts we should get a crafts Workshop too that's important um I can't remember what for honestly but yeah I'm starting to remember farming still butcher would probably be a good thing and we'd probably want to Fisher dwarfs Workshop too let's get the butcher let's see if they can even get into these workshops too because I just want to see if I can just put them one on top of the other I'm pretty sure in the they have certain spaces that are impassable I think but I'm not positive uh in Steam version and Beyond and we'll do a Fisher dwarf Workshop let's put the Fisher dwarf Workshop though we'll put it up on this level I know this is horribly messed up this level but whatever it's fine okay so let's do pigtails up here um that's only seasonal though so we will do that there and then I guess we'll just leave them fallow for other Seasons let's just keep it simple and then we will do cave wheat nah let's not get too ahead of ourselves we aren't ready for cave weight yet sheesh Jesus Okay so we've got the fish people and they're pretty much just automatically doing the fish preparation there so that is good to see because we do have access to many a fish we can see that the last of the river is now flowing and it does look like we're getting up to level two and three we want this to get deeper I was considering whether I should make this thing even deeper but I'm glad I didn't because then that would interfere with our farming so good enough um wow it is pretty to watch the water flow I'm gonna go ahead and just save my game really quick we'll call this um uh afraid something nope uh freaking something bad will happen I will call this F1 mid I guess we're around the Midway Point here again I I feel as though I get maybe five percent more of the game every every time I play through it like there's so much that I've ignored but it is what it is all right there we are so now let's get a bridge B um I know what I'm doing here machines and flutes is it under machines and fluids um Floodgate lever we will need a lever for it so I figure we'll have a guard Tower in here eventually let's put the lever somewhere obvious some were very levery maybe near the stairs but we should have like a lever room so in I mean in this case if we got the stone masons workshop and everything else going on let's go ahead and just set out some more orders so we're going to make some blocks uh what do we have a lot of what type of block we don't want them to be made of wood what do we have a lot of in terms of our Stone let's go to our stocks Stone Stones this is alphabetized um Stone so what do we have a lot of don't you again I don't really know what is the best material for what is hard and whatnot but that seems like an awful lot of clay so Limestone certainly sounds better though I would prefer Limestone let's see what we have in the walls as well because otherwise I think I'm just gonna go with limestone good afternoon be near dining hall near where the dwarves are idle uh that may be a very good idea too so like for example someone could just come out of the um The Tavern area maybe we could put the lever here then because as you know levers are magic if we put our lever here then that way they could control the gate from over here that would be nice yeah let's do that machines and fluids we'll put a lever we'll put it near we'll have like a lever room where we just have nothing but levers and it's very confusing uh I'm not going to think about dwarves going crazy and pressing these levers because that can also happen we're just going to forget what every lever is about and be helpless later on I'm saying that right now but yeah that's the way it is oh we need mechanisms my bad so I'm gonna forget a lot of these things but yeah we'll just get the requirements it is very nice that they give you that tip when you need it also uh vasatha thank you very much for the hundred bits yes we are winning uh Sun uh man we man we ear errors and thank you very much for the sub as well mechanisms so we can make these out of stone can we make them out of wood as well nickel mechanisms uh Stone brass I believe it's Stone is it oh no it's rock they call it Rock I personally find it confusing that they have the words rock and stone and that those aren't separate and distinctive but yeah it is what it is Rock mechanisms is less than 10 so we'll do that cool very cool and let's make some blocks of let's just go with um and we'll do limestone wait a minute oh we need to do blocks and then click limestone oh wait it's oh it's just under rock blocks okay I've been so foolish oh well all right I mean it is what it is again um uh let's say as long as the amount amount of available rocks is less than let's say we're gonna need a lot of them and so let's say 500. it'd be good to have a lot on hand in case if we want to do any big construction projects um this menu looks good but then we do 10 per day let's go ahead and make that or 10 orders per day I'm not 100 sure what's in an order and they'll do it until it's satisfied so let's just say 100 good okay very cool what type of animal is this stray water buffalo okay we need to get that into the pasture as well because everyone is starving enjoying the other animals join the other animals the water buffalo does it remind me of Veggie Tails Remember When they had us they made us watch it it was quite funny though it's quite funny I think I watched that when I was seven okay so here is the issue with my moat no one wants to hear about the issues with my mode it is spewing it is peeling water out into the air faster so we need to link it up here so let's go ahead and get this bridge ready so if we go up here and is this under constructions I'm going to need to look do a little bit of looking around here uh wall floor nope uh no no no no no we are going to not want walls here anyway it was just there and I missed it Bridge there it is Bridges can be used to span spaces or placed above water or magma Bridges can be connected to levers and raised to block axis so uh I'm going to build the bridge and then I'm going to channel beneath it I'm not honestly sure if this is the best way to do it but what I have in mind is this that way the bridge can go up and down and then this will be on our side of the whole Fort however I also want a wall around here if it doesn't work we can just rebuild it but oh my gosh there's so many options with the bridge I feel overwhelmed ah so the make rock blocks will turn one Boulder into four blocks okay so it's one to four thank you that is very good to know I'm thinking that this will be a good placement ah oh and what we can also do so what my plan is after this my plan uh after we build the bridge I will then lever the bridge magically to that spot down below and then we will put up the bridge and then we will channel the water beneath so that it then becomes a drawbridge drawbridge with water underneath it in the most classic Rapunzel fashion and then uh we can go back down to our home here and then we can of course Bridge the bridge by means of the lever which is awesome let's go ahead and put the lever there okay good now we have a lever so the game won't be so moody with me oh my gosh wow they made it out of wood that's so beautiful wow let's go back down to the meeting area and now this is linked up so already it's not linked