Keith Moore Thanksgiving Victory Pt 5 The Light of the Eye

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he's seated if you didn't bring a Bible with you this evening hold up your hand and the ushers have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours it helped you turn with us to find these verses we're going to look at remind yourself that these are not the words of men they came through men but they're not the words of men they're the words of God and they'll give you life they'll change you from the inside out amen and they work powerfully in you when you believe them and do them so turn with us to first Corinthians 15th trapped err and then second Corinthians we're going to look at the second chapter but that's just the pages so over first Corinthians 15 first Corinthians 15 and 57 read it out loud with me but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ said again but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ what does he give us victory thanks be to God chapter 2 of second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 2 and 14 says you can read this with me to 2:14 now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ let's say that part again now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ what does he do causes us to triumph in Christ win well you win a few and you lose a few sometimes you win sometimes you don't know he always causes us to try always causes us to triumph always always causes us to triumph you believe that say it over yourself frequently right confess over yourself continual victory and triumph is it scriptural for you to say I always win that's certainly not religion is it that is not what is preached from the pulpits of myriads of churches is it no what's usually preached is you probably gonna lose but Jesus will be with you right hmm and most everybody does lose and you just need to be strong in losing and give Jesus the glory for losing now you know huh this is preached all over the world in some form of fashion but to actually believe he always causes us to triumph well brother Keith that that's spiritual you know you may be losing on the outside but you're winning on the inside yeah but it didn't say that it just said thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph now we talked about this before that both the previous verse verse 50 15 57 and this one 214 is not past tense not thank God who gave you the victory not thank God who caused you to triumph this is a an area of thanksgiving that not as many practice this is thanking God for what hasn't happened thanking God for victory and triumph that is not yet manifest this is how faith people do it oh yeah this is how you do it when you walk by faith when you walk by sight you only thank God for what you see and know has happened but when you walk by faith you go ahead and thank God for the healing when your body's racked with pain when you walk by faith you go ahead and thank God for plenty of money to pay all the bills when the creditors are calling and they're piled upon the table you thank God then when you walk by faith you get let go from your job or something happens and you don't have the sort of the channel of income that you normally had while other people go get drunk other people leave cussing and mad and bitter and throwing stuff faith people leave faking God for their new and better jobs well come on now and because of that you cannot keep a faith man down you just you can't keep a faith woman that can do it can do it because no matter what happens and what they're dealing with they'll just keep thinking God for the victory until they're experiencing the victory oh yeah do it have any faith people in here in this faith Life Church doing wouldn't it be sad have a faith Life Church and no faith that'd be sad but I'm glad that that's not that way it's not that way and not only do we have some faith in the faith Life Church but we're growing in it it's getting stronger in us and we're learning more how to walk in the god-kind of faith' which is the victory that overcomes the whole world glory to God glory to God glory to God mm-hmm go with me to Ephesians please the fifth chapter I could read these to you I might be able to quote them to you but let's just turn and let our eyes rest on them Ephesians 5 we're not just readers of the word we're not just hearers and talkers about the word or listeners till the word tell me what we are we are we're doers of the word what are we doing this when the filles ins five-and-twenty Ephesians 5:20 says what giving thanks always for all things to God and the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ sit out loud giving thanks always for all things now that's all manner of things and all areas giving thanks when when if we're doers of this verse when would we be thanking God if we had done this verse this past week when would we have thanked God Monday morning Monday afternoon Monday night Tuesday morning Tuesday afternoon might have had a problem forgot about it Tuesday night but we have got the victory for sure by Thursday evening and of course with Friday night coming on you want to get straightened back up now if you're doing it always that means you are thanking God all ways all the time go to 1st Thessalonians fifth chapter first Thessalonians 5 first Thessalonians 5 and 18 5:18 first Thessalonians was it say in every thing give thanks and it gets stronger why well brother Keith I'm looking for the will of God I found it well I found it right here for you brother I got it I got you I got the will of God for your life right here do it did I find it what's the will of God for you to give thanks in every think in everything in everything what does it mean in the church seat give thanks in the car seat give thanks in your pajamas gift in the kitchen huh in the backyard in the workplace in the good times in the hard