2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Fundamentals of Faith – Believe, Say and Do (10:30 a.m.)

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we're talking about the fundamentals of faith and let's go to our our text for this study which of course is in the 11th chapter of the book of Mark mark chapter 11 verse 22 23 24 and 25 Jesus in verse 22 says unto them have faith in God that is a profound statement have faith in the cross references has the have the faith of God it is God's faith amen for verily I say unto you that whosoever so this is open for whosoever whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart or in the inner man but shall believe believe what Lord believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said now I want you to notice verse 24 he immediately put this law into action therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses now for clare clarity's sake this morning let me read this 24th verse like this therefore I say unto you whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe in now you remember Thomas said I will he's stating a statement of his will he said I will not believe so let's use those same way those same words I will start believing when I see his hands and when I put my finger in those holes and when I put my thrust my hand into his side I will not start believing until there you know that pretty well sums up the whole transaction does when you see how how simple that is and Jesus you remember what Jesus said to him he said Thomas you know I said give me a hand and soul and so on he said My Lord my god he said quit being faithless he had not exercised any faith he chose not to but then he said here's that word again blast blast the blessing is released blessed are they who have believed and not seen that's what starts the blessing amen choose to believe the decision is yours the decision is mine we make that choice now let's let's in as a refreshing let's also read second Corinthians chapter 4 13 first please we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore we speak now Romans chapter 10 and look at the tenth verse for with the heart with the inner man man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation I want you to make a note of the word unto confession is made unto it confession with the heart man believes but with the confession of the mouth confession is made unto the results that that's the first two steps believe it in your heart then say it with your mouth now that's the first the very first fundamental of faith and let's go now to the Book of Luke please the sixth chapter of Luke and we will look at the 43rd verse for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit neither does a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree is known by his own fruit for of thorns men do not gather figs nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes a good man or a faith man a good man out of the good treasure of his heart good deposit of his heart if you don't put it in there it's not there bring it forth that which is good an evil man now he's not talking about wicked people here that you find in the book of Hebrews that an evil heart is a heart of unbelief that that's the evil he's talking about and an evil man someone that's been depositing things in their spirit and I can without going into it all that much but you'll see it when I say it a person that's continually depositing things that are not of faith fear fear is not a faith and you feed on fear all the time that's what's in there now see the the person that's never been born again their spirit produces fear there's a you might say it like this there is a fear fountain inside the old the new creature the born-again the the person the old man passed away I don't then it's the spirit being the inner man the old man passed away behold all things became new and all things are of God in that inner man so now instead of a fountain of fear there's a fountain of faith in there this new man is a faith producer the old man was a fear producer the only way you're gonna get fear in there after you've been born again its defeated in there where you feed on it all the time it made a lot it'll go from your head down into your heart it shouldn't be in there and perfected love will cast it out oh I'd like to get around mess around in that a lot amen now I'm talking about casting it out I'm talking about and I'm talking about just managing fear I'm gonna get rid of it I mean get rid of it make praise go what's gone all right now let's finish reading this a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringing forth that which is evil for now here's the spiritual law for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks now that is a law of the Spirit and you cannot change it it cannot be changed you can change what your spirits than your mouth says but you cannot change the fact that what's in there is coming out your mouth and let's take what Jesus said what's coming out your mouth is coming to pass hey thank you Lord thank you Lord Jesus now then the second part of this is to act on your faith James chapter one let's refresh our memory of that the book of James what a powerful book my momma James chapter 1 verse 22 be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own self for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholds himself and goes his way and straightway forgets what manner of man he was and we talked about that yesterday the reason you don't know exactly how long your nose is or exact distance between your two eyes it's because you never made the decision to find out that's what happens when you're not a doer of the word you hear you're reading the word and enjoying the word and you go to Bible study and you do all of that but never ever made the decision that I'm gonna act on what I find in this word years ago I mean Gloriana is one of the the first of the many seminars of brother Hagins that we went to he started in 1968 that year he had five ten day seminars to services a day and glory and I made up our hearts and minds we're gonna be there and we scheduled that here and and one of them and you know it can get really really cold and icy in Tulsa and I mean to tell you there was an ice storm and Gloria and I just slipped and slid all the way over there and there wasn't a whole lot of a sir but I mean brother Hagin you know him they did if we'd have been only two there he'd have preached the whole thing and but during that and during read at the beginning of one of those seminars he said all of you that would like to be a part of what I'm about to say to you and acting on the word I want you to stand well court cooler and I just left her feet he had us open our miles and here's what