Keith Moore Faith to Receive Pt 13 No ifs About it

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if you would turn please in the scripture to mark 11 this morning mark 11 if you didn't bring a Bible with you if you'd hold up your hand or sirs have extra Bibles it would be glad to let you use one of ours have an excitement in my spirit there's a lot of folks about to reap hi yeah you ought to be happy it would be excited thank you Lord we read to what last week on offering time Psalm 126 though that go bearing precious seed shall doubtless mostly doubtless doubtless come again bring in their sheaves with him God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love and your work and your seed and your sewing he never forgets he keeps good records good books and he's faithful to those in Mark 11 we've been on this for some weeks now and we're calling it faith to receive and since the scripture tells us that the just live by faith and walk by faith it's extremely important to every part of our life and it said that so many millions of Christians don't believe these things that we've been talking about and they think we're strange and presumptuous and and that we take too much upon ourselves and the problem is said that they just don't know God well enough because he's the one set it up this way that we are to be bold to come before him and delay hold and receive now of course you can't lay hold and receive anything that's hasn't already been given to you it's got to be available you couldn't get it when when they ring the bell and say come and get it you can show up to the table but if there's nothing on the table you you came but you can't get got to be something there before you can appropriate and lay hold of it and that's what the scripture said in John a man can take nothing to himself except it be given to him from heaven so it's not a matter of us trying to change God he can't be changed he does not change and it's not a matter of us trying to Rend out of a hand of God something that he hadn't decided whether he's gonna let us have or not know something he's already bought and paid for in Jesus and given it to us but then just because he's given it to you doesn't mean you're gonna enjoy it and that is quite evident when God's first covenant people that he delivered out of Egyptian bondage and he told them behold this land that land of Canaan land it flowed with milk and honey I have given it to you didn't say I'm going to I have given it to you then he said now go up and possess it and how many know that first generation did not enjoy it could you say they didn't enjoy because God hadn't given it to him yet he had already given it to him they lacked the faith to possess it and so just because God has given us something does it mean it just falls on you or that it just happens automatically the enemy will resist you just like those giants were in that land and they were the big walls and there were the iron chariots they had to believe God through that to possess the land and will have to believe God through that's why the Bible said fight the good fight of faith well what's what's the fight about well their stuff will try to hold you back try to interfere with you try to hinder you but if you won't quit he always causes us to triumph mark 11:22 Jesus had spoken a word to a fig tree and it obeyed what he said it didn't happen instantaneously that they could see now something happened immediately under the ground where you couldn't see but when Jesus spoke to it for from all appearances they couldn't tell that anything had changed they just they left the tree but when they came back by the tree some hours later they remarked and said look that trees withered up how quickly it happened and he took that as an opportunity to teach them about faith now if it was just something he could do as the Son of God there should have been no there should not have been a a lesson object lesson for them he should have just said well now I can do that because I'm Jesus but don't try this at home this is not not for you but instead of saying that he uses it as an opportunity to say in fact in Matthew 21 if you read Matthew's account he said if you had faith and doubt not and everybody said that phrase and doubt not he said if you had faith in doubt not you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree did you hear that phrase you shall not only do what is done to the fig tree is he telling them they could have done that obviously and then he went on to say you should not only do that but if you speak to this mountain be removed be cast in the sea and here in Marcus's and don't doubt in your heart say that again don't down your heart what what you say would come to pass you would have what you said and so he's telling them they can operate like he did are we to follow Jesus example of living by faith and walking by faith he walked in boldness he walked in confidence not in ambiguity not in indecision and that's what I want us to look at today mark 11 to mark 11:22 jesus answered and said to them have faith in God for verily I say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart is that phrase important but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say to you he said what things soever you desire when you pray believe what that you receive them and you shall have them now this this is not hard to understand the Lord did he's not trying to confuse us with this and yet millions don't operate like this they'll pray for what they desire but they do not believe they receive it so then what are they believing well I just believe that God in His own good way and own good time if it's his will the Lord didn't say believe all that what do you say believe well I just believe if it's God's will then so and so but but if not well is that the same is believing you receive but let me understand we us and people like us that believe this we're in the minority believing this most