Keith Moore Thanksgiving Victory Pt 1 Before and After

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already had like two or three sermons hmm get one more one more okay okay open your bibles rushers wait on the people if you didn't bring a Bible tonight and you'd like to use one of ours raise your hand in fact we encourage you to use one of ours and turn with us in Scripture let these words get in you minister to you we will go first of all to first Corinthians the fifteenth chapter I buzzed a little bit quiet tonight did you get too cold in the ice or something first Corinthians the fifteenth chapter and also go ahead and find second Corinthians the second chapter will just go from one to the other first Corinthians 15 and then probably just a page or two to second Corinthians chapter 2 then first Corinthians 15 first Corinthians 15 a lot of good things here talks about the resurrection amazing things how many believe just like it's written in here then trumpets gonna sound dead in Christ are gonna rise we're gonna be changed how many looking forward to getting changed that's gonna be something else no more wrinkles no more weight problems no more feeling tired and sluggish no more aches no more pains already God and down towards the end here he you know he is preaching by the anointing I'm he he says death is swallowed up in victory and then he gets a C and verse 55 death where is your sting grave where is your victory he's telling them the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law but in the face of death in the face of sin thanks be to God some I say thanks be to God thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ everybody said out loud but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ say it again but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus cut one more time but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah this is one of the personal things I remember about brother Kenneth Hagin senior who's in heaven now some of the private time that I and Phyllis and I were able to spend with him through the years and we served with him for twenty years and he would just come out with this seemingly out of the blue we'd be riding along in the car we'd be walking through the door or the hotel we'd be getting on the plane and did you say thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ something he liked to say I'm talking out off the platform I'm telling my in his bedroom am i right fellas I'm telling this right I mean he just come up out of it but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and I I feel strongly in the same way but another verse kind of pops out of me and it's the one we're about to read here basically says the same thing you can see them both you don't have to pick second Corinthians the second chapter are you there 2nd Corinthians 2 and 14 was it saying now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ and makes manifest the savour or the smell of his knowledge by us in every place did you know you can smell victory do you know victory has a smell you might not have known that spiritual things have smell to them and we you know a lot we don't know because we operate so much in the flesh and in the natural but God intends for you and I to be fragrant I'm not talking about you Cologne I'm not talking about you perfume certainly not talking about the lack thereof if you read this whole passage you see he's talking about smells some translations used the word fragrance some used the word odor the King James used the word older but when we hear older we think bad but the Bible uses it both good and bad good older that sounds strange to us a good odor yeah but anyway you and I are to smell like life we're to smell like victory Oh anybody with me this is this evening now I'm not talking mine that when somebody walks in the room you start going because you can't smell this with your natural nose we're not talking about natural smelling we're talking about a spiritual smell but but when we say spiritual smell that doesn't mean imaginary smell spiritual is real I said it's real God is spirit he's not imaginary he's real you are a spirit not that you have a spirit you are a spirit and you either smell like death spiritually or you smell like life you smell like depression and defeat or you smell like victory you smell old and stale are you smell like new life newness of life and victory what's that you wearing hey what's that you got on that's uh that's an Eau de victory yeah I got it on both sides oh the victory now we can shout about that and be happy about that but I want to back up and see the connection that's made in both of these verses read this one out loud to me again please was it safe now now what thanks be to God which cause always causes us to triumph in Christ now go to the other one first Corinthians 15:57 they're very similar aren't they was it saying but what but thanks be to God I mean that phrase is in both of them and it's not just the least to thanks be to God said out loud thanks be to God say it again thanks be to God thanks be to God which gives us the victory we'd probably say in our modern vernacular who gives us the victory if you look up the words it's just a matter of Greek to King James English but thanks be to God who gives us the victory and he does it through our Lord Jesus Christ now I have it on my heart to begin a new series or you know if it's 1 or 2 or 200 I don't know but to minister along this line of the power of Thanksgiving hallelujah and the lifestyle of Thanksgiving and I know you've heard some things about this and I know before we even go further if I ask you you know is it good to be thankful and you go oh yeah yeah yeah but these suppose there's a lot about this we don't know oh yeah and we begin with our texts looking at some things that are increasingly clearer to me as time goes on the Lord spoke something to my heart oh this would have been I guess close to 20 years ago now in a time of waiting on him and getting quiet I part of my responsibility was the healing school in classes at brother Kenneth Hagins ministries and I started out