Kenshi | 2022-3 How to Start Guide | Episode 2

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hello everyone how's it going Dr incompetent here and let's resume this complete beginner's guide to kenshi with a little bit of an extension on what I did in my how to start guide and I want to just kind of show you um some idea of what you might want to be doing next as you gather copper and work out here to raise your skills so you can see our tutorial guy here is working on this copper node right where we left him off we've got three in the backpack and I thought it would be fun to just mention some things um that I didn't in the previous guide and kind of help further articulate some points of the game now we made it a big priority to get ourselves this wooden backpack so we could stack up items in here and have a lot of inventory space and while that's fantastic something interesting about uh kenshi is that you do you start as like a almost a blank slate basically um with this kind of beginning that we've given ourselves and everything is raised through doing and so for example our strength attribute if you Mouse over this you push C to open the character panel you open up your character screen and you Mouse over strength it tells you that your strength affects how much you can carry um you know uh your attack speed with heavy weapons uh your Martial Arts damage chance to break free um and all of these uh important attributes about just being strong so you can carry heavier armor and equipment and stuff like that and you understand okay well how do I raise that well I'm at 77 on getting this attribute to the next level you can see the progress bar in the bottom panel of this uh window but in the lower left where it says ways to train of this window it says you can train strength by carrying people or overloading your inventory or by using a heavy weapon and what that the reason I'm showing you that is interestingly if we didn't have a backpack and we were just carrying around all of this copper that we're getting then you would notice basically that we would start raising our strength even more because it would be heavier so the harder the task the more we're raising our strength in that category so it's like there's even a benefit to not having a backpack which is raising your strength now another way that you can raise your strength is just to carry around dead bodies and stuff like that uh that the guards kill or whatever to just have a heavy load and carry things so I thought that'd be worth pointing out just if you're ever wondering how do I raise something the game tells you you can Mouse over it or you can ask on the Discord or look on the wiki um but there's very very good in-game information about this kind of stuff now I have I'm gonna open up my inventory you can see we have four pieces of copper here in our backpack we have a bunch of heavy armors so this is actually helping us train our strength just because we're wearing this like ridiculously heavy equipment that we got from uh you know donated by kind individuals and you can see here that um we have 864 caps okay cats rather and we want to get more cats and we are going to do that by selling stuff so I'm going to speed up the game a little bit I'm gonna even speed it up further push F4 to just go Max Speed I'm going to zoom out and remember what we're doing here is we are simply trying to keep ourselves with the eyeball being blue so that we know nobody can see us while we're kind of sneaking over here and Mining this node now I'm going to click on the Node open our inventory I'm going to right click on this all right and now we have five um pieces of copper which we could sell for around 180 okay and I'm going to uh go ahead and get seven pieces just I'm just making that number up right now and go back to the town I'm gonna sell all our stuff and I'm gonna talk about the next piece of information I want to give you which is okay I'm gonna pause the game and I'm gonna open my inventory and I'm just going to shift right click on the copper to put it in my backpack on the stack and we're going to try to get a companion at first when I booted up kenshi I really thought that it was you know kind of like Fallout just a single player you know post-apocalyptic RPG um but the more I play the more I realize that it's almost in many ways first of all it's just wide open sandbox um there are some people who come into my stream who love playing the game just with one character and you can do really whatever you want but most people I think play and you get a whole bunch of people you get actually a colony it becomes more like you know rimworld Dwarf Fortress Colony management to a degree you don't have like 200 Doors but you have a bunch of people you start to build you know perhaps a little settlement for yourself and you have people doing all sorts of different tasks so getting a group together is actually a huge part of the game and I want to explain how to do that we're not going to be getting a massive group together but you can see just the benefits of imagine if I was out here Mining and instead of just me I had two people so we were getting twice the amount of money um and we had twice the amount of defense against attackers and stuff like that so in that Spirit I'm going to stop mining and tell my character to just move over here and I'm going to kind of zoom out and I'm going to just tell my character to kind of try to go over here and let's go ahead and open up our character panel and you could see 82 percent our strength is Raising we do have a backpack but the reason this character is Raising strength is the first of all the backpack doesn't completely mitigate how heavy things are and also we're just wearing this ridiculously um like this spiked helmet um This Heart protector and these Samurai boots um and this armored rag skirt this stuff is heavy you can see that our total weight is at heavy so we're just boosting our strength because our armor is uh heavier than it really needs to be and we're running back and oh people see us but the eye has turned red you can see people see us but it's the guards for the town so um that is totally fine I'm gonna actually stop sneaking and just full on Sprint to move faster we don't care about sneaking at this point um and they're doing a smuggling