Kenshi | 2022-3 How to Start Guide | Episode 1

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hello everyone how's it going Dr incompetent here and let's do a complete beginner's start guide for kenshi shall we well I'm a new player to kenshi myself and I booted it up on stream recently and just was absolutely overwhelmed by the amazing support I got from the kenshi community as I was brand new had no idea what was going on and people just gave me an amazing amount of knowledge about the game and how to ease into it without being spoilery and I want to take that knowledge condense it and present it to you as well as what I learned from playing the game and learning things the hard way and dying and making horrible mistakes all in a way that is meant to be simplistic but thorough and yet not spoilery at all the aim here is to just kind of like set you up to succeed a little bit more in the game by giving you a foundation on One path to approaching the beginning of the game and understanding the UI some of the systems things that are happening in the game how to make money where to go stuff like that so let's dive into it I'm gonna go ahead and make a new game and when you start out you have all of these different backgrounds and scenario types that you can pick like you could be a Wanderer a Trader um a paladin holy sword kind of character um a cannibal Hunter a hive Exile on and on there's all kinds of awesome different starting packages that you can pick but we're gonna go with a Wanderer in this guide this is what I started out with and it says right here this is the way the game is intended to be played so I think when you start this is a you know a great place uh to go you start out with a thousand credits this is the RPG play style it's the default difficulty and we're not even going to touch the advanced options we're just gonna click begin so we go right in uh to the loading screen and to the character creation all right so when we think about what kind of character that we want to make I feel like um starting with a humanoid character is kind of like the most generic and basic and that's what we're gonna do in this guide but you are of course free to go wherever you want so you'll see this is the character creation screen um it defaults you at least it defaults me as a female every time I've started out and I've got a mohawk and uh some bandages wrapped around myself and I'm looking really good but if you notice up here let's just kind of look at the screen on the character creation panel from left to right top to bottom they give you a randomly generated name race human you can select you could be a skeleton which is kind of like a robot you could be a shek which is this kind of like proud warrior Society you've got these kind of like bug people um and then you can be again a human and then within human or the other races there are sub-races so like human can be either greenlander or Scorch Lander and um I think starting with a greenlander makes a lot of sense for us so you can do so much in this game and I want to just say that is what this game is all about it's like do whatever you want you know a a crazy amount of customization an insane amount of freedom for your character and this guide is just meant to kind of supplement that with a little bit of help so that you just have a better understanding because I have to tell you I was totally intimidated and lost when I booted up the game so we're gonna go with greenlander um they are from farmer cultures and they're just kind of like generic human being um and they start out with these stats which is 100 hit points they get a bonus to farming cooking and science okay and you can obviously go you know male or female and then on the right are all of your choices for Designing how your character looks and I'm going to tell you there are a crazy amount of choices crazy in the best possible way like if I click randomize all a few times you're gonna see just some wild different things you can customize your body your face your hair to a pretty exorbitant uh degrees so like I love this guy's beard and this guy's ponytail and his mean expression so I think that's fantastic but I'm just going to change a little bit of this um I'm gonna go ahead and just make myself like tall okay um and yet thin and just have some real fun you can make yourself as beautiful ugly as you like and whatever those terms mean to you just go wild I think this looks totally fine I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this when I first booted this up I was like lost on this screen just tinkering everything for way too long and I want to dive into the actual tutorial so this looks fine you can go ahead and pick whatever you want I'm gonna go ahead and just name myself um tutorial dude all right and we're gonna just roll with this all right so tutorial dude are you ready to begin and he's like oh my God yes my beard and it's braided segments are 100 ready confirm okay so tutorial dude is here in the Border Zone and when you boot up with a Wanderer background you start in this town right here which is called the Hub now I'm zooming out all right with the mouse wheel the game has a bunch of built-in tutorials that are very helpful for the controls that will pop up for you if it's your first time playing they will not pop up for me because I have already uh played the game but anyway when we push spacebar to pause the game and just kind of walk us through what's going on here so this game has been described by some friends of the channel in a very good way as it's a living open world Freedom oriented RPG and that means like it has that kind of uh random Vibe like procedurally generated living games kind of have like Rim World Dwarf Fortress but then you have this um you know I 3D RPG feel that is evocative perhaps of like Fallout New Vegas in some ways but is it entirely its own kind of game I mean the first few moments I played the game I was like oh this game has its own feel and it's totally deep and unique and awesome so let's talk about this it's going time is passing and you can push spacebar to pause the game at any time and then you can use the function keys F1 brings up the tutorial and then F2 is play mode F3 and F4 are like faster modes and spacebar pauses the game or you can click right here with your mouse to go play and Speed the game up um while you're traveling or you know Gathering resources or just doing something in general you can speed it up now my guy is like blocking uh his eyes from the horrifying sun and wind and dust that is in this world all right so you'll see um that there is a dust storm happening right now and that's why my character kind of has their hand up to their face and I have zero percent protection against it that's terrible you'll notice as I Mouse over where it says dust storm kind of at the lower portion of the UI panel um above where it gives my characters vital stats on like blood head chest and such you're in a dust storm it affects your accuracy in combat so what that tells us right away is that if you hover the mouse on something many many things will give you further description in the UI so if I for example hover um over like my attack in the lower left it'll tell you um you know equipment bonuses weather penalty hit chance to your attack defense strength dexterity toughness and the like so there's a lot of good information provided by the game to you you just kind of have to to know what to look for and where to look for it now of course like I said just a moment ago you can push F1 to get like all of these tutorials up or you can go down here and click on help to open that same screen all right so that is a great place to go if you're just looking for some assistance now this game I should right away tell you is permadeath if my character dies then this game is over um and I'm not going to spoil too much about that but basically you can kind of think of it in this way like Crusader Kings or something if I have more people in my group and I my character dies like the character I started with the game kind of moves over to another character in my group and so you can kind of continue your Saga or what you've done by passing The Torch to someone else within your group and controlling them so at the beginning of the game when it's just you like everything hinges on keeping yourself alive if you want to make any progress because if you die it's over but if you get more people or more um you know members of your faction or of your group rather than you can kind of move around that but for now let's just focus on keeping our character alive so we have no replacements for our character and to avoid becoming a spectator in our own world because if you die basically the game will keep going um but you just have free form control of the camera and you can't do anything you can just watch it go which is hilarious in its own right but speaking of that that brings us to the camera to kind of I don't know if it's intentional but to get your head around the fact that your character isn't special you're not strong in any way you're actually pretty terribly weak when you start out and that this is a living world Beyond just you know your megalumaniacal focus you can move the camera using wasd and just move away from yourself like it doesn't focus on you this doesn't move your