Keith Moore No Place For The Devil Pt.14 Authorized

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praise you lord let's approach the word with honor and with respect jesus said the measure you meet to it is what you'll get back so let's do that father in jesus name we hold your words and your spirit at the highest place in our lives and we say speak to us lord and allow us to hear give us ears that hear hearts that discern and understand eyes that can see answers and direction for right now open up your word to us by your holy spirit and your anointing we purpose to not be forgetful hearers hearers only but to be doers thereof and as surely as we act on what you say our lives will change because you will watch over that word and you will perform it and accomplish it and do it in the lives of those who act on it we thank you for that in jesus name amen you can be seated for some weeks now we've been on a series that we're calling no place for the devil and that's based on the scripture here in ephesians 4 if you'd turn there ephesians 4 no place for the devil we want to continue in that i think i'm nearing the end of this particular series but i already see something that's connected to it we'll see it's you know one of the greatest favors you ever did yourself is to pray for your ministers right because what comes through them is what affects you and so believe with us that we get it exactly right in ephesians the fourth chapter ephesians 4 verse 22 he talked about putting off the old man from the previous way of life and verse 23 he said be renewed in the spirit of your mind verse 24 put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we're members one of another be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil let him that stole still no more verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth verse 30 grieve not the holy spirit of god now our text is verse 27 neither give place to the devil the amplified if you put that up in verse 27 leave no such room or no room such as added leave no room or foothold for the devil and the amplified as the note give no opportunity to him and that would be no room no space to operate and function and work and he mentions uh four or five specific ways that people give place to the devil one was in lying remember he said you know stop basically stop lying the other one was in anger and rage don't let the sun go down on your wrath and he talked about don't let any don't steal and don't let corrupt communication can you see if you yield to temptation and thoughts of covetousness and steal you gave place to the enemy if you yield to the temptation to lie and deceive and hide then you gave place to the enemy and we are exhorted we're commanded don't give the enemy any room no place now that's it's a command it's an exhortation notice this he didn't say try to do it and even though you will find those words in some of the modern translations they are bad translations i know that's a bold statement but in that particular phrase i'm not saying the whole translation is a bad translation but if they if they put in try to do this or do your best to do this on that verse and that phrase that's a bad translation because the lord never told you to try to do anything never told you to attempt to do anything that would imply either he didn't know if you could do it or not or you might not be able to do what he told you to do neither of these can be true are you with me church the lord never told you never will tell you to try to do something for one for one thing if he told you to do something the power to do it was in his words to you his commands are enablings remember when he when they saw him walking on the water and peter said lord if that's you bid me come what the lord say come well now before the lord said come could peter walk on the water but when the lord said come even at this point he's not walking on the water and there'd be a lot of reasons in his mind tell him that this is impossible he can't do it but the moment the lord opened his mouth and said come there was power in what the lord told him to enable him to do what he a few moments ago could not do so the lord will never tell you to try something when he tells you to do something he knows he just empowered you to do it when he told you to do it uh so he's saying don't give the enemy any place that means he can't take place just because he wants to he cannot just bulldoze his way into your life and steal kill and destroy that's good news amen if the bible says don't give him any place what does that mean it means it's possible to keep him outside the circle of the authority of your life right it's possible now most people haven't done a very good job of it but for the believer it's possible in fact when jesus right before he went to the cross he talked about the devil he called him the the prince of darkness he said he's coming but he has nothing in me how many believe the the the master didn't give him an inch he didn't give him any room to work in his life none showing us is possible and if you made mistakes yesterday and gave space and place to the enemy well that was yesterday receive your forgiveness repent and hit it today like you're not going to give him any more room anymore go into the book of james please james chapter four james four and seven now when it comes to not giving place to the enemy there's so much revelation in this one verse james 4 7 about how to do it how to not give the enemy any place he starts off with submission a word that is despised by most of the current generation am i telling the truth submit people will look at you like are you kidding submit yes submit but what you got to understand submission is not something anyone else makes you do that's right that's subjugation