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[Music] there's a lot of church people right now [Music] that are despairing and going it's all over we're not going to make it are you kidding me where did god go huh where did jesus go [Music] don't call a conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy and don't fear what they fear and don't dread what they dread don't get caught up in it you can tell something's wrong when you've lost your peace you've lost your joy you're mad and upset all the time you have missed it when this happens you're listening to things you shouldn't be listening to you're yielding to things you shouldn't be yielding to [Music] i got to keep reminding you so i know i have for weeks and months now i keep telling myself you don't really know i heard it i heard people say it and i said yeah but you know a lot of folks are prophesying you can prophesy out of your own heart because it's something you want and something you think and it not be god and there is some of that happening right now don't believe everything you hear you need to just continually be asking how do i know that and checking your heart and checking the word right because even though a lot of the details shift and change and even whole kingdoms rise and fall and come and go yet he does not change god does not change his word does not change i said this a few weeks ago and the lord has brought it back to me repeatedly in these last several weeks and months i asked the lord a question about some of these things and he gave he gave me a three phrases i did not expect to hear what about he said i am not republican i am not a democrat i am not american is it true or not is god american is jesus american republican independent [Music] yet people try to lump things together and say well this is the same as god no it's not the same as god that's what the lord told me he said i'm not republican i'm not a democrat i'm not american now that doesn't mean he don't care about us or they didn't care about our country he obviously does or we'd have been gone long time ago [Music] but you got to watch about fixating so much on these temporary things that are happening because they are so unstable they rise they fall they change they sway over here they sway over there people run in the ditch on this side then they get out and plunge in the ditch on the other side is that right and this is popular for this little while and and then it's out of vogue and then this is popular and then 50 years from then nobody even knows what you're talking about and god is not that he does not change his word does not change his will does not change his plan does not change and his plan is not to glorify man if it's a plan that glorifies man it's not god's plan his plan was established before the earth was before before there were men and women and he's not going to change it now and in the end as things transpire they are fulfilled and they are complete it'll be god who gets the glory hallelujah i said it'll be god [Music] you know if it wasn't for his word you'd believe just anything [Music] you wouldn't know the difference between it good right and wrong but we got a standard i said we got a standard that we can measure everything by and see what's good and what's not what's right and what's not right what's god what's just man and not god you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 10,842
Rating: 4.9731994 out of 5
Id: LrGlfeskdw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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