Keith Moore Faith to Receive Pt 7 Steps to Receive

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turn with me please this morning to mark the eleventh chapter if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand we have extra Bibles things would be glad to let you use if you didn't bring a Bible with you today hold up your hand turn to mark eleven please mark eleven for a few weeks now we've been on this subject of faith to receive somebody say that out loud faith to receive and this has been our main text the wonderful famous mark 11 hmm my father in the faith Kenneth E Hagin who's in heaven now was born premature with the his internal organs and body was not default was not fully developed and and there was deformity and incurable blood disease and a number of things and they said he couldn't live and then eventually said he couldn't live past 16 and when he was about that age he's bed fast and dying he'd be in and out of comas for weeks at a time couldn't talk couldn't move and going just like medical science said he had to go and in the natural that was so but thank God he had something inside him that said there was help in this book so when he could was awake and he could sit up he got the Bible he got him to put it in his lap and she said sometimes it take him a minute to even slide a page over he was that weak and but he saw you to know how much time he had so he said it said Old Testament New Testament and he figured the knee was replaced the old and so he started the new and and he read he got to mark 11 and he didn't understand it but something inside him told him this is your answer right here you can be healed everything was telling him he couldn't be you can be healed and he saw what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them everything says he's got to die but he said something inside him well it was the Lord kept telling him you can be healed and this is your answer glory to God and finally it took him a little while but finally he said he just said it right I like I see it I see it I got to believe I received my healing well I'm still laying here paralyzed I got to believe I received my healing right now glory to God so he said he said I want to declare did I believe I received my healing I want to declare it to God and all the holy angels I want to declare it before the demons in Hell I want to declare it I believe I received my healing I believe I received my healing not just I believe God is a good God not just I believe God's got power what I believe I receive my healing now and he said something came up any spirit well it's thought he didn't know the Holy Ghost didn't know he's born again but he didn't know how to be led and didn't know understand those things but something came up to his mind says now you believe you're well he said I sure do I sure do he said the thought came up well people ought to be up this time of day well it was I don't know 10 in 9 to 10 in the morning or something and normally that be the case and and he said now you believe you well well people order be up he thought well that's right well that's right so he began to try to get up couldn't move but he managed to push one foot one leg off the size of it he said it fell off the side of the bed like a piece of firewood blue paralyzed and he pushed the other one off the Floop and he worked this way over till he got a hold of the bedpost and now he's off the bed but barely and he's sliding down the pole barely off the floor and he said I believe I receive my healing he said when he did the power God struck him in the top of the head he said it felt like warm honey just piled up on top of him and begin to ease down and he said it came down over his chest and down over his back and when it got to his legs that are paralyzed they begin to sting like there's a thousand needles all over well feelings coming back he said it hurts the bad maid he wanted to cry but it would hurt so good and he said in just a couple of moments he's standing there under his own power looks like a walking skeleton he's thin he's weak but he's standing there under his own power saying glory to God and went on from that place and preached the gospel for 60 years glory to God follow me to God and I'm one of the ones that called him dad right came up under his ministry what if he hadn't been what if he'd had died when he was 16 how would that have affected me how would it have affected you yesterday what I'm saying somebody say thank God for mark 11:24 you and I sitting up in here in this paid fire conditioned place because of mark 11:24 looking at each other today which is to say because of God because of Jesus he is the Word made flesh mark 11 look at it again if we just left now it would have been worth coming out for for me and a half mark 11:22 jesus answered and said to them have faith in God for verily I say to you that whosoever shall say to the mountain this mountain be thou removed now who's he talking to not to God not to the devil not to yourself talking to the mountain Ken Mountains here so we need major mind renewal in this area don't we because I mean Jesus spoke to the wind and waves didn't he Jesus spoke to trees in this passage didn't he Trina talking to God about the tree he's talking to the tree Jesus spoke to fever's a fever so most Christians talked to talk to speak to fevers our stomach aches or indigestion or our cancer our so-called inanimate objects no people to take your strange people think something's wrong oh man they need to go an institution you submersed and if they're talking to a tree there they're loopy they're off well no it's the world that's off because Jesus is right and the way he did it's the way he is the way but we need to get our mind renewed I remember reading that some years ago where you know Jesus came in and Peters mother-in-law was taken with a great fever and he spoke to the fever he's not praying he's not asking God