Kelly Clarkson Reacts To 'The Last Of Us' & Pedro Pascal | Original

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We are all Kelly Clarkson in this moment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuchCondition5043 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow that is mega spoiler! She's so into it and just talking about it so perfectly as just a viewer enjoying it. Love her. 5 stars and 1 more star for Pedro! Yes queen!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarolinaDPas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve never seen her show before, but I love how she’s gushing over Pedro and the show so much! She’s adorable. Maybe she’ll start a support group for seasons 2/3 to cope with our loss πŸ˜…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miss1nformation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved that so much!!!!! I really hope she interviews him lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fit_Panic_1502 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's got good taste

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/super_single πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so cute!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Richpencil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Pedro Pascal? I would survive the apocalypse just to be with this man."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mileya82 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
Pedro Pascal I would survive the apocalypse just to be with this man and she was all like and I was like I am trapped in a building and your manager bestie Trisha has just been infected do you kill her this is the real answer spoiler alert people you guys there's something we need to talk about that's right the last of us and I just want to say thank you HBO first of all I'm into any kind of apocalyptic number okay I'm into anything that you get to watch and you're like how are we going to survive how are we going to do this and then to just go deeper each episode and to cast Pedros oh my gosh Pedro Pedro Pascal okay I see you here's the thing I'm about to talk about all of it so either switch off now and shame on you for not being caught up or sit back and clinch your teeth like I do and I watch the show because I love it let's talk about the last of us here we go [Music] foreign seconds I'm going to tell you the last of us the last of us is basically like this big huge fungal pandemic happens people are trying to escape all of a sudden humans form this one group called The fedrine they're trying to take over you don't know if it's good or bad thing or is it both you don't know and then there's the other fire Flags they're like the rebels and there's separate Rebels and basically they find this girl Ellie who's been bin but she's has to cure like some reason her blood she's immune so they're trying to like get the hurt of these doctors to like find a cure for Humanity because basically everyone died God okay so initial thoughts I'm watching it somebody tells me it's about like kind of like zombie-esque and I'm like Deuces that's not my thing I don't really do zombie I'm not I'm not above it not below it I'm just not of it however the scientists when they talk about when they do the throwback to the 60s and the two scientists are sitting there was like well I'll tell you what I'm afraid of when he goes into the talk cordyceps I was just like Google Google could this be real I was like could this happen I was like freaking out here's the thing I love any kind of thought-provoking show that like is like could this happen they did such a great job if you don't like zombie stuff you know what neither do I but I love this one because of Pedro yeah he's so cute ah the acting is incredible it's incredible I'm just saying all you people out there that give Awards away everyone in this show deserves an award from like the art team hair and makeup the writing is so great on this show [Music] casting let's give you a round of applause yeah the whole cast by the way I'm being funny about Pedro but the whole cast is incredible everyone from even though like ones that come in and out that don't last long because it's an apocalypse I'm getting there ma'am see we've all look we're fans this is these are three different humans in this room losing their minds about this show I'm just it's a really good show five sorry I didn't know if you were as devout can we just take a minute and talk about Bella Ramsay let's do it this trick is like tiny in Game of Thrones like a little girl like in this epic show that everyone is like obsessed with and then she comes in here for Last of Us and like kills us with the last of us and her character is so strong and cool and tough and vulnerable oh that whole scene she has with him saying that everyone she loved Lee likes oh she is so good Bella Ramsey what Pedro Pascal like this dude like wow casting just once again bravo bravo I'm sitting here going off about how completely and utterly sexy is but here's the thing it's not just that his character is cool his like all mystery thing like what all happened and like why is he how he is and like we still haven't heard the backstory of like what happened to her mom Sarah's mom like what happened there like you don't know any of that so anyway I just think he does such a great job as well I love him as an actor I've always loved him as an actor but I'll tell you what I would survive the apocalypse for that human being I don't even know what word we use to describe that [Music] there's tension in this show and you know I love tension we've talked about this with Bridgerton and it's a different kind of tension but it is like it pulls at every part of you and you are rooting like wholeheartedly for these make-believe people but they do such a great job that you're like oh my God would I be this strong and cool in an apocalypse they're really taking the time on each character like in their story and why why and how they got here why they made certain decisions that might have been poor ones and they do that in each different episode you get it's like watching a whole new movie I will say this last of us if you just be prepared red wedding everywhere like it's like just saying you think oh my God I love this person attached dead like you know it's just like this one I did not see coming and I was just like oh my god oh and then you're dead too and I'll tell you what one certain episode I was like I'm about to call someone because Pedro didn't look so good for Pedro look I don't watch I know this is based off some kind of game I don't know that I didn't know that you don't have to stick to the game whatever the game's character arcs are just saying you know you don't have to they don't always stick to the book don't take my pages [Music] so episode one the pandemic begins I don't know what you'd call it but whatever the fungal outbreak with the cordyceps it all sounds gross but it's happening and it breaks out and then all of a sudden you see these two brothers