Keith Moore Walking With God Pt 11 Knowing Love

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if you would turn with me to Hebrews the eighth chapter this morning Hebrews 8 for some weeks we've been talking about walking with God walking with God and our text has been here in Hebrews eight and verse 10 the prophecy said this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I'll put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people he wouldn't just write the laws on stone tablets he wouldn't just give them that they the ordinances could be written down with pen and ink he would write it on your heart he would put it inside you is this the day you and I are living in today the day where he he didn't just he didn't just write it on the stone and we look at it he writes it inside you he puts it inside you and verse 11 says they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they all shall know me from the least to the greatest said out loud all shall know me from the least to the greatest all shall know me is the prophecy that is fulfilled in the day of the new covenant in the first covenant the Old Covenant the average person did not know God personally that's when somebody like oh who put out the the fleece Gideon like Gideon was putting out a fleece because he didn't know who was talking to him mrs. what about putting out fleeces today don't do it do not do it and what about praying like that so God if you want me to do that then have four red cars come by my house in a row and I'll know that you don't pray like that mister well I didn't pray like that and it happened God has mercy on babies but you got to realize that the enemy is out here too and he can do some things he can influence and cause some even some supernatural things to happen just because it's spiritual doesn't make it God just because it's supernatural doesn't make it God and as Crete New Testament believers are not supposed to be led externally we are to be led internally right I don't care if a door is wide open you don't just blare through it you stop and say Lord am I supposed to go through that right and you're led by the witness and I don't care if the door is closed and bolted and locked and chained that doesn't mean you can't go through you listening Saints you just say Lord am I supposed to go through there and if you are then you stand there and speak to it and leave God till it opens up too many people are led by external things well this happened so I can't have and can't do it must be God that didn't happen so it must be God no you don't you say it must be God because of stuff that's happening out here and around you there's all kind of influences in this world around you doesn't make it God said out loud I am a child of God I'm led by his spirit inside amen not not by all this stuff on the outside now he said that all know me from the least to the greatest and that's what we've been talking about that you do not have to know about God only and you do not have to know God vicariously through other people's relating their experiences you are supposed to know God experientially for yourself do you believe the signs for yourself knowing for yourself and so in talking about that we've gone into a number of things that would help us to know him and walk with him and I want I won't take time to go through everything don't have that time today but you can go out in the back area and get CDs DVDs you can go online get all the previous messages and I believe it'll benefit you to cover everything because what we're doing today is built on that but one of the things that we saw in Amos is how can two walk together unless what unless they're agreed and if you go walk with God you need to be in agreement with him you need to love what he loves and desire what he desires and and esteemed what he esteems value what he values despise what he despises and when it comes to agreeing with him he's not gonna meet you halfway did I say something wrong how many saying God's not gonna meet you halfway in adapting to you that would be wrong he's perfect you're not right he's right about everything you're not one of our biggest problems is ignorance ignorance even the Apostle Paul said for we know in part right somebody who'd had multiple visions of the head of the church had been caught up to heaven and he says I just know parts of it well if you just know parts what does that mean there are other parts you are oblivious to that you don't know and that's the parts that can cause a problem you got to watch about filling in the blanks about things that you don't know and jumping to conclusions and assuming things and because of that that's what the Bible says we are to submit ourselves to God right there there'll be numerous times you don't see things you don't see what he's talking about you don't see while he's telling you to do something or while he says he loves this and he hates this but you can as an act of your will say well if he likes it I like it don't care what my head tells me what anybody if he don't like it I don't like it right I saw that for my own life a number of years ago that I could do that the master said I delight to do thy will O God it's it's an act of you will you don't have to feel that way and I saw and begin to practice it there not too long after I saw it something came up I thought this thing eyes always wanted to do I had always wanted to do and the Lord that with me I don't want you to do that and so you got a choice your soul and your minds been going that direction for years and you can get all lift about it and go willows or you can save yourself a lot of grief and go right yeah now that I look at it again I don't even like it and your heads going yes you do say shut up shut up sure now