Keith Moore I Give You Authority Pt 3 Why Did It Not Work

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if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand real high the ushers have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours and let's turn in the scriptures to Luke the ninth chapter Luke chapter 9 I'm so pleased with everybody that serving on the teams doing such a good job so so soon and and yet so well ice talking to Phyllis yesterday the Lord was dealing with me this week about the purpose of the local church and I've dwelled on it some obviously in the past but reminding me and emphasizing and he's emphasizing three things to me of the purpose of the local church one is fellowship in other words why should we have a local church why should we come together well the scripture says that we're not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together we're supposed to come together in one place make the effort to leave home and travel and come do what we're doing right now why well fellowship is vitally important you need to fellowship with other believers and you need to be in an atmosphere where other believers and their faith and the presence of God is there's just so many things good things that come out as a result of that and we can have some Upper Room atmosphere remember they were in one place one mind on a court the second thing the Lord dealt with me about is believers need to be fed their faith needs to be fed the Bible talks about being nourished up in the words of faith that's why we have teaching times and preaching times and and also there needs to be shepherds that lead as to the the projects and the the plan of God for a group or a place there needs to be leading and feeding and then thirdly the Lord dealt with me that there needs to be service and that's what we were talking about you know so many churches miss it in this area they don't it's not talked and emphasized that people think well you know a handful of staff is supposed to do the work of the ministry and the bulk of the people come and they sit and they hear and they go home and that's just not how it was never supposed to be that way it has always been that the the believer in the pew of the seat so to speak is supposed to be in service to the Lord everybody's supposed to be in says it's one of the main ways that you keep the love command and if I don't know what the love commandment is love one another jesus said as I have loved you he loved us so much that he gave himself right for us and every believer every believer somebody say every believer every believer shouldn't just be taken in taking in and that's the end of it you should give out right and there are their opportunities to serve your brother how many thankful that some of your fellow church members here served you by cleaning the place this week they're there loving on you by doing that people are loving on you by ministering to your children right now the parking lot guys and people are loving on you by doing what they're doing the grounds keepers and on and on the folks working on the maintenance of the building and it's not just a handful of people supposed to do that every believer is supposed to give render service to their brother and to the Lord in some capacity so let me encourage you take advantage of what's available you see people doing things but some of them are doing are in it all the time because we don't have enough folks to rotate yet and we want at least three four or five six deep in every position so people can rotate and they're not they're not serving in the same place all the time and they get to rest and and but everybody should be serving does that make sense sighs it's not just my then this is the scripture where as the Lord leads us we'll get into it more in more detail I'm so glad the folks that are serving the way they are I mean it's good we're off to a great start here but we don't need five percent of the church serving and 95 just sitting and doing nothing right not only that you're going to want some reward after this life right and and reward comes from service from doing things that he's you know opportunities to serve the Lord by serving each other and besides that anybody on the team am I telling it right you will make lifelong friends right you will develop relationships it causes a larger church to become a very small intimate group and it's part of the plan of God so please let me encourage you now don't miss your opportunities to serve because it's key to your development you don't develop just by coming and being fed you must exercise you must do in order to to fully develop is that all right in Luke the ninth chapter Luke chapter 9 and verse 1 we begin on this some weeks ago I want to continue in it Luke 9 1 said then he called his twelve disciples together and he gave them power and authority everybody say power and authority he gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases and he sent him to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick now a lot of modern teaching and preaching and church doctrine doesn't talk about things like demons and a lot of folks don't talk about healing and people have gotten away from the spiritual and supernatural but that's just men changing the Bible never changed reality has never changed if you read the scriptures you'll find it speaks much about spirits that there's flesh and their spirit here he says a power and authority over devils actually that's King James I think maybe a better rendering would be demons there's one devil and a number of demons and when people hear demon or evil spirit most of the time their mind gravitates or just zips to a Hollywood concept maybe some horror show