up yet let's go ahead and Link the lever uh by going back up to the place and we link it to this and there we go now they are going to cue the order to link that someone will link it to the link and new new link a building to trigger show link buildings is it linked yet oh it is linked yep okay there we go so it was been it was been done let's pull the lever and then oh no not with the goose on it there we go okay so great so now that sort of works um I do believe that this is considered a wall square and if I am not mistaken about that now we can start to build up walls along the shore so that they would have to scale underneath the water and onto the shore right after Channel water one tile at a time with the bridge if they won't build a prospect uh yes thank you very much for that so yeah we're going to do it one at a time that that was the plan let's also do it from this side since this is more kind of puddly over here that way so we'll do it like four Tiles at a time um I think this was a decent way to do this there might be some even more amazing way to do it like if we had decided to for example wait a minute why can't they oh no oh shoot are they not able to channel when I've put the bridge up that might be a thing I think I'm getting that or can I just mine on this floor would that be acceptable to the game yes that is apparently acceptable oh wait a minute nope that is not uh that is not authorized but I'm excited to Brook not a river people can just walk yeah no the the top side we should be fine we uh I'm trying to get this I'm trying to overflow it right now um yeah yeah we're gonna have to dismantle the bridge okay so we did that wrong we'll try it again let's uh do the removal I thought I could put up the bridge and then the game would let me do that but it didn't because I apparently am ignorant but here we go let's go ahead and do that dismantle the bridge D Bridge the bridge no one liked it anyway slated for removal slated the Slate bridge for removal that is kind of unfortunate because it would be nice to be able to do that and then channel that and I feel as though that is a function that should be long in the game that would be cool if we could do that please Charn may I have some more there we are let's do that okay good so they will work on that but yeah uh what this is going to do is cause water to run in a crazy way so let's do this honestly I didn't run into any issues before so I'm just maybe someone will drown but let's watch let's let's find out oh Stow dear nairal let's see if this is your last moment okay so he got like pretty much washed away by the river oh no we should have done the middle before we did anything else oh is there still time how could I have been so smooth brained as to not think about that oh no we have made a mistake oh yes we can build a floor to reach it thank you very much that would be very helpful so let's go ahead and we'll build the floor on the floor um constructions floor that there we go what I should have done would have been to do the middle Square yeah I should have gone from this short or the other short that was smart you are a smart boy this is why we do these things on Twitch because that would have taken a little bit more creativity and amazing we have done the thing that we meant to do um let's go ahead and deconstruct this floor now if I could deconstruct it um m deconstruct there we go okay so now I will get the drawbridge of which I have dreamed and now as you can see we are starting to fill up the rest of the river hopefully no one will fall in because dwarves just sometimes seem to fall into things nope we're good okay so then this has got the rest of the water pressure and hopefully this has created a deeper moat that people can drown in if they want to come here oh and look the fish has come back to life oh no it's dead and it's just floating around in there oh well too bad it's filling up all right so now we make the drawbridge um either that or we have just isolated ourselves on an island and we're screwed which I don't think that happened but if it did then we could always dig our way under and back out good that seems to have worked let's find out this is my first water defense Bridge Place exciting oh The Gnome The Gnome person is building it is she really a dwarf or is she an imposter okay let's see what happens with that link thing so here we go uh it has been unlinked amazingly so let's go back up to the surface link that back up okay now that's being linked back up and then boom Bob's your uncle we got it linked up pull the lever and I just want to make sure that this works before we do anything else and oh my God don't stand on that yeah I'm just I'm just gonna have a mild heart attack whenever this happens very chilled link buildings someone must be pulling the lever five four three two one I don't think I did okay there we go pull the lever oh it is technically considered a work order oh it worked amazing amazing okay there it's back down so now we have a bridge to and from the land and we can put this up if Invaders ever come obviously this doesn't uh account for the threat of merman and stuff like that but that is quite cool I think and that's amazing and I don't know if we're going to fully get the water pressure we'll see what happens if it fills in there we might have to do some other way to direct the river uh straight to our home and then redirect the waterfall around that might be kind of crazy but you know I kind of like the idea of having it mesh with nature in some way so that we create a sort of natural defense um and in the meantime I am still kind of learning about the way that water pressure works in the game it does look like it's sort of coming around we might not get it perfect I don't like this because we've sort of got like a puddle here that's our defense and people could just afford this um yeah so yeah I mean the freezing over of the moat could also be bad yeah but yeah like the walls will be the main thing and I like having it adjacent to some body of water and it's amazing isn't it but anyway for now let's go ahead and we will be and we will see finally watching a live stream here we go and keep up the good time forward thank you very much for the two months to appreciate that my friend three wide uh yeah I should probably reap well I'll have to remake the bridge for Caravans we'll cross that bridge when we come to it pun intended let's go ahead and make the floor on the floor with the floor oh it blocks it when I oh I see the floor requires a floor will it attempt to floor the no then we can't have this cancel construction because I don't want them to try to floor the oh no I have to do it for everyone individually no I that can't be oh no you know what I can just do cancel that one I should have done that from the beginning oh well okay now I need to rebuild another one B constructions floor and then we'll do this oh and we can repeat the command see I'm thinking that it's going to be so hard old Dwarf Fortress Style no we have this nice clicking Mouse to use I know my floors are going to be made of weird other materials but I'm fine with that not everything has to match perfectly for now looks like we've got another tree growing oops here we go here's another one I'm probably gonna floor underneath the wall because I don't know if that