Christians in this state and in this country and in this world people who are going to church this morning all over the place their preachers not telling them believe you receive believe you take it now they may be warned in them not to come to meetings like ours because we're off those people are off and you should always pray if it be thy will and submit to the will of God because it's up to God and that sounds good but it's wrong you can't leave up to God what he's left to you and if it was true concerning this it has to be true concerning all things and you should believe the same way about the new birth you should teach people that come and say I want to give my life to the Lord you should say well now you just need to pray if it's God's will and leave it to him no see they're inconsistent because they'll tell you to know it is God's will for you to be saved and be born again don't question that well then why does faith work differently in any other area it does not it has to work the same which means you have to know the will of God and be sure about the will of God and stop wishing and wondering and wavering and asking questions about it oh that's wise you can't even get into faith or not with me on this now which puts us back to verse 23 look at it again he said if you would say to the mountain be removed be cast in the sea and what else and not doubt in his heart now this same word doubt is translated in other places waiver and in Romans the same words translated stager and it has to do with vacillation and alternating between two and more things it literally means to stand in two ways can you get the picture and one of the best pitchers is when Jesus walked on the water and they saw him and Peter say to fetch you bid me come and he said come and as he was coming he was looking at Jesus and while he was looking at Jesus and thinking about that word that Jesus said he was walking on the water doing him the impossible but what happened he stopped looking at Jesus and started trying to look at two things he noticed the wind and the waves and and now instead of just looking at Jesus and walking on the water he's doing this he's looking down he's feeling the waves and he's looking at Jesus and what happened when he began to go back and forth between two things he began to sink his faith quit working well guys do you see that you cannot be and actually we've talked about this before in other teachings the word doubt when he says if you'd say it and not doubt in your heart do you bTW if you ever notice how similar that is to the word double do you be T do you be le it's cuz they're from the same roots and that's what it means to stand in 2 Duo ways what's this got to do because he's warning us in mark 11:23 stand up speak to that thing commanded to do to get out of your way and what else and don't doubt in your heart oh do y'all see this now why would he tell us this because it that will undermine what you're trying to do it can't be both I said it can't be both it can't be God's will for you to be healed and God's will for you to die with the problem can't both of those can't be the will of God it can't be the will of God for you to prosper and have all your needs met and the will of God for you to lose what you've got and go down financially both of those cannot be the will of God he can't be the will of God for you and your spouse to fuss and fight and split and live in torment and separate and divorce and the will of God for y'all to be strong and have harmony and peace and have a good home in marriage and family both of those can't be the will of God are y'all with me so you need to pick one and stay with it and don't change go to James please James please the second chapter how many know Jesus would not have brought that up in the middle of this if it hadn't have been a real issue he is trying to encourage us to have faith to stand up and act on and operate but in the middle of he said you know putting Matthews account and you're going to James to Matthews account and Mark's account together Matthew 21 and Mark 11 put them both together he's saying you remarked about the fig tree look boys if you'd have faith and won't doubt won't do oh you can do what I just did not only that but you see that big mountain over there if you would speak to that thing and command it to be removed ripped up throw it into the sea and what does he say again but don't doubt in your heart all those words are significant or thing every word don't don't what do Oh what does it mean to stand in two ways how many know you can't go to directions at the same time you got to pick one but the enemy is the master of distraction and he's practiced on trying to get humor to doubt for century after century he's good at it he's tricky he's subtle how many understand was Peter he is in the glory he his feet are walking on top of the water on what on what what is the boy walking on the power in the Word of God he's looking at Jesus he's having the experience of a lifetime and the devil can't stand it keep standing so what's he doing he goes hey hey are you crazy you can't do that when the winds blowing like this well that's not even logical you can't do it when it's perfectly calm what do you mean you can't do this when these winds these waves are splashing like this hey hey what about the symptoms what about the pain what about the economy what about the milk friend if you get a revelation you will hear the desperation in the devil's voice oh come on now can you hear that you'll hear why because you are stepping out of the boat you are stepping on the water you are receiving these impossible and if he can't distract you there's nothing he can do to keep it from happening so he's jumping up and down going hey hey hey no no no the company's having hard times you can't prosper oh you can't pay your house off this year no no no no the economy no no no no no no no you've been diagnosed with this this there's nobody gets