that they saw of a 40-foot monster red with horns just a horrible terrifying thing that most people want to say is just not real doesn't exist or if they do believe it exists they're so scared they don't talk about it let's just let's don't talk about those things and neither of those is right there is a devil there are evil spirits there are angels there's the Holy Spirit God is spirit you are a spirit if you lost your body today your body died you wouldn't die you'd slip out of your body you'd still be you you still have your mind mm-hmm you just wouldn't be in your body you're a spirit God's called the father of spirits so our mind needs to be renewed and come in line with the word the scripture talks about Jesus warned his disciples and us of the doctrine of the Sadducees and the Pharisees and this is the doctrine of the Sadducees don't turn there but acts 23:8 acts 23:8 says the Sadducees say there is no resurrection neither angel nor spirit well the Sadducees are still with us today aren't they people that don't believe in any afterlife they don't believe in any spirit or angel Sadducees like one fellow said that's why they're sad you see this if you if there's no tomorrow if there's no hope if there's nothing past this life well that is sad but that's simply not true I said if you believe the Bible you can't accept that because the Bible is full of accounts of spirits the spirit realm another dimension from this physical realm is real you know I find it interesting so I I'm curious sometimes to to watch people who study the Stars and and space and and those kind of things and some of the things they're coming up with and some things are finding out about it and then they've decided you know there's another dimension Wow and you know that there's there's dark matter and there's their stuff you can't see well yeah there's always been some you can see there's a whole realm you can't see and it's real and there are spirit beings and spirit entities and you know I think some folks might relate better the church has gotten so goofy and about some of these things some people who relate better if you told the gospel story more along the lines of a science fiction novel except it's not fiction is there intelligent life out there absolutely have-have have there been none human beings visit the planet oh yeah it's a regular occurrence they're called angels right absolutely the truth and yet people want that they they want to make these things out to be fantasy and fairy tale you know if you believe the Bible if you believe gospel accounts Jesus dealt with spirits did he or didn't he have you read it he dealt with spirits and he authorized and empowered his disciples to deal with spirits didn't go to the tenth chapter of Luke not just the twelve but then also seventy others Luke 10 and 17 says the seventy returned again with joy and they said Lord even the devils again as that demons are subject to us through thy name the demons are subject to us through thy name and jesus said oh there's no such thing y'all are just imagining a bunch of stuff no he's the one that authorized them didn't who am I saying all this okay you need to make up your mind real or fantasy no this is real the demons are subject to us through thy name and he said I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven here's some good news the devil ain't what he used to be verse 19 jesus said behold I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you so should we be afraid of these of this devil and these demons these evil spirits should we be afraid we should not be children of God should not be and then put it like that should not be or not be go with me over to the book of Ephesians Ephesians the fourth chapter also we'll go to James chapter 4 Ephesians 4 and then straight over to James 4 Ephesians 4:27 what does it say Ephesians 4:27 neither give place to the devil the amplified says leave no room our foothold for the devil give no opportunity to him what does that mean that means I can shut the door I am NOT you are not a helpless victim the devil is a liar and he would try to convince you that evil forces and temptations and what-have-you can overwhelm you to the point that you can't resist and it just rolls over you and nothing you can do about it that's a lie I said that's a lie there is no such thing as an irresistible temptation I want to go over that again real slow there is no such thing as an irresistible temptation if you yield it's not a sin to be tempted Jesus himself was tempted it's not a sin to be tempted it's a sin when you yield to the temptations and you do what you know is not right but the very fact that you have to repent means you could have done differently if you couldn't help it if it was just bigger than you and just rolled over you and you you you had no no ability to resist it then you shouldn't be required to repent because it wasn't your fault you couldn't help it but the fact that you have to repent means you could have done something different you could have resisted you didn't have to you nobody ever has to yield to wrong influences you believe it or not you don't want to believe that you can't help it because you'll be in trouble then if you believe I can't help it you're a helpless victim no don't give place to the devil what does that mean it means I can shut the door and give the devil no place in my life even though the devils and demons and evil spirits are real they don't have to have any influence in your life you can shut the doors and not yield and not give place in James the fourth chapter James chapter 4 and 7 it says submit yourselves therefore to God who should you yield to who should you submit to not the devil don't give the devil any