helping there and then eventually they turned more of it to me and I did more than speak in it and the Lord taught me that I should wait on him and get quiet and that the you know and meditate and wait before him and then morning would be stronger and of course it's it's not me that can heal anybody it's the anointing right and so I want the results I want the anointing to be as strong I want to do my part and so I especially on the day that we'd lay hands on people I'd skip the noon meal most the time skip both meals not eat anything and just wait before the Lord and just confess that the Spirit of the Lord is on me and and pray and wait on him and not just scream at the top envoy sometimes just lay there and be quiet and you know prepare myself and so uh during one of these times the Lord spoke to my heart I remember I'm laying in the floor the little bitty room I used to go and shut the door I'm right by myself in the floor and and the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean I heard of outside voice here now but it wouldn't be any more real if it was an audible voice there wouldn't be any more him and he spoke to my heart he said this I wrote it down he said Keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me well I didn't have to think about that very long would you have to think about that very long I didn't have to pray about that all I said yes yes and please yes please yes would I like to know how to increase my capacity to receive from God now this tells you a lot though doesn't it it tells you that our capacity to receive from him as we stand here right now is not unlimited it tells you that not everybody is the same not everybody is in position to receive the same things that should be obvious just from looking at people in situations in life and yet it's not because God's a respecter of persons it's not because he's playing favorites the limitation is on people's ability to receive just because somebody wants to sow something or give something to someone does not mean that's all there is to it does there is that I mean there have been people that I have had it on my heart to do something for I'm thinking of a man right now several years ago I wanted to give him something that was precious to me it was one of my prized possessions and I was excited about it to give it to him and I came to him and I gave it to him I said brother I want you to have this I want you to enjoy this and he looked down and he looked at it he said this is too nice he said how much does this cost I said for you nothing it's not costing you dime not costing you one penny he suggests but this is expensive not to you and he handed it back to me he said I can't receive this I said yeah you can't you just open your hands and I'll set it there and then I'll turn loose and walk away and you'll have it he didn't think that was funny he said I'm sorry brother Keith but I can't I can't receive this I said yet you can if you will I said please receive it I want you to have it I want you to enjoy it he said no and he would not now he didn't know it but he irritates me I smile I doubt he ever knew it but I almost said soon he just slapped me in the face he's saying a lot of things I don't know that he realizes he's saying he's saying I don't believe you heard from God right he's saying you missed it you don't know what you're doing he's saying I don't want you to have the opportunity to reap a harvest off of this seed that's precious to you this is serious stuff isn't it people don't know what they're doing but he would not receive it and he never did what can you do can't make somebody receive something can you now the reason I bring that up and going into detail is because we are exactly the same way with God we can only enjoy what we're able to receive I'm saying that elaborating on what the Lord told me in my heart he said would you like to know how towhat increase your capacity to receive from me what does that mean I can't receive more from him until something happens in me how are y'all with me Saints this evening I don't feel like I have quite the momentum I'd like to have Matt check your foot make sure your foots off the brake make sure off off the brake and it would be good if you'd put your foot on accelerator with me huh but at least just off the brake do we all have the same capacity to receive from God I mean we have the same ultimate potential but where we are sitting here right now are we all at the same place could we receive the same things from him no we're we're all at different places and there are limiting choke factors in every person's life here hmm go with me to Psalm Book of Psalms 78 song well we're off to a roaring start here it's good I'm not moved by what I see our field ah I have faith that real soon you're gonna get excited Psalm 78 talks about that first generation of Israelites that were delivered out of Egyptian bondage did they receive all God had for them what happened to him they died I didn't that dry barren place they died young and they died hard their life was hard did God have more for them that he intended they receive from him yes if you read the book of Hebrews chapters three and four you see it says that they didn't enter into the Promised Land although it was provided and determined for them before the foundation of the world God had it ready he had picked it out he did not intend that they wander in the wilderness for forty years that was not his will not his plan not his will but they did not receive what he had for them and it wasn't his fault where was the the restriction it was with them read this is what it says in the scripture it says verse forty Psalm 78 forty how oft or how often did they provoke him in the wilderness and they grieved him in the desert what would grieve God now we've got two things here what what they do to him they provoked him that made him angry what else did they do grief is not anger can you grieve God what would it mean that God is grieved he's displeased God didn't get depressed but he's display he's not happy it grieved him it bothered him what bothered him look at the very next phrase very next phrase