here from this yes you can't be healed no no no look at the symptoms look at the report no CMC on comm and if you're if you're Dom you'll go quiet oh yeah that's bad that's bad look yeah but Jesus yeah but look over here no no no no he's it's bad yeah it is bad man it feels bad - yeah but Jesus Jesus yeah but no look over here how many of what I'm talking about this is going on spiritually all the time which is why Jesus said say it be bold but right in the middle of what they say don't do oh don't do Oh be of two minds double minded and double hearted in in your heart don't do it don't do it James - are you there James talking about faith well actually before we read that just back up to James 1 it's all flows together goes together James 1 and verse 5 if any of you so who Willis work for anybody that lacks wisdom let him ask of God now wisdom includes more than people think wisdom includes understanding and direction for the future wisdom the wisdom of God encompasses the whole plan of God so when you don't know what to do and you don't know which way to go what decision to make what should you do then you lack wisdom you don't know what to do you don't know which way to go and if any man likes it what should you do ask of God and if it's if it's his will that's what millions of folk belief if it pleases him in his own good time his own good way if he decides no no well you just never know what God's gonna look you he's not a liar if he said he would do this this is what he will do let him ask of God what's he gonna do God gives to all liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him you can't say it any more definite than that no mics no maybes no what ifs and buts and we'll season you never knows and none of that stuff's in there now you've heard me talk about this before but I'm believing God that the gravity of it comes much stronger this morning well when people say well you just never know and well he might but he might not this is killer doctrine believing this stuff will kill you and destroy you and it is much more accepted worldwide in Christian circles than what you and I are talking about right now people don't blink an eye believers are talking well y'all just pray now cuz man we've been standing and praying and believing and and we sure what we hoping that the Lord will do something on this but but but if he don't you know it's just the will of the Lord be done and people won't blink an eye they'll go yeah amen yeah we praying with you about what we're all praying but who's believing and believe in what what the Lord might do it but then again he might not friend how menacing what I'm saying today know what I'm saying quoting Jesus that is killer doctrine now right here in this passage the very next first read it was it say you you don't know what to do how many understand this is no people read that word wisdom and they don't get everything it's talking about here I think yeah you know I'd like to be wiser that'd be nice no you require the wisdom of God to know what to do day to day how many want to know is planned yeah I mean you don't want to go south if you supposed to be going north right you don't want to get in business with these folks if you're supposed to be getting out you don't want to be selling if you're supposed to be buying or right vice versa you need to know the plan of God how can you get it you don't know what should you do ask ask of God now a lot of foot would agree with that but they think just ask and beg and leave it up to him and he'll do whatever he decides is best for you it's not what the Bible says and though it's widely believed but it's not what the Bible says ask and it shall be given you God gives liberally to all men that asks for wisdom and doesn't upbraid you read the next verse to read the next verse read the next verse but what but a qualifier but don't just ask but what ask in faith now here's the next words what nothing wavering this is the exact same word translated waver here this translated doubt in mark 11:23 when Jesus said speak to the mountain but don't doubt same word translated wafer right here so here we see the word confirming itself ask for you wisdom but don't just ask asking faith what nothing wavering or you could say nothing doubting for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed he's painting the picture for us what happens when when the waves are strong and high on the sea what happens to you let's say your own little little bitty boat out there in the waist what happens you go up and you go down so you're high and then you're low and you're up and you're down you're up and you're down you this way you're that way you're always moving you are unstable so I'm going to say I'm stable read the next verse next first was it safe for let not that man think he shall what receive anything not just wisdom now he's broadening it now Eddie you won't get you is dumb yeah but I prayed I prayed nice we mustache three hundred times please God give us wisdom please God give us wisdom what you never got it well I guess it just wasn't the Lord's will to give it to us we must ask and we turned in prayer requests I don't know how many people prayed that we all last yeah but you gotta ask in faith what nothing wait now give me an example of a person who asked for wisdom who wavered tell me how they would have talked they get out and they pray and they say Oh God give me wisdom now show me how would they waver afterwards hmm you I see you the next day after you prayed and asked for your wisdom how is it going well yeah y'all pray because man I need wisdom I thought you prayed and asked for it yesterday well yeah I did but but but y'all asked want God I don't have it yes well when you're gonna get it I don't know we'll where we're hoping so is he giving it to you or not well we sure hope so we y'all pray how many know what I'm tell you see what I'm talking about here you are you definite about anything no there's