Kenshi | To The East | Let's Play Kenshi Gameplay Part 9

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insects that's how it feels to rust hilt they've become busy little insects one mines for precious ores to sell another tirelessly toils away at a research bench for days well the last sits by a clothing table making new attire for those who plan to venture to the east something to keep them safe ideally it's not nice tiring boring but each finished piece of armor each or sold for a handful of cats and each night slept within swin take them one step closer to the discovery of the east as the final pieces of work are finished and Hobbes hurls the last piece of clothing made onto the floor rust filled smiles and looks at his companions yes East it is and East is where we're going [Music] an interesting site in squid as rust Hill prepares the final legs of the journey something that I'll be planning on taking to this day this session should be us heading east rust hill to actually just was off selling some copper ore and realized that squid is a little busier than it normally is we have a few people walking around people hurled over their shoulders and if we move in just a little closer you can actually see it seems to be and welcome back to kimchi everybody slavers have actually made their way into squid now this is exciting because slavers are interesting in that they can sell slaves I don't know if they will sell slaves in public like this but it seems that they ran into a bunch of starving bandits at some point whether the bandits attacked them or they attacked the starving bandits we don't know clearly won the fight as they are well armored and well equipped and they've taken every single one that's alive as a slave and if we continue on with the play you see that it seemed to be making their way through and doesn't look like we can actually talk with any of them so it doesn't look like we can actually do anything then we could follow them back to wherever their camp is if that's where they're and if that's where they're currently going they may not be ending up heading that way right now they could just be heading off after an encounter to God knows where they're going maybe continue with what they were doing regardless of what it is there's no point but rest till watches quietly from the distance not entirely happy with the idea of enslaving other living people even if they were violent and attacked first but in the wasteland justice should be swift if they are they attack you and look to take your lives in your food then you just put them down and have nothing more to do with it let them go maybe murder them and set them free or bring them back but always finish them never and slave them I firmly believe in rust Hilton turn firmly believes that that is a fate worse than death to be enslaved in the wasteland constantly on the brink of starvation only be used for me you will labor put a sword to Russell's throat first that's what he prefers but it's good to know that there are still slavers nearby and something to keep an eye out and maybe if we ever come across them we could free those that they've captured however we've been working quite hard here for quite some time we finished all the research that I had to cued up in the last episode and we're working on sandals if we take a look at our queue I've got two pairs of wooden sandals working and two bandanas the sandals are because it helps you run faster and one of the people that we've got is actually wearing sandals Ruka I want Hobbs and I want Russ tilt to be wearing sandals as well they won't provide nearly as good armor but they will allow us to move a lot quicker and we don't know what's going to be out in the East that's my biggest concern is that whatever we find out here or along the way is going to murder us and I'd rather that not be the case in any way we could also look at to maybe making some better shirts maybe it was some better pants we do have some shot whoa everything that rest still is wearing is shoddy grade meanwhile it looks like rucas our best outfitted right now I'm actually curious Ruka if I look at your stats you are quite good with katanas sabers hackers and heavy weapons I might just leave you with the heavy weapons then you're better with the heavy weapon you're much much slower with a heavy weapon but it's it's fine and good old Hobbs here is not very good with anything if we were to go I think Russ Tilton ruko would be the one to do it and Hobbs would stay back and continue mining I think that would be my ideal right now I'm letting Ruka do the mining because it's helping her strength stat I may look into spending some money on some more or better weaponry right now Mathis is wielding a katana class wakizashi it's seems to be in fine condition doesn't do great versus robots but it is good against anything alive and then Ruka sits with her through cos I don't think it needs to be I might even slap this over to rust Hill but I don't think Ruka needs to be redone in any way also we were attacked by bone dog off-camera you missed it it was one bone dog it wandered up here while I had Hobbs over here yeah the body is still there we we we gutted it and took its skin and made sure it died