Keith Moore Faith to Receive Pt 8 Believe You Receive

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your Bibles this morning to mark the 11th chapter oh yeah mark 11 and if you didn't bring a Bible with you this morning hold up your hand our ushers have extra Bibles we'd be glad to let you use one of ours and make the effort take the time turn to it mark 11 let your eyes rest on it remind yourself these are not my words but the wonderful holy powerful eternal Word of God everybody said out loud I love the Word of God his words are life to me and health and medicine to all my flesh these words are light to my eyes these words are truth that make me free hallelujah we love the Word of God which is another way of saying you love Jesus because he is the Word made flesh mark 11 and 22 for some weeks now we've been on the subject we've calling faith to receive faith to receive and this is our main text verse 22 jesus answered and said to them have faith in God the margin of the my Bible says have the faith of God for verily I say to you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith these are the words of the master they are true this is the way to operate people can mock and they can scoff but they don't realize who they're making fun of no preacher today or yesterday wrote spoke these words this was Jesus Jesus the master he's the one that said if you'd say it and not doubt in your heart but believe what you said would come to pass you'd have what you say oh y'all are just Hagar Knights copla Knights you know ders how about Jesus sites he's the one that said this right he's the one that said this somebody say I believe it just like this well if you believe it didn't you're to act like it writes your - you ought to say things and not doubt in your heart but believe that they come to pass verse 24 jesus said therefore I say to you now this is also continuing with the thought of having faith in God or having the faith of God what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them so those last two phrases are loud believe that you receive them and you shall have them sent two more times believe that you receive them and you shall have them one more time believe that you receive them and you shall have the what would this work on they said anything you desired right well I desire a well body well that's how that's how you get it I desire come out of debt and get get better off financially that's how you get it I desire wisdom to know what to do in my marriage that's how you get it right no matter what it is believe that you receive them and you shall have them the Bible says the just shall live by faith and the just we walk by faith and he mentions two different applications of faith it's not the only two but it's two of the main ones now in talking about this I want you to go over the first Corinthians 4 and then we'll find Hebrews 11 as well first Corinthians 4 and Hebrews 11 for years the church in large part has been working on the wrong side they're working on the god side anybody know what I mean by that they're working on the god end of it trying to get God to move trying to get God to heal trying to get God to bless and the church has been talked many many circles to beg and to plead so prayer in so many circles is little more than begging please God please God heal us please god bless us please God please God that is working on God's end of it like we're waiting on him to do it are y'all with me now how many stand much of the church world is doing this right much more is doing this than something else please God bless us god help us God heal us working on the God end of it but that's not what Jesus taught we just got through reading mark 11:23 and 24 did he say if you got a mountain in the way beg God to move it hmm bombard the gates of heaven press God until God makes the mountain he could have said it that way if that's the way it was and if that's what he wanted us to do but he didn't again and again Jesus instead of talking about the God end of it he talked about the man end didn't he and he would tell people again and again only believe your faith has saved you your faith has made you whole somebody say your faith your faith well that's not working on the God in that's working on the man end and after all that shouldn't be a big surprise to us that the man end is the one that needs to work not to God in not to God side God's already perfect God's faithful you don't have to plead with God to be faithful you don't have to plead with God to be kind and to be gracious and to be good he already is he was before you said anything let me remind you of some some of these cases don't try to turn to these but in Matthew 9 22 Jesus told the woman he said be of good comfort the woman with the issue of blood your faith has made you hold your faith made you well the blind Bartimaeus jesus said go your faith has healed you your faith has healed you you know the ten lepers came and we're healed and one of them came back to give thanks Jesus told him said rise and go your faith has made you well somebody say your faith has made you well what did it jesus said your faith did it now people want to get all you know annoyed about it and as you said are a preacher are you saying that you can initiate your own healing with your faith no no I wouldn't say that Jesus said it [Applause] Jesus told them their faith healed them now with Manette this has not been taught properly and powerfully and thoroughly enough because we still got millions of people that they don't believe this they don't live like this they're still back in God the way they do everything is to beg God and to plead with God and see if it's his will how would we know if it's just real well if it happens then we know it was his will if it didn't happen then obviously it wasn't his well that's confusion that's ignorant of the Bible the scripture said don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is that's why he gave us this Bible that's why he gave us the Holy Spirit for us to find out what the will of God is and then go for it and take our faith and receive it and lay hold of it can you say Amen so the work is on the man end not to God end and the faith is the determining factor