Keith Moore Great Grace Pt 1 More Grace

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y'all can be seated yeah they do a fine job and all the other teams that you that you don't see do if how many appreciate everything being so nice and clean all the time you do understand it doesn't just clean itself right I mean it's I think that's going to be one of the great things about heaven no dirt no dust no grime no mildew you know thank you lord turn with me to Acts the fourth chapter this morning if you didn't bring a Bible hold up your hand real high and the ushers have extra Bibles to be glad to let you use one of ours and let's all go to Acts the fourth chapter Acts chapter 4 we're beginning a new series this morning you ready okay Acts chapter 4 now this fourth chapter is the flow obviously from the previous the third chapter and in that chapters where the man the lame man at the gate called beautiful was healed supernaturally raised up but then the the leaders of the synagogue got upset about that healing and they had the Apostles apprehended and threatened them and beat them you know you'd really find out how strong you believed in healing doctrine if they came and got you after the healing line and beat you you know we we enjoy a lot of freedom because others endured persecution in front of us you know brother parem they used to threaten him and to beat him up and threaten his life after service and because he had preached acts 2 for being filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in other tongues and his family was concerned for his life just because he preached it that it was for today and you could be filled and of course you know if you know anything about history numerous people executed burned at the stake just because they thought everybody ought to have a Bible they could total and read in their own language so aren't we thankful for the sacrifices and well should we be willing to make some sacrifices for our generation take some things further so if the Lord tarries is coming and you can see some of these things for instance in the areas of prosperity there's been progress made in our generation of some things the church is love you know not long back hardly anybody believed that a child of God much less a preacher or a minister of any kind could have anything or ought to have anything but some of that's being changed and it's not just so you can enjoy some stuff but so you can do something I mean you can't have a worldwide outreach with no money right you've got to it takes money and it's easy for God easy for him well in connection with this they they overcame and instead of when they threatened him and told him not to preach or teach anymore in Jesus name they didn't just run scared they went back and prayed and asked the Lord to give him boldness help him to preach this stronger than they ever have and the Holy Ghost came through and shipped that place where they were praying and down in verse 32 acts 4:32 the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things coming and with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all great power the Apostles witnessing of the resurrection and great grace was upon them oh let's say that last phrase out loud a couple of times and grey grace was upon them all say it again and great grace was upon them all something were up upon we don't use that word as much in modern usage but it means it's just a joining of up and on we'd probably do today we usually drop the up and just say on but something was on them wasn't it something was on them that was more than them bigger than them other than them and if you read and I encourage you to after the service next week whenever read this third fourth and fifth chapter together through and you'll see that these this church men they're having miracles they're having healings they're having people being saved people coming into the kingdom daily and even people that didn't believe in Jesus and didn't go to the church respected him something was owner there was something about the whole group and not just on a handful of preachers or prayers or or this did you read the phrase great grace was on who owned them all upon them all everybody from the least to the greatest everybody there was something on them grace now if you study the scripture Old Testament New Testament you'll find that the words Grace and favor are oftentimes from the very same Hebrew word a Greek word same thing Grace and favor and so you could sit like this favor was on Grace was on so we're beginning this this morning talking about the phenomenal favor of God hallelujah the phenomenal now phenomenal means extraordinary yeah everybody say phenomenal you like phenomenal phenomenal means extraordinary it means exceptional it means outstanding it means surpassing that sounds good then the extraordinary exceptional outstanding surpassing favor of God was only was on the whole group now grace in favor what exactly is it one of the root words that's used a lot in the scripture literally means to to bend down to stoop down reach down to in kindness and and as a superior reaching down to an inferior it's a picture of God isn't it reaching down and grace is kindness it's a gift not something that was earned or deserved or merited if you look up some dictionaries will say that grace is unmerited favor I think that's true that's right but that's not really telling it all the grace of God is his favor his anointing his ability his support his wisdom it goes on and on and on it's his help and it's gift it's a gift everything about it is a gift the word gift helps sum up the whole idea is something that's given to you now the grace of God it's what we're saved by but it's also what we live by day in and day out and the