affects it um can I floor on the area but I can floor the area I wonder if this will cover up the staircase will it I'm just going to cancel one of those I don't want to floor everyone out uh although of course we could fix that pretty quickly let's chop down that tree as well it looks like that's grown and then after that we'll start to put up the walls oh my gosh it's like a mosaic of being disorganized now how are you walking on this this is a brook technically so I guess it's affordable something I mean it is just a Babbling Brook they will cover this terrible ah thank you very much okay so we need to deconstruct those uh do appreciate that let's go ahead and m x those we're gonna X those out just that one and then this one we can cancel let's cancel the floor cancel construction cancel construction whoops I did oh no there we go that's good it's unfortunate though then that you have to have grass underneath it because I want it to look tamed from the wild you know what I mean oh my gosh this floor really looks crazy ah well we'll fix it later for now as long as we have a wall around ourselves so for now let's go ahead and start to make the Ram parts that we will live upon um or we'll wait for them to do the floor but the idea here is to just have a wall along the edges drawbridge and then some ramps so that they can walk up and you know fire arrows at anyone attempting to cross there are better defenses short ooh look at all of the leaves falling to the ground wow that's beautiful no one say anything that's so nice wow that is that is honestly quite cool I can't think of any other game that does that build a wall on top of a floor just kind of wasting the floor you know one man's trash is another man's treasure but yeah I am to be fair wasting the floor tiles um let's let's keep looking through the fort okay so let's go back to we've done a lot right here and this is quite amazing that we're now flooring our entire horrible looking upstairs um we have the meeting area that we wanted yeah I had a list of goals from the very beginning just give it a moment we're saving again dude it's like they knew the Jeopardy song for whenever it saves or I mean something maybe like Tarn and Zach could sing a little ditty for us or something that would be nice I'm gonna I'll let it go again I I wasn't really affected by all of the crazy statuses for now there's more in there but I'm still kind of getting my checklist down petitions though uh I'm gonna take a little bit of time before I allow a temple I will allow you to come to entertain us though temple in a priest I'm going to take some time though because people spend they tend to spend a lot of time in the temple all right um meeting area oh the leaves are falling and who is over there who is that what the heck oh geez I didn't see this yeah she fell in fell in I knew I shouldn't have built it by a cliff laughs she may be dead she may be dead at 54. values Tranquility okay let's see the combat log no no that's not the combat log don't mourn for her don't mourn for her I knew I shouldn't have done this all right I think we need to just block her out you know or we could leave her there as a reminder not to fight in the tavern there is no yeah she could climb up honestly the well is not a bad idea yeah we could do that so uh we could put grates here I didn't really want to trap things I thought they would have a little bit more common sense I could do the like the arrow thing although I thought that would be weird you know it's only one it's only one she could be rescued she could be rescued to be fair you know I gotta come to a decision here so here's what I'm thinking Chad I know we're going some people oh no we're lost in women how sad however sometimes people do things that make them not alive and this is possibly one of them I'm thinking that I I don't want to be reactive here and re you know do the wrong decision about that lady what is her name again erdem delith catton stone cutter that's her is that her throw up over there no that's her blood and vomit all right so we have both great to know we'll definitely know it was her so we're gonna go ahead and make a hospital probably kind of nearby because you know why not have it near the tavern you get sick you get better you have a drink and I think that's a good place to start so let's go ahead and start to mine out but you know I'm not in a big rush because we're gonna have a lot more dwarves there'll be a lot more people to mourn over um and I don't believe in being reactive could I ramp her out I might lose another one I have to think of the other people I don't want to cause any more damage and I have a fun idea about how to get her out um I have a quirky idea of how to help her escape from her own horrible demise first off I want to make this room a little bit bigger so let's start there I know we've carved in faces into the walls so let's uh yeah we just want a bigger room in which to observe what's going on with her let's do that we'll start there and then I think I'm gonna just start to plan out more of this from one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you'll see what what my plan is when we get to her okay so in our meeting Hall I wanted to well I wanted to carve out more of our meeting Hall so let's just do that while that lady is down there and then um let's go ahead and do some regular mining I don't know what alternative there would be irregular Mining and I think we'll make this into a hallway I want to have this go out here but I guess we're going to have some other offices along the edges so in fact let me just cancel some of this I think I know what I want this to look like so I want to have water wells going down there because the hospital will need this so we might as well finish off this function kill two birds with one stone but hopefully not get this woman killed foreign Hospital over in this sector well first off we'll do this I'm gonna want something else here maybe like a temple who knows what it'll be I I kind of picture the temple being longer and more narrow they might spend some time in there but then let's also have our dwarf Hospital over here make that a six by six and we'll do it like this I like even numbers here let's just do this thus we'll move this over a square ah this is sitting right with me now good good you know that Meme of the bug who's going good good I'm getting that right now um okay so pretty much what we're gonna do here is we're gonna try to get this lady out if we can uh I'm gonna build a hospital here and I'm gonna put a well nearby the hospital where we go down a few levels and then we'll try to crawl her back up through the well without getting us all killed I might end up needing a Floodgate as well um pun intended but uh yeah maybe she'll live maybe not I don't honestly know let's also just finish off our bedrooms because we haven't given that any time and we our dwarves haven't slept in beds for months as it happens right now [Music] um bed here a lot of folks haven't seen Dwarf Fortress before in chat from The Raid um I'll just I'll kind of leave it to chat to explain it it's like rimworld combined with Microsoft Excel except that Dwarf Fortress inspired well Minecraft and rimworld so Dwarf Fortress is kind of the OG but yeah like an amazing game um kind of speaks for itself but