no definiteness there so as their faith there is the wisdom D is the wisdom gonna be manifest to you or not has he hurt you or not you see you can't be back and forth faith declares what God's gonna do say it out loud faith declares what God's gonna do yeah it declares what God has done but it also based on that declares what God is going to do that's a quality and a characteristic of God Isaiah 46:10 says he declares the end from the beginning right and you're his sons and daughters created in His image and he's taught us to be followers or imitators of God as dear children and so we must learn to do the same declaring the end from the beginning I'm thinking of Jay iris right now he came and he found Jesus didn't he and did you know he told Jesus what would happen then he he said Lord would you come would you come because if you'll just come and lay your hand on her she'll live the woman with easier blood right see she sees they both used an if but the if had to do with them not him if I can touch his clothes don't you hear this now but having touched his clothes what did she say I shall be not might be not if it's God's will not will see I shall be whole faith declares what God's gonna do so if I asked for wisdom and I did it in faith how would I talk you wouldn't go around begging everybody to pray for you that you'd get wisdom because you believe God's already heard your prayer and the wisdoms on the way you may not see it yet know it yet but if it's coming or if it's manifesting is not a legitimate question if is the badge of doubt let's look at a couple instances go with me to 1st samuel 17th chapter first saying in 17 after that we're going to Daniel 3 if you want to find these places the Lord's helping us today guys how many understand it's popular in church circles and religious circles to talk with ambiguity and it is it is presented as though one is more humble to do it that way now with me or not if you'll say you know what's what's gonna happen with y'all over there well we're just doing the best we can and you know if the Lord sees fit and if it's his will then we're gonna go ahead and try to build us a little place do some things for the Lord but but you know if it's not as well didn't we just okay with that to just whatever he wants and then in their own faking their thinking I'm so humble I am so humble and don't realize they're just so ignorant and unbelieving and if you study the scripture the thing that annoyed the Lord and made him angry was unbelief unbelief angered him I mean it more than one time he spoke sternly to his own disciples and said where is your faith why did you doubt do we know him or do we have a religious version of Jesus who wants everybody to be mealy mouth and weak mouth and and you sit over in the corner and sing softly Kumbaya if you want to if if you want to of course if you don't if you don't we're okay with that not our will but yours be done friend that is ugly I know people think it's so sweet and nice but it is actually a ugly form of spiritual pride they are proud of how humble they think they are and it is unscriptural it is unbiblical and you do not see people getting healed in Jesus ministry sitting by the side waiting to be noticed you see people who got up and boldly push through the crowd and said when I touch I'll get it faith people who tore off housetops and drop to have folks in front of him and he said get up and walk and they didn't say well if you want to but if you don't no no it's time to move it's time to quit asking questions and stop saying if if is the bad you're down well what if it's not the Lord's will well then you better get in the book quit praying and get in the book and find out the will of God how many remember Ephesians says don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is we have a responsible ability to find out the will of the Lord faith has always been this way that's why you're in 1st Samuel right now we're gonna look at some other places faith has always been this way from Genesis to Revelation and it will always be this way before you can operate the step out in faith you got to know and be sure what the will of the Lord is and when you get in this condition you begin declaring what God's gonna do no wavering no wondering no McGarrity david teenager youth ruddy the Bible said good-looking boy Shepherd probably smelled a little funny liked to play his guitar you know you don't think you wouldn't I know it's kind of hard for us to think of it now but especially at this time you would not think of him as a warrior he's a good-looking guy he might make a good model he's a musician no matter what I'm talking about and yet he's getting to know God and he's had a few scraps out in the wild with predators trying to get his sheep and where other folks could just run you know when a bear comes on the scene or a lion where other people especially you know he's a young he's a young guy he even younger at these times I don't know what would have been early teens maybe mid-teens and instead of running something came up in him and he just knew God had helped him I said he just knew God it helped him and he boldly went towards the bear a friend that takes something to charge a bear and a lion went hand to hand and delivered his sheep and now they're standing out there on the battlefield and all his brothers and everybody else is just completely intimidated by this guy named Goliath who is something like we've never seen we've never seen a man like this this man is 9 foot plus tall and he's not a model and he's not a musician his stunts his armor is so heavy that ordinary man couldn't carry him he must weigh you know six seven hundred pounds he's a monster it'd be hard for us to imagine it now you know I mean you ever seen a guy who's seven feet and a big guy wouldn't have that in him in glass category glass makes him look like a little guy this guy is a monster and he was born to kill and it's all he's