I Refuse to Fear | Kenneth Copeland

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thank You father father we come before your word tonight with expectancy we open our hearts we open our ears open our eyes to heaven to receive revelation from heaven words that move heaven on the earth ha thank you sir we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen let's open our Bibles once again tonight to first Timothy chapter 6 will read that 12th verse again first Timothy 6:12 fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life whereunto you are also called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses fight the good fight of faith now we need to know what the enemy of faith is if we're going to fight a fight we need to know who the enemy is amen so we talked about the fact that this fight is about laying hold on eternal life the greek word translated eternal life is Zoe goe it literally translated means the life of God it is the it's it's the part of God that makes God God now quote John 3:16 with me for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son should not perish but how should not perish but have Zoe that's interesting in it jesus said I came that you might have Zoe and have it more abundantly now let's go to John 6:63 please here again Jesus is speaking John chapter 6 it is the spirit that makes alive the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are though a they are spirit and they are the life of God glory to God and that excites me just a just to go through that now go back to proverbs chapter 4 proverbs 4 verse 20 my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them my sayings my word let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those that find them and health or medicine to all their flesh so can you see where the life is the life is in God yes but in the beginning was the word I'm talking about the Gospel of John now first verse in the first chapter in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God the same in the beginning with God and not anything was made without him and you go down just a few verses down and said and the word became flesh talking about Jesus and dwelt among us amen now then that word then is the source of life let's go back now where we were in well this time let's go to Mark's Gospel chapter 5 we were reading it in the Book of Luke and we will go over there but mark chapter 5 and look at what else read begin reading with the verse 20 he Jesus departed and began to publish in D Coppola soar the ten cities in that region how great things Jesus had done farming all did men did marvel now that's talking about the Mad Men again era you remember that the man that was living in the tombs and cutting himself and and all of that and and he those Devils in that man ran out there to meet Jesus I mean they weren't running out there to worshiping they're running out there to attack it but then Jesus said come out of the man you unclean spirit and man he fell on his face in front of him and then now there is it's clean in his right mind what did that words words those Devils had to listen to words they could not give two cents for all the psychology you can come up with they'll monkey with you they'll play games with you and you fooling around with all the psychology and and and and all of that hey I'm looking mess around with you you think you're getting some worth and they didn't make a fool out of you they they'll manipulate you big time but when you know God and you listen to what he said I was there's a pastor friend of mine called me number years ago he said brother Kenneth I need your help and I'm I'm bad right now I said well yeah he lived there town and and and I was I was in town for a couple of days and he said you know my wife has had epileptic seizures from time to time he said we we've always had to deal with this now this was back when they could come pick you up and and just confine you to a psychiatric ward back in the day this was in the 70s he said somebody said my wife went out in the yard and she had a seizure in the front yard and and one of the neighbors called and had her pick it up they came out there got her and he said brother Copeland they put her in the section eight Ward into County Hospital he can you give her out I said I'll inquire of the Lord and I'll do whatever he says do and I did and the Lord said go down there get her out well I've never been down there I didn't know what that section eight Ward looked like but on the way down there I'm telling you the anointing of God came on me and it just got stronger and bolder and bolder and stronger and by the time I got down at that hospital it had a great big brass door that thing was about eyes but ten feet tall there and going into that that Ward and if you've never experienced if you've never never been under that kind of anointing you need you need to put yourself in position the time the time to get under it seek the Lord find out what he to have you do and don't don't be afraid to go do things under the power God now you don't just be running around but in your head in the places where don't belong but when God tells you to go go don't argue go and because we found out last night and this morning that the enemy of faith is anyway I walked in there and I didn't go to the desk and ask me I talked to sister now I just walked in there and walked up to that door and got up there - it was a you know there's a an officer standing there I said oh that door he said oh yeah he's told me that and when he opened it up man all these people come gathering out there and I there's some strange-looking folks in there but then this wasn't my first time to be in that kind of environment so I mean to tell you doctor there was the biggest the blackest man I have ever seen in my whole entire life up to that time I met one later that was a little uglier than him but I was there um to live there this is him right here and he got on he now y'all