we're looking at the a two-dimensional world through a bunch of Z levels but I will leave it mostly at that um anyway we're making uh we're making the bedrooms for the dwarves we've made the offices for the dwarves we should probably give our Expedition leader office too so let's go ahead and over here and do this a meeting area which is obviously an area for meeting um and then we're going to give this to oh no you have only a meager study well you can have it as the Expedition leader and we should probably make more bedrooms as well to our Fortress inspired Microsoft Excel honestly base comment yeah uh we don't need to assign the bedroom because they can decide it for themselves obviously here we go let's do another Zone we could do a multi-bedroom killing two birds with one stone yet again here we go another door oh my gosh it's a door I can't even believe it when I asked for a door I got a door chairs for sitting down with my rump there I've heard the word rump in a long time you always know it's a context where you can't say other words for the rump when someone says rump the back side the behind we have so many different words for it in the English language amazing language um here we are uh let's go B and doors and doors and there we go wow a door another door all right winter is coming so the brook might freeze it would be nice to get this person out very very interesting now though now that it's happened so we will dig a whale at this point in time and our hospital will need a source of water anyway so this is kind of a good thing to have we will also need some rope for this not to you know make it sound more morbid but no for obviously for putting the well down um we need to do M my uh no how do I like to do these Wells I like to do a Stairway first just so that I can then Channel out the square next to it for the well so let's go ahead and do that I'm thinking we'll kind of make this sort of track let's do the well right over here so we'll do a stairway and then we'll do a hatch right here as well so M to T gives us a Stairway and we go down a few levels so that we can build the stairs in the stairs there we go the stairs are built into the stairs and that's amazing then what we'll do after that is we're going to channel here to get down to the left Next Level below and then we will actually just Channel could we Channel many levels in a row I suppose we could do that right channel channel channel great that's worked okay so now this is going many levels down with the channeling and there is no consequence to it oh no I accidentally channeled slightly down too far that I don't think it's going to make a big difference we have it one level too far down okay um how are we going to get her I mean she's there on the surface of the water not drowning right she's not trash she can't be drowning it's been like a month so let's go ahead and I don't want to expose myself but we can also put the hatch in there so that merman couldn't get out later on so let's just mine our way right to her and see if somebody can go get her get her we'll also just build a bee a bed because we have to make this into the hospital right thank you Carrie dig straighter yeah we could do that I mean ultimately I am going to want the water around them I suppose it's like affordable Brook and then the Rushing Water if more of my dwarves get carried away I will be quite sad but that would be that would be such a funny story right let's put in some beds for our what will soon be our Hospital I'm gonna have to change this let's just do Z uh Z for Zone which this should be a I believe a meeting area and a hospital is a sub-category of that I will accept that and then we will change this to a hospital because a hospital is of course a meeting area oh no someone has been stricken by melancholy I should be was that the lady you fell in no that is a different one okay now I am confusion oh no this is the this is the description of the thing he would he is depressed I I haven't really gotten to assessing my dwarves depressment yet I should probably get them a dining room right now I'm way late on these things but I'm probably going to put that on the opposite side so that they aren't so outstandingly astronomically dumb yeah let's go ahead and get the dining room that's pretty much just as urgent as this now let's do that here and let's make that I don't know about as big as the tavern I suppose The Tavern should be large but yet dining is important to dwarves right they they're like very into their cuisine okay so this won't cause the oh my gosh wow they could have just done that the whole time I didn't know that okay we've just exposed ourselves in a horrible way it's fine we can just build another wall there or something eventually I will want this well anyway so let's go ahead and just mine along here and then we'll probably end up putting in a Floodgate there a little mistake here and there is gonna kill us but uh yeah I would like to build a wall there well well well look at how this has turned out okay we should probably assign a doctor too because people can't just I mean apparently they can just be in a bed and that's fine you look good ability to stand and grasp lost so that's only two things I cannot grasp firmly grasp it always comes back let's do our nobleman again and uh of course it is very Noble to be the chief medical dwarf and no one is good at it so let's just have anyone but the person who fell down the well because gears certainly aren't qualified for it I think a Fisher dwarf seems qualified for that although the Weaver we might not have much use for for a while basically we want someone Jeweler is even more kind of extraneous um oh did someone die yep who was the manager you know what's bad is that I don't even remember who it was uh [Music] um you could do it we don't need an I know we do need an animal caretaker we need most of these things ooh maybe weaving ignore all of that ignore all of that it's fine it's fine you still have an office yeah that's that's nobody right now all right udib you're the new manager okay Nish you get out of here that's your bedroom oh yeah we I had the wrong Auto manual assignments on these okay so whose room is this is dacost I guess they didn't automatically assign okay so but now here we should be able to do we should be able to make this room into a room oh no the double clicking on that doesn't seem to work that's unfortunate because clearly that is there's more bedroom than that just that one square to go around okay now we're gonna do this as multi because that's annoying oh my gosh wow that was so satisfying let's just see who takes them and we could multi-zone these bedrooms as well multi here we go oh wow oh wow it's like a Zone in my zone in my zone there we go at least people are sleeping now yeah we're gonna need a doctor too to do the surgery everyone always needs bizarre surgery Carpenter would work for amputations uh well you know we're not there yet but we'll be getting there soon enough the other thing I'm just going to do really quick here is put in a hatch uh and as well as a well let's do B constructions I believe it's under constructions is it we could have done floor grid oh we get it on vertical bars blocks creatures but allow the passage of fluids and items can be built on any floor bars do bars take up an