to father to heal her he's not talking to Peters mother-in-law he spoke to the fever and rebuked it and said fever get out of here that's how Jesus operated and I thought he's talking to the can fevers here and I read the next verse it says and immediately it departed from her and I said I reckon so and I got a revelation I thought if fevers can hear cancer can hear tumors can hear come on now when I say we should not think this a thing strange because everything you see and feel came into being as a result of words being spoken well if it's how it was all created why wouldn't we think what would we be surprised that words could change it a words could alter it when words created it but see people have become educated and they know better than talking to the wind and the waves well apparently several people just last week stood up and spoke to that hurricane and said turn right turn and dissipate well I don't know if you saw it but earlier in the week that thing was headed straight for that place well we need to learn how to operate this way every day every day and every week is not just sit and wait and wait for things to fall on us and not just sit and wait and hope that God will notices let's do what he told us to do let's do it his way what's his way say to this mountain be thou removed well you're not mincing words then are you be thou removed be cast into the sea and keep reading what to say and if you won't doubt in your heart but believe that what you said will come to pass jesus said you shall have whatever you say people make fun of that but they don't realize they're making fun of Jesus they call us names that confess it and possess it that name it and frame it and claim it and blab it and grab it I've heard it all but they're making fun of Jesus because we didn't write this he's the one that said if you would speak to it and not doubt in your heart but believe that what you said came to pass you would have what you said Jesus taught us how to do it he did it himself and he taught us how to do it now verse 24 read that but both of these are talking about faith and having faith in God and having the faith of God one of them has to do with dealing with things that's in your way and in a problems others has to do with good things you want to receive from the Lord one of them is speaking to the problem not prayer verse 24 is prayer verse 24 what he say therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire that covers a lot of ground what if you desire to be healed that's what I just shared about brother Hagin that's what he said healing was not in that verse but more than anything he's a 16 year old boy and they told him he had to die and he's laying there thinking if I die now I'm gonna die never having really lived I mean he his home was broken he'd always looked forward to getting old enough where he could marry and have a family and have children he was looking forward to that and he and he said if I die now I've never done anything I've never lived he desired healing he desired a whole body more than anything else naturally materially but healing wasn't in there and yet it is I said and yet it is because it says what things soever you desire that would include your healing that would include your wisdom in your direction that would include your house and your card and whatever it is you need and then you want you business equipment your stuff right do you want it didn't you say whatever you need what do you say whatever you desire when you pray so it's right to pray and ask you have not because you ask not it's right to come and ask for good things when you pray believe and a lot of folks would agree with that but they don't go they don't go with the rest of the statement the rest of the verse believe what here's where people have missed it jesus said when you pray believe but he's very specific believe what believe that you receive them them what them things you desired them things you asking for you must not just ask ask ask ask ask and keep on asking and beg and bit religion has made beggars out of Christians well just keep begging just keep asking and it's just stuck to the Lord that's not right he told you to do something first of all you don't need to be asking for it until you're persuaded it's his will and then once you get persuaded it is his will you don't need to ask ask ask you need to ask and then you need to believe that you receive them and then what did Jesus say what happened you shall have them I'm more excited about this than I've ever been how about you glory to God glory to God I saw just a couple of weeks ago where somebody was slandering my name and saying negative things about us and I'm wrong and this and that in the other and and all I feel is sorry for them cuz they're missing out on all this they think they got a problem with me I didn't write mark 11:24 I didn't write this this wasn't my there and they're missing out and they're struggling and all these bad things are happening in their life and they're not resisting them you know you think about a man that has got a fine home and a fine family he's got to find a wonderful wife and beautiful children and he's got treasures in his house and he's got a fine house and he's a big man and he's strong and he's got 30 weapons he's got swords he's got knives he's got pistols he's got shotguns and he's a crack shot and bad people come to his house and he lets them walk in the door and they come to abuse his wife and his children they come to steal his stuff and he sits there and does nothing because it might be the will of God he's got power he's got ability he's got ways of stopping them but he won't use them he sits there and does nothing how many of them that would not be right we've got weapons come on now we have are the weapons of our warfare they're not carnal they're not natural but they are mighty they are mite through God hallelujah but we must use them we can