ain't country enough to know what big Smith overhauls are some of it so how do you do amen well he had on a pair of big Smith's no shirt just him big overall amen and he's standing I walked in there and I expect he's probably that much taller than me and I would I truthfully estimate him somewhere but 285 pounds or something that neighborhood bad big boy and he's telling they're looking at me well with power God on you you don't pay attention yourself I said get away Cosi the man's not my enemy the scripture said flesh and blood is not your enemy it's that spirit that's riding and he just jumped all the way and I started back in there and I heard pastor's wife brother Koch brother Copeland is that you is that you is that you Wow in that room lesser art oh she's a brother Copeland oh brother Copeland I'm so glad you and had a seizure right and this right in front of me I said no you don't Satan in the name of Jesus you come out of her right now and she just snapped around and she stood up oh oh brother Copeland that thing's gone glory to God well there was another there was another young woman in there in the in that same room a little bit younger than then the pastor's wife and she said mister can you do that for me I want to be free I said sure so cistern I casted that letter I was preaching I was in the West Indies I'm in Jamaica oh brother and we were on the way to the service that I was up in the mountains I had preached a couple of days in Spanish down in church there but we went on up in the mountains and this is back again in the seventies and I was the first light-skinned man that many of these people had ever seen but they'd been praying and fasting a day in a week to for God to send somebody in there to teach them revelation knowledge from the scripture well the Lord sent me in well the pastor picked me up that evening to take me over to the service and we're up there in the mountains and roads almost non-existent and we're banging around a bit on our old roads he said could we stop and pray for a lady on the way to the church I said sure so he's top we got out of the car and I stepped out of course on that side he walked around here and he said oh by the way she's mad I said what he said she's mad I said what do you mean mad this is she crazy well Oh me we walked in that house now we are pairing the mountain men in electricity then nothing in there and it's almost dark and we walk in and I'm I'm looking for the crazy woman and I'm walking in there with him he knows these people he pastors in there you know and I'm following him I passed three already that I thought was her and we ain't found her yet ha ha ha lady I'm not kidding you enough he walked in there oh brother I mean it I mean it looked like some kind of Halloween house man well if you've never been in a place like that you use your sense of devils and and you can you can tell when you walk into it it's oppression when you walk in it I've back during the days of the USSR the Soviet Union and you'd cross the border and go into those countries you can tell when you cross the line you can tell in an airplane you can tell when you fly across that border the oppression hits you thank God that thing's not there anymore it hidden there in that good well folk did there and finally got back to the room where she was well a pastor and me and one of the Philip walked in there this little woman was squatted in a bed and she'd been in that bed for 18 years and she had a little stick about that long with a bandana tied up like a knapsack and she had some trinkets and stuff inside that handkerchief and and it was in the bed with her and she squatted down in a bed we walked in there she looked at the pastor and she said you must me brother Webber he said no back in those days brother Webber was on the radio in the United States and she looked at this other fellow that was with me and she said you must meet Oral Roberts he said no ma'am she turned around and looked at me said she's not doing a talking she said I know who you are and you're afraid of anything that's not flesh and I said you're a liar in the name of Jesus I fear no devil or no man and you cut out of her right now then she folded up and and and she she looked back up at me again well now all the time I'm listening to the Lord here you don't be just running off at the mouth jesus said I only say what I hear my father say amen so I just stood there at attention and she wouldn't look at me she rolled her eyes back around like that and she raised up there again and I heard the word of the Lord I said sweetheart jesus loves you she dropped like somebody's shot she just hit that bid and she kind of staggered around there a little bit felling that bit he's come back up there again I see he loves you darling he sent me to tell you that he loves you I said now devil you're gonna have to leave her right now she's not your property she belongs the Lord Jesus Christ you take your hands off of it right now come to find out 18 years before there was a revival meeting going on in that area she wanted to go to that meeting and she got so excited she got she came up to get to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior and did and was so excited about it oh she was so thrilled and so she was going to come back Sunday and so she went to them she went to the beauty shop got all fixed up and had her hair trimmed up a little bit into and and and she came back to the church on Sunday she was so excited they wouldn't let her in coach she cut her hair no no you can't come to church women can't cut their hair you can't come to church and she had some polish on her fingers you're not bringing that in here it broke her heart she didn't know any better and she went back home she got despondent over that now see when you get despondent and when you get into depression you open the door within to you your mind into those spirits that's the reason those things'll lead you they'll lead you to suicide