check on going into the city which is very proactive but just never question these guards I mean I don't do it I'm just like fine no problem okay um and I say uh you never want to say you never want to try to bribe these um guards this the checks do not go in for that and you just say show them your gear and you know you have nothing to hide so you're totally cool and let's go over here and it's going to kind of go into the inside and I want to go into this shop and I'm going to talk to the shopkeeper and I'm going to say hello show me what you got and we're going to start selling stuff so I'm gonna just kind of pause the game remember I always like to pause the game when I'm in the shop because I don't want the time you can see it's like 7 P.M he's going to close up and if you're fiddling around with stuff after he closes he might interpret that as you trying to pickpocket him and then you get killed so that's not what we're going for I'm just going to drag this um over to his inventory let's see I have 864 cats and then if I put that there I go up to a thousand okay and that's just for one so I'm gonna actually um shift right click from my bag to him and we go up to 2 000 chats that's all I want to sell um and I'm not gonna buy anything from him I'm good we do need to buy some more food um so I'm good to go on that and I say thank you so much and we're just going to kind of go back to I'm gonna go double speed and now what we're going to do is I'm going to go all the way here's one bar okay but I'm gonna kind of move to this side of town and you see this hotel I'm just going to kind of go over here I'm gonna unpause the game and I'm gonna let my character run all the way over here and you can see my character um eventually burning rubber and even now you can see that our strength has leveled up to two and it's still going up you can just watch it in real time um you know move up it's moving up slightly less because our weight has gone down to moderate because we sold all that copper but it's still going up because of the heavy armor so good to see and I'm going to go over to this hotel structure and remember um we are here on the map in Sequim okay and chilling in the shack protected town of squin and now when you go in here you'll see all sorts of Folk okay and what we want to do is just you know you can hold alt to see what you want to take but we don't want to steal anything here we instead want to start talking to people and what you want to do is kind of talk to these randos who are just around the bar and see if anybody wants to join you all right and they'll make it quite plain if they do okay so I'm going to go for example and just talk to um oh this person sitting down right here now if they won't talk to you and you Mouse over them there's not even a dialogue box that opens up but I'm gonna go over here and this person's name is oron flat skin how about earning yourself the Loyalty of a shack Warrior um and you say uh go on I need to be freed 3 500 cats to free me from my Lord let me fight for you Outsider as a mighty warrior once again um peasant life is killing my soul I need battle so basically this person is in um some kind of indentured servitude or slavery situation uh which is you know unbelievably horrible and for 3 500 cats we can rescue them but we don't have the cash right now so I'm just going to tell them I don't have the money and I'm gonna talk to this person and this is stin and um they actually are a vendor and they oh great they have dried meat so I do want some dried meat how much for like all of your drive meat um okay that's not bad I'm gonna buy um I'm just gonna shift right click and buy all of the guys dried meat um because I love dry meat and we go down to 1400 money and I'm going to um close this out and we've pleasure doing business with you and let's just go talk to some other people Scouting For recruits says meow okay so first of all this Chex name is meow which is Sensational and people will say things to you like Scouting For recruits and remember when I say people I mean any kind of humanoid and you say that's right and convenient my price is 3 000 cats um I don't have that much money okay so what you learn right away from this interaction is that if we're going to try to get somebody it's going to be about 3 000 cats so this meow will join for three thousand or we could free this person for um 3 500. now I'm going to continue going around talking to different people um hot Longs let's just say we need somebody and they say three thousand when they ask you for three thousand um these people are effectively generic they're going to start at level one which you know means you can shape them into whatever you want um but that's like the Baseline so 3 000 cats for a level one no experience person with not great equipment and you say don't have that much money and I'm just gonna kind of keep looking around and talking to who I can and this is rain the giant you a warrior um and I I can just say uh I know how to handle myself a tolerable answer need an extra blade rain the giant pure check Warrior 7 500 chats are you in um and so this person is really strong and you could say got any skills and you won't find better um and I say uh I don't have that much can you give me a discount and he says to be paid any less is an insult I won't do it so you're like all right fine so that guy will start and will be stronger but we don't have the money and over here is Chang and um you know looking for protection and I say maybe got any skills I'm a Chek Warrior do you need to ask um and how much you charging six thousand I don't have the money so you could see you can get new people that are level one for three thousand or um you can do a little better if you want to pay a ton but either way the long story short is that we don't have the cash and we're going to need to mine some more copper but that's okay so I'm going to run over here I'm going to push F4 to speed it up all the way and you'll see eventually tutorial dude just running it full speed here the other thing I want to show you that we didn't talk about is um purchasing permanent place to stay so in this game you actually don't really need to sleep unless you're trying to get rid of massive injuries and heal up faster but you can get away with just eating food and