Keith Moore Greater Faith Conference 2014 Pt 1 Faith That obeys

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hallelujah thanks be to God thanks guys y'all can be seated Oh hallelujah what a good good guys what a good good God well if we dismissed right now if anything so we had Church right we can't thanks be to God where we're believing God together right we're we're releasing our faith and I'm excited about you know the cook gets to taste before you serve and so while I've really been enjoying what I've been tasting it is a great big pot giant pot that I've got I believe it's on the menu and so you believe in with me right for the right thing at the right time and exactly like that so turn with me please to Romans the fourth chapter Romans chapter 4 I want to publicly thank the Lord just a couple of days ago suppose I had pushed myself too much done too many things back-to-back and was really feeling weak and force weak and everything else and no night before last 12:30 I knew cuz I looked at the clock just like that boom I'm okay I'm able I mean just just like that isn't God good and I want to give him thanks because elsewise I wouldn't be I wouldn't be a you got any testimonies like that I mean and I think we ought to give God praise too he right and acknowledge that if it hadn't been for him then you wouldn't you wouldn't be able you know our time down here is precious our our time on the earth our physical strength and ability you know it Cleese asked these talks about serve the Lord while you're young hmm don't wait till your body is affected by AIDS and all these other things that you have you read it in Ecclesiastes II he talks about that and it's true that when you and I arrived on planet Earth we have a limited amount of time and every day strength and ability mental stamina spiritual strength and if you what you spend on the wrong thing you don't have to spend on the right thing and that's one of the Bible talks about be redeeming of the time because these days are precious and these times that we have together and these services that we have together will not always have them not like this not together and as the years go by some will be here some won't be here right and you're to be commended that you believed it was important enough to be in church tonight don't you think so and the Lord does not disappoint those that hunger and thirst after these things what happens to him they shall be filled in Romans the fourth chapter did you find it Romans chapter 4 I want to begin reading here in the first part of chapter Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 he said what shall we say then that Abraham our Father as pertaining to the flesh has found for if Abraham were justified by works he has we're up to glory but not before God for what says the scripture Abram abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness he did what Saints he believed God now to him that works is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that works not but believes on him that justifies the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness now you he'll say that again another times the second time he's gonna say it again just another couple of verses his faith was counted for righteousness even as david also describes the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputes righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin and all of us said yes and amen and we are those blessed ones cometh then this blessedness then upon the circumcision only upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness how was it reckoned when he was in circumcision or in some uncircumcision not in circumcision but in uncircumcision and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believed though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also and the father of circumcision of those who are not of the circumcision own only but who also walked in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumcised when when I talk about father of faith and you if you said who would you say is the father some people say of the Faith Movement I don't really like the movement part but father of people who emphasize the faith lifestyle some people might mention our beloved brother Kenneth Hagin others go back further other people talk about Martin Luther but you got to keep going back I said you have to keep going back who is the father of these people who walk by faith who live by faith who overcome by faith received by faith it goes way way back hmm it's Abraham he is our Father in the faith and he is the father of all of them that believe almost wondered if we should do the little song that Tom teaches the kids back there huh father Abraham had many sons and I am one of them and so are you are you are you one of them hmm and so uh with that in mind verse 11 and 12 he's the father of all them that believe and it talks about us who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham the faith that we have is the same faith of God and it operates and develops in the same way he developed did you notice this we walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham this reveals progressive development of faith you don't just start where you wind up in faith you start walking by faith and if you follow the path God has for you everything you learn in faith every step of faith and these steps are specific times and situations where you have opportunity to believe God and if you believe God and you overcome and you receive and you do then that that through out through that you develop and that development then prepares you for the next faith step and then if you're successful in that prepares you for the next step and the next step and the next step throughout our life and it is to be progressive and greater and greater and greater just like our father Abraham they'll put this on the screen for us if you if you don't see it real quickly but back in me in Isaiah 51 verse 1 Isaiah 51 one he says hearken to me that