if you don't do something about it I've been through depression like that I know I'm coming but if you take authority over it in the name of Jesus you'd be surprised she all of those things are fear-based that's that's what I'm getting to you now she she just got worse and worse and worse and worse until those spirits were able to completely take her over take over her mind well now I understood after I found out what the story was why God said tell her I love her and that broke that thing it broke its power didn't it no longer had any any effect on it I took a while for her to to get in the word and and develop and come out of there now all all doubt all depression all unbelief all of it is fear-based now remember fear and faith function in the same spiritual environment because fear was originally Adams faith before he sinned you remember what happened then after Adam fell and God came into that garden what what did Adam do he ran off he hid out see what had happened he was disconnected from God now he's connected to Satan who is the spirit of fear Satan is one that caused that well actually the man caused it the woman was to see but the scripture said two men what he did it with his eyes wide open and then tried to blame it on God and blame it on his wife so now he ran from God now here listen carefully now remember we studied this all social ISM all of it social ISM is man trying to meet his own needs without God and he can do it but he tries now the first act of that was in the Garden of Eden the very first thing that Adam tried to do was clothe himself huh he was clothed with the glory of God from the inside out he'd never seen his naked body until the light went out it scared him frighten him he hidden him or what he's looking at man I mean he never saw anything like it he had the same glory on him zone duh God called him and and crowned him with his glory called him blessed and fruitful and multiplying so forth now here he is afraid now so what does he do the scripture says the man sowed he never saw nothing in his life he don't know he don't know SiC him from come on man I mean he don't know anything he sewed clothes out of fig leaves here he comes to God in his little fig leaf suit don't you know and um his Lincoln thing you start off your life it of belladonna he don't know what are you doing and he showed him a fig leaf suit i I just see gods in it Oh Hey he said come here boy mama and look what God is she God killed an animal the first covenant was made between God and his fallen man who is now disconnected from God but now he's connected to the devil but God made covenant and reconnected him in order to supply him and he made him clothes out of the fur of that animal in whose blood that covenant was made now when you like to have that suit oh yeah it had God hand make you an Armin suit son you got to be some kind of good linen don't you know mama was good-looking oh yeah mama he was there she was shining but hey those God made her clothes he made the woman then he made the clothes for her so now you see the process and it has followed that all down through the centuries man trying to meet his own need and by covenant God coming back in and offering the man his services to meet his needs to get that blessing back Jesus came and this last covenant the new covenant was made in his blood amen amen going oh I love it hallelujah now then fear connects with death and holds to it drawing from the spirit of death that is a little faith in God and fear are both faith fear is faith in death the fear of death is faith in death and it's and its power to hurt you and do you great faith in God is faith in his life now you can see one of the two of them are going to butt heads somewhere there they're both they're both faith what I'm running in one direction when I'm running in the other one one of the others going towards people think it's going towards death it didn't going through towards the devil because at one time he had the power of death he doesn't have it anymore Jesus took it away from we're going to look at those scriptures now then fear connects with death and holds to it drawing from the spirit of death or drawing from Satan who is the the the spirit of death he's the spirit he's called the spirit of fear faith connects with life and holds to it drawing from the spirit of life in Christ Jesus now can you see the two kingdoms let's go over that a chapter of Romans and look at it romans chapter 8 verse 1 there is therefore now say now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit who walk not after their five physical senses but they walk after the spirit or in other words they walk after the Word of God amen so my five physical sense gates contact this natural physical world and give me information but that information is not the truth that's fact the truth the Word of God says by His stripes you were healed my physical body said no I'm not I'm sick now you've got a choice you can believe either one well I don't see how you can believe something other than when you own you no good what you're sick I mean you know was running years running given and you're sneezing coughing blowing you stand that tell me you must be lying about it no I'm not lying about it I'm not speaking my own words to you I am speaking the Word of God Jesus said in the fourteenth chapter of John the words that I speak under you were not my own it's the father that dwells within me he does the works Jesus spoke God's Word God gave him his spirit without that well the same things available to us we're gonna see this here in just a moment now so what do I do I take God's Word put it in my eyes put it in my ears put it in my mouth put it in my heart by His stripes ye were he he means me so faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God fear comes by hearing and hearing by the lies of the devil the devil comes along and says you're not healed why don't you feel in see you're not healed see that