great news is you can have more of it then you're experiencing right now anything and everything that we've been able to do and accomplish up to this point that was worth anything was by the grace of God that's just a fact I mean the truth be told you can't get up in the morning and find the bathroom without the grace of God much less make it to the road make it to work or school or whatever why because it's only by the grace of God that your heart keeps beating and it's your heart quits beating you're not going to keep going it's only by the grace of God that you keep breathing and have another breath it's only by the grace of God that you have any brightness and of mind and even know what's going on did you know this it is by the grace of God and with enough grace you can do anything with enough grace you can receive anything with enough grace you can be anything hallelujah somebody say thank you lord look with me over in um well find Luke how about it the first chapter Luke 1 how much difference does the favor of God make in your life the grace of how much difference I tell you what instead of going there go to Genesis week we got to back up go to Genesis please and the sixth chapter this is a really really fine picture of what how much difference the grace makes in your life Genesis 6 and verse 5 Genesis 6 and 5 God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually verse 6 that repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth how many know it must have been bad I know well some years ago I was watching the news and boys there's so many bad things had happened in people have done so much sin and junk and they were talking about stuff and I thought Lord I mean I guess the world's you know is worse than it's ever been and the Lord spoke to my heart he said no it's been much worse than this and we had we've tended not to think that way but then he reminded me of this it was so bad hear the word it couldn't continue so no don't don't get to thinking that it repented the Lord he had made man on the earth it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I'll destroy a man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have made them Wow but I want you to tell me what made the difference but one man Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord how much difference did grace make in the lives of Noah and his family when everything around them was rotten to the core and judgment was coming and the whole thing was about to be wiped off the what made the difference grace made all the difference grace turned and unsurvivable event into survival with enough grace you can get through what destroys everybody else [Music] it's a fact there it is right there with enough grace what takes everybody apart what turns everybody around you inside out what brings everybody to their knees won't bring you to your knees and if you're smart when you're past it and through it and people look at you and go that's amazing how did you do that how did you do that I've never seen anybody so strong in my life I've never seen anybody so smart I never you say ho ho ho ho ho it's not just me it's the grace of God in me and only it's his great grace and that's not trying to be humble that's reality and when if you make it what others don't it was grace you received when others didn't it's grace don't don't leave and brag about your faith don't leave them back about how hard you worked mm-hmm don't give the credit to your prayers don't give the credit to your preachers don't give the credit to your local church assembly don't give the credit to your family and your fathers and forefathers and yeah we we Moore's are a tough bunch we more as we come through not without God's you don't we Smiths we this we they uh no no no it's by grace through faith not of works lest anybody should brag right everybody say it's grace it's grace it's grace how much difference does grace make in your life it made the difference between them's being destroyed with everybody else or surviving and I mean no this is this is the ultimate thing with all of us I mean this is why we're not going to hell because the Ark is a type of salvation and we're in the arc today we're in here I'm in the arc the floods coming the flood is coming and folks are going to be swept away and swept into hell in the lake of fire I know people don't like to talk about it but it's Bible it's true it's real and the only ones that I mean if it's just based on how good you can be and what you can do nobody is good enough and nobody could do enough to do free themself and despair themself from the coming judgement you just can't do it but for grace we have found favor with him and grace has allowed us to be safe some asylum in the Ark I'm in the Ark of Jesus I'm in the Ark of salvation thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord you still got Luke over there favor and race now the word favor we get our word favor it from favor favorite and the word favor has to do with this this goodwill this grace this this kindness and like I said first service though it pains me a little bit to say it after much study in many years I have to concede that Phyllis is right she is God's favorite but the good news is she's not his only favorite but she is favorite means a person with special favor special and implying and inferring more favor than another and you know in times past I would tend to think well well well now God is no respecter of persons he doesn't play favorites and the Lord helped me to see last night that I was wrong and the thing I was wrong about was assuming that being especially favored was the same thing as being a respecter of persons it is not being a respecter of persons which God does not do is receiving somebody for who and