that I look at it again no sir no what was I thinking why cuz if you don't like it I don't like it you can just do it as an act of your will and then there's other things I thought for decades I was not a pastor and never would be I was just pretty sure about it and what if after 20 years in the ministry Phyllis and I are on vacation for a couple of days we're standing by a lake I remember it distinctly and and he just come up my just looked at her I said you ever thought about pastors she said no I said me and that was the whole conversation that was the whole thing so we thought well boy that's settled and about five years after that the Lord beginning to do with us to start the church there at Branson man it surprised me I thought huh me because there are even some other people kind enough to tell me there sure I wasn't a pastor didn't need to do such a thing but I had to do that same thing I thought and finally I realized no this is the Lord dealing with me and and I came back nested yes sir that's what I am I is one run I don't have to feel like it I don't have to see anything else if he says you are you are right he says I am I am and you know our staff that we've had over the special ones have been with us as well so many of them they had one thing in mind they thought they wanted to do and now 10 years later 20 years later they're doing something totally different and happier than they've ever been you believe God knows you better than you know you and and he's right about everything but to walk with him you have to adapt to him not try to get him to come to you and submit to him and in in doing so we were taking this time to learn what he what's important to him what matters 10 we've already seen that God is a righteous God he loves righteousness what is fair what is just he's a God of truth he loves truth and honesty he hates a lie didn't say he hates liars he hates a lot you can't you can love sinners without loving the sin right and we've seen a number of things he said he's a God of honor and that you you must treat his things with respect right and honor and I'll be frank with you our generation is suffering from the fruits and results of the rebellion of the sixties now we've had multiple generations grew up that were never taught respect and not taught on it's a huge problem throughout society but we don't have to be like us our children our grandkids can no respect and honor and be honorable and treat people and the things of God with honor and respect we can be and we will be a light in a dark world can you say Amen I don't think it's a good thing for younger ones to say sir and ma'am to their elders and and to their teachers and and when when an elder begins to talk shut up right don't interrupt your elders and and there's some as well that's just old-fashioned no it's older fashioned than you think it goes all the way back to God it ain't just southern it ain't just this it ain't just that it's God he's a god of Honor I mean you'll find scriptures like the Bible talks about when a when a white-haired elder comes into the room get up don't stay seated stand up so there's a lot of things that we need to get back to don't we back to the word and if you're gonna walk with God and commune with him you got to get our minds renewed so that we think like he does he is a God of honor his honor is one of the most awesome things about him I mean when I get when I get to thinking about that and begin more aware it's one of the things that will bring me to tears the quickest and move me the deepest he is what he is on the inside it's honor it is so deep it is so powerful it is so moving and he wants us to be a representative of that in this dark or earth in this dark world somebody said out loud father teach me about your honor now something else we want to go on into today you got time for it I know we've already taken some time but you know you got any time hmm you know there's a lot of folks looking for a 20 minute sermon and you've already figured out that anything happening here right I mean but how much time can we give God you know are we really that rushed that pushed that you know 12 10 or 15 or whatever is so hugely different from 11:59 huh don't get scared just relax right I don't want to go too long either I don't want to do anything more than I should do but how many think we ought to give the Lord our full attention without sitting fidgeting thinking I wish we'd hurry up and be done if the Lord is trying to talk to us we need to get it and you will be tested on this material you wit no not you might be you will be when you walk outside these doors you gonna be tested on this in life so Yoda you know I know when I first started learning how to fly especially fly jets I was in ground school for weeks before they let me get in the you know the fly and so I'm sitting there and what went on and on and on and on and and depending on your inclination I mean numbers old brother numbers numbers numbers and and then I finally got in the sim and I'm flying and in these and the engine caught on fire and then this happened and you know what I was thinking is that time you know we shot to pay a little more attention in the class they weren't just a jabbering I mean I am gonna need to hit and I don't understand you're gonna need this you're gonna need this and we're talking about faith you're gonna need it for yourself or your family or friend soon you talk about healing you're talking about prosperity you're talking about being lead you gonna need it for yourself or somebody else soon so uh open both eyes and hey are you here okay let's go on talking about walking with the Lord what else should we know to agree with him and to walk with him go with me over to mark the third chapter mark chapter 