More Grace to the Humble 2 | Keith Moore | LWCC

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would you turn please to Habakkuk they'll put it on the screen for us but Habakkuk 2 and 4 it's indeed a pleasure to be with you again as pastor Mac said we've a we count your pastors friends and I'm so impressed with what the Lord has done in them and in you and in this church and work it is no accident that a church this strong has been here this long the way it has God has sustained you and blessed you you're blessed with good leaders do you believe this you our churches closed their doors on a regular basis and God has sustained you are you thankful for this he's increased you blessed you made you a mighty influence in your area and far beyond enabled you to underwrite and help send many are you thankful for this this is no small thing this is no small thing you're a part of something we are going to be so glad when all this is over that we were a part of these things that affected the kingdom of God we're going to be you we just don't know how glad we're going to be till we get there but in Habakkuk 2:4 I'm impressed with this for my time with you verse 4 says behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith now we're familiar with that last phrase the just shall live by his faith it's quoted at least three times in the New Testament that I'm aware of the just shall live by faith and this is one of the first time you see it in the word but you'll notice here it doesn't just say the just shall live by faith what does it say the just shall live by his faith very significant did you know you can't live by somebody else's faith even those close to you you can't live by your you know what you get to a certain age especially when you get to your teen years and especially late teens you can't live on mama and daddy's faith anymore you you have to learn they can help you they can join with you but they can't just do it for you when children are real really small especially little ones parents receive for them just like they're receiving for themselves you can use your faith little ones but when you get older the Lord expects you to come directly to him he expects you to develop a personal relationship with him yourself and trust him for yourself and as an adult you can't just depend on other people believing for you you've got to learn how to believe for yourself people can believe with you but not just for you when you're doubting and unbelieving the just shall live by his faith faith is inseparable from vision when you say I'm believing for something there has to be a vision that goes with it what are you believing for well what you're believing for that's the vision and again just like you can't live by somebody else's faith you can't live by someone else's vision now you can be influenced by it and you know that's one of the big things with a church family is the power of unity and unified faith but in order for that to happen we have to be on the same page we have to embrace the same vision and so when you hear a vision and it can be as simple as a vision of you being symptom-free as you being out of debt as you being free from depression or it can be as simple as that but it can't be that somebody else had a great miracle because they could see it happening and they received it that that's not enough you can be inspired but it has to come to the place you have to come to the place where you see that happening for you are y'all with me friends you see you and you not just talk and if you don't see it it's not okay to pretend you see it is there by listening I heard this some years ago well-known Minister I love them I appreciate them I don't agree with them on this point they they talked about that what you need to do is fake it till you make it tell about with faith you know we'll just fake it till you make it absolutely not that there is no pretending in faith there's no pretending in God you're with me friends if you don't see it you don't see it don't pretend that you do what do you do you need to do something to cause yourself to get to the place where you do see it how does that happen immerse yourself in the Word of God on that subject seek the Lord about it pray in the spirit about it be around people it's great to be around people that have bigger vision than you do in that area but you can't just get it by osmosis now you can be inspired and stirred up but you got to get to the place where you see it happening you see it for yourself hallelujah you know when Jesus ministered to that woman at the well and she went back and told the people and then later he came and preached to them and their response was now we believe not because of your word but we have heard him for ourselves hallelujah and there is no substitute for hearing him for yourself seeing it for yourself hallelujah you need to be able to see you not just somebody heard a great testimony about that's great it inspires you but you've got to see you I know when the Lord first dealt with us to believe for a jet for the ministry he had to talk to me about it I didn't just jump on it because I knew for where we were that was bigger than where we were and but I thankfully I got to hang around brother Kenneth Copeland's song and actually got to ride with the brother Mac as they flew or the Hagins around for a year or two and and and helped me helped me but then when I started to believe for hours I'm trying to see it I'm trying to see you know me and Phyllis and our staff in the plane and the plane going down the runway and it takes off and I look and know that's brother Kenneth flying the plane that's