follow after righteousness is that you you that seek the Lord is at you he said here's what you do you look unto the rock which you are hewn and to the hole of the pit which you are digged verse 2 looking to Abraham your father and under Sara that bear you for I called him alone and blessed him and increased him somebody say glory to God [Music] there has been teaching about faith long enough now the past Oh particularly 40 years that there's more familiarity with faith and faith principles and living and walking by faith then than prior previous but that's also long enough for there to be a lot of copies of faith and a lot of knowledge of faith which is not the same thing as walking by faith just listening about faith hearing about faith only doesn't develop you in faith that's how you feed your faith is by hearing but that's not if you just stop there your faith is not developed by hearing alone you have to be a doer that you actually exercise your faith you actually live by faith and walk by faith and I think sometimes people we are in a heady society generation and I think sometimes people think because they've heard a lot about faith that means are they've heard about faith for a long time that equals being highly developed in faith and it does not you can hear all kinds of things about faith for years and years and years and be very poorly developed in faith faith comes by hearing that's not how its developed that's not how it's released it must be acted upon James goes into detail faith without action is dead and he talks about dead faith it doesn't produce any results get any answers so I want you and I believe it's the direction of the Lord I want us to go back to the rock we were cut from it says go back to the the hole of the pit now that don't sound very good to us going back to the hole and the pit but these are mining terms mining terms the rock you were hewn from he's talking about the shaft the the vein you were cut from because we heard the phrase cut from the same cloth only we're not cloth we're diamond we're gold we're precious stones and we're out of the same vein that Abraham come out of it [Music] we're out of the same faith vein come on can you see it in a mine I'm talking about a vein of diamonds or gold or that you would see down deep that's what he means an end to hold down deep in the shaft down deep in the mine the rock you were cut out of I want you and I believe it's the direction of the Lord let's believe God this week and let him take us back to where faith came from hallelujah take us right to the vein where the faith of Abraham was cut out of and I want you and I to see real faith and genuine faith like we've never seen it before and let's get rid of and get free from some newfangled junk that people are calling faith come on are y'all with me and get away from copies and almost faith and wannabe faith come on are you listening and get back to the real hard rock tour Abraham kind of faith [Applause] hallelujah I believe it's our assignment this week yours and mine would you or will you believe with me obviously did you hear I said it was a big pot well it's a big rock it's a deep shaft right it is it's big yeah you know we can't cover all the details of this but you're believing with me we'll we'll get that you don't need to know all the details you need to know the spirit of it the spirit of it then the New Testament say we having the same spirit of faith do we have the same spirit of faith as the patriarchs of old of Abraham his self yes we do yes we do said out loud I'm of the seed of Abraham I have the same kind of faith as Abraham yes Amen that's that's the rock I was cut from that that's the vein my faith came from Abraham's faith is legendary for lack of a better word Abraham will always be known throughout the universe for his faith I mean a 10 million years from now it's not going to change and Beyond and Beyond and beyond his faith is held up as an example for everybody that would come after him where did he learn it how did he learn how to walk by faith where did he get it there were no faith churches I said there were no faith churches there were no faith books our CDs or DVDs there were no faith seminars there were no nothing there was no church there was no Ten Commandments there was no law we're talking about way way back way back hmm did the Lord tell us to look back look wait look where we came from look look at the rock we were cut out of well the turn turn with me to Genesis Genesis chapter 12 is the beginning of the record of this story it covers nearly a quarter of the book of Genesis how many believe it must be important and every word every example that's recorded every response is faith that never changes are we justified today exactly like he was exactly his faith was counted to him for righteousness right and he learned that from God himself without any group without any books without any seminary his faith he's forever known for and he's forever known for his faithfulness and he's forever known as the friend of God hmm said out loud faith faithful friend we're not talking now about principles of faith we're talking about personal faith it's fine to learn about principles but you can know about principles and not actually walk in faith he's held up as the example let me give a little some definition and then we'll we'll get into some of it faith means tomorrow abraham means he trusted God faith fall means God trusted him God said I called him alone why why him the scripture says concerning him he said he found him that his heart was faithful before him and he said that he knew him that he would teach his children what God had gave given him Genesis 18:19 he said I know him God said he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord Nehemiah nine eight says well I'm moving too fast Nehemiah nine seven says you are the Lord the God who did choose Abram and brought him forth out of error of the Caddy's and gave him the name abraham and found his heart faithful before you and made a