thought about all his life and he is good at it he has killed a lot of people it's what he lives for and you know there was some warriors in Israel in those days but none of them are volunteering for this job right and he's marching back and forth yelling obscenities blaspheming God calling God names and the people calling them cowards and chickens and talking about their mamas right the whole bunch of his yellow and a man in the bunch ain't a man in the bunch and no matter how bad he talks nobody gets out and David is there he's not the biggest he's not a warrior he's a musician and a shepherd but something comes up in him come on now something comes up in him and he said I'll go they said what he said I said I'll go I'll go first thing in 17 and when they faced off out there verse 45 are you there First Samuel 17 First Samuel 17 and 45 well 44 the Philistines said to David come here come here come to me and I will give your flesh to the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field then set David somebody says David says what David say come on tell me what that David said you are a big old boy and I may be crazy but if the Lord wills I'm gonna try and y'all pray dear Lord y'all yeah y'all got to pray have you seen this guy me and I'm gonna go and just and do the best I can and if it's if it's God's will he could do something here and if not y'all sing blessed assurance at the funeral and make sure mom and em is taken care of and JimBob can have my slingshot and y'all bury me under the apple tree over there I always liked that spot now y'all are saying no but how many understand now millions of Christians and preachers tell us that's how we should always pray and think and be if it be thy will mister wasn't a preacher Jesus prayed that he certainly did but he also prayed other ways are you supposed to pray that way whether it's healing whatever when Jesus prayed that he was not having a healing meeting there's more than one kind of prayer and the prayer of faith necessitates that you already know the will of God if you're questioning the will of God you're not ready to pray the prayer of faith you can't pray the prayer of faith how many know if David was unsure as to whether he should go fight this guy he should not be there hmm if he didn't know whether it's God's will enough for him to be there he best be getting back home to the Sheep but what do you say come on tell me what he said it's written written it there we got it recorded what'd he say you come to me with a sword and a spear and shield hitting him say they were big you know you'll notice one thing he didn't talk about how big he was and how bad he was and how bad his stuff was what you can't do that and stay in faith you come to me with a sword and a spear and a shield but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defiled that would you think you big but you don't come up against somebody bigger than you brother bigger than you even having the idea keep breathing now keep reading keep reading come on verse 46 what was this they mean today today the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will smite you and I'm gonna take your head off of you and I'm gonna give the carcasses of the hosts of all your buddies to the fowls of the air and the wild beasts of the earth and all the earth is going to know that there is a God in Israel little good-looking boy musician with a slingshot how many understand there is no wavering about the will of God in any of this is he declaring what's going to happen he's declaring what God is going to enable him to do and what God's gonna no ifs no maybes no will cease he said I am gonna take your head off for you today I'm sure everybody watching thought ain't no way a no way that little boy is gonna do that but he did I said he did and this is held up for us through all generations as an example of faith faith when you are operating in faith and you speak faith you declare the end before it happens you declare what God's gonna do no ifs go to Daniel 3 let's look at something that I've heard in my opinion preached wrong so many times in fact it's kind of a personal annoyance to me and it's important it's significant and I can understand why people have said what they've said about it I could be misunderstood I can see that and I'm not trying to find fault but if if what we've said up to this time is true then you'll see as we get into this how it has to be consistent right the word is true throughout the Bible and all the Word of God has to be consistent with other parts Daniel 3 this is the story of Shadrach Meshach Abednego three Hebrew boys that got in trouble with Nebuchadnezzar the great king of really the known world at that time and he built this great big statue of himself what else and invited everybody to come and gave a command and his word is life and death throughout the kingdom and he said everybody bowels when the music's played if anybody decides not to bow you're gonna die well the music played everybody remember the story everybody this is not a fairy tale this happened there was a day when this was going on and Shadrach Meshach Abednego looked at each other said we can't do that it is written you shall have no other gods before me we don't bow before we don't pray before any other gods we came so they stood up of course when everybody else bounced down and you stand up you really stand out right don't you know they were tempted and pushed to bow would have been so much easier to just but they stood right up and of course man the wrath of the king is stirred and his guys get him and bring him over there in front of him and and the thing is he they've done good in his kingdom and he doesn't want to burn them up he kind of likes them but this can't be tolerated and so normally wouldn't have in this way normally they'd probably been dead right on the spot but he brings them in front of them and he says did you misunderstand you must have misunderstood