and she's actually has all the dry food on her right now so let's go back to Hobbs real quick okay there's some sandals let's uh let's have a rest he'll come over here inventory I'm gonna slap these in his inventory real quick yeah let's go ahead and throw that on I'll put these boots in here and Hobbs can continue using the bench and working on the next one but now he's a bit faster and he's wearing some sandals which is really nice again all about that defensive those defensive actions so I'm gonna let Hobbs toil away here and continue making what he's making I'm gonna let Luca continue to do what she's doing fabric is incredibly cheap and squint so it's actually been great for us to grab this it's like 63 cats purr which is very very very cheap so I'm down to make some early cloth armor that to replace the shoddy stuff that we're at least wearing here for rust hill and then ruk I think we'll leave the same and then we'll put Hobbes up the other thing I'm thinking of is maybe grabbing one more person higher murk to bring with us to the east somebody that we're not particularly we don't particularly care about nobody that we really know but somebody's just looking for a job if we're gonna head east russ Tilton Ruka wall good enough you know they're they're quite the duo a third person who maybe throw away could be the way we want to go so I'm gonna continue building things here and I will return when everything is a in order even in a place likes Quinn the darkest corners can hide bandits fighting one another and thus Quinn soldiers too preoccupied busy or just don't care enough to stop them rah still sees an opportunity to maybe loot what they've got but unfortunately for us he was still alive he is going to get up and we're going to attack him and see if we can actually do something about it down he goes and he's immediately trying to heal him don't heal him loot him I'll take the chopper this I'll take it all we'll sell it off we'll leave him on the ground I have no interest in healing him whatsoever hello police officers guess what's outside bad guys are you willing to sell this or buy this rather you are but you don't have a ton of money so let's actually go ahead and swing back out we'll go to the bar all right we've got our first bandana made don't all this is gonna do much it's gonna give us some blunt resistance minor cut resistance it's only worth like six six cats Oh 24 cats actually it's a sell value 6 but it's worth around 24 not great I'm curious can we make something better for our dear friend here so we're still wearing just a shirt what a turtleneck help no martial-arts bonus bindings that's kind of neat what's a tangle must wrapped on the face to protect its eyes from dust why don't we get one of those built an honestly that seems to be it so let's go ahead and all we can really make right now but hey it's better than nothing let's have a rest he'll sleep and let's take a look at Ruka real quick still going ham over here her strength hasn't quite ticked over to 21 yet but her laboring skill has come close to breaching 50 which is nice what the hell is that Ruka saw it as well way on the distance a light was traveling around and went around the mountainside here wasn't coming towards us which is good and maybe a breath of relief escapes rucas lips but to get entangled some some unknown creature it's always tempting we're a bunch of goats that just showed up weirdly I don't think they were following anybody but I'm thinking about murdering them first let's go sell off all this or that we have 10,000 cats at our disposal at this point which is quite nice ass crap 10 these tents are easily constructed at a spare fabrics and could save your life in an acid storm sure we might as well grab that we are gonna be travelling so anything that we can grab for traveling is gonna be good and we can actually just go ahead and learn it I believe yep there we go so we can just make a scrap tent now if we need to I think we're gonna send Luca to recruit and I'm gonna go ahead and say Ruka you're done now and Hobbes's new thing is gonna be doing that because he can stack things and I want him to be doing it like that for now Ruka has some no or where is Ruka there she is there's that beautiful girl I'm gonna swing in here I'm gonna sell off the skin and meat that we have we'll go ahead and sell that all of this and let's send Ruka into the bar there's somebody that's a merc who's been looking for a job but won't talk to flat skins luckily we do have somebody who's not a flat skin Ruka and we're gonna see if they want to talk to us about anything his name is nines alright nines let's talk you looking for work nines correct six thousand cats six thousand cats four nines we could go about looking for us flat skin maybe cheaper we do know there's probably some cheap flat skins we could run back to the hub and higher but I don't think so I think we're gonna take nines at 6000 and the reason is he's a Scheck he's not dishonored Scheck either and he's gonna join our company we're gonna be heading to the to the West with him Wow he has like no [ __ ] armor at all absolutely no armor whatsoever he doesn't wooden sandals though let's run back to our home and we let nines know the