covenant with him the Lord saw this about him he saw that here's a man that will trust me let's let's not move too fast past this people have the tendency church-going people have intendant's ago yeah we all trust God hmm no no we don't we all have faith and we all trust God no no no people have turned faith into a general collection of beliefs and we we adhere to the faith and we all believe the same thing so sure you have faith I have faith that's not really our big issue we're trying to find out what the big problem is no no free if you study the Scriptures you'll find faith is exceedingly precious and faith is exceedingly rare do you think God it's impossible to please him without something that is common and cheap the God of the universe he who creates stars and and galaxies what would be precious to him to God faith is more precious than refined gold it is so precious and it is rare it is so rare that the scripture says when Jesus returns shall he find faith in the earth it is not common as somewhat have you believe faith label is common faith talk is common but not real faith real faith is precious real faith is not a collection of knowledge about a subject and being able to quote some verses real faith is you trust your God you trust him you trust him and he knows our heart and he knows what we trust and what we don't and it's demonstrated by what we'll do and what we want it's not hard to discover but then also he's looking for those faith faith works both ways hmm you show me a trusting person and you'll see trust worthy it's just then a faith is in you so faith and faithful and God said I found his heart faithful before me I know he will do what I tell him to do I can count on him for the past three years in particular I've been believing God on an ongoing basis for revelation in a specific area and and the Lord's giving it to us and I'm so thankful and I know some of you have already been believing with me on this I would ask everybody this is part of what's going on right now is the fruit of it believe with me I have prayed I saw it some years back that the further I walked with the Lord and the more I learned I realized there is so much going on in church that's not God there is so much going on in ministry that's not God it's just not God but it's been around so low and I'm not talking about other groups I'm talking about every group because somebody did it and announced become familiar and people lay scriptures around it people think it's God and the further I'd go I'd begin to see Lord help me show me what is you and what is not you help me because when you're born into something and you're around it all your life and everybody around you thinks it's God you need a revelation to see differently to come out of the midst of it it takes powerful light so will you believe with me on this hook your faith with Milnes pray and release faith when I say father God we're agreeing together we're asking you concerning this concerning faith concerning all these things show us what is you and what is not you what is your way and what is religion man's way even if it's something we've done ourselves preached ourselves believed ourselves for decades we want to know the truth show us please what is you and what is not you we believe we receive it in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to God thank you lord get ready because he will answer that prayer he will show you he will show us go with me please to Genesis 12 and let's see the rock we were cut from let's see what real faith back before there were any faith meetings back before there were any stickers our bumpers are huh what did faith look like and sound like that God said this is what pleases me but it is impossible to please me without did you did you get a glimpse of that just a few moments ago how God sees faith hmm faith is not everywhere on this planet no sir no ma'am faith is precious it's precious God treasures it he values it there's coming a time when he's gonna praise it God is going to praise your faith in front of others we already saw it when Jesus was on the earth when he found some real strong faith what did he do didn't he stop in front of everybody and what did he say now this this I hadn't seen this kind of faith in the whole country well of course his own bunch is standing right there beside it is precious to the Lord and he values it so highly that there's no other way to pleasing anything than to do it with this precious thing called faith and Abraham is held up as the example so are you ready to be schooled me too in the twelfth chapter we see the beginning of this faith adventure the steps of faith verse one now the Lord had said unto Abraham stop right there that's how faith begins right that's how faith begins if the Lord hadn't said anything they bruh have he couldn't have believed anything faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God the the anointed Word and he's told him gets you out of your country from your kindred from your father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of you a great nation and bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and I'll bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed read the next part next verse the next verse what this is how we know Abram has faith hmm this is how we know he has faith not because he's got good notes on faith I can quote faith versus he didn't have it he had what the Lord said to him personally and when this word came to him what did he do he did it now it's easy for us to read this but here the place where he grew up meant something to him just like it does to you his family his relatives meant something to him just like you right going into the unknown where you don't know anybody you got no connections you got nothing lined up hmm he'd have to deal with those thoughts he'd have to overcome those fears just like you but the reason he's in the book instead of somebody else right it's because at this first major step of faith when the Lord told him Abram