we pray father whatever I see in your word with your help and by your grace I will do it when I understand what your word is saying to me I will act on it I will put it in my life now here is the key from this day forward your word is final authority in my life and then over the years this developed out of it Angora in my life and we we we added this to it and I'll say it to you like this do not ever ever ever ever don't ever ever ever ever never ever never ever never never never ever ever ever alter the word to fit your lifestyle no no make your decision right now I do not alter the word to to fit my lifestyle I altered my lifestyle to fit the Word of God hallelujah whether I really like it at the moment or not because when you do it you find out you like it because it gets results and whatever hit pause you know whatever it was that you were trying to alter up there needed to be changed that needed to be that's where the alteration needed didn't take place so say that with me I will not with God's help ever alter the word to fit my lifestyle I alter my lifestyle to fit the Word of God from this day forward the Word of God is final authority in my life or just blesses you to say that hallelujah thank your Lord now let's go to the second chapter of James and read the fourteenth verse what does it profit my brethren though a man say he have faith and have not works can faith save him if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace being warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit how did you do them any good even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone and as as as we said Monday substitute the word corresponding action to the word work action that corresponds with your faith I'm thinking right now about a woman that was praying for I believe as a son quite sure it was something that was gone she had no idea where he was and so she had she been praying for him of course and and she began to get hold of some of these things she said I'm acting like he's gone all the time I cry about it I go on about it I act like he's gone I don't know where he is I don't ever hear from him and all that she said no I don't have any corresponding action so she got every day when she prepare a meal she she set the table for him and she said you know she did walk in there and act like he was there and it was in just just a short time after that that young man came oh well of course when she began to do her part man I mean the Spirit of God went to work on that kid brought him home that's good yeah that that's that's my that's a that really the that's a study in itself that how to correspond had a brother hanging you say it like this act as though they're just just act like the New Testament is true it's really true God really said you have what you say he really said that Oh always tickles me I haven't heard anybody say this a long time but I heard in times bet well brother Copeland that saying stuff just doesn't work for me really it just did that's what you've been saying and what you've been saying needs to be changed and if you begin to say thank God I have strong faith my brother cover my faith not strong I know cusco's you keep saying my face not strong now Monday night we talked about this and but I wanna I want to mention it to you again right now let's go over to second Corinthians chapter 4 I'm excuse me Romans chapter 4 verse 19 Abraham being not weak in faith not weak in faith considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong and faith giving glory to God being fully persuaded what he had promised he was able also to perform now let me ask you how many of you here today believe you really believe that God is able being fully persuaded how many of you are fully persuaded that what he is promised he's able to perform [Applause] now notice what you did when you raised your hand what you do Oh glory to go what are you doing giving glory to God you just you just proved you have strong faith because you gave glory to God and you're funny persuaded he's able to do what he promised you've just proved you have strong faith now don't ever say again my faith is weak no no no no no well I don't know that I'm fully persuaded we'll get busy get busy amen get in the word but don't ever say again I'm not fully persuaded just keeps I'm fully persuaded I'm telling you couldn't beat it out of me with a bat I'm fully persuaded I'm saying I'm fully persuaded I'm fully persuaded one more time I'm fully persuaded that my God is able to do everything he's pumped and I give him glory this money [Applause] now let's go to the fifth chapter of Mark and look at the woman that was healed of the issue of blood verse 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole and straightway or immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague now I want you to notice something she believed before she ever felt anything she didn't feel anything until after faith had done its work she didn't feel her faith but she felt the impact of that power that went into her and she knew she not only knew she felt it she she felt whatever it was changed in her body she knew she knew it she felt it when it dried up supernatural drying praise God Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue or power Dunamis had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes his disciples said unto Him thou seest the multitude thronging thee and says thou who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and behold of that play of thy play now she'd had this thing for twelve years so if she's made whole then everything this disease had caused her over 12 years was now fixed I don't care what it was it's now fixed if that had caused her not to have a family that's fixed everything suffered many things of many physicians had everything that had happened to her because of what different physicians had done to her body now they did surgery back in those days so whatever it was man is fixed absolutely fixed glory to God thank you Jesus now she spent all that she had so obviously I mean this woman obviously was a woman of means she had she been going to doctors for 12 years but they not only messed her up now she's broke but the prosperity of God was at least in her life because she wouldn't have been made whole jesus said your faith made you who thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus now why did Jesus say your faith has made you hope we know that it was the anointing how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power Dunamis that was the denominator and healing so he was doing good and healing that day right but notice he didn't he didn't start this operation she did huh now think about it here the Spirit of God didn't say stop right here Jesus because