remember food is eaten automatically when your character is hungry if it's in your backpack but if you want a base of operations where you can do more where you can sleep recover have a workbench to start researching new things you need to buy some property now you can either buy property or build your own settlement outside of town but I recommend building a settlement purchasing an existing building in town and repairing it so in my let's play I bought this building right here and if you left click on this dilapidated building in the lower left you can see it says open to the public and it's for sale for 7 200 cats so if we get 7 200 cats we can purchase this building okay and once you buy it you can then use building materials to repair it and when it gets repaired it will look like it will change visually and you know look more completed not like it's collapsed and caved in and then from within that building you can build structures um that you know like in the build menu you can go to buildings um and you can go into uh technology and build yourself a research bench for example which is phenomenal so that you can if I push T and open up the research panel you can start actually researching better buildings that will help you out um better structures better things storage chests all kinds of awesome stuff and this is when in my opinion can she really starts to shine and open up right like At first you're just struggling trying to survive mining a little bit but then you're going to start actually having a house a base of operations you're going to get more people you're going to start building um and decorating your base upgrading researching technology farming doing all kinds of amazing stuff uh as things evolve and get more sophisticated but for now that's kind of pie in the sky what we need to do is go back to our spot right over here and keep mining to sell stuff to make money all right so the first thing we're going to do is try to get enough money to buy ourselves a buddy so I'm going to right click over here I'm going to click on sneak and I'm just going to unpause the game actually I'm gonna not sneak until I'm outside okay and you can see that we are detected by the guards now they can no longer see us and we're sneaking along and of course it might be a good idea to just save the game and say you know um just get a save file going so if anything happens you can kind of pretend it didn't and then once we're out here I'm just going to right click and start mining again I'm going to click left click on the resource node and open up my backpack um if I want but I'm going to close the inventory screen right now I'm going to zoom out and I'm just going to watch my progress from the road here make sure that we aren't consumed by enemies for the time being just keep that eye blue all right as you work on raising up your skill as you get better at mining this will go faster and faster and obviously once we get the money we can do this faster uh because we'll have another person out here working with us but again right now we're just trying to make some cash now I spent a bunch of cash I on meat but you really can't go wrong with uh this dried meat it it does not spoil or anything like that uh it's the cheapest and most efficient way you see I just actually uh ate a piece of meat um it Stacks to nine so having food is great and if you get more people you have to feed them too so you're going to need a lot of food for that and check eat more than other races or I'm sorry species I suppose I should say uh because they're just bigger and heartier but as long as you're just buying dried meat and keep a supply of that it's not really like cost prohibitive or something I'm gonna just shift right click that stack put it in our bag so if we need three thousand um you know that means that if we're getting around um you know 177 per unit all right we're going to need um at least 10 pieces of copper to go trade and get enough money you have the choice of going for a regular person or freeing the person um From Slavery for 3 500. or doing all of it you can buy all of them just a pro tip there is as far as I understand that there's no maximum on the amount of players um or you know companions that you can recruit for your team until your computer starts to explode from smoking because you have too many so you can recruit as many as you like all right and we're already up to four we're mining as fast as we can we're safe and I'm gonna just left click on this to watch my progress here by the way you can always push C and just open up you can see that our laboring skill you could just watch it go um and this is increasing the rate at which we um mine so you know the higher this is um the better it goes you kind of have to mouse back over it but you can see we're at point six six percent um you know efficiency right now mining or boost that we get with our skill to Mining and um if I raise this up to 18 you can believe that we'll go to 0.67 um so we can watch this and just watch it fill up as we mine mine mine and then you can see we're at 0.67 or six six right now um and then if I mouse back down and over um oh I lied it did not raise I thought it would raise when I raised it one we'll see what the threshold is to to get that um tenth of a point up on mining maybe it's every other mining point where it raises nope here it went about a third of the way into it there you go you see we got 0.67 so it's not exactly at one point there's a more complicated calculation going on um but anyway we're just going to shift right click all this and we're almost up to enough stuff uh Wolf Den 8 has been wiped out okay so hopefully that was just a group of Bandits that the computer annihilated and we can be you know pretty pleased about that okay here comes the copper remember you can also look at your strength you could see we're almost up to actually raising our strength again now if you want to raise toughness okay toughness is one that's a little bit diabolical to raise because just like I was saying well you don't want a backpack to raise strength because you want to carry around heavy stuff toughness actually raises by getting hit so um you know you can raise this uh by taking damage all right dexterity if you shoot things and um perception also with ranged weapons are the