what they are treating them differently because of who they are and he does not do that but he does favor some more than others and grace some much more than others and he's absolutely fair and just in do it not that the others couldn't have more they can if they're willing to change some things and do some things but there are those who are experiencing more of his favor than others and the good news is everything that you've done of any merit has been by His grace but you can have 30% more 50% more a hundred percent more you can have three times the grace in your life in the days to come then you have had leading up to this time the grace in and upon your life can be increased become greater so he didn't just say that grace on the knife great grace well that reveals there's degrees if there's great grace there could be less some grace and more Grace and great grace and the good news about that is grace is God giving you opportunity but it's also God giving you ability we wouldn't even have the opportunity to get saved if it wasn't for the grace of God you would have never found out about Jesus and the cross and the work and that you were lost in heaven and hell it was the grace of God he even found that out and it was the grace of God you had an opportunity at that church that day or in front of that TV or arriving at wherever it was that you gave your heart to the Lord it was the grace of God that got you there and gave you that opportunity that's what you'd have never found it on your own you'd still be bumping along in darkness but not only that not only does he give you the open door does he give you the opportunity but once you're in it then whatever needs to be done now His grace is the ability it is the strength it is the wisdom it's everything you need to accomplish what you now have the opportunity to do can you see by grace opportunity by grace ability grace is big big and what you've been able to do up to this point that's been worth anything has been by the grace of God but with more grace how would that affect your life how would greater grace affect you I'll tell you exactly how it'll affect you the things that you've struggled to do with more grace will now be easy to do and the things that you have failed to do with enough grace you can now do with enough grace you can receive anything maybe it's been a healing or a financial thing that you just have floundered and haven't received it and haven't received it with enough grace you can receive that thing maybe it's been a habit or an addiction or a sin that you just have kept falling into and just kept messing up in the same area over and over again with enough grace you can get free I mean free and deed and stay free stay free with enough grace you can be the man the woman you know you should be you can be the husband you should be you can be the wife you should be you can be the father you should be you can be the mother you ought to be you can be the man a woman of God you could be and should be with enough grace you can be it you can do it do you believe it friends are you hungry for more grace are you desirous of greater grace the Lord said this in the first service and I think I should repeat it but it applies to to this group here as well that there were individuals in the church that had struggled struggled struggled in their marriage and just hard hard in the family but this is the beginning of greater grace this day right here the beginning you know you need to come you need to stay hooked in this series and you need to feed on this and meditate on it so your faith can grow and you can receive more grace but with enough grace folks have been fighting like cats and dogs and just just hard atmosphere in their home problems with the kids with enough grace it can be a totally different place just in a short amount of time people can come in and go this is a man the peace in your house it's just tangible and you got the most beautiful marriage and the most beautiful family and if they only need last year or the year before or what the worry was that but you can just look at them and smile and go well it is the grace of God it is the grace of God has gotten us to here do you believe God could do that you believe he loves you believe believe you would do that for you that that is it yes it's as well so that love Lord I'm asking it for greater grace I desire it i hunger for it allow to come upon us more grace greater grace in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord teach us how lord show us what we need to see in Luke 1 are you there Luke 1 in verse 28 the angel came to Mary and every good Catholic knows this next part here he said what hail they used to say Mary now that are what high not just favored hmm highly are there different degrees of favor there are you got favored and then you got more favored and then you got a lot of favor and then you got a whole lot of faith you got some favor and then you got highly high and when the angel of God comes and tells you your sister are highly because I've been around a long time and I've seen favored and you're not just favored you are highly when you think about it out of all the women on the planet through the generations the one that has the honor and privilege of bearing and caring the master highly now is he a respecter of persons by allowing her to do that and not allowing other women to do no no he's totally fair and just but she was just highly faithful keep reading highly favored the Lord is with you as part of the favor of the Lord is he's with us his presence is with us and the more this is evident the more people will like being around you because they'll get around you and they'll sense that favor and maybe they'll go out and they're doing stuff with you