there's a woman I want to hear know what stopped him her faith because he was aware of the power flow but it would not have foud had she not touched him huh [Music] hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus that is a very important fact so her faith made her whole now what else do we know about her well we know that faith doesn't work in an unforgiving heart so we know she's not holding anything against any of those physicians what had she heard well we know she heard the word because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I just I mean I just just that's a good Texas word anything I just I I'm convinced that the word she heard is why she forgave the words she heard changed her whole outlook on this whole situation the word that she heard from the master Dorit God changed her whole life before she ever crawled out there into that stream and the word she heard stirred up her faith hallelujah to the point she couldn't stay in the house any longer but what if she had certain woman had an issue of blood twelve years suffered many things though she had when she had heard of Jesus she came when she heard the word faith came then she came she got up and got out of there against all the circumstances everything everything she saw was against her she's bleeding she doesn't have any right to be out in public with an issue blood there's Jay iris right there behind Jesus of course she knows who Jay iris is he's the leader of the synagogue and this this this whole thing happened on the same street of that synagogue in Capernaum and Jay iris is right there they're headed toward Jairus his house which is next to the synagogue which is next to Jesus house and she sees them well you know the devil as well as I do you know what he's saying he's saying things like you can't go out there you can't do this look look at yourself you're bleeding now you're skin and bones you look like death itself and and come on yeah I think you know they do you remember now they can stone you for this and can't you just imagine what's going through her mind well so what it ain't gonna be but a few more days I'm gonna be dead anyway I'm bleeding death well what difference does it make no no no he's not gonna stone me I know because of what I heard Jesus not gonna let anybody stone me he's not gonna let Jay iris told me he's not gonna let anybody else told me because I've heard his word I've heard his word I've heard his word I'm going out there I've heard his word I'm gonna be there now she had in her mind she pictured this thing in her mind that that all this crowds coming by there and I'm gonna sneak out there and I'm gonna touch that garment I'm gonna get my heated and I'm gonna get out of here didn't work that way did it and we're still talking about her 2,000 years later hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory she heard she said she came and touched say she heard she said she came in touch so you can see where she put those fundamental forces in the action nothing complicated about that she heard she said and she did she acted on it now number four faith will not work in an unforgiving heart now excuse me we've talked about that some let's let of course we read it down in mark 11:25 so let's look at that again I had never noticed this until I heard brother Hagins say it in verse 25 when you stand praying forgive if you have owed against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses now God is always disposed to forgive I'm the next one that's his whole thing and did you enjoy Creflo Lesnar Oh could I I don't know how long I could have stayed out of it buckets is hell ever just so good but and I was thinking through that whole thing listen and I talked about it Monday night and God went to Abram Abram wasn't looking for a covenant God was looking for a cousin why he wanted him back he wanted Adam back the first thing he did without him he killed an animal and dressed him he made a covenant right there right there in the garden I mean the first thing he did was to make a move to get him back and the first listen to me the first thing that God did with Adam the questions that he asked him were tailored to give him an opportunity to repent now the scripture says the woman was deceived so God wasn't talking to her and in that situation if he'd gotten the right answer out of Adam he could have dealt with Eve that was no problem she was deceived but he blamed it on his wife instead of taking responsibility man trying to meet his own needs without God you make really dumb decisions really can you imagine a man and a woman that have no earthly idea what the word so means and they sewed together a fig leaf suit would you like to have seen that the thing that had happened they had never seen their naked bodies because they were clothed with the glory God all the animals think about it every every animal God created is clothed from the inside out there's really no such thing as a naked animal they they grow their own clothes listen and the man was clothed from the inside out with the glory of God God had crowned him with his glory they look exactly like Karl there was not one there was not one slight difference between the two of the sleep amen and when they did what they did that at light went out now you have to understand they were not limited in their natural vision think about this think through this Phil Driscoll sitting here and we discussed this because Phil's made a the one of the most impactful studies and ministries of praise and worship of any man alive and when you find out and really study and let the Lord open your thinking music and pray before Lucifer fell he was the praise he was anointed praise and sound not only could be heard it could be seen with our natural physical vision today what was it feel it we actually see about three percent of the color spectrum and it I believe that's what you told me about three percent of the color spectrum it's all human beings now can see three percent there's ninety seven percent of the color spectrum we ain't never seen before but Adam could see it all he could see the whole thing so could his wife can you imagine no you can't because there's colors there that we don't know to our eyes they don't exist oh I can hardly wait to get into that throne room I want to see what a real rainbow looks like and not this little watered-down thing that we see but the real thing now you can understand why the moment they fell from that level they were functioning here above the light line heaven is from the light line upwards earth is from the light line down God said light P and light was now that's 186,000 miles a second the speed of light everything in heaven is operating at that speed and above whatever stuff that but we got slowed down