entire Square so I don't truly know if could we put bars along here would this save us that trouble of people throwing themselves into the ground yeah we need the diagnoser thank you yeah we do need to designate that so let's go ahead and just go back over to our nobleman menu this is quite a long one to get in to repaint this Zone assign a new uh details yeah this is the way to access this is really it's weird that there's so much hidden behind this one magnifying glass but yeah okay so we basically need the diagnostician and I believe the doctor and then the surgeon hopefully we won't need one of those for a little while let's say that what do you do I think we can assign this to the chief medical dwarf as well you will also be the diagnoser pretty sure I'm good on that let's have another doctor though who will just be somebody you're a wood cutter that's oh no animal caretaker well we don't always need The Woodcutter so we'll have you do it when you're not cutting wood you're curing disease and then we'll start to get all the things that we need because we do need crutches and splints and other items like that just to help people stand and stuff so what is wrong with you no evaluator yeah so we do need diagnosis on these wounds lower leg is mangled beyond recognition oh God this reminds me if we just had that bit of text that was repeated over and over again like he is covered in blood he is covered in blood he is covered in blood he is covered this did happen before Oh got a dog in the bed too that's nice and that guy's coming over with a pickaxe yep that looks right okay we're going to make a new Zone just because we don't want as many people to die dining hall surprisingly I am actually quite optimistic oh we need tables so let's do B okay so we got one chair per table I think so we've got to just make give them all their own individual Thrones am I wrong about that I was told that they pretty much need one chair per table which to me seems crazy but we're basically creating a it looks like a classroom almost the um the dining hall if I'm not mistaken otherwise I would do it in sort of a cafeteria style because I'm all for eating together everything's better together but you know I think that has it has to be done this way yep that's crazy to me I mean we'll do like you sit there you sit there use it and so on and so forth but it looks to me that looks funny yeah I would like to do it the other way though it took me a little while to figure that out if they fight over who has to use the table they want to don't anyone on stealing their food yeah we still have yet to get into some of the social dynamics of their relationships I'm going to go ahead and make a crutch here too because that seems necessary this person may need crutches adamantine Crush Jesus wooden crutch there we go uh we'll just make 10 out of uh we don't really need ten unless if everybody falls down the well at once we might as well just make it we have plenty of materials um I think that's good and let's also do a splint uh again I think wood is fine here we can just do splints lesson 10 do another regular condition unfortunately work order is fine for us now it just becomes a tenuous and long list after a while yeah let's go back up to the surface so far they have not finished everything on all the floors we are probably going to need well we need more Stones if they just not had time to do this oh lovely they do have blocks so that's great classroom setups make conversation between uh table to the left of right of them oh so they need to be to the left and right of each other in order to do this oh so I see we've actually isolated them all horribly well we'll just build more so that they're all next to each other so what you're telling me is that basically they need a table here and then he needs to be sitting next to another guy hmm this is news to me so let's take stock of all of the things that we've done so far in this playthrough we've managed to get our meeting area set up that was my I mean this is kind of the whole architecture of this is to get the dining room next to this and I wanted to be a very Lush Royal place except that somebody fell in so we've had that in a very classic Dwarf Fortress fashion that it has occurred um although apparently they can't chat with each other if I don't put the tables all next to each other literally like this so I'm going to do it in this fashion from now on so that they will start to speak with one another let me get the hospital are you somewhat able to move slightly uh what are your wounds nobody evaluate nobody cares all right whatever we do have a diagnostician now I guess it's taking them some time because they have better things to do uh although I could change that work to being exclusive I suppose let's go ahead and just jump in there and do that right now for a moment um Z will go to this Zone let's go ahead and take a look at who it is uh I'm gonna go ahead and make you specialized yeah let's make you guys specialize just at least for a few moments because I want you to focus on taking care of her and let's see if they come along good and are you diagnosing it looks like we're diagnosing are we diagnosing do we know what's wrong you know what's wrong okay great so we know that everything is destroyed on you and it needs setting and cleaning and just we need to do everything to it so let's go ahead and spend some time on our Hospital um yeah we might as well be um is it under constructions well well well the machines and fluids uh well here we go there it is okay so we'll put a well there and they should get a rope in a bucket and have we even designated buckets let's get some wooden buckets here I don't believe we've made any of those yet let's go ahead we'll make some fortunately these can be made of wood there we go and do we have that all the time now let's just say as long as we have less than 10 empty buckets how is she alive she's uh built different um wooden bucket and let's have some ropes she's definitely built different um she's a chains I think this is just generally a more in all-encompassing buzzword for chains we're gonna get some water we're gonna get it to you but what other things do we need in the hospital just because it's kind of urgent powder forecast splints desires here uh chess and common area so we should have chests in here let's build some chests as well we'll do that under another work order we'll call it a chest this is good we're starting to cover more of the items that we needed as prerequisites to things good so we've got chests bags all the stuff that we wanted from before um what else is there to say uh I'm going to pause for a moment now so our meeting area we got that we got our Farms we got stockpiles we have plenty of food and drinks that was the honestly this was the main conflict of this playthrough we got the moat the moat is finished at the top I will be building a wall as soon as they finish this horrendous flooring and uh it's performance sir don't worry about it workshops which I think we made a little bit more efficient by just putting stockpiles around everything and eventually we'll make this not a stockpile anymore but more workshops in here and then stockpiles further out um military we spent no time on our military but that is a regret of mine I suppose I'm just gonna fill