Keith Moore - Thanksgiving Victory - Pt.13 (Overflowing Thanksgiving and Great Grace).wmv

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oh yeah something's on me [Applause] it's blessing glory to God I'm not cursed I'm blessed hallelujah thanks guys y'all can be seated yeah we appreciate the singing and playing if you would turn to two openings this evening first Corinthians fifteenth chapter then we'll look right over at second Corinthians the second chapter first Corinthians 15 for some weeks now we've been on a series we're calling Thanksgiving victory is there a connection well there is and if you only knew it you can thank your way out of darkness into the light you can thank your way I'm not thanking God out of bondage into Liberty you can thank your way out of poverty into Plenty or you can gripe your way out of abundance into lack you can complain your way out of freedom into bondage did you know no matter what's going on how good it is you can find something to gripe about did you know that there are people that are multimillionaires they got everything you could buy with money and yet their gripe all day long hmm that's not exactly the way I wanted it that's not this you know I didn't want that shade I wanted that shade did you know there are people that sleep on a dirt floor that go all day and don't gripe and every time you see them they're smiling enjoying the sunshine enjoying their friends did you know I've seen both I've seen both of these folks I know what I'm talking about you know it's true don't you no matter how bad your surroundings are you can find something to thank God for can't you find something to be thankful for well you are alive right and if your child of God you've got a lot to be thankful for your names written in the Lamb's Book of Life they working on your mansion right now healing belongs to you prosperity belongs to your righteousness holiness wisdom I mean the list goes on and on I mean you can just take verses and just thank God all day long no matter how good it is you can find something to complain about no matter how bad it is you can find something to thank God for so it's not the situation that dictates this to us it's our choice and what somebody's doing if they're griping it tells you they're looking at something if they're if they're giving thanks they're looking at something else any of us can choose to look at the bad look at the problem look at the need any of us also any of us can choose to look at the good to look at the answer Peter was doing the miraculous walking on the water look in to Jesus the author and the finisher of his faith thinking about that word that he said come and then he decided to look at something else now remember the story he begin to look at the waves think about the wind that was blowing and think about the laws of physics and now it's impossible to walk on the top of the water especially with the wind blowing like this you know unbelief in fear doesn't even make sense it's not even logical it's not even reasonable he is walking on the water and what does the wind have to do with it but he quit looking at Jesus he quit looking at that word and thinking about that word he began to look at the problem and he began to go down does it affect you what you look at or to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace and you can tell what you look in that by what's coming out of your mouth and thanksgiving to God reveals you got your eyes and you got your mind on the right one right what does the Bible say 1st Corinthians 15 and 57 What did he say but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ now we've made note that this giveth is not past tense it's not gave its present and future tense is he thanking God for something he has an experienced jet that's faith isn't it go to second Corinthians then 2nd Corinthians 2 and 14 says a similar thing now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ again not past tense he's told not always means this time right now and what about next year that time too is he thanking God for things in the future that haven't happened yet that have to be faith in now wouldn't it substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen he hadn't seen it yet but you're thanking God for it it's one of the great evidences of faith if I tell you I'm going to do something for you let's say you believe him to pay off a debt and I say you know the Lord's debt with me I'm gonna pay that off and you say well okay let me know if you do and you reserve your Thanksgiving until and if you see the bank statement and can talk to the bankers and see the paperwork how much faith did you have in me none you have no faith in me well I'll thank you when it happens can you see that what people are doing God that way aren't they they're reserving their Thanksgiving until they see something or they feel some kind of confirmation listen if the Lord tells you something it's time to start shouting wrapped in right there I've had people do that with me I've had people on the phone talking to him and told him no the Lord told us to send you this and they started shouting right there in my ear I had to pull the phone away Lord told us to pay this off for you Lord told us men they're such a holler Oh what does that mean they say no money they don't know if I can we can do it or not but they must believe they must believe we can and they must believe we will think you start going oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what if we can do that with each other why couldn't we do it with God who cannot lie who cannot fail if he tells you by His stripes you are healed it's time to start thanking God right now no matter how you feel if he tells you he will supply all your needs it's time to start thanking God right now right not when you see the money right now right now and the men or women of faith will do that and the wives men a woman will learn how to live that way did you know you can train yourself to respond in faith with everything you can train yourself anything you know anything bad or challenging that happens triggers you