Can I Survive The HARDEST Start In Kenshi??

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hello keni is a difficult game but have you ever thought how one could make it harder you could take the famous AA approach of chopping off all your limbs and crawling through the desert or maybe you start with a$1 billion deficit well thanks to the impossible start mod by clouds in the sky we now have the ability to combine both of those challenges with an added difficulty being thrown into the mix we'll start as a measly torso with a debt of 1 billion cats stranded in a cannibal Village we'll need to employ some serious levels of cheese to escape this alive but but I think I know how meet girth he has no arms no legs and just went 1 billion cats in debt over some pictures of bored primates with funny hats we're also hated by almost every faction in the game and have a nice little Bounty of 100K on our head we start out in a cannibal Village but luckily for us cannibals don't really seem to have an appetite for robotic limbs instead seeming to only take pleasure in removing them and tossing them around like boomerangs left to his own devices girth began doing the only thing he could do in this situation crawling and crawl he did the stealth XP gains were worth a sacrifice of having no limbs in my opinion but seriously crawling is literally all we can do so it's all we did on the bright side we don't need to worry about food since skeletons don't need to eat but we do need to be worried about a wild beak thing walking in front of us or a leviathan deciding it feels like crushing our skulls through the Earth by the end of our first day we managed to catch a glimpse of a sunset over the hills poor girth was too busy kissing dirt to see it though [Music] as the light vanished Over the Sea we were left in a Perpetual state of Darkness alone in the iron Trail if you're wondering why it's named the iron Trail well because these things are littered throughout the landscape yes they are alive and yes they will kill you as the sun rose on day two of our trekk to a better life we continued South there isn't much to do early on except wait and hope you get lucky at this pace it'll take a few days before we reach our destination so I took some time to just admire the views that evening I'd managed to reach the purple Sands where a Wandering tribe of shrieking Bandits came passing [Music] through luckily my stealth is at 75 already so they didn't seem to no me by the morning of day three we came across our first ruin it's the only set of ruins in the purple Sands but there's a chance it's got some limbs here for us to use I figured it was worth a shot since we were passing through anyway so girth began making his way over towards it naturally it took the better part of the afternoon to make it the few hundred feet to the entrance but we made it nonetheless the only downside well in case you haven't noticed gir's got no [ __ ] arms which tends to make lockpicking a little difficult after spending almost 4 hours looting the place we came away with nothing this was essentially a mini obstacle course designed to laugh at cripples and I fell for it you know there is something to be said about watching your solo torso crawl through [ __ ] at a whopping one mile an hour you can learn a lot about yourself through this process and what I've learned is that I'm incredibly impatient we're about to enter the Shing Forest though so at least we're making progress don't mind the trees by the way they took one look at girth and felt the need to try and improve a point that size does matter but girth [Music] knows one of the more nerve wrecking portions of this crawl came towards the end of day four there's this small Valley in between some hills that I needed to pass through it was just my luck that it happened to be one of the main Crossing points between dozens of Bandit Patrols good thing we've been leveling our stealth for 4 days straight which allowed us to pass through unscathed I have a feeling that if we had been caught we would have been disassembled and used as spare parts for those off-brand Walmart gamer PC setups a fate worse than death for most we're 6 days in at this point and making some decent progress look how far this little torso has dragged itself at this rate it'll take another day or two before we reach our final destination though if you're wondering where we're headed to there is a high village with a robo shop to our South if we can make it there we can hopefully find a way to steal some Limbs and get mobile again from there the real journey can begin towards the end of my sixth day I came across a wander Spike from the holy nation Outlaws it was one of those bromances where we didn't utter a word to one another and just enjoyed each other's company for the few minutes we crossed paths never to be seen again as the sun rose on day seven I could see the hiver village in the distance it took several more hours before I was able to reach it but by that afternoon I'd finally made it to our destination now the