so we're going to give you another opportunity thought real slow for you when the music plays everybody in phasis on everybody boughs are you there Daniel three I know you've heard this preached on before Daniel three uh what about verse fifteen fourteen I guess thirteen be good Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spoke and said to them is it true I was Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you do not you serve my gods no worship the golden image with which I have set up was it a mistake is it true now if you be ready it's very important that you that you notice the construction of this and how it flows he's asking them a question and making a statement if you be ready at that time will you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and worship the image which I have made well fine but if you worship not now there's two statements being made if you fall down and worship and if you don't go with me now if you worship not you shall be cast the same hour into the midst of the burning fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter we don't have to think about this we've got our answer right here right now it takes a lot of courage to say this and in their position if it be now here's the here's where people get all mixed up on it if what be actually the word souls in italics it's added by the translators so literally said if it be if what be you got to go back to what he said if it be that he throw us into the fiery furnace that's what it is if it is so that you gonna throw us into the fiery furnace read what they said versus verse 17 so significant our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace owned I get this get this what and he will deliver us out of your hand Oh King now read the next verse but if not now a lot of folks have taken this and said well you know they're saying if he does you know if you throw us in but if he doesn't deliver us absolutely not it cannot be that they're saying if he doesn't deliver us can I be some translations even put it that way if God doesn't delivers and it's not in the text and I've heard preachers preach whole sermons on on their consecration and dedication they're saying yeah you know if God doesn't deliver us that is incorrect stay with the text if it be so if what be so if you throw us in but if not if not what if you don't throw us in are y'all with me now help me understand if he throws them in the fire they ain't gonna worship his God or anybody else's God that's no need to say anything about it but if not being known to your King we will not serve your gods all that worship the golden image which you have set up if you don't throw us in we're still not gonna do it Oh can you see this guy's can you see this I've heard people say that every time it does it just irks me if you can know that you can't stand up and say that look at that seventeenth verse again look at that 17th first if it be so if what be so if you throw us in the fiery furnace our God whom we serve is able to deliver swine see you got to remember what the King just said he said who is that God that can deliver you out of my hand if you fall down I'm not gonna throw you in if you don't I don't throw you in and who can deliver you out of that and they said if it be so in other word if you throw us in our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and Oh get this get read it and what and he will deliver us out of your hand O king and preachers who say the next verse ago and but if he don't no no there was nobody if he don't but if you don't throw us in we're not gonna worship it are y'all with me now don't take my word for it get in the scripture study you study the languages look up the words but it just bothers me that such a wonderful faith story that God recorded here and thought so much of it that he put it again in Hebrews 11 they quenched the violence of fire with their faith and God holds up for us for all generations I mean we teach it to our kids right and yet for people to ruin the whole thing by saying well if God don't deliver us then no no no they said it our God whom we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us period and if you don't throw us in we're not gonna worship your dumb Idol anyhow no we're not if you do throw us in God's able to deliver us and he will delivers no friend you'll if that statement get etched burned in your spirit he will deliver set again he will deliver I say it again he will be there yeah but what about you just never know and and what if it you can't you can't contemplate any of that and be in faith how's the person gonna get born again in the altar questioning the will of God for salvation Lord is it your will to save me or not what do you want can they ever pray the prayer of faith till they get it settled that God loves them and he paid the price for him and he wants them to be born again they can't faith declares the end from the beginning faith declares what God's gonna do faith is convinced and fully persuaded like Abraham of the will of God go with me I think in closing to the place we talked about a few minutes ago mark 5 you see that in Daniel we're just talking about I hope you do I just cringe every time I hear somebody preach that wrong it's such a beautiful faith story right and if you do all that other stuff you just me take it away you mess it up there's you demonstrate that they're doubting and wavering at the last moment I'm gonna know when you feel the heat from the furnace it ain't time to be asking questions about the will of God you need to know right and they did it that's the beauty of it they stood up in front of all these hundreds of thousands of dignitaries and people they stood up in front of Nebuchadnezzar they stood up in front of the fiery furnace looking death in the eye and proclaimed decreed and said our God whom we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us and he did and he did and he did there never was and if