and then this daughter and then oh my gosh the old lady when she's in that wheelchair like behind it she was all like and I was like I mean they did such a great job she's all dude just looking at something and I'll like pick your movie girl and move on I think that's interesting too how all the fungus like how mushrooms in general I'd watch that fantastic fungi document or how they communicate feel something like far away like and I think that's incredible and how they move is so creepy anyway all of a sudden you don't really know like how it's gonna happen you know when stuff like that happens you know even like covet like things started you know it trickles in it's not even like you know in real life when something happens you're like all of a sudden I don't know why everybody really needed toilet paper like that's really what you grab not rice water like okay here's the thing episode three for anybody that's a part of any kind of Academy like anybody that's like I'm gonna hand someone an award if Nick offerman's name isn't in your mouth right now shame on you he's so funny and I've already loved him for so long but he shows a completely different type of character that I don't feel like I've ever seen from him and I laughed and cried and with just all the things he made me feel all the things it was incredible so Bill and Frank Nick plays Bill and Frank is played by Murray Bartlett yeah and they are incredible both of them are incredible I just was thrown because I had never I felt seeing Nick Offerman in this like doing any which is which is why people for casting like let actors do things that they aren't normally doing because it's wonderful because they don't want to be pigeonholed in Typecast we don't want it either so quit just booking the same people for the same things okay the love story with Bill and Frank and like I would not have trusted Frank I'm gonna be honest with you that was in that hole and I was like you gonna stay there and I would not have trusted Frank but Bill did and I knew it spoiler alert but I knew he put some in his wine and I was like you've got to be kidding me will we ever find love like this no but we can have it in the movies episode five so the little boy Sam and Henry they come into play and I loved how that all played out and they're like trusting people in that kind of scenario you think you know just saying they try to escape with Henry and Sam all of a sudden the bad people not like the clickers like just horrible humans come in Rebels you know and the the leader being um Kathleen who's lost it and anyway she's just like a moral compass gone anyway so she comes there to get them all of a sudden this car crashes into a house and the Earth gets swallowed and all these fast-moving Exorcist looking things come out which are the clickers and they just attack everyone and so Henry and Sam and Ellie are all trying to get away while Joel is up there just off like all these people it's crazy that is so sexy you get I will say these writers get so attach these characters and it's just like oh bye um you know because it's an apocalypse so you know can't last forever but I will tell you what at the end of episode six you're gonna get angry someone gets stabbed and I'm like I literally was like no in my household alone just in my house alone in the dark watching this going you're invested in a fake reality this is not a real thing there's only like a couple more episodes left and I'm so excited and like you bet your ass I'm gonna come back here within the finale and you bet you're asking about find you writers if Joe ain't there all right y'all so news flash I know that we taped the earlier thing of last of us but I just caught up on episode eight three words Ellie saves herself it's my favorite part I love this show [Music] fun facts did you know this story was originally released as a video game on PlayStation 3 in the summer of 2013. I did not I had no idea it was a video game once again though I've asked people about this video game we do not have to stick to the storyline of the video game it's an isolated event this is like inspired by right so like everybody doesn't have to die I have like so many text chain chains for this show different groups of people just giving our thoughts and all of them are Joel shouldn't die that's what they are the fungus is real quarticeps is indeed a real fungus that patrols the brain of insects like ants and spiders but it can't happen to us I heard from a surgeon what I asked some of the original voice actors from the game also played characters in the HBO series really oh my gosh I didn't know Marlene okay Merle plays Marlene's voice in the game and the character in the show that is so cool I love that Pedro and Bella are both Game of Thrones veterans um see we've always loved him uh Pascal played um Oberyn Martell for seven episodes during season four right he was the brother right the brother and the sister I remember that oh Game of Thrones I miss you um and then while Ramsey played uh is it lyanna yeah lyanna Mormont from season six through eight so cool love did you know that Nico Parker who plays Joel's daughter Sarah in episode one is the real-life daughter of tandoway Newton did you know that I didn't know that the more you know yeah what would I do in this scenario if I was in The Last of Us you're trapped in a building and your man I am trapped in a building and your manager bestie Trisha has just been infected you have two hours until she turns do you run and hide knowing she will likely come and attack you or do you kill her here's the thing this is the real answer because if it were me I would want to do the same thing you know what we would be hanging out for as long as possible but as soon as that starts to come out of her mouth I'm gonna put a bullet in her because I don't want to go out like that nobody wants to go out like that like I would expect her to do the same for me because why should we both go down you know if she doesn't have it and I do kill me but other way around yeah you just it's about survival and I gotta get to Pedro what a sexy man for the apocalypse I would survive the apocalypse just to be with this man that's how that's how deep this goes How Deep Is Your Love if we're reading this show one to five stars six you know why five for the show another star for Pedro I love this show so much and I hope you watch it and I hope you love it anyway doesn't have to match the game just saying he better not die [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] yeah guys I'm going [Music]
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 260,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Clarkson, The Last of Us, Pedro Pascal, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Last of Us, Game of Thrones, GOT, Oberyn Martell, Narcos, Netflix, Oberyn, Javier Pena, Disney, Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Mandalorian, Disney Plus, kelly original
Id: 2vMOwuPI1IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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