below the light line can you see that and when and and we got limited so a person a human being that had seen the glory and had seen all of this and all of the glory suddenly fell below that and he's so limited he can't see it anymore it's like everything ever everything went analog it had been aged be super HD and all of a sudden it's black and white it would look it would look that way because 97% of the color was gone no wonder it frightened them they'd never seen ugly before nothing was ugly well glory to go now then she heard she said she did she came and touched faith will not work in an unforgiving heart we saw that mark 11:25 Galatians 5:6 for in Jesus Christ well there's the word Christ let's stop and translate and then meditate for in Jesus The Anointed One and his anointing neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love so in Jesus in his anointing everything that has to do with Jesus everything it has to do with his anointing and that anointing is in you on you amen circumcision avails nothing what does the male faith faith faith his faith of Jesus yes is the anointing of Jesus absolutely which works my love well of course it does [Laughter] god is love he doesn't have love he is love God is love it is God's faith amen let's go over to first Corinthians chapter 13 say it faith works by love thank you 13th chapter now the 12th chapter is where the Spirit of God through the Apostle Paul began talking about the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and how he works how he manifests himself and he talked about 12 manifestations of the Spirit of God now then coming into the thirteenth chapter verse 31 of the 12th but covet earnestly the best gifts yet I show unto you a more excellent way though I speak with the tongues of men and angels that is a very important statement though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not agape now I was curious for a long time and I couldn't make up my mind it didn't seem like I had anything to satisfied me why they the old translators used the word charity and the Lord helped me with that they were doing their best to prote portray selfless giving love charitable a love that just wants to help everybody that's got any kind of problem it's it's just it's a charitable it's a giving love well and to over the last you know a lot of years now since that was translated they the use and idea of the word chair has changed it today it's not nearly as important a word as it was back when that was translated but Hugh and I know what is talking about it's talking about the love of God though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal once we see that now it's very simple here what's happened God is love he just talked about 12 manifestations of God the Holy Spirit all of these manifestations of the Holy Spirit have to have faith accompanying oh it doesn't work in the first place all that is not of faith is sin amen so it doesn't tape it's just a few seconds here that took a look at that and go through that and see what's happening here unforgiveness and and all of the things that have to do with that you you may still be moving to operate in the gifts and and so forth and so on but we can see right there faith let me put it like this which worketh by love say it like this for faith worketh by God it's God's faith so when unforgiveness is present it you just choked it away so it that that needs to be right up on top of the list you judge yourself you check yourself two things you want to check number one you want to check your love life in God number two you want to check the soil you need to get a good soil sample what kind of soil are you amen are you stony ground or you throw any ground are you good ground now what was God after for the good ground one hundredfold hey he's always after outer Bowl [Laughter] hallelujah thank you Lord God so turn this turn this thing around and say I have loved therefore I do speak with the tongues of men and angels glory to God now there may be in times that God wanted to wanted to say something through your heart and mouth to angels or to Devils but your tongue speaking was nothing but a bunch of noise now I'm I don't think I'm gonna mess around in that any further I'm just going hand that to you let you take that to the Lord amen but now you can see right there you can see right there when Satan has thought speaking in tongues he thought that and thought that and fought that well of course you would too because he can't understand a word of it he can't get in on it it is a supernatural means by which we communicate with our Father glory to God hallelujah and now there people say well you know that's not for today well now if it isn't then the people of the Bible had a way of communicating with God that's not available to me well the new birth was the same I was born again with the same new birth they were born again amen so why would I get well you see brother Cooper we don't need it anymore come on just get out on my site to tell me we don't need it we made it worse than anybody I need all I can get anyway that didn't what I came here to talk about this morning but I wanted to point out the importance of love and point out the importance of faith and the importance of walking in these basic fundamentals now we read Galatians 5:6 let's go to Romans 5:5 and to me this this has always been such a picture of Jesus I me hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us he has given us the commandment of love we are commanded to love as he gave commitment so how did he give commitment love the Lord thank God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength love your neighbor as yourself fulfilling all of the law and love the Brethren even as I have loved the Brethren and then he gave you the love with which to do it amen gave you the love with which to fulfil that commandment now let's go over to first John turn with me to the fourth chapter now all this has all this is part of the basic fundamentals of faith in Chapter four and let's begin reading well let's begin reading with the tenth verse herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation of the sacrifice for our sins beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another no man hath seen God at any time if we love one another god dwelleth in US and his love is perfected in us hereby know we that we dwell in him and he and us because he have given us of his spirit and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he in God and we have known here's what I want you to get we have known that word known is gonna scope very intimate to know we have known and believed the love that God has to us every every believer every person when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life