Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal being besties for three minutes straight

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I am Bella hi I'm Pedro we are from planet Earth Bella gave us yeah that's the contagious disease you learn very quickly that I was very easy to speak loud biggest twist right of the truth here we go how easy it was I mean how easy it was you don't know what good acting is hahaha girl girl what would you pack in your survival travel bag um is there internet and the difference between Daddy and Daddy and Joel is his daddy is and what that's remind me is that he's like excuse me it's an older daddy excuse me that's not saddy zaddy's not older sexy sexy it's not like zaddy is not um the Z is not for there's nothing about old that starts with the letter [Music] Zim from The Game of Thrones world would you bring to the last of us I really loved my robe this is why I said clothing because if it looked awesome right I think that would be good in the apocalypse Flash why did the monkey fall out of the tree because it was dead pick up any uh survival tips or I guess I guess life hacks in the process of making the show with all that outdoor time I learned that I wouldn't make it hey daddy I'm your daddy is a state of mind you're pointing me this daddy is a state of mind you know what I'm saying I'm your daddy I don't I refuse to watch those what's the best attribute you bring to a survival scenario [Music] how many jokes in this show two men no not too many not enough well since it's a comedy it is a comedy it's like joking jokes are just kind of like always coming on and if you don't get it then screaming you're not you're not watching the show correctly the last meal I ate proudly proudly was toast leave me alone I'll be here forever
Channel: Press A
Views: 101,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ev1E0YmvxyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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