'The Last of Us' but it's only Joel being a dad to Ellie

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what are you doing killing time what am I supposed to do I'm sure you'll figure that out you guys go out there a lot I guess when was the last time maybe a year what's it matter but you know where to go so we're gonna be okay yeah we can fix this move [Music] laughs there's not gonna be anything bad in here just you aren't funny you take me back you don't get your battery you heard that then you must have heard that he wants to shoot you vaccines miracle cures none of it works ever [ __ ] you man I didn't ask for this you and me both I don't even know what this is have you heard of books well I I don't know how to swim seriously we have pools in the QC no smart ass I mean you're a weird kid nice knife where'd you learn to do that the circus how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's a really shitty well some last about a month or two but there's others been walking around but 20 years I have a spare hand congratulations is it everything you hoped for jury's still out but man you can't deny that for you [Music] why'd you get that scar on your head you know seeing as it's just the two of us I was thinking I should why do you have stuffs last year yeah that's a lot of goddamn questions yes do anything bad in here just you ah getting funnier Ellie Ellie you're flying one of those a few times sure so lucky didn't feel like it at the time get shoved into a middle C paid 12 bucks for a sandwich no one knows for sure but best guess cordyceps mutated someone that got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar we'll cut across the woods here yeah it's just there's stuff up there you shouldn't see if I'm taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow rule one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves rule two you don't tell anyone about your condition you see that by Mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you rule three you do what I say when I say it we clear repeated what you say goes hold on you look pretty shut up [Music] nice how does that work it's a siphon it's when liquid travels Against Gravity because pressure you don't know I know it works no wandering I stayed up all night no wondering where the sun went and then it dawned on me feel free to wait in the truck just make you all nostalgic this is actually before my time it's a winner though why are all these Pages stuck together uh uh I'm just [ __ ] with you slow down this is slow what am I even eating that is 20 year old Chef Boyardee ravioli that guy was good I actually agree why did the Scarecrow get an award because he was outstanding in his field you know go to sleep [Music] oh what the [ __ ] is that you don't like coffee it smells like burnt [ __ ] keep going for family that's about it I'm not family no your cargo where the [ __ ] is the highway I can't tell from this I'm all turned around so don't look at the state map look at the inside either are you okay that's right nothing are you all right I'm not good at this yeah you really aren't I mean it was my fault you shouldn't have had to and I'm sorry show me your grid finger off the trigger now who taught you that said your school figures we'll get through this I know believe the ass 56 years old you little [ __ ] it isn't fair your age having to deal with all of this did you know diarrhea is hereditary what yeah it runs in your jeans to the soap goddamn stupid you laughed [ __ ] I didn't laugh yes you did Jesus you're losing a big time that's kind of a pessimistic I'm not my dad but if you go out there he's gonna kill you it's dark and he has [ __ ] aim nobody's gonna kill me but he's gonna kill us trust me oh my God don't start it's too close to dark there's some caves along the river we'll set up camp there across in the morning good starving I should have stolen two Rapids we can get our own rabbits you're gonna teach me how just keep moving can I have some though what just to warm up I read everything I could in the school library McNeil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Jim Lovell do you know who my favorite is it's really right and ride best astronaut name ever you can't do things like this but I can because I just did I'm responsible for you okay I'm learning how to whistle you don't know how to whistle does it sound like I know how to whistle no no you should teach me how to hunt oh huh look she's a girl she can't handle it can handle the shooting not so sure about the dressing what's the dressing the part we take the guts out oh yeah oh yeah why do they call it dressing actually I don't think I've ever had a proper meal this is [ __ ] amazing sorry Ellie let's mind our manners oh [ __ ] congrats congrats I still got my 700 but I found a variable Power Scope sub Moa and headshot those [ __ ] from a half mile out you teach me how no we can't pretty much untouched and so three but it's got the Heat going in it could do worse oh trust me we have been we've been doing fine he knows the area better than I do you don't give a [ __ ] about me or not of course I do and what are you so afraid of that was 30 minutes ago and I guess you deserve a choice I still think you'd be better off with Tommy let's go okay nice and slow you're gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant it isn't gonna work it doesn't aim right dick that's pretty cool yeah we're cool everybody loves contractors nice okay so if you mess up your fourth down and you give the ball to the other team right it's called a turnover turn yards then you're back to first now yep to find out it's still time to find out I ain't telling you [ __ ] okay no I believe him no yeah look that's me watch me okay it's okay baby girl could you [Music] have you ever played this Boggle it's a weird game if you want to beat me at something it would be this I had a guitar in that RV it's all smashed up but got me thinking maybe I should find one I haven't played in Forever in fact I was thinking maybe I could teach you okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find a skyscraper go up on the crap um Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that do you know what I'm in the mood for what shitty puns [Music] [Music] turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them she would have liked you not to say the two of you are the same definitely different kids hostile well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not yeah you're not there you go
Channel: The Italian Screenwriter
Views: 233,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, Pedro pascal, bella Ramsey, anna torv, Gabriel Luna, Television, TV, jokes, dad, daughter, trauma, beauty, tv show, tv series, video game, neil druckmann, craig mazin, hbo, hbomax, film, cinema, america, usa, pandemic, virus, zombie, zombies, filmmaking, screenwriting, streaming, screenplay, acting, dad joke, dad jokes
Id: MZahsEb-MDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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