Amen you got born again you were you became a new creature old things passed away and all things became new and all things were of God at that moment that was the most intimate moment you will ever know of God on this side of heaven oh my you know him you're not just pointed with it you know and you're known of him that's precious [Music] but what about the believing the love not so much oh I know we can run a poll in here this morning we get a hundred percent result every single one do you believe God loves you oh yes Iman yep oh yes oh yes [Music] what happened in the wilderness they did not believe he loved them they did not his own staff had no revelation of that in the middle of that storm woke him up and said don't you care don't ever ever ever don't ever ever ever heal to the temptation to say that you just slept the water out of yourself before you save it I mean physically just walk yourself upside the head you don't have don't ever be saying that yeah no sir no sir I will not I will not allow that to come in through my lips that Jesus he went to hell for me you talk about caring [Applause] hallelujah thank you Lord praise you Jesus I'm Chloe did it go go ready to go if we didn't get anything else this morning I bet that that was an anointed moment that was a moment here they believed the look believed the law we have known and believed the love that God has to us god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God living in the law walking in love thinking about love thinking about all the time just think about it all the time Gloria Jeanne Copeland taught me how to live and how to love I did not understand ID but before I met her I was just a fuss going somewhere to happen I was mad all the time I wasn't mad part of the time I'm mad all the time I get mad at my tools I was mad you know that spirit came on me at nine years old I came from my grandfather on my mother's side about my grandparents on my dad's side lived out in California so we really I never got to see them but just a few times and precious precious people now my grandfather on my dad's side and my dad you just couldn't force profanity out my dad's mouth he wasn't gonna say neither would my grandfather about the worst thing my grandfather ever said was AG golly now I can't say that from my other granddad and I my great-grandfather RP Owens I understand that this occurred back during the Civil War when he was just a little boy and there was a soldier that hung him up in the barn by his thumbs and he'd pulled it was put the pressure on him trying to find out where his where his dad and other members of family law and he just screamed and screamed ain't any any cussed at that officer he just called him everything he could think of just anyone he wouldn't but it's just a little boy eleven years old or so you know like that maybe twelve and finally the guy just jumped him in the floor and left him well they called him cussing Owens and I and I guess that's the day that he got his name a boy he lived up to it well then you know of course is his sons came up doing the same thing and I wanted to do the same thing and my mama oh mama boy I'll tell you that border on child abuse brother when he make sense me talking like that in her presence oh no no no I'll tell you what my other grandmother did my dad's oldest brother was in the Navy in World War one and he came back home and he you know he'd been on ship and saw combat and all that he came back home and was there in his mother's kitchen now my grandmother copeland granny was about this tall and never ever said I don't know anybody ever heard her raise her voice Dean and my uncle Dale said that d-word in her kitchen she just picked up a skillet and hit him right in the head knocked him to the floor and said Sonny Boy you're not talking that way in Mama's kitchen yeah ma yeah ma huh I never got hit with a skillet but I I was standing out beside the house one day I can see it still there were our little house back there then the weren't many houses that had the garage attached to the house the way those houses were built they were built back in the late 30s and 40s and I we had a long gravel driveway and the garage was not attached to the house it is several feet behind the house and I was just walking out kicking the rocks in that driveway and I made a willful decision that I'm gonna cuss and I fully expected maybe God to kill me I remember and I said the first word and nothing happened so I said something else a little worse nothing happened uh and I was deafening I could just see I was standing right next to the house and then there was a that I started right there there was a water hydrant right there then it just the corner of the house and then there was the back porch and the garage was rough straight in front and so I just started started out I called that I called that faucet you gave me them and I just enter custom rocks and I went back to the garage I went in the garage I cussed all of the I cussed a lawnmower I hated that lawn more anyway that's it I'm this man that spirit took me over and stayed in my life it was a lying seducing spirit that caused me untold amount of grief I had made the statement just a few days before I don't remember now I've gotten some kind of a mad fit over something and and I said I don't believe love is real if it is I'm incapable of it now that's bad that's bad condition and in anyway and just a few days after that oh dear Jesus I my boss and I flew a trip to Little Rock for the TCU Arkansas football game and after the game one of the men there that was part of that trip in fact he's the one that chartered the airplane and he invited my boss and me to come to the after game party that they were having at a country club there and so you know men we'd having a big time and Gloria's dad who of course I didn't know I knew who he was he walked up to me and he said my daughter is the best looking girl in the state of Arkansas is that right yeah best-looking girl in a state Arkansas and I said something like well you know well think about that and he went on and a little bit he came back but this time you know he'd had a few more drinks and he came up to me and he said you don't believe me do you I said yeah I believe he said my daughter's the best-looking girl in the state of Arkansas I said I believe you know you don't he said how you going to airport in the morning I don't know taxi cab will guess now I'm gonna come pick you up where he's dead so and sure enough the next morning there he was and he had that girl with him and my love very bit the dust right I literally did I tell you what she the moment I saw her changed my heart and I won't woman OH a couple of weeks later I moved over into Arkansas but my boss sent me over there