reason we're hiring nines in the first place is for the journey to a tiny settlement to the west I don't know if we have anything good for him though armor wise we do have some samurai boots and a bandana here they come Ruka runs in introduces rust Hilton nines nine seeing rust hilt saying oh he was the one that trying to hire me before huh that's a frustrating or annoying and but you know he's been paid now and check our honorable if anything else and he will honor his contract to do that let's take a look at his stats nines you are incredibly low at everything great great great great well maybe nines will stay let's have Hobbes run back here maybe nines will be the one that stays in Hobbs comes with because Hobbs is much much much better in combat so let's speed things up all right welcome Hobbs I'm gonna take you off of this for now I'm gonna have you trade with nines give them at least the wrap for now the bandana he's just not very good he's just not not very good at all in fact Hobbs is good with Sabres 9s is good with very little he needs a lot of work we paid six thousand cats or somebody who's worse than a peasant but he's sworn himself to us as for as long as we need him now that's what the six thousand cats ended up getting us so we're gonna go ahead and give that to nine and nine teams to begin his training it's gonna be a long plotting horrible train but once we realize that he may have so oversold himself to us for six thousand cats they might have been better to pay the three for the woman in the hub who can't do anything we're just gonna send him on his way and make him start doing work I'm gonna get him some food before we actually start that properly because he's gonna be working on his own now more than ever okay so let's get him a bunch of food that he can have for himself and then he can go off on his own and do his own thing now this crew is also rather low on food so let's go over here I've actually thrown nines in his own little group as well if he's gonna stay back in squid I'm gonna make sure you know he's not part of the group so that I don't accidentally drag him around or any of that stuff we need food man we needed a lot of food before we start making this Trek let's go ahead and grab I can't afford that what are you selling it for 1.2 K for 125 nutrients that's a toughy this wasn't the initial plan to send these three to the to the east the hiring of nines was supposed to the very least replace Hobbs Oh Hobbs could stay home and do what he does best but nines oversold himself made himself sound more valuable to us than he was but we're gonna get six thousand cats out of him one way or another and that means sending him to the mines so these three will be heading east while the others where the other is gonna be part of the squint work squad and doing it on his own it's time time to head east time to see what that settlement holds so let's zoom in and we go ahead and swing that way their trek begins leaving the gates of squint ass the city guards having spent quite some time here now the journey to the east is about to begin what does that tiny settlement hold [Music] not too far outside of squint Lee something catches our eye a camp perhaps let's actually see what's over here and let's zoom out a little bit just to catch some better view we can go ahead and send a pull the camera back I'm sorry for the jumpy scrolling something's up with my scroll wheel there we're being seen by somebody all up ahead ah there they are dust bandit camps fair enough the dust bandits aren't too far from squid that makes sense hey come here or not just go run you want to get stabbed quit running goddamn hairbrushes he's screaming at us and we are just absolutely flooring it to get the hell out of here we're wearing the sandals for that very very reason and it seems to have at least paid off right now we're not quite well actually we are in kind of uncharted territory here we've not spent much time out this way it looks like we got caught Hobbes got stuck on a rock and I had to stop for a minute and it looks like the dust bandits have continued to chase us we need to run and we need to run right now everybody off goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye now we have an option here we could continue towards a tiny settlement but we can make north where the hub is when we know that the shinobi's will at least protect us if they continue to chase so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna run to the hub as best as we can and hope Hobbs can keep up his sword is out and drawn but the dust bandits you can hear their their footsteps behind the dust boss had called out to us multiple times hey come here come here come here and we ignored it he no longer wishes to parlay he no longer wishes to speak with us and instead chase rust hill Ruka and Hobbs into the main road desperate to collide with them and kill them if you do not listen to the dust boss then you are to be killed that's their rule how the bandits technically work we're doing okay we're actually much much much faster than them and it might even be worth us worth it for us to change course no not quite like that guys not quite like that never mind rust he'll turn around I do not want you