character you move with wasd you rotate it with q and E okay and so you can just kind of go out here and look around away from your own character very very easily if you ever want to get back to your character you can just push um double tap on one because you're number one in your party or you can um right click on your character portrait down here alright and do that so here we are looking around okay and in the game um you right click to kind of set a location for yourself and you move there so if I unpause the game my character is going to kind of run over to that spot now speaking of running down here in the bottom right of your UI you'll see that there is a running person and you can click this to be walking or even slower okay so there's like you know decent speed running really fast and then this icon means run at the same speed as the slowest member of your party if there is more than one person in it you want to be at the fastest speed possible all the time unless you're trying to like just role play walking around just go as fast as you can all right um it's good for you now let's look at our character so right now my state is normal so that's good my goal is to go where I told it to move so you'll see that like my character is doing its move order and this might seem really absurd but if you have more people in your group it makes sense that it's kind of like Rim world where you're going between your pawns and seeing what job everybody has um in fact over here you'll see there's even a panel for jobs to assign to them and let's go ahead and give ourselves a job so if I shift left click on the medic button in the bottom right corner of the UI you'll see that I now have a job selected for this character and what this means is my character if I Mouse over medic it says um characters will automatically heal everyone else in the squad including themselves if they have a med kit in their inventory so now my character is like going to automatically try to heal if they get injured or somebody else in the group gets injured with a med kit do I have a med kit no I'm going to push I to open up the inventory and check out tutorial dudes inventory I have nothing I start with an iron Club you can see it here under Weapon 2 on my kind of paper doll and if I Mouse over this it tells you it's a blunt weapon class it gives you the damage it does it tells you some information about how much it sells for how much it weighs okay some flavor description and then I have a pair of pants and that's all this character starts with I do however start with some money so that's very very good all right so I have nothing um I have no mid kit so we should probably get a med kit for our protection all right now um this button it says inv also opens up the inventory you can push I to do that you can open up the status window right here or push C to open this and this tells you your character's attributes and if you Mouse over your attributes you get a blown up description with all kinds of cool information about what each attribute governs for your character over here in this larger box on the panel are your skills you see we are starting out with like a level one in everything and this is the game you can level up all of this stuff by doing it so you can be and do whatever you want all right now I said this before and I'll say it again I'm going to push C to close this window I'm telling you one particular way to start the game that I did that I was instructed to do when um I was playing the game that I found to be useful but as you get more familiarity or you just want to go Hog Wild you can do whatever you would like I'm just showing you one path among many all right so you'll see here down at the bottom this screen or this part of the UI panel it says blood head chest stomach left arm right arm Etc that's just telling you how injured each body part is and we're good and our um we're not bleeding so that's good and our hunger starts off at full okay which is good but you'll see this little um kind of less than sign this is uh or this Arrow that's pointing to the left this means that my Hunger is going down over time so if you're just looking around you want to pause the game so that time doesn't pass so that things like the shops don't close and so your hunger doesn't you know uh trigger there's no thirst in this game so you don't need to buy water or do anything with water you just need to govern your satiety or your hunger okay so the first thing we want to do with this character is um check out the bar alright so if I look around this town I can just kind of Zoom around and I want to show you that if I look at this character over here and I just left click on them you'll see that in the bottom left where it was displaying all of my character's information now this bottom left corner of the UI is actually displaying all of the information about this character they're a holy citizen they belong to the faction the holy nation Outlaws they are um malnourished okay now it says right here second person pronoun you when you Mouse over malnourished that is just meant to kind of reflect like you're controlling that character and you're viewing them as if they are you but you're not malnourished like if I push double click one again or right click on my character portrait here um I am not malnourished the only thing that's going on with me is that I'm in a dust storm okay all of my stuff is full my Hunger is full but if you click on this person again you'll see their hunger is down they're getting hungry they're malnourished all right you can see their stats you can see what they're doing they're just walking around the town checking things out you can click this up Arrow to get more information about yourself or whoever you have selected all right so this is uh extremely useful we'll get into this a little bit more later all right now um this is good for just seeing what people are doing and understanding what's in the environment and you can also left click on a building so if I left click on this building right here you'll see that this like dilapidated structure over here is called the storm house it's also owned by the same faction the holy nation Outlaws or it's governed by them it's in their jurisdiction and it's in the town called the Hub and it's open to the public and I can buy it for 4 800 credits so we are going to want to buy a house when we are beginning the game but a cheaper house than this and not in this town most probably I um got into the Trap of trying to build my own house in the beginning and then I was immediately told that this was a terrible idea for a variety of reasons but you can certainly do that of course if you want but the main reason is you want to live inside these walls because outside of the town it's dangerous to be perfectly honest with you inside the town it's a little dangerous too but it's even worse outside so you want to make sure your house is like within the town as you're starting out because you're kind of weak now I said build your own house how do you do that there's a build menu over here this kind of like hammer and nail that are crossed over here and if you click on this it opens up the build menu you could see if I click on buildings I could make myself a small shack and this will take five building materials and as I move this small Shack around okay um I can rotate it with the greater than or less than signs on the keyboard like this and I could build it but if it's blue that means you're too close to a town to build it if it's red that means it's an invalid construction point and if it's green that means you're good to go but I'm not going to build anything I'm just going to push B to close to build menu you can either click on this icon or push B to open and close the build menu at least at the beginning there's really not a good point to doing that unless you're just hell-bent on making your own house okay um so the other thing that I want to show you as we kind of look around is to hold down alt and that will just like in you know Diablo or any kind of um arpg it will highlight the interactable objects all right so you can see there's like all these empty rum bottles and water jugs and things like that that you can highlight but more importantly for us is finding the bar all right and if you hold alt you'll see that the sign for a shop becomes highlighted so you'll see this big sign that just says bar well that's a pretty good indicator but also the sign will kind of turn yellow and if I left click on this building I'll see it's the bar it's owned by the trade ninjas and it is open it has um hours it is guarded and we can go inside so let's go inside I'm going to right click over on the bar remember you can just kind of move the camera around to more easily do this I'm just going to right click in there and I'm going to unpause the game and you can see my character just running wildly over here to the bar the door is open we're going to go inside and once we get inside we'll see a guy just standing on the table and being dangerous looking I'm gonna just pause the game and have fun looking around this game is awesome it is uh really really you know disparate in terms of its kind of bleak post-apocalyptic at least that's how it feels to me presentation and you'll see this person standing up here I'll left click on them