you go into faith faking God mode and it'll frustrate the devil because after a while he'll realize he is putting you into faith mode and he's like no that's not what I wanted to have he wants you to cry and start looking at the problems and complaining about how bad it is and feeling sorry for yourself but instead of that you can train yourself to go into faith mode praising god mode thanking God you see a problem you see an issue you just start saying Lord I ask you for wisdom and I thank you for giving it to me I thank you for showing me what to do I thank you for giving me grace I think you forgiving me strength I thank you that I'm more than a conqueror I thank you that I can do all things through you I thank you that you always caused me to triumph and so we come in through this by the grace of God and some way another you're gonna get glory out of this oh it'll make the devil mad it'll frustrated me go oh no cry feel sorry for yourself cos complain like the world does we're in the world but we're not of the world we're different I said we're different we think different we believe different we talk different we respond and react differently like a hundred and eighty degrees differently they cry we shout they complain we give thanks to God glory to God hallelujah the Lord gave one one of the first songs when I started the ministry the Lord gave me was another victory I was the title of it no you may not have heard this one and I this goes back for me when I see a battle I see the victory and we're going to talk about it's another chance to prove my weapons right when I see a battle I see the victory glory to God do you see it hmm and I one of the verses said the devil must be blinded or else he had finally see every time he comes against me it's another victory right hallelujah the fact he's here is unfortunate but that won't last too long till then I'll use his ugly schemes to prove my weapons own when I see a battle I see the victory glory to God so we can react and respond always in faith and Thanksgiving and when we do it opens up the door for God to give us the victory that we in faith in advance are thinking him for our faith what we're thinking for will come to pass will come to side now go with me if you would over to Acts the fourth chapter actually go to first Corinthians 10 then I think we'll go to acts 4 I think you're getting more out of it this way you know I've never taught this series just like this so I'm we're believing God every step of the way 1st Corinthians 10 I was telling some of my minister friends a few months ago when we first started I believe this is one of the most significant teachings the Lord has given me in ministry up to this point I know you you I don't know if you see that or not or think so or not but I'm telling you it is because it has to do with the grace of God and grace is one of the biggest words in the Bible one of the biggest words in the New Testament and you just suffice it to say you and I are nothing have nothing can do nothing without the grace of God but with his grace we are overcomers and the righteousness of God and and wise and right and with His grace we have everything we need every strength every every help every ability and with his strace we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and this is tied directly to being thankful the Lord spoke this to my heart some years ago and I saw an inkling of it but I did not nothing like what I'm beginning to see now this phrase he gave me I remember distinctly I was in the floor in a speaker's room praying and getting ready for the service and the Lord asked me a question I don't mean I heard an audible voice but he said to me Keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me I didn't have to pray about it in that to say I'll get back with you I said yes yes and please yes would I like to know how to increase my capacity now there's a lot of Revelation in that phrase isn't there are we limited in what we can enjoy from him according to what we can receive is there a limiter there must be Jesus kept telling person after person according to your faith well that means there's a limiter there and he says to me do you want to know how to increase your capacity enlarge and increase your capacity to receive from me I said yes please yes and he said to me I again not an audible voice inside me he said cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving every word significant of course cultivate means it's not going to happen automatically cultivate means you got to get out there and dig right plow you know make an effort to make it happen cultivate a what not just in service from somebody's preaching on Thanksgiving all the time a lifestyle of Thanksgiving now I didn't see a fraction of what he was saying to me but you know we don't have to understand it if we'll just do it we'll get the results you got to do it by faith and you'll just get the results and so is there a connection when you start thanking God does it open up things for you does it begin to open up your insides and ability to receive does it open the door for him to begin maybe you don't know even what to do but if you start thanking God for showing you what to do hmm maybe you're not even close to having faith for this situation but God knows how to get you there doesn't he and if you just start thanking him for showing you and helping you he'll take you by the hand how many believe in the Holy Spirit we'll start teaching you and talking to you he'll bring people across your path he'll add to you the knowledge you lack he'll show you he'll give you the strength you didn't have and he can get you to where you can receive he can get your insides your mind your heart open to where you can receive but if you start griping and you start complaining about how nobody will help you and you start people you know there's a lot of Christians that are miffed at God why won't you help me I prayed and I fasted for two weeks why didn't you help me why don't you help me that will cut you off from the grace of God because there's a lot there's a lot of bad ugly things in