going that way we might we could micromanage the direction they're going and we may the dust boss is so fast funny we want a head east and yet here we are running to the hub north as we always do when we leave swim no matter how badly we'd like to head east it seems as though we get caught up the waistline is dangerous and I run it for my life rotten boys and ladies run I'm gonna take a hard right here I'm not gonna go into the hub I'm just gonna try and lose them they can't we can't be seen so I'm hoping that they are going to get distracted and we're gonna keep running I wanted to run hard east just to ninety degree turn them we can drop our our way marker on now the settlement and it looks like we've looped around and basically hopefully confused them evasion tactics are more valuable at least now than they ever have been but undeterred must know what's in that settlement they continue weapons drawn on the off-chance they need to fight something hoping they don't ever have to fight anything at least on the way there meanwhile nines is still doing what he's doing I want to take a peek hello I many how many how many orders is he put in there probably not many how is his stats looking his strength is about half his athletics is not nearly as good as laboring is still trash he's got some time to go before he's gonna be of any value to us funny how Luke is the one who gets her horns cut but she's been more valuable to us since day one and she was free and more skilled than nines think 9s cost 6000 cats and doesn't do much in general look at the water real nice not there's much they could do in the water but they could a holy military base that sounds horrifying let's not go there what are you guys going everything is looking good here the holy military base scares me I don't know what that is and it scares rust Hill because those are the ones that are anti robot and had you know in his backstory killed his family the whole a nation so going that way and possibly crossing paths with them is a little bit on the scary side on their left as they come over a hill they're greeted with walls with chains broken down towers and if you squint hard enough maybe a settlement but as they look at their map and as they explore a little bit around the area they realize they're probably near the holy nation outpost a war outpost where those who hate anything nonliving live if we look that's the ruined ruined holy nation outpost well it's ruined now perhaps not as bad as it was their map had said it was just a holy nation outpost but now as they walk past it they realize no it's it's quite destroyed whoa starving bandits are still coming perhaps on the way back we'll explore it for now we should move we have another camp site not too far it's possible that it's in more dust bandits and if it is we may be able to kind of drop them off I guess we can no they can still see us keep moving beautiful distressing chaos the borderlands are scary where we've discovered a Waystation that's that I don't know what a Waystation is I don't think I've ever gone in one I imagine it's pretty friendly and maybe we could go there for supplies and the dust bandits must live right on that hill Oh Pew up there fighting they are fighting so let's actually let's continue let's not turn around and press our luck they can hear the screams of combat over the hills and they must know that they the hungry bandits have encountered what is presumably a dust bandit camp maybe counting their luck and their blessings they push up push forward where are you going rust hill let's not get caught out shall we buddy by ourselves it's a little scary there you go pal welcome back this is a hell of a trek man I realized I didn't put a backpack on Hobbes and I probably should have purchased a second backpack for him but you no such luck due to my own stupidity we're about to crest over the hill here and we may actually see the settlement from here it's dead ahead I don't know how far it renders out that might be it right there is that it maybe disappointment washes over rust Hilton friends as they crest over the hill and expect to see the settlement not too far in the distance and what they're greeted with is burned down destroyed buildings whoa rust he'll come back please what is that Gaara we're still fighting huh is it just you are you the only one you somehow made it nobody move well doesn't look like it's gonna happen everybody's gonna swing in and fight this starving bandit there we go they leave you alone if you just stand still for a while who's saying that Hobbs is he talking about the garu well we don't have a choice right now we have to fight standing still is not an option no other hungry bandits are coming over the hill here which is good and she did very little to us so as always let's just loot what they've got and move on well let's wait for these gurus to move and night is about to fall over the borderland so let's move I'd rather not be stuck out here at night be harder to see what's coming up on us but I'm glad that that lasts hungry bandit was around and did end up finding us so we could at least kill her off we'll leave her there for the wild or give her a second chance at life the punishment for such things is removal