times in everything in everything in everything and always give thanks anybody want to be a doer of this remember what the Lord spoke to me some years ago he said to me Keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me and then he said cultivate a lifestyle of thanksgiving cultivate what does cultivate me cultivate means you got to get out there with the hoe right right you got to get out there with the tiller or the tractor you got you got a dig you get you got to do something means it's not gonna happen just cuz you watching it you you got to do something you got to put forth the effort you got to remind yourself you got to make your mouth do its duty you got to remind yourself to thank God you got expressed that Thanksgiving cultivate know I don't somebody to stir you up to be thankful stir yourself up cultivate a life style well now that's what he's done when he's still not always that's life style in everything that's life that's not at church just for a few minutes that's all the time everywhere lifestyle cultivate a lifestyle of thanks you you know every time the Lord tells you something like he told me that it's just another way of saying what he's already said oh this is all the time it's just something that would would hit my spirit in such a way than what he's already said here in the King James clicks for me but he said in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you this is the will of God for me to give thanks in everything go to hebrews there are more of these but i just wanted you to see these three right now hebrews last chapter 13 Hebrews 13 Bible said in the mouth of two or three witnesses that every word be established Hebrews 13 and 15 13 15 says by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually and then he explains it that is what is the sacrifice and the sacrifice of praise to God continue the of our lips giving thanks to his name now the margin may say confessing which is part of the definition of Thanksgiving I'll explain if you look up the word for Thanksgiving there you know numerous things you could read about it but to my understanding it comes down to two basic concepts one is being grateful that makes sense to us doesn't I mean I'm quoting now from lexicons to be thankful means to be grateful but there's also another word that's used prominently it is the word acknowledge which is why you'd see the word confess acknowledge you're not going to be thankful for something you don't acknowledge and in keeping with the concept of acknowledging I I had this but it's not really in addition to mine I mean this is not the lexicon quote but if you read all the scriptures you'll see it's their front center and back remembering you're not going to be thankful for something you forget right you acknowledge it you're grateful for it and so you confess it you express it let the redeemed of the Lord say so you confess it you don't just need to feel thankful you need to say thankful and you don't just need to express it and then forget it what the Bible say bless the Lord O my soul and all that's within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord he goes on to say o my soul and forget not all his now this begins to make sense as to how you could thank God all the time why because you're remembering all his benefits that just takes up all your time he got so many benefits and he does so many things for you then it just takes all the time thanking God but that's exactly what you're supposed to be doing exactly because if you're not doing that you're doing something else and I assure you it's not as good it's doing that if you're not being thankful what are you being now we've already talked about this and and and I didn't come up with that the Lord gave me that and I know it's real simple but he he gave it to me to my spirit II said is there a place in between being thankful and being unthankful is there a place whether you're neither thankful nor unthankful you're just nothing uh if you're not thankful you have to be unthankful there is no place in between so if you're not being thankful what are you being you're being unthankful and this is a huge problem it's playing right into the hands of the enemy be thankful always in everything give thanks the fruit of your lips continually giving thanks somebody say always continually in everything give thanks now let's go into some detail as to fly and what happens when you do and what happens when you don't go with me to Luke the eleventh chapter please Luke eleven anybody know what the title of our series is Thanksgiving victory I changed it about two or three times but but that's where we are you keep looking for what satisfies your spirit I was close but I wasn't right on so you keep changing you keep making adjustments until you get it to where your spirit goes yeah that's good we're supposed to do that every day of our lives in everything we do yeah and be thankful for it that's right that's right mo what does it mean to be thankful let's go over this again to be thankful means to be grateful it also means to acknowledge that gratitude right and in order to do that you gonna have to remember it right got to remember what he's done for you well if you're not thankful what's the opposite of that if you're unthankful what what is unthankful you're not grateful you're not acknowledging what has been done for you and you are forgetting right and if you're not doing that there's a vacuum hmm I'm not being thankful you're not just gonna do nothing you're gonna do something if you're not being thankful what are you going to be doing complaining that is what fills the vacuum of unthankfulness not being thankful the Lord gave me this some years ago I wrote it down I mean this is 30 years ago so when we first started in the ministry maybe maybe 25 I've been in the ministry a little whoa doubt despairs complains and is sad