in the blank with the hospital right here there is a bird inside of our house that's tired bird this is why we need a military at least we've assessed her okay so I am tired of key is bothering me so let's go ahead back to um not this floor not this floor I was thinking that we would have our military practicing somewhere near the top but I'm not really sure this is a good idea anymore the way that I like to do things um I kind of borrow my my archery range construction from Das Tactics video I just think it's a really neat one so I think I'm just gonna do that construction again because I really liked that but we're going to need some space among our Z levels for that I have an idea this would be somewhat Scenic as well beneath the moat beneath the second level where there's the sand beneath the Farms beneath the storage we may need yet another level for storage so this is elevation 37 so let's see 36 35 34 33 32 31. okay so I think here one two levels up let's go to this level and this is going to be on elevation 32 this will be where we have our Barracks let's go ahead and mine out here and we'll go this way barracks and archery range we may need more space for this however in the future okay so then let's make this a little bit larger than I had expected and we'll do those kind of triangularly subsections on this side sorry I'm thinking like an architect right now I feel S I feel very smart every other I think we'll stick with this radial outward pattern for most of our bass it seems to make sense to me Barracks near the entrance makes the most sense yeah I'm thinking that but also I'm like I've kind of screwed myself by putting my stockpiles here and it'll take maybe two seconds to get to the entrance so yeah like I probably should have done it in a different way but it's true I would have liked it near our Watch Tower we might Garrison them somewhere else though I'm thinking though that for or we could use this for stockpiles of resources yeah it's just too late now I feel like it's all right we'll put it a few levels down or we could have it cool up at the top I kind of gotta come to a decision on this though [Music] um without going to well at least this place will be temporary later on I might start to build out more of a of a proper barracks and make this into a big building with a tower above it but let's just stay simple for right now and we'll do this I'm thinking that we want um how about this if we do like that and we'll make this let's make it six across I wonder how much space they need to stand away from the target to be completely Fair well we'll make this an experimentation chamber let's do that and then we'll build this here one two three one two three so we build two more over let's give them a little bit of space to go bet and I'm thinking yeah we'll build something or other over there but then this is going to be our kind of archery range and this goes over with the kind of long boy way that we're going over here um okay good good so what I'm thinking is we'll put the targets over on this side and then we'll Channel down into the lower level right here that way they can go down into the tunnel and pick up the arrows as we did with the last one I just really enjoy that mechanic and I think it's very neat a good way to do it minimum of five or six tiles to the Target oh so we don't really need quite this much at all we might be able to fit in even two of these things in here can I teach you how to tame dragons I sincerely don't know how to tame the crazy animals yet although it is quite a cool thing to be able to unleash an animal on someone I also like the idea of very much of a lava moat uh somebody died oh no more people are dying at the bottom of this thing guys I think we do need to cover this up with bars I probably should have figured this out before but it's unfortunate that we lost the furnace operator because that was our uh manager of course yeah people dying people dying I guess the Mist was too beautiful and it had taken him away okay let's just cross this bridge right now because we were at this while we wait for them to do this I'm thinking that we could either do a great here or those metal bars but I'm trying to decide what would be the most scenic because I don't want to ruin it for them he is he's in a better place now but I'm thinking I don't really want to lose any more like that is it vertical bars men yeah the Mist giveth and the mistake if we could do a fortification to let the water through and I believe that would still work yeah it's like they're drinking and then they complain but it's also like it's kind of your fault minimum three Tails they just can't sit okay thank you for that was for that part blocks creatures allows the passage of fluids and items can be built on any floor bars unlike rates do not have inequality and so do not enhance the value of room significant bars can be connected to levers um yeah I know the duck fell down too everyone just has kind of a Death Wish being there like oh I really enjoyed it though it was it was worthwhile does this take up an entire section of it I legitimately don't know I would like to place walls right along this line right here but since you need to take up an entire Square I think I could put stairs down yeah you could just climb back up now I'm beginning to regret making this a balcony I didn't want people to just run in like you know Mermaidia come in I could put grates that would catch the fish let's do that we'll start with that it'll look kind of weird but hopefully none of these idiots will fall down so if we just do constructions floor great and then maybe someone will die there oh yeah we need to make a great for the grade of course I forgot about that because if we make a great uh we would need to make this out of oh we could make it out of wood for right now I suppose that since we have a lot of wood we'll just keep using that and then eventually change it yes good make the grates out of wood yeah either bars are a great well does the grade allow the passage of great what is what is truly the difference between bars and great box creatures that allows the passage of fluids and items I guess this is more for like caging an animal and this is more for fluids or maybe it's both uh or one one has quality oh great to have quality too so we could enhance the room very exciting very exciting oh that's good enough good enough okay are they taking care of you you are faint oh no this is not good smashed open all of the bones needs immobilization we should probably get her isn't it a table don't we need a traction thing too I'm probably not very good she'll probably be onto a better place soon enough we also need a hatch and a lot of it just becomes kind of a checklist at this point wooden hatch cover if we do that yeah we'll always want those because who knows what other construction projects we'll embark on in the exciting future the great the wooden chest the Rope you're fine you're fine just in there for August thank you very much for the chest forgot about the chest from before um chest chest chest chest chest um constructions is it under control no it can't be under that it's under Furniture I'm pretty sure where did I put it cabinet chest thank you there we go uh chest Oh I thought we made the chest from before though how now how now did we make