3 let me let me talk just a little bit further about that our time down here is very precious our time together is very precious and people are leaving here dying I'm talking about if you heard some of our teaching along this line we got into it talking about at the rate of about two per second on the earth not just in church but with with your family your friends people you encounter you don't know that you're ever going to see them again right do we know a hundred percent do I know do you know that you and I'll ever be in the service again we don't know that a hundred percent and if you're doing something with somebody your spouse you your child your friend whatever what you about being so rushed that you can't take 20 more seconds or 20 more minutes to finish a sentence properly and to convey something and handle something properly having to think a lot of folks in this world are in far too big of a rush they have far too big of a rush and we got to watch about technology you got to watch we're not supposed to be led by texts or emails we're supposed to be led by the spirit right and something you have to watch it because you phone dings or your computer makes a sound you drop everything ignore people and cut people off to do that that is so rude somebody's trying to talk to you and you're texting that's just rude I said it's just rude and what if you never see them again on this side and the last thing you did was snub them because you were trying to tell somebody the color of your shoes where it was for sale somewhere you know some goofy simple thing this wasn't important you know we need to relax don't and we need to we need to pull the throttles back so right and did you know you don't have to take hours and hours with a person to make them feel like you care all you got to do is give them your full undivided attention for a few seconds for a couple minutes right just let them have your full attention and let them see love in your eyes and let them hear it in the tone of your voice how many know it could make you feel a whole lot better if you if you didn't see them again tomorrow right these things are important and let's walk in a greater awareness of what's really going on and what's really important we're still talking about the same thing aren't we what's important to him is important to us you know what's important to him people I heard something now this has been decades ago but I heard a minister say this and it just branded me inside it he said he was I actually I think he was in Central Park in New York City and he was looking around just a nice day he was enjoying and and Minister himself and just communing with the Lord said Lord you know thank you for this day and everything and he said the Lord spoke to his heart and said look around what do you see he thought hmmm there's an airplane going over there's skyscrapers over there I hear a train there's apartment buildings there's cars the Lord said that's not what I see I see people in the plane I see people in the buildings I see people in the cars is that a difference it's a huge difference then just seeing stuff and seeing furniture and seeing structures I don't really care about all that right oh that's just going to be gone right it's rusted and rotten so I'll go melt with fervent Heat but those human souls are forever right and precious precious beyond natural price in mark three there was a man in the place where Jesus was speaking that had a withered hand and the religious leaders were pondering whether Jesus would heal him on the Sabbath day and we're actually expecting it now you think about ungodly folks had more faith that a healing was going to happen then a lot of believers think about those Pharisees doctors love poking each other and said watch you heal heal him on the Sabbath day watch him and then Jesus told the man stand up they said see I told you I told you watch him cuz to them after just being around him for a while Jesus in the room sick man in the room healings happening today these were ungodly people how much more should believers think that way right uh and he looked around about it with anger verse 5 being grieved for what grieved for the hardness of their hearts and he said to the man stretch forth your hand he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other glory to God is he still a healing Jesus yes he is yes he is but now we've seen things that please the Lord and we've seen things that angered and grieve the Lord why are we looking at this we want to walk with Him we want to see things like he sees them be in agreement with him if he doesn't like it we shouldn't like it what didn't he like here hard-heartedness hardness of heart go to Luke 6 please let's read Luke's account of the same happening and we'll see some more detail here Luke 6 well you guys are listening pretty good today Luke 6 jesus said in verse 27 I say to you which hear love your enemies everybody say love your enemies who are your enemies as people that don't like you right people that can't stand you people that talk bad about you behind your back and maybe to your face to people that will hurt you huh have hurt you and would hurt you again what are you supposed to do shut them down get them back huh what are you supposed to do what what love them love them these are people who don't like you you gonna do what well I can see you excited about it how do you do that how do you do that keep reading he goes into some detail about how to do it let's keep reading for several verses here verse 28 bless them that curse you they curse you and you do what you don't curse them back they curse you and you do what get mad get your feelings hurt hmm get offended turn them in [Laughter] I know what email everybody and tell them how