Nick Offerman on His Episode of The Last Of Us, Reactions to His Performance & Being Spoiled on Tour

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Came to post this lol. One of us!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rauk88 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2023 🗫︎ replies

never did i think i was gonna hear a celebrity (let alone iconic ron swanson/last of us actor) would namedrop this video game!!!! amazing i love 2023 already

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Hyliekah 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2023 🗫︎ replies

Literally that’s god good if a game it was

Yet Microsoft just does nothing with the IP

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JerrodDRagon 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

I would have lost my mind if I was in the audience. If they asked why I was so excited maybe could’ve done an on air plea to Microsoft for Threeie.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Glasenator 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is consistent as well he was on a podcast years ago and said the same thing so nice to know he holds the memory after so many years

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Livid_Raccoon4435 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

2 weeks to beat Banjo-Kazooie? Maybe if you take you time you may need 15h. That's not a lot in 2 weeks it's about 2 work days out of 14.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Major_Stranger 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

Wow this is so rad!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/asaaucypizza 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

I genuinely squealed when he said Banjo Kazooie. Hahaha

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MidnightThunderstorm 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

Too cool

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/punyjedi 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2023 🗫︎ replies
our first guest tonight is a man's man's man with a facial hair to prove it he's also a terrific actor who brought a nation of cable subscribers to tears on Sunday night on a very special episode of The Last of Us I'm really hungry I haven't eaten in two days doesn't sound very long out loud does it feels long I'm letting you go so go all right look first my name's Frank oh yeah here's the thing Frank if I feed you then every bone you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an Arby's well Arvest didn't have free lunch was a restaurant [Music] on tour starting in March and Nick Offerman live tour please welcome Nick Offerman [Applause] great to have you here by the way congratulations on this uh and I'm going to be very careful because I do not want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet because it just came out on Sunday but this episode that you were in is uh was moving surprising uh all the good things that end with ing did you have an idea that when you were shooting it that it people would react in this way uh thank you for the compliments and um kind of I mean when I got the script Craig Mason wrote the script who who did Chernobyl among other things and that guy seems to know what he's doing yes and he sent me the script and I I didn't have time on the calendar to say yes to this job and my incredible uh goddess of a wife read it and she said you're going to Calgary buddy uh you've got to do this fun you have to do so Megan Mullally your wife is the responsible for you being in this episode she's the curator yeah she she chose every garment that I'm wearing tonight I know how that works I am yeah you um got a good gig yeah so anyway this um people do this weird thing where they like to tape them they use their phones to record themselves reacting so they can share their reactions to whatever's on television and these are this is a nice little cross section of some of the reactions and then watching people talk about it and I'm like what the it was so good the show was supposed to be about zombies you just watched The Last of Us that was so three oh my God [Laughter] it's time for a fun show about something the real through line there that's like the opposite of Midwestern where you repress your emotions and don't show them to anyone these people must be on the coasts yeah maybe so you might be right you um did you and this is I mean crazy of people mentioning this to you as you I mean it's a tsunami of wonderful generous plaudits and I mean we we should the episode began airing on Sunday we had 6.4 million viewers and HBO it's not TV it's right that's what they they're they are so not around that they send me on the Jimmy Kimmel show on Wednesday to Cull the stragglers they're like smart the 17 of you that haven't seen it yet you're in for a treat well but this is kind of interesting you got a compliment on from Jeff Bezos said episode three The Last of Us is unbelievably good storytelling I'm in awe of Nick Offerman performance incredible he doesn't even own HBO yet that's crazy that's crazy I I got in touch with Jeff and said thank you and uh he bumped me up to something called super Prime oh wow how does that work they they deliver my package and give me twenty dollars oh that's nice [Applause] The Last of Us is a was it started as a video game have you ever played that video game no I uh 25 years ago I played my last video game and I'm very indulgent I'm the same way I lost a couple of weeks to a video game called Banjo-Kazooie okay and and two two weeks went by and I mean you know you're I was like oh my God the slow dopamine drip is so delicious then it's over and you're like yes I won and immediately I'm like what have I done with my life yeah right and so I decided I'm never going to do that again and so thankfully because games have gotten so good like the last of us that I think I'd be in a basement and I wouldn't even be going to audition for shows like this speaking of being in a basement this character you play is like a survivalist a person who's been prepping for the end of the world and unlike most survivalists the end of the world essentially came for him and how do you think Nick Offerman would do um in a post-apocalyptic scenario I mean I would do okay I you know Bill I think would do the best Ron Swanson would do the second best bill is your character would be good Ron and I both live in the world you know and we have relationships and that makes you soft okay where whereas bill doesn't have