faith rejoices gives thanks and is glad let me say they can think about it doubt does what despairs what else complains and he's sad what does faith do faith rejoices give thanks and it's glad hmm doubt despairs doubt is down doubt doesn't smile doubts not happy doubt is depressed hmm and doubt it's not remembering all the good things God has done for it this is one of this one of the big reasons why the enemy does everything he can to get you to forget about what God has done for you because it inspires your faith you cannot help but start remembering what God has done for you and it boosts your faith you start recounting when he did this and when he came through all this and what happened back here then when you prayed and believed God what's gonna happen to your faith it's just getting stirred if you go and what's the conclusion you'll go and he'll do it again and he'll do it again so man the devil knows he's got to keep you out of that that's why as your faith will just rise right up to the top he's got to keep you in forgetful town we don't remember any of that and he's got to get you focused on something else he's got to get you looking at something else and while you're looking at the wrong thing you're forgetting all of that and down you go down down despair and whatever you meditate on whatever you get full of us what comes out of your mouth out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks right well if you're full of despair it's going to come out of your mouth you gonna complain about what's wrong and of course if you're looking at the wrong thing and complaining it's gonna make you sad it's just gonna get worse more you talk about how bad is you know the devil will help you with certain things Loney yeah oh he you talked about a helper [Laughter] we know the Holy Ghost is the helper he'll help you with good things but the devil wants to help you with bad things let me tell you the kind of things he will help you with how sorry you are if you go man I have messed up so bad I have just missed it so bad I must have done this 900 times the moment you do that now you are yielding on his territory and he has a right to come saddle right up to you and go it's not 900 you missed a few it's 1,053 bad so you're beating yourself up you want to hit yourself over the head and he says hey hey let me help you but give me that little hammer here even take my hammer and he gives you his ten pound sledge and between you and him he'll beat your brains out until you absolutely have no confidence no self-esteem no hope no vision and it's your fault because you chose to look at it and dwell on it and you gave him place you could have been come on help me out here you could have been thanking God you get to thanking God guess who'll come help you do that the greater one the greater one will help you do that he is sent to bring all things to your remembrance come on that the Lord has said to you and to teach you all things and to guide you into the truth and show you things to come [Applause] but not while you're complaining ain't gonna happen doesn't happen this is how can you say that I'm about to prove it to you right with scriptures do you find Luke Luke 11 you might saw brother Keith I'm already convinced or to think not like you're gonna be just just sit right there yeah you're gonna be more convinced than you are right now about it Luke 11 tells us the principle anybody excited about this besides me I tell you this is this is his word is so good so good Luke 11 and 34 Luke 11 34 jesus said read letters the light of the body is the eye therefore when your eye is single did you know that one of the definitions of doubt is duo double why anybody remember James hmm but being double-minded what do you say if you lack wisdom let him ask of God gives Liberty liberally to all men upbraideth thought it'll be given him but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think he'll receive anything of the Lord a double-minded man a duo same word is for doubt and unbelief a duo minded man is unstable in all his ways oh they got it on the screen unstable not going receive wine you you you cannot look at two things and stay in faith you can't serve two masters two contradictory things can't be true you got a pick and when faith picks the truth now then it ignores the rest it's got to be possible to do the word and the Lord told us to give thanks always continually in everything and that was just three verses you know there's a lot more than that then it's got to be possible to do that doesn't it got to be so then it's got to be possible to give thanks and look at him and remember what he said and done no matter what is going on no matter what kind of things have happened or are happening round about you no matter how distressing they are it's got to be possible doesn't it to be thankful and it's there it's around you you feel it you're hearing it but you're not looking at it well on the other end of it then it's also possible no matter how good things are to be negative and complain and find fault no matter how blessed you are no matter what you got no matter how good it is you can always be unthankful isn't that right we studied Ahab didn't we the man had everything he had the best clothes in the country he had the best house he had the best food he had chariots and horses and that all kind of gold and silver and money but he became miserable because he wanted something somebody else had it is a lie and a deception that if you could get that you'd be happy there'll always be something else there'll always be something else to long for and be unhappy about always don't care where you live don't get what you're doing don't care who you're with can you see what I'm talking about it's your choice you or I can be thankful no matter what's going on or we can be unthankful no matter what's going on it's our choice what do you