they cursed you and what they did to you no no what do you do bless them blessing has to do with the benefit cursing has to do with the damage a hurt do something that's a benefit say something that be beneficial for them and pray something that be beneficial for them do something that be beneficial not here I'm we're gonna have to keep saying this because our minds got to be renewed you don't have to feel like it to do it you can be as mad as all get-out you can be hurt you can be upset and not act like you feel even though your feelings are real and strong it doesn't make them right it doesn't mean you have a right to feel that way or that you're right in feeling that way and if you're feeling led you're gonna miss it again and again and again how many remember the scripture said the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God pray for them which do what despitefully use you despitefully that's mean isn't it just just win say just spiteful right this did it for spite they just walk by your desk and just knocked everything in the Florida I'll excuse me you know that there's no purpose they just did this they just just out of spite so what are you doing response to that back up what do you do huh you pointed out to them you teach them huh you correct them you correct them you what you do what you pray for them you pray you do what you pray for them they go out of sight and you you go God I'm doing what you said I'm praying for them you don't pray this prayer strike them dead strike him go get him no no that's not the prayer they were talking about why because if you care about them here's the big deal if you care about them you don't want them to be judged for what they're doing to you now if you don't care about them you want to see them get what's coming to them if you care more about your feelings than you do them then you want to see them judged vengeance but if you care about them you'd say like Jesus Lord forgive them they don't know what they're doing you say like Stephen Lord don't lay this sin to their charge I mean they got enough trouble without getting in trouble over me right lord help them to see what's going on help them to see what road their own open their eyes have mercy on them help them to wake up help them right we don't want to see them judged we don't sit we don't want to see them go off the end into destruction pray for keep going unto Him that smites you on the one cheek do what oh boy listen let's just stop what if you don't do that they slap you and you slap them harder what why do one do this you ever been slapped real hard it ain't fun I used to do sport fighting you ever been punched real hard in the mouth and I've been hit so hard shavings came off of my teeth see and you know what goes through your mind I was in the ring and the person mediating the fight they called it go to you know go to the corners and so they came to me and meant you know when you get real hard you can't see really you can't ya eyes fill up with water you can't even see and this guy kind of pulled a little trick I won't I won't go into it but he was it was kind of some dirty stuff and so the guy said you know you need to call the fight I said no no no give me just give me a minute they said no no we need to call it I said no no no you know what's going through my mind anybody know give me just a minute to get focused here and we're gonna help him out we're gonna take him to school for a little while and my instructor saw what's on my eyes and he said no I'm calling because he knew what was happening next and thank God he didn't there was why because if if they slap you and you slap them here's the question what happens next what happens next two punches three punches a kick in four punches and free kicks and a tire iron huh knife and a pistol where does it stop where does it stop when it could have stopped with you doing this controlling yourself controlling your feelings and just turn why because you don't wanna get hit on that same side again so at least start fresh I'm gonna be there's good reasons where the Lord would tell you this he that takes away your cloak don't forbid him to take your coat don't don't don't get all huffing going you're not taking anything else you'd be over my dead body because it very well could be it could escalate to the point where somebody's dead it happens every day in the world doesn't it things get out of hand and it goes from this to this next thing you know somebody's dead and it's so senseless so senseless that somebody could have said take the parking spot fine I changed my mind I want to go somewhere else right sure take it do it hmm don't be temper ruled don't be feeling dominated right you certainly don't let a grudge and vengeance chew on you and push it till you can't even see straight for your hatred that's devilish how many know that's devilish that's not godly and it can end well even if you win you lose right he said verse 35 love your enemies do good verse 36 be merciful as your father is merciful he's talking about love isn't he I jumped ahead too far you said you weren't in a rush right I was acting like you were in a rush but you said you weren't in a rush okay so back up to 31 as you would that men should do to you do you lie also likewise to them for if you love them that love you what thank have you for sinners also love them love those that love them if you do good to them which do good to you what thank have you for sinners also do even the same verse 35 love your enemies he says it again the love of God is not what so many call love in this world the New Testament commandment anybody remember john 13:34 this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you it is one of the very most important things you could talk about