between the lines that people are not seeing and there's this attitude of you owed me I'm entitled and two words my friends that will cut you army off from the grace of God I deserve and there's much more of this than you might think I deserve and the Lord said this phrase to me along with this this happened a couple of years later he spoke to my heart you cannot be gracious to someone who feels they deserve it can't be if you did it for them and they felt you should have are they gonna be thankful no they felt like you're just doing what you should have done right so do they see it is you being gracious to them no they see it is you doing what you should have done so now you've made it impossible for them to be gracious to you if we take that attitude with God and we've made it impossible for him to be gracious to us what does he do for mankind except by His grace you put yourself in a bad place right and the indicator of it I mean the Lord knew I wasn't at a place where I could grasp all that those many years ago so he just skips over all of it and says Sonny Boy thank me all the time and if I got any smarts I'll go okay thank you thank you and any and he knows where we are doesn't he and he'll show me if somebody feels like you should do it are they thanking you no so the absence of it shows the you know they they don't believe it's by grace in 1st Corinthians you see this statement the tenth chapter and verse 30 y'all believe in with me this evening leave with me even if I'm not your favorite preacher thank God you got a preacher tonight huh it'll help both of us out and if you say well is that the best we can do around there well what do you think you deserve you see what I'm saying why would you deserve the best preachers there are what would qualify you for that then lose somebody and that's some of you looking at me like What did he say well what I'm trying to say is people have this ugly attitude of entitlement and don't even realize it they don't even realize and see that that's what they're doing you believe it with me not to get this out like we need to every one of us without saying it without meaning to have felt like and acted like we deserved something that there was no reason why we should feel that way but we just did you have to watch about this just because something that's happened for you over and over again and you're used to it you get to thinking well that's supposed to be why is it supposed to be why is it supposed to happen for you all the time and so you got you got families that maltreat each other this person has done this for Perlis for this person for 20 years and instead of being thankful because if it's not done are y'all with me instead of being thankful and you know it said I've seen I've had grown men cry and just melt in front of me because they had just lost their spouse their wife she'd gone home to be with the Lord and they hadn't treated her right there one of these guys if dinner ain't on the table at 5:00 p.m. sharp hell to pay I'm quoting them and this woman had been nice to them and clean their dirty clothes and iron their shirts did this and did that and did that and they were completely unthankful for 40 years it's just supposed to be that way why is it supposed to be that way what verse says she owes you that and why are you so amazing that she owes you this huh I've seen women crying their husbands going home to be with the Lord and he was faithful provider hard worker nice God did everything for them I mean pump their gas farm took out the trash for 50 years and never complained and happy to do it and and all I did was yell and scream if they didn't do it and felt like you old me bringing this check in you old me that what do they owe you that why why do they owe you one more week are y'all with me but do you see how people they get into this law without saying it without even acknowledging that they're doing it and here's how you know you're doing it when you get upset when something's not done and that's the only time you ever say anything you never say anything about the 900 times it was done you only pitch a fit the one time it wasn't done you've made it impossible for them to be gracious to you you think they owe it to you and you are sadly mistaken and I've seen men and women crying and we've been going I didn't appreciate her I didn't tell her I didn't appreciate him now he's gone and they've taken out their own trash and I haven't come up with their own money and having two other you know they cold man what a good man I had well what a good woman I had I was too stupid to realize it all I did was raise Cain demand and first friend make yourself stop and go this this person that's in my life this person that's in my life this person what if they were not there tomorrow morning and they were never in my life again this side of glory how would it affect me how would it impact me and if you're wise you'll wake up and you'll treat them differently because when when that phase happens and none of us are gonna stay together forever down here not one of us not one couple not one married couple not one family none of us we only got just a little short time with each other and it's God's grace we even got each other no I don't think you heard me people who know you and still like you I mean they've been with you for 10 years 30 years and seen all the junk that you have pulled and done and they still love you somebody say grace grace grace what all that what should that cause you and me to do all the time Oh Oh God thank you thank you Thanksgiving this way and Thanksgiving this way right well it's their job said Who what verses are you quoting what do you tell my truth is you don't deserve them I'm gonna go up here to say a little louder the truth is you don't deserve them you don't deserve that woman you don't deserve that man you don't deserve those friends you don't deserve that church but God's being gracious to you and if you if you and I have enough sense to know it something should be coming out of our mouths on a regular basis anybody know what it is tell me what it is thank you lord