and and then I called her and we had a date that night first date and I thought I'm gonna get this started and walked up on her dad's porch I said Gloria will you marry me she said okay and turn around and went in the house she went inside and she said she thought what have I done I don't even know him oh well I'll get out of it later well that's been 56 and a half years and she not out of it yeah but now I said all that I said all that to say this to you even before she and I received Jesus is and committed our lives to him she was always always so lovely to me and all in all the times that I did my best to fuss she just said wouldn't join in and then of course after we got saved and over the years she's ministered to me I do not remember I don't remember the last argument or fusses we have I don't remember now it that that wasn't my doing you understand I tried she just wouldn't join in I'm talking about the love of God I'm talking about living the life of love living in it believing the love walking in the luvs you're talking to love thinking about love all the time oullette we stopped in we start we stopped in Australia for a few days rest we were coming back from from West often and Hawaii we'd been in the street and I was extremely tired being tired is no excuse for being a jerk well I just couldn't help it yeah you wouldn't have acted that way if one of your friends walked up there what do you want to act that way do you want and we went down to breakfast a little continental breakfast downstairs no you know I wasn't saying anything ugly but it was over the way I was saying it and we said on there not to be I got up to put the money on the table you know and kind of threw it at the table like that I turned around to leave and she had walked around behind me and when I turned around I was just face-to-face with her she caught me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me down like this little tears she said I am going to be a blessing to you some way it changed my life forever halleloo Oh glory be hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus praise you let's just praise you just stop and praise Him right where you just praising worship praise Him and worship you thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus now in in closing this today let's go over to the Gospel of John the 14th chapter we have found out how powerful words are words are the most powerful and the most important things on this planet jesus said in the tenth verse of the fourteenth chapter of John believe us now not that I am in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works now you remember in John 6:63 he said the words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life now he never spoke any death words every word he said came first from the father then out his mouth they were words of life all words in some form another are spirit even flesh words are spiritual in nature amen now eighteenth chapter of the book of Proverbs says that the power Oh death and life are in the duck tongue now see Jesus using that law but he never spoke the death side he said the words that I speak unto you let's look at it again I like that it's the way it's worded is very important believe us now not that I'm in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself now we could summarize like this you could go to the eighth chapter of John and and so phones on and particularly when he said the son can do nothing of himself Jesus literally said I only say what I hear my father say and I only do what I see my father do oh how important is the Spirit of God gave that woman with the issue of blood the words to say she didn't make him help Jairus said exactly to Jesus what the Spirit of God put in his heart and mouth to say and he never ever said another word until that girl was raised up he never said another word even when they came up and told him your daughter's dead forget it he never said another word prays we were in a meeting few years ago and I just finished the Saturday morning service was the final service of the me and I had just preached on own in fact the whole time we were there I was preaching on that was my text with John 1410 and while we're here I want to read the 21st verse he that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is at love with me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and I will manifest myself to him that's the love life right there and when Mike picked me up after the service I'm thinking we're just headed straight to the airport getting the airplane go home and he said that that they've got something wrong with the door and on the airplane and so they just suggested that we just maybe go back to the hotel or some I said no no no Mike take me out that the airport if there's something wrong with that thing I'm gonna put my hands only take me take me out there so we started and I just leaned my head back on the headrest in it in the car and and I prayed this I was praying out left I don't know whether I was praying loud enough for Mike to hear me or not maybe did maybe didn't I said Lord I'm inquiring of you for words they couldn't get the door open on the airplane and they went through the opening process and it wouldn't open enough you I mean you couldn't even get you fingernails hinge between that door in the fish closet it was just something that just had it jammed shut and and so first of all I call Dwayne I'm chief pilot no I said Blane what's wrong with that door boy he said huh he said I don't I don't have any idea and he don't he said now he said I call Cessna and they they they could send a crew down here and they need to drill a hole in the cabin and go in and knock the pin out of the merge guys no they're not drilling holes in my airplane I'm I'm on my way out there and I'll be there in just a few minutes okay and I leaned back and I said Lord I'm inquiring you for words I need words I need words this is a this is a major major problem in failure wisdom is the principal thing now if it's an emergency situation I mean you just cracked down you start praying in the spirit this hardened phase you can't and you just quote ever scripture that comes out your mouth I mean you know you I mean you can win a fight with the baguettes if you get on them there's some real good information in the baguettes amen so but you know otherwise spend some time you need to you need you need verses that God quickens to you you need to hear him boy do you remember what Keith preached in here money well I said Lord I'm inquiring of words they need work he said I I mean it was so clear and so plain he said you remember in my word where I said all things work together for the good of those that love God God and called according to his purpose I said