Keith Moore What Love Does Pt 6 Love That Grows

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so--but in first John fourth chapter and about verse seven he said beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loves is born of God and knows God now let us love one another refers back to the New Testament commandment that Jesus gave us recorded in John 13 holds you place right here and just just turn back there John 13 and 34 jesus said john 13:34 he said a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another you know he keep saying one another doesn't he he could have said everybody but he didn't mm-hmm love one another and there's some wrong ideas that are popular and socially acceptable and politically correct that we're all children of the same God and we're all brothers and sisters and that everybody there may be all these different paths may religions that people are own but they all lead to the same place and the same God by different names these are lies this is not true not true there are people worshipping demons they don't know it but they are their people deceived by lies masses of people millions upon millions of people completely deceived in this regard this is not just an idea I had didn't Jesus say when when someone asked him Lord are there few that be saved remember what his answer was he said broad is the way that leads to destruction and meaning that go there in well what does that mean there's a lot of people going down the path of destruction and broad would leave the idea of inclusive right all inclusive people say well a billion people can't be wrong oh yes they can a billion people can be go to hell wrong I'm serious I know that's right I know that's hard but you know if somebody's about to drive it off a cliff huh agreeing with them while they push the accelerator pedal down he's not being a friend you need to raise your voice right you need to yell no that is not the right way it was oh well you're Christian you're you're supposed to be all accepting no people said what Jesus preached love and acceptance no he didn't he preached repentance and he preached the kingdom of God and he preached faith are y'all with besides he didn't preach that you accept everything he preached that you're supposed to repent big difference isn't it big big difference no the truth will make you free and if I'm a Christian Christian is not what some unbeliever thinks a Christian ought to be don't let an unbeliever tell you how to be a Christian that's just ignorant in well you're supposed to be a Christian you're supposed to be like this you feel your Christian oh no well then what in the world do you know about being a Christian that a fellow once I'm going to get all over me about talking in tongues telling me what you couldn't do and what you quit couldn't do and was riding and I said do you talk in tongues he said oh no I said I do you should be quiet and listen how's some money that has never experienced any of it know anything about it gonna tell somebody that does it it's like those Pharisees and Sadducees they come they come and jump on Jesus that he couldn't heal on the Sabbath day mm-hmm but when was their healing day right they couldn't get these people healed and yet they can tell Jesus how he's not supposed to do it that's religion for you full of rules and regulations no life no results got nothing happening but really ready to tell you what you can t can't do again like we're talking earlier look at the fruit the fruit somebody getting healed people having miracles that's how you want to find out know people getting their bills paid getting in better shape you want to find out what are you doing right folks getting saved what are you doing things growing things doing good jesus said he is the only way to the Father and being a Christian is believing what the Christ told you to believe right that's being a Christian so let's just believe that and he gave us the new commandment which is to love one another now he speaking to his disciples and he's talking about certainly we're to care about people outside the family God so loved the world the world that He gave His only begotten Son but the New Testament commandment that Jesus talking about is not a command to love the world it is a command to love each other fellow believers and by this would all men know now see that gives you a confirmation of what we're talking about right there because obviously he's talking about another group isn't it this all men obviously there's folk inside and folk outside a new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this by what by us loving each other the way he loved us all men will know that you're my disciples if you have love what one to another that being your brother you fell a Christian we're spokes to be so happy so free and treat each other so good that Outsiders want to get in the club and it's no wonder that the devil has worked so hard to keep us in strife and judging one another and fightin because it takes away our sign of true discipleship by what would all men know not by scripture quotient hmm not by talking in tongues by what would all men know how we treat each other fellow believers that doesn't mean everybody in your camp or in your denomination or in your group how many believe in heaven you're not going to be going along the street and it's going to say Baptist territory for the next 40 miles huh you're entering Catholic territory no no there's not gonna be any denominational sections of heaven they're just one family one people put all kind of little labels and names but they're not gonna last they're not gonna last it's real simple I am born of God if you are born of God you're my brother we don't have to agree on everything hmm to be family do you you got any relatives do you have to agree on everything to be family but just because you disagree on something you shouldn't say it we're not family anymore oh I saw some looks across the crowd brother Hagin my father in the faith used to say frequently he'd say we can disagree without being disagreeable and you got to watch about pushing your opinion or even your belief he'd ever read in Proverbs how it talks about numerous places about one says getting involved in Affairs that are not yours is like taking a dog by the ears how many that's a good way to get bit grabbing a strange dog by the ears and that's what he said getting into a