get out of here huh get out of here get out from your country and that doesn't mean all your people are bad and don't mean all your country is bad but God's got a plan for you and he's gonna have to get you out of this environment because he he wants you to wind up several faith steps down the road here thinking so radically different than anybody you've ever been around as thinking come over you're listening until he can't leave you where you are he's dead he said come on out here with me I'm gonna put you in another environment I'm gonna immerse you hallelujah in spirit and light and truth and it's going to change you it's going to change the way you think it's going to change the way you hear it's going to change the way you perceive things now I'm going to get ahead of myself a little bit but some of the things that came later in Abraham's walk with God he would not have been ready for here he would not have been ready for here but nor would he have been ready years later if Abram hadn't just heard but also obeyed and walked his faith and developed his faith because every time he did that he became stronger his faith developed and over-processed a time he's here - he's able to hear things he wouldn't have been able to hear he's able to believe things and believe four things he wouldn't have been able to I know looking back Phyllis and myself in the beginning days of well I didn't know I was going to be in the ministry but I was working in a secular job and Phyllis was where in a secular job and place where she worked had the doctor had teaching tapes we'd never heard of such a thing of course this would have been what 35 plus years ago now and with us and I mean we listened to music on 8-track remember that but preaching on a tape one of the first questions come to mind was why now Maya my grandmother was a godly woman spiritual woman and my my mom believed her and a prayer but and and we believed in the power of God we believed in God but but very little input hardly anything about faith and about any of those things so he finally prevailed upon her to take some tapes home with and listen and of course him being her employer just kinda out of courtesy she finally did and wouldn't you know some of the first ones she brought home was Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and we sat down in our little 1969 Marriott mobile home with the red shag carpet genuine imitation leather sofa I mean it looked like leather and we sat on that sticky thing and and listened to these and and praise the Lord something went off inside of us and it just became a custom every night after we got in from work and after supper we'd sit down with our tiny little player and we'd sit there and hear the word and we'd hear about being redeemed and we'd hear about faith and we'd hear about and and we got and she brought in others by you know Charles Capps Jerry Velen and finally we ran out of all those and and he said we'll take these she said well who's that by and he said kenneth hagin and she said well how about now said no I don't and I know these guys and I like what they got but I don't know this guy so I but finally they they got me here in some of his and eventually the Lord got us you know but that's what I was getting too we need when it came time two years later for us to go to a camp meeting in Tulsa Oklahoma and the Lord dealt with us take a tour of the Rhema campus and when we stepped on that campus the Lord spoke to us to come looking back now we had no money we're just country kids never never been away from home and it just looked too big and how you gonna do it tuition place to live all this other you know how you gonna do all that do you reckon those kind of thoughts crossed Abraham's mind or was he such a super human being that none of that ever crossed his mind yeah crossed his mind but he didn't let that stop him that's the difference that's the difference and looking back now it we we had to stir ourself up and we had to take steps and one thing led to the other but looking back now I know if we hadn't taken the step of faith to listen to the tapes then our faith wouldn't have been at the place two years later to take the step of faith to go to the school some I say steps of faith and if we hadn't took that step to go to the school we wouldn't have had to faith in some years later to take the next steps and the next steps and then it's this kind of ministry in that kind of ministry and then a church and another church and the word production center come on are you listening it's you don't just start with that you start with do you have enough faith to do what I'm telling you to do listen to this tape hmm listen to this tape go to this meeting hmm get in church and be faithful work pray tithe hmm and see if you if you fail that faith step then you won't be ready for the next one and if you're not ready for the next one then you'll never find out about the others I don't like that thought do you I don't I don't like the thought of not finding out about what was available glorious things hallelujah so-called small things are not so small after all when the Lord deals with you about something it's not small just because of who dealt with you right keep reading here the Lord had let's back up to verse 1 again the Lord had said to him get out of your country and from your kinfolks as specific from your father's house faith is hard on your flesh and it's hard on your fleshly sold your soul can be flesh influenced or spirit influenced you think Abram cared about his aunts and uncles and cousins and place where he learned how to fish and huh place well I mean his his home country his home people certainly did and when you think about leaving these are all your friends these are all your family if you need something they're gonna help you if somebody attacks you they're going to help fight with you and you're gonna go off by yourself I mean alone rabbit out in the woods it's a scary thought right and especially in these days I mean the country is