Pedro Pascal: Extended Interview | The Graham Norton Show

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we've got to quickly mention uh the show everyone's obsessed by The Last of Us Pedro and Britain's own Bella Ramsay there yeah yeah I had no idea she was British really no well you saw Game of Thrones didn't you no oh you didn't oh what it's got dragons in it why would I watch that I'm a friend and then I mean I've seen all your episodes I don't think I've ever read such good reviews for a television show I mean they're incredible rap for us were you familiar with the game I didn't know about the game before I got the job and then I got the job and I found out very quickly about the game it's a very famous video game yeah I've heard that um you haven't played The Last of Us no I needed it needed to be explained to me um but when I when I when I got the job I I uh I was very familiar with HBO I was very familiar with Craig Mason who who created uh Chernobyl yeah and uh but I called my sister who's got two teenage boys uh uh and I was on speakers when she answered she was dropping them off at school and she's like what's going on and I said well there's this job offer and uh uh or opportunity um that uh it's based actually on a video game and uh Bruno and better are my nephew's names and they're like what is it I was like it's called the LA The Last of Us you better get that job you talk about getting that job your experience of getting that job quite hazy I think yeah I was in London I was in London okay okay so it all happened very very quickly it was a very strange thing where it was read the scripts talk to Craig uh uh us and then you know it was getting later and later at night and uh was shooting in London at the time and uh they needed me to stay up late to meet the creator of the video game and the executive producer Carolyn Strauss who was on Game of Thrones and um to continue kind of like you know convincing trying to convince them to hire me for the job and um by the time it was all said and done it was late and uh I uh I took a an Ambien a sleeping sleeping tablet that's that's strong to go to bed yeah because I knew that I needed to because I was at that point I was kind of hyped up yeah the next day but yeah and I was excited about the the prospect so they called me and to tell me that I had gotten the job but I had already taken the tablet because I really didn't think I thought that I would at least have to wait until the next day you know and um okay yeah I remember actually that's cool yeah yeah I was like oh my God and then like a couple of minutes on the call went by apparently and I was like so what's up did you did I get the job what what are you talking about we called you we told you you got the job and I was like oh I did what's it and I was like oh I took a tablet I forgot that completely woke up in the morning it was all like oh my god did I get the job day there in L.A I'm in London waiting by the phone and everything and and and I I had gotten the job I'm surprised you kept the job Pedro Pascal continues his run of great TV hits with season three of the Mandalorian can you tell us anything about season three yes I'll tell you everything when you're doing the scenes do you know that at all times you're being upstaged Bye absolutely let them do all the heavy lifting and baby Yoda like a lot of these things are green screen but baby Yoda is there yes baby it is there and what is there's two different versions of I can't believe I believe I see the Yoda well you're not supposed to say that that's the first time oh I gotta go they're waiting for you it's broken yeah but he's baby Yoda right um you know just just following the rules okay Zoe's baby grogu and uh but it's a what's there [Laughter] thank you [Applause] what was the question uh what's that what's there so there's two there's two yeah one that goes by remote okay um and it it is the most immaculately made realistic looking creature um by remote so that you can work in a wide shot and his ears will move and he'll look up at you and stuff like that and steal the scene yeah yeah and um and then there's one for the close-ups and stuff where it's he's like wired into Nassau NASA you know what I mean Nassau County everyone but he is it's so like the eyebrows and the eyeballs and the teeth and the little fingernails and everything and he's all um fully fully there and they're like a real seeing partner to be honest does he have a mess with you they mess they they can make them do whatever you know and they're there yeah and I was like oh you know um you're really really chewing up the scene on this one aren't you and he's like yeah looks up at me and when adults recognize you as the Mandalorian in the street in life right they want you to do the voice yeah to their well because they get so excited and they say my kid loves the Mandalorian and then you know they'll either it'll be a FaceTime thing or they'll be like hey you know Charlie this is the Mandalorian and they're like what what and they look at me and they're like who the hell is that