situation you don't know anything about and that he said just like the ringing of the nose produces blood forcing of Wrath brings strife and anger hmm I mean you wouldn't just go up and grab somebody's nose and go to ringing and twisting until the blood started coming out with you and yet a lot of times people have just pushed and push something and push something and push something until people get angry and strife come on that's right it's right it's right yes something can be right and you not be right something can be true but the way you push it and the way you try to jam it down somebody's throat can absolutely be wrong and even if they need it desperately and even if it is the answer and truth doesn't mean you're the one to minister it to a lot of folks are just not ready for you but there are some that are right at what you want to do is be available for the Lord to use you with the people that would receive from you but particularly family and relatives don't always want to receive from other family and relatives they would receive it from somebody else but they wouldn't receive it from sis and you and I need to be wise enough to know that and how would that wisdom be manifest by his shutting up dropping it you but they need it that's not all there is to it no miss the answers causing problems yeah but that's not all there is to it have the Lord say this to me one time you you'll know how I found out some of these things [Laughter] should I tell all of it caller said yeah yeah yeah one thing the Lord said to me some years ago concerning some of these situations he said to me Keith he said it's not what they need it's not what you know it's what will they receive what will they receive and the only way to know that is by the Holy Spirit hmm folks get so legalistic and it can be a lot of pride and it's not just what you're saying how many to know how you say it it's a great big deal if you come across acting superior and judgmental and talking down to folks a lot of times they won't even hear what you're saying because of the way you're saying it I've been in situation before where I knew I needed to say something that wasn't palatable I wasn't necessarily what people wanted to hear but I had learned over the years I said well Lord show me how to say that and he not only showed me how he showed me when sometimes it needs to be said and done but hearing now is not the place or time if you try to do it here and now it's gonna be a disaster and so the Lord will show you if you wait on him don't be too quick to move don't be too quick to talk and in order to do that you have to discipline your tongue if 2 nanoseconds after it crosses your mind it comes out of your mouth you have no time to intercept and once it's out its out you're like I shouldn't have said that oh it's already out it's already having the effect you're already dealing with the aftermath but you know how anymore on TV even if it's live TV they've got a delay so if something happened they got a chance to catch it well you need a delay from your mind to your mouth you need to think there needs to be pause one moment now this examine is we need to say this this is the time this is the place it didn't take that long but just check and that alone can save us untold strife and problems at home hmm it's my wife I don't have to examine everything that well just have problems then there's time problem after problem it's my husband we're supposed to be able to you know unload on each other no you're not just you're supposed to walk in love with each other walking in love means continuously taking into consideration what kind of impact and effect this is going to have on them not just that it's true and it needs to be said how are they going to hear it how is it going to affect them and you know as well as I that we ourselves at different times you're more inclined to hear some things than you are at other times sometimes you've had a lot of other things going on and you're real tired and your patience is is thin and it's just not the time to deal with that sometimes they are sometimes both of you are that's a recipe for a big problem isn't it let's be wise let's grow up I'm getting ahead of myself but you won't carry with you if I come back set more than one time what is the love commitment loving one another that you fell a Christian that you fell a believer that's the people in your house that's the people in your church right that you fellow Christians that we fellowship with have communion with we're supposed to love each other the way Jesus has loved and does love us and this is our primary witness more than our preaching did you hear me sense elsewise he would have said by your preaching will all men know hmm that you're my disciples no no by what by the way we love each other the unbelieving ungodly world should get enlightened shouldn't they by seeing how we treat each other it should begin to dawn on them this is real this is real I don't see people in the world treating each other that way something is real about what they're saying about their Christianity got to be because they don't just do this once in a while they live like this every day and every night and they treat each other and they're not just a bunch of phony talk they really love each other and they're not just doing it in word but in deed action can you say Amen he said that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this shall all men know that you're my disciples if you have love one to another he said that three times in those two verses that you love one another that you love one another that you love one another said out loud love one another we love one another now we've been talking about this this love that it is not what the secular world thinks of when it says love this God kind of love you did not have until you're born again Romans 5 says this love has been shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Spirit this this kind of love the world does not have you have to be born again to get this kind of love and this love is not just the feeling we've already gone over these things this love is something you do by faith you can love somebody and treat somebody great and not have the feelings you can actually feel like doing something you ought not do and you can push that aside and let the love that's inside you dominate you it's not just a feeling this love is not temporary