of weapons and left to fend for their own devices such as I rather they're left to fend for their own or with their own device I don't doesn't you know the saying is this it this is the tiny settlement excitement curiosity potential prosperity those are what they were hoping to find when they found the tiny settlement to the east instead ruined buildings burn marks and signs of combat long past it does not mean that the tiny settlement isn't worth anything perhaps there still thinks here they could gather scavenge use for their own what it does mean however is that finding a friendly face in this tiny settlement is all but impossible well I doubt we'll find anybody here but let's explore at least a little bit whoa whoa whoa whoa holy crap that's a lot of building materials and iron plates is there anybody living here we can't really do anything to the ruined building I was hoping we might be able to like quote-unquote by it for free a book is actually great but no doesn't only we can actually do anything with it oh well the holy nation huh so this once belonging to the holy nation then this tiny settlement was once a dangerous place a ninja blade - ninja blades a topper iron plates I don't need the horse chopper well let's see what that does what the what any of that is for us so toppers are refitted blades mid-grade salvage the katana class um wheeled I'm dual wielding weapons over here huh so is Russell dual wielding then but ninja blades are great like isn't that a good thing the the insane amount of building materials that are left around is what excites me on all of its free to grab none of it counts as stealing let's go ahead and grab all of this all the building materials iron plates can't pick that up iron plates gears iron plates fuel what's fuel worth about 192 keeps everything running so I mean I know what fuel is dressed I should more say what do I use fuel for the iron plates themselves could be worth quite a lot they sell for a decent amount of money look at all this stuff man this is insane and we can't actually like fix any of this town tiny settlement belongs to the holy nation about the holy nation not a holy nation of outlaws just the outlaws of the holy nation rather just actual holy nation yo what is dad just a destroyed piece of machinery out there well I think we'll be making multiple trips here I should have brought a stackable backpack or just any backpack but I'm dumb and didn't so I think we're just gonna we're gonna stack up everything we can and we'll have rust he'll run in here and grab some more I think the building materials are the most valuable for us though the fuel might be good I don't know let's put those in here I can't rearrange still well it was an interesting find this is a lot of good stuff man Wow and while the initial disappointment for rust Hilton friends it was probably palpable after they walked in and saw just an incredible amount of just supplies lying around to be taken that changes things well we didn't find anybody here willing to talk or discuss there's still some still quite a good lot of good things here and there is a ruined holy nation outpost that we're gonna want to check out along the way I think our next goal is to head back to squint store and sell everything that we do do want and then sell everything that we don't want get a better backpack and make our way back out here for actual eluding this was more than anything just kind of a scouting party but now that we know what's out here now that we know how many good things is out here they have to head home grab the right gear and then they're gonna make a salvaging run to get back a salvaging expedition maybe was sending out nines to help them depending on how more much more useful he is in the the two days that we're gonna leave them I think these three will spend the night here and they will end up making their way back sooner or later come come sunrise for our safety and their own disappointment gives way to hope hope gives way to greed and greed gives way to plans all these supplies lying around this outdated destroyed settlement are theirs for the taking and now gears begin to turn once again plenty of opportunity to scoop things up and build that's what waits here in this ruined outpost and still another ruined outpost on the way back to swing waits where more supplies could be lying around Russ still talks to his friends and lets them know that they will be heading back to squid and gathering bigger comfier and better backpacks their new lives in the wasteland have only just begun [Music] you
Channel: Chilluminati
Views: 98,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, lets play kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi lets play, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi let's play, kenshi 2018, kenshi steam, kenshi guide, lets play, kenshi rpg, let's play kenshi, let's play kenshi fr, let's play, lets play kenshi deutsch, kenshi playthrough, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 1.0, kenshi full, kenshi part 1, kenshi alpha, kenshi review, kenshi let's play 2018, kenshi let's play 2017
Id: P0qpfJ5SS6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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