what what grieved him they turned back and they tempted God and in doing that what they do they limited the Holy One of Israel they limited God see people don't even like to say that we're reading scriptures they limited God limited God they limited the Holy One of Israel high in the world could you limit God misses God's limitless nobody can limit God every one of us can limit what he can do for us we are the limiting factor our faith our vision or lack thereof is the limitation I believe God has bigger and better force in 2009 don't you I don't believe I certainly don't believe we're supposed to go backwards or go down hmm I don't believe we're supposed to just stay the same and stay where we are and just maintain I believe God has more much more for you and I to receive from him more revelation more anointing more life more strength more stuff more opportunities more fruit in every way much more now his will is already established already revealed his ability should not be in question as to his ability to give us all of this and do all this for us but there is a limitation and where is it it's here it's here I was able to bless that man with that item I was willing not only was I willing I was desirous hmm not only would I do it I really wanted to do it did he receive it no did he enjoy it no it was a nice thing he could have enjoyed it for years or he could have enjoyed it for a week and sold it to somebody else let them enjoy it then he'd have enjoyed it they'd have been blessed he did got a harvest and I got a harvest instead he cut all of it off he stopped all of it he affected my life he affected his life and he affected who's ever life he might have been supposed to show it to and I don't know something might have happened after them - you know who knows by what I'm sure he called himself being humble his big deal was how much did it cost and he was trying to prove that he was humble and holy by not having a possession that was that nice didn't prove that to me I'm just saying where was the limitation could he have done something else could they have done something else and what would have been the evidence of it somebody said it thank you yes thank you somebody said it I handed him the item and what did he say I'm sorry birthing I can't which was a lie right that's not true I can't the truth is I won't right he could he just wouldn't could he have said something else oh come on guys we could could Ian said something else what could he have said oh well well thank you we know a little bit about this but I'm telling you this is so I can't even say it in English this is so much more than a polite response this is a spiritual powerful thing to genuinely give thanks and it operates in the the present and in the future thanks be unto God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ now thanks be unto God who always causes us to try we see victory triumphs and thanks is there a connection is there a connection between thanks and victory but here's our problem so many have only thought about after the fact something happens you see it and feel it and you say thanks he didn't limit it to that he most of what he's talking about is future in these verses look few like this or not most of this put yourself in the context when he study talked about all the ordeals and all the issues that were going on is his life over no what's he talking about then he's not just talking about himself personally he's talking about everybody and every trial they have ever faced and every issue in need they have ever faced and all that will come for the rest of your life and to every generation till the body of Christ is complete and he is thanking God for all that is to come and that connects him to the victory glory to God now let me let me let me give you an example here what we're talking about is faith without which you cannot please God without which you cannot receive a healing or a bill paid you can't be born again you can't be saved and what is the victory that overcomes the whole world the the victory the victory that overcomes the whole world even our faith and thanks be unto God who gives us the victory what is the victory our faith thanks be unto God who gives us the victory which is our faith which is the victory if I if you've known me for years this happened just recently on an illness a situation I called somebody and the Lord had dealt with me I had looked at it for some time I knew it was right and I said asked him a little bit about the situation and they knew what they were believing for they didn't home around they knew I didn't play games they didn't either I said what are you believing far on this pop-pop-pop-pop I said that's what I thought glory to God it'll be there in a few days now what if he had said well we'll see we'll see and he's gonna reserve his thanks until the check clears and he knows the fuss now if he didn't know me that'd be a different deal but if he knew me and I've been told him always the truth and been faithful with you if he's going to reserve Thanksgiving till later after he sees is that okay what would he be doing hmm he would be saying well maybe you will maybe you won't maybe you can maybe you can't we'll see and when we see it and it clears I'm gonna thank you but I'm not gonna thank you right now anybody with me to see I've had people in my life that God used in some powerful ways and I knew them I knew their their character I knew their integrity I knew their ability and all they had to say is the Lord told me to do this and I mean I shouted I shouted right then right there I didn't have to see any bank statements I didn't have to hear anything nothing I knew if they said it I immediately went into Thanksgiving gear I hadn't seen anything nothing has happened that you could see or knowing the natural but I merely begin to say glory to God first of all I'm thinking God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you I'm not waiting I said I'm not waiting waiting to see his unbelief you're not putting any stock in their character or in their integrity you don't you're not trusting anything we've learned through some social