again and again would you go with me to well you're you're in Hebrews 11 aren't you well that's a good place to well we'll read it while you're there first Corinthians 4 and 7 first corinthians 4 who makes you to differ from another he said in what have you that you did not receive did you see that phrase with them what do you have that you did not receive what's the understood answer to that nothing and in other words everything you've got you received how're you going to get it everything you want to get every you need to get how you going to get it you must receive it you must receive it your salvation your forgiveness of sin you must receive it and Jesus said it this way whatever you desire whatever you desire when you pray do what believe how do you receive it you believe you receive it now we said if you look up this word receiving it it's an interesting study if you care to do it some time if you don't have an Englishman's concordance or something like that it might be a little more difficult you can get a strong concordance and do it but look up the Greek word everywhere it's translated in the New Testament and you'll find that same word when he says believe that you receive that word for receive is just as often translated take or took just as often it's an interesting study and it begins to put a different light on it the word literally means to take to lay hold of so jesus said when you pray believe that you take it are Christians been taught to do that no they've been taught to beg and leave it up to God but you can't leave up to God what he's left up to you you can try but it doesn't work you ever played a game of checkers or chess or something like that and you're you playing the game and maybe you look you know though the guy was taking too long and and you're looking around and he moved and you didn't see it and you turn back look at the board you thinking father you say come on you know me so well I already moved you thought you're waiting on him to move but he's waiting on you to move God has already moved and what a move God moved at Calvary God moved at discouraging posts he moved at the cross Jesus took our infirmities he bore our sicknesses he carried our pains my stripes were healed he took our sins he took her iniquities he took the chastisement of our peace he was made poor for us right he has already moved and he said it is finished and he went to the heart of the earth and he destroyed death he's got the keys of death hell in the grain he's been raised from the dead he sat down at the right hand of Majesty on high he has already moved he's already done everything that he'll ever need to do to save anybody or heal anybody or deliver anybody he's already done it that's why Isaiah looking forward to the redemptive work he said with His stripes we wrought we are healed first Peter says though this side of the cross by His stripes you were healed it's already done no sinner is waiting on Jesus to save them by the same token no sick person is waiting on God to heal him hmm no broke person is waiting on God to prosper oh and this is the thing the church is stumbling over because carnal natural people walk by sight when are they gonna believe it's done when they see it when they feel it and that's gonna be too late to believe it you believe it when you can't see it if you hear people say well seeing is believing that's completely wrong the very nature of believing is when you don't see faith is the substance of things hoped for are expected it is the evidence of things not seen we walk by faith not by sight I mean if you see in it and feeling it it's too late to believe it that's why Jesus said what things are you desire you don't have it in your hands you don't see it you don't feel it you need it you want it you desire it so what do you do believe that you receive it believe that you take it come on somebody say glory to God believe that you take it then what will happen then your habit you'll feel it you'll see it but you don't wait till you have it feel it said then you're gonna believe you got it you got to believe you take it before you see feel and hear can you say Amen so what do you have that you didn't receive what do you have in God that you didn't receive from God nothing everything you have you had to receive from him you don't just wait for God to put it on you he's not just gonna push it down our throat he's not just go he's not gonna make people if he's gonna make people do anything he would make him get born again wouldn't he and he doesn't and if he doesn't do that then he's not gonna make us receive anything else it's up to us to come to him and to believe and to receive somebody said out loud I'm a believer and I'm a receiver are you I'm a receiver I'm a receiver are you gonna get good at receiving we're developing right at receiving well then Hebrews the eleventh chapter can y'all get excited about this today I'm excited about it don't think you already know these things now maybe you do know something about them but you certainly don't know all there is to know about it or even half what there is to know or even ten percent or even three percent and I could keep going so you need to hear these verses we need to hear these verses like we haven't seen them and heard them before because there's all kind of things in here we have not seen and heard before Hebrews 11 we just got the quote in verse 1 faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen but skip down to the eleventh verse 11:11 through faith also Sara herself received somebody say received received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised glory to God she had a miracle didn't she she had a miracle she had a miracle she had a supernatural conception and childbirth supernatural and how did she get it she received it and how did she receive it by her faith by her faith Jesus told people that had received their healing your faith made you whole couldn't he have said it a thousand different ways from that he could have said God and His sovereignty has seen fit to bless you he could have said my power healed you he could have said my faith did it he didn't say any of that and he could have What did he say was the determining factor in them receiving