on your arm you're not healed I can claim you see you know he'll know that's a fact that's not the truth but if I'll stay with the truth I put the truth in my mouth and I begin to say that faith comes if I keep listening to the devil fear comes but I keep listening to the Word of God I keep speaking the Word of God and it's going to start building up in there and I keep saying my father loves me and perfected love the scripture said casteth out fear my father loves me he loves me just much he does Jesus jesus said so in 17 chapter John God loves me he loves glory he loves my family glory to God and I love him and every time I say this love is building and he gets the place for fear he got him a room that's written they said it casts it out amen now that's what had happened to me in that section 8 Ward down there that's what happened to me in that that those people's house in the West Indies and then God could go on and on and on with the faith of God rises up on the inside of you and the love of God begins to develop first John the fourth chapter said he that fears is not developed in love well what develops love keeping the word first John 2 5 whoso keepeth the Word of God in him as the love of God perfected a thing he who confesses Jesus dwells in God and God lives in him well God is love first John 4 makes that statement God is what and perfected love cash fear and that can come up in you so strong than the night that they diagnosed my granddaughter Lindsay when she was 11 I'm not sure in meningitis Kelly my daughter said Danny that when they told me what that that she wasn't gonna live she said that thing came down on me like a black dark cloud she said it was heavy and it was it was oppressive and hard now Terry said her older sister said Kelly just turned and she just deliberately walked up to Terry and she said I refuse to fear Kelly said daddy when I said that that thing that's good she said I was amazed at how weak it was see when she refused to fear well that thing's gone I'm it without any fear that thing doesn't have any handle on you that's the spirit of torment perfected love casteth out fear because fear hath torment scripted the torments in the fear amen the tormentor who is the devil the scriptures that calls him the Tormentor to torment you doubt will torment you unbelief will torment you you read something in the scripture and you start saying yeah but yeah you know oh yeah but I don't I mean I just can't see and just torment you just driving tour me I know that works for you brother Copeland but you see hanging hanging oh shut up you don't need to be rehearsing that doubt and unbelief come back at it rise them come back at it say that my mind is my mind nobody the devil included can make me think something I don't want to think or make me say something I refuse to say or make me do something I refuse to do I'm a believer I'm not a doubter my mind in my mind woahh you get dangerous when you start talking like that never no one have nothing doing you Iraq his stuff that you can set him back for years mess up something he'd been working on for 20 years mess it up in 20 seconds he won't on to do with you there'll be times he may come at you cuz that's a job and he's self-employed you know he thinks he has to do that and and he'll come at you but you just oh yeah you're a liar and a father of it that's what Jesus said amen the scripture said you resisting you flee I refuse to fear said I I refuse to be tormented I'm a believer I'm not a doubter now then let's go now well we need to go ahead and finish reading this 8th chapter of Romans before we leave this verse 2 for the law read it out loud learning for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and death now when Jay iris we remember we read that last night Jay iris fell at the feet of Jesus said my little daughter lies at home sick dying come lay your hands on her she'll live now what was he after he's after the Zoey the life of God that's in Jesus so then on the way the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus garment and he stopped and said who touched me this is what do you mean who touched you he said virtue are Zoe actually the word here is Dunamis anointing power of God the Father that dwells within he does the work flowed out of him well sin Jesus Jesus didn't have anything to do with it flowing it wasn't his faith and did it it wasn't his word that did it the scripture said for she heard of Jesus came in the press behind for she said is what she said by faith touched His garment pulled the power out of him I've had it happen to me some of you have that had happened to you amen it ought to be happening to every one of you all the time and it will if you just continue to flow in this and listen to God be obedient to him you in the grocery store he says you go pray for somebody go do it don't start whining around I'm not qualified you are too dis got qualified he told you to do it he told you to do something you got authorized and you agree then you got empowered I was hidden I was in a whole Depot store and God just took Gloria down there and she's looking for something in the Home Depot store and I'm just wandering around through the store you notice looking at the hardware and stuff I like tools and all that comes to I'm just roaming around in there and there was a fellow working in there and the Lord said why don't you speak to him I said okay I went over there and introduced myself to him and he very nice gentleman and he said yeah brother Copeland I know who you are and so we talked there for a few men medicine and in jordan one of those coming in he know the Lord we did there for a little while and so I went on about my business and the Lord said you didn't you didn't listen to me long enough find out what I'm telling you to do I want you to go back in there and I want you to give him a hundred dollars I said okay so I went back in there and I found him I had to hunt around in there to find him