sit and do nothing and be destroyed or we can rise up and say no you don't know you don't not in my house you don't I bind you up in the name of Jesus fever get out of here growth get out of my child in the name of Jesus be dissolved go go and if we've got all these blessings all these wonderful things that are bought and paid for and the Lord says they're yours come get them and we just wait and wait and beg and wait and beg and wait and live our whole life on a low low level you know there's so many people as soon as they get to heaven you know what they're gonna say oh you mean I could and we could you know it's gonna say I told you I've told you now friend let's not wait till then let's rise up let's become faith receivers let's become possessors let's become resistors of the enemy and watch him flee and let's rise up and lay hold and take possession of what's already been bought and paid for in Christ and be able to use it to better the people and be able to glorify God in it and with it you want to be blessed you want to be increased you want to be strong you want to be free and you want people to look at you and go man how did how did it happen me you look at him go you can have it - you can have it - you can have it now Jesus paid for it for you - belongs to you - but you can't wait around for it following you believe that you receive it we said that word literally means take ta ke believe that you take it and you shall have it first Timothy 6:12 you don't have to maybe they put it up on the screen for us first Timothy 6:12 what does it say fight the good fight of faith what's the next phrase lay hold what does lay hold mean this is actually some of the same words in the Greek as mark 11:24 lay hold what does that mean in the natural you you put your hand on it you get a hold of it you you take it you take it to yourself you receive it to yourself this is how you fight the good fight of faith you have to wade through contradictions you have to persist through hindrances and things that stand against you but you're going for it it's immensely going for it and you're gonna stay after it until you're standing in it until you're living in it until you're experiencing it because if Jesus taught enough for you and me to buy it and pay for it and bleed for it and die for it we are by him gonna have it let's make up a mind let's be strong let's be persistent sit out loud if Jesus went to the links shed his blood bought it and paid for it no devil's going to keep me out of it no confused people are going to talk me out of it if he gave it to me I'm gonna have it I'm gonna live in it glory to God got to be stirred up you got to be persistent got to be strong and we've looked at a number of things already concerning believing you receive and faith to receive but I want us to go a step further in this go to Hebrews the tenth chapter this latter part of this tenth chapter flows into the eleventh chapter the great so-called faith chapter Hebrews 11 and if what we're seeing is is right then you're gonna see it all through this eleventh chapter you're going to see them with faith too see and faith to lay hold but in introducing and in working into it look at Hebrews 10 and 38 10 38 says now the just shall live by faith the just shall not just get born again by faith not just miss hell by faith not just make heaven by faith but what live you know second Corinthians 5:7 says that we walk for we walk by faith and again this is this is where millions are missing it they think they don't agree with us and yet they already believe what we're saying but they limit it to the new birth hmm no I don't believe in just come in and saying I know it's mine I believe I receive it I take it now I don't believe in all that if you're born again you that's what you did you are a confess it possessive person and didn't even know it because you saw that Jesus has bought had bought and paid for your salvation and you came down and you said I see that and I believe I receive it I believe I received Jesus as my Lord and you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord you one of us you weren't a faith so no I'm not yeah you are yeah you are [Laughter] some didn't know if they'd like that or not you need to be glad about it you need to rejoice the problem is so many millions stop there though that's it that's it if we said well no now we just submit to the will of God and if it's his will for us to be born again then we will be but it's up to him no we don't believe that it's already done you have to go receive it and confess Jesus well no no no if you're gonna be consistent now with what you say you believe what we're saying is believe in you receive Jesus and not waiting on God to save you he's already done it come receive him today is right but you don't stop there the next morning after you get up from being born again it's time to do it again I said it's time to do it again in every area of life every day for the rest of your life you need to be believing you receive and confessing and possessing what he's bought what he's paid for you need to not just be born again by faith you need to live by faith walk by faith every day right and that's why we're faith Life Church the life of faith we know all about it no like at the conference this week when God had come up to brother Copeland some years ago and said you're not preaching the whole counsel of God he said you're right yeah you're right he said I don't know the whole counsel of God if I did I'd breach it but tomorrow find out I'm a preacher nobody knows at all nobody knows the whole Council of God and some people banner around the term Full Gospel in a superior tone well we're Full Gospel they're just part are you kidding me you kidding me that Paul had been caught up to heaven he's seen Jesus he's used to paying a large portion of the New Testament and he says we know in part we just know part right so I guess technically