training some people hadn't learned it nowadays but a lot of us were taught say thank you say thank you but do we know the power of saying thank you before we know how to say thank you after but faith says thank you before I hope this is not too simple for you there this can change your life my friends what are you waiting on to get on with your life what are you waiting on to kick in to the Thanksgiving if you believe what he said if you believe what he told you then the time to give thanks is right now when he said it right now and friend this is a spiritual force it puts things in motion that connects you to the victory this is a release of your faith yeah we're starting to make a little progress here kind of like tearing out on these snow banks dark Horton and Jerry Horton were here what a few months ago you bet yellow here member and Doc and Jerry two are from Georgia and good southern people and and grew up you know years ago in the deep south and he said when he grew up they had a big family and biscuits were a treat did you know during some of the hard times didn't always have flour you they ate more a cornmeal that they could grind herself than they did biscuits but maybe had biscuits on Sunday and what would that have been Martha white self-rising flour I might not have been self-rising back then it probably wasn't said no I wasn't self-rising back then shows what I know anyway they would mama would make up a big batch of fluffy country biscuits and have some syrup there handy blue cane or sorghum whatever your preference is and maybe some country cured ham or whatever the case might be but he had a bunch of brothers big family and he was the little one and sometimes the biscuits would run out before everybody got one but there was a rule in his family he even wrote a book about it he's got a book and the title is thank you for the biscuit because at his house it was a rule that no matter where you were if he was sitting at the end of the table behind three Baker brothers if you popped up and said and it was just one biscuit in the platter and you popped up and you said thank you for the biscuit it was your biscuit nobody could touch it they didn't call it first you didn't you didn't have to have it in your hand all you had to do was say thank you for the biscuit I'd crack a smile all night til I start told my biscuits I gots like oh we gained some momentum that time yeah somebody woke up and said he's a biscuit he said he said something biscuit where's the biscuit I'm telling you how to get the biscuit I'm telling you you gotta get all the biscuits anybody know how to get the biscuit come on now how do you thank you yeah but you ain't got no biscuit you don't have you don't see a clue how to get a biscuit nine people tween you and the last biscuit how do you get come on how do you get how do thank you thank you for the biscuit yeah the reason he tells it and talks about it because it is a principle of God that's how he operates how understand God's not the author of confusion he's preparing a table right now isn't it he has prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies but too many folks been trying to climb past the enemy but trying to climb up on the table grab the biscuit plate go have to see go out to feel that Miss kit in their hand before they get a biscuit before they believe they got a biscuit and that is not how it works at the Lord's table he's prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies how many believe this table is not a bear table this is a full table what's on the table what's on the table we know one thing that's on the table is bread Jesus called healing the children's bread didn't he we know oil is on the table oil of joy we know the wine of spirits on the table everything you'll ever need is on the table but it's right here in the presence of your enemies and if you let yourself be distracted and deterred you'll be trying to see and trying to feel you'll be distracted by the symptoms the symptoms of lack and the symptoms of pain and confusion and every other thing and people get caught up in all this confusion and they're clamoring and they're trying to get and they're trying to produce it through their works and through their actions when all you got to do I don't care if it looks like it's ten miles between you and the biscuit and I can ain't no way you could ever get to that biscuit all you got to do is lean back don't even have to yell all you got to do is say thank you for the biscuit yes I do Lord I think I don't have to see a Miskin I don't have to smell a biscuit thank you lord I am thanking you for the biscuit and believe that if he says it's given to you it's yours before you see it before you feel it I mean absolutely convinced that there ain't no way that biscuit is not getting in your hands somebody say thank you say it again thank you thank you [Music] thank you glory to God you gonna tell a doc I preached a sermon where are you right now Psalms how about thank you for some more time thank you for more time go with me please - first Samuel the first chapter I need a few more minutes here and Mark one first Samuel 1 and Mark 1 there is a phrase that Jesus used repeatedly and you find it used by men of God in the Old Testament as well when I say it you'll recognize it immediately it is this go thy way you've heard that before Jesus ever tell people go your way we wouldn't say that if they go go your way or get on your way hmm what does that mean it doesn't mean hang around and wait does it what does it mean go your way get on your way get on with it in the first single one I want to wants to look at this first 71 tells the story of a woman who became Samuels mother through a miracle her name was Hannah wasn't it she wanted a baby didn't she she wanted a baby about as bad as any woman ever wanted a baby but she couldn't have a baby couldn't conceive had a good husband loved him he loved her but they couldn't conceive and she just felt like her life was not enough to live as years went by and she did not conceive she became I would say almost suicidal if you read this chapter here you can see she's putting