not me I look back in the back no that's miss Gloria in the back it was there when I'm talking about I could see them I couldn't see me and it had to come to a place where that changed and thank God over a time period of months and concerning the whole vision years things changed I begin to see it begin to look closer to me more in reach to me and it came to pass can you say thank you Lord whatever that might be you got to see it for yourself the just shall live by his faith or her faith now notice this first part though it goes with it notice this previous part I'm gonna read this in the new American Standard it says behold as for the proud one his soul is not right within him but the righteous will live by his faith now we're familiar with that last phrase but why does other part proceeded why are you talking about pride in the same verse we tell my living by faith in my few years of walking with the Lord I've come to see this clearer and clearer one of the big enemies of faith is pride pride we already were talking about some some of this just a moment ago pride is a pretender pride pretends now one of the big characteristics of the opposite of pride humility is just honesty you show me a humble man or woman I'll show you an honest man or woman they they're inseparable going me to the book of James please the book of James did I lose somebody okay James chapter 4 now when I'm talking about pride I'm not talking about something that a few people need to do to you know get over every one of us every one of us has to deal with pride I used to teach a course in Rhema Bible Training Center where we taught on some of these things pride in humility and not once but many times I'd have people come to me and say you know brother Keith before I took your course I never had any trouble with pride well you don't have trouble with what you just yield to can you see that it's when you identify and you start dealing with it that's when you find that it's kind of like habits people so I can quit this anytime I want to okay show us right there when you actually begin to you realize the flesh had a bigger hold then you thought then you realized but pride is is something to be detested it's something to be despised now in our modern society people think well you know not not good pride brother Keith you know I'm I'm proud of my kids I'm proud of this I mean what's wrong with that a lot its mr. Floyd yeah yeah why because they're your kids you're proud of your kids it's still a focus on yourself do you remember when Jesus was baptized in the river and he came up and the Holy Spirit came on him remember what the father spoke out this is my beloved son I'm so proud of him huh no no you can be thankful you can be appreciative you can be pleased but to be proud goes into something that is the very nature of the devil regardless of what area you're talking about there's no such thing as a good pride if you want to do a good study on it look through the book of Proverbs sometime and see God says it's abomination to him he said he hates it pride well why because it is the nature of the evil one you don't want to be anything like the evil one now do you if you're serious about this I'll lead you in a prayer that will help your trip I did this for myself years ago I'll just I'll tell you upfront it's not flattering and it's not fun but it'll change your life you want to do it sit out loud father God you hate pride I hate what you hate I ask you to reveal to me pride in my life helped me to see it helped me to identify it show me how to overcome it how to resist it and become more like the master I ask it in Jesus name Amen praise God you remember what the Lord said about him he said come learn of me you remember that in Matthew Jesus had come learn of me and then he says what of all the things he could have pointed out describing his nature he said I am meek and lowly of heart he said come to me and you'll find rest unto your souls why would he say that well he talked about being labored and burdened and heavy loaded but also this maintaining a facade is exhausting huh it is it's fatiguing I've heard people say before you know well but you've been out traveling you've been out doing things that said old man I'll just be so glad when I can get home and let down my hair and just be myself well who you've been being with us but just be myself though we laugh but there is this thing in the flesh if when you got born again it wasn't your flesh that got born again wasn't even your mind that got born again it was the inner man that got recreated and all of us still got that same thing of the flesh to deal with just like every sinners flesh is and there's this desire to impress there's this desire not to be embarrassed or ashamed and it also many responses people getting angry people getting hurt so much of it comes back to pride you didn't want people to rely yeah but was it true yeah but I don't want anybody to know and that is pride but but what's the problem with that it's right it's directly interferes with you and I live in by faith do you remember our text directly interferes we're living by faith look in James for please James for verse 6 it says that God gives more grace living by faith is God's call for our life it's it's the only way to success in victory but something precedes faith always and that's grace I've had people ask me well now you're you you a grace person or a faith person grace our faith faith or grace and I say yes what do you mean you you can't have one without the other so missus what we started Stahl up to God that's true you got to live by faith that's true but you wouldn't even know what