place but do yield to God yield to him submit to two of the most important things you can ever learn in this life what to yield to what to resist you don't want to be resisting God and you don't want to be yielding to the enemy right yield to God resist the devil and what will happen what will happen all he'll raise up about 50 feet and growl and slap you because you're just a mere mortal and he's the devil we need mine renewal because people's ideas about the devil have come from horror books and movies and shows and just ignorance and all kind of junk no children of God should have absolutely no fear of the devil or evil spirits in fact realizing that when we resist them in Jesus name they're afraid of us is it true they're afraid of us said out loud the devil is afraid of me true or not said out loud demons are afraid of me you want to say that another 10 times come on sit out loud demons are afraid of me said again closer eyes demons are afraid of me demons are afraid of me they're afraid of me when you resist them in Jesus name stand up against the devil the Youngs literal translation says he'll flee from you he'll run from you 1st Peter 5 says a similar thing 1st Peter 5 and 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour I'm so glad that may is in there aren't you he makes a lot of noise didn't say he was a roaring lion he goes about like one he's making a lot of noise his principal tool is fear if he can get you into fear and get you to act on fear especially then you have yielded to him and he's able to do things and your fears can come on you but he's seeking who I know when I was first in the started in the ministry the enemy brought thoughts to my mind I was 21 I guess or so and these thoughts kept coming to my mind you're not gonna live much longer you're not gonna live much longer well maybe I was about to be 21 that's what it was my granddad was shot and killed when he was 21 and his dad was shot and killed when he was 21 and they tell me you know boy you look just like him and people would talk about how mysterious it was that they died the same way exactly the same age and I was the next man on that was on my mom's side of the family and and when you don't know these things you know people think well isn't that hard isn't that strange and they want to talk about it and what the enemy is trying to do is put fear in you and get get you to expect that and so you know thank God that prior a few years prior to that we begin to get in enough word to say no I'm that's not gonna happen to me and begin to cast those thoughts down and refuse those things but even after I was in the training in the ministry it come to me I just be doing things not thinking about any of that and it started come to me you're not gonna live much longer you better do what you're gonna do cuz you're gonna die young and you know granddad died young his dad died young you're gonna die young and you know that kind of junk and finally one day thank God for the Holy Spirit if you listen to him he'll help you out I don't mean an audible voice but from down inside me this thought came up the Spirit of God prompted me said why don't you ask him why he hasn't already done it and I got sassy I thought yeah yeah bad boy why haven't you already taken me out why why didn't you kill me when I was 10 why didn't you take me out when I was 15 had plenty of chances I mean I did some wild stuff I had to go to the emergency room every summer a couple of times to get sold up I thought I was Tarzan Man huh I tried it all plenty of chances to kill me why didn't you do it why didn't you do it you know why he hasn't done it same reason he hadn't already killed you he won't stew bad but God's angels have kept you until this present hour and if you'll walk with the Lord he can't you will you'll run your race and finish your course the devil is a stealer he's a thief he's a destroyer he's a killer he'd take all of us I'd if he could but the reason he hasn't is cuz he can't he can't unless we just give him the place unless we decide we're not gonna serve God in the morning and do stupid stuff and don't listen if we'll just walk with the Lord he'll keep us and that wicked one touches us not can you say Amen oh thank you lord thank you lord so much I'm going all the way I'm going I'm going all the way I'm gonna run my race I'm gonna finish my course I'm going all the way resist the devil and what will happen he will flee from you the Bible said in James in fact where are you you're first Peter go back to James you're close and notice this James chapter 1 actually Chapter two swear I want you to be the chapter two and 19 it says you believe that there is one God you do well The Devil's also believe and when they think about it what do they do they tremble everybody say tremble tremble if you look up that word it means to shudder to shiver brother Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith has had visions he's in heaven now and describes seeing some of these things and you you have to judge everything like this from the Word of God and from your own spirit if he doesn't bear witness with you you don't sit in the word don't just accept somebody's vision or dream that they tell anybody but some of the things he shared sound right to me and he said on more than one occasion the Lord let him see one of these demons that was harassing somebody on one occasion he said the Lord let him see in the spirit and there was this little creature everybody say little and said he had his had his arms around this one this man's head and you know normally you couldn't see anything like that he said he looked monkey like he said not not a monkey but monkey like features and he said he saw it and he said he said