ways to do that um but I'm going to click on this and there's 10. all right so we could imagine that 10 is enough but let's just double check let's just make sure all right that let's go in with 11 and let's see how much money we get for this okay so I'm going to stop mining remember it keeps your progress and I'm just going to right click inside the shop and we're going to be running and I'm still sneaking as we book it over the edge here and as soon as these guards see us I'm going to stop sneaking so I go a little faster and you can see again that our strength is raising up and this guy wants to see our gear we'll show it to him and our strength just raises up so you know kenshi is one of those funny games where like if you want you could just run back and forth you could run in circles to just raise your strength up if you wanted to do that so that's certainly well within your rights and a good way to raise your toughness okay um is to kind of lure any Bandits or anybody who's giving you trouble back to the guards and maybe let them take a swing at you um starving people starving peasants and stuff like that are great um if they're bare-handed you can like take a hit from them maybe and raise up your toughness that way but also you can raise your weapon skill by just kind of getting in on a fight that their these guards are already engaged in uh with minimizing threat to yourself and just taking a few swings at them all right and we're gonna go here and we'll walk over here and be like hello and yes I am looking for a trade and I'm gonna just kind of um sell you all of my stuff and you can see indeed it was plenty of money I'm gonna stop it I'm gonna just go to number one speed we have 33 90 right now and what I'm gonna do is go into the hotel okay right over here just gonna right click on this and I'm going to push F4 to go to full speed and I'm going to buy one of the three thousands I do want to free the person from slavery don't get me wrong um but I'm gonna buy the cheapest person first because I'm low on money like we'll uh get into the business of uh saving the world and helping people out once we have a little bit more money so we're going to go up to meow and meow says we're Scouting For recruits and we say that's right and once we have enough money you can say sounds fair you're hired and boom you go to a screen right here where you can like fully customize um the person that you're recruiting and um I'm not going to touch anything with meow I'm fine with it but [Music] um you can go here and just kind of look at the fact that you know as a Sheck she gets bonus toughness attack and strength um and is you know bad at all these other things and she has 125 hit points you could change her name stuff like that her physical appearance we're gonna say confirm and now you could see I'm gonna pause the game we just got ourselves a squad mate another person in our group and their portrait goes here and you can switch between the two of you by using one and two the number on the number pad um I'm sorry on uh your number keys on the top of your keyboard so I could switch to meow and I could see meow's um situation right here um and it'll tell you in the name plate here who you have selected right and so you can see meow has an attack of five and a defensive minus three and I have an attack of -8 and a defensive two so you know she's a lot better you can go into inventory and see what she's got she starts with this Katana and a pair of pants okay um and that's great so now we have two people all right and all you have to do is uh move all right let's see here Squad all right and you can rename your squad and so I'm just going to call this um tutorial Squad which is our group okay and this allows you to kind of if once you get a whole bunch of people to make different subgroups all right if you want um and put them in you know so you can kind of like keep people maybe at your base and have people go out raiding and people doing different activities if you want but right now we're just all in one little group right here um and what we're going to do is just close this and I'm going to go here and I'm going to um give uh her a job okay and we're going to just give her the shift medic job all right so that she will um always be doing um medic activity all right and from here what we want to do is we're going to change the speed to this icon so that what this means is everybody in our group is going to move at the same speed I'm going to select um tutorial dude all right by pushing one and then what you want to do is you want to actually push the tilde key all right and that allows you to select everybody in your group all right so I'm going to right click over here and you see that both of us are going to start moving okay um and I'm going to speed it up all the way and we're going to run this way and now we have two people in our group so with these two people what we're going to do is um go ahead and move over here we're gonna sneak and we're gonna just right click over here and you can see that we're both going to go and start mining now meow has nothing meow has like no equipment okay um except for her sword and a pair of pants she doesn't have a backpack she will eat the food um that we have out of our backpack so you can see we have nine dried meat and she can eat right out of there um so you're good on feeding her her health is all straight and now we're just going to go to this rock and I'm going to select both people and I'm just going to right click and have them start mining okay now you can see that now when I go to mining you can see our efficiency has jumped up from 40 percent to 80 because [Music] um we have two people working on this so we've doubled our efficiency so this rate at which we get copper is going twice as fast so now um we are in a position where we can just let them go ahead and mine if I open up my inventory by the way whoever's inventory you have selected right now we have meow I can just um left click on uh tutorial dude to get his inventory open and then you can left click on this and then if you shift right click it's going to go into his backpack but you can also give stuff to meow if you want but for now we want it um in uh his backpack you could just drag this and give it to meow um so that if I look at meow um you can