yes sir he said that doors a thing I never even thought about that's good dream applying to that yeah now see I I mean all of my quoting and going on I never would have thought of that one he said you say this well I heard it in my spirit and then I'd say it out loud with my mouth all the things I said own things work together I said work together for those for those who love God love God that would be me I said that would be me called according to his purpose called according to his purpose and that would be me and I said and that would beat me and he said say this door open now saith the Lord I just said door open now saith the Lord now that was all of us do it and and I just began to pray in the spirit there a little bit just cautioning him and just praising gum thanking him you know for an open door go where you go jingling leaning Mike's phone rang and it was doing he said you know he said when you said you were coming out here he said I got in the car to drive from the airplane to the to the fuel desk in there to pick you up and he said I got about halfway over there and I thought you know I'm gonna try that door one more time and he said boss I went back they said the door opened just perfect he said come on we're going home oh yeah now we do due diligence I'm not dealing with a wheelbarrow here I'm dealing with a jet airplane so we took that thing back put it in the hangar and our guys took that door apart and they checked it they lubricated it they did they could not find anything wrong with that never did find anything then I remember it was another tripperz to whatever was I went out there to open the door and it wouldn't open I said no you don't right man boo boy I mean it popped open no you don't you don't start acting like that again uh-uh no when you hear the Lord specific instructions like that your confidence level just go sky-high and it gives you the opportunity for the gift of faith what the amplified called special faith is this you've already got born again faith but this is adding God's faith to your faith it gives that it gives that that that kind of faith loss and it is so powerful it is such a wonderful thing and you can do that you can do that with anything inquire of the Lord inquire of him I want to speak words to this thing at Ana and you might do this you billeted the syllabus of the spirit say Lord now I'm well do that a minute you say Lord I'm going to speak to this thing but I'm not gonna say anything to it until you give me words this is situation that's going to have to change this situation it can't go on and I'm not saying anything till I hear from you other than to say thank God you always give me the victory thank God you always cause me to triumph in Christ Jesus you can say that anytime you want to say it hallelujah and you continue to quote scriptures but I'm I'm placing this before you I can give you an illustration that people praying for family members oh god save Uncle Fred Oh God save ain't me Oh God save my child save my child you have not prayed anything yet in the first place he's already done everything that it takes for your baby to get saved he did his part he went to the cross shed the blood and the gift of God is eternal life it is a gift amen and it's ready well now what should I be praying I learned this from brother Hagin and I've seen it work so many times so many times you do you remember what the word said if you're gonna spoil a strong Mans house first binding don't try to go around banging around in the devil's house until you bind him bind him up now listen to what Jesus said whatsoever you mind on earth is bound in heaven until you bind on earth there's not anything heaven can do about the binding because the earth and the fullness there in has been given to men the authority is here Jesus gained that authority and right before he left he turned it over to his body you cast out the devil you lay hands on the sick and they will recover all authority has been given unto me both in heaven and earth therefore you go and take my name no other name under heaven given unto men it's in the hands of men so before you're gonna spoil a strong Mans house bang you spirit operating and the life of my son my daughter my dad my mother remember you I adjure you in the name of Jesus Christ who's I am and whom I serve you desist today you stop today stop it right now you stop in his life trying to keep him out of the kingdom of God I bind you you're done now don't start trying to go on your feelings James 4:7 you submitted yourself to God then you resisted the devil far as you're concerned he's fleed now when I'm done you pray ye the lord of the harvest send laborers into the feet father you know exactly you know exactly to whom my son will listen you know you know exactly I'm asking you to send laborers across his path with the word of his salvation the word of his healing the word of his prosperity everything he needs to know I claim him today in the name of Jesus and as far as I'm concerned it's done and from this moment on I'm just gonna praise you and thank you glory to go praise in thank you I'm gonna praise and thank you and started listening for phone call now my momma prayed for me night and day now mama when I say night and day I'm don't mean that figuratively my mom I prayed night and day I'd leave home tonight and come back two or three from or four in the morning she's still in there prayer I said daddy don't she ever sleep he said she don't even wrinkle the sheets now won't go into all the reasons why but there was there was a reason for that and if she made up her mind and she set out in a prayer life and and that's what she did all the time well she just kept praying for me just kept praying for me just kept praying for me and saw no results so one day now see she hadn't gotten into they where Peter and first Peter five six through ten humble yourself under the mighty hand of God casting all your care over on him that's true Bible humility casting your care over on him the amplified says once and for all your cares anxieties worries concerns for he cares for you and he will exalt you in due time he will establish you he will strengthen you well she wasn't acting specifically on that scripture but the Spirit of God was leading her in that direction she walked through the kitchen and through her Bible down on the kitchen table and she said Lord if he goes to hell it's your fault I'm not praying for him anymore Gloria got saved in one week and I got saved in two she finally put it in his hands and it worked hey all care worry all of its fear-based and it's fear dependent it has to have fear for it to work in your life perfected love perfected love I said perfected love casteth out fear so what do you do you begin by purposely surrounding