would be part gospel but let's preach all the parts we know and let's live all the parts we know and let's believe to get more parts [Applause] don't act superior maybe some maybe another group of Christians maybe they don't believe in healing like you do maybe they don't speak in tongues but they may have some parts you don't have right and don't be foolish and act superior if they love God if they're born again they're your brother I don't care what's over the door and you love them and you treat them right and don't act superior because you're not right and value what they have and if you do that it might open the door for them to value what you have and both what if what if who what if the whole body of Christ worldwide we put all our parts together where you would be an unstoppable force in the earth if the whole body of Christ if we just put all our manpower together and all our money together we take over the world right what it would we would you wouldn't have to go out and pick it anything you just buy it we don't want those stars in there well just buy them pay him free prices for it they'll sell it to you but and turn it into a gas station you know so we thought to little heavenly we got a big God big guy he said the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him what is the opposite of drawing back actually if you look at other translations it has to do with shrinking back and pulling back this is not complicated but trying to trick you know what what's the opposite of that what's the opposite of this hmm this is the opposite stepping forward stepping out is the opposite of pulling back shrinking back there's great insight right here without faith it's impossible to please God and here we discuss through reading if you shrink back you pull back you draw back he's not pleased what do we know then faith is not happening so what is he pleased with stepping out stepping forward moving out going for it yah with me or not this exciting to you or am I just happy with myself this morning read the next verse and this needs to be a confession of all of us was it say but we are not of them who draw back say it again say it again we are not of them who draw back he's into perdition or destruction but of them that believe to the saving of the soul get this get this here he equates believing was stepping out doubt - pulling back drawing back turn with me to the book of Romans the fourth chapter notice this Romans chapter 4 somebody say glory to God what pleases God faith according to this verse we just read what is faith what's another definition of faith stepping out somebody say stepping I stephannie stepping on what's the opposite of stepping out pulling back shrinking back that the word shrink is probably the most technically correct in our language streaking back which has to do with hiding it shrink back pull back actually one translation said let me see if I can read it here said the upright man will be living by his faith but if he goes back my soul I have no pleasure in him the do here M says my just man not just a man don't you like that somebody say I'm his just man my just man lives by faith but if he withdraw himself he will not please my soul the easy to read says the person who's right with me will live by trusting in me but I will not be pleased with the one who turns back in fear turned back goes back pulls back draws back that's unbelief now we read last week in numbers 13 and 14 we saw this painted as graphically as you can see it they sent out the twelve spies into the land you remember that they searched out the land they came back it was just like the Lord told him wonderful beautiful flow with milk and honey they brought back a bunch of grapes took two men to carry on the pole they said yeah but there's giants in the land and the Lord had told him go up get it I've given it to you now go possess it we read that to you from several different places I've given it to you go take it go possess it and what did they do what they do did they step out did they go get it no what'd they do they pulled back they drew back into their tents and they cried all night and they felt sorry for the self and the Lord was angry with them wasn't he we need to understand this friend unbelief angers the Lord why because it's a personal vote of no-confidence concerning him people talk about dark that well we all got some doubt and unbelief well you know all of us got a lot of unbelief we got to get rid of frim that's nothing to be proud of it's ugly which what you're saying is I don't fully trust God I know he's never lied I know he's never failed me but you know he might this time that's ugly I said that's ugly and that's what unbelief is that's what doubt is they needed to believe two things they needed to believe if he said he came from the land then it was theirs didn't they no matter what they saw no matter how many Giants and walled cities if he said it's yours they need to believe he said it's ours it's ours then secondly they need to believe they can take what God has given them he didn't say it'd all be easy he didn't say it all happened overnight he didn't said just fall on you but he's with you he's with you he will empower you he'll hold you with his right hand he'll help you he'll keep you he'll lead you he'll guide you he'll send you the help he'll Sydney the resources but I mean you can go to everybody and their brothers service and and seminar and you can get all the tapes and and you can pray and turn in a thousand prayer requests but at some point if it's gonna happen you gotta get up and step on right how many a man woman's gonna be born again that's what's got to happen thing I mean they've me preached to for years people can talk to them they can share with them then give them scriptures and do all kind of things but at some point if they're gonna be saved they got to get up right step out and say Jesus you're now my Lord I'm gonna