what people call up in the world is so fickle they love you today that you can't live without you and that can change by the end of the week that can change money in the month and people that loved each other so much they couldn't stay apart it will they hate each other want to kill each other what happened well you can't help who you fall in love with and you can't help when you fall out love you know it just happens it just happens it just happens no this is not the love of God God is love and he said I have loved you with an ever lasting love he loved us when we were while we were still his enemies we were not giving him warm and fuzzy feelings being his enemies and he still loved us he loved you before you were born he loved you and laid all your sins and iniquities and mistakes and failures on Jesus before you were ever born he knows all the stuff you've done he knows stuff you're gonna do you don't know yet and he still loves you not based on feelings and it's never going to change never going to change somebody say he loves me with an everlasting love come on say it again he loves me with an ever lasting love say it again together he loves me with an ever lasting love glory to God this divine love that God is forgives this divine love gilfs and we're going to talk about some other attributes as we go on but go to first john 4 1st John 4 verse 7 beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loves is born of God and knows God it is the principle indicator of a true Christian nothing is more an indicator of being a real Christian than this bigger than everything keep going he that loves not what doesn't even know God for how could you not have any love and say you know God when God is love doesn't just have love he is love verse 9 keep going and this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him that's love here in his love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins this divine love is not based on what you do for it you hear people hear you even even hear a preacher sometimes say a nun scripts things said you know well the key to marriage is that love is a 50/50 proposition marriage is a 50/50 in there there's a lot of give-and-take and I know what people are saying but that basic statement is not true the implication is I'll scratch your back if and as and when you scratch my back that's the way sinners operate didn't Jesus say if you love those that love you you're not doing any better than the unsaved this love it's not 50/50 it's 100 100 right and it's 100 if they only give 10 so you got to watch about pre-qualifying people for your love do they qualify for me to love them well did you qualify for God to love you when the Lord tells you to do something you don't you don't then check to see if you think they deserve it do you husbands love your wives if huh if they they need to at least give you a minimum amount of love back right there's got to be some qualifiers there do they deserve my love the Bible also says wives love their husbands different passage and it's not based on their performance how well they're loving you how nice their being to you when the Bible says honor your elders he didn't it doesn't say if if you think they deserve it honor you mother and father if you think they've done things good enough alright enough no no so many things we're doing for each other we're not just doing for their sake we're doing for his sake because he told us to do it to them Paul said the winters he said I will gladly spend and be spent for you though the more abundantly I love you the less you love me he said where this is going the more I love you looks like you love me less he said I don't care I will gladly spend everything I got and be spent for you even if you love me less for it I'm still gonna do it that's the love of God not based on what you're getting back what if all husbands and wives live like this I'm gonna love you no matter what you do or don't do for me you have to grow to be like this don't you you have to grow up in love and you cannot separate spiritual development from growing up in love they are the same you survive what about growing up in faith same thing faith works by love it's all tied in together you can't grow up spiritually without growing up in love that'd be like saying grow up in God without growing up in love well God is love you can't grow up in God without growing up in love and it's a it's a choice you have to decide I'm gonna love them I'm a value them I'm gonna be considered of them I'm gonna do good things for them no matter what they do or don't do for me you won't find that in the world do you you find that in God well we're having a big time tonight only in this was manifested the love of God toward us because God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him here in his love not that we loved God oh come on friends are you hearing this so well it's got to be to wait no it doesn't it's got to be to waste no it doesn't they don't have to love you for you to love them and until we get that will be fleshy and spiritual babies you can love them when they don't love you you can love them when they hate you love them didn't Jesus say it love them that hate you can you do that you can't how you gonna do it not by your feelings not by your emotions not by what you're hearing and sin it's a choice and you're not left to try to muster it up in your own strength God gave us the love when we were born again he put it inside us it supernaturally enabling us to do this so then it's a choice well I yield to what I'm seeing and hearing and my emotions and my feelings if you do you'll be selfish or do I yield to the completely selfless love of God that's inside me that will enable me to love like my master loved the whole world and gave himself somebody say gave himself gave himself what was their initial response to him giving himself they killed him right what'd he say Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing is he loving them while they're killing him it doesn't have to be two-way beloved if God doesn't be verse 10 again here in his love not that we love God said out loud not that we loved God but that God loved he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another if he's done that for us he loved us when we weren't loving him he loved us when we were his enemies we had animosity toward him then when he's done that for us we ought