and they're a ninja guard with the trade ninjas that means if I do anything Rowdy in this room people who are from the trade ninjas will you know take action against me and by action I mean murder so we don't want to do anything bad in here because it's heavily guarded all right how do you know what's bad okay um if I move my mouse over this character you'll see that like dialogue bubbles appear so I can right click on them and talk to them if I want but if you see how the magnifying glass look symbol has turned red that means that that is a No-No action that's like a crime in that area and if anyone sees me doing that I'm in bad shape um my first character in the game the bartender who's right here got knocked out by some kind of like altercation in the brawl I thought oh while they're unconscious I can just take their stuff because they have good stuff and uh I didn't acknowledge the fact that the icon to interact with them was red I went to take their stuff the trade ninjas saw me they attacked me and kill me so don't do don't be like me learn from my mistake don't just steal things from people who have people who care about them well see plenty of people who are not cared about who we can freely take from but if you see that red hourglass just know the red looking glass or any kind of red interaction just know that if you do that and somebody sees you you're in terrible shape now you can sneak okay to try to go unnoticed but especially when you start out the game you ain't sneaking by these people in broad daylight all right it's not happening so maybe if you get really really good um you can do this and get away with it but for now um as a as a new player let's just let's just not try to uh steal from heavily guarded sections so I'm going to right click on the bartender and I'm going to unpause the game and go interact with them and when you talk to the barman um you know it'll say looking to buy and you can say you can click on let's trade or you can just push um one Whatever number corresponds with the dialogue option you are interested in and you go into this screen right here now I'm actually going to pause the game while I look at their inventory this was a tip that was given to me and by the way again I just want to give a shout out and say thank you so much to the kenshi community I had another streamer come in and raid me while I was streaming this and everybody who came in and people from my own Channel people who are just randomly interested in kenshi um everybody came in was super super nice and helpful and just so thank you to all of you you guys are awesome you've really helped me understand this game and I felt like I wanted to give back and just try to help other people understand the game because it's awesome it just has a kind of a steep learning curve as you're just thrown in the deep end but that's also part of the fun I suppose now I've paused the game because this tip comes from uh people who are watching me which is that you don't want to be like trying to wheel and deal and then the shop closes because time has passed and then you are like taking stuff out of their inventory and they misinterpret that as you're stealing from the shop I'm not trying to steal I don't want to do that let me just do this really slowly so you can just explore what they have for sale and see what interests you if you want to build a house you can buy building materials here but what we're going to be buying is food okay so you'll see they sell like fish they sell uh this kind of Gohan Bowl they sell some other alcohol you know all kinds of food items that they have for sale we want to buy this dried meat because it's the cheapest and it restores 15 nutrition whereas like this does 20 nutrition and look how much it costs 445 for 20 or 15 for 69. this is the best bang for your buck so just buy meat you can just right click on it it goes immediately into your inventory and you can see that my money which is down here I had a thousand I now have 931 because I bought this if you still have the shop window open you can right click on the item and bounce it back to their inventory and get your full refund back but if you close this interaction window then you can only sell it back for its sale value okay so you kind of have some forgiveness while you're shopping so we're going to buy the meat you can see it goes into my inventory now looking at the inventory you'll notice up here in the top Center it says backpack when I first started I thought oh I have a backpack so I'll just drag some stuff up here no no this is where a backpack actually goes if you have one we don't have one but one of our top priorities is going to be to get one so right now everything I can carry just goes into this inventory you cannot rotate things in your inventory okay so like you see how this plank this awesome like big two-handed heavy weapon this thing right here it is horizontal and it takes up all of these boxes horizontally you cannot rotate it and carry it in your inventory vertically in fact it has to go in one of your weapon categories okay so I don't want this right now but okay fine now what else do I want um I want this first aid kit remember we talked about doing medicine first aid I'm going to buy one of them I'm just going to right click on one of them um they cost 69 not very expensive all right um but you can see that the price has been marked up a little bit so this actually cost 76 all right I believe let me right click on this will cost even more than that didn't it um oh no never mind it only costs 69 never mind um so that's just the average price but we're seeing it sold for this much okay right right I was just failing at my math no no it does 69. so we have ourselves a first aid kit and some meat in all honesty I think this is fine like I don't think we need to start buying anything else you'll see water um but I asked about this I was like I should buy some water I'm in the desert I need water you don't need water in this game at least right now so don't buy water you'll see there's some crossbows and there's some other weapons but we're not really going to be fighting too much to start out uh because I had some experience in combat and holy smokes when you first start it's really really risky uh you have no armor you're not very good at it and it doesn't take much to put your character in the dirt so let's just kind of ease into that later and all I'm gonna buy right now from this vendor are some food and some medical kits and I'm just going to push Escape then and close this now I'm going to push I to open my inventory I'm going to show you something about the food um remember I'm at like 299 satiety if I click on myself to make this reflect me instead of the barman you'll see I'm at 299 hunger you automatically will consume this food when your character gets hungry okay so some things about Hunger is your bar will drop down and then your character will automatically eat and then this is not this number right here is not really reflective of like 300 units of hunger and this does 15 nutrition out of 300 or something like that you'll eat this and then this will slowly fill back up after you've eaten and you feel good and your nutrition is raised so um this doesn't instantly refill just 15 units of this it takes some time it goes up and you will eat automatically when you are hungry if you have medic selected as a job like we do you will also use this automatically when you need it okay so that's good enough for us to buy at the very beginning you'll see that if I hold alt there's some stuff lying around there's like Cactus rum and Cactus and stuff there's some bread on the table you'll notice that I can pick this up but the bag icon is red that would be theft and I will be killed so we're not gonna do that here's what we're gonna do instead we're going to take our character and we're going to look for copper to mind so one of the things you can do early on to make money is to labor okay and so we're going to labor by Mining and if I move my mouse and zoom way out from the town you can see that this right here if I Mouse over this like big rock then a mining pick appears because I can mine from this you don't need to buy a mining pick you can just mine yourself without anything but the starting stuff okay so if I left click on this you'll see it's an iron resource but we don't actually want to mine iron because uh it's less valuable than copper again everything appears in the lower left it says iron resource no faction owns this so we can freely mine this without reprisal from people for being on their territory but not from reprisal of just wandering creatures or enemies who want to kill us so we have to look out for that but that's what's going on there now this little stack down here if I Mouse over this you'll see there's a smaller area and the mining pick appears and if I click on this it'll say copper resource every time you start the game the world is kind of like in some ways fresh to you and there are random elements to it people factions moving around and you know things like that but there's also a whole host of fixed information to your seat so if I push M to open the map for example and I zoom in on the map you'll see um I'm gonna kind of just like hold left click and drag the map and I'm using the mouse wheel to move around on the map and