faith is if it wasn't for grace you wouldn't have had the opportunity to hear the word if it wasn't for grace you wouldn't have had the ability to understand it and believe it if it wasn't for grace you cannot separate the two but here's the big thing if we're walking by faith we got to have grace but not everyone gets grace really read the scripture he said God gives more grace there's always more grace to receive worth for he says God does what he gives grace to the proud - no no the proud do not get grace there don't receive grace and this is about the most terrible thing that could happen to you in life because grace has been called many things but basically it means gift everything that God has all the grace that God has extended is a gift all of it's a gift and part of the gift of grace is his ability his strength his help how many understand that with enough of God's help you can get through anything it's the truth if you're struggling you're not quite there more grace is your answer because that gets you to more faith come on can you see this more grace getting revelation that's grace being able to understand that's Grace having the help when the Lord deals has your ministers to preach on certain things and when he gives you things in the night time and when he reveals things to you when you're driving down the road grace grace grace help help help can you say and if something that just seemed too big for you to receive it just seemed too high too hard well it's not that it's too hard to receive it's just that the faith is small and the vision is small what do we need somebody might say we need more faith well we do but it's inseparable from the more grace more help to get there and who gets the grace come on help me out he resists the proud there this alone is why you want to get rid of pride right how many want more of God's help do you want more help and this is part of humility is acknowledging that you need his help every day acknowledging that you needed hallelujah you we can't get dressed in the morning the way we should without his help hmm do you need his help driving down the road you better believe it it's all the stuff you don't know about right you don't know about everybody in those cars I mean we got people playing video games we've got people putting on their makeup and fixing their hair is that right well they drive it we got all kind of crazy things going on you don't even know about all of them you need his help turn look at your neighbor helper might say you need help you need you need help and what you need to say is I know it I know it and and I have help I have help I have the greater one I got the helper capital H but did you know the Holy Spirit helps some people a whole lot more than he does other people it's just a fact why cuz some look to him more they look to him more they rely on him or they yield to him or the pride the proud don't get the grace they get resisted but the humble they received grace even grace upon grace even more grace somebody say thank you lord verse seven says submit yourselves james 4:7 submit yourselves this is something no one else is going to do for you no one else can do it the understood subject is you you submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil he'll flee from you look with me in Proverbs the third chapter please proverbs 3 and verse 5 let me just give you a couple of phrases I've got a series if you're interested it won't cost you anything you can go online and get it it's uh it's called humility key to greater grace and any of our materials that you want you can go online and get them won't cost you anything but we get into some of these details I'll give you just a couple of these phrases though this morning pride pretends and his phony humility is honest and real pride hides and covers humility is open and confesses pride another thing about it pride presumes and assumes humility asks and inquires pride presumes humility asks you're with me friendship just some characteristics of these because the Lord you you prayed a prayer were you serious just a moment ago you prayed a prayer he's gonna help you it's gonna come up and it's not gonna make you happy either but getting free will really make you happy you'll say something you'll do something it'll come up and you go yeah that's pride that's ugly stinking pride the reason I say that is because the psalmist said that the Lord the proud he knows are far off it's like he's holding them at arm's length it's like they smell pride stinks I guess to him he knows him afar off but he's close he draws near to the humble and contrite in heart well it's being christ-like meek and humble how do we how do we do this pride presumes humility asks our inquires you know David inquired of the Lord all the time didn't he and it's interesting because he'd have a very very similar situation like the Philistines are coming against us again he's done this numerous times with wonderful results you got a watch about thinking I've done this I know how to do this I got this God okay see that I can take care of it now if something big comes up I'll check back with you but you know I've been doing this for 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years I got this I got that's when pride goes before a yeah and he wouldn't do that though even though it looked identical the Bible said he would inquire of the Lord sure to go up against him and and numerous times he'd say yeah go up against him you'll prevail but it's a good thing he asked after many years same thing happened he said should I go up against him and the Lord said no this time go around behind the