what others was not your faith made you hold your faith somebody say your faith my faith brother kenneth hagin who's in heaven now my my father in the faith he's laying on the bed paralyzed at age 16 doctors gave him up to die no everybody said there was no hope even the preachers that he needs you came in prayed for him didn't pray for his healing just patted his head and said just be patient my boy in a few more days it'll all be over there everybody's resigned everybody just waiting for him to die and he'd go in and out of consciousness for weeks at a time it looked like he's gone but he begins to read the scripture when he could that was his salvation wouldn't he begin to read the Bible that's why everybody at faith Life Church reads their chapter every day Monday through Friday and more than that if you want to but you but you do that as a minimum and he began to read it and he came across this woman that we referred to a few minutes ago the woman with the issue of blood press through the crowd touched His garment was healed jesus said be of good comfort daughter your faith has made you whole and he said the Lord ministered to him because he he had read in James and saw about the elders and the anointing of all and he tried to get somebody come and known him with all and he couldn't find anybody that believed in that he couldn't find anybody and so he thought well I can't be healed cuz I don't know of any elders that couldn't come pray for me I don't know of anybody that'll haunt me with all now can't be healed and he said the Lord ministered to him said did you notice it said the prayer of faith will save the sick did you notice that he said her faith made her whole because people had told him well that all that's been done away with you know and he said the Spirit of God spoke to his heart and said have you ever heard somebody say that faiths been done away with he said well no he said no and you never will for if there's no faith there's no believers and there's no church and here's the good news he said the Spirit of God spoke to his heart if her faith would make her whole your faith will make you whole the hurry to God he's laying there paralyzed and deformed organs and incurable blood disease but he got a spark a hope inside him if her faith would make her whole your faith we'll make you old somebody say my faith will make me whole say it again my faith will make me whole say it again my faith will make me whole well yeah but what if it's not God's will well it is his will but you're not convinced so your faith is not there so it won't work for you the Bible said all things are possible to people that go to church know all things are possible to him that believes he said these signs will follow them that believe among other things they lay hands on the sick they'll recover I've had people want a contestant arguing fussing with us and one guy told me one time he'd hurt me preach on healing he said well now I never saw a healing he said we don't we don't preach that at my church we don't believe that I said isn't that interesting you your folks don't preach it y'all don't hear it y'all don't believe it and you don't have it I said but we preach it and we hear it and we believe it and I pointed over there was laying on the table over beside me there was there was notebook this tall full of testimonies I said and we have it wonderful xeni connection well these signs don't follow them that our skeptics and doubt and disbelieve and Mark no it only follows them that belief now people Martin scoff at that but it's just the truth it's just the Bible how many only believe inside not to scoff inside not to skeptic mocker doubter questioner but the believer believer believer side now this woman received strength to conceive seed all this is descriptive of the homer miracle process she couldn't conceive when she was a young woman now she's gone through the change of life medically scientifically she can't conceive a child she can't carry a child but all things are possible to him or her that believes and when the word of the Lord came to them you remember she stood in the tent when angel of the Lord was there talking to her husband and told him about this time next year they're gonna have a baby him and Sarah and she laughed in herself she thought that was the funniest thing she had heard in a long time that her husband as old as he was and her as old as she was and barren when she was a young woman and they gonna have a little baby she laughed she thought it was funny unbelief laughs at the word of God but the Lord said turn dresser why don't you laugh and she got scared she said I didn't laugh he said oh yeah you did I submit to you though in order for her to be here in Hebrews 11 something changed some changed in sister Sarah she had a change of heart and a change of mind and after the Lord looked at her said would you laugh about that for she changed she repented and after that she believed that she received by her faith she received life and strength into her old body and something happened to her insides and something happened to her outside can you say men and before long she had conceived seed now they didn't see the child for months and how many know this is typical of miracles and how they happen you receive the Word of God you receive the incorruptible seed you believe you receive it you may not see anything but you have received Oh hallelujah and it may grow in you for months and it may grow in you for longer than that but it's real and one of these days you're gonna see it one of these days it's going to manifest where everybody can see it and hear it and feel it we got something to shout about today I mean we stood up for service after services so we're getting our buildings we're getting our lands and we sold seed you couldn't see it you didn't hear about any other didn't know about any of it but today we got buildings and lands sitting right across town Oh hallelujah and it works in every area of life and it works for everybody that'll do it that'll believe somebody say I'm a believer now go back to Luke if you would Luke the 18th chapter I wants to talk further about how we do this are you interested in knowing how to believe you receive don't