receive you somebody say faith to receive faith is used synonymously with the phrase of stepping out and possessing laying hold now where are you right now good that's where I want you to be romans 4 romans 4 and 13 well 12 Abraham is the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only Romans 4:12 but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumcised notice is Abraham held up to us as an example of faith no question about it are we to operate like he did I mean if faith hasn't changed you got Old Covenant New Covenant but faith is exactly the same today as it was in Genesis faith hasn't changed never will faith is a god thing we read mark mark 11:22 have faith in God the margin says have the faith of God the faith that you and I walk in live in is a measure of his own faith so it can't change it's the faith he used to create the planet with right it is it was it existed a long time before the earth did but glory to God you and I are made in his likeness and image and he's teaching us how to operate how many know good parents that do good things teach good children how to do what they do right yeah they sure this is how mama does it this is how daddy does it and when they first start trying to do it they may not be strong enough they may not be there be able to put it all together but when they get to be an adult they could do it just like mama does it just like daddy does it oh he's training us I said he's training us he's training us to do it just like daddy how does daddy do it then he believes in his heart and he says it with his mouth and it comes to pass going to God but what's jr. supposed to be learning how to do who's jr. you and me are we not made in his likeness and image doesn't he call us his own sons aren't we his children didn't he didn't didn't the Lord say you know be imitators of him be imitators of God as dear children this is how he operates how big is this how far does this go this goes beyond this life you know what you and I are gonna be doing a million years from now you know what you're gonna be doing you ain't gonna be fixing your hair and you ain't gonna be washing clothes or iron it you won't be cleaning no floors you know what you still will be doing though you will still be believing in your heart and saying with your mouth come on come on only you will be doing it on a level that you haven't even imagined yet Oh glory to God how else do you think we're gonna rule and reign with him how the Kings rule and reign listen what we gotta keep oh yes we are Jesus is the king of kings he is the lord of well who's the kings he's Keinath it's not the angels Bible says no you're not you shall judge angels they're sent to help us minister for us and to us we are the kings he's king of how do Kings rule and reign they want a ditch dug they do not look for a shovel come on now the king wants a ditch dug he doesn't look for a shovel what does he say let the ditch be dug he sits right there on the chair come on now he sits right on the chair he says let the ditch be dug now and people start moving and equipment fires up right that's how God operates and oh oh oh oh oh oh oh did you know that you and I even though we were were dead in trespasses and sins now we have been raised up together with Christ and made to sit sit sit together with him in heavenly places at the right hand of the majesty of God on high so do we need to be learning about faith to receive you know we need to be learning about it we need to get started in this thing because it's about to break out on a level that we have an imagined he's coming I said he's coming he's coming soon and very soon and the kingdoms of this world all of them shall become his there will be no more nation of this nation if there'll be no more USA it'll only be kingdom of God and you and I are going to be given authority over different parts of it and we're going to rule how do you think you're gonna do it it won't be an unbelief how will you rule and reign how will you take care of it how will you be over cities are bigger how are you you will do it by this by believing in your heart and saying with your mouth and you will have begun to learn it here and now 2007 Branson Missouri only you'll just take it to the next level glory to God somebody say glory to God glory to God come on just lift up your hands and praise Him a little bit Lord we worship you for this oh we give you glory oh we give you glory glory to your holy wonderful name thank you for including us in your family in your wonderful plan of redemption thank you teaching us how to operate like you do thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody said out loud faith pleases God I want to please God so I live by faith amen go with me if you would to Matthew the twelfth chapter well I'm moving a little too fast on ya this is not on the way but go to James 2 and then we'll go there I think James too and then we're going I think to Matthew 12 we read in in numbers 13 and 14 we saw how those guys searched out the land they came back most of them had an evil report they said we can't do it in other words they're saying it's not ours and we can't take it we can't take it so therefore it's not ours and though they might not have been meaning to do that they basically called God a liar did you hear me that's serious man it's why I made him angry made him angry we need we need to see things for how they are he didn't look at him and go bless your hearts you're just too dumb to understand I know you're so weak and I can't expect much no no no he did expect more than that out of them they've seen miracle after miracle they've seen what he can do he just destroyed the whole army of one of the strongest nations in the world all their hardware and horses and spears and swords and soldiers are laying at the bottom of the sea so they know he can do it I didn't say they believe he can do it they know it they've seen it they've