thank you lord oh god you're so gracious to me Oh Lord oh Lord you so good to me you give me such good friends give me such good family you give me oh thank you thank you thank you there's another thing for whatever you're not thankful for you're in danger of losing did you know that but here's the thing we're gonna get in tonight by the grace of the Lord I'm believing for whatever you are thankful for what did the Lord tell me if I'm cultivating the lifestyle of Thanksgiving well what question was that the answer to how to increase oh come on can you see this what your unthankful for you're in danger of losing what you're thankful for you're in danger of receiving more if I could say it like that come on can you see this Oh glory to God first Corinthians 10:30 if I by grace be a partaker why am i evil spoken of for that for which I what is there a connection between partaking of grace and giving of thanks yes there is now go to second Corinthians well go to acts first where you're holding your place let's do them in order set out loud partaker of grace giving of thanks in acts 4 and 32 this came off the heels of the house shaking service everybody remember that one not that not not the people shook and fell down the building shook and God's the one who shook it God shakes buildings mm-hmm and more and coming out of that verse 32 acts 4:32 the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul they got together didn't he neither said any of them that all of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things coming they weren't enamored with stuff were they there like I you use it I got plenty you go ahead and take that I got we're we're covered you need some take one of mine this was happening through scores of thousands of people throughout these churches these churches were big hmm I'm amused sometimes the people that I've heard people try to say that they thought this church was too big for them to come to they wanted a New Testament church they they wanted Church about 40 or 50 not over a hundred what they're looking for is somebody they can run they're looking for somebody that'll wait on them hand and foot and expect nothing out of them something they can take over we're having fun now we are at best a medium sized church we're not a big church we see thousands on the weekend but a big church is like fifty thousand did you hear me and that's what they had have you read the scriptures in there I mean they had three Pete three thousand people get saved on a day remember that and a little bit later on another couple of thousand get saved well that's five thousand right there and then the Bible says the Lord was adding to the church daily so there's no way that they weren't twenty thirty fifty hundred thousand I don't know that's the New Testament church that's the book of Acts now God meets everybody I don't care if you're three people or 300 thousand if you're doing what you know to do and you're in the will of God hallelujah good but don't be spouting off on scriptural things and and what's what you're looking for if we're really submitted to the Lord we'd go where he told us to and we'd stay where he told us to and we do what he told us to write instead of jumping here and yawn and trying everything and trying to find somebody to tell us we're right all the time and wait on us hand and foot hmm we'd want to serve the Lord we'd want to do something to advance his kingdom and help each other you work help somebody that really is a baby but they had all things common and verse 33 and with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and Greg grace was upon them all neither was there any among them that lacked among all those thousands of people you couldn't find one person in LAC that's a New Testament church glory to God whoo out of all those thousands you couldn't I mean out of I don't know what was it 10,000 20,000 50,000 I don't know you could have gone through every one of them and said are you in LAC are you behind they said no you ain't lack nope not me you and lack not a one no all my needs are met all my needs are met you heard that fifty thousand times all my needs are met all my needs are met all my needs are met not a one of us is in lack now has the church so oblivious of this because of hundreds of years of unscriptural traditional teaching instead of the Bible but I want you to notice this phrase in verse 33 with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and Greg grace was upon them all said again Greg grace was upon them all said again great grace was upon them all one more time great grace was upon them all great grace great grace there's grace and then there's more grace and then there's great grace great is the Greek word make us we get our word mega from and without going through all the definitions basically it means big b.i.g capital B capital R capital G big so much they big big what big grapes was on all of them well not a one of them's in lack right I mean get the picture people are getting saved right and left powerful ministry is coming forth people are getting healed people are getting delivered everybody's got a good place to live everybody's got good clothes to wear everybody's eating good everybody's getting healed everybody's full of the Holy Ghost I mean the power so strong the house shakes sometimes somebody say big grace big big grace are you hungry for some big grapes oh I'm hungry for some big grace big grace when things are going well it's grace Phyllis I said you know we talked a little bit about this as past waiting and everything we did this week was just graced I mean the planning was perfect the trip was perfect the weather was perfect the rapport was perfect everything boom boom boom I'm talking no problems you know what that is coming up man grace we've done the same thing at other times and it was hard and it was challenging and it was problems now you don't quit you believe God you go through but hey I like this I like this now you know most of the church world has more faith for opposition than they do grace you know that most people are believing that if you really