that's force that's not what the bible's talking about submit is something only you can do the understood subject here is you who's going to submit you to god nobody else can except you you must submit yourself to god or it won't happen i've heard people sometimes say well you know um you know i keep messing up on this make me do what i'm supposed to do and people try to say you know god you know just take me over you know holy spirit possess me and control me not gonna happen the spirit of god doesn't possess people that's the devil if you don't yield to him it's not gonna happen he's not going to override your will he's not going to take you over and control you it's the enemy who's manipulative and tries to force and tries to control you submit yourself to god now let's just stop right here he says that before he says resist the devil why if you're not submitting to god what are you doing if you're not submitting to god what are you doing with god you're resisting god if you're don't you remember in the book of acts that the spirit of god said to the people that were clamoring against the gospel he said you do always resist the holy spirit are there people resisting the holy spirit oh dear me the world is full of them full of them and sadly too many christians they don't they don't really realize it they're not acknowledging it but the lord has said to do this in the word or he said something to them by the spirit and they are resisting it well if you're resisting god instead of submitting to him what else are you doing by the same act you're yielding to the enemy because who is prompting you to disobey who is working on your flesh and and pulling on you to not listen to god who is trying to move you to resist god that's the enemy so if i'm not submitting to god there's no need talking about the rest of the verse you see that what's the rest of the verse resist the devil well if i'm not if i'm not submitting to god i'm yielding to the enemy i'm not resisting him i'm yielding to him and if i'm yielding to him does he have to yield to me no he i i'm acting like he's in charge so i you or i will not be in a position to exercise our god-given authority in christ in the name of jesus over the enemy unless we submit ourselves to god if we will take our place under our creator that's what submission means it it goes back to military terminology in its origins of the word like rank to rank or arrange under and we everybody should be clear god is my superior is that right he's over me jesus is lord where does that put me under him is that right i need to will it he's not going to make me do it i need to willingly take my place under him acknowledge his his deity acknowledge jesus lordship acknowledge he's the head of the church acknowledge he's right about everything right acknowledge and take my and this needs to be done daily on a regular basis we need to remind ourselves remind ourselves and if we will genuinely submit ourselves to god take our place under him then we can require that the devil take his place under us under our feet because we are in the place of authority and power which is the place of submission amen amen now see that people don't think so but the place of power is the place of submission submit the place of power over the enemy is the place of submission to god can you agree with that church so he said submit yourself to god and then what who's going to submit who's going to submit you to god you are who's going to resist the devil same person who's understood subject you submit yourself to god you resist the devil and he'll flee from you you don't try to pray and get god to to make the devil leave this now i just contradicted half the churches out there but we are not nowhere are we told in the new testament to pray and ask god to make the devil stop find me one scripture we are told to do something about the enemy we're told to resist the enemy and he would flee from god no you when you resist the enemy see we got too much religious begging god to make the devil stop and then a failure to stand up and act on what he actually told us to do resist the devil and what will happen he'll flee from you let me read some of the translations of this today's english version the tev says resist the devil and he will run away from you and in studying the words in my mind that's one of the best definitions there is of that word translated flee in the greek is run away you look at other places where it's translated and that's what they did they ran away resist the devil and he will what he will run away from you when you resist the devil he will run away from you the the dewey realms reams rather translation says resist the devil and he will fly from you so he's not running slow uh in verse eight draw near to god he'll draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners purify your hearts you double minded now in the very next verse which is the same thought he warns us about being double-minded and you'll see this brought out in other places when you resist the enemy you must not be wondering if it's going to work you can't be double minded well we'll i'll give it a try there's that word again and we'll see if it works well it's not because you're not yet convinced you're not yet persuaded oh it's getting quiet now why i'm talking about this because there have been too many instances of people rebuking the devil and nothing happened i'm going to let that sink in just a moment there have been too many instances of people making confessions and they didn't come to pass or rebuking the devil and he didn't leave you think i'm saying the truth or not yes oh yeah well why is this true huh is the fault with the word no no the fault's not with the word and that's the first step to getting answers is to