I command you to leave this man and and and he said the thing said back to him I don't want to go I don't want to go but if you tell me to I know I have to he said will so go get off of him leave him and he said he said I command you in Jesus name fell on the floor and laid then shivered and whimpered he said like a little pug you'd hit with a newspaper or something just lay there shivered now these are our big bad demons or not with me now this is reality this is not another devil don't want you to know that who do you think's inspiring these horror flicks with these 200 foot tall Devils that are virtually Tyrannosaurus Rex with a pitchfork you know it ain't true the devil has been stripped he's been defeated by Jesus he's been brought to naught and in the name of Jesus when we resist these demons they don't stand up and fight the Holy Ghost they fall down and shiver now I know most people don't see these things and that's okay but doesn't mean it's not there or that it's not real and you don't have to see anything to know when there's an influence you don't have to wait till you see something to resist it something's trying to tempt you to do wrong it's time to resist it something's trying to deceive or or lie or dis kill steal and destroy you don't have to see anything you don't have to discern anything you know it's time to resist it that's not right that's of the enemy commanded to leave commanded to go in the name of Jesus and be confident and expect it to change what a different picture the devil's believe and what do they do they tremble everybody say tremble that's you word for today huh just look at each other once in a while and go tremble this code talk what does that mean that's what demons do that's what demons do when they come in contact with the Living God who lives in us with the greater one who indwells us it's not just that they're scared of us such and such you know Keith more after the flesh but it's the one who's inside me right and it's the name hallelujah the authority in the name that's been given to us they quake they fear they tremble they shudder they shiver and they run Sam I say it again demons are afraid of me you believe it go with me please to Matthew the seventeenth chapter lets you got some more time this morning let's begin to get into some things that could answer some questions Matthew 17 now we know Jesus has authorized and empowered the twelve and the 70 to cast out evil spirits and to minister healing and in Matthew 17 we see a situation Matthew 17 a man whose son was the Bible said lunatic he had seizures and had fallen into fire and water and and was you know almost destroyed repeatedly verse 16 the man said to Jesus I brought him to your disciples and they could not cure in wait a minute I thought they've been authorised and empowered I thought they've they've been casting out spirits they've been rejoicing in the authority they were given verse 17 jesus answered and said Oh faithless and perverse generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither to me unbelief is irritating to Jesus you know it unbelief is annoying to him you know he's never lied to us ever why should we not trust him he's got no ulterior motive he he's not trying to get something out of us or use us or abusers never has all he's ever done is give himself and tell us the truth how many think we ought to trust him completely all the time every situation I'm telling you unbelief is irritating to him how many don't think it's better don't irritate the Lord don't it don't annoy him right don't grieve the spirit ah he said faithless and perverse generation how long am I going to put up with you he said bring him to me bring the boy to me and Jesus rebuked the demon and what happened he departed out of him and the child was cured from that hour are there spirits causing problems in people mentally and physically there are but now here's a situation where gee this man brought his son to Jesus closest followers his disciples who'd been authorized and empowered and apparently they commanded in said things and the boy was not set free and notice what they said verse 19 when the disciples they came to Jesus apart and they said why could not we cast him out why didn't it work have there been times when people commanded and rebuked and bound and it didn't work happened to Jesus own disciples and they want to know why why didn't it work we did everything we did with those other certain cases we we commanded and it didn't work Jesus said what what's the answer because of your unbelief what's the answer because of your unbelief everybody said out loud because of your unbelief anytime something doesn't work that's the first place to look don't start coming up with new doctrines well maybe it's just not God's will for this boy to be set free maybe God's working something out in this fact no no no how about because of your unbelief we prayed and they didn't get healed well maybe it just wasn't God's will no no why goes directly to God why not look in the mirror maybe we didn't do something right where are people so quick to atribute it to God What did he say because of your unbelief verily I said it if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you could say to this mountain remove here you could command it leave and go over there and it would remove and nothing will be impossible to you the issue is many times it's just plain old garden-variety doubt that's keeping things from happening he went on to say verse 21 howbeit this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting a solution a part of the solution to is not being Sekar no right do some praying seeking God cut off some stuff and fast some you become more aware of the spirit things