and they'll experience and see the favor at work and and listen not they'll tend to want to give you the credit because if you're natural all you're seeing is natural and they heard you say it and do it and saw how wonderful that worked and they think wow she's smart he's smart they're tough they're this but come on if you're smart you really are tell me what you'll do you'll go hmm grace great I wouldn't have been able to get out of the bed this morning I didn't think of that on my own that came to me from him no they didn't do that just because they like the way we look God got here for we got here and he inclined their hearts I mean oh he can turn a person's heart just like that he can just incline turn their heart they didn't want to talk to you and boom now they like you how did that happen never take the credit if you if you if you want to cut off your favor that's how to do it take the credit take the glory and take the credit if it's his grace it's his glory said out loud his grace his glory say if it was his grace that caused it to happen who are to get the glory well not you because it wasn't your grace it was on you but it was his grace said again his grace his glory His grace his glory in this passage he told Mary she was highly favored I like just saying that don't you highly come on somebody in he said you won't have to tell Phyllis to us huh highly highly favored highly you favored of it now I'm not just favored I'm high greatly blessed are you among women verse 30 he said to her again fear not Mary for you have found favor with God you have found favor what kind of difference did it make in Mary's life the favor of God did this change her life forever also changed all our lives forever and come on to think about that the favor of God in your life doesn't just change your life how many of us are going to be affected because you were highly favored because of what came through her in this case literally physically but also spiritually what came through her by the grace of God is blessing the earth today and what comes through you and me by the favor and grace of God that's what it's intended I mean every good thing he gives you is ultimately to touch somebody else with yeah it blesses you and helps you but it's not supposed to end there it's supposed to touch somebody else and it's not supposed to stop it touches them they're blessed it flows through them somebody else this grace is and how many believe that the glory of the Lord which is connected to the grace of the Lord will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea can't you see this just encompassing the globe that word has been spoken by the Lord Himself how many believe it has to come to pass it has to no matter how long or what's in the way it'll it'll happen it's in the process of happening and skip down to the second chapter of Luke Luke chapter 2 and verse 40 talking about Jesus Luke 2:40 the child grew and waxed strong in spirit now this helps you to see Jesus did not come into the earth as God and operate as God because God doesn't need to grow or wax or increase in his strength so obviously Jesus did become a man just like us and left behind his mighty weight and power glory he didn't stop being the Son of God but he laid aside his power and became like other men and he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was what the grace of God was up on was on him so even as a boy the grace of God was on him but look down in the 52nd verse now this is after this experience that he's had with the religious leaders in the synagogue and inquiring them about the law and all these kind of things the Bible said verse 52 Jesus did what increased everybody say increased now if he increased what does that mean means you got more now than what you had yesterday he increased in what wisdom statures physically he's growing up he's getting taller bigger and what favor he was increased in favor and both vertically and horizontally with God and man you you need favor with God but then you're down here in the earth you're dealing with people you need favor with people to increased in favor with God and man look in 2nd Peter the 3rd chapter second Peter 3 and also why don't you find James 4 we'll just go maybe from one to the other we want it to be established in the mouth of more than a couple of witnesses that grace can be increased grace can become greater in your life with greater grace in your life I'm talking Matt tomorrow morning with greater grace than what you had last week how would that affect you how would that affect you would it affect you on your job hmm things that it was hard for you to remember it was hard for you to keep track of and you just kind of you know half step behind most of the day with enough grace your intellect will just go whoop your memory will just go Inc just a tweaked and sharp and instead of being behind you'll be ahead you'll see this coming for it gets there and you'll be ready for that and and ready for this and and somebody to come up and go man you are own today don't take it don't take it come on help me out what do you say God's grace in me I am experiencing some increased grace and I'm very happy for very thankful for it elsewise you would be dull and lagging and dragon see when you when you struggle struggling and it just seems like you're in the fog and and it's just so hard and that means you're doing it on your own no grace and you're just not enough and so that's what the unsaved world is experiencing that's why to them life is it's so hard it's hard it is without grace it's hard but what did Jesus say come to me you that labor and are heavy load and what he say come to me I will give you rest I will give you relief how's he going to give you relief he's gonna pour grace