like fill her up so she's training her strength while you move you want her to carry heavy stuff or whatever but this is now a situation where we're just doubling our money we're getting double the cash you can um turn people to passive so they won't retaliate if you want that's fine I'm not going to do that at the moment okay and we've got this I'm just going to sh um now I'm going to open up our inventory and I'm actually going to open up meows inventory and like over here and I'm gonna just put all these in here now we're increasing her weight I'm going to zoom out make sure that we're not going to get attacked but we have 390 cats if I open up my dude's inventory you could see somebody already ate something but this is how we're gonna just chill and make cash we're gonna hide over here we're sneaking now we have two people to mine now you'll notice that this resource node it says workers two out of two and it says this machine is fully staffed so even if we got a third party member they actually couldn't help us mine here because it's maxed at two all right I'm gonna put these give these to meow um and just kind of fill up her bag so that she's gonna train strength so right now two is all we need but what you can do is find another resource node okay you can you know open up the prospecting screen and and see where another um you know bit of copper is and there's the one right here but it looks like there's also another copper node if we move there is one uh right over here as well so let's try to find that one I'm gonna pause the game while I look for that copper node that they appear to have located and where is that thing let me go back to prospecting I know you found it all right it's going to be right here somewhere um so you need to Mouse around until you see uh the icon appear for mining but boy it might be hidden in these plants but I'm not seeing it right now so you're going to want to find a different copper node to mine from to make some cash so let's see is there anything else around here [Music] not here so we'd have to walk around and try to find one now uh meow has stopped doing that because she was prospecting I need to get her to mine again and we're gonna go to this node and we've already got four here so I'm gonna have her pick up as much as she can she can't carry anything else and so we're gonna go to his inventory and just have him start putting that in his backpack so at this point um we're making good cash we're just going to unpause it and have everybody mine you can see nobody's eaten anymore what we could do is make money but instead of hiring a third person right now what I want to do is make enough money to buy a house for us to stay in so we can start researching and then I might put that third person on the job of doing research while we mine out here and make money then we can start expanding our forces even further having multiple mining operations you can see over here there's a resource node you can see that when I left click on or just Mouse over this the mining pick icon appears to show us that that's there um now there's some activity here there's something fighting there was some damage numbers uh these animals uh appear to be in a little bit of a fricassee with each other and we're just going to kind of let that happen they're not coming after us left click on this go ahead and put this away and we're saving up for 7 200 cats to buy that house so now you can see at the next step of the game which is starting to recruit group members okay and then starting to buy property and filling out your ranks how to control your group how to keep them together how to make sure the movement speed is set so that you're all walking as a group together how to select the whole group how to get a double mining operation going and let me go here and just pick up all this stuff you can see that I'm at a heavy load she's fully loaded oh wait people see us okay what is it let's look let's look where is it where is it it's down here and let's kind of follow the arrows something sees us over here uh hopefully it's just animals but what you want to do when anything sees you is just push the tilde select everyone and just run back and now nothing sees us so whatever that was [Music] um it's gone okay oh wait now something is about to see us something wants to see us you just kind of look around and what is it what is it sees us look at the arrows on your people where is it it is um behind us this way and it is this okay so what we have here is this that sees us these herbivore garus so these dudes are not going to mess with us they're just animals so we can go back then and just mine and be okay they eat plants they're not gonna cause us any kind of grief so we can keep mining and making cash and so what you want to do now is just keep up with the mining go sell stuff make sure your food is topped off buy some property you don't have to buy that building there are other buildings in town you can buy but I really recommend that you buy in the town because you will be protected somewhat inside the town and very well in a shack town and that allows you to kind of have some insulation until you're strong enough to maybe go build your own Outpost in the Wilds you can get more people start taking on more and more recruits um and sky's the limit remember this game is kind of like do what you want but I feel like it is worth explaining how to recruit party members and start buying property everyone I hope you found this next installment of the um kind of introduction to kenshi series to be helpful if you have any questions just post them in the comments below the first guy just got you started and got you the controls and now what I wanted to do is just show you a good logical progression from mining to getting a new party member and thinking about becoming a wealthy private homeowner everyone thanks for watching take care [Music]
Channel: Dr. Incompetent
Views: 11,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi lp, Kenshi 2022, Kenshi blind, Kenshi lets play, Kenshi gameplay, Kenshi ep 1, Kenshi playthrough, Kenshi first time, Kenshi lets play 2022, kenshi guide, kenshi guide 2022, kenshi tutorial, kenshi tutorial 2022
Id: mx4Z8dhVSig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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