right too much carnality too much unbelief it's why people say and it doesn't happen while people pray and it didn't work doesn't mean it it doesn't work doesn't mean it's not God's will it comes back on re do you believe this or not saying are we reading scriptures go with me over to the book of Acts the book of Acts nineteenth chapter 19 and 13 we see another situation I didn't read the rest of the story but anybody know Jesus called that that boy to him he spoke and he was delivered right proving it was always God's will for him to be delivered just because somebody prayed and it didn't work doesn't mean you know the will of God now God's will didn't change right I mean these are some of the best in the land Jesus disciples prayed for you and they rebuked and bounded and commanded and nothing happened and it didn't prove one thing except their unbelief and their carnality if you put this together with some other passages that happen the same time they were also in strife about who was gonna be the greatest how men are you fussing and fighting about who's going to be the greatest and you've done belief and well that would explain you start rebuking and binding and nothing's happening need to get your faith built up then to quit being so carnal and start seeing some results then can you see this Saints acts 19 13 then certain of the Vagabond Jews exorcists took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus they said we assure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches and there were seven sons of one siva jew and chief chief of the priests which did so so these are preachers boys a preachers boys and the evil spirit answered spoke up used the person's voice and said I know Jesus and I know Paul but who are you now children of God have no reason to fear but these guys not even born again they don't know the Lord they're trying to use this like some magical incantation hmm it's not magic it's not incantations and the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them and overcame him and prevailed against them and they fled the devil didn't flee they fled out of the house naked wounded it's not just a matter the Bible says the kingdom of God is not just in word but in power as 1st Corinthians 4 20 the kingdom of God is not in word but in power the NIV says the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power Paul said in 1st Thessalonians 1:5 he said our gospel came not in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost it's not just a matter of shouting loud making a lot of noise waving your hands go back to Luke for we've seen this already but but notice this in this in dispatches look for in 31 Luke 4 31 Jesus came down to Capernaum a city of Galilee and he taught him on the Sabbath days they were astonished at his doctrine for his word was what his word was what with power everybody say with power and in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil now without going into it the Bible refers to lying spirits deceiving spirits unclean spirits why would you give these different descriptions and this is something that explains so many things when you yield to a spirit or spirits you take on those characteristics if you yield to the Holy Spirit huh you take on his characteristics love joy peace long-suffering gentleness good faith goodness faith meekness temperance but if you yield to an unclean spirit what would you think you take on those characteristics unclean you yield to a lying spirit what's going to happen you become a liar and this explained people say well you know I I was born a liar or I was born you know a child molester I was born this no no no nobody is born anything evil or perverted or wrong no sir no ma'am but the moment a child gets into this world spirit influences or around them and begin to try to influence them and depending on what kind of family they're in and what kind of people they're around these influences come and they begin to yield to them good or bad and whatever they yield to the most they take on those characteristics you understand this friends and that's why some people come up with these ideas about reincarnation and come up with some of these ideas about well you know I I must have been like this in another life know the spiritual din to was like that in another life and if some folks eyes could be open and they could see what they've been getting cozy with when they quit throwing up and showering that never hear to it again and it's not like it's some huge monster it can be one of these little monkey like looking creatures but the spiritual influence is real and it's feeding you this thoughts and these feelings and these desires and these temptations regular basis and it's real simple do you yield to it and become like it or do you put your foot down and do you resist it and you say no this is not right I don't care how real it is this is not me I'm a child of God come on are y'all with me I'm not yielding to this I'm not giving place to this now you yield to something for 10 20 30 40 years you decide that's who you are right you have identified completely with this these spirits resist the devil he'll flee front you yield to the Holy Spirit you'll become like Jesus you'll start thinking more and more like him talking and acting more and more like him he is pure he is holy he is the Spirit of Truth and right and good he said this spirit cried out and and said let us alone what have we to do with you Jesus of Nazareth are you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One of God are they scared of him no man are they scared of him look at your neighbor say tremble that's what they're doing they're going oh isn't it perverted that Christians think of the devil