go all out and obey God all hell's gonna break loose man you think you had trouble you just go into the ministry you think you had trouble you just launch out to do a project for God you think you've had trouble am i telling the truth the people believe that more people believe this than what I'm trying to talk about tonight but we're not supposed to believe that I'm a quarter scripture to you when a man's ways please the Lord he lets all the devils attacking because he's really full out serving God he's going all the way so he's got going to let half a he'll come against him and wear him down night and day then why do people believe that and expect it people expect it I'm not talking about just the person that got saved yesterday I'm told my pastor after pastor after pastor that I've been to their churches that I've spoken for him and they talk about all the trouble they had when they started to do what God told him to do and like well you know you go to do what God tells you to do and then look out you're gonna have trouble man I mean God attacked me attack my wife he took my kids he tacked my dog my tomato plants died and my transmission fell out you know man I always try and do this build an addition on the church people believe our people believe this it's unscriptural [Applause] let me try quoting that verse again when a man's ways please the Lord tell me what the Lord does he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him what is that that's big grace I said that's big grace we're talking tonight about qualifying for big grace and it's tied with what we've been working on for weeks building up to this go to second Corinthians like we mentioned a moment ago now look at this place 2nd Corinthians thank you master ninth chapter we were just there excuse me fourth chapter fourth chapter it's in the ninth chapter as well but let's look at this one right now second Corinthians fourth chapter second Corinthians four verse eight these next four verses are particularly the first to hear describe the spirit of faith the spirit of faith is uncomfortable on conquerable can't be defeated can't be conquered and it depends on what you choose to look at look at it the wrong thing you go down looking at the right thing you do the impossible the supernatural verse 8 Paul says we're troubled on every side yet not distressed now where is he putting the emphasis hmm where he's ending up right he's not emphasizing the trouble it's there he had to deal with some stuff but is he looking at that and complaining about the trouble no what's what's the emphasizing we weren't distressed through the whole deal it's Paul a man of faith did he have faith in him did he walk by faith did live by faith trouble brother we had trouble on every side not just one trouble we had North trouble we had South trouble we had Southwest trouble and Northeast troubled on every side he said but let me tell you what God sustained us and we didn't even get distressed huh no we had peace through the whole thing we just thank God and sail through oh come on can you see that say no distress no distress can you have trouble all around you and not stress out can you yeah you can depends on what you're looking at whether you thinking God or whether you're complaining we are perplexed what does perplex mean perplex means you don't know perplexed is like the cartoon character with a big question mark over your head you're gonna huh what just happened what was that you don't know and there's a lot we don't know but just because you're perplexed doesn't mean you have to be depressed we're perplexed but what but what didn't get down not in despair he said man we got in some situations and I'm telling you we couldn't tell which end was up we didn't know what was going on for a while there but but where's the emphasize where's he wind up at bat we never got down never got down I'm telling you we kept our joy we stayed up we shouted we thank God night and day we didn't wouldn't let it wouldn't let it get us down this is the spirit of faith persecuted oh yeah but God was with us he never forsook us cast down but not destroyed one translation says knocked down but not knocked down I want you to see a picture here's a guy they got entangled up in the ropes there's a guy three times bigger than him beating him in the face he's down but he looks up and he grins through the blood and says I'm winning I'm winning that's the spirit of faith and God will move the heavens for a man like that God will split the seed for a woman like that come on are you listening thank you Lord for a win from the victory oh come on can you see this now look on down to verse 15 for all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace somebody said abundant grace abundant grace might through what through what through the Thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God for which cause we fight not for the law outward men perished the inward man is renewed day by day verse 18 we look not at the things that are seen what are we looking at at the things that are not seen things that are seen are temporal there changing and subject to change but the things which are not seen are eternal he keeps on going the seventh verse of the next chapter says for we walk by faith not by sight but notice that fifteenth verse put up the amplified all these things are taking place for your sake why so that the more grace extends to more and more people and multiplies through the many the more Thanksgiving may increase and redound to the glory of God somebody say more grace more Thanksgiving more Thanksgiving more grace more grace more Thanksgiving and more Thanksgiving and more grace is there a cycle here just something going to listen to the complete Jewish Bible the cjb and if we get that one or not it says all this is for your sakes so that as grace flows out to more and more people it may cause Thanksgiving to overflow and bring glory to God hallelujah now go to the ninth chapter while you're close by we read part of this in the offering you got term for this tonight ninth chapter you see it again he said in in verse 