realize the word cannot fail if there is if there's a problem somewhere it's not with god and it's not with what he said he comes back with us somewhere go with me to mark 11 23 please anybody heard of mark 11 23 huh who is it brother david ingles wrote a song about it mark 11 23 is real to me and right next door mark 11 24. these are the words of jesus and my authority yeah if you hadn't heard that you ought to get it it's good it's really good uh mark 11 23 jesus said after he had spoken to that fig tree and when jesus spoke things happened every time i might say every time everything every time when he commanded spirits to leave and he resisted the enemy what happened they left every time is that true every time and on this occasion he spoke to this tree so we know it works and with him it worked every time not hit and miss not part of the time and but so then the the disciples are amazed by it because they know something supernatural has happened here because that tree looked just fine and green and fine the day before and what 24 hours later that thing's dried up from the roots and so they know something happened here and the only thing they know of that and jesus spoke to it so his words were with power and people will say well you know yeah brother keith that's jesus he's the son of god god can do that no you're implying something that is not true he is god but he's not functioning as god when he walked the earth and he told us if we'd believe on him the works he did we would do also didn't he say that well if he did it as god how can we believe that verse i'm not god you're not god if he did those things as god we can't do them but if he did them as a man anointed with the spirit and he would authorize us with that same authority he walked in he would empower us with that same spirit he operated in then we see the glorious possibility of walking in the steps of the master doing what he did and here he explains to them why every time he spoke to something it happened would you like to know the answer would you like to know the secret to get your words to the place where every time you speak to it it happens in matthew 21 the lord said it like this he said if you have faith and don't doubt you could not only do this which is done to the fig tree but you could say to the mountain so he's telling them they could have done what he did with the tree and even something bigger but it comes back to faith if you had faith verse 23 whoever will say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea so you you're saying something to something this is not prayer you're not asking god to move the mountain you're speaking to the mountain and shall not doubt in this heart stop right here stop right here stop right here the bible did not say things would happen just because you said it y'all with me friends these scriptures did not say things would happen just because you said it did jesus say if you'll say to it it'll happen he didn't say that he said if you'll say it and then what don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you said will come to pass if you do that then what you said will come to pass and this this is a huge issue just because you say something doesn't mean you're persuaded that it will come to pass and so the issue certainly we need to learn about saying but we need to understand just saying alone is not going to get it done i must be persuaded in myself so there are times when i you tried to say something prematurely and you weren't persuaded you're still guessing and questioning and whatever and it didn't happen so you don't just need to say it another thousand times because until you get persuaded you're not going to get any more results than the first time you said it because you're still not persuaded and it's not through vain repetitions if i say it enough hundreds and hundreds of times it'll come to pass no no no do you see jesus doing that no you see him standing out there for for 36 hours going mountain move i told you to move mountain move move i told you to move move move [Laughter] that's you trying to talk yourself into it you're not persuaded the scripture didn't say things would happen just because i said it come on look at the verse verse 23 what if you say it so you got to say it but then what not doubt not in your head in your heart you don't believe god with your head this is all about the heart romans 10 says with the heart man believes don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you say will come to pass you are to you you are not considering that the mountain might not move there is no possibility this mountain is going to stay in the same place you're not doubting you're believing you're convinced and if that's the case jesus said you'll have whatever you said oh hallelujah there are answers here church their answers i was reminded in talking about thinking about this in preparation my father in the faith kenneth hagin had multiple visitations by the head of the church and one of the things that uh one of these visitations actually a couple of them the lord ministered to him about the devil and demons evil spirits how they function how they operate and how to deal with them and in the earliest days of his ministry this was all the way back in 1950 the one the first open vision that he had the lord gave him an anointing to minister to people and he he told him when he laid hands on people if a spirit was causing a problem he would know it and he showed him how he would know it and to command it to go and it would and so several months after that there was a situation he describes in his book that caused the second visitation to come about and i'm just going to read it direct from the book it's his book i believe in visions kenneth hagin we don't have them