I'm going to zoom in and you'll see I'm in the hub this is the town I'm in you'll see kind of two icons there's a blue dot and then there's a blue arrow the blue dot is me and the blue arrow is actually the camera and where it's pointing so you can see if I use um was and D I'm moving around this arrow on the map but that's just reflecting like where I'm looking and in what direction I'm looking so this is the best way to kind of Orient yourself like I'm looking to the South right now right and if I come out this gate on this side of the town then I see this iron ore and this copper ore regardless of what seed you come into the game if you are in the hub these or nodes will be here for you they were here in all the games I played anyway okay so um our objective at some point if now that we're looking at the map uh is to get to this town down here called squin because squin has better protection in my opinion I like the guards better and way better shopping options The Hub is a little bit too rough and tumble for me it's a little too run down so I'm gonna avoid doing anything with that all right so I'm going to kind of close this up okay now at this point I'm in here and I'm going to show you how to move around so you can just move the camera and like just right click over here by this copper node and now my character is going to move there and I'm going to zoom way way out and you'll see my characters start to run over there okay and there they go and they're moving around remember you can just right click on yourself to have the camera follow you and then move take control of it with wasd I'm gonna pause it now outside the town and so it's always good while you're outside the town to be mindful of threats so to be mindful of threats I'm gonna sneak I'm going to click down here sneak okay and you're gonna see that my character then um attempts to start sneaking and what happens while I'm sneaking are some very useful pieces of information appear on my characterist tooltip so you'll see an eyeball that is blue and a sun all right so the sun on the right indicates how much light there is around your character which is affecting your concealment but then also this blue eyeball means can anyone see you if it's blue it means no one can see you nothing can see you right now all right except for us on the camera but that doesn't count so this is very useful to know if you're being observed because if you are you immediately want to think do I need to run back to the town for protection all right so I'm going to just keep running and now you'll see my character stops running because I told them to sneak if I push C and if I Mouse over my stealth you'll see that on my skills my stealth is Raising as I'm sneaking so I'm kind of just like leveling this up as I go and you'll see I'm moving a little slower I'm not running if you want to move faster just push F3 um or even F4 to go as fast as possible and I'm still sneaking but I'm moving alright now I'm going to pause the game I'm at my destination so again push C open this up and your skills raise by use so I already got stealth up to 30 percent of the way to the next level if you want to know what stealth does you can see in the description as I moused over it it helps you remain undetected while sneaking avoids Discovery while in Disguise avoids Discovery while you have a bounty for example it's aided by okay so you can see what's benefiting it being in the darkness I'm not in the darkness and special gear I have no special gear it's hindered by having wounded legs or a wounded torso and being encumbered all right so very very helpful information now I'm going to Mouse over this copper node I'm going to left click it and it says copper resource it says the copper quality is 80 so the max efficiency for mining at this node is 80 it's not as good as if we're at this like larger iron node right here which is at a hundred and twenty percent efficiency 100 quality but it's more valuable so if I right click on this when the mattock appears you'll see that my character like busts out a mining pick and I'm just going to unpause the game and my character begins mining now while you're mining you want to have it on like the fastest speed possible because it's super slow I'll show you if I go F2 like regular speed look at how slow this animation is uh as I start mining so really slow so I'm going to pause it again I'm going to left click on this and while you're mining you'll see that this window appears when you left click on the resource that you're mining it says copper resource and there's an output window this progress bar fills up and then this section will obtain a copper chunk that I need to transition into my inventory when I am ready okay so I'll show you what happens I'm going to unpause it I'm also going to show you that we are leveling up the laboring skill so if I Mouse over laboring in the skills panel by pushing C or just pushing status window here on the UI I am raising my mining by doing laboring okay and if I push F4 we can start going faster and you'll see it just really really flies up there now this bar is going up I'm just going to zoom out and check things out remember as long as that eyeball is blue I am sneaking and nobody can see me all right now interestingly enough um I'm gonna pause the game and you'll see that I can Mouse over like copper quality the number of workers this means like if I have more people in my group I can assign them I can give them a job to be like mining copper for me and doing all kinds of things I can give people different tasks all over the place if I want um and do things more quickly but right now it's just me only two people can work this at a time efficiency is forty percent um it's because um you know there's not as many workers here and it's it's buried under the ground mostly so that's affecting us all right [Music] um we actually get a boost to mining in the light from what I understand so uh because it's daytime we're we're mining at a higher rate perhaps and I'm going to unpause the game while this happens and just let this fill up okay so we are leveling up our Mining and boom you'll see that a copper chunk has appeared right here and if I Mouse over this it says it sells for 173 credits which is a lot of money this is beautiful we're making a bunch of money with this all right so fantastic now it does have four kilograms of weight so what does that mean if I push my inventory you'll see that my character is not super strong so right now I'm carrying six kilograms of stuff and so I can carry up to 16 and have no effect on my encumbrance but as I get more and more I'm going to become encumbered so if I right click on this Copper from the resource panel it'll bounce into my inventory and you see that the four kilograms adds to the six that I had now I'm at 10 out of 16 for my overall encumbrance this doesn't matter at the moment but it will matter if I need to sneak or more importantly if I need to run away so if I need to run and I'm encumbered because I'm carrying a bunch of heavy stuff you want to drop your stuff right away so that you can run it full speed but right now we're doing okay by the way um I'm going to pause it and just click on myself if you want to see your running speed while you're clicked on yourself okay you can look over here you can see my encumbrance rate is zero so that's good my goal is I'm operating a machine which is just you know mining but if I click on this up Arrow you'll see that my run speed right now is Max of 15 okay and it's being subtracted um because I'm in stealth mode so if you wanted to run you would turn off sneaking you would be in run mode like if and like if I turn off sneak right now for example and I Mouse over this you'll see that I I can go much faster at the moment I can go up to 15 miles an hour but this will start to reduce if I become encumbered so I'm going to click sneak again and just keep sneaking so that I can so immediately look at this oh my God we are spotted okay and when you get spotted what happens you'll see all of these arrows appear and these indicate to you who can see you and from what direction so these red arrows let's follow these over here and there's this group of people running and let's click on them and you can see that these are hungry Bandits hungry Bandits okay they're hungry they're desperate they're Bandits they're banned these people are gonna try to kill us all right and take our stuff so what we need to do right away is stop sneaking and we need to just zoom out and we're just going to uh kind of move the camera and I'm gonna run into the town Run Okay so what's gonna happen now is I'm gonna put play it at regular speed and these people are actually not pursuing me so it's not a guarantee that these people will come attack me but I am taking absolutely no chances that this Cadre of armed Bandits is going to play nice and so as soon as you're spotted you'll see that the eye appeared red on my sneak I could see the arrows pointing to where they are and I ran away now if you're like about to be spotted that eyeball will turn yellow okay to indicate that like something kind of sees you maybe it's like a warning but because I had it on max speed and I was kind of talking to you it just transitioned so fast it was like blue to Red instantly so I'm just going to run back into the town