pressure on him she she didn't feel like she can live if she doesn't have a baby and so she has prayed and prayed and prayed and fasted and prayed and asked questions and wondered she fussed and put pressure on her husband she's been healed with other people because she just life is not worth living if she doesn't have this this child this baby and it looks like she's never gonna have a baby friend this is a trick of the devil this is being on thankful her husband if you read the whole story and this is the Keith Moore paraphrase he'd try to console her he'd buy her stuff he'd feed her good meals take her to nice restaurants and one time he's just crying she just cry all the time night and day just cry cry cry cry don't you say this out loud that is never okay never man woman boy girl that is never I don't care what happened to you didn't happen to you as a child of God that is never okay but she's doing it unjust cry just at the drop of a hat you just look at her and she starts crying because she's so miserable because of what she does not have are you with me tonight friends I'm not just telling your story it's exactly the same today one point again this is the Keith Moore paraphrase he looked at her he said hey baby you got me Jess would not quit cry I mean nobody is enjoying life cuz she don't have a baby the house is like a cloud over it and they might you might start to go outside and do something beginning to be a little happy and she walks out the door and you look at her and she goes this went on for years and tell me why why is it going on because of something she does not have is there a place between thankful and unthankful this is Revelation the Lord asked me this question this afternoon is there a place between thankful and unthankful can you be neither thankful or unthankful you're just in the middle here somewhere is there a place where you're not thankful but you're not unthankful there is no such place if you're not thankful you are unthankful I said if you're not thankful what are you he's that okay she's got her health she's got a good man she's got a nice house she eats good she lives good she's got a covenant with God or y'all listening to me and what does all that mean to her nothing nothing she is not enjoying or appreciating any of it because of this one thing she doesn't have and this lasted four years that's quiet and then came a breakthrough anybody interested in the breakthrough I just looked straight ahead don't look to the side don't look yeah don't look at your spouse right now don't look it's your family and friends and sister look was right right here right here that's it just said I thought she was reading the bats oh no no I was reading about Hannah not just somebody you know uh Hannah after years of this misery and making everybody around her miserable after years of raining on everybody's parade she's in the temple praying together course now you know she felt like she's a real spiritual woman she goes to Temple all the time and then she prays Oh Lord this woman prays night and day and missing God friend there is no excuse to be like this I don't care what happened to you I don't care what have it doesn't matter what happened to you it doesn't excuse this kind of behavior or what you don't have here's where her breakthrough came she's in the temple again praying and wailing crying and wailing wailing and crying same kind of thing goes on a day so many people when they start praying listen to the tone listen to the tone one want to talk to the Lord like that why do you know who you're talking to the Bible said come wailing before the throne of grace come sobbing before the throne of grace come complaining now tell me what he said come come on come with your head up come with some pep in your step realize where you are who you talking to he don't want to hear you well and that pitiful what does he want to hear out of you faith I'm gonna jump ahead of myself here a little bit faith never feel sorry for itself never never she's wailing she's crying she bothered the man of God he said what is wrong with you are you drunk I'm not making this up Emma are you drunk or just crazy what see she thought she's spiritual she just has to have not spiritual not spirit I don't care if you prayed and quoted 500 scriptures not spiritual something I don't care for some of our modern situations you see some people that are teaching the youth to beg and be desperate did you hear me getting the floor and screaming and beg and cry out for God where's the faith in that and without faith it is impossible for God to be pleased with any such stuff now I know sometimes your heart might be touched and you may feel bad by something you've done you may need to repent and but it shouldn't last very long until you get to victory right and if you got an issue you pray through and if your hearts bother to burden about something I understand you may shed some tears but you don't stay there you don't live there you pray through and you get to victory a victory a victory and you get up and you talk faith and you give thanks living in that dark depressed sobbing crying ungrateful place it's got nothing to do with God being spiritual and everything to do with the enemy he said what's wrong with you are you drunk [Music] and I've done everything I don't have done I've poured my heart out to God for 50 years asking God if you don't give him a baby with a dad as one of dies will of God she said count not your handmaid a daughter being the the abundance of my complaint and my grief have I spoken and she's calling that prayer abundance of complaining and grieving has this produced any pregnancy in all these years is she any closer to her dream then Ilan answered her and said what do you say get out of here [Laughter] what does what does go me it don't mean steak it don't mean staying crying use upon my Kleenex is what is it what does it mean what does go mean go what did Jesus tell people over and over again go your way go your way go in peace and the God of Israel grant you your petition that you have asked of him and she took that as the Lord talking to her which it was she took that