to love each other when they're not loving us hmm this is being God like this is being christ-like this is being mature when you can rise above it and instead of letting the the slurs and even curse words or the jabs sting you and barb you and hurt you you just rise above any and you just smile and say well I don't care I love you and not just let it be religious jargon let it be from your heart because you really do it's a choice I'm doing this now I'm doing that no yeah when you get through I'll be right here and I'll still love you that's Christ life isn't that the way he is his kids run all over the world do every crazy thing disobeying rebellious defile themselves sometimes not just year after year decade after decade and if they decide to turn back to him and come back to him repent he's right there never quit loving them right never stopped loving us well as all the things people were doing making him feel like loving them no but his love is not based on feelings it's an ever lasting love it's independent of what you do that's better for him to be pleased with you because then you can experience more of his love but he still loves you when it feels like there's no God on the earth he didn't go anywhere he didn't change keep reading beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another no man has seen God at any time if we love one another God dwells in US and his love is perfected in us and that's how all men even though men have not seen him they will see and know that we're his through this love 14 we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God our love dwells in him and he in God our he in love and we have known and believed the love that God has to us God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him now this is so rich every word every phrase every part but as we've already begun to touch on we can grow up in love did anybody notice the words on the front of the building when you came in today or maybe a previous day anybody know the verse that's on the front of the church here hmm second Thessalonians turn over there second Thessalonians the first chapter and the third verse second Thessalonians 1:3 says we are bound to thank God always for you brethren brethren as it is meat because that your faith what's happening your faith grows exceedingly and the charity or the love of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth did this whole verse sounds like increase doesn't it because it is does it paint a picture of believers developing their faith is growing not just a little exceedingly their love is developing and their love is abounding now this God puts his faith in us God puts his love in us but that's not the end of it just because you got faith doesn't mean that's the end you can have more faith and more faith and stronger faith and just because love and yet that's nothing in that love can get stronger in you and stronger do you believe it says Jesus talked about people that had little faith and people that had great faith and people that had no faith and obviously the same is true with love they're connected here together first Corinthians 13 talks about this turn over that place first Corinthians 13 this love this divine love is the love that never fails it's a love that is everlasting it's a love that forgives it's a love that gives and keeps on giving it's also a love that grows a love that grows in 1st Corinthians 13 verse 1 if I though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity that's the King James it's the word for love the the God kind of love have not the love of God I'm become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal is there such a thing as empty vain tongues must be though I have the gift of is added though I have prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not love the God kind of love I am nothing see what Jesus said is obviously true nothing is more important identifying us as a child of God than this love if we try to have these other things and don't have that it means nothing it's empty its Hollow it's being religious verse 3 though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor though I give my body to be burned and have not love it profits me nothing can you talk in tongues without love apparently you can't can you prophesy without love can you try to exercise faith and exercise faith without love can you give and give hugely without love apparently you can obviously you can for other things motivating you but it profits nothing and it means nothing nothing well think about this not just what is love who is love God is love so if it's faith without love what is it its faithful that God now how good would that work if it's prophecy without love what is it it's prophecy without God if it's giving without love what is it it's giving without God because God is love if it's tongues without love its tongues without keep reading love suffers long and is kind love envies not love votes not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh rejoice is not iniquity but rejoices in the truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails whether there be prophecies they'll fail tongues they'll seeks knowledge it'll vanish away now back up to the what is it the fourth the first there again notice a thing after thing has to do with someone else love suffers long with yourself love is kind to yourself huh no it has to do with somebody else right point after point after point in order to love somebody else you have to be aware of them don't you so many folks live in their own world and everything's about me and you can't walk in this kind of love if all you think about is yourself if everybody's forehead was a TV screen and you could see what they're thinking about it'd be terribly distracting wouldn't it but if you could see what they're thinking about in person after person after person after person every channel would be something about me even the commercials are about me and me reruns it's no wonder people get depressed and and down and sad and dejected because that much me will make you sick there's a lot of folks that are me sick the people's you think about the enemy's tempting fantasies and imaginings they're all about you you you're the star of every episode you're not thinking about how the things you're wanting to do and have and B you're not thinking about how that's affecting other people round about you