in you and own you and give you favor before you behind you around you come on and what was so hard becomes easy he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light how can it be that way with His grace it's that way but you struggling to do it in your own and no grace it's hard laborious fatiguing that's why so many people are so fatigued all the time they're doing stuff and if you're doing stuff you're not supposed to be doing the Lord's not gonna grace you to be disobedient he stopped going to give you favor to get out of the will of God so you are when it comes to getting out of the will of God and being hard-headed in this obedient you are on your own he's not gonna help you with that so smart people will quit that whole thing they will stop that and instead of you know Lord what can I do what would you let me do they'll come and say Lord what do you want me to do what what has been your plan all alone because then you won't have to beg for him to help you do that that's already his idea and he's already got the Grace and favor ready you know we've been experiencing this down at the the Sarasota the development of the sister Church it is just we were meeting the favor of God on every hand the people we meet it's just it's supernatural and it blesses me so much because it's confirmation that you're in the right place and you go in the right direction because you don't I know somebody's talking the other day and they said well you thought y'all have already got that you already got that done and we said yeah praise God they so little men took me two years and I had to fight this and I had to spend all this money and and I know they think that you love that you think you're better than them cuz you go oh praise God you know the Lord just helped us it's not because we think we're better and we're not intrinsically he's no respecter of persons but if you'll quit just lying on yourself and you'll learn to tap into this favor and grace there's been times in my I've experienced the grace of God for decades now but but I varying degrees there have been times we were able to do stuff but it was just a lot more work and a lot tougher but didn't there's other times I'm telling you it felt like the Lord not he's not just helping me anymore it feels like he's carrying me if his luck he has just picked me up now and he just carrying me in this - there's been times when you just felt like I don't know if I can do this I'm out of strength I'm I'm just I'm tired I'm and whatever and and here comes the grace here comes the grace and with that you're just lifted up and just carried with enough grace you can see anything through you can do anything you can receive anything you can be all that you should be say that like thank God for His grace amazing grace phenomenal favor it's mine it's on my life hallelujah thank you Lord it's only it's on my kids it's on my grandkids it's on my work it's um my play hmm we don't leave home without right the grace of God and the favor of God there's passage where Moses is talking to God and that's basically what he said he said if your favor and grace don't go we don't go and I'm with him on that you know if you ain't goin I ain't goin because he said how everybody know we're your people unless you go with us unless you're in this thing with us I don't want to go and he kind of set out on the Lord and follow Lord told him all right I'll go with you thank God he is everything and and we've experienced some of this but I'm telling you I believe it's the plan of God to turn this up in our life and to increase it to the point where you walk in the room something special just happened a lot of folks may not understand it and again they'll try to give you the credit never receive it but this anointing on us this grace on us the Lord would have it to come up in the remaining months of this year right now this is what's going on because obviously he has more for us to do and it's going to take more grace to accomplish it but also you get to live in it and it's there struggling and falling and floundering and just barely making it how many believe God is well able to just pick you up another notch and just help you gain momentum and it's more grace it's greater grace in second Peter the third chapter 3:17 he says you therefore beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest you also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness verse 18 2nd Peter 3:18 instead of falling what do you do verse 18 but you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen can you grow in grace can favor be increased in your life go with me to John the first chapter please John one and then also James for let's look at James first actually James for and in John one we see here one of the first things we need to know about how to qualify and receive more grace than we have now James 4 and 6 what does it say but he God does what not just gives grace gives more grace wherefore he says God resisteth the proud now the proud is going to take credit for everything can you see this hmm yeah I worked hard I built this company from the ground up with my own two hands you know yeah I I prayed this place into existence is that right if you went for the grace of God you couldn't even spell prayer we'd never foggy idea what it was much less how to do it yeah a lot of blood sweat and tears went into building this work we we paid the price oh come on give me a break yeah we got our part to play but the truth is you can get up early you can stay up late you can burn the midnight oil you can study - your eyes burn out and you fall off your chair them and not get a thing worth anything and not accomplish anything unless and until the Lord come on puts his hand on it and inclines people's