and this is what you do if anyone sees you all right um especially early in the game because you're going to get wrecked now there's no guards at the gate at the moment so you're gonna have to run further into the town probably into the bar to be safe so what you could do in this case is say I don't like the safety of this area and just go ahead push M to open the map and um go to squin but I'm not gonna do that right now I'm going to continue mining this and sell it before I go but that was a little bit scary all right so I'm going to push M to close the map and let them move over here all right I'm gonna shrink this down a little bit just so the UI doesn't block me and let's talk about something we haven't talked about this yet okay but you'll see the game is auto saving itself you can push F5 to quick save the game you can also push escape to just like save the game okay so that could be very very helpful for yourself um if you are interested in just experimenting or trying something out all right and you want to like you know come back and not worry about the fact that you've just been mauled while mining all right so F5 is your buddy Escape save on a separate file if you want okay I'm gonna let this group pass by I'm gonna actually speed it up and you'll see them kind of just wander around and this is just chenchy like there's just like wandering groups of people and I'm gonna move I'm gonna sneak again and I'm gonna move down here again I'm gonna tell my character to just mind this and let's see what happens I'm gonna have my character moving and oh I'm seen by what am I seen by some goats yeah all right so these are goats so goats see us but they aren't hostile they're herbivores but if you look at these goats they're probably the scariest goats you've ever seen in your life so I'm going to left click on them and it says goat and it says herbivore so they're probably not going to mess with us all right um and the arrows pointed to them so they see us and let's just let them do their thing I'm not going to fight them I'm not going to mess with them I'm here for the copper so I'm shambling over and I'm going to start continuing my progress here you can just always look at this and by the way just as I'm going to pause it and talk to you so I don't get uh jumped again as this bar fills up if you have to leave the node your progress is remembered okay so you don't lose all progress if you're just about to get a chunk and you have to run away so that's very good all right I'm going to keep mining letting this fill up again you can push C and look at my laboring it's already up to level three and you can Mouse over laboring and see that that affects what that affects your Mining and your Machinery usage and you train that by working hard isn't that Charming all right so we're going to close that up and I'm going to show you this right here where this copper resource is this will stack up to five I believe so we can just leave this here and let it stack up to five now it'll stack on this screen to five but until we get the right kind of backpack it will not actually stack in our inventory you can push the arrange button to sort your inventory if you like so we're just mining away just leveling up our labor trying to make some money so that we can get some better equipment for ourselves to ensure that we have a safer beginning to this game and we're just keeping our eyeball on the blue eye to make sure that we're not spotted by anything we can left click on this and we already have two nodes in here right so that's great oh and here's a pack of things and these are escaped servants from the holy nation Outlaws so these actually should be okay because the holy nation Outlaws I believe are the faction that kind of govern The Hub so this might just be like a defensive group but I'll tell you what I'm going to left click on this I'm gonna right click on um this with my inventory open you can't take it unless your inventory is actually open I'm going to right click on this you see that we just became encumbered by the way our weight is 18 over 16 so if I click on myself you'll see that you know um this actually oh this doesn't affect us yet we're not too bad okay then that's pretty reasonable I'm going to turn off sneak and I'm just going to run back inside the town I would really I think that we're okay from this group but I just want to play it safe so what can we do let's go to the bar and while we're at the bar I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna just talk to the bartender by right clicking and I'm gonna say what's up I'm gonna pause uh show me what you got and I'll pause the game and I'm gonna sell all of my stuff so you see we have 18 or I'm sorry 862. I'm just going to right click all of this copper and you see we already went up to 1300 money so that is phenomenal okay so I'm gonna just escape and I'm gonna be happy with that amount of money we've got food our hunger is not bad it's dropped down to 284. that's fine can I buy more food from you do you have more food they don't I think they replenish their inventory every day but they haven't done that yet so what I'm actually going to do now um you could stay here and mine as much of that copper as you want the resource nodes are indefinite so you could just like make as much money as you want and just kind of stay around the Hub but I'm gonna actually for just you know speeding up the tutorial a little bit I'm going to go over to squin so to fast travel you could just like right click on squin on the map and you'll see a little flag appears it's kind of hard to see especially I'm on 4K so the UI is a little bit smaller but you can right click on the location on the map and now my character is going to travel there and I'm gonna um kind of unpause the game and watch my character go right so my character is running here and I'm the Blue Dot and I can watch the blue dot now it is up to you if you want to sneak while you travel to make sure that your character is safe but what I kind of do is just watch myself like this and just keep an eye on the road for you know dangerous things what is this this is a small copper resource okay so it's even worse efficiency than the one that we found before so not that great so let's keep going and we're following the road and so far so good you can hold alt to see if there's anything in the nearby area to interact with there's not and let me show you something else while I'm doing this now I knew where those copper resources were because somebody pointed me in that direction the iron was easy enough to find but if you're looking for copper or any resource here's something cool you can do you see in the bottom right there's this button that says Prospect if you click on this okay it opens up this prospecting screen now you can't do it while it's paused you push play and then like that progress bar fills up and then you get this prospecting screen and you can drag this window around and you can look for water fertility Stone iron or copper we're going to look for copper right now and you'll see how this Green Dot appears this is where the copper is now this arrow is not actually me necessarily this is my camera and the way it's pointing so I can use was and D you can see to move this white Arrow around okay until I get it where the copper is and then I can try to like find it where's the copper where are you saying there's copper right and it is right here so by using prospecting you can find a copper resource it's actually all the way over here now I left click on this so my my character might want to go get it but I don't actually want to do that it's 80 efficiency copper node and that's something cool you can do to look for resource nodes if you have no idea how to find them you just Prospect for them you select what you want and then you move the camera until you find it you can just move the mouse around by the way and when it turns into that mining pick you know you have found it now I'm going to um close this prospecting window and I'm going to go back to my character and I'm going to select myself and what is my goal I am aimless because I kind of selected off of the map so I'm going to right click again on squin and you can see that my goal changed to move order and I'm just going to unpause the game and I'm going to Speed it back up and I'm going to keep running along the road to try to make it and there's something in my path what is this this is a pack Bowl all right so this thing looks um terrifying but it's following a leader from a nomad group right so somebody is leading this animal and that is oh okay these are the nomads over here I'm guessing yeah so you see this line of like nomads they don't appear outwardly hostile but I don't trust anybody in this like I'm always wary so I'm scared but they're not going the same way that we are they're on a different road we should be good I'm just going to keep running and yeah the bull is going to go follow them eventually sometimes groups are trying to like travel together and then the terrain messes them up and they get you know a little bit separated and I'm just going to kind of do this I could right click on myself I'll just follow myself on the map and we're doing okay we're doing okay we're running on the road um look at this here's a bad guy he saw us and he says Hey half wit cough