and I called him over there I said the word of the Lord come to me brother to bring you on a dollar and I took his hand and slapped it in there and tears started running down his teeth he said brother Copeland I'm a back slid many coastal preacher and he said I got mad at other preachers that stole money out of my ministry and he said I that's the reason I'm not in the ministry today he said I love God he said I am actually a God but he said I'm not preaching tonight Anna should be I suggested he need me and so we prayed believe God together that man today is one of the most faithful men that I have ever met in my life what happened to him he said the anointing of God came on him because the Spirit of God used me to love him and I hugged him up and loved him brought $200 and put it in his hand and this is back when $100 was worth more than about 895 you know like did and so I add Ana well and well it was it and that be like 25 going around man and so and then somebody London and then I told him I said hey Joe let let me tell you something but I said God ain't hearted you you know manage you know put out with you I love you man let's get on back into business here he didn't eat it last in that store I don't remember that what two three days then equipment here he comes I'm going right on back in there and dead glory to God and he's a member of EMI see today is one of the most faithful preachers of the gospel I have ever met in my life Amen well Ken can you see if I hadn't obeyed if I said you know Lord I know oh no I can't yeah yeah I know I can't do that I'm preaching a meeting in a casino in Las Vegas and oh brother he's having a good time here God the the casino owner hotel casino owner any of you guys old enough to remember see see rider huh yeah some of you other old guys um ever Wayne Cochran was old see see rider well weighing up born again and filled with the Holy Ghost and passing of the church down south big-time rock and roll singer I'm talking about big-time and he was he was he was the the top show in Las Vegas for years and then he went back and got the owner of that casino born-again well then the casino owner called in and said wait I got to do something for God what can I do this is back in the old days man you know Vegas uh-huh anyway he said what can I do he said oh wait uh I'd like to hold a meeting said you think brother Copeland had to come here and preach in this casino Wayne said I know we will so Wayne called me said you come preach a meeting in this casinos at what time do it open hey so we within there now that we had our home back in those days we had our whole band with us enough though whole thing and so I'm standing back behind the curtain waiting for it to be 7:30 you know before I walk out on that Curt and we're in and one of the the rooms one of the show rooms I'm staying there back and the curtain opened up right behind me and it's a blackjack dealer and he's got a little little boat hook to his and he stuck his head around and then cut he said brother Cobra he said I'm walking on the floor tonight and he said I can't be in the meeting but I just wanted to tell you me and the mother blackjack dealer we praying for you brother my God we're praying and the problem of it was bang them days the churches when little people come to church anyway so I said all that don't get to give you the situation well I'm walking through that casino and the Lord said I want you to witness to that those two people right there I don't know who they are and I'm you know I'm right out in the middle of all of the hotel and the casinos right through there so I just walked up this foot I said you know I'm I'm a preacher and I know that and I believe that I heard God say to me that I'm supposed to tell you about Jesus then that he loves you and that I'm here to pray with they looked at me like I just come out from under the bus you know like what and and I remember now what they said something like yeah well thank you anyway and turn around walked off I said Lord I'll just oh dear Lord bad this time this fella said yeah preacher Hey I said yes I am he said ah oh I was other people he's you can't argue isolation come on in and come on in the rest room y'all dog you so we went the men's room we God and then he said I want you to know I'll be very thing you said it would the word of the Living God he's I know I know I'm a backflip madly speaking can you help me get back to God that is worth the trip to Las Vegas right there we preached in Las Vegas for two hundred to two and a half weeks whatever wood we had meeting to three times a two times a day that is worth the whole thing man I just all I did was cook the scripture to him in first John 1:9 and and he quoted it right after me and I just obeyed the Lord and I just slept both of his jaws in the name of Jesus my Lord God Almighty and he raised up just sober to rock he said preacher you pray for me I'm going back into ministry tonight [Applause] religion has been waiting all these years for somebody else to go do that you can do it you don't have to be a preacher all you have to be as obedient God will come you're using you out in public like that then it will me why cuz you're the public Jerry Savelle went with Kelly I Carolyn and Gloria Copeland can go through a shopping center I'm telling you man happy I think you do and it is missing this best Jeremy just go out there and sit down and we can keep up with them and Jerry's in there with Carolyn Carolyn is just going through the plate and so Jerrod's is kind of walking around you know trying to keep an eye on front see where's she going to come out and he's just walking around there's a woman running up there to him and said my god my god man pray for me now he said okay and he just put his hands on her and prayed Oh already God she said she starts jumping around and prays in guns he's a ton he'll I'm healed in inhalant chief she said I was praying and the Lord told me to come to this