been there they've experienced it so they should be ready to believe it again right but they didn't they said no we came which means no sorry it sounded good it would have been nice but no we can't take it they're too big they're too strong for us and we can't do it what they were saying is God can't do it and he's wrong and it's not right he didn't give it to us it's not ours we can't take it so they drew back they shrank back they pulled back it displeased God where are you James - you know it but let's look at it again James the second chapter he said - 14 what does it profit in other words what good is it what benefit does it bring what results does it gain my brethren though a man say he has faith and have not works can faith are the connec kind of faith save him deliver him heal him bring him any results what's the answer is there a faith that is not living faith a dead faith that is all talk and no action and will it get your bills paid will it get your body healed no what will it do for you nothing nothing but there is a living faith and you might want to write this down living faith acts a CTS living faith acts if there's no action then what is it it's dead faith now keep reading verse 17 even so faith if it has not works is what what's dead faith is there such a thing as dead faith we see it very plainly right here dead faith well this is not a dead faith Life Church which it would be if all we did is come and sit if all we do is come and sit we don't pray we don't give we don't work we don't obey Him we don't step out then it's a dead faith left Church but there's a living faith it's the faith that pleases God and tell me what living faith does living faith acts living faith doesn't draw back string back living faith steps out this is bear witness with your spirit living faith steps out that you need to know where you step in before you step mr. hua will step I must ask where where you go step for you step you need to have heard from the Lord you need to have got it straight from him that this is yours he said faith if it has not works is dead being alone skip down to verse 26 he says it for the third time if he said it wants it have been true third time for emphasis as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also dead now hold your place in Matthew you can lose this one but go to what is it Joshua go to Joshua please the first chapter man we're getting somewhere today God is helping us today and is today gonna be the end of it we go remember it tomorrow and the next day Oh glory to God people all over this church gonna be stepping out people watching by internet that a part of this church is gonna be stepping out God's gonna show you so that's yours boy that's yours girl go get it and you say here I go what's out look out here I go don't know how don't know who don't know from where but here I go here I go stepping out I do not want to be a part of a dead bunch that sits around and talks and does nothing do you know no life's too short for that it's too much we can have and do to live like that Joshua one are you there let me remind you of what's going on at this juncture numbers 13 and 14 they spied out the land they said too many Giants too tall too big too many walled cities can't do it it's not ours sorry no wrong but two guys two guys Joshua and Caleb had a different report didn't they this is no no no no no no hush up quit your cryin quit you feeling sorry for yourself go get your sword go get your shield saddle your horse let's go get it now let's go take it now because we are well able we are well able they say we can't do it no way no how would they say we're well able well able to take this land the Lord is not helping them their defense is gone from them they don't worship God they pray the rocks and stones they curse our God God is with us and he said it's ours he said he picked it out for us said he gave it to us let's go get it now but they were democratic and the majority ruled and so they wandered around out in the desert for 40 that's four zero for decades and subsisted in a hot dry place without choices so after 40 years of that all of doubters and unbelievers died out Joshua and Caleb was still alive and all these kids that have grown up out in the desert now 40 years think about it 40 years boring out there was 2 years old when they got out there they're all adults are grown and you know what they are fed up with sand and scorpions and mom and daddys unbelief yeah it's mama yeah it's daddy and grandpa and grandma and they love them but they are fed up with their own belief and their groaning and moaning and whining and we can't do it they are fed up with it and the longer they hear it more and more of them are gravitating over to Joshua and Caleb campfires in the evening because they are the only ones that do anything besides cry and whine and complain [Music] [Applause] Joshua and Caleb forty years in the desert still sitting over talking about I'm gonna get my Mountain I don't care the rest of them you know what they won't do but the Lord told me I was going in because he know he did concerning can both of them he said they gonna those ten spies it brought up the evil report before me and influenced this whole bunch against me they gonna die but Caleb had another spirit what spirit was that we got that same spirit secondly Chris is four so we got the same spirit of faith what they believed so they said it we also believe and so we say it so we know for 40 years that Caleb and Joshua are believing it and they're saying it what are they doing we going in we're going in I'm taking that they had to do something to help themself those forty years out there what would they do how they're seeing is sand and dust and problems and griping and complaining but they'd have to talk to each other man you need faith buddies Caleb said man you remember that uh that orchard we saw over there you remember that stream that ran