Hiers here don't really seem to care about me even when they finally spotted girth scooting his way across the floor this in turn allowed me to locate a hungry Bandit who' been beaten half to death and take his armor off of him he wasn't using it anyway and I thought I'd make me look cool to the Hiers the only ones I really need to watch out for are the soldier drones since my relationship with the queen is less than Stellar these guys will kill me on sight but the worker drones don't seem to mind me though anyway my first order of business was to make my way to one of the shops I need to level my thieving up a bit before I try to steal some Limbs and the best way to do that is to enact the tried andrue method of accidentally knocking things over and shoving them in my mouth when the shopkeep wasn't looking that was the plan until I walked into the shop and saw a [ __ ] ton of guards sitting around at which point I paused the game and spammed some economy limbs until I was able to get a full set after stapling them to my body I made a run for it and by that I mean I got my ass whooped by some guards while trying to walk out get let get let get up let get [Music] up after catapulting girth into the air and leaving him for dead I simply waited without the reboot Time healed up and crawled to relative safety my thievery is still Level one so I figured taking a shot at the General Store couldn't hurt and went back in for more there was a bottle of cactus rum sitting on a barrel that I was able to reach I'm not sure how the guard didn't see me considering I was laying just a few feet from him but that didn't stop me from repeatedly dropping and picking up this precious 481 Cat bottle of rum taking my thieving all the way from 1 to 35 before wanting to climb into an oven and turn it on the problem is that this isn't even close to what I need to actually complete my kleptomaniac Arc the arms I have right now have an 80% debuff to thieving the only way to get around that is to bump up that thievery skill some more in order to steal better arms and repeat the the cycle by 3:00 a.m. I'd reached 46 and had developed a severe case of carpel tunnel but continued pressing on as of level 51 I was gaining just 7% per click and that was where I drew the line at 535 on day 8 I set out for the nearby city of Mongrel in hindsight this was incredibly stupid fogmen roam the area and will Slaughter you on site but Mongrel is home to another robotic shop which has high and even specialist grade limbs there so it seemed like a logical next step to me the big predicament will be just getting through the front Gates well there's the city now to just walk through the thick fog and hundreds of mindless drones roaming inside of it speaking of them hopefully the rest are as clueless as that group as it turns out when I remove my limbs my stealth shoots from a whopping 10 all the way up to a 100 which means that it is statistically safer for me to crawl with no legs than to crouch walk with legs [Music] [Music] [Music] and that right there is why we crawl after several hours of crawling through the mud I remembered how terribly offputting this lifestyle was and slap some legs back on girth we arrived at Mongrel at around midnight going into our ninth day only to be assaulted by the guards almost [Music] immediately [Music] [Music] I'll have to employ other measures of getting inside it's also worth noting that girth's papier-mâché arms are completely destroyed so he can even heal himself if he wanted to I see we're going with the phasing through the staircase approach excuse me just going to squeeze through here look at him go like what a what a tight squeeze you know what good for girth he managed to sneak his way directly underneath some guards and to killer robot spider without dying I'd say that's worth a round of applause or I don't know a like on the video that'd be neat anyway now that we're inside we will simply need to invoke the tactic of not being seen by anyone ever all of these guys will kill me on site so best not to ask them how their evening is going initially this was a disaster everywhere I turned guards were on the lookout for me and if it wasn't guards it was killer robot spiders eventually I managed to find my groove though you see if you remove your legs you'll need to reboot for a few seconds causing the guards to drop aggro on you from there you just need to wait for them to walk away before moving back into stealth and continuing forward this took several hours but after repeating the process a ton of times I managed to make it to the front door of the robotic shop and once inside I began the process of spam clicking on some arms and legs until I was able to get myself a new set of Limbs obviously this pissed off the shopkeeper so I ran behind the building to hide and heal up until a guard found me [Music] having been effectively Scooby-Doo chased from the city I did have a planned destination in mind for girth it's not like I can just go buy a shack and start building anything either I mean I'm a billion dollars