as a Christian God is love said out loud God is love if you're going to know God you're going to know love in fact just go to first john 4 let's read that passage where that comes from first John 4 is it possible to love your enemies those that hurt you those that do evil to you is it possible it's not only possible we're commanded to do it are we a command is not something you get to choose whether you do or not but the Lord is looking out for us even though it might not be easy it's gonna be the best for us and then first John for first John four verse seven beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loves is born of God and what and what knows God you want to know God you want to walk with God you got to know love right and if you you love that's a sign you're born of God why hold you place there well I've actually they'll put it up on the screen for us Romans eight and what is it verse five Romans eight you don't necessarily have to turn there let it move too quick please stand by it's five five excuse me just put that up for us you stay in first John four if you want to romans five five what does it say hope makes not ashamed because what the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit which is given to us one of the biggest things that happens when you're born again the spirit you the person on the inside is recreated you become a new creation old things are passed away all things have become new and you have a new nature and your new nature is the nature of God himself which is love there's no such thing as a child of God that can't love I said there's no such thing as a child of God that can't love same thing you no such thing as a child of God that can't believe that's what you are by nature is a believer and it's what you are by nature is love but you also have a nature in your flesh and that nature's selfishness yours and mine because your flesh didn't get born again hmm you got the same flesh and flesh nature that you had the day before you got born again and you mind he's not completely renewed you can still think like an unsaved person and you can still yield to feelings like an unsaved person and all you got to do to be selfish it just wake up in the morning and yield to how you feel and you say whatever crosses your mind and just act like whatever feeling comes across you and you'll be acting like an unbeliever but if you'll pay attention when you're you the selfishness something is scratching you on the inside something is bugging you something is letting you know no this is not the way to go this is not the way to be it is the love of God that has been shed abroad in your heart it's in yin and if we will choose to we can let that love governess instead of our feelings instead of someone's insults instead of how somebody you don't have to respond and live according to the way somebody treats you you can live by faith and live in love love is a just like we said God must be the most miss represented maligned person ever people have said all kind of things about God that's not true and God is love so that is true about love love is one of the most distorted misrepresented things on the planet people love their car and they love pizza and they love football and they love this and and there they get lovesick and they fall in love and fall out of love and believe that you can't help who you love and you can't help who you fall in love with and love it they think love is an infatuation they think love is a feeling and when the feeling is gone you'll love them no more and you saw it but you know you got feeling for somebody else and and you can't help it you wish you in this way but love I'm alright it's a mystery and the truth is all these folks are thinking like this don't have a clue what love really is love's not a feeling love's a person God is love and you can love somebody when your flesh is tingling wanting to slap them when you are for all the world wanting to do something bad yet you got a choice you can yield to how you feel or you can yield to the love that's real inside you it's a choice it's a choice and it's Christians we must discipline ourselves and as you're learning you can catch yourself in mid-sentence if you've been yielding to the wrong thing for years just acting how you feel you can say let me tell you one thing God loves you and I do too and I'm gonna go pray and talk about this later how many baby didn't catch yourself mid-sentence and stop yielding to those feelings and that anger and pride you talk about me that way so much stuff that people get so indignant about their family you don't talk about my kids that way no you don't talk about Maya it's always about the mind nice oh you think it's so much about your kids it's your kids and man if the enemy sees that and he sees that yeah anybody remember uh jack-in-the-box huh how the jack-in-the-box works my kids don't know what a jack-in-the-box is that is they it didn't have any batteries let me tell you that little box had Jack down in it and the lid and you crank the handle anyway don't sit on it don't write nothing else don't sit on did don't nothing don't do POW Jack jumps out the box and all the kids go we your flesh is like that I said your flesh is like that somebody talk about you don't it'll don't that's not getting you somebody's talking about your kids don't dip down to go talk about your kids some more don't do the pile up comes the dead man that mad person is supposed to be dead and or breathing and ceiling wrath and now we're gonna make things and I'm telling you at the N and he sees that he knows your weak point next thing you know half the folks in your community talking about your kids he will drive you nuts if you if you let him but you how many know you got to be able to