choose that would be a good one that'd be the right one this is what happens the light of the body is the eye that's what you're looking at when your eye is single when you're looking at the right thing and that's all you let yourself look at I said that's all you will allow yourself to see there's plenty of other stuff to see but that's all you are allowing yourself to look at then what happens your whole body is full of light everything looks good to you your whole body your whole life is just wonderful you know you you might think that God's not fair that if you looked at some people and listened to them because there's some folks just to watch them and listen to them you think man they never have any problems they just live an amazing wonderful life and then there's other people they're safe they love the Lord but it seems like half a hell is on their case every day I mean it just this is one thing after another and they just never catch a break here's the truth the truth is I'm quoting Bible they're the same afflictions are happening to our brethren throughout the world there's no temptation test or trial happened to you but such as is common to man we're all dealing with the same stuff that's true if you try to say no but I'm quoting Bible it's just that some people choose to focus on the problems did you hear me and talk about and complain and others choose to ignore them and keep their eyes on God and give thanks all the time and the ones that choose to be unthankful and focus on the lack and problems go down and it gets worse and down and worse and it gets darker and darker but those that keep their eyes on the author and finisher of their faith come out and they come up and the path of the just gets brighter and brighter the further you go to the full day Sun but both of them had the same opportunity to choose life choose Thanksgiving keep reading the light of the body is the eye what do you do with your eye you look at stuff therefore with you when your eye is single your whole body is full of light but when your eye is evil and again this is that that meaning of doubt and unbelief that you get into the double mindedness the duo your body is also what full of darkness take heed therefore that the light which is in you what you're looking at and what you're letting in you be not darkness if your whole body is full of life having no part dart the whole will be full of light that's when the bright shining of a candle does give you light does it matter what you look at all the difference in the world life and death sorrow or joy victory or defeat what's the title of the series Thanksgiving what Vic how you gonna come out yeah lotta folk know how to give thanks after something has happened but faith people give thanks before you see it and feel it and faith people have learned this is how you get in faith and stay in faith this is how you tune out all the junk that's trying to bring you down this is how you keep yourself focused right and stay connected to God and let him give you what you need to bring you out I believe it's one of the reasons why you see it so profusely fill out the whole Word of God I mean just every chapter every other chapter something about praising God thanking God giving glory to God it's not because God leads you defeat his ego it's for you it's for me we need to do this to keep our mind and eyes off of the wrong stuff and to keep connected with him and it's an act of faith when you thanking God for something that you haven't seen or felt yet that's got to be faith and that's all he needs gives him the perfect right to just get in the middle of your life and straighten it out for you and all you're doing is saying thank you lord thank you Lord for paying all my bills thank you Lord for healing my babies thank you Lord for working out my marriage thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord that's all you got to do it's so simple so simple so simple you need demonic help getting it mixed up but the devil is all too ready and willing to help confuse you about it and all you got to do is nothing just poke your lip out and not be thankful and dwell on bad stuff and you're already going into darkness now you see that in this verse go with me to Roman's you see it even clearer Romans let's look at the two places here let's look at Romans one and then we look at Romans eight why you turning over there go ahead and act on this right now just a little bit say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for giving us answers tonight thank you Lord for showing us what to do right now people getting answers here now thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for plenty of money plenty of money plenty of money thank you Lord for the best jobs the best jobs the best jobs best opportunities for our children and grandchildren and work and profession thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for healing my body thank you since it's any anybody not even born again people any sinner down the street can grab their son go I just don't know what I'm going to do this thing's just been killing me I me Jesus please heal me well he already has Lord when you when are you gonna do something about this Lord I've prayed I fasted I've turned in for every class I've done everything and this thing either it's distracting it's hard for me to do my work it bothers me just but I know I've been grouchy and short with my spouse and my kids God you gotta help me on this you're cutting off your own help you can't see the answer looking at the problem you're not looking at the answer you're looking at the problem you can't see the miracle looking at the need it's very simple but it's subtle too isn't it and because the whole world operates in negativity it's so easy to slip into it people around you won't even notice unless you got some good faith buddies I'm not talking about