it I'm just going to take a look at all the work priorities make sure everything's actually happening all right we've run into a few snags a few snap foods but you know a deadly waterfall is truly as Felix Aaron and my pointed out a kind of a a more interesting waterfall than just a waterfall that was non-lethal so I I don't know I'm I don't regret any of the deaths they were worth it that they will make it better for uh the rest of the dwarves to come because someone had to go you know and at least their sacrifice will be remembered in the river uh which is reminding me that we need wheelbarrows let me just go ahead and designate a couple of these Barrow yeah that would be good all right I do have a few more things I think we've pretty much accomplished the major objectives that I wanted to in this video I'm glad that we hit a little bit a few snags because it shows that I still have some areas where I am newbish and I need to kind of brush up on things but you know we got our food and drink designations the one thing we're kind of missing here still is this Arrow spot so let's do military or archery range thank you we need what is it five or six targets or five or six spaces or is it only three four well we'll just give them a good amount of room here one two three and then we'll probably extend that but let's get a channel down there just to finish setting up this archery range and then on the floor below that will appear but we can get a tunnel down there yeah that'll be good and then maybe we'll put an entrance in like right here so we could Channel let's do a t a staircase downward and then we will dig so M and make kind of a strip here more or less lines up good that gives us a tunnel space and they're channeling from above good m u oh uh shoot wait a minute if I've already dug beneath it does it not let me Channel I did not mean to do that oh wait a minute no they have already channeled and as well as that okay that is good to know um then I should dig um I'm doing something wrong I'm missing that because I don't want them to come down here this is just open space to the floor below and then this is a downward slope oh what we need to do is this m foreign is it X yep there it is there we go okay so then they're going to get rid of the slope that way we just have an open space to the cavern below which is what I wanted so basically now no one will go over here um I may need to bridge this somehow or we'll just put in another entrance let's just mine out these sections so this is the basic idea of our archery range I'm just going to do a z Zone and we will make this our archery range over here eventually this is going to be a little bit larger but we pretty much want them shooting there good they will shoot to the left an event let's get one Squad made um oh we do need the militia Commander thank you very much we will go over to Nobles for that let's make our militia Commander there will be many dwarves to come in the future let's have our wood crafter be our militia Commander for now rovod something or other and then we will do let's go back down and did I make this F6 yeah that's F6 for our archery range now we will do here oh no we will make a squad sure leather armor is fine the dunes of coal didn't know are these uh archers no I think we need to up whoops I didn't mean to do that let's go ahead and disband the squad and create a new Squad we will make this archers there we go thank you and um go ahead and let's schedule you guys first we'll do staggered training I I do like the Stagger training uh we could be a little bit more neat with it but we'll just take the default one next thing we'll have to do is bolts bolts and we'll do wooden bolts uh and as well as yeah we'll just train our archers for right now crossbows here we go wooden crossbows for now and then let's do yeah we'll do the 10 bit and then we'll do the 10 bit again all right but that's pretty much most of the stuff on my checklist more or less so they'll start to train it'll take them some time and there's also only one guy in that Squad I'm just gonna keep this I kind of want to just touch every base in this video um where can I add more people to the squad hang on a second you can go select a squad blah blah okay yeah the dwarf portrait there we go um you are our doctor we wanted to make you not exclusive anymore because we do want you doing stuff again chief medical dwarf is okay yeah whatever you can do that in fact I'll make you not exclusive again too let's make this stone cutter also a member of the squad and the metal Smith for now whoops uh not what I meant to do there we go and we're saving but pretty much the last things that I want to do before we're finished here is tomb's wall art uh we did the archery and just get grates over there so that hopefully not as many people die and from falling down a waterfall I know it doesn't make it as crazy a waterfall anymore but you know we we don't want it happening all the time yeah for good reason for good reason you are our Miner oh I don't want the farmer we'll do the animal caretaker there maybe against my better judgment later on but we'll see oh you died oh no that is unfortunate well that's what you get for falling down a well at least now we have the humans in there speaking of which let's get our tombs ready okay so tombs we probably want another level for the tombs uh and let's put them at the bottom of the whale Because Why not start there maybe even a level down and we'll just dig downward and I I think we're going to need a place to honor the dead because this certainly went really well the last time Mt and here we go [Music] then we'll put it below the bottom of the river so that we never have to see him again I I would like to be buried deep beneath the surface of the Earth well I hope that they burned me when I'm dead Arrow catch channel is gonna work uh yes we may need the ball thank you very much for saying that yeah the arrows may go further uh we will need to build that as well thank you so if we do this good thing that you said that before we did another one there we go now we have walls so now the arrows will bounce innocuously off of the wall and into the channel and that is very nice of the arrows to do that dude oh no please stop being in a bad mood that's usually what happens before you die uh I lost my temple competition that might not have been good I thought it would just stay there but apparently petitions leave you know how sometimes when you think you know a game better you start to make more drastic and Splendid mistakes I think we are getting that so this should be exciting but we might get invaded by zombies too which did happen to one of my forts back in Legacy and that was well interesting to say the least we're gonna go down here and let's call this the tomb land tomb Land good old tomb land um well again we'll carve some area around it just so they have some space but I'm thinking if we go one two three or so yeah I'm liking this hallway configuration a little bit better I don't want to one two three um six by six eight by eight ten by ten twelve by twelve let's go for another 12 by 12 structure again so this will be kind of like the bounds of that this is one corner of one block this is one corner of another one if we do that we should have enough room again like we did on the bedroom