8 we read earlier God is able to make all grace all what grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work verse 11 being enriched enriched in everything to all bountifulness now he started talking about grace and verse 8 didn't he does this sound like enlargement an enrichment to all what bountifulness and what does that cause through us Thanksgiving the God verse 12 for the administration of this service not only supplies the one of the Saints but its abundant also by many thanksgivings to God and by their prayer for you which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you Grace and thanks and thanks and grace who does God give His grace to the humble and one of the prime indicators of humility is thankfulness you showed me a truly humble individual every time I'll show you a thankful individual as we grow and develop in humility evidenced by Thanksgiving we qualify for more grace at the point where we stop being thankful reveals were no longer being humble reveals we no longer qualify for any further grace anything when you no longer thankful anything the Lord would do for you at this point you wouldn't even thank him for it so you don't qualify now one of the first things the Lord ever spoke to me about was numbers twelve three go go over there as a teenager early teens I had read pieces of the Bible here and there but I made up my mind I'm gonna read the Bible and it started in Genesis and I got over here two numbers the twelfth chapter and the Lord spoke to me I don't mean a heard an audible voice but I'm standing before you right now and I can remember back there many years ago it's one of the very first distinctive times I knew the Lord spoke to me and I read this verse verse 3 shall put it up on the screen force numbers 12 3 I was just reading the account of the story of how God dealt with his people and how he raised Moses up and he used him to lead them you know out of bondage into the Promised Land I'm just keeping up with a story and I'm reading through now the man Moses was very meek above all the men which on the face of the earth upon the face of the earth and you know they had spoken ill of him about who he married and you know was God using him and why did he think he was so important and the Bible lets you know that Moses was not just a meek man he was very meek he was the meekest man on the planet true or not above all men that were on the face of the earth now I don't know what movies you've seen but when you think of Moses do you think meek most people don't they think firebreather tablet holder holier than you judge her right what's the Bible say he was very meek meek means same kind of things humble means it means gentle and it he tells us this in the situation of them talking about who he had just married his wife they were finding fault with his choice of a wife and instead of him going ballistic what does the Bible tell us he was very meek and something caught my attention about just a young young teenage boy and I'm sitting there looking at that and the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean I heard a voice but he said Keith one of the first times I remember I didn't say the first one of the first hymn ministered to me like that he said did you notice Moses was the meekest man in his generation I thought I did that's what I was just looking at yeah he said did you realize he was also the most-used man of me in his generation I thought I hadn't seen that I didn't know that go with me to Matthew Matthew 10 actually 11 I told you wrong Matthew 11:29 you put it upon the screen for us 1129 what did Jesus say it's on the screen take my yoke upon you jesus said and learn of me when you think of Jesus does this stand out to you as one of the biggest weigh biggest words to describe his character and who he is and what he is and the way he is learned of me jesus said for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls do you believe Jesus was the most used man in his generation as he walked the earth I don't think there's any question about that how about most used man ever what about Paul was he used a lot of God in his generation you remember he said he said we labored more than them all yet not me but the grace of God he's not trying to be humble he is humble humility is not what a lot of people think it is there's not even a strong desire among millions of believers to even find out about humility so that you're not developing in it but boy the Lord led something in me way back there is a teenager and I thought I've got to learn about this so I prayed right there I said Lord show me show me what pride is show me what humility and meekness is I want to know because I see and I wrote it down later the degree of my humility determines the limitations of my usefulness to God it is one of the biggest limiting factors that exists is it true that Moses nor Paul Nord Jesus himself were able to do anything of themselves or by themselves but it was by the grace of God is it true but who got more grace than other folks in their generation he gives his grace to the humble now what about the rest of the verse what does he do with the proud what does he do with the proud didn't didn't you say he leaves them alone what do you say friend pride is an abomination to God it's the nature of the devil I know some folks wondered why I don't like to use the word proud that we need to get it out of our vocabulary pertaining to I'm proud of my son I'm proud of my daughter I'm proud of my wife I'm proud of myself I'm proud of our accomplishments well you don't need to be you need to be thankful and it's not splitting words it's a huge difference in how you think and how you believe and even another thing if you're going to be able to accomplish anything beyond where you are friend if we could grow and become more meek we could get more grace if we could get more grace we could receive more we could be more we could know more we could do more did I lose somebody sure if the devil slide the people he's lied to people that either that you don't really want to find out about this or you can't do it you know