in debt I'll have to figure out my own path at least I can run 36 M hour now though I don't see a way anyone or anything catches me at this rate literally a robotic Forest gun I'm fast as [ __ ] boy still fast as [ __ ] boy if he's not being chased by bandis though girth was constantly being chased out of town by drone soldiers it's truly a lose lose situation but I have a plan I don't fully trust myself with melee combet yet though especially since we don't have a supply of spare limbs lying around these are all I've got I also don't have any weapons aside from these fists of Steel I do know where to get some though God look at how fast he runs it's it's [Music] incredible I made it to a way station that evening and after being greeted with a bolt to the skull tried to sneak my way in before also being spotted at this point I just gave up and sprinted in looking for anything I could use as a weapon unfortunately there aren't any swords or bows here but there are backpacks skeleton repair kits and bolts I grabbed some of each and set out for the Hub to Lee some Weaponry off the bar patrons leaving the way station in the dust of course I had to make a quick pit stop at squid to steal some maps as well [Music] just outside of the Hub is a lone Shack SLB bar/ Rebel Outpost since I didn't want to piss off everyone in the hub I targeted this building instead the guards didn't seem to really care about me at first even letting me grab a bow for the road the problem only started when I borrowed a junk bow from the shop counter which caused all of the guards to chase after me [Music] after luring them out into the open only one continued pursuing me and this is where he royally [ __ ] up see I have a bow now I may not know how to use it but I have one this sparked girth's first actual fight and it went way better than you'd expect it to go [Music] you after shooting bolts into the dirt for 2 hours I finally managed to incapacitate the ninja looting him for his cool black rag shirt and katanas and just like that we have weapons at this point The World Is Ours for the taking the only real holdup is the degradation of my robot body we'll need to find a skeleton bed to recharge at but I don't know of any that I can just use for free which leaves me with one option I'll need to start my own Outpost build it from the ground up and research my way into owning my own personal skeleton bed that'll take some time though and I have many enemies to get to the goal is to be fully self- sustainable sure I can steal building materials and iron plates but that would require constant runs to and from squin which is the closest city that has those supplies that being said I'll need to steal some initial items to help get me started before I can do that though I need to get my strength up almost as soon as I started mining for iron a group of dust Bandits decided to welcome me to the community the old girth might have taken this but the new and improved bigger stronger and faster girth isn't going to stand for these intimidation tactics the fight lasted for hours but over time girth was able to chip away at their numbers see girth alone doesn't stand much of a chance he can Wing some shots at the group and deal small amounts of damage while praying for blood loss but the true heroes are the dust Bandit Bowman sitting in the back as long as I can keep the bandits in front of me the Bowman will Friendly Fire their own men dealing more damage than girth and having an overall larger impact in the fight and that's not to say girth can't get some hits in on his own [Music] though [Music] [Music] after around 5 hours of fighting the dust Bandits waved their Frenchman's flags and ran for the hills but girth wasn't having it choosing to practice his MMA skills on a crippled Bandit Left [Music] Behind one of the remaining Bandits attempted to intervene but was put down rather quickly while I was practicing some MMA a group of hungry Bandits made their way up from behind at first I started shooting at them similarly to how the dust Bandit fight started but I quickly realized that they didn't pose much of a threat and instead opted to let them [ __ ] stomp me into the dirt if nothing else I managed to get a few shots in with a katana and work on my toughness a bit I'm not sure how a robot can have physical toughness but I'm not going to ask any questions anyway back to mining I'm planning to use the iron to gain some quick strength levels before heading back to grab some building materials and iron plates from a shop and squin less than 3 hours after I started mining I was raided Again by another faction these guys are around the same skill levels as the dust Bandits but there's way more of them I didn't think it would be a good idea to try and fight a third group today so ger sat at the bottom of the hill while these [ __ ] stood inside a blueprinted shack waiting for something amazing to happen it looks like they're still actively patrolling the area as well but they just don't really seem to care about us at the moment which is a good