up some of those cats so cats is the money credits cats however you want to call it cats is the right way to call it by the way um if you click on this dude you can see that this is somebody who's making an announcement it's the dust boss from the dust Bandits all right so we don't want to have anything to do with that guy so we're gonna run as fast as we possibly can we're running at 16 miles an hour because we're fast we're not um carrying anything to weigh us down so we're just going to make a run for the border and the Border by the way as I move out is here this is squin way over here so we're going to keep doing what we're doing and we're just going to keep running hopefully this person isn't faster than us he's telling his buddies to cut us down we're just going to keep running we're being chased oh my God it looks funny when you're running it full speed and the game is speed sped up by the way this is um this is how dangerous things are we're flashing because we're um somebody has us targeted like they want to kill us we're we're a target for somebody but we're okay and we are okay because check out squint this is why this town is awesome you see right at the gates there's all these like stacked guards there are the Sheck um men and women if that's the right gender terminology for the Sheck that are ready to just like rip apart anybody who is unscrupulous and so if we run in here let's see if this guy follows us because if he does he's dead he's got this is so funny this is like Keystone Cops this is why this game is awesome look at this I'm pausing it just for the fun of it this is the leader of the bandits he is trying to kill us he's told his entire group to come fight us we are trying to have our own group of people that we can give orders to like he does but we're not there yet we don't have a group of you know people who will follow us to our certain death and they're all chasing us and they're like way behind us and here's us we're at the steps we made it inside the tune the town now they say flat skins talk too much whatever your business is here make it quick flat skin they say this is kind of like their pejorative um racist commentary about the fact that we're humans and they're Shack there are different species or race rather so anyway let's move over here and let this happen let's see what happens to this dude if he tries to follow us into town all right I'm gonna push this regular play mode and he's trying to follow us in and we can move uh further into the town and boom immediately this guy has his weapon out and the guards are alerted so this is a very popular tactic for uh getting some easy loot in the game early is getting into a fight and leading it back to the town guards because they will wreck whatever you can even try to engage them in combat if you want to level up your combat skills um and they'll probably Target the guards and not you if you're careful just make sure you don't hit any of the guards all right now we're just gonna watch this happen and the leader is about to die you can click on the leader here and see that his chest is massively injured and this dude is about to drop if the rest of the yeah the rest of them are like walking away in shame as their leader gets killed and they are picking up the body and going to dispose of it so unfortunately um sometimes what happens is the guards will like Massacre all of these oh there's about to be a fight though wait a minute let's check this out the guards will Massacre them and you can go steal all of their stuff and like make some extra money by looting the dead basically so this group right here of um dust Bandits look like they want to fight this group of dust Bandits let's see how this plays out all right so this guy is attacking enemies oh yep no they want some of them want to fight the guards oh this is so fun all right we're just gonna watch this happen so here comes ridiculous moment no okay these guys weren't attacking these are just part of the same group and they're bringing up the rear and they're gonna try to shoot maybe yep indeed so there's a ranged Cadre and a melee Cadre now notice how if we had got jumped by this group we would have been so outclassed that we would have been re-rolling but luckily we made it to the town so it's kind of dangerous to travel you gotta just run and be mindful and we did okay and now there's going to be a little bit of a scrum here it's still going to be disastrously one-sided where the town guards are going to annihilate this group but I'm just going to watch this and just have fun you can see the damage numbers appearing okay so here come the damage numbers and let's just watch this yeah this is what happens when Bandits go wrong and so while this is going down hey free loot I'm gonna walk out here now you'll see that if I left click on this person they're unconscious unconscious unconscious unconscious unconscious so most of these enemies are unconscious and they will probably bleed out and die some of them might get up and walk away but we're going to just try to take as much stuff of theirs as we can now unfortunately they don't really have good stuff but they have some stuff so let's move out here the reason you want to left click on these enemies um to check them is sometimes people are playing dead so if you get like knocked down and you sneak okay um you can kind of like play dead so that no one will come finish the job and you can get away and sometimes the enemies do that and so you want to be careful like if you steal from somebody who's playing dead they might get up and try to fight you but chances are they're probably so hurt and weak at this stage that they're not going to do anything major to you but you still want to you know be aware oh my God look at this limb look at this leg hey if you want to know why you should play this game check this out this leg is flying through the air it's a good like 30 feet in the air by the way and you notice how you can see it perfectly and if I Mouse over it the bag icon appears as if I can take a severed human leg that's kenshi baby this is beautiful all right so um I'm trying to get out here now the guards are going to pick up some of these bodies but not all of them because they can't carry them all in one go so let them do their thing all right don't fight them just let them do their thing stop and this will happen to you occasionally they will like check you to make sure you don't have anything stolen so if you go into the town try to leave the guards will like search you to make sure you don't have stolen items on you and they can identify what's stolen and they'll wreck you the this group um these kind of like horned scaled Warrior type dudes they are the only faction as I understand it that completely does not do practice slavery they don't tolerate theft they they are like do Goods um like Paladin just like proud Warriors that um will annihilate you if you do anything bad so if you have stolen stuff you're in a world of hurt so all what you want to do is just click show them your gear and they'll be like cool you're fine this is okay and let's just let them do their thing okay I'm just going to kind of let them all pass me now you'll see how when I Mouse over these bodies the um magnifying glass that appears is not red meaning like I can take this stuff and it's not considered theft so even if I have goods from these people uh these checks don't care they only care if you steal stuff that's theirs from the town so they're cool with it all right now if I right click on this person okay ooh they have a a cool like helmet all right so I'm going to take this and they have some nice armor let's take it and they have some more like nice armor let's take all of this awesome stuff wow all right um so now they're gonna start taking some more bodies if they want whatever but they don't care about us okay the only people that would care that we're stealing from these groups are other members of the Dust Bandits right that would see it but I don't think there's any dust Bandits to their alive now this is um another awesome part about the game you'll see that it has completely rendered that I've taken off all of the equipment from this person and I can write I can left click on them and see that their head is bleeding I mean I can visually see that their head is bleeding and they're going to die so you know better their gear goes to use from me than others but a lot of the time what I've seen from these enemies in the limited time that I have with this game they have just Rags like they don't have great stuff but this is actually very very good um gear however you can see it says stolen from dust Bandit all right so you have to sell it to someone if you want to sell it that doesn't care that it's from a dust Bandit okay so you really want to be careful about that and I would save the game you know just to be careful like in the hub they don't care they'll buy whatever unless it's from their faction but in here we might want to be careful about that and let's check it out now this is heavy armor like I don't know if I can actually wear this but it sells really really well so like if I did try to wear this you will notice that I have no training um and I have you know no great skill but so this will encumber me most likely if I want to just go Hog Wild with this heavy armor