nobody's really gonna throw much in this area let's just love Jesus till we get to heaven and no friends it's easy all we gotta do is keep thanking God and we'll be practicing humility and we'll be practicing faith and we'll be expanding our insides but every one of us has been bumping against this pride limiter every one of us so the Lord can only do so much for a person and you know when it stops when they when they reach the cap when they stop thanking him because what does that indicate hmm the humility has stopped if you're already Hardy about what you got and what just happened what are you gonna do if the Lord gave you more sudden it can you understand he can't do it he can't add it to you he's not gonna help you be more like the devil hmm maybe you were hoping for something else tonight go to Ezekiel twenty-eighth chapter let's talk about the devil a little bit thank you lord Ezekiel 28 did you find it in verse 11 it says the word of the Lord came and said son of men take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say you seal up the son full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you've been in Eden the garden of God well now who is that you've been in Eden we don't know how many folks have been in Eden the garden of God Adam was there Eve was there the Lord was there the serpent was there every precious stone was your covering the sardius topaz the diamond the Beryl the Onyx the jasper the sapphire the end will the carbuncle the gold must have been beautiful beyond description the workmanship of your tablets and of your pipes were prepared in you and the day that you were created not born created some musical ability instruments may be built right in I don't know you are the anointed cherub that covers I have set you so you were upon the holy mountain of God you've walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you were perfect in your ways well that's the only way God creates things and the day you were created till until iniquity was found in you verse 17 look at this your heart was what lift it up because of your beauty because of what your beauty you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness I'll cast you to the ground I'll lay you before Kings the proverb says that humility will cause a person to be exalted what will pride cause pride goes before a fall and you see it no clearer than with Satan and with Jesus pride caused apparently the most beautiful the anointed the most wise the most splendid amazing cherub to fall from the place of glory to the depths of hell Jesus humbled himself he became like other men and humility brought the Son of Man from the heart of the earth isn't that right up raised from the dead and glorified and sent down in the highest place in all of glory the right hand of Majesty on high all by the grace of God Jesus said so himself well this is true with you and I we get to thinking about what we've got what we've done begin taking credit you're kept you just kept yourself you just limited yourself and you can tell it when something good happens and you don't do something anybody with me something good happens for you for the ninth time and you don't do what you don't thank God why did you fail to thank God something's changing in you how many know that Satan his own pride blinded him and deceived him he forgot who he was talking to didn't he he begins to think about how beautiful he is any wise how wise and amazing he was and he was but why would you forget that you were made by this one you couldn't exist another millisecond unless he allows it or sustains you but he did his pride blinded him and he starts saying I I'm gonna exalt my throne I'm gonna be like the Most High I'm gonna do the is he thankful there's no thankfulness at all he thinks he deserves this somewhere another he thinks he can throw off God's ruled do it whether God wants him to or not and and God spoke and said you'll be brought down I'm gonna know when your words hits his there's gonna be nothing left of your words right old friend humility is not this stuffy silly despicable stuff so many talk about they try to act humble and it's sickeningly sweet no matter what I'm talking about it's not real it's it's not your humility humility it's when you've got a glimpse of the Holy One you I've been around a few people that have had some knowledge of God and I've gotten a little bit myself and you watch it everybody that really knows him or something about him they talk about him different their attitudes different nobody's seen the face of the Father I don't mean that but when you've seen thing of him it changes you you can tell a lot of people don't know him by the way they talk their to brass they're too far word you know they don't knowing Phyllis and I are amused we had the privilege of working with brother Kenneth Hagin for number of years and we we just look at each other from time to time we hear people saying brother Hagin said this and brother Hagin said that and brother Hagin did this and brother Hagin did that we just look at each other and go boy in 20-some years we never heard death we never saw that and you just don't believe it because we know him people are saying all kind of things about God and they said all kind of things God told me this and God showed me that and and if you do see him and knowing you go none of us know that much about him but if you do know something about him you know it doesn't ring true it didn't sound right and when you have seen him you want to join the winged creatures and you want to fall on your face and go holy holy holy you don't sashay around and order God and run your mouth you you don't know what you told me you don't know him you haven't seen him are y'all with me he I have to start talking in tongues and I still couldn't tell it he he you ever looked in the night sky you ever looked up at the majesty of the mountains you ever looked across the vast stretch of the Pacific you ever got close to a whale you can't help but be startled but how big it is and how little you are you're sure it could blow you into the next County and not even know that