shopping center and then that I would know who's supposed to pray for me and she said I've been seeing this light bob up and down all through this whole place to this shopping center and she said it I found out the light has on you it's on top of your head folks this is life see not walking by sight not walking in the carnal realm but what did that say go back and look at it again for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death made me free from the law of sin and death now let's go over then to the book of Hebrews and out again wine and it's down I think I enjoy this more than anybody I learned more than anybody praise God thank you lord I do enjoy what I do hebrews chapter 2 and let's look at verse 14 Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he Jesus also himself likewise took part of the same now notice this sentence here so that through death is he talking about when he went to the cross now he might destroy him that word in the end e-excuse me in the in the original text translated destroy means to render completely helpless to paralyze paralyze him to paralyze him that had past tense had the power of death that is the devil he doesn't have it anymore Jesus stripped him of it see Jesus went to hell so you and I don't have to go he went to hell and suffered there for three days and nights that's what that's what that that's what the death on the cross was all about he went into hell and suffered Adams price for his sin broke hell's power over human beings made it available for every living man and woman from that day forward has a free choice to choose him as Lord and Savior and walk away from it a free man in a free woman but it's your choice now hearing or force it on you you can go to hell if you want to you ain't got good sense if you do but but you can't if you like but now notice this and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage if you're afraid of death then Satan can threaten you he's holding something over you if he can threaten you with death but when you know Jesus and you understand when you accepted him as Lord and Savior now look look in the 2nd chapter at the 9th verse but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man see Jesus did that for every human being alive then and every human being barnable woman since then it is their it but you in it takes faith in the gospel accepting Jesus to activate it because he never force it on anybody the scripture said through one man's offense death reigned death came on every human being after Adam did what he did didn't it right you know anybody there wasn't enough death to go around no Satan demanded every man died and he took command of the earth from from Adam but then when the scripture said but through one man's obedience righteousness has come upon all men and they which receive the free gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ now there's the difference between God and Satan Satan demanded that every man died God demanded that ever men have a choice that's why yes that's him well when you receive Jesus you receive the free gift of righteousness you activate the righteousness of God and the force of that righteousness cause your inner man to be recreated in Christ Jesus you're not just a forgiving Center I mean you're you're a spirit being this physical body that ain't you that doesn't define you that's the house you live in amen now Jesus tasted death for all men the moment you made him the lord of your life see taste represents five physical senses so death is no threat anymore look at first Corinthians go to the 15th chapter verse 50 now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither does corruption inherit incorruption behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruption shall he'll put on incorruption this mortal have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your sting o grave where is your victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ the grave don't mean a thing in the world of you and me life goes on you'll never know it when you die you can't taste it you can't see it you can't feel it you can't smell it and you can't hear it Jesus all of that now if you'll develop it perfected love will cast the fear of it out because Jesus defeated it death has been defeated and Satan has has lost the power over death he can threaten you with but he can't kill you not unless you live he didn't have any writing authority over you unless you give it to it now where you get it - it is listening to him and talking fear but it's telling no no no no you're a liar and a father I don't care if your knees are knocking together and you have a changing color it'll come back amen but now I can tell you this it ain't gon do any good for you to stand in the mirror and look at it like that and say damn my hair is coming out that's the way the world talks so when I'm their hair fall out and I see well yeah brother Cobra that's just natural I know we're not natural we super not Jesus said every hair on your head is numbered well I want my original came out amen instead of that you roll all the cash said what you want a ball head and preacher you want a gray headed preacher what way you want I'm yours to come in you choose I have no fear of my hair falling out I don't care I rolled all the care of it over on it I can care less what it looks like I rolled that care over on him my hair does not define me [Applause] my sex life don't define me you are what you are because you became that you can take the Word of God and change it hallelujah whoa I don't bring me happy glory to God hallelujah and the word of the Lord came to me he said say this hair grow dark brown hair be alive hair be sick so I said that and then he said say thus saith the law well I'll be seven to seven the first week of next month it looked pretty good on it hey hey uh-uh no no no no no no listen to me it ain't me it's the grace of God it is the grace of God I said it's the grace of