confession police holier-than-thou always hollering at you about your confession and don't watch their own hypocrites I ain't telling like that but I'm telling my people that's gonna be positive with you no matter what you say and do you may be a ballin until your second box of Kleenexes and then look at you and go paint it good to know that by His stripes we are healed ain't it good to know ain't it good to know that our God always supplies all our needs according to his riches in gold let's just thank God for that for a while that's the kind of people you need around you not people either even though they love you mean well not people to go oh honey I know I know I know it's awful I just it just hurts me so bad to see you going through I just don't know I've prayed Prostate up all night last night praying myself and I just don't know why the Lord won't help us on this that's how you go down takes no faith to do that none no sinners do that don't do they feel bad about what they see hold this place here go to second Corinthians I I need to give you this before we go there 2nd Corinthians the fourth chapter need to make this real clear to you that this is not just my death 2nd Corinthians 4:18 4:18 second Corinthians was it safe while we what look not at the things which are seen how you do that you see it but you refuse to look at it we look not at the things which are seen but in other words but we look at what the things which are not seen how you do that how you look at something you can't see that's exactly right by faith for the reason we don't look at the things that are seen is because the things which are seen are temporary temporary means subject to change change the ball changing have changed will changed can change if it changed from bad to good guess what you know it can change if it changed from bad to good it can change from good to bad excuse me from from good to bad it can change from bad to good can't it you know it changed you know it can move mrs. mana I was doing so good and then it changed we'll go her to God we know it can change if it'll move one way it'll move back the other way you know I can move that's where it came from so don't need looking at that cuz that can be changed no need looking at things that can be changed oh you didn't get me on there no need looking at things that can that are changing and can be changed no need looking at that did you body change then no need looking at that did you finance this change they went from from pretty good to not so good then no need looking at that don't look at that that's changeable that can change why you're looking at it it can change from when you went to bed when you get up in the morning be different right no need looking at that you're looking at that you're gonna be a yo-yo Christian right cuz it is changing it's moving so ever what it's doing if you're looking at dad that's what you're gonna be if it gets better you're gonna go yeah if it gets worse you're gonna go oh if you're looking at that right so that's why we don't look at that we look at something else we look at the things that are not seeing one because they are eternal what's eternal by His stripes you were he a turn-off eternal eternal glory to God look at that keep your eyes on that don't let yourself look at anything else and you can do it it's a choice I didn't say it was always easy but you can do it by the grace of God you'll be tempted many times to look at the other stuff but just remind yourself none or need looking at that that changes I'm gonna look at something don't change the fifth chapter just a few verses over chapter 5 and verse 7 was it safe far we walk by faith and what not by what we're seeing of the stuff that's changing now go back to Romans 1 that set you up a little better for this Romans 1 Romans 1 verse 20 the invisible things as things we look at of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse if your hearts open when you look up in the night sky and you see the glory of the creation you see something else you see there's somebody behind that the majesty of the mountains and the oceans and the blue sky and the green grass and a myriad splendor of the creation of God if your hearts open and you're honest when you see it you see something else that's not seen and when you see that what should you do what should you say you should say thank you lord thank you Lord for this amazing creation thank you Lord for my life thank you lord and if you would do that according to Jesus in Luke 11 what would happen to you light would come into your eyes and your whole body and being would be filled with light but notice what happens when you don't he's telling my people that don't he said verse 21 he said when they knew God what they do they saw this amazing creation and even though they didn't admit it they knew it was something behind it you have to but they chose not to acknowledge him and they glorified him not as God neither were thankful they what see they didn't acknowledge it and they weren't grateful and they didn't express it and so what happened to him their foolish heart was darkened darkness came over them and came on them listen to the New Living Translation it says yes they knew God but they wouldn't worship him as God or even giving thanks and they begin to think up foolish ideas of what God was like you know goes don't they they made idols and did all of the kind of stuff I'm telling you have you seen some of the stuff that people replace God with absolutely I better stop right there the result was that their minds became dark and confused the English version says their thoughts have become complete nonsense and their empty Minds are filled with darkness how did it get this way come on help me how'd it get this way not acknowledging God and not being thankful what happens to you when you don't thank God you get stupid you might not like