thing I I think for the third time in less than 24 hours our shitty little Camp was raided again I hit in the corner again which led to the same results of the raid party standing in the shack blueprints until getting bored and heading off to explore a different area that being said if we're going to continue to get constant raids like this it might be worth looking for a new location though I really only plan on using this place to recover at when needed on the bright side I can still mine while sneaking and they don't seem to notice me that is until a group of dust Bandits wandered over at first I thought they'd fight each other but they ended up teaming up in their shared interest of turning me into Karen from [Music] SpongeBob I really can't catch a break can I fortunately I was able to lose the Gus after running up a mountain ways before circling back to the iron node all I want to do is get this knocked out as quickly as possible so I don't have to worry about this ever again I know I could farm this out a little more but if I carry this dead guy on my back it bumps my weight up to 187 which I think should be good enough for some early levels [Music] this has got to be the most awkward thing to explain to some random passerbys like oh hey don't mind me I just have a backpack full of iron and a dead guy over my shoulders it reads like something some shitty Tik Tock Fitness Guru would tell you to do but hey you can't argue with the results I [Music] guess by Sunrise I was well on my way to becoming a giga chat there was just one problem I hate these things with such a burning passion after losing the Gus again I dropped a wooden backpack full of rocks back at the shelter and began making my way down to squin before we do anything though I need a bigger backpack which means it's back to the travel shop luckily for me most of the guards that chased me out of the city were still taking their sweet time walking home so the city was fairly abandoned compared to what it should be getting into the travel shop was a breeze as well and they even had some Building Materials in there for me so I grabbed another backpack the mats and some more maps before running out of the gate I still need iron plates though so I dropped my thieving bag and ran back to the general store where I was able to grab eight iron plates and 24 science books there should be more than enough to get me [Music] started [Music] I was able to build the shack out within a few hours and even start on the research bench before realizing that I wouldn't have enough material to make a stone mine in the end I had to disassemble the research bench in order to make sure I could build up the mine and the processor it's for the best though since I'll be able to make my own building mats with the same Stone processor once it's up and running working diligently girth was able to build out all three blueprints Before Sunset allowing him to log a few hours at the Cory like a real blue collar [Music] boy after working third shift at the Quarry girth clocked in at the stone processing plan at 7:30 that morning to see just how many building materials six Raw Stone could get him this is going to take a while though he's still an apprentice and working at 13 % efficiency I'd managed to turn six Stone into three building materials which were then used to build out a research [Music] bench while I was planning out my research tasks the dust Bandits returned this time looking for a fight let's face it though girth is weak and tired he'd essentially been fighting for 3 days straight at this point and when he wasn't fighting he was slaving away at the Quarry and stone processor that being said mama ain't rais no [ __ ] the plan was simple Target the war leader he was the one talking all the [ __ ] my mindset was if I can take out the leader the rest will crumble and run as it turns out I didn't even need to kill him just put enough bolts into his chest until he ordered a retreat with the day one it's finally on to researching the skeleton bed cannot come soon enough with my Camp built out and the bandits taken care of I think this is a great place to stop for now there's plenty of work to be done around here but that's a different story for another day thank you all so much for watching this challenge is an amalgamation of several different keni starts just combined together please let me know what you thought of it or if you have any thoughts as to how I can get out of this $1 billion deficit and begin the process of winning over some of these factions until next time I appreciate you all stay safe and thanks for stopping by [Music] right
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 87,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Kenshi, Kenshi Torso, Kenshi Skeleton, KenshiGameplay, KenshiMods, KenshiModded, Ken Shi, Kenshi2, KenshiTorso, KenshiStart, Hardest Start, Impossible Start, Hardest Challenge, KenshiCannibalStart
Id: E6I3arMSi9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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