it's like they're just cardboard players in your movie and all you got to do to be like this is wake up in the morning and act like you feel and just dwell on whatever pops in your mind that appeals to you but there's something else inside us as people of God that's bigger than that and better than that everybody put you to put your hand on your midsection we're quoting Romans five now set out loud the love of God the everlasting love of God the divine love of God that never ends that never fails is in my heart by the Holy Spirit in me every day every night everywhere it's in me hallelujah it's in me which means I can love like God I can love like Jesus because he's put some of his very own love in me is it true hold you place there and go back to Roman's thirteenth chapter they'll put it upon the screen for us Romans 13:10 and see if this sounds like what we just got through reading well let me read read Corinthians and then read that again love does what it suffers long with who some somebody else right not yourself love is kind with somebody else love love envies not somebody else love votes not itself in front of somebody else it's not puffed up it doesn't behave itself unseemly with somebody else to me the central phrase of this passage is seeks not her own seeks not its own if you're not seeking your own what are you seeking somebody else right somebody else's this is what distinguishes us from the world this is what makes us different not all the stuff that people have thought this and if we don't have this all the other stuff is meaningless mm-hmm not my words with that in mind Romans 13 and 10 says what love works what no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law they look at the amplified on that place the amplified love does no wrong to one's neighbor now neighbor means nearby and if you take that to the New Testament coming sure you this applies to whoever you happen to be around but the New Testament commandment is specifically to whatever brothers and sisters you're around but it does no wrong never hurts anybody so it meets all the requirements and is the fulfilling of the law somebody walking in the love of God you don't have to quote the Ten Commandments to them hmm they would not kill their brother because that would hurt their brother and they wouldn't do anything and hurt their brother they're not gonna take their brother's spouse away from them because that would hurt them they're not gonna lie to their brother why that would hurt them you don't have to tell them the ten commandments because not only are they're not gonna do those 10 things they're not gonna do anything that's gonna hurt my brother the thing that ought to bother us the most more than anybody's rules about holiness and right living the thing that oughta bother us the most is when we think we've hurt somebody we think our actions have been calloused our uncaring we've made somebody feel bad about yourself we've caused somebody to lose confidence we've caused some money to look bad in front of other people or hmm this ought to be the thing that cuts us in the heart and if you're a child of God it does now you can be so carnal that you don't pay attention to it the Bible talks about your conscience being seared just like you can you can callous your hands with either working and and friction and building up calluses are through scarring they can become what's a callous or a scar it's thick and it's insensitive it's unfeeling and even though you're a child of God your flesh can be so calloused that you're just hurting people right and left and don't even notice it and don't care but if you'd stop for a few minutes if you're really born again if you'd stop and check your heart it's bothering you and you do not want to override that hmm friends is there anything more important to us than the New Testament commandment that the head of the church gave us there's not anything how do you do that let the Spirit of God check you I know there was a couple of times just this last week I'm seeing a lot of Ministers and a lot of things going on and like I said something too person passing by and I and I went by and was doing some other things he kept coming up in my heart that bothered them they didn't know what that meant and I've learned you don't just let stuff like that slide I went and found them I said I didn't mean that I mean this I could just see their face just changed hmm they're good they're fine so now they're good I'm fine you don't want to get to wear things like this don't bother you if you do your conscience is getting seared and you're very carnal and unspiritual the Lord will let you know you don't have to second-guess everything and just run around asking everybody did I do anything wrong gonna say no no no no all you got to do is when something comes up to you the Spirit of God brings something up to you don't ignore it don't ignore it go and ask call check see apologize if you need to make it right if you need to right why that's loving your brother like Jesus it's not based on what they do or don't do you just love is not going to do anything that hurts them or takes away from them if you find out that something that you're doing is getting in their way hindering them taking something away from them that ought to bother you shouldn't it order bother you and the law of Christ is that instead of us perishing what was Jesus willing to do he was willing to get in our place right and take the sin and pay the bear the punishment of it so we wouldn't have to that's the love that's in us okay somebody so that's the love that's in me that's the love that's in me that means when you see something is costing your brother and hurting your brother that's time for you to step up and say no no no no no now I'll do something else here you have this you take this it's gonna cost somebody let it cost me hmm is that what Jesus did and not just do it because you're trying to be holy do it because you care and you don't want to see them hurt you don't want to see it see it costs them love works no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law is this a hard thing is this a thing it will depress shouldn't make you and have no Jesus told us it's the key to fullness of joy it's the key to having your joy and keeping your joy I know the the thing I just described and other things like that when you see that they're all right then you're