through the thing was just as clear I mean it looked like glass you remember that he said I remember that I'm having one wants to yell me too he said you remember you remember that grove of trees how about that house that was on that hill man and that big shade tree and they're swinging out in the backyard I'm having me one of the Chuck heal up some I had two of them I'm not too but if you're gonna have to I'm gonna have three will fine fine will have will have three apiece they talk this for 40 years now the chapter you're in it has come time to quit talking to quit talking and do it Joshua 1 are you there Joshua 1 and 1 what has happened after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses minister saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore what does arise mean get up come on tell me what pleases God what doesn't please him join back shrieking back sitting down what pleases him then your it's a good study to go through and see how many times God and how many times Jesus said arise that sound familiar arise take up your bed and walk arise all right get up go arise get up that's faith talk arise go over this Jordan you and all these people to the land which I do give to them even to the children of Israel now get this get this verse 3 how is it going to work what's God's Way every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon I'm going to give you now you're not reading it you're not reading it you're not reading it read it read the text what do you say every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given to you like I told Moses 40 years ago say nothing changed but what's going on now what's he saying he said I told them the same thing but now here has come down to the wire do you have the faith and the courage to go put your foot on him because they've already given it to you now you're gonna go put your foot on it now let's just stop right here I'm gonna know before you lace up your shoe what do you need to know a man can receive nothing a man can lay hold of nothing except it be given him from heaven don't assume don't presume don't you say well I'm gonna go on I'll own a claiming rampage no no there were some things he told them don't you try to possess it because I hadn't given that to you we read that last week that's not yours don't try to take it but once you know once you've heard from him I've given it to you then it's not just gonna fall on you you're not just gonna enjoy it automatically now what do you got to do it's time to get up it's time to go it's time to step out it's time to put your faith on it take steps toward it a thing after things the way the Lord's led us every one of them I mean the details have been different but it's happened the same way when we came here we didn't know anybody we didn't have money we didn't have a congregation who didn't have buildings we didn't have lands all we had is this the Lord actually said this to me he said I am giving you the best of Branson that's what he said to me and he said it to all all our staff all of us and all our bunch they had houses they had stuff in Tulsa they had routes they had tenure there every one of them jumped up sold it all followed us out here moved in together sacrifice work day and night quiet they believe that word I said they believe that word and for them to it's coming to pass that they are getting the best of Branson well you're our bunch now too I said your hard bytes now too and he has given us the best of what's here now what's the time to do it's time to push to arise to step now you have to follow the Lord every step of the way ever you don't don't assume don't presume but we came and we didn't know what to do we took a step as far as we could and that's as far as we could go we didn't know what else to do but by the next morning the Lord changed it so we could take another step so it took another step and sometimes you go as far as you can go and looks like well that's it I can't go no further but the Lord changes it and makes a way and now here we are looking at you you looking at me we got a family we've got resources we're doing the work of God can you say Amen but nothing would have happened if we'd have been scared if we'd have been pulled back if we'd have drawn back it's true for every Church it's true for every ministry it's true for every family it's true for every man and woman and young person number one find out what God's given to you read your Bible come to church search and pray find out from the Word of God and from the Holy Spirit what God has given you yeah and then what then what everybody stand up everybody stead arise huh once you have found out what the Lord has given you what happens next now you must step out and free place the sole of your foot shall tread upon shall be yours the scripture I had you holding I'll read it to you it says Jesus talked about actually in Matthew the 11th chapter he said the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent do what they take it by force Luke says it like this Luke 16 he said the law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it I'm gonna send that's the opposite of pulling back drawing back what's pressing into it taking it laying hold of it hallelujah close your eyes lift up your hands before the Lord said out loud glory to God father god I am yours you are mine you're a faith God I'm your faith child faith pleases you faith is your way so that's my way it's how I live it's how I walk I am a possessor I am a receiver in Jesus name Oh hallelujah let's praise him son Lord we bless you Lord we bless you Lord we bless you [Music] we bless you we bless you and bless you and bless you [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 22,293
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, to, Receive, Pt, 7, Steps, to, Receive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2012
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