that word but it's just the truth you get dull and darkened and dumb things are right in front of your face and you don't see them you got things all around the blessing of God and you're not in thankful for one thing you get to the place where you don't believe life's worth living and I can't go sad confused your eye is looking at the wrong thing and darkness has got in you I mean this you've had experiences with yourself and with other people right darkness got in and I doubt seriously there's one of us in here this made it through our whole life and never done this oh that was too weak you gonna sit here and tell me that you never had a day where you were unthankful and you got down and depressed did it get dark in your room did it get dark in your car you know why cuz it was dark between your ears [Laughter] why come on tell me why did it happen you wouldn't acknowledge and thank God in the situation you decided to look at the problem you decided to look at the need you decided to look at the lack and when you make the choice to look at the problem and talk about the problem and complain about the problem starts getting dark and the further you go the darker it gets and the darker it gets the less you can see that's what happens when people get suicidal it's completely dark they can't see any way out they can't see any answer they can't see any hope or any help but you don't get there just by waking up in the morning you get there by choosing either ignorantly or knowingly by choosing to not acknowledge God and focus on the problem you've done it I've done it but let's let those days be done forever hmm we saw a hab come in there what do you do could he have been thankful for all God made the man King could he have been thankful for all the stuff he hadn't Kenny money came in there and piled upon the bed put his head in the pillow cried wouldn't he you think it was dark in there in his room how would it affect he walked in there does he need a pat on the back yeah [Laughter] something stronger than that he needs to get up and get out of that bed and quit feeling sorry for him so he doesn't need somebody to pat him and hug him he's yielding to the devil you've been there we've all been there but how can you come out of every situation in every thing always continually when everywhere in every is it possible no matter what has happened to you to lift up your hands and thank God for something good is it possible it's possible it's possible go to your second where your Romans right go back to second Corinthians the seventh chapter I would appreciate you believing God with me this is so big but I'm gonna go ahead and thank God for showed me exactly how to do it and where to go and what to do it's so easy to slip into the darkness to look at the wrong thing think and talk the wrong thing but if you discipline yourself and train yourself day after day then it's just the most natural normal thing in the world for you to thank God night and day that's just normal life for you and people to think that you're not real they'll fake they can't be that happy all the time they just you know everybody's got problems that just can't be real but it is I said it is doesn't mean you don't have feelings but it's your choice what you look at so my sense my choice it's up to me what I look at now when I say look at you know I'm including you're looking at things not seeing how do you do that that includes what you let yourself think about and focus on and listen to and talk about that's what you're looking at you're looking at it mentally and spiritually and he said they became unthankful and their foolish heart was darkened in 2nd Corinthians 7 and 9 he wrote a letter to them that was very corrective and very strong and they needed it and it shook that place up man it shook it to the core and there was some repenting and crying and making things right and there was a lot of feeling bad as it messed up so bad and he writes some after this first night he said I'm rejoicing that's what he did all the time you ever read Philippians hmm four chapters over there give a read that that's where the verse is rejoice in the Lord always and again I say richer you know we understand he wrote that from a jail sale and if you look through the chapter every chapter he's talking about rejoicing which I mean every chapter and circling where it says joy or rejoice and toward the end of it that's where he punches it up and says but Jos all the time this is a man eating prison food my night I had a good bath in a long time sleeping on a terrible you know piece of junk or the stone floor or he's in a bad stinky smelly dark place but he went looking at it is it possible no matter where you are to be thankful and rejoice no matter what's going on around you to be thankful and rejoice he's proof you know that happened with Joseph a lot of people in Joseph's situation would have got bitter wouldn't he your own family want to kill you your own brothers and they finally decide here's a better deal sell him a don't need them just kill him you know and make no money we'll sell him and make some money sold him into slavery look like a cow you could get bitter he's young he got a promising life in front of him now it's all gone it's over ain't no college ain't no career with dad ain't no nice clothes and chariots and you belong to somebody you do what they tell you from the time your eyes open till the time you lay down but it didn't let it get to he kept the victory he believes God God prospered the man as a slave and he had so much success that his owner turned over his whole business to him and he's running it and the Bible said he was a prosperous man he was even though he was a slave people saw him when he came to town doing Potiphar's business and they said man who he said that's part of for slave no way they thought who what business does he own who is he