and go oh it's the other way around steal the way around they go no you're gonna hurt us don't hurt us please don't hurt us Jesus who dipped him and said shut up and come out of him and when the devil had thrown him in the midst he came out and hurt him not and they were all amazed and they spoke among themselves and they said what a word is this now we just got through reading his word was with power for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out did you notice two things here we see results he said it they did it but his word was with power with authority everybody say Authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out set out loud with authority and power see those seven sons of siva had no authority they weren't believers they didn't know Jesus and so they're not speaking in authority but not only should you speak in authority you should speak white with power with an anointing on your words can you say Amen with an anointing on your words power in your words you should not try commanding and saying things when you don't have confidence the Lord met with me some years ago he said Keith be more selective and you'll be more effective don't just pray anything that crosses your mind don't just say any meditate it check it look at it and see that it is something you're supposed to say that and see that you do have comfort to say Jesus was tempted to command when he shouldn't you remember Matthew 4 and Luke 4 Jesus fasted for forty days and nights and at the end of that time the Bible said he was hungry I guess so right and then what happened the devil said if you be the Son of God do what command he's tempting him to try to command something that he shouldn't command that these stones be made bread well he's hungry it could happen it's right there why not what did Jesus say it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and he wouldn't command he wouldn't do it friends there are times it's just it's just not right we're not supposed to be trying to command something or say something are the Spirit of God is not leading us our confidence is not there you have to say it in power and authority right that's why people have said it just off the top of their head and shouldn't have been saying it it was just flesh motivated and there was nothing there that they should have been doing and then nothing happened and you do that over and over again you'll get to where you don't expect anything to happen notice in Paul's life the bat turned there have you got another five minutes or so turn in in the book of Acts to the sixteenth chapter he spoke with power and authority those two words you could say like this he had a right to say it and he had might to say it hmm when if it's going to work you have to have you have to know you have the right and you have to say it with might the spirit of mind jesus said the words are speaking to you their spirit and their life he said the spirit quickens the flesh profits nothing that's why you can yell and scream and wave your arms and do all kind of stuff in the flesh and nothing happened but if you speak authority with Authority in the name of Jesus and with the might of the Spirit on it it happens it happens it happens in acts 16 there was this young girl who was a fortune teller you might say she I don't know she read palms she told people's fortunes horoscopes whatever she said what's wrong with that everything stay away from me read your Bible we're commanded to stay away from these things why because some of us just junk but some of it there's actually evil spirits involved and what they'll do is lie to you and deceive you and try to mislead you besides that you've got the real Holy Spirit inside you you don't need to go check in with some goofy imp who trembles when you use the name of Jesus what you want asked him for advice for absolutely not don't be calling any hotlines don't be getting anything read read this right uh-huh she came around and she started yelling at and said these men are servants of the Most High God they show us the way these men are servants of the Most High God but it was a wrong spirit he's you know the devil quotes scriptures he did to Jesus didn't he try to be religious but you can tell if something's are wrong spirit man it don't sit well with you you're going oh wow II wish they'd hush what is that even if they're quoting scriptures it's irritating irritating and verse 18 this did she many days what Paul let her do that many days why didn't he command that to come out first day why didn't he shut it down eventually he said I after many days everybody say after many days he said I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and he came out to same hour and that's when they really got in trouble that's when they got thrown in jail and beat over this well you know maybe they needed to preach a few more days before they got thrown in jail I I don't know all the details but I know he didn't have confidence to command and say this now when is when it's got to do with you and something's tempting you and bugging you you don't have to wait for anything resist that immediately in the name of Jesus and when it's got to do with other people you don't have authority over other people and if they want to yield to that a lot of that a lot of times they can no matter what you think and you'll have to wait on the spirit in some of these situations apparently it came to a place where he had the Spirit of God prompted him he had confidence and he said it with the right and he said it with might and it happened can you see this answer Jesus was tempted to command when he shouldn't have and of course he didn't he wouldn't yield to the temptation is there a time to speak and a time