as the Lord telling her you got it it's granted it's yours come on keep reading she said we'll let your handmaid find grace in your sight she got up she went and she dried her nose wiped her smeared makeup off and come on help me - help me Ricky reading it and what she went her way sit down with her husband and for once and 15 years ain't without crying and enjoy the meal and talked about what was good and right and and her countenance was no more sad no more sadness what happened she believes it has happened she's done praying she's done crying get to it get on with your life no more sad be happy and you know what goes with this if you believe God granted what you've been hungry for for all these years what are you gonna say you're gonna be saying thank you and in just a few months it came to pass when the time was come after Hannah had conceived she bore a son and called his name Samuel it happened when she quit crying she quit focusing on what she didn't have it came to pass now without the taking all the time to do it let me just remind you jesus said in matthew 8 to the Centurion go your way and as you have believed so be it done unto you if he believed it what do you think he was doing as he was leaving and going on his way thank you lord thank you lord he said in mark 1 he said concerning the lepers go your way and show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things that Moses commanded you know what happened as those lepers went their way what happened as they went their way what happened and what happened with this guy the one that came back what do you think what do you come back to do to give thanks to give thanks to God and Jesus made remark he said where's the other ones he's this key to them having full victory and retaining their victory is there a connection between Thanksgiving and victory not just saying thank you after something has occurred but is it faith is it faith to believe and quit struggling and crying and quit trying and begging and just say thank you Lord oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus operated this way I won't take the time to go into it but Jesus when they got all these people spread all over the hillside and they don't have anything to eat he takes that little boy's lunch what does he do he lifts it up he's not just thanking God for this lunch he's thanking God for the meeting of all of these needs before anything has ever happened and when he's standing that they're from the Lazarus tomb staring death right in the face come on why did he do what's the first thing he do he lifted up his voice he said father I wanna thank you he had seen anything hadn't felt anything they're all still crying aren't they over what they don't have he's standing out there in the cemetery the smell of death all around listen honey please father I thank you for hearing me yeah What did he say what's what's happened friend when we can get our Thanksgiving before things occur in the natural we tap in to a force and a power that is faith itself that opens the door to God and lets him come in and change whatever it takes changed stand on your feet right now everybody let's act on it is there something you haven't had is there something that's made you sad because you couldn't do it or you didn't have it no raising of hands now did you cry have you felt bad have you been down have you felt sorry for yourself well you see where it's gotten you all of us have missed it in these areas made mistakes but we should be learning better but now right we should be growing we should be developing something changed in her she believed God had heard her she believed God had spoken to her and she was no more sad instead obviously she began to be thankful we see Jesus expressing this principle over and over so what are we gonna do what are we gonna do we're gonna quit crying we're gonna quit feeling sorry for ourselves come on what are we gonna do we are going to thank God for everything that has happened we are going to thank God for every good thing we are enjoying right now but we are also going to powerfully thank God for everything that he is provided for us and endeavoring to get to us because it will enlarge our capacity to receive from him it'll change us we're not just out of a religious habit going around saying thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord when we really do it in faith and do it out of our heart it's doing something on the inside of us it's affecting us so that it's enabling us to change so we can receive what he's already given to us they wanted us to have all the time right now everybody close your eyes everybody close your eyes and lift up your voice and say thank you come on on your own just begin to say thank you lord lord I thank you for everything you have done for us you have been so good so good so exceedingly good oh I worship you I worship you and I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you you have provided everything we'll ever need and every good desire I thank you for satisfying my soul I thank you for enabling to me have every need met I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you said out loud with me everybody close your eyes set out life thank you Lord for being so good to me you've done so much you've given me so much and I am thankful I'm also thankful for everything you've already provided for me that I've not yet enjoyed I am confident you will cause me to be completely fulfilled completely satisfied yes you will do exceeding abundantly above everything I ever thought our design our asked for it is coming to pass it will surely come to pass I will not come short I'll not be left behind I will not lack any good thing but I will be perfect and entire wanting nothing lacking nothing thank you thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 17,686
Rating: 4.8145695 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Thanksgiving, Victory, Pt, 1, Before, and, After
Id: JL77xsVGLzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 57sec (3957 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2012
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