because he didn't let it get him down he didn't get to looking at the offense and get better and then Potiphar's wife lied on him not only is his slave now he's in jail in the in the worst place and read it when they put the Kings Baker in there and the Kings cut bear the Bible tells us they turned to jail over to Joseph they let him run it because of what was in his life and what was on him but you can tell so much about how he's dealing with things he comes in and sees the Baker in the cup bear and he says this is Keith Moore paraphrase now go read it for yourself he said what's wrong was why are y'all so down they could have said because we were in a dungeon maybe because we had a decent meal in a month because they said it's talking about killing us even there he wouldn't look at it he wouldn't look at the concrete come on he wouldn't look at the iron bars he wouldn't look at the terrible food he wouldn't look at what he didn't have the Psalms tells us he held on to his dream he still believed in that dark stinky place what God showed him as a boy that he was going to come out on top and there was going to be glory in his life he still believed that you can't defeat a man like that no matter where you put him he won't look at it no matter what you do to him he won't look at it he keeps looking to God going thank you Jesus thank you Lord for doing miracles in this old jail thank you lord thank you Lord for giving me favor with the warden thank you Lord for giving me favor with all these people in fact I just claim this whole place for the Lord you can't defeat a man like that makes no difference what see what he's in or what's around him and what's going on cuz he knows I'm still in charge of what I choose to look in I may not be in charge of everything that's going on around me but I am always in charge of what I look at and what I think about and what I talk about so nobody can defeat me glory to God verse 9 I rejoice not that you were made sorry but that you saw it to repentance for you were made sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage bias and nothing for godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world works death two kinds of sorrow two kinds it depends on what you look at if you miss it and your heart condemns you and you want to please God and you don't want to miss it you don't want to come short it can grieve you it can bother you you can have sorrow it's not supposed to last long I said it's not supposed to last long not any longer then you can run to God and confess it and repent but people yield to it and in doing so like we talked earlier yield to self-pity well I always wanted such-and-such I just never had it I've messed up so many ways and I just guess now it's too late and there's some ugliness in that there's a refusal a refusal to believe a refusal to be persuadable you're choosing to stay in that rut not receiving your forgiveness not letting God cleansing pick you back up we can't impress God with how sorry we are you can't say well I know you know you said you'd forgive me but I I just hate it so bad I just I just I can't forgive myself you better than him he can forgive you if he can forgive you he knows more what you did wrong than you do he is purity itself he is the standard if he can forgive you why can't you who are you depends on what you look at when people leave this world we have to deal with grief sorrow it's a natural normal part people are supposed to get old live out their days Lord tears is coming go you see unnatural things to parents shouldn't have to see their children die before then that's unnatural but we should know that this is just a part of life right the people it's in your life and in your family they're not always gonna be there you're not always gonna be there you you shouldn't be shocked when somebody goes home this is the way of the world right it's natural it's normal and when so when it when it happens I didn't say if I said when how many believe in God to live a long time hmm let me see long time you sure you know what that means you're gonna go to a lot of funerals if you outlive a lot of people they gonna go before you do can you handle it when my dad went home to be with the Lord he he's not that old and those of you have been here you know how it happened and it bothered me and for the for the first few days after that I had sorrow and I wasn't looking at the right thing I was looking at he wasn't that old there were things I wanted us all to do together there were plans I had things I thought would have been good and great things I wanted to do I want to do for him wanted us to do together now he's gone and I'm thinking about what could I have done what should I have done what what could we have done and and 2/3 days passed like that and the Lord beginning to get a hold of me this is what he said I don't mean I heard a voice no but he said it's important to your dad that you see this thing right that's revelation on many levels isn't it he's telling me what's important to my dad who's there with him and dad is able to get something across to me through him this is interesting isn't it the Bible said in Thessalonians that we don't have to sorrow like them who have no hope didn't he say that and we don't have to have this sorrow of the world that works death here I want you to differentiate I'm getting ahead of myself but I'll set in and I'll back up and explain it there is a giant difference between grieving over somebody and missing somebody it's okay to miss somebody and want to see it's not okay to be incapacitated with grief and sorrow it works death and it's up to us what we choose to look on as to what kind of shape we're gonna be in and stay in I wasn't in too good a shape for a couple of days and he said he's dead it's important to your dad that you see this thing right you're seeing it as weakness why did it happen