happy aren't you you keep your joy up but when you know you've done something you shouldn't have done when you know they're hurting because of you and you refuse to stop it you refuse to make it right you're gonna lose your joy you won't be you may try to act happy and go on but you won't be because inside is chewing on you it's bothering you the ducky jesus said to fullness of joy is keeping this commandment loving one another like he loved us back to first Corinthians 13 verse 11 is not a separate subject this flows together doesn't it he's talking about love and what love is and how it acts and reacts and right in the middle of this he says when I was a child I spoke like a child what's it got this got to do with love everything when I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child when I became a man or mature I grew up I put away childish things how does a child think they live in a magical place called me field don't yeah they're not aware of world affairs they're not aware of current events in the country there and little ones particularly little ones they cry in the middle of the night because they get a little too warm it never crosses their mind that you might be sound asleep and that this is disturbing you never enters their consciousness because they live in that magical place called me Ville or nothing matters except me what I think what I feel what I see ooh pretty hmm hungry hmm uncomfortable smelly they don't care if you were right in the middle of your favorite whatever they don't care never crosses their month and that's normal for a little baby not for a ten-year-old not for a 16 year old and certainly not for a 65 year old and we're laughing but there's a lot of people 20 30 40 50 60 whatever and even though they're that old on the outside inside there are little bitty babies why cuz they don't want to grow up they like me feel and they've lived there for 50 years and they just don't want to go anywhere else and that's why if you're not doing it for them anymore you're off their book mm-hmm and if nothing's in it for me they're no longer a part they filter everything they're hearing and seeing by how does this benefit me what does this do for me I've been in meetings before we're supposed to be spiritual people making some important decisions and one by one mean to say well now how is this going to affect me and what about this what about that and I mean minute after minute hour went by and I'm thinking I want to just get up and say hey there's only one thing that matters here what did the Lord say it's amazing I just never came up but whether it's me or you or them you got to watch it because that's your flesh and you can do that without even thinking about what you're doing well then well I need this what about this we got to have this we got to have that that's not the love of God dominating you that's still being a child a lot of folks like to think they've developed a bunch and they're they're really quite spiritually mature because they pray and they can quote scriptures prophesy they've seen things done things been places but that is not the revealer of spiritual maturity tell me what the revealer is have you moved out of me via do you no longer even ask what am I going to get you no longer even ask what's in it from me you're only interested in what did the Lord say how is it affecting my brother hmm you love him and you love them and see can you see that when your love has grown like this there's something else has grown right with it your faith why can you be so selfless and unconcerned because you are absolutely convinced God's going to take care of me I don't have to fuss about this I don't have to split hairs and fight over pennies take it Abraham is the father of faith isn't he you remember him and lot out there they got strife when Abraham said we can't have this strife we are not having this strife you tell me what you want to do because this has got to stop today where do you what what do you want you tell me where you want to go I'll go the other way he's the patriarch he's the elder elder lot wouldn't have a calf he would have a kettle to cook in right if it wasn't for him but he goes and picks the best of everything out in the desert water is gold and he picks the well watered land Abraham didn't say a word he said fine okay I'll go the other way he wouldn't gone very far till the Lord said Abram look up look that way north south east but I'm gonna give you the whole thing do you come out better when you won't fight and try to wrestle and demand when you're gracious you always do if you won't defend yourself God will be your defense can you say Amen and instead of struggling over you can sew it you can say hey no no you don't have to take it away from me I'll give it to you there you go I'm not saying it's right but even though something's wrong in the natural what somebody's trying to do your heart can be right and we're particularly talking about with your brother hmm that's why other scriptures that talk about brother not suing brother and brother not going to law with brother right the Spirit of God through Paul was really charging them let he said you don't have some one person in the church that can settle this why don't you rather allow yourself to be defrauded I'm quoting New Testament scripture didn't he say that he said no you're the one trying to beat somebody out something you're the one doing the defrauding love works no ill to its neighbor if a person dominated by love a person who's maturing a real who really is becoming a spiritual person if they find out that what they've done is hurt somebody they will go and make it right hallelujah thank you lord I heard something here recently I won't call any names but there was a situation where there was some had huge corporation and a smaller business was having some issues and the CEO of the main man found out about it and I guess the lawyers had jumped in ahead of time and and I was so impressed he and his wife got in their car drove to the little business and went in there and personally apologized and stopped everything and made it right glory to God these are people super wealthy they'd never have to touch or see any of this tells you volumes about him though doesn't sounds like a real Christian demand hmm personally wanted the man to see there to see his eyes and hear him tell him I'm sorry my people did this I'm sorry this