take a punch right spiritually you need to be able to take a punch if something gets in on you it gets to a tender spot it makes you mad it hurts you you need to be able to go hmm is that it was that your best shot well you made me want to do this oh don't do it don't do it be cool be cool keep thinking graters he fits in me than he that's in the world I got the love that can never fail on the inside of me and I'm choosing to yield to that not how I feel can you save me back to first John four back to first John four can you take a little more he said verse seven let us love one another for love is of God everyone that loves is born of God and knows God he that loves not what knows not God you you if you don't know love you don't know God why for God is love we talked about walking with God and no one got does it get any more important than this it doesn't keep going verse nine and this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him and then Romans says he did this while we were yet his enemies the love of God is not dependent on what anybody does for you or against you when you love with the love of God you love independently of what they're doing or not doing and with that kind of love you can love people that hate you and the great thing about it is there is no weapon against love there's no defense against it people say I hate you and you go well I love you they can't say you can't I won't let you you can't you can't prevent it there is there's no weapon why love is the most powerful thing in the universe why God is love well let's talk about feelings we talk about the real thing the love of God the love of God is not something you fall in and fall out of it's not based on feelings verse 10 herein is love not that we love God but he loved us he loved us while we were sinning against him didn't mean he loved what we were doing but he still loved us and you can love people no matter what they're doing you don't have to what they're doing but you can love them right and even though you may be very displeased with something they have done or doing or planning to do they should be able to see in your eyes that you still value them and you still want the best for them right and you're willing to sacrifice personally so that they can be in a good way somebody say the love of God verse 11 beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another thank you lord no man has seen God at any time if we love one another God dwells in US and his love is perfected in us hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he's given us of his spirit that's what Romans is talking about the love of God has shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Ghost who's been given to us full of the Spirit is full of love he said we've seen and testified that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whoever would confess Jesus as the Son of God God dwells in him and he in God and we have known and believed the love that God has to us God is love he keeps saying it doesn't he god is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him hallelujah it goes on but to know him is to know this love not a feeling I got changed the way I talk I don't say I love my car I don't say I love clothes or jewelry or a house or a machine it's too strong a word I can appreciate it I can be thankful for it I can enjoy it I can be pleased about it but I love God and I love people are you with me sighs it should be a different thing and I can love God no matter how I feel and I can love you no matter how I feel or how you feel it's independent isn't it wonderful friends it's independent of what anybody's doing our feeling and it never fails you know what the scripture said it never fails that's why somebody slapped you and you returned the insult you hit them back how many understand that can fail its gonna fail even if you win the fight it's a failure isn't it it's a failure of witness it's a failure of love you can't feel good about breaking somebody's nose if you love them that was my that was my biggest conflict when I was sport fighting I practiced for months on a flying spinning hook kick oh man months months and then when I get in a fight and it worked and boom boom and the hill connects with the temple and the guy goes boom and he's out then I felt bad oh he's hurt killer instinct you don't need a killer instinct you have a love instinct come on are you listening and the love instinct is you don't want to see people hurt your is you responding you're retaliating is going to fail you loving is never going to fail it's always going to come out right when you love do you believe it says go with me to two Romans I'm thinking about closing Romans the 8th chapter I tell you just for time to say going over to the 13th chapter of Romans and put up on the screen for us Ephesians don't turn there you're ready for the scripture you're holding but on the screen for us Ephesians 4 and 32 well four and 34:30 says grieve not the Holy Spirit of God do we want to walk with the Lord we want to please him right not grieving grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're still to the day of redemption keep going let all bitterness wrath anger clamor evil speaking do what with it put it away from with all malice keep going and be what be ye kind one to another tender-hearted what did we see that grieved the Lord and displeased him they were hard hard hard why we didn't take the time to read in Luke 6 that's that's another 30 minutes but we during that passage you'll see just like we read in mark that these men were upset that Jesus might heal the man with the withered hand and then when the man was healed it said they were out of their heads with anger and fury against Jesus and he was grieved wine because