why didn't we overcome of course I'm a faith fighter that's just who I am you to deal with me when he said it's important to your dad height that you see this thing right you're looking at it as weakness and failure he said he died in faith and he met me in faith boy something went all over me I thought glory to God is there any better way to go if somebody says what if I die believing God you don't want to die any other way this is what we don't know but what you do want you do know how to do is believe him and if everything didn't turn out exactly the way maybe it was provisioned for it was available to ya you won't coming out of your mouth when you slip out of his body and when you see him you go father I was leaving you for all I knew hell yes I don't know that baby come here come here everything is fine I know it right you live by faith and you die by faith you die by faith that minister to me for days and then I don't know what was it two or three weeks after that well the Lord the Lord woke me up in the morning and I mean I won't I won't go into the detail but he this is one of the most powerful experiences person I've ever had with him I won't tell you everything it happened because it's private and it's personal it's holy but man he'd he did some things in me and when he was through with me there was no grief in me it wasn't there none none he showed me what to look at all their times I'm missing like to see that's just normal if somebody lived on the other side of the country right and you're not seeing them you know it's gonna be a while till you see them again you're missing you'd like to see them that's okay that's not the same thing as grieving and sorrowing like those who have no hope and saying we lost him we didn't lose him he just moved people say sorry for your loss I didn't lose him he just moved heaven is just as real as Benson just as real just nicer this is what the Lord said to me about this because I was thinking he was too young we should have had these years we should have had this we could have done that now we won't get to we could have done that I'm saying no not now analyze what am i doing what am I looking at what am I looking at am I being thankful no I'm not is this okay see people think it's okay but it ain't okay well we we won't have this and we won't get to do this we had plan for this and that's what the this is what the Lord told me he said Keith you're being unthankful man it hit me like like a ton of bricks I thought what I'm thinking you know give me a little break here you know they are too too grave he said son you being unthankful he said so many children never have a father and some wish they'd never met the one they had and some never knew their their dead he said do you know how many days and how many hours I gave to you with him I said no sir he said once you figure it up I said I will I took a calculator I figured up man the number of hours was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of hours and good times and rich times he said do you not appreciate that I said I'm sorry yes sir I do and let me just add to it why do we think it's not gonna change we should know it's gonna change right why are we so shocked when people go home we should know everybody is on their way out of here everybody you included everybody I got a hold of myself I said I'm sorry Lord oh you're right you're right man I had a dead loved me all my life longing and then mom loved me all my life longing and it's still good relationship as a man and we got to share so many things and he got to see me in the ministry he's got to rejoice be a part of so many things I'm sorry you're right forgive me I repent and I started thanking God and things started changing oh come on help me they started changing in my soul they started changing in my mind and my feelings begin to change so come on come on help me do you see what I'm talking about what happened I started looking at something else I didn't lose him thank you lord thank you Lord for letting me eat popsicles when I was in a diaper with my daddy at 2:00 in the morning he worked the night shift thank you lord my daddy taught me how to ride and my mom too how to ride a bicycle and how to ride a minibike and how to get rubber in 2nd gear in a Mustang and how to shoot a shotgun how to fight and all kinds of stuff rich I'm black what am i doing focusing on a year that I thought I didn't have I mean that's being unthankful that's that's being darkened in your understanding it's being foolish isn't it the way I had the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of hours and then he spy yeah I got stirred up thinking and thinking I'm feeling better already and then he said and here's something else because he talks to you the way you understand he said you talk about these things that you wanted to do and had hope to do he said who said you won't get to do he said your dad is not just in your past he's in your future Oh going to God he said who said you won't get to do some of those things he said some of those things you get here you get your United you won't care about but others you will still get to do glory so now can go ahead and thank God for what hasn't happened yet oh come on can you see I'm thanking God for all that has happened and I'm thanking God for what's gonna happen and it jerked me right out of darkness jerked my soul right out of self-pity and any kind of come on feelings that would pull you down and hold you down I'm talking about thanks giving victory stand up on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 6,717
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Thanksgiving, Victory, Pt, 5, The, Light, of, the, Eye
Id: l4nTVVbLqFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 28sec (4948 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2012
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