Pedro Pascal Still Loves Mushrooms Despite Starring in The Last of Us

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

Video game Joel IS hot.

Man is ludicrously attractive lol.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/sewious 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

I loved that they talked about the SNL skit where everyone lost it 😂

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/cb83580 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

Is it just me or did he seem to panic a wee bit when he mentioned people dying every episode?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/NotAQueefAKhaleesi 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2023 🗫︎ replies
-Welcome back to "Late Night". We're here with Pedro Pascal. And you're recently in this building. You hosted "SNL". I thought you were fantastic. -Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] Thank you! My God. Oh, thank you. -There were a couple of things I want to ask you about. First of all, I was so tickled by the sketch where you woke up in a coma -- from a coma -- and you had a very distinct voice, and, you know, every now and then, I reach out, and I will say to, you know, a writer I know there, "Who came up with that?" And I was told that you showed up with that voice, which it's very funny to me that you had cultivated that voice outside of sketch comedy. -[ Laughs ] -It seems -- Was that your original voice for "The Mandalorian", and they were like, "No"? -[ Laughs ] [ Imitating L.A. accent ] What are you talking about? It's perfect. [ Cheers and applause ] This is the way. -[ Laughs ] -[ Normal voice ] Yeah, I did. How dare they actually use your ideas? -Well, there's a really funny thing that happens where hosts show up and you'll say, like, "You have any things? You have any funny voices? Do you do any impressions?" And, I mean, the greatest thing is when a host brings something like that and it sparks something. -Right. Yeah, we would talk like that on the set of "The Last of Us". It started with -- -Which I guess you have to do to, like, deal with what you're processing. -Basically, yeah. Deal with somebody dying every episode in front of you. -Now I'm gonna watch "The Last of Us" with my wife, and at the end of every episode, I'm gonna be like, [ Imitating L.A. accent ] That was so sad. -[ Imitating L.A. accent ] Oh, my God. [ Laughs ] Exactly. -Those monsters mean business. -No kidding. I can't believe he died. -He was, like, my favorite one! -[ Laughs ] -I don't know, what's gonna happen next? [ Laughs ] [ Normal voice ] I'm telling you, it's very contagious. -[ Normal voice ] Very contagious. I got a little taste. This is my breakfast club now that I have it. -[ Laughs ] It will not stop, it spread like a fungus amongst the set. -Yeah, by the way, could you have, like, a mushroom pasta now after "The Last of Us", like, could you? -Yeah, I love mushrooms. -Okay. -All kinds. -It hasn't put you -- Oh, all kinds? -Yeah. -Like the kind at restaurants or the kinds you have to, like, work a little harder to get? -Yeah, exactly. The kinds in restaurants, the kinds that used to come in, like, a little Ziploc bag in the '90s, and now the kinds that are in these, like, colorful chocolates. -Yeah. I will tell you this -- I wouldn't want to have one of those kinds and then watch "The Last of Us". -That I would not do. That might put you off it for good so don't do that. [ Chuckles ] -Are you -- I mean, obviously, you knew you were making a special show. Are you surprised, taken aback by how, you know, this has become one of these event shows that people want to watch when it comes out so they can talk about it? -I knew the game was a really big deal. And I was really scared and just presumed that the adaptation wouldn't work, not because it's been tricky adapting video games into television shows or movies or anything like that, but because, I don't know, everyone loved it so much. When I saw all of the story illustrations for "The Mandalorian", I was like, "This is gonna be a hit." -Yeah. -No worries. But, I guess, in this one, you have to see my face. [ Laughter ] -I know some people were -- -And there's no... -I like the idea that your agent's like, "He would love to wear a helmet in this." -[ Laughs ] Exactly. It works, it works! -You know, obviously, big fans of the video game, and, I don't know, I feel like it's very well-cast where people -- [ Cheers and applause ] -Dude, he's hot. -Yeah. I know, I think they're both hot. I think you did a good job. -[ Laughs ] -All right. The show's great, and I'm gonna circle back to one last thing on "SNL", 'cause I do really love when -- especially when you can tell -- you can tell the cast likes the host, because the host is sort of with the cast at a moment where everybody sort of gets the giggles, and there was this sketch -- "Lisa from Temecula" -- where a girl was having trouble cutting a steak, and the whole table was shaking. And you seemed surprised by what was happening. Now, of course, I know, and I think everybody at this point knows there was a dress rehearsal. Was it markedly different on air? -Yeah, it bombed during dress. There was a big bone in the middle of the steak that she couldn't saw through, for one, and they were just being a little tame about the table moving. And it really didn't work. And we said, "Oh, no, please don't cut it. If you really, really shake the table and you give her a steak that she can saw through," which ended up in her lap, and the whole table -- It just kind of started to happen. We felt the note suddenly occur. And it just -- we all fell apart. It was really -- Bowen started it. -Yeah. -And everyone says, "He never breaks." -You just threw him right under the bus right then, yeah. -Sorry, Bowen. -That's all right. I mean, I will say that was a real moment where it cut to the wide, and Bowen seemed to have no idea it was in the wide, 'cause he wasn't even trying not to laugh. -He tossed his fork and fully gave up. He was like, "I can't," you know? It was over. And when it was on me and I was breaking, it's because I was, like, turning every now and then, and -- yeah, I'm throwing him under the bus, basically. -Yeah. -'Cause I'm like, "No, no, you never break" and so we were done for. -It was really fun to watch. It was a really special episode. And, my goodness, it's so wonderful to have you back. -It's so nice to see you again. [ Cheers and applause ] -You guys, how about that? Pedro Pascal. New episodes of "The Last of Us" air Sundays at 9 on HBO and HBO Max. Third season of "The Mandalorian" premiers on Disney+ Wednesday, March 1st. We'll be right back with Taye Diggs.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 731,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Last of Us, Game of Thrones, GOT, Oberyn Martell, Narcos, Oberyn, Javier Pena, Disney, Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Mandalorian, Disney Plus, Pedro Pascal, Pedro Pascal interview, Pedro Pascal on Late Night, Pedro Pascal on Seth Meyers, The Last of Us, Saturday Night Live, mushrooms, pedro pascal voice, waking up
Id: Dlz369f21zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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