that person with faith thoughts and love thoughts you begin to surround the person with whom you have problems and troubles and maybe someone addition really they're calling in life seems to make you a lot of misery get it get all that out of your mind you you want to have to take some specific moments and set them aside because you this doesn't happen in just a day or two has set some time aside to think about that person there otherwise you will think about them all day or anyway you won't think about them all day long trying to figure out some way they could die and you wouldn't get blamed for [Music] well you're gonna have to back out of that because that's destroying your prayer life it's destroying it everything around you you can take the time and specifically take some time that just first thing in the morning and just say Lord I forgive them I forgive I love them I love her I love her I love him I love her I've got surround them with faith thoughts that this is what they're gonna look like when they get born again full of the Holy Ghost they're gonna just come in and dancing all around the house and and just begin to that begin to meditate on those scriptures praise God hallelu meditate on this situation that you're you meditate well if it's a sickness or a disease take that time find out the words to say and say them and then put the whole thing in the hands of the master put them in his hand begin to see yourself without that disease begin to see yourself without that debt begin to see yourself free from that and it takes a while you're in the habit of thinking the other way you're gonna have to have some thought change and renew your mind the way you renew your mind is take a thought and say it take a thought and say it Jesus introduced that when he said why take he thought saying what are we gonna eat what are we gonna drink what are we gonna wear your heavenly Father you knows you have need of these things but he never seen that the spiritual law there you take a thought by saying it you don't say it you don't take the thought it'll die stillborn if you keep from saying it with your mouth you take the thought from the scripture you take the thought from the plan done gated you take the thought of the words he said and put in your mouth you take that thought and say it you take that thought and say it you take that thought and say it you take that thought and say it that's the way you renew your mind you take that thought and say it you take that thought and say it on purpose you take that thought and say it you keep doing that it'll start coming out of your mouth without you having to think about now when you were doing the other way when you were worrying you took that thought and said it just come out your mouth they just come rolling out of your mouth you didn't have to think what am I gonna do no you just said it although well take that spiritual law and turn it against the devil and turn it for Jesus and it'll work for you instead of against you take the thought and say it take the first Peter 2:24 and say it take it and say it take that thought and say it write down the things that God says to you I said I'd close with that I'm gonna close with this I believe this will help you sit down and write down all of your cares the worries of your life the things that you don't have any business carrying around with you believe I can carry the other half that ain't nothing but prides you can't carry another you weren't created to carry carriers you were created to be care for you write them down right each one of them down on a piece of paper prepare the communion elements take communion you say Lord I judge myself of each one of these I'm rolling the care of this over on you and date it take the communion begin to praise and and you'll come to that moment of victory when you do burn that list just watch it go up in smoke coming impress your thinking with the fact those worries are not mine anymore that's not my care that is not my care I said that is not my care and you start thinking about that again you say no I choose not to think about that I choose to think about this I think about what the word says about that when you're when you've got that whole list of cares up there go find the scripture that takes it away go find the scripture whatever that carry is you don't do this until you find the scripture you without the word burning the list don't do anything but you could you go find the scripture for every one of them like I gave you some scriptures this morning about praying for your kin folks first buying this front well that's a scripture find the scriptures they cover every one of those cares amen and then cast them all over on Jesus the judge it praise God now you can do this if you want to I made a quality decision a quality decision is one about which there's no more argument and from which there is no more retreat this is my decision and I said Lord you help me now with your help you can you wake me up in fact if I get over into picking up his care any worry anytime anymore you I'm holding you responsible too to put it into my thinking remind me of it I refuse to let the Sun go down on care in my life I'm not going to carry care any moment I don't care what happens to the finances I don't care what happens to me physically I don't care what happens to the family I am NOT gonna carry the carry and again I learned that from brother Hagin in fact aretha said to him what not she had the the children and he's opening the front door she said you wouldn't worry at men both kids died well he said what's he using worrying about it then well of course it got to take her off he said well you know what you already did what you used to worrying about stand up please you get anything out of all of this this morning then I believe you ought to praise God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus come on come on come on come on give him praise give him praise give him on earth hallelujah Lord we praise it we thank you and we worship you this is my day of victory [Applause] thanks be to God hello e closes meet a trial thanks be to God hello e gives me the victory in Christ Jesus I am victorious I'm not a victim I have the victory greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world I resist you Satan take your hands off me I don't belong to you you're trespassing in my space get out now give God thanks [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 55,578
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Keywords: 5816875501001, kenneth copeland
Id: LmUjInp_mg4
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Length: 106min 54sec (6414 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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