presume that you know how how maybe you know something about it but we can no more Luke the 18th chapter I believe it is thanks be unto God Luke chapter 18 and about verse 40 or so they all hooked with me this morning help me out now stay with me Luke 18 and verse 14 this man came this blind man and cried out for Jesus and verse 40 Jesus commanded him to be brought near to him and when he was come Jesus asked the man what will you that I shall do for you was that question necessary huh the man's blind and he's crying for Jesus to have mercy on him and Jesus says what do you want is that necessary for him to ask such a question he might say well ain't it obvious I'm blind well no it is obvious you have not because you ask not and some people if you know we've been taught wrong we've been taught it's all up to God and it's not up to us and it's simply not true we don't believe that about being born again but people try to believe it about other things is it all up to God whether people are born again or not no has it already been done has the work already been done is it God's will for everybody to be born again then are they waiting on him to save them no can they initiate the new birth in their life whenever they get ready to yes they can but see people think that the rest of life is different and it is not it is exactly the same way for healing food being filled with the spirit being protected being prospered every other area is the same the just don't just get born again by faith they live by faith they walk by faith in every area so whether this man's healing is not just dependent on Jesus it's not just dependent on the will of God he says what do you want he needs to hear this man say it and what did he say what will you that I shall do for you he said Lord that I may receive my sight and Jesus said well if it's the will of God what do you say very very simple ver all this is so wonderful he said Lord I wanna be saved my side what Jesus say receive your side this is exactly the same word that's in mark 11:24 believe that you know no no I told you wrong on that one this is a word that involves seeing excuse me but it's obvious what he's talking about through the whole passage what do you want me to do I want to receive him aside but Jesus say receive your sight look at the next verse so what'd he do so what did he do immediately he received his sight and followed him glorifying God and all the people when they saw it they gave praise and they gave glory to God blind eyes opened healed is it really this simple can y'all stay hook with me a few minutes this way is it really this simple to get these kind of miracles today the man says I want to receive my sight jesus said will receive your sight so he received his sight and he could see is it really that simple mister you got millions of believers say well no that was Jesus and he could do that and he did it to prove this or to prove that but that's not what Jesus said I mean if that was true he could have easily said well now you know everybody don't get this but since you came to me today I'm gonna show you that I am the Son of God in fact he did not do that on specific occasions when people came and said prove to us give us a sign show you physician heal yourself the things we've heard you do in other towns do here it would have been a perfect opportunity for him to say I prove it to you then bring me some sick people and but in fact it says he could there do no mighty works didn't say decided not to said he couldn't I know that flies in the face of religion but it's Bible and you got to make up your mind whether you believe the Bible or whether you believe something else I want to receive my sight for save you sight okay and he can see he could see how many believe it happened just like this just like this this is not a fairy tale this is historically correct account man really was blind and he really could see it happened just like that why can't we see more of that today huh why not why shouldn't we healing school several years ago we were in a small group in the morning time and we would let people ask questions in the middle of teaching and ministering in this little small group I was standing I think about the second row a little bitty small place and I was talking about believing you receive this is years ago and lady I mean sitting right in front of me she put her hand up like this I said yeah she said is that saying I just believe I take it right now my healing and I got it I said well that's what he said she said well okay then and I just went on though did you she came up after the service she said look at this well I didn't know what that meant I said okay praise Allah she said no you don't understand I was paralyzed on that side of my body from a stroke hadn't been able to use that hand for months she said I wrote with that hand did they look at all these notes I took look at this how did it happen she said okay okay I just believe I take it right now and she did so so Wow Jesus just decided to move no no no no Jesus already moved back at Calvary we got to get our minds renewed somebody comes and gets born-again you don't say well Jesus decided to move and save them today do you but why did we change it around for all the areas because we haven't been taught no it was God's will to heal ER the day before and the day before and the day before and the month before he does not change and the provision has already been made but faith came up in her heart from hearing the Word of God to lay hold of it that day and she rose up and received it she believes she received it and it happened glory to God now this man he said I want to receive my sight Jesus said receive your sight so he did he received his sight how did he do it how did he receive sight what did Jesus say believe that you received he didn't receive it with his hands did he he didn't receive it with his mind this is not mental he didn't receive it with his feelings or with his emotions how did he receive it with his faith he believed he received it now if you could feel you received it you wouldn't need to believe you received it if you saw you received it you wouldn't need to believe you received it you believe you receive when it doesn't