a race relationships so he's a physicist he's an engineer he's an inventor you know Ron and I are making love with our wives and like you know we're smoking meat items on our on our smokers so I would do okay yeah I think I'd be because I feel like you know if I had to limit my phone calls to only people who were guests on the show I you'd be like in the top three I'd call you and Ryan Seacrest I appreciate it I could build a boat and and Seacrest could holler out uh where to go from the Crow's Nest your co-star in this episode is Murray Bartlett who you know from he played the hotel manager in the first season of White Lotus and really like ever it was the 118 trophies and rightly so yeah it was fat did you know him beforehand no when I got sent this script uh and the offer to do this part we it was we shot this a year and a half ago so the timing was such that we had just finished watching the White Lotus season one and so it's I I said that it felt like uh I'd just seen the Raiders of the Lost Ark and they said all right we want you to do this show and your co-star is going to be the guy with the hat and the whip the most charismatic performance of the year you know yeah I agree with you yeah it was and so it was it was undeniable I was so grateful to get to work with him well it's uh if you haven't seen it yet check it out it's uh The Last of Us it's uh Sunday's episode and it's a what they call a standalone episode so even if you don't want to watch the bottle episode they also call it yeah because when it's over you're gonna need a bottle of something we'll be right back and then uh he is Nick is going on tour of the United States we'll be limited to the United States it is this time yeah I'm I'm working up I'm sort of getting my my dander up to get back to to England uh and the East Coast right which is a daunting place to tour because people are open with their emotions I don't know if you saw that how many tours have you uh mounted I've done three tours they're really fun I never thought that I would do that I'm a theater trained actor uh but when parks and recs started people mistakenly would ask me to come do my stand-up at their colleges and at first I did I was like uh I don't do that I perform works of literature in Chicago thank you but then I was like I can go talk to 2 000 kids and it pays well yes to tell Ohio State I will come do my stand-up so I started writing songs uh and you know I I speak slowly and people seem to laugh at it that's a great uh slug line I speak slowly and people seem to laugh at it yeah if it ain't broke you did you played a song on the piano uh song that Linda Ronstadt made famous that suddenly on after that episode became uh like a big hit on Spotify it surged in that way that Kate Bush's song did after stranger things it's wonderful that's crazy I uh it's funny I came in I you know I'm classically trained so I've got a pretty vast toolbox so I started out more on the Buble end of my reign and uh and the administration was like you know what let's bring it down a few notches and so I I ended up was like all right let me try and see if I can make it mediocre and they were like that's the one we got it yeah yeah you gotta have to play it real right in the movie will you sing that song on your tour now I mean I don't know that it depends maybe I'll get a show of hands of like do you guys want to hear a romantic song yeah I sang to this person well then what are they gonna go no yeah we'll we'll see I I am working it up on guitar and you are uh we they end up asking me to do it at the peabodies or something yeah yeah you are gonna have to do that you know that right you're gonna have to do that song we'll see I'll get some I'll get some some great Milli Vanilli technology where I'm like okay the song starts now [Laughter] do you when you go and do these shows do people want to hang out with you after the show they yeah it's interesting I mean one of the gratifying things is and and uh I never had to like start working out at comedy clubs because I already had this built-in audience thanks to the the generosity and spirit of the Parks and Recreation audience and so I'll show up at a college uh or at a theater and people will come tailgate as though it's some sort of Ron Swanson barbecue so often they want to hang out with me before the show and they and and they do because I I roll in and they say like we uh cheddar burgers are bratwurst and I'm like I'll be right with you nice to meet you guys they lure you with food can I sign your spatula yeah and then and then humorously after the show I usually need a beer or something to cool down or to to bring the adrenaline down and so I would find myself sometimes the hotel would be closed so I'd go out to a bar or restaurant and people again they mistake take me they conflate me with Ron Swanson and so things started happening where like a cheeseburger would arrive with an inch and a half of bacon stacked on it an impossible amount of bacon and I would and I would look over and out of the kitchen window a cook would be like [Applause] you eat it no I mean I made that much bacon yeah right I have I have a couple you know he's watching me so I eat a little bit I even maybe Hazard a bite of the burger with it I'm like okay thank you and then you surreptitiously put it in your pocket because you know you can't send it back like this is this is this guy's greatest story of his life I'm not going to take that away from him all right right but I'm also not gonna you know make put my cardiologist kid through college by eating the whole damn thing yeah right so you but you're gonna ruin a jacket is what you're probably gonna do no I learned a long time ago to carry small Ziplocs is that right see this is why things go south this is why I'm gonna call you or just waxed canvas I mean you name it nice nice all right well it's great to see you the um uh show is terrific if you haven't seen it yet um it's the last of us last Sunday's episode and see Nick in person and with pockets full of bacon on the Nick Offerman live tour starting in March tickets are on sale now Nick Offerman everybody [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,131,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Actor, Nick Offerman, The Last of Us, HBO, Parks and Rec, Viewer Reactions, Jeff Bezos, Video Game, Post Apocalypse, Murray Bartlett, Long Long Time, Outside Magazine, One Man Show, Craig Mazin
Id: Unh3kan_tFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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