he don't deliver us that never came out of their mouth it's a perversion of Scripture his people twist his stuff around reason they read it that way because that's how they act reason they preach it that ways consent that's how they live can you see some consistency here the woman with issue of blood declared what's gonna happen when I touch David declared what's gonna happen didn't he no ifs ands buts wave rings about it he said I'm taking your head off today boy are you going down you going down not just you but are you buddies do you and I are buddies and it happened that day it happened that day how many understand you must be bold to declare the Word of God you must be bold to declare the will of God this story we referred to mark chapter 5 anybody in here like faith besides me man does it doesn't do something for you many thrills me it just thrills me and my desires for people to get free coz millions are living in darkness and bondage trying to play little Church games and trying to act like I'm humble and and just being defeated just been destroyed every of the weak being robbed by the enemy when God never intended that you be a little weak nothing he created you to be strong and to find out his will and to know it and to stand up and speak his word without blinking and I write and expect it to come to pass and allow him to manifest move in your life because that brings him glory doesn't it when he's able to move and you get your needs met and things get done that that gives him glory that makes other people want him I mean hundreds of years of us talk about you know what they're our weakness and and excuse and everything and if it does maybe it will maybe it won't we just never know that's not drawing the folks in hmm people hear you talking about maybe he will maybe he won't we just never know does that one want to make all your unsaved coworkers come to church tell me about that maybe he will maybe he won't again you're exciting me I think I'm gonna bring on my family to church maybe he will maybe he will all that's exciting it's not drawing in the multitude because it's not true I said it's not true truth makes people free lies confuse people mark 5 are you there mark 5 this is for the woman you know press through the crowd said if I can touch I'll behold shall be I shall behold verse 28 she said it declared it I shall behold and down in verse backup the rather in verse 22 mark 5:22 there comes one of the rulers of the synagogue gyrus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and it besought him greatly and he said my little daughter is lying at the point of death I pray these added by the translators come and lay your hands on her that she may be healed and what and what she shall live but what if it's not the will of God then the good some of these theologians hadn't gotten to him first and told him how to pray what did he say she shall and having understood that was the faith that arrested Jesus attention wasn't him he wasn't just groveling around and maybe this and maybe that he said she's lying that she's at death's door right now but if you'd just come if you'd come and put your hand on her she could be healed and if you'll do that she shall live jesus said lead the way take off he followed him didn't there right followed him to his huh how many understand faith that kind of faith gets God's attention but the Smith Wigglesworth used to say that they were quote that he said something about faith cause God to pass over a million people just to get to you faith pleases God look on down the woman with Isha blood did a similar thing she said if I touch his clothes I shall behold and she touched and was and while she's given her testimony verse 35 there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said your daughter is dead why troubles now the master any further as soon as Jesus heard that word that was spoken he said to the ruler of the synagogue what read it out loud what he tell him be not afraid only believe now only is from the word one right oh n ly o any only believe don't be afraid only believe and when did he sit notice how Jesus said it and when he said it read it again as soon as Jesus heard that he turned and said to Jairus why would he do it that way if you'd have faith and doubt not and do oh not if it didn't matter Jesus wouldn't have said anything to him the man's got enough things his I mean his emotions are all over the place they just told him his little girl that he loves more than life itself he's laying there cold and dead Jesus would not have told him this unless it is essential it has to be this way and can you see what's going on we talked about it before these people from his house they show up and they're saying it's too late too late she passed away Oh about an hour ago and we checked her real good and he knows they wouldn't stand there and tell him that if they didn't believe it was true and what happened come on tell me what happened next as soon as soon as those words came out of of their mouth Jesus turns and looks at him right and he's got his attention right here he said gyruss right here buddy right here here don't be afraid what's the next word only only see we've sung that only believe only believe all things are possible but have no people have not understood what he's talking about what does it mean only believe like just believe no believe rather than anything else only why would he tell him that because fear is gripping him right it's coming on him what am I gonna do without my little girl it's coming on him it's gripping him can you see what's happening the enemy's doing this isn't he he's going ah ah she's dead she's dead here nothing forget him forget Jesus that's all too late for that here she's dead she's dead forget it look at me look at me don't look at that look at me and he's being tempted he's being sorely tempted he's starting to look and what did Jesus do as soon as the words came out of their mouth he