hearts and move his spirit does things it's not gonna happen it's not going to come together it's not going to get done and so the proud does not get this grace the look at me I did it he's not gonna get the grace in fact you're gonna get resisted of the how many understand that's a hard place but not only do you not have the grace but you're getting resisted you're getting resistance from the Lord well how are you gonna make that you're gonna struggle struggle struggle it's gonna be hard but keep reading God gives more grace he resists the proud but who gets this grace he's talking about he gives grace until the humble are you interested are you interested in growing if you're interested in growing in grace you got to be interested in growing in humility the two go hand in hand and humility is not this phony stuff that a lot of people religious ID their humility is reality it's its truth and the truth is you need him every moment of every day you can't even comb your hair right the way it ought to be combed without some help from him and the greater news is you have him you don't just need him you have him he's with you but you can still be saved and you can depend on him for some things but then not depend on him for other thing you can depend on him for you get to pray in or you go to church or some of these things here and there for a healing but then you can go to work you go man I've been doing this for 40 years I got this Lord I know how to do this not like in order to be done and if we're going to step into greater grace those especially the areas we need to look at are the things we think we can do the things we think we know how to do I'm telling you there's grace here beginning to flow like we've already mentioned to husbands and wives I see grace flowing to mothers mothers at home with their little ones on a Monday morning and some of it's been a struggle and the kids been wailing and this and that and this but with enough grace I'm telling you you will become supermom you can flow into that and make babies smile and just you know diapers changed and stuff clean and people wonder how did she do all of that and then you look amazing when you got through you are amazing look at these kids look at this son look at you mister I just don't see how that's because you can't do it by yourself you've already proven you keep falling short and unable to do it and just don't feel like getting tired and don't see how long it's wearing you down all you need is some more grace that that's what you need and some of the grace is wisdom to know what to do and what not to do what to leave off what to need not even get involved in and what to do but with enough grace you'll just know from the time you get up in the morning like we're telling me you you'll stay ahead of it you'll know I need to do this I'll need to do that and you'll just remember everything that you need to remember and you'll be at the right place at the right time and what would have been a big problem the Lord will give you a word in season you'll just say it in kindness and love and faith it'll defuse the situation and save you three days of fighting right there right there just saved you never even have it huh I know what to say concerning your child concerning your teenager you don't have to struggle and fight with your teenagers all the time I need the will of God with enough grace you'll know what to say and they will even agree with you and like it and you'll just have to walk out the room and smile and go glory to God look at that great grace is in my house who situations on the job where you you just became convinced that person does not like me they do not like me well think about that the rest of the week and see how it helps you out but with enough grace the Lord will show you what to talk to them about and how to say it and you will see them totally open up in a way you've never seen them before because the Lord knows what will touch them on the inside and cause them to see you in a different light amen and just give just change the situation something you would have never figured out on your own in 50 years and you won't even know why you brought that subject up or while you're using those words in the beginning but when you see their response you will know why and you say Lord you are so smart Wow I would have never thought about that but he knew all the time and how was it you came to find out how was it you knew to say that how was it that you had the right words at the right time and just caught them at the right time and they were inclined and their mind was in the right place how how come on help how it was grace in front of you and grace behind you and grace under you and over you with grace on your mind grace in your mouth come on now grace grace grace and if it's his grace its his glory so when it happens come on do you know when it happens you give him all all all the credit all the praise all the look don't let people give it to you it's a lie if you take it don't take it now you have to preach everybody a big sermon but when they try to give the credit to you you just go you're smiling no no it was the Lord helping me set the way they'll understand it now he helped me yeah no I wouldn't come up with I'm not that smart not not on my own well somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord who I think I to preach this just for myself this one just just to hear it myself go to gospel account of John John 1 we read this in closing praise be unto God I think I'll just think about grace the rest of the day amen and start my week out tomorrow with grace grace grace grace it is by the grace of God we can go from where we are to higher places greater things and accomplish much much for the kingdom of God John 1 