look like it it doesn't feel like it you've got nothing to tell you that you've received but you believe you have anyhow you will not be bold to believe you receive unless you are first convinced it's God's will and that he's already giving it to you and as we read in John 3 a man can receive nothing to himself a man can take nothing to himself except it's given to him from heaven so you got to know that first and so when people are still questioning well I don't know I mean I don't know about all that I mean if it's God's will this is then it's obvious your faith is not there that would explain why it's not working for you faith is real and it is precious somebody say precious precious the Bible refers to it as precious let me read a couple of scriptures to you along that line somebody say he believed he received first Peter 1:7 don't turn there it says the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold second Peter 1:1 says we have obtained like precious faith somebody say precious precious means it means rare it also means valuable valuable did you know the scripture said that when Jesus comes this is in Luke 18 8 when the Son of Man comes shall he find faith on the earth the understanding is that it's not just everywhere right shed this quick question says shall he find it another translation the new living says when the Son of Man returns how many will he find on the earth who have faith second Thessalonians 3:2 says not everyone has faith this is something we presume too much about we assume everybody's full of faith everybody has faith and it is not true and when you're questioning and you're wondering and you're wavering you don't have faith for that and that explains why it's not happening and why it's not going to happen but folk don't like it that plain do they they don't like a duck black and white millions prefer what I call no-fault religion what do you mean by that no matter what happens it's not my fault no matter what doesn't happen it's not my fault you just never know what God's gonna do which is not a scripture not a verse I wish everybody's with me this morning now you're not obligated to believe what I say but if I'm reading verses and you're a Christian you should believe these verses and you should be willing to turn loose of tradition no matter how much you have thought it was God and the Word of God when you see it's not it's time to turn loose of it right it's time to turn loose no we just always prayed and lift it up to God who said that was right let's get to the Bible let's do what the Bible says when you pray believe that you receive it believe that you take it and then you go have it can you get excited about having it then we need to get excited about believing we receive it because that happens before we have it before we experiencing it oh thank god somebody say precious faith precious faith your people say sometimes well I just can't believe that I I heard all that but I just can't believe I'm trying to but I can't believe that that is not true I can't believe is not true that's an inaccurate statement what is believing we've looked it up before we've talked about it to have faith and to believe is through the same thing it means to be persuaded of something it means to be convinced and to have confidence in something and it is a choice somebody say choice choice if I tell you something and I'm sincere and you look at mr. Keith I'm sorry but I just can't believe that is that true that you can't believe what I told you no no you have chosen not to believe me could you have chosen to believe me yeah well I hadn't seen it how would I know it's true well if you saw it and felt it it wouldn't be a matter of believing it when you haven't seen it and you haven't felt it then you just have to decide whether you believe it or whether you don't set out loud faith believing is a choice so when people say I can't believe that's not true they have chosen not to believe and when people say well you know I've heard all that about that healing but I did I'm just not sure I just I what about this and what about what we've always said and what about what the old song said and you know ain't Mildred always believed this and I just what is it obvious you as of yet have chosen not to believe it and that'll keep you out and that would explain why you're not receiving but could you choose to believe it let's go back to the new birth if we preach that Jesus came and he paid the price for our sins and we got a bunch of focus not born again and you talked to one of them and they're under conviction and you said don't you want to give you heart to the Lord and they said well I you know I've been to college and I have degrees and and I read books by famous philosophers and in different schools of thought and I've studied the different religions of the world and and I'm just too educated to use religion and need religion as a crutch like a lot of you poor ignorant people do and I just can't believe that with all the intelligence I have now what's the reality God has said something and you have chosen not to believe it and it is serious and you can play games with yourself and you think it's okay but you basically are calling God a liar and it will not go well with you and you will not receive and you will not experience miracles and you'll try you'll discounted and try to explain it all away but all the while life will not be good for you and you will not experience the glorious things that we're talking about because it only follows them that believe can you save me can you choose to believe can you choose to believe that you receive something that God told you that he bought and paid for you in Jesus can you choose to believe it no matter what you see no matter what you feel you say I choose to believe it we hadn't been to heaven we hadn't seen Jesus face to face we hadn't seen God sitting on the throne we got no physical evidence that we can convince some believers with shouldn't try it's not my job to prove anything anybody it's my job to believe it myself and live it myself and proclaim it and you have to decide whether you believe it or not but even though I have not seen it that's what Peter talks about though we haven't seen him we love Him