happened like this it's it's over no nothing else is going to happen and and the man almost had tears in his eyes when he's talking about he said that means a lot to me well sure it does sure it does can you see when we do these kind of things God gets involved I mean the door is open and God gets involved why because it's not just do-gooders and somebody trying to be religious it's the love of God and God is that love and it's real I said it's real and when people touch it and experience it they know we are his and he is real can you say Amen no little stuff or are winning this or keeping that is worth forfeiting that testimony and forfeiting that witness no amount of money or stuff is worth that do you believe it say Amen thank you Lord am i preaching long again what time is it can you take some more when I was a child what happened I lived in Mieville I spoke like a job my my mine mine mine mine mine think about mine talk about mine seek mine mine mine this is the indicator of childishness immaturity understood like that I thought like that but when I became a man when I grew up I put those childish things away it is liberating to forget about yourself thank you for those two amen it's three knots the devil tries to convince you that if you really did this you're gonna be so unhappy because the thing it'll make you happy is you getting what you want all the time it's not true it's the opposite you can win and get and get and win and get winning and accomplished I know you might be externally happy for a little bit but it won't be long you'll sit down and everything it gets old and everything is just stuff and nothing can satisfy you and give you joy on the inside but when you are genuinely used to express and manifest the love of God towards somebody and a burden is removed off of them and they feel loved and valuable then you begin to tap into some of God's very own pleasure it pleases him and when you're used of him to do that you will sense his pleasure and you will live in his manifested love and your joy will be full will be full will be full go back to the third chapter first Corinthians this whole book actually deals with this I'm thinking about closing so you don't want me to short you though do you you don't want me to cut you short first Corinthians 3 he said brethren I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as under what babes or babies this is talking about little babies in Christ now this is first Corinthians first Corinthians 12 is in first Corinthians talk about all the gifts of the Spirit they had so many gifts and manifestations of the Spirit that he had to give them instructions right about how to let him operate I'm sure they thought they were spiritual Giants and he says you're such babies gifts of the Spirit alone don't indicate maturity don't indicate that you've grown up a lot a baby can be used in the gifts of the Spirit he said I fed you with milk and not with meat for his the two you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able for you are yet carnal which is another way of saying little babies for and any he talks about how he knows their carnal little babies spiritually for there is among you what in Ving strife and divisions which is the proof positive that you're a little baby haven't grown up and you're carnal why why would you be in Ving why would you be in Ving what somebody else is God they got the position they got the thing you wanted hmm why would you be cuz you me me wants it right me I wanted that I've been wanting that longer than they been wanting it it's not fair now let's just stop right here is this person in being are they glad at all for what has happened to their brother no which shows total babyish nice being an infant envy strife strike you you can't have strife when you're not concerned about what you're gonna get divisions can read the divisions verse for one says I'm appalled no this says I'm of Apollo's are you not carnal why what are they saying about Paul that's my that's my man my Bunch well you care for that well I'm a policy we're a polish Bunch he's my man of God it's my church my people my my doctor in my Bunch well you can have that we're a Peters Bunch we're Paul Bunch 9c it's a pride over and an emphasis over my church better than you my picture better than yours my doctrines better than your doctrine my faith stronger than yours then what is he saying this is the absolute proof that you are a little bitty baby and because of that there's a whole bunch of things I have not been able to share with you and give you I've only been able to take the bottle and warm up the milk a little bit and put it on and go okay don't get y'all can't eat any solid food you think Paul could have given them some solid food but they couldn't handle it why not walking up in love and you'll see it comes back to fears of every kind why would you Envy because you're afraid if they get it I won't be able to if their group gets to be sinner focus my group will lose its importance hey we don't want this group to get bigger than us what if their church gets bigger than ours what if they're men of God used more than mine no no mine's best its fear-based did someone know that you're gonna get left out you're not gonna be as important you're not gonna be as seen can you see this thing's you remember when Moses was leading the people of God and he came to God he said Lord this is too big for me I gotta have help and he said okay I'll take the spirit that's on you and I will put it on what do you say seventy of the elders and so he told the names and the people and two of the individuals who are the Eldad and Medad maybe they were brothers I don't know we're not in the bunch but the Holy Ghost came them anyway and they started prophesying and Joshua said hey hey hey didn't guys prophesy on the camp and and they're not fully Moses certified and approved and Moses said don't you envy because of me I wish God had used everybody and put his spirit on everybody isn't that the right kind of heart and attitude which God use everybody man their church is twice as big as yours now what did we say glory to God that means people are getting saved people are coming in right listen to ours in another gear not a competition just an inspiration not a comparison just thanking God go back to 1st John 4 in closing when you grow up in God you grow up in love when you grow up in love you leave me