we don't carry them but go to their ministry and get one if you don't have it it's one of the my favorite books i've ever read he said my second vision of jesus occurred about a month after the first so it's just one month i was conducting a revival meeting in the state of oklahoma i had told the congregation what the lord had shown me about ministering to the sick and about the anointing one night while i was ministering to the sick a man in the healing line told me he had tuberculosis of the spine he said he had been through three clinics and all the doctors had given him the same diagnosis that he was beyond medical help now and the man's spine was as stiff as a board in praying for him he said he knew by what the lord told him that his body was oppressed by an evil spirit now like we talked last week that doesn't mean the man's possessed that means and it doesn't mean that every time there's this kind of physical condition that there's a spirit involved because the lord told him he said if you don't detect that then it's just a case of healing only dismissed healing to him we can't just make rules about these things the only way to get it right is to be led by the holy spirit every day every case every situation but in this case the lord revealed to him showed him there was a spirit there so he said he commanded the spirit and said you foul spirit that oppresses this man's body i command you to come out of this body in the name of the lord jesus christ and then he said i made a terrible mistake i got into unbelief he said it's easy to get into unbelief no matter who you are and not realize it he said i said to the man see if you can stoop over and bend your back try to touch your toes he said the word if is the badge of doubt when i said see if you can that was doubt is everybody awake what do you tell him to do see if well now what are you saying with that statement you may not be able to right huh try what do you say with that phrase you you might you may not be able to he said god will put up with a certain amount of doubt in a young christian who doesn't know any better but when one is enlightened in the word the lord won't let him get by with it and that was his case on this this situation he said the man tried to bend over but he couldn't his back was as stiff as ever let me just stop right here did brother hagin make a command and rebuke the devil and it didn't work you all are too quiet the answer is yes it didn't work it didn't happen he uh he put his hands on him again and uh he had that same uh manifestation that he knew it was a spirit he said he commanded again you file spirit that oppresses this man's body i command you come out of him in the name of the lord jesus christ let me just stop right here is that a good command excellent command is a perfect command will that alone get the job done no these phrases are not magical incantations it's not hocus pocus abracadabra in the name of jesus these are not magical phrases this is based on your revelation of your authority who you are in christ when you say something in the name of jesus again it's not a magical phrase what are you saying in the name means authorized by sent by empowered by what you're saying is i am i'm his delegated well i'm his delegate i'm his ambassador i'm speaking on his behalf when you say in the name of jesus that's what you're saying i'm speaking on his behalf i'm not speaking in my own authority i'm speaking in his authority he sent me he authorized me to say this and do this he empowered me to do this and see if that's not real to you then it's going to be empty powerless words do you remember the seven sons of siva and some of the traveling jewish uh deliverance people they saw paul having success and so they just mimicked what he said exactly they they took his phraseology and they said we rebuke you in the name of jesus whom paul preaches and that spirit spoke up through the man and said jesus i know paul i'm acquainted with who are you and he jumped on and beat the pudding out of them they made a command in the name of jesus and it didn't work i said it didn't work why because these are not magical phrases so brother hagin said he commanded him and again i said to the man see if you can stoop over bend your back and touch your toes his back was as immovable as it was before i was acting in unbelief but i didn't realize it did you hear that phrase can you be acting in unbelief but you don't realize it see this is the answer to so many questions people say well i i said it and i did it and i prayed it did you doubt in your heart were you fully persuaded you with me saints keep going he said then i said well we'll try it again the third time he laid his hand on his chest and his back again he had the same manifestation that he knew there was a spirit there and for the third time he said you foul spirit that oppresses this man's body i command you to come out of him in the name of the lord jesus and to the man he said now see if you can stoop over see if you can bend down he couldn't of course so here now three energetic attempts and perfect phraseology and a good anointed man of god and no results i hope you're awake today why no results do you remember that uh jesus went on the mountaintop and they had the visitation he became glorified and they saw him and while he was up there the man brought his luna six lunatic son to the disciples you remember that and uh they tried to get the boy set free and they they failed and they had been getting people set free but then he came down and he looked at him and he said how long am i going to put up with you you unbelieving unbelieving generation unbelief is irritating to the lord it irritates him why because there's no excuse for it it's a bad choice is what it is and so then after