and we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory and we receive the end of our faith even our full salvation hallelujah we chose to believe how many have chosen to believe you ain't been there you haven't seen it but you believe there is a throne where they Almighty Creator of heaven and earth he's sitting right there and in his right hand is a man a resurrected man the Son of God the King of Kings the Lord of lords I ain't been there I hadn't seen him but he's there and he's coming again and he's my savior and he's your Savior hadn't seen it but I have chosen to believe it can you believe it yeah anybody can believe it if you choose to and I have chosen to somebody save me to uh makes you wanna shout cuz it's true it's true Oh glory to God somebody say glory to God faith is precious can it really be that simple it has always been we tell people who don't know the Lord just come receive him just come receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior confess him as your Lord receive forgiveness of sin and receive cleansing and remission receive new life can they just stand up and say okay I receive him and in that action and saying does something actually happen inside them are they not born again which is a far greater miracle than any healing of anybody can it happen just like that yes well if we believe that about the greatest miracle of all why wouldn't we believe it about a healing or something else it works exactly the same way somebody say I believed I've received Jesus I believe I received forgiveness of sin I can believe I receive wisdom I can believe I receive needs met I can believe I receive healing the same way same way Jesus taught on this didn't he specifically when people came you know they they brought the four men brought the man lame up on the rooftop and they let him down and Jesus looked at him and said son your sins are forgiven you and all the religious leaders got mad and got upset and said who can forgive sin who does he think he is and they're still saying that about sons of God that stand up in their rights and privileges today who do they think they are well the problem is they hadn't found out who they are we're nobody in ourself but in him we are somebody and we have something and we can do something in him he said son your sins be forgiven you and they scoffed and mocked and got upset well then why did he say well which one is easier which one is easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say rise take up your bed and walk so we went right on and said go ahead take up your bed and walk and it did is it that simple is it that easy can you receive a miracle just as quick as you could receive being forgiven of your sins then why don't we see more of it happening we see some but why don't we see it as widespread that is easy and quick as people being born again because we've been taught this about being born again for centuries we have not been taught this for centuries about how to get healed but it's coming I said it's coming and our faith is coming up and we're getting to the place where just as easy for us to believe for a blind eye to be open or a deaf ear to be open and somebody to come there and get born again just as confident just as ready Oh hallelujah it is happening we are coming up faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and we are hearing it and it is happening say hallelujah now look with me in Matthew 8 you got a few more minutes Matthew we're gonna receive communion today and communion represents everything we've been talking about but I want you to see something that I think will make you shout the rest of the day right here I want you to look at both Matthew 8 and we're gonna turn right from there to first Peter 2 Matthew 8 and first Peter 2 there's a lot of talk about faith where there is not much faith faith is real and when you believe it's real and you get results and again and again people are not getting results and they're making excuses and it is not complicated it is simply lack of faith hidden know what Jesus told his own disciples why couldn't we cast him out he said because he unbelief why couldn't he do mighty works there in his own hometown he went round about the cities and villages teaching them why he marveled at their unbelief what was it that prevented the miracles unbelief and I heard brother Hagin say this for years and the older I get the more I see the the reality of it he said no preacher can do more than the crowd will let him in faith I mean once in a while the Lord will do some special thing independent of what anybody's saying in doing as a sign and a wonder but as a usual thing that is the case that if people if month most of the crowd don't believe it you're shut down you can try but it's just like trying to push against the wall and so the overall faith of congregations has been extremely low people come mindful of their own troubles and problems and won't help if they come at all and people don't come with faith we're supposed to get to the place brother and sister who are you and me bring something to church with us we come with faith we come with expectation and if when we do that we make it easy for others to get healed easy for others to get delivered maybe by their self at their house their faith is weak too but they come in here and get in an atmosphere and are just surrounded by faith and their thoughts and feelings of fears and doubts just leave I don't know where it went but all at once they're surrounded by this confidence in God and all at once they believe to friend will see miracles like popcorn popping the higher this gets but people have thought they're waiting on God and waiting for him to initiate the move and the reality is faith has been pitifully low and weak and folk come to church like they're coming to a show and sit to be entertained with no clue that you're supposed to be doing anything and people are hoping that the preachers got enough faith to carry us all our hoping that you know maybe there's other people in here I know I don't have any faith today but maybe there's other folk to make up for it what if they're thinking the same thing and what if 90% of the folk come expecting nothing watching the clock