goes Jairus hey hey bye hey buddy come on no no he got this far what's he saying when he says I only believe what's he saying what did you tell me when you first saw me what did you tell me you told me that if I come lay my hands and I'm going with you right now to do just that you told me she shall live you told me don't leave me now don't quit me don't quit me stay with me don't be afraid don't do don't do all that stuff only believe now friend did he require that of him in order to keep going was it necessary if it wasn't why wouldn't he just put his arm around Jefferson Oh buddy don't worry about I'll take care of this just I know you feel bad cry get it out of your system Lance but I'm gonna take care of this I'm the son of God and I got this people would like to portray that but it simply is not true Jesus said I can of my own self do nothing that's what Jesus said he operated as a man therefore he operated by faith and other people who came to him for help if he couldn't keep him in faith with him he couldn't help in his own hometown he couldn't do a lot of mighty works because of all their unbelief the scripture says mark six five and six so what if Jairus had started crying and broke down and said well I'm sorry above the jaw and just broke down could Jesus have kept going with him could he have gone on to his house and raised you up anyway not a folk would like to say yes the answer is no wow what do you've done it what he did why would he stop and go gyruss don't do it no don't be afraid don't don't do not do that stay with me only it's mostly only only believe stay with what you told me when you first saw me stay with it don't don't quit it now don't leave it now how many can see it's hanging in the balance right here whether his little girl is dead and that's it whether she's raised from the dead and lives her life out is hanging right here right here in the balance notice what gyrus said nothing which is what you say when your emotions are baths and all over the scale and huh what what did he do I believe he just looked at Jesus went smart man I said smart man he didn't try to explain it to Jesus he didn't try to talk him out of it he just went right with him Oh glory to God and Jesus went on in there with Peter James and John whole bunch is crying and then the tumult and weeping and wailing greatly he walked in he said why are y'all carrying on like this faith preachers are different why she's not dead she's just asleep and there's all this whispering and laughing could I told you he's crazy he had that bunch that church there with over there they are they laughed him to scorn they're pretty fickle Bunch to go from full-bore crying to laughing out loud in a half-second but when he put them all out that's what you do with unbelief you put them all out and he took mama and daddy and Peter James and John and he went in there come on and put yourself there how many know gyruss walked in there and he saw he sees her she's discolored she's stiff you can tell she's not there would he have been tempted to break down would have been tempted but something's holding him something's holding him together something's holding these emotions together come home something's hold what was it it was when those piercing eyes looked at him and said gyruss don't be afraid but don't leave me only believe you stay with me only believe well that's ringing in his heart it's ringing in his ears ringing in his mind and so he's standing there keeping his mouth shut Jesus said glory to God he took the little girl by the hand he said damsel little girl I say to you get up if it's the will of God uh-uh no no get up I say unto you get up tell me what happened come on tell me what happened and straightway immediately she arose and walked how many believe this happened literally just this is not a fairy tale this happened she was really dead and she got up raised from the dead and starts walking around the room what do you think mom and daddy did straightway she got up and walked she was of age of 12 years they were astonished with the great astonishment well you think about that laughing mocking bunch outside the house there yeah do you know if it's up to most multitudes no miracles will happen if you leave it to the majority of most most folks and most crowds unbelief prevails but boy if you can get a bunch of folk believing God together he said uh you need to give her something to eat and mama said I'll feed her anything she wants and they got in the kitchen and they got their little girl back and they have the impossible seemingly has happened the laws of nature have been suspended and overridden Oh glory to God why because he wouldn't doubt he did not yield to do Oh in double mindedness he stayed on it if you put your hand on her she shall live and they saw it through and he did and she was and I guess they had a whole life together instead of grieving for years that he lost their little girl somebody say glory to God you know we we already have cases like that in faith Life Church we've already got kids that would be dead now kids and youth and parents and friends that would have been taken out in car accidents we've got all kind of testimonies this kind of thing sickness and diseases that people have been healed from said out loud all things are possible but to whom to God and to those that believe to those who won't waive or inviolate but will declare the end from the beginning saying what God has done and therefore will do and no wavering stand up on your feet everybody hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God Oh hallelujah
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 20,309
Rating: 4.6651983 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, to, Receive, Pt, 13, No, ifs, About, it
Id: XVClEelhCZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 2sec (4442 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2012
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