he set the boy free and he went to the house the disciples gathered up and said why couldn't we cast him out why couldn't we do it and he said matthew said because of your unbelief yes should we accept this answer because of your unbelief i guess it's mark in other places said i talked about prayer and fasting well that's part of dealing with your unbelief can you see that cut off stuff from the world spend some extra time with god can you see that what's the problem the problem has never been that you can't count on god the problem has never been that authority in christ doesn't work it's never been that what's the problem always been on belief unbelief and it's everywhere and you've been in more of it than you may think and me too but let's don't listen to lies of the enemy that it doesn't work that it's not real that it's not right when it's just simply our unbelief the hindering that's the problem jesus told them it's because of your unbelief well then that's the answer why they couldn't cast it out and that means they tried they attempted to this is the 12 we're talking about apostles of the lamb well uh brother hagin said he gave up and went on to pray for the next person of course that's discouraging you know it kind of hurts your faith in praying for the next person and the man walked back down the aisle he said i was standing on the platform about three feet to the right of the pulpit as the next person stepped up to be prayed for i looked over to my left for some reason and i saw jesus standing there as plainly as any man i've ever seen in my life he said i thought everybody saw him but i learned later that no one no one in the congregation saw or heard him except me the congregation heard what i was saying to him but they they didn't see or hear anything else jesus was standing beside the pulpit i could have reached out and touched him he pointed a finger at me and he said i said that in my name the demons will leave brother hagin said lord i know you said that it's only been a month since you appeared to me in rockwall texas and told me to command the demon to come out in your name i told the demon to come out of that man but he didn't again jesus pointed his finger at me and said i said in my name call out the demons and they will leave the body he said i know you said that lord and i commanded the spirit to leave this man's body in your name but he didn't go jesus put his finger in my face and for the third time he said i said in my name the demons will go call them out in my name and they will leave the body in my name weekly i replied lord i know you said it happened just a month ago and it's as fresh in my mind as if you had said it last night i know you told me that and i did tell the demon to leave this man's body but he didn't go oh is everybody listening are you listening huh yeah but he didn't go has anybody ever been there at that spot i did it i did it i did it but it didn't work it didn't work the disciples did it but it didn't work he said i think i know how jesus looked when he drove the money changers out of the temple suddenly it seemed that his eyes shot fire i could see like flashes of lightning in them and for the fourth time he jabbed his finger at me and he said yes but i said they would go and he disappeared he said i realized then i had acted in unbelief we sometimes think that if we have a special gift or anointing to minister it'll always work but that's not the case no matter how much authority we might have no matter how many special gifts we might have no matter how much power we might possess they all work by faith and faith only amen boy that's an answer is that an answer yes what an answer when i realized i had been in doubt instead of faith i saw my mistake let's just stop right here phyllis and i spent 20 plus years around brother hagin and miss aretha we we know him personally and i've never been around a finer more godly man but he's questioning the lord without realizing it can you see that he said lord i did it but he didn't go what did the lord say i said he would i said yeah but he didn't but i said he would yeah but he didn't now let's just stop right here is there something wrong with this picture what's wrong with this picture now i know brother hagin a little bit he loves the lord jesus submitted committed to the head of the church is he trying to be disrespectful here no he's frustrated he doesn't understand come on can you see that he's frustrated yeah but he didn't go but see he's arguing with the lord in the lord's eyes there is no explanation for why he didn't go i said to the lord his authority is total huh his power is totally there is no issue of any kind of struggle of god versus the enemy the problem is believers who are not convinced not fully persuaded of the authority and you can understand we live down here in this dark confusing mess of a world and so many of us are so ignorant of the word and of god barely saved just just born again and that's it but he saw it he saw it i realized i'd been in doubt instead of faith i saw my mistake excuse me i called the man back to the platform he was standing at the rear of the auditorium and hadn't gone back to his seat yet i pointed to him i said come back up here brother he retraced his steps back up the aisle i stood on the platform waiting for him to come around to the altar where i was now why'd he call him back up come on help me out why'd he call him back up what's going on something something clicked in him is that right can you see that something locked in him what locked in him the enemy cannot defy me he cannot resist me he can't stay why because the lord said he'd go the lord said he would go the lord said he would go the lord said he would go he said the the instant he stood before me i slapped