not to speak just because you yell and say stuff in the flesh doesn't mean things are going to happen no matter how loud you are how hard you stomp hmm and yet this is real and yet there's a time to do it you know you really can't separate living for the Lord walking inland in life and faith from being led by the spirit Kenya the answer to a thousand 1 questions is be led do I command or not be led huh do a guard stead in the house be led what do I do be led by the spirit every day every night all the time another situation in acts 27 acts 27 verse 9 and I'm thinking about closing you got so yeah thank you it said be led you got something more important going on I mean this is Sunday this is a church day right I mean let's we don't even have an evening service right so I guess you could stay in the morning for the time of both services you think you're already doing that acts 27 and 9 when much time was spent in sailing was now dangerous because the fast was now it was late late in the year Paul admonished him verse 10 he said sirs I perceived that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage not only of the lading of the ship but of our lives he has a a perception a witness a knowing that if we launch now we're gonna get in trouble we're gonna lose we're in danger of losing the stuff that's on the ship and the ship and our lives verse 11 11 nevertheless the Centurion believed the master and owner of the ship more than some preacher right he thought you're not a captain of his ship you're not a meteorologist what do you know how many understand if you know the Holy Ghost you don't have to be a meteorologist or a captain of a ship to know what to do in a situation because he knows everything and he's right about everything so they launched and without reading the whole thing it seemed like for the first few days everything's fine yeah that preach you don't know what he's talking about look here smooth sailing good weather and then they got in a storm they got in a hurricane and I mean they were in this thing for 14 days straight it was so rough they couldn't eat they threw out the cargo of the ship they threw out the tackling of the ship to make it lighter trying not to drown and at the end of that time Paul came up and said men an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve has appeared to me he's letting me know that we're going to be safe God has given me not only my life but your life too that was one time they should have been glad the preacher was on board all of us go left he said but we must be cast on an island we're gonna lose the ship and it had been perfect time for it well he actually he did say you should listen to me he did say it you should have listened to me and not left like this now I want to ask a question why didn't Paul stand on the deck of that ship the first day that storm hit and command the wind and waves to cease hmm why not the third day why not the second week you know he was tired of it hmm I mean the winds are what are wailing and and the waves are crashing and the no ship is creaking and sound like it's going to break up any minute why didn't all get on the deck of that ship and command that storm to stop why why day after why did he come in that damsel to be delivered the first day she started yelling in holler when other people are involved you can't just take authority over everybody it wasn't his ship it wasn't his situation he wasn't in leadership there he tried to tell him didn't he they could have avoided the whole thing but when you don't listen to the direction of the Lord and you Blair on anyway it can cost you and he didn't obviously didn't have the confidence and didn't sense the anointing on him to stand up there and say that and do that and so he didn't and yet by the grace and mercy of God they were spared and even though the boat did break up they got to the island none of them drowned he's helping build the fire and get snake bit now here's where a lot of people who'd lose it wasn't like oh god if it's no one thinking something else I mean I didn't drown and his snakes gonna get me and he died - what did he do he just shook it off what do you do when when things are bugging you one thing I have to shake it off don't don't emphasize it don't magnify it say none of these things move me I'm an overcomer I'm more than caught a conqueror greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world right I'm coming through I'm going all the way and instead of dying in the sea instead of dying from the snakebite they had revival on the island people got saved people got healed people got delivered and he still got to go on and preach in front of the king - there's no substitute for being led spirits are real angels are real the devil is real Demon's though they're not the monsters Hollywood makes them out to be they're real and you and I have been given authority and power everybody say Authority and power the overall evil spirits over any unclean and wrong spirit and over every disease as well can we do what the master did in speaking to these things did he tell us did he not tell us the works I do shall you do also right if you believe in me in my name you'll cast out spirits in my name you'll lay hands on the sick didn't he say it and they shall recover in my name you'll tread on serpents and scorpions over all the power of the evil one and nothing shall by any means hurt you that sound good did you stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 20,135
Rating: 4.8103447 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, I, Give, You, Authority, Pt, 3, Why, Did, It, Not, Work
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2012
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