evil and you just quit thinking about what you want it's actually a dying process crucifying the flesh because your flesh would go what about me what about me what about me and you go where's that nail boom boom boom shut up I know it sounds funny but you got to do it [Music] crucify that it'll because if you don't it'll mess up your relationships it'll it'll keep you from being promoted and used of God you can't always be thinking about what am I gonna get out of this he said verse 16 we have known and believed the love that God has to us did God love us this way he did when we were his enemies not based on us doing anything for him he just loved us because he chose to do it he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him and herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world that is a gigantic statement isn't it how you see he is love the everlasting love and what about us how someone needs to read this out loud as he is so am I in this world we just got through reading more than once it said god is love God is love God how is he what is he he's love what are we said out loud I am love the love of God in this world see that above everything is the the proof that we are his and His disciples and that he is real it's not some twisted holier-than-thou religious thing it's a genuine valuing of somebody other than yourself and a genuine caring and a willingness to sacrifice for their sake right and a growth beyond thinking about yourself all the time and what I need and what I want I don't claim to have totally arrived but I know and as the years have gone by I just think less and less about myself and it's freedom it's joy I get up and I'm thinking I'm going here to minister to these folks I'm going here I never think about are they gonna give me anything are they gonna treat me right or am I gonna get this I refused to think about that even years ago and it would keep coming up and I just cast it down and after a while you get worried don't even cross your mind and so then when they do something for you it's like a surprise it's like whoa look here at a fella look at these two a brother Keith didn't you think we'd do something I said about okay I just wasn't thinking about it thank you certainly but when you're not always imagining what they're going to do for me what they're gonna do for me then if they don't do it you're not disappointed or depressed on and they do that for me that's not the question question is why you think you deserve it why do you think they owe it to you well I'll go for that if what you did for them was a gift they owe you nothing in return if they owe you something it wasn't a gift it was a trade some of that fifty-fifty stuff that's not the love of God keep reading well we're having fun tonight don't you think how many things were talk about real Christianity tonight what the real deal keep going he said as he is so are we in this world and the very next phrase there is no fear in love because perfect love now that's the same word for maturing what perfect love what does that mean well that that's again that shows us we grow in it we grow in it until we're fully developed in it until we grow up how many believe growing up to become a Christ man or woman is growing up to become a love man or woman right and if you grow up fully in it and become mature in it something else is happening simultaneously you're having less and less fear of Anika why that's why Abraham could say take the best why because he has no fear that he's going to starve to death or go broke none none what if they forget about me God won't forget about me hmm somebody will remember me at the right time at the right place say all of the reasons people stay bent up been out of shape the reason they stay so worried and so vexed and so depressed is all fear-based I'm gonna lose something I'm not gonna get this I'm not gonna have that they're never gonna like me again all kind of insecurities which there's another word for fear fear fear fear I remember years ago there was several things going on and I was kind of troubled about him and then he just kept going on and I was praying and praying and praying a little bit too intense about it and the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean I heard a voice but he said Keith son if you just forget about you all of this will just go away I setup huh I began to take one by one will if I was upset about that because that's thinking about how it would affect me why was I thinking about that and I thought I wasn't gonna I wasn't gonna get that who was I thinking about everyone was about me me me me me and if I forget about me nothing to be upset about anymore forget about me and I'm free free now what I think about got my time freed up got my emotions and feelings freed up what can I do now I think about you hmm I think about what can I do for you how can I help you and that is what will give you fullness of joy how many think having absolutely no fear is a good start on your way to being full of joy Wow and there's no other way to get there then to grow up get out of evil and just go thinking about yourself what I need what I want what I don't have what I wish they would notice what I wish they would do what I wish all this I deserve you can't be gracious to somebody who feels like they deserve it can't and that's the source of so much depression and angst and unhappiness so how about right now let's stand up and let's forget about me close your eyes oh say thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord pray this prayer after me if you want to if you mean it in your heart father god I don't want to be a little baby all my life I don't want to be selfish and unhappy and unfulfilled I want to grow up be like my master be like Jesus open my eyes to see selfish ways childish thinking childish talking childish understanding which is selfish talking selfish thinking selfish understanding I want to be free from it by your grace I choose to get my mind off of me hallelujah oh thank you lord thank you lord [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 8,130
Rating: 4.6551723 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, What, Love, Does, Pt, 6, Love, That, Grows
Id: 8yCZrB4uaoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 8sec (5048 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2013
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