mulberry trees new strategy if anybody ever comes out with a thousand volumes set on what to do in every situation save you money don't buy it I don't care who they are I know the sheriff is the best preachers in the world don't buy it because if that would do it you wouldn't need the Holy Spirit you got a watch about looking in the past to determine what to do in the future and the Lord quickened to me you know time is progressing and God's will is that things that used to take ten years to happen they don't take ten years to happen they happen many a year coming you see what I'm talking about God things are moving and happening and just because it was a struggle to you and hard for you to believe or to do it back then you have grown you have developed you're at a different place times at a different place don't just look back and expect to duplicate that look forward with fresh anticipation and expectation and inquire somebody say inquire inquire ask the Lord ask him how to do it you see that right here in proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart that's humility lean not to your own understanding if you're just relying on your own understanding that's pride you're acknowledging I don't care how brilliant you might think you are deny what the scripture said if any man thinks he knows anything he knows nothing yet as he ought to know compared to God what we know that didn't didn't fill the bottom of a thimble and I thank God for what we know but we're talking mighty Ancient of Days here when he calls us his little children it's not a figure of speech because developmentally that's where we are compared to him and I just know some of the things we come up with sometime it's like a child holding up a crayon drawing and he goes oh that's pretty baby that's nice and we're thinking it's really advanced but because he loves us they don't want to discourage us but to say he knows more than we do oh that's an understatement in all your ways do what acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths do we need him to direct our path do we need help with him helping us every step of every day so how does that happen we have to acknowledge him in what in the big thanks huh and in the big hard stuff we acknowledge him as ever people say this well I guess there's nothing left to do now but pray has it come to that I guess that's all we I miss them that's what we should have done first is we should have started this out with an inquiry of the right we she started this out ask you have not because you ask not sometimes people have this concept of God he's the heavenly operator he's got to headset on and that old plug in Jack you know phone thing and he's answering calls from kings and presidents and soldiers in the foxhole and he and he's got even the all night he's got to be to sweat on his brow because there's so many the boys just lit up and I've heard people say well I would order bother the Lord with this I don't want to buy you ever heard that I don't want to bother the Lord you you don't know who you're talking about there is no heavenly switchboard I know he's saying call him up tell him what you want but there is no heavenly switchboard God wouldn't even have a computer that'd be like an oxcart to him he's have no snow he used for such a thing so we think we're so advanced but I'm telling you compared to him it's who God and he's not old he's not old he's sitting on the throne and there is no sweat there's no perspiration and he can hear everybody's prayer at once and he can answer him oh if everybody on the planet made a demand with their faith and in prayer on his ability he could answer it all simultaneously and the lights in heaven wouldn't even flicker do you believe it or not he can answer the president's call he can answer the the mother's prayer he can answer the soldiers prayer and help you find a parking place downtown at the same time with with no problem you have not because you didn't check you didn't check we should continually be checking acknowledging him asking looking checking just continue you don't have to say a bunch of things out loud you just it's a way of life it's a way of living it's a lifestyle you just learn to do that every everything that comes up you're checking your checking your checking and if you acknowledge him he's right there to direct you hallelujah to direct your pass somebody say thank you lord thank you lord go with me to John five in closing I think you guys listen well I enjoy preaching to you thank you Lord somebody say thank you lord thank you lord there's so much to be said about this but I want you to notice how that this is true this is not just some some idea that I had last week John five-and-thirty gospel account of John chapter five and thirty jesus said I can of my own self do what this is something many have not realized people preach and say you know Jesus walked on the water why because he's God Jesus you know raised the dead why because he's God well that's a true statement technically but you're living a very wrong impression you're implying he did that as God and he said that as he walked the earth how much could he do of his own self nothing so he couldn't just go heal somebody or work a miracle jesus said because he decided to most church-going people don't believe that but the Bible says it very clearly and plainly Philippians tells us he laid aside his mighty weight and power and glory he became like other men now think about this when he was 30 years old baptized in the River Jordan he came up and the Holy Spirit came on him and the other scripture said he had the spirit without measure well the anoint