God God go hair on a billiard ball if somebody got any faith you grow your hair back but he will grow it back you stand there looking eyes on wrong now the fear will keep you in the same shape you're in so it's not getting the hair back it's getting rid of the fear and begin to walk by faith cuz you don't care well you got hair not I don't mean nothing praise bill you get the way you did you don't have to shave a little further than he's too but who cares I have no care about them you roll all in care of it over on him and he will do what he will take care of you I didn't intend preach that tonight but I'm glad I did I need to hear you ha ha bori bori to God yes amen so death where is your sting go with me the first John first John chapter 4 verse 15 whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwells in him and he in God and we have known and believed the love that God has to us god is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God God in him here it is our love made perfect or developed that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world there is no fear in love perfected love casteth out fear because fear hath torment and he that fears is not made perfect in love ah now you know what the job is now you know how to fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life that is in Christ Jesus amen you stand up and tell fear exactly where it can go and it can leave and I'll never come back to me again faith worketh by love and perfected love filling up faith comes against that fear it gotta go don't be move on what you feel I don't care like I said well - do your knees are knocking amen no no take authority see take authority the devil can threaten you with there as far as God's concern you already died you died the death of the cross along with the Christ Jesus when you made him Lord in your life because I mean nine ain't no different than that see that listen that's just my clothes that coat was made for me but I have to be in it for it to live the scripture calls your body a tabernacle clothes spiritual clothes amen I didn't feel a thing when I pulled that coat on their field on different I didn't now but now the coach alive oh now that limit let me show you something come here hey in the name of the Lord Jesus any nobody in there don't get all disturbed and greed and tore up when one of your loved ones goes to heaven oh God huh speaking brother Terry of Mises partner letter the other day he said don't hate me something I mean we preach all these years trying to get somebody to go to heaven one of us dies when we get mad about it no no no no no no no no no amen no this is life it's not life in death it's just life amen hallelujah well do you get anything out of this nut give the Lord praise and thanks didn't give him praise give him on give him blue we have the victory over there amen good friend of mines an old motorcycle outlaw years ago and and he hadn't been saved long he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior I mean he's mainline heroin addict and and and God really got to got through to him and and there's a another guy with another outlaw Club stuck shotgun in his face and bin said whoa pull the trigger I pull the trigger man go read our God the next face I'll see is a Lord Jesus Christ pull it jack pull it glory to God get me out of here pull the trigger he said Oh Ben I didn't know his so I I didn't know his real I was hoping it is real ah he said pray for me break on the brow won't dis Jesus from Allah he didn't come out of church he hadn't been totaled his life all that monkey motion religion the reason religion don't you know when you have to memorize theology and doctrine cuz it don't work you don't have to memorize stuff that works you just live it my dad told me one time he said can if I found out there wasn't any God and that Jesus never never had been I'd still live this way because it works amen but truth works and it works all the time every time when it's put to work and when you think about it fear always works it works every time when you put it to work the thing of it is the natural world don't know anything else and they don't know what's given them so they talk fear live fear God said I I call heaven and earth to record before you this day that I placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life you choose Zoe that you and your seed after you may live you cling to God that you may love the Lord your God and I will be your life and I'll be the length of your days hallelujah amen you better stand up I can't quit glory glory glory I said come on give the Lord praise and thanksgiving glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory father I pray for every person in the sound of my voice every person on the god channel every person on the internet every person in this room every person that will listen to the CDs and watch the DVDs of these meetings in the future I pray for them all as they are making decisions sir decisions concerning you decision in reaction and response to your word you said if any man will stand at the door and knock if any man will hear my voice and open I will come in I will sup with him I'll be Lord to him glory to God thank you sir I remember in your word Lord Jesus you said anyone that comes to me I will in no wise cast him out thank you lord oh thank God for that if that hadn't been true how to died and gone to hell I found in your word where you said you died for the ungodly and I realize I qualified now thank you for it - who do I thank you for it yes yes you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 275,109
Rating: 4.5942917 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, wdcvc13, 2842982044001, kenneth copeland ministries, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, bible teaching, faith, sermon, spiritual growth, life & work
Id: m4rMFbZBaFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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