of their hardness of a wine because if they had any love in them they'd be glad that the man got healed and this is something that grieves the Lord the people are more concerned about their doctrine their revelation they're more concerned about their position their place than somebody getting needs met somebody getting helped and if you watch out for this I've made mistakes in this area I think most people that have walked with the Lord very long have but watch out for you don't have to beware of spirit you thinking more about your spiritual development than in helping people debt it's a trick of the enemy then I have to do this or I have to do that and it prevents me from being there for somebody or helping somebody get free because true spirituality is love true development and God is development in love which means you won't even if it costs you you want to help somebody you want them delivered you want them healed and see these guys proved how far away they are if at one point Jesus said to these these guys later actually will is over in John 8 he said you don't have the love of God in you you don't have the love of God in you do we have the love of God in us we do have the love of God in us which means what we want to see people's needs meant we want people relieved we want them eased not burdened we want them healed not sick we want their needs met right that's not that's do you believe that's God's love in us that's reaching out towards them and we got to watch about you know I'm so busy working on my spiritual development that I'm not able that's a trick isn't it that's a deception he said the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost said I'll put your hands on you on your body said out loud the love of God is in me it shed abroad in me I can love as God loves because his love is in me now in Romans 13 are you there those guys were hard-hearted what are we supposed to be tender heart time everybody sake I'm kind friend I'm telling you I've had the privilege to be around some some very spiritual people and and also some people they just thought they were spiritual and one of the indicators of real development in God is kindness this love there's no there is no development in God without developing in love if you think well I need to develop in power I need to develop in in in Revelation I need to develop God he has all those things but he is loved right and and don't don't be misdirected don't be miss focused biggest a God didn't you see don't see airplanes he don't see buildings what does he see people people what should you see you don't just see somebody that's standing in your way in the line in front of you holding you up you don't just see all these cars that are making you get to work slower hmm there's people in the cars they have a life things are going on with them do you care that's three people that's what she said get out of my way that's why we're talking quit they could about them getting out of your way they matter and they may be as messed up in their thinking as can be they may be lost and you start like the devil right does that mean you can't love them does that mean you can't love them because of how no you can love them independently of what they're saying and do it no matter how messed up they are you don't have to luck you can despise the sin and at the same time love them can't you how can you do it you can't do it with what the world calls love because that's fickle and feelings but you can do it with what God has put inside you when you were born again said again I have the love of God shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost Romans 13 and 8 well you got a full dose today I believe it will help I believe it's worth your time what if husbands and wives walked in love with each other all the time every day no matter what rubbed him wrong no matter what made him mad no matter what disappointed them or why they didn't yield to their anger or their hurt they just chose to love and walk in love what if both of them did that all the time would it be a different family would it be a different house huh what do people walked in love with each other on the job hmm walk in love with your customers walk in love with your clients right they're mean to you so what do you do you know besides you think about it if somebody smarts off at you a lot of times they don't even know what they say it they've they're not thinking they just acting like a heathen because they maybe I hate it so that shouldn't shock you wouldn't he the next like even right but you're not supposed to act like a heathen because you're not even you're a believer and folks don't realize somebody slighted them somebody did something and then they go around huffy and hurt and angry the rest of the day well you wasted your day you did not have to be that way you could have been happy the rest of the day you could have enjoyed the rest of the day it's letting the enemy deceive you you can tell how strong you are spiritually but what it takes to get to you in order to take a lot to shake your day no matter what people are saying what folks are doing you just keep smiling I think about Joseph he was lied on he was sold as a slave forsaken by his brothers even though he was faithful to Potiphar Potiphar's wife lied on him nice thrown in the dungeon he's been in there for years and you said a verse where says he comes in where Pharaoh's baker and Butler was and he pops through the door and he goes why are y'all so sad today how come you sit down they could have said because we're in a stinky dungeon about to be executed he never lost his joy because he never lost his dream he never lost his vision he never lost his faith and even though it went from bad to worse and long to longer there came