and verse 14 the word Jesus was made flesh how did he come into this this world we see mary was highly favored right and grace was involved in him getting into the earth and he dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace no we saw at one point you see a progression here don't you we see early in his life said the grace of God was on him then a few years later said he was increasing in the grace here what he said he was full full of grace full of grace would it make a difference in your life if you just had some grace and how about if you had some more grace you had you yet increased and it just kept increasing and you got to the place where in some areas of your you just full of grace just full full of grace so that when you open your mouth and you talked about that it was grace talking grace you operating in full grace that's this experience I was told my of being carried I mean it just seemed like he's almost doing it just through you I mean you just you're aware of grace beyond what you've experienced before you know how I speak and so that's my that's my area to believe for grace I'm graced to speak and there's been times where I struggled and man if I if I looked at people's face and didn't concentrate I just lose my train of thought and not be able to find it till next week you know that's that's not much grace that's me trying on my own to get it and there been other times it's just this morning was not bad just just just stuff you're not you're not struggling to try to find the next place I mean it's just flowing it's just flowing but there's been other times and recently this has been happening more and more and I'm excited about it I busy there's been times I'm hearing myself talk is that's not me it's like I'm standing on the side and [Applause] and so I I'm hearing it for the first time just like you are and yet it's coming through my mouth mmm that's greater grace that's that's more grapes hmm I sense his presence in here today don't you you know he's got some very good plans for us in these upcoming months in these next year's what's all this about because it's gonna take more grace to do and but it's not just gonna take it it's just gonna be so much more fun it's just hallelujah glory to God [Applause] John 1:14 the Word was made flesh dwelt among us we beheld his glory everybody said glory and grace siglo they go together glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth John bare witness of him and cried this was he of whom I spake he that comes after me is preferred before me but I preferred prefer that because you think about favor doesn't preferred before me for he was before me verse 16 and of his fullness we all just got through reading what was he full of full of grace and truth and of that fullness we have all received and grace for grace for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ there's evidence of grace in the Old Testament God has always been a gracious God but with the coming of Jesus the the windows of heaven opened up Oh hallelujah for the grace of God to be poured out unprecedent full mists of grace verse 16 said out loud grace for grace said again grace for grace now the Youngs literal translation from you know Young's concordance and dictionary he said it like this out of his fullness did we all receive and grace over against grace that's the literal Greek grace over against grace that portrays a picture of layered grace stacked if you will stacked grace you got this level of grace and then you got that and then you got that and then you got oh come on can you see it do you see this the amplified says it like this out of his fullness abundance we have all received all had a share and were all supplied with one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift upon gift all glory to God is this available to us is this what we're called to us this is his plan for our life we've experienced this level we're thankful we would not be here in this church today accept the grace of God I mean our projects have been completed we started over there now we're over here a land paid for and Internet and cameras and word supply and somebody said grace grace grace grace grace and we are genuinely heartfelt thankful for the Lord getting us to this point because we have never got here we have never got here just with our hard work and our smarts never never never I could have done everything I need to do you to and none of it would happen he had to get involved and he did but the great news is we don't have to stay here oh come on we can keep this and get this on top and in this whoo and then this grace upon grace upon grace favor upon favor upon favor until what seemed out of reach seems easily within reach what seemed too big too hard too far seems right here and let's get it now what was so hard and such a struggle becomes easy and light and what we previously found impossible now becomes possible Oh stand up and give Him praise stand up and give God glory Lord we worship You Lord we thank you Lord we magnify we praise you we exalt you we glorify your holy and wonderful name Oh hallelujah say thank you lord thank you Lord for your phenomenal favour thank you lord thank you Lord for your amazing grace glory to God
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 15,572
Rating: 4.8021979 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Great, Grace, Pt, More, moore, Keith Moore, word of faith, Keith Moore Teachings, Faith life Church, Faith, life, church, keith, word, of, faith, preaching, teaching, God, god, Holy, Television Show, Hope, Talk, end, times, broadcast, FreewordofGod, free, Kieth Moore, kieth
Id: yF7e5JgpZdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2011
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