but it's a great thing to just have to sell right so if I can put this on my head and immediately um you'll see that I look awesome because I have this on you can right click to equip by the way right so what I can do is I can look at my character's encumbrance zero percent if I wear this okay and then I wear this um and then I wear this and I unpause it and I move over here let's see how is my encumbrance I've gone up to 21 of 26 weight just because of how heavy this stuff is but I'm still okay I'm still considered to be weightless at this point so I think this is worthwhile to wear just to give us some survivability and it looks awesome I look legit now I feel great I can sell my horrible rag loin cloth and be done with it now another thing you can do is go over here and this guy is you can left click what's he doing he's bounty hunting so he's gonna go kill somebody or pick up a body that's fine so I'm going to right click on this body and see what they have oh they have a big old sword let's take that I'm gonna just um right click it and oh my gosh I got caught stealing but from who from this person down here who is unconscious so somehow they caught us okay and oh no this was this person who I didn't click on them okay so this person is here so this person is going to probably want to fight us so what are we going to do we're going to run I'm not even going to bother fighting I'm going to run away this guy's mad but what can he do about it um let's see who caught us this yeah this person is gonna die anyway most likely they're getting up like they want to do something but I could just stay and finish them off if I wanted to but why bother at this point let's see what they do oh they are gonna come try to fight me awesome let's move over here sweet and then yeah this guy's gonna come annihilate them oh no no no no they're not not yet they have another job that they're doing okay so let's see if any of the guards go rough them up I'm just gonna walk here and see what happens yeah they did so the guard um is upset and you see that they have this buff right here or not buff really just indicator that they've been caught committing a crime so they've been caught committing assault and they the guards took care of it but if you click on us we have not committed a crime they don't care so we're good so you kind of have to know like what's safe to do and what's not and usually The Hourglass is your or the magnifying glass is your buddy for that I keep saying hourglass that's pretty funny okay um they're finishing off anybody who was trying to play dead and Escape let's right click on this person you got anything good okay this person still has that weapon I'm going to right click on it and now we've got like a massive weapon but we have become encumbered moderately by the heaviness of all of this stuff so if we sell this iron club and we want to use this like saber this horse chopper um we could maybe go down on encumbrance so this stuff's kind of heavy maybe it's not great for us right now but it seems pretty cool I like it and oh they had boots I forgot that's right let's get these boots um Let Me Take These Boots and I'm just gonna wear them yes I've got shoes now man I feel like a million bucks I'm gonna arrange my inventory and I'm gonna take all of this stuff no room for that all right I'm gonna just uh drop my pants and arrange and then carry it and I'm right clicking to do that I'm just going to get rid of my loincloth and you see that I'm you know I'm 46 out of 16 now in cumberance that's pretty heavy but that's okay we can go sell this stuff you'll see how slow I'm running by the way to reflect like um somewhat that I'm encumbered if I go here you'll see that my run speed is is like capped um because of uh all the stuff I'm carrying so I'm minus 10 miles per hour uh because of encumbrance and armor and equipment so I have to just be aware of that but for the most part it's probably a reasonable trade-off for some survivability if we're considered if we want to do that all right now I'm going to run into the town I'm going to be like that's enough I don't want to you know loot these bodies anymore you can loot as many of them as you want by the way that's up to you I'm just going to kind of speed up this tutorial a little bit and show you inside the town so now we're inside this um squinned this other settlement that you start by the way knowing the location of both the Hub and squin as a Wanderer with this starting package so we're in squin and like I said there's way more shops remember you hold down alt to see the shop signs and you'll see oh what's this left click on the building this is the armor shop left click on this building this is the weapon shop this is um a place to rest if we want and then this building right here for example is for sale for 7200 so you could buy a house to live in here it's quite expensive but this is like a sweet town this building is also on sale for 7 200 and then this building right here is the backpack building this is where I want to go so I'm going to go over here and it's open so we're going to go inside it I'm going to run in you see the street lights kicking on and oh it's closed all right so we can't go in there anymore because it's night time so we're just going to be like okay it's night um let me get over here with my character and tutorial dude is moving slowly but surely all right so we we're safe and let's see is the bar open it's open let's go in the bar all right and I'm gonna go inside the bar and this is squint is awesome like look how nice this bar is compared to the hub it's huge it's got these awesome wooden floors great all right so here's the barman here and here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna quick save the game okay and I'm gonna right click on this dude and I'm gonna say I'm here to trade now if I Mouse over this okay um it says right here fencing chance 100 okay um and if I right click on this okay I'm gonna pause it wait we don't want the shop to close I'm going to right click on this and try to sell it to this dude and right click on it again how much money do I have 1381 if I sell this I get a little bit if I sell this I get a bid and now I'm up to like 2 000 selling their stuff do I want to keep this weapon or do I want to keep my weapon um I'm gonna sell I'm going to keep the big weapon and I'm gonna sell this light weapon and you see I go up to um down to 27 out of 16 weight and maybe maybe I don't want to maybe I want to do that no it's not that much heavier let's do this okay and then this is our money all right I'm gonna buy some meat because I want another piece and then I'm going to arrange this I've got two meets and this and I'm gonna push escape and just unpause the game and you'll notice that guy did not care that we sold the gear from that faction he was totally cool with it so the fencing chance was 100 meaning like you're not going to get busted um for trying to do that that guy will buy it no problems we're good we no crime we just made a bunch of extra money so that's amazing in fact I'm gonna zoom out go over here and I'm gonna go into oh camera got a little bit wonky as it's adjusting to the terrain I'm gonna zoom in I'm gonna go to this uh flop house and just rest this is also considered to be a bar so as we're standing at the top of the steps um this is the first time we've had to do this but you can now move to the second floor and see what's on the second floor by using this item of the UI on the bottom where it says floor zero if you click up you'll now be able to see the top floor here and um if you want to use one of these beds you should be able to just rest here without you know getting in trouble this is Otto from The Drifters so I'm just going to kind of like Center the camera on myself I'm going to click on the bed and paid 100 um cats for bed rental so you automatically pay the money and we're just gonna rest here and just pass time so we're resting up time is passing you could see the time right here where it says day two it's like 3 A.M and we're just going to keep letting the time move on until uh the shop the backpack shop opens up this is a cool safe town and just to talk to you as we're resting here's our remaining goals by the way we can rest here safely like there's a guard like just making sure we can sleep in safety it's awesome and our goals now are just to make more money and to get a bigger backpack and we're gonna do that you see the sun is beautifully coming up and I'm just going to left click on this building so I can see when it opens and you know it'll just down here in the lower left will tell us we're going to try to buy a house in here and we're going to try to mine a bunch of copper nearby to make money and also just cherry pick loot from any ridiculous Bandits to get wrecked by the guards either ones that just come too close to the town in general and the shop just opened or ones that we lure back to the town if we wish all right I'm gonna run over to the backpack shop and you can see my character I'm just going to double click one to follow with the camera and I'm just burning rubber and I've made it inside and oh it's a Scorch Lander he's like come on in have a browse cool let's talk to this guy and um we're gonna have a browse looking to buy I am all right I'm gonna pause the game so when you go to