then it's going to be dull and it's going to be hard and it's going to be dry and folk ago blaming each other and blaming the preacher and saying it ain't the time and season and dispensation for the move of God and every other kind of thing and it won't be true but we are not pastors of such a church we're pastors of faith Life Church faith people living a life of faith people that are learning to excel in believing that they receive and when we come in here I mean by the time we walk up they're going oh yeah oh yeah they're gonna say something good we're believing here here we are oh here it comes here come watch watch watch oh yeah someone's gonna get healed today someone's gonna get delivered whoa something gonna happen and what if 90% of the folk are believing that and expecting it I assure you nobody's ever believed and was disappointed and let down in God he is faithful now look at Matthew 8 though let's get ready to receive Communion because I believe while we receive Communion today we can receive miracles because we can believe while we're receiving the physical elements we can believe we receive what these elements represent that was bought and paid for Matthew 8 Matthew 8 jesus healed the sick verse 16 healed all that were sick the last phrase says verse 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying read that for me himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses now the word take took is the exact same word that's in mark 11:24 and the word bear has to do with taking up if you're gonna tote something you have to take it up first before you can carry it and towed it how did Jesus take our infirmities and our weaknesses and our sicknesses how did he take our sins how did he do it he didn't do it with his hands he didn't do it with his head he didn't do with his feelings you know how you did it by faith he received it into his self by faith he didn't deserve it did he he had to take it by faith go to first Peter - I said did you get this little Mikey shot the rest of the day why would anybody believe they receive sickness why would anybody believe they receive sin why would they do it he did it for us he did it - take it take it off of us first Peter 2 and 24 Jesus who his own self bear that word bear it means to take up he took up our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed somebody say he took my sins he took my sicknesses how did he do it not with his hands but with his head not with his feelings he did it with his spirit with his believing by faith he took it into himself why so you by faith could take his healing so you and I by faith could take his righteousness o do you see how it works it works the same on both sides while he was tied to that whipping post while he was being scourge men could see what those individuals were doing to his body but what you couldn't see was happening inside of him it was far worse than what anybody could see on the outside he said nobody takes my life from me I lay it down he said I've received I've received this commandment from my father I got power to lay it down and I got power to take it up again I've received this from my father and so he of his own free will nobody made him nobody could he proved that when they all came to take him and he said I am and they all fell down on the ground ain't nobody taking him he's letting them take him somebody say he's my hero both what was he doing when he let him tie into the post and he's letting them beat him something else was going on he by faith believed he received every cause and source of every disease every cancer every growth every AIDS everything that would ever happen to mankind he by faith took it into himself Oh glory to God while he hung on the cross he believed he received the judgment and the punishment and all the sin of everybody that had ever lived and ever would live in humanity how did he take all that sin into himself he believed he received it by faith he took it on him and he bore it away and he paid the price for it how many know that sickness is not on him anymore that sin is not on him anymore he rose triumphant over it it is paid for it is put away it is gone he has taken it what remains for us to believe that we receive to believe that we take his righteousness his holiness his forgiveness his remission his cleansing his healing his wisdom his sanctification his Redemption somebody said I believe that I receive hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory just lift up your hands right now say thank you master thank you master thank you thank you thank you uh sure's get up and come right on thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Father praise you Lord bless your Holy Name glory to God glory to God what has he done for us what did he receive for us what did he bear for us what did he pay for for us well it's time that we received it it's time that we received it if you're in this place this morning and you never been born again you can be right now if you're away from God and you need to receive forgiveness and restoration you can right now need to receive a healing a deliverance maybe you've been on drugs maybe been addicted to pornography whatever it might be you can be delivered right now Jesus took all that come on listen to me now did he take all the sins did he did he take all the perverse perverted things did he all the sin pedophilia all the sins of unfaithfulness sin and debauchery huh every unclean thing did he take all that - yes he did how could him as spotless and clean as he is how could he take it only one way by faith by faith he took it into himself why so you could receive his cleanness his righteousness his holiness we're going to distribute the the bread and the cup we're going to receive today we're gonna release our faith we're not just doing this to be doing it now we're gonna release our faith and when you take these elements you're gonna believe you receive
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 34,196
Rating: 4.7917809 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, to, Receive, Pt, 8, Believe, You, Receive
Id: 56WumOeTWV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2012
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