rugged you get just a few miles from your house who knows who you going to encounter and a lot of places there were no laws it's just whoever's got the biggest sword and swing it to hearts but when the Lord told him this he and he heard the words of the Lord this is not this doesn't have to do with his church because he didn't have a faith Church it didn't have to do with denomination he didn't have one come on are y'all with me it didn't have to do with this particular group or that this is just huh him and God and I don't care if you're a part of a hundred thousand members Church when it comes time to believe God is still going to come right back down to that I don't care how many friends you got how fast they pray in tongues or how many scriptures they can quote will now go home and organ music stops it's gonna be you laying in the bed it's gonna come right back right back here right back here right back here what did he tell you and do you trust him and what's the acid test of do you trust him will you do it will you do it cuz if you won't do it and no matter how much talking you do that means you don't trust him did Abraham trust what God told him he said you leave here you leave everything you know you leave you leave all your comfort you leave everything you've developed so far he didn't just give him an empty idea the verse - What did he say I'm gonna make of you a great nation I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna make your name great you will be a blessing if you believe this you're getting excited right and instead of crying about leaving mama now you begin to get excited it's great and here you can tell real faith real faith doesn't cry and feel sorry for itself because what are you feeling bad about I'm having to leave mama know you're getting this but I'm happy to leave mom no I'm gonna bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing did you hear some of the old church hymns that you would bring so many tears if I could hear mama pray again if I if I could just which way is that looking Saints which way is that looking that's looking back it's looking back and that's where unbelievers look unbelievers look back faith doesn't look back longingly he with self-pity what I'm having to give up because if you believe what guts telling you and you believe how big he is and how great he is and how wonderful he is then you know that anything you're having to give up is not even worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed and if you don't believe that and not excited about it you believe what you're turning loose of is worth more than that which means you don't believe real faith the faith of Abraham is a faith that obeys said out loud faith that obeys faith that obeys remember Hebrews said he went out how he went out not knowing where he was going faith obeys not fully understanding not knowing how and what and yet not singing the blues either right faith that is happy faith it isn't why because not what I'm leaving not what I'm losing what I'm going to what I'm going to he said he will bless me and make my name great and I'll be a blessing anybody that's followed the Lord very long has experienced these steps same kind of steps Abraham had I know when Phyllis and I would been in the ministry for Oh what was it 20 years already there in the Tulsa Oklahoma area and we've been using our faith for that length of time at least and had finally got our house that we had been weaving for and finally I got got into some aviation and we're traveling ministries so man this is wonderful plane you can fly back and forth finally got our own hangar in and finally got some some things and and you know we're we're happy we're not looking for something else to do it and the Lord dealt with us about Branson and I had drove it driven through Branson a couple of times but I hadn't thought that much about it excuse me and I finally begin to realize the Lord is dealing with dealing with me to leave here and go there I thought Lord so we went up and checked it out so Branson's it's a beautiful place it's a great place amazing place but it's small I mean the whole population is ten thousand people you get off the strip just a couple of miles and while you're in the country and the nearest airport of any size was an hour away and I went and looked at the airport that they had there and at that time it was Point Lookout it was 3,700 feet with a cliff on both sides and boulders all the way down and I thought oh Lord and and and no good hangars available or not and and I just thought Lord and first for several weeks I'm Phyllis had just finished redecorating her kitchen had all I always wanted certain kind of kitchen and somebody walked up and handed her the money one day just just said here and it's exactly what she's believing for just in time to move and I remember one day I'm getting ready I'm I'm shaving looking in the mirror and these thoughts are running through my mind finally the Lord interrupted me he said Keith do you believe I'm able to do better for you than this because I'm thinking well I'm gonna I'm gonna lose this and I'm gonna lose that we're not gonna have this we're gonna start completely over from scratch on that that's thinking wrong I said that's thinking wrong that's looking back that's wanting to hold on huh and and if you look at that and talk about that too much you can absolutely miss God and not take that step of faith now you know I you may not think so but I'm telling you we have a completely free will Phyllis and I could still be in Tulsa tonight and and live there and no Branson Church and no Church here and no meeting here tonight absolutely we got a free will if you don't think so you're thinking wrong what we're too missed I said what we're too missed didn't see you tonight is actually a thrill for me hmm well maybe it's not as big a thrill for you but it is I'm telling you we're sitting in a dream you're sitting in a vision I fill us and I saw it on a napkin with no money to do it glory to God