a day when they said come out come up shaving cleaner Pharaoh's calling you and four in one day he went from a dungeon to the second man in the country didn't he he went from wearing prison garb and eating prison food to having a big house having a great family and being rich but Fred he was in prison but didn't let prison get in here if you let that bitterness get in you and chew on you and that anger and that resentment and that hurt it's not about them anymore it's about you messing up your own life because you don't have to think that way you don't know what they did to me that was dead are you gonna let them do it to you every day and night forever they probably forgot about you long time ago selfishness makes you cruel mean love makes you kind be tender-hearted encounter Romans 13 did you find him I'm trying to close 13:8 oh no man anything but to love one of the let me read this to you out of the easy-to-read translation easy to read translation says you should oh nothing to anyone except that you will always a love to each other what does that mean you never if you owed somebody money you can get to the place where you've paid them back and you don't owe them anything anymore but with love you never get to the place where I have loved you enough I'm done loving you now you're never done loving somebody the person who loves others has done all that the law commands the law says you must not commit adultery you must not murder anyone you must not steal you must not want what belongs to somebody else all these commands and all other commands are really only one rule love your neighbour the same as you love yourself numbers 10 love doesn't hurt others so love is the same as obeying all the law it is the fulfillment of the law the biggest trouble I've ever gotten in with the Lord is when I hurt other Christians I remember some years ago somebody said something about a certain minister and a meeting and they had kind of joined my name to some things that I didn't really want to be associated with or a part of and somebody asked me about them and I said well I'm nothing to do with that and I went on and said too much and I could and and I left and man my heart smoked me and the Lord he dealt with me I could tell he was he was displeased with me angry if you want to use the word and he helped me to realize and he brought he brought it back to my mind he said when you said I didn't I didn't cuss the man I didn't say anything you know but you might consider just a direct insult but he said that man thinks less of this Minister after talking with you and would probably not have him to his church if you caused him a meeting and you cost the results of that meeting and you cost the provision of that meeting and you affect a relationship cause someone to be less respected less valued by what you just said man my heart hurt me I got in the floor I wept I repented thank God that hadn't happened every day or even every year but I'm just saying as an example the times I've gotten in the biggest trouble with God is the times that I have hurt somebody through what I have said or done or didn't say or didn't do why the most serious offense you can make people get all hung up about smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer or saying a word the dorrance not say it dude and I don't miss estimate your to live holy your to live clean your to get free from habits and things that bind you but you'll know what's really Syria is to God we're talking about it I said we're talking about when your actions hurt people and your words hurt people it is a violation of the New Testament commandment it is as serious as it gets are y'all with me friends and how could some as well how can I tell you'll know your heart will bother you when your heart starts to bother you about what you're doing anybody know what to do stop stop shut up stop and if you need to go to people and repent and so I had no business saying that that's I don't know what I'm talking about I don't know them I don't know their heart hmm are y'all with me Saints love does what put up that verse again for us that last verse on down to verse 13 isn't too far isn't it love does no works no ill to his neighbor said out loud love works no ill to his neighbor it does no harm it does no hurt love won't hurt you love will take the bullet instead of you taking the bullet right love will do with outs that are you having to do with that is it do you bleed us the law of Christ is that what the master did for us he took it so we wouldn't have to take you that's the same love that's in you now that's the same love that's in me we'd rather miss out on some money than you miss out on some not even one Amen something something that we want to do love would rather you get to go if we have to pick one of us can't go you get to go but love will knife you if love is dominating you it will not make a selfish choice that makes you hurt the winds up costing you and hurting you in order to do that you have to ignore the love that's in you and you shield to the flesh and be selfish selfishness makes you mean cruel love makes you kind right tender-hearted kind how many baby if you're gonna walk with love you got to let love dominate you you got to let love be your choice it's not a feeling it's a choice it's a person can you say Amen stand on your feet everybody oh thank you let's assume that I got the love of God
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 4,567
Rating: 4.8024693 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Walking, With, God, Pt, 11, Knowing, Love
Id: zKAf9d9TFqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 31sec (4231 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2012
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