buy items from this dude uh or whoever your shopkeeper is you'll see backpacks medium backpacks sleeping bags um which you can like rest for free in the Wilds if you want um or there's a wooden backpack um and there's a bowl backpack for pack animals garu for another kind of pack animal and this is the one that we want we want this wooden backpack because it allows for the stacking of items within a smaller space particularly trade goods so this will help us Stack Up like war and things like that if we buy these other backpacks they're good but this is the one that we want and so what happens is I'm going to right click on this I'm going to buy it I give it the money and you can see it goes right here on our backpack slot and then what you do is you click open bag I'm going to drag this window over and you see that you have another inventory area for your backpack so now we have a huge amount of space think about how rough it was to carry the stuff that we were trying to before now we're rocking and rolling where we've got ourselves a um backpack inventory and we can stack items all right so now we have like a little bit of extra cheese and I'm going to buy an advanced first aid kit I'm just going to right click on one of these it's kind of expensive but it's very very nice and that's it I'm not gonna buy um a ration pack because it's incredibly expensive right the dried meat is what we want early on you can buy these Maps if you want to fill in places on your map so like if you buy those Maps um then just like the Hub and squin were available you can see like more places to go to but I was advised um and I think this is a fun way to approach it if you want you could just explore on your own and find them for free or if you want to have a better idea you can do that so now look how awesome this game is I've got my armor and I have this sweet Square backpack on I am looking really really awesome right now okay so I've got all this stuff right and I'm going to walk out here boom boom boom boom boom I'm gonna pause it I'm gonna shift the camera and what is this is this a dead person oh it's a wolf bone dog aimless yeah so this is some dead animal that got too close to the town that they chopped up all right fine and here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna walk over here okay and again I'm gonna look at myself by the way and you'll see that um we are encumbered 51 okay because of the fact that our backpack itself um even weighs something this weighs something so everything weighs something so you know we're not moving very fast if you wanted to just sell all of this heavy armor so that you could move faster you could totally do that all right I just like how it looks right now so I'm gonna keep it it's in general actually to be honest it's a bad idea like I should sell it and just save up for a house or something like that um but I like how it looks and I like you know the modicum of protection it gives me like for example if I Mouse over this you'll see like I have a bunch of cut resistance and it covers me well um and it gives you a bonus to martial arts if you're interested I'm not but now if I look at myself um you'll see my Athletics is Raising if I run fast with a light inventory so we're no longer raising that up all right but how do we raise up our ability to like wear armor okay that's what we're going to be thinking about potentially doing so that we can get away with this big armor but anyway in the meantime let's click prospecting and unpause it and let's look for copper and you'll see that there is copper up here I'm going to move my camera so there is a copper node that's actually you can just move this window right there all right and it is 80 efficiency and then there's also a copper node um over you know here and let's see it's right here and it is um 40 efficiency so it's a worse node so I'm gonna go for the better node I'm going to right click on this like that and I'm going to tell my character to go over here but we're going to start sneaking okay and I was being seen for a moment but now I'm not and I'm just going to get over here and this is our node and we're going to start mining all right and I'm going to left click on it you can see the bar filling up and we're at Max Speed daytime is passing and all you want to do is just zoom out and make sure you're not spotted by anyone and if you are nowhere to go you run back here so that you do not die and we're mining away and somebody just spent some money in there is what it looked like interesting call my inventory just kind of go yep people are making it rain all right that's cool so I'm going to pause it really fast just to talk about what I just did while I'm mining you'll notice I stacked my dried meat in my backpack um if I try to use it in my inventory you'll see that you cannot stack it in your regular inventory but if you get this awesome backpack then you can stack it saving even more space when I came through here with another character that backpack was not on sale so sometimes this backpack won't be available and you just have to buy the best backpack that you see anything is better than nothing to carry more but this is the one that you want us like this kind of like it'll say it says it allows for stacking boom and we've already got some copper and ding we got two copper now I'm going to right click on this and twice and you see that even the copper Stacks in our backpack all right so we've got some stacking so we are able to carry a bunch now of course our weight is you know we're heavy encumbrance now that makes sense so here's what you got to do if it happens all right I'm going to close my inventory if it happens that while we're mining we get detected what you do is you pause the game you push inventory and then you just drag items out of your inventory and let go of them outside your inventory to drop them the heaviest ones first so that your encumbrance will drop and you can run as fast as possible okay um in my experience when I did that it didn't seem to take time so you could just like drop everything just throw it out just leave it behind and run back to the town and stuff that you drop Will Remain there until you come back and get it until you like zone or change the area or somebody takes it so it's going to last for a long time so just drop it and run I dropped like a bunch of stacks of copper right here ran back to the town they killed the people following me and then I came back and got all my copper and just went about my day so just be ready to do that in a moment's notice if you need to now with this amount of armor I feel like we could go fight something light if we wanted to like a singular animal or something weak and see how we did hopefully close to the gates and then run away if it went badly but I think we could stand in with a little bit more sustain given all of this armor we have but you know maybe not maybe it's in our best interest just to try to make money and get some lighter armor to where it gives us protection but isn't quite as encumbering all right so we got another piece of copper I'm going to just open up my inventory right click and it goes into our backpack push I to close our inventory and everyone I think I'm going to end the starter guide here this the purpose of this was not to spoil anything not to talk about end game content not to talk about Min maxing not even to talk about like the most optimal stuff ever it was really just to be as comprehensive as possible at explaining the controls and one approach to just getting your feet set in this game getting to squint getting a backpack getting the essential supplies of a first aid kit having some food starting to make money by laboring for a valuable resource like copper or at least more valuable than iron and getting your head around the controls knowing how not to steal understanding how to interact so that you can enjoy and explore on your own I want to leave it wide open for you to do whatever you want and of course I keep saying this but like you can do whatever you want you don't have to do this to start out this is just one way that um people advised me that I did and through trial and error found some ways to streamline and I think it's a fantastic beginning to this incredibly open and awesome game everyone I hope you found this useful thank you so much for watching if you have tips that you want to leave below that are non-spoilery please do so like please the idea is just for new people to come and enjoy this but keep that sense of Discovery and wonder by not over talking about like complete Min maxing numbers and where to go and like all this optimal stuff but really just like the absolute Basics and I hope that I've presented some of that here I know I missed a lot but I really tried to just make this as easy as possible so everyone enjoyed the game take care [Music]
Channel: Dr. Incompetent
Views: 53,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi lp, Kenshi 2022, Kenshi blind, Kenshi lets play, Kenshi gameplay, Kenshi ep 1, Kenshi playthrough, Kenshi first time, Kenshi lets play 2022, kenshi guide, kenshi guide 2022, kenshi tutorial, kenshi tutorial 2022
Id: fAjMtiAWs0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 14sec (5114 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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