him on the back and with my other hand on his chest i said satan i told you to leave the body out you go in the name of jesus christ then i said to the man now my brother i didn't put an if this time stoop over and touch your toes amen amen instantly the back was limber the tuberculosis of the spine was gone the spine which has been as stiff as a board was healed he stooped over and touched his toes just like a normal person he was completely well praise god oh somebody say praise god praise god he was completely well because the man had come to our meeting from another state we didn't see him until two weeks later he came back the last night of the the meeting i asked him about stooping over and touching his toes he said yes i'm still free and with a big smile he stepped out in the aisle and stooped over and went to the floor and touched several exercises to prove he was still as limber and flexible and free hallelujah yes but i said he would can you see what has to happen here look with me in romans the fourth chapter glory to god glory to god [Applause] brother smith wigglesworth it's reported and this is he lived back many years ago that he was at a train station one time waiting on the train and a woman came there with him and her little dog had followed her from her house and they're standing there waiting for the train she told the little dog she said no honey no go go back to the house and the little dog just stood there and wagged his tail and so she said no no no honey go go go back to the house go on now go back to the house he just stood there and looked at him wagged his tail so she did this three or four times and finally the train's pulling up and she turned around she said go get back to the house go now and the dog turned around ran back to the house wigglesworth said he just he just yelled out loud that's it that's it that's exactly what you have to do with the devil [Laughter] too many people trying things huh playing with things trying things um in romans 4 put up hebrews 11 29 on the screen and you're going to romans 4 but i'm going to read this to you before that hebrews 11 29 talked about the egyptians and the israelites by faith the egyptians passed through the red seas by by dry land which these egyptians are saying to do were drowned anybody know what a saying means trying trying they tried to do it they tried to do what somebody else did in faith and drowned trying doesn't work says well what if i'm i'm not convinced well how does faith come does anybody know how if my heart's not convinced if i'm not if i'm still vacillating and wondering and questioning how do i get past that stop listening to junk stop feeding on stuff that's trying to put fear in you and doubt cut that out and get some word going in you did you hear with that testimony that that person that had the covet virus and they got a hold of those materials and they just kept putting them into them and they're totally healed hallelujah amen well what happened they might not even know i don't know but i've seen this case people didn't even know it was will of god for them to be healed or if they knew it they didn't know how to receive or if they did they still were questioning and wondering and wavering how many remember james talks about wavering if any man lack wisdom let him ask of god who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not but let him ask in faith nothing wavering because it talks about the person that wavers the double-minded man and that's exactly the phrase that was used in james 4 8 right after he said resist the devil he'll flee from you the very next verse he cautioned against being double-minded the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways don't think you'll receive anything from the lord what's the problem the problem is not with god it's not with his word it's not with his power it's not with his spirit it's not with his will the problem is being double minded unconvinced unpersuaded trying it attempting it and you're not persuaded how can you get persuaded when you're not faith comes by hearing you start hearing what god said about that and you keep on hearing it and you put it in your in your ears and in your mouth and in your heart what the scriptures say to god tell joshua this book of the law this word shall not depart out of your mouth you'll meditate in it night and day that's how you get to the place where you are no longer questioning it you're no longer wavering about it you have become fully persuaded you have become completely and convinced and when you get there and you say words and you fully expect to happen it'll happen it'll happen amen attempting to do it trying to do it they drowned that's why i keep saying you may think i'm well why is he so adamant about that most of these modern translations are just rife with things like try try that means they don't understand faith do you hear that you never try to do what the lord told you to do you do it you do it you don't attempt they tried to do it and drown in romans 4 talk about abraham it took a while for what we're about to read to happen in abram and sarah's life if you read the whole account they uh they had some rocky moments the first time that uh god talked to uh abram about sarah having a son at this time they're already old and they had already had ishmael by hagar because they thought they you know they can't have a child between them two and when the lord said to spoke to him about sarah having a child he uh he said lord let ishmael live before you he he didn't he he wasn't persuaded and you remember when the angel came and sarah was back in the tent and he told abram that you know about this time next year we'll all have good news about sarah sarah laughed right out loud no excuse me i said it wrong she