he did and and the one who made him is so much more van so much more powerful he he's wondrous beyond description he's wise beyond understanding and when you begin to live in that reality every time something good happens for you you know you know you know you know you don't go man I'm amazing I had an amazing idea but did you see how I did that whoa I'm good if you think so you're ignorant you're ignorant your next breath depends on him if it came together grace if it worked out grace if it went smooth grace if it was good grace and if you know it tell me what you saying what are you saying night and that you say it all thank you look man that went good thank you lord oh thank you Lord for helping me man that's the best I've ever done thank you thank you thank you thank you the moment even if you don't say it the moment you go in your mind you're going I'm getting good at this that's it you're kept you don't qualify for any more grace that's it and you won't stay there you'll start going the other way anyway a few things more pitiful than somebody that thinks they're amazing and is pitiful you see it all the time I think people come on to argue scriptures with me I don't mean once or twice or three or four times and it's pitiful how ignorant they are the Bible they come to noon I guess I think everybody's as ignorant as our and you do people think that God's not real to anybody so they can say and do anything they want to about God and they'll just drink it up and say well cuz nobody really looked know some people know he's real I said he's real he's knowable none of us know the fraction of what there is to know about him but some people know something about him enough to know what simin was not go to the Book of Psalms please why you turning there we'll go to Psalms 1:47 and while you're going there I want to tell you some benefits of being meek gonna hear I don't really sense the enthusiasm about wanting to learn how to be meek and humble but I'm telling you a few things in life are more important and how can you keep it operative all the time it's so simple just thank God thank God every time something good happens think oh my thank God acknowledge acknowledge the help if somebody says man you're smart don't sit there and take that what do you say well you say you say oh man I got some help I got major help the spirit of wisdom is in me and he's in you too if you're believer if you're not he can be right no thank him thank him the Bible says in Psalm 25 the meek will he guide in judgment the meek will he teach his way you want to be taught you want to be guide Psalm 37 says the meek will inherit the earth and they'll delight themselves in the abundance of peace the meek have peace abundance of peace what a proud have the way of the transgressor is hard isn't it they get a hard time they get a hard way some 149 says the Lord's takes pleasure in his people he'll beautify the meek with salvation I said 29:19 says the meek also increased their joy in the Lord did you hear that more meek means what more guidance more teaching more peace more Beauty more joy are you liking the sound of this already let me listen friend the most humble is the most graced that means the most anointing the most wisdom the most opportunity the most favored the most accomplishment the most fruitfulness the most peace the most joy the most satisfaction the most reward are you interested in learning how to be meek and humble jesus said come learn learn about me he said I'm meek learn about me be like me I'm meek did you find some 147 say God is very great very great he's awesome he's amazing he's wonderful hallelujah someone 47 and 4 says what he tells the number of the stars at some of y'all might have seen on the Science Channel you know they've been repairing the Hubble telescope and they had previously pointed it at a part of the sky they always thought was just completely dark heck they couldn't find anything out there and they left it pointed that way for a while and the picture you should have seen it billions of stars that they could see God has got them all named these are just the ones we can see he's so big he's so vast and yet he knows your name and he loves you and he'll help you if you're 14 he'll help you on your math test hmm if you're 40 he'll help you in your job but your sales or or whatever he if your mother at home and you lost an earring he'll help you find your earring ha how can he be so big and yet he can be involved in that it's because he's so big there's so much ability and I want you to know don't you listen to these deceived confuse used people that try to take God out of everything and nothing could make another revolution if it wasn't for him all things are upheld by the word of his power every breath you take every flap of a bird's wing every movement of a fish's tail are you listening the shining of the Sun all the billions and billions of stars in it boggles the man you can't begin to put your mind around what's out there and what's going on and the amazing thing is you and I we're not giraffes or elephants we're not fish we're not even Angels we're made in the image of God we are his children his own he calls the sons and daughters he's our Father he's made plans for us to be his family throughout eternity this is the very very very very beginning of what we're gonna be in do and we wouldn't exist and we wouldn't know any of it and we wouldn't be capable or qualified to receive any of it if it weren't for His grace do you understand so we of all beings in the universe are to be the most thankful and the most right to whom has received and been given so much ought to be the most thankful go ahead and stand up right now lift up your hands and say thank you lord
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 4,434
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Thanksgiving, Victory, Pt, 13, Overflowing, Thanksgiving, and, Great, Grace
Id: rFw7MT2gZ5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 31sec (4651 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2012
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