and the thing that helps sense it for me is I'm standing there I remember distinctly standing there and tall so I'm shaving and the the Lord I don't mean an audible voice but inside me very distinctly he said Keith do you believe I'm able to do better for you than this or in other words do you think this is it I matched but that's my words are you thinking Keith out I've topped out now and I laid the razor down I said no sir I don't believe this is Betty and forgive me that's it we're done here we go Branson here we come hallelujah and and there were other steps and other steps and other steps but every time you took a step here come things happening glory to God and then that puts you in a position to take another step and then years later that puts you in a position to take another step come on can you see this the steps of faith the same kind of steps our father Abraham took and it's not about do you know all the steps it's not about do you know all of them can you quote the verses verbatim in the right translation it's between you and him right what did he tell you and then what he told you do you believe it enough let me say like this do you trust him enough can you see why I just gave you that illustration that they had to come that moment where I said he's basically asking me do you trust me you trust me enough to leave what you and her have built for the past 20 years here do you trust me to go into the unknown and basically start over from scratch do you trust me hmm and you know what just a couple of months after we got to Branson he gave me this word I could tell he was pleased did you know faith pleases he dr. Lillian bee yeoman said this God delights in his children stepping out over the aching void with nothing underneath their feet but the Word of God I could tell he was pleased that we had launched with seemingly no visible means of support and he said to me he said now I'm gonna give you the best of Branson and property and house commodity listening and next thing you know they built us an airport [Applause] they built us an airport I mean a real airport a real Airport and I know the folks thought it was for them too but and we got a great place and we got a better plane than we ever had and we got was the Lord able to do better was he able to do more but we'd have never found out if we'd have been too scared to turn loose and take the staff hallelujah thank you Lord and at this rate of flying through these scriptures it could be an extended meeting huh let's finish this up need to get it started right II Genesis 12 I will make of you a great nation if you believe God what are you starting to do right now hmm you're already thinking well we're out of here right you're you're already getting light-hearted you're already getting some excitement some anticipation right about leaving glory to God we're going on a faith adventure and look here okay well I will bless you I will make your name great and you shall be a blessing and I'll bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you and then you shall all families of the earth be blessed how many know it's time to shout now it's time to shop and go for it a god me me you gonna do that for me you're gonna use me for that me and it should be long gone in your thought about anything you're leaving or having to give up because compared to what he just told you that's not even worthy to be compared so Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him and lot went with him and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran and 75 is not too late to start a new thing 75 is not too old to launch into a brand new faith adventure 75 is not too old and I got I got three grunts in an order to come you you just knew Holland at me while ago about ya faith Abraham hey brown okay here's your father Abraham seventy five starting something brand new something Brent totally brand-new launching into the unknown previously not encountered he went out hallelujah I need to set another time or to help your neighbor out help you 75 he is not too old to start something completely new brand new thing brand new thing brand new thing brand new thing somebody say brand new thing brand new thing hallelujah but if to fears you cling you'll not find the brand new thing if to doubts that swirl questions what if and how then you'll be tied to the past you'll be anchored to tradition and unable to move and unable to break free you'll see others that will dare to step out and all how they'll be blessed or they'll wind up in places and see things and do things they never thought and you never thought they would and thoughts will come why not I why not I why not i but as you start to move you'll feel attached attached attachments emotional attachments so local attachments financial attachments community attachments denomination attachments again and again chains forged of man not of the spirits doing things that enable one to walk by sight every day and every night something that comforts and consoles like a well-worn blanket full of holes it smells it stinks and ugly is but it's so familiar so familiar and I like it like it is time is passing hasting by oh the fullness of prophecy fulfilled comes not closer and closer it is at hand and you'll look up and your time will be finished where you stand and you'll think I was going to and I thought I would but no more time is allotted no more time that you could while it's called today while it is now break free from fear shake off timidity and cowardly things and say I will not be held down I will not be afraid I will not be too weak I will not be kept in I will arise like my father Abraham I will say yes I can believe - I will say yes I will go to
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 3,303
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: kM8_3BxqDuA
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Length: 64min 45sec (3885 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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