layer to make three by three rooms in fact I think I can just basically cut and paste that same configuration over your bedroom is like your tomb and that was kind of morbid but yeah um I mean it is though it is you know like I don't remember anything before I was born so it was kind of like I'm guessing being dead uh how's that for a good way to bring up your mood after all of our dwarves uh just passed away they didn't die they just passed away you know Carlin Style all right here we go let's get some doors here put the dead people in there now we get to go to the exciting task of making coffins I mean this isn't the thing I want to be most efficient on but hey more people are coming in at all times right so we'll just replace them we'll just replace them make the left room a normal bit yeah oh we could make more archery ranges too and put in yet more tunnels so we have all these rat tunnels in the archery range Rock coffins if we have less than 10 that seems pretty good ballin's tomb I guess we should set this to another area too we might run out of Aries how many of these things can you make I guess for as many oh no you can use the shift Keys as well who would have expected that okay so let's say F7 okay so let's go back up to the wall now that the horrible wall or the horrible flooring is almost done we can go for B and n to make more walls I'm surprised that it doesn't default to one material when you do this oh I've just told it to use closest material that is why that happened to me okay so then let's do this and see what we have a lot of do we have a lot of something we do have claystone foreign I do now regret that but it is interesting to see what it does oh let's just do all oh my gosh was that all button just added and in fact I mean I was kind of wasting material by putting floor under here so let's just do this anyway let's do clay stone for all oh that is a very nice button to have added because I don't believe that that was there before claystone blocks well I swear that wasn't there was it I'm pretty sure that wasn't there well nonetheless I digress um continuing with the wall no it's new oh my gosh wow an exciting update how amazing is that Blaze don't I might as well just have them all match you know here we go it's been there since previous wait really it was added second yeah I don't remember that exact but I remember it was in Legacy either that or I just didn't see it before oh no I've done part of it in claystone and part of it in claystone blocks oh whatever I don't think it's going to make a major difference to us right now it does kind of reorder itself but not really for any particular reason it seems see what the quality differences though the four Chris it is coming along now I I do sort of regret doing it over a natural Brook because it does seem that they can kind of just like walk over the brook I might need to make this more engineered but I want don't I get bonus points for trying to blend nature with the environment and they can bathe in it well we don't really want them bathing in the moat can you imagine a like a castle that you invade and there's just a bunch of people in swimsuits going around it probably not very intimidating sort of ah sorted by distance thank you under dwellers thank you for the 50 bits B I wonder how high up I should make these walls and they don't appear very wall like from here either and we should also probably get a tower going in this part the main idea here is this we get a tower here so we guard up so we block those stairs so that no rain water gets in and stuff like that is this um or just I don't know it feels very exposed there and now we have this Gate entrance and then we can get archers posted all along the walls although it does appear that I screwed myself over by putting this in a corner let's give them some time to finish this off and see if they're able to do that these are the types of little things that I'm talking about when you first start a game where it's like oh can they walk over it can they build through a corner like this there's little things that you don't know that you just need to figure out how much micro management do I have to do because Dwarf Fortress is always one of those ones where it's kind of iffy you can channel the mode and it removes reversibility uh perhaps I will do that Perhaps Perhaps in the meantime let's get our grate ready because we've still got constructions floor great please put it down there so I feel like I've kind of hit my saturation Point streaming and I think we're going to put a bookmark it in there for right now you know we got everything set up just about the way I wanted it to I think we accomplished what took us two or three videos to accomplish in the last series so I am proud of that I know accomplish just sort of means everything looks random and haphazard but it's much less haphazard than it was in our first series and you kind of got to keep iterating to make more forts that are slightly less bad than the one before it over and over again in particular I'm most Amazed by the fact that we've got the waterfall right away but then again you know every new wrinkle is kind of paved by pain so somebody died and that was interesting a lot of them died I mean it was mostly just bad but hey we learned now we've got a moat we've got a wall going up I'm gonna give them a little bit of time to work though on stuff we've got a meeting area we've got uh what is this we've got the upper deck where we'll get our Tower in later we've got our Farms which are honestly quite quickly automated this was surprisingly easy to just get everything perfect I think we have to adjust some of our work orders though because it is a bit of an overwhelming amount of work we've got our stockpile Zone we're just going to need a bit of a cleaning up but it is so far looking pretty good at least I mean we get the stuff we need pretty fast we've got our bedrooms uh we've got our archery range which we'll put a little bit more use to and maybe we'll do a Barracks behind that we've got our tombs which we still need to bury the people uh but I I feel as though a lot of this stuff is now just kind of filler so I'm probably gonna do a little bit of work off camera on this fort and then we'll come back with some new plans the next time but yeah um anyway uh I I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned a little bit if you're a total beginner and I uh yeah I don't know uh I'm excited to be doing more like I honestly have boyish excitement to do more Dwarf Fortress and just keep learning about the game so we will continue this uh probably into the new year but uh yeah so long for now
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 282,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress waterfall fort, df waterfall fortress, dwarf fortress waterfall fortress, dwarf fortress steam, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods, dwarf fortress lets play, lets play dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress game, dwarf fortress pc, dwarf fortress steam version, dwarf fortress ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress 2023
Id: e01iQq-MR3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 12sec (9192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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