her doesn't need to be anointed can you see that it proves he's functioning as a man with no unfair advantage over us because he had to be anointed at that juncture can you see that and then he went he went out ministering in that anointing I can't of my own self do nothing as I hear I judge is this also humility D here the humility of the master you know he never took credit he never took personal credit for one message he preached or for one healing or for one miracle he said the father the father the father in me he does the works I only say what I hear the father say I only do what I see the father do can you see this if he speaks like that how should we speak the father the Lord the spirit he said I seek not my own will but the will of the Father which sent me skip on down to verse but is it 42 I believe it is er actually 43 for times sake he said I'm coming my father's name and you received me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive how can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honour that comes from God only in the amplified it says it like this jesus said this is not from the master how is it possible for you to believe so is there something here that can really hinder your faith you who are content to seek and receive praise and honor and glory from one another and you don't seek the praise and honor and glory which come from him who alone is God we must get delivered from the fear of man we must get free from the desire to impress others with what we know our with our faith there are those who should still be among us who died young and early that could have been helped by things like a surgery or procedure our medicine because their faith wasn't where they were trying to operate but they're trying to prove to other people they were trying to show their family that this is real and they were embarrassed say I might need some help on this or that there is no place for pretending in faith if you don't see it if your confidence is not there don't try to pretend like it is use your faith where you are now that doesn't mean in that specific instance that it's go to the doctor or believe God if you're going to the doctor you better believe God and if you will let them roll you in that cold operating room and work on you while you're unconscious you better have released some faith you better be in faith before you do that right and if you need a little help right now then you take it and you'd be thankful for the help and maybe next time your faiths in a different place you don't need that much help next time but you don't you're not going to be successful by pretending brother Kenneth Hagin had multiple visions he said by the head of the church and one of those that he had he said the master he saw him he said he saw him just like he sees you see any other human person and he said he said this among other things to him he said when any of my people have procedures ask me to speed up the healing process working in them now think about that why didn't he just say you know well no tell him don't go to the doctor just trust me he didn't say that why because you don't receive according to even God's perfect will you don't receive according to what God can do we receive according to our faith the just shall live by his his for where our faith is at the moment and we've seen a great result we've seen instantaneous miracles but we've also seen a lot of great things in this area as well this is how you do it I've done it many times somebody's going in our terms I'll pray with if it's some of my staff or some of our people or our pastors we'll pray like this Lord we pray your hand on the surgeons and the assistance and the nursers we ask you to help them to get the best sleep they have ever and as they cut as they do the procedure we ask your hand on their equipment on their hands their eyes their minds help them to be alert anything they shouldn't do check them keep them back from doing anything they should know they don't know reveal it to and we ask you Lord help them to do of the best work they have ever done in their life and then afterwards we ask you increase the healing power working in their bodies and speed up the healing so that they heal up supernaturally complete and supernaturally quickly in Jesus and you're really safe and we've seen it I've seen surgeons that have come out after that and I don't know what if they were believers some of them necessarily but they're just beaming for lack of a better word they're proud of the work that they just did and they don't know it but when they put their hands the Holy Spirit put his hand on top of theirs and then they did some of the best work I actually had one time he said that's the best work I've ever done and I did I said we prayed for you he said well it was good work hallelujah and then when people come back in you'll see many times they've told them this is your progress is amazing I mean this is this is twice as fast as people normally healer well that's a witness - that's a miracle - you won't get anywhere pretending no matter if it's your body or your finances or your family if it's not real to you don't pretend but get in the word until it is real to you and walk where you are don't compare yourself with anybody else God is not comparing you with other people he's comparing you with the light he knows he gave you can you say Amen
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 12,616
Rating: 4.8483415 out of 5
Id: ZLVP9-noGco
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Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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