and then they're like well you know do the you know do the voice well no I I I I tried to once but it sounded so inappropriate because it's actually kind of a very breathy low register bedroom voice you know it's like yeah it's me you know it's like it's like it's just like so creepy close your eyes and listen to my voice no it doesn't work but you are your family are huge fans Pedro and there's a lot of them there's so many yeah like there's dozens of 34 first cousins really yeah so they must be all very excited that you're now this big star oh gosh yeah they're like you little you were so annoying you finally got all the attention you were after but don't they they call you and ask for favors and things they do yeah yeah like yeah they all have my phone number they have my phone number and they they give it out oh I get messages every day every day every day every day would you say this for my birthday or my school my daughter's graduating or my you know nurse is you know having a baby or my priest is upset and you know like like you always have to do the voice they will let me be myself I think for the most part but I think that there there are no limits for what what what may be requested you fail to learn a skill on the kingsman didn't you Pedro uh the last who yeah I even said it the way it said here because it's a lasso lasso it's totally Alaska like Alaska in America you say absolutely I've never heard that yeah I feel we're being pranked laughs I've never heard I've never heard that and it was and you know I've worked with Harrison Ford in 1923 [Applause] did you try to learn to whatever I was terrible with the lasso I was good with the whip oh there you are you were that was the electric lasso but uh there's nothing there and so it was really just kind of a rope that ended here and you know you had the green tape and the rest was uh special effects but you had to um you know make it convincing and sort of shake with it and you want me to I I should do it right oh yeah yeah oh nice [Applause] I saw it definitely giving Daddy I mean because you know because like I say you've been in the business for a long time are you enjoying all this sudden attention yeah Ariana back to your Oscar like for instance what are you are you the daddy of the internet what's internet Daddy me yeah you are uh internet Daddy yeah I'm still trying to figure it out no people are like this daddy there's daddy um okay with a z i mean that sounds that's very like silver foxy it's like kind of an air about you like it is I'll take it off I guess that's the thing is Daddy no there's memes and stuff but even on Twitter they're all going crazy for it uh like I I need to stop calling Pedro Pascal Daddy it's becoming a problem uh yeah we're pretty much have to scream daddy every time I see Pedro Pascal on my screen is my cool Daddy yes and then I love this one down here Pedro Pascal is a biblically gorgeous man I want to feed him grapes I want to Fan him with the front of a date palm Forest lemon I want to find the alabaster vial of perfume oil that one woman broke for Jesus and comb it through his hair yeah I'm gonna DM that person and the last sentence is like he's stressing me out and actually talking of the internet and and religion Ariana Dubose on Facebook under religion on your profile what does it say uh well it used to say Helen Mirren welcome to that church and you could all worship at the altar of Dame Helen in her new movie Shazam Fury of the Gods and so the three sisters your goddesses yeah what gives what's happening yeah oh gosh don't ask me [Laughter] but anyway our powers have been taken from us and we're very cross and Shazam took them from us and we've come back and we've come down to earth to take them back but of course they are young kids playing and I'm sure you know this from your your experience with Mandalorian they live in another world they talk a language I do not understand you know I would I'd be sitting amongst them and I got embarrassed to say too many times I'm sorry what are you talking about what are you referencing all the references are I mean I don't know half the references that kids are saying today I'm still again there's one that I learned recently that's really wonderful and somebody was saying you swerve do you know what swerving is no no swerving yes I was like I was like oh take get somebody off your scent or something like that I don't know confuse somebody and and they were like no you they come in for a kiss and you swerve great yeah only if you don't want the kids will you kiss me no I will all right I just know that I would never swerve on you okay so you've chose spot swerving oh Petra it's so lovely to see you how are you doing um [Applause] you can't be swerved [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 297,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, pedro pascal, the mandalorian, the last of us, pedro pascal graham norton, pedro pascal interview, tlou, star wars
Id: B2rYi0cyV0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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