laughed in her heart in her heart but she laughed why don't you laugh she was like she said to herself what no no and and the lord turns up the angel of the lord turns around and says why did you laugh she said i didn't laugh and i technically she didn't laugh out loud that's why i corrected it but he said you laughed does the lord hear what you do in your heart that nobody nobody outside here all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we have to do i'm saying there were times in their life now who is abraham and sarah they got their own scriptures in hebrews 11 hall of fame of faith is that right i mean abraham and sarah and yet there was a time they weren't persuaded they were laughing they were going what but they must have got over it i said they must have got over it they must have got back to the tent after they left got to thinking oh i shouldn't have laughed oh well let me let me let me see here and then they kept thinking about what the lord had said to them and there came a point where they became completely convinced that what the lord said he was able to perform is that right that's exactly what it says right here in romans look at it romans 4 and 19. and being not weak in faith he abram considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb remember i said how do i get past this not being persuaded stop listening to the wrong stuff stop considering the wrong things you keep feeding your fear you're never going to get fully persuaded cut off the stuff that's feeding doubt into you this is causing you to question it wonder about it cut that out cut it off he considered not his own body neither sarah's womb verse 20 he staggered not that's the same word for waver he wavered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith everybody say strong in faith not not weak in faith but strong in faith giving glory to god and being being being oh somebody say fully persuaded fully persuaded fully persuaded oh child of god i hope you're awake today i hope you're listening everybody in branson i hope you're listening everybody watching online hope you're listening the issue is not learning the exact scriptures to quote the issue is not learning the exact phrases and how to say them huh the issue is not making confessions 10 000 times tell me what the issue getting yourself fully persuaded of what you're trying to say or do yes that's the challenge that's the issue that's the hindrance that's the hold up decades went by no child for sarah and abraham decade after decade years went by years went by years went by they tried to fix it with hagar see how that worked out huh when god told him it's going to happen through you and through her he laughed she laughed but they got over it i said they got over it and we know because we got it right here in the scripture we know he got to the place where he wasn't even considering how old he was he wasn't even considering that she had never been able to conceive he wasn't even considering any of that because he had become fully persuaded that what his good father god had told him he was well able to perform and he was complete he was expecting it so much he went ahead and changed his name calling himself the father of many nations before they ever saw any evidence of conception or a child but every time he would say it or anybody else would say it it carries weight now it's not just empty words it's not just a borrowed phrase it is coming from a fully persuaded heart hallelujah being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and because of that it came to pass verse 22 because of that it was imputed to him for righteousness and verse 23 he said all that because it applies to us this was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but verse 24 but for us also it works the same way when we believe the same way stand on your feet [Applause] everybody well they didn't mean to do that but here it is let there be light [Applause] i want us to stand before the lord today and there are some folks that need to repent before god for being angry at him and being upset with him because things didn't happen and you need to repent for that because it was never him that was the problem is everybody listening there are people who prayed things and they didn't come to pass they said things and it didn't come to pass they rebuked and bound and it didn't happen and they very foolishly got angry at god god why didn't you god why did you let that god why didn't you do that you are asking the wrong questions the answers are here today when jesus owned disciples looked him in the face and say why couldn't we cast that out he said because of your unbelief that's the answer praise god it's a fixable problem i said it's fixable it's a fixable issue fixable thing say it out loud father god forgive me forever questioning you or doubting you are listening to anybody accuse you of being unfair or being unfaithful those are lies they are despicable lies you are the faithful god who never fails who never lets us down i confess it is our own belief brother excuse me my own unbelief that has been the problem not you i call you faithful help me to see lord help me to understand where i've acted in unbelief and show me the specific steps to overcome it i choose to believe you i choose to trust you i choose to be fully persuaded oh hallelujah lift up your hands lift up your voices lift up your praises say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord all the workers would you come to the front
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 1,682
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith, Keith Moore, no place for the devil
Id: -CYIsf9qpeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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