Keith Moore -Not Guilty - Pt.2 (We have An Advocate)

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thank you Lord in Romans the eighth chapter and the first verse Romans 8:1 says there is therefore now when when is this true it's true right now that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit do you believe that or not there is no condemnation keep reading verse 2 for this is why there's no condemnation for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has this is something that's already happened made me free from the law of sin and death this is shouting ground set out loud the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death many do you good to say this another fifty times today throughout the day let's say it out loud together for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death glory to God hallelujah we're two minutes into the message and we're already happy that's that's good in that good glory to God now he started out talking about condemnation right and being free from the law of sin and death is tied to having no condemnation these two are tied together keep reading for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh sin is very real sin is not to be mocked our made light of sin is very serious business the wages of sin is death now fools the Bible says make a mock of sin fools do a fool is someone with no understanding somebody that's deceived clueless you might say believing lies you don't want to be a fool neither so we we don't make light and mock sin you know the sin is an unpopular word nowadays isn't it it's socially incorrect it's politically incorrect and even in a lot of churches people don't use the S word they substitute people our people are like they think it's too harsh is you know are it's just kind of a religious phrase and and people now have problems they're dealing with they have issues they're working on but don't use that sin word now you need to use the sin word you need to the Bible the Bible uses it all the time right and if the if sin is not serious then what Jesus did it's not serious it's what Jesus did very serious very significant what did he do well we just got through reading read the verse again verse three the law could not solve the sin problem could it couldn't fix it the law showed and made real clear what sin was remember part of the laws of 10 commandments thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shall not it made clear and plain that sin was wrong and sin was bad but there was no power in it to set you free from it and so God because he loved us much sent his son to do what nothing else could do and he came in the likeness of sinful flesh he was made just like us with a physical body he lived in this curse filled sin filled world he dealt with all its temptation just like we do and not only that he came for sin to take care of sin and he condemned sin in the flesh when he became sin with our sin oh this is significant he became sin with our sin him who knew no sin was made to be sin for us didn't do it for himself why so that we could be made the righteousness of God not earn it be made it when you say I'm righteous which a lot of church-going people won't say but we will when you say I'm righteous you're not bragging on you or anything that you've done because you didn't become righteous through any efforts of your own you were made righteous with his righteousness because he was made sin with your sin was he really made sin with your sin then you've really been made righteous with his righteousness whoo glory to God there's some very exciting things we're going to get to for all this is that we're already at some of them but it's just going to grow in us and get stronger and stronger in us hallelujah the most exciting things you can talk about what we're on right now things that Christians think they know and you might know a little bit of it but it's the tip of the iceberg right how many would open up yourselves to say Lord show me fill me with the knowledge of this why the truth will make you free won't it so verse 4 verse 4 says this happened that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us if you could have kept all the law all the time then you would have been righteous before God nobody did except Jesus but what we could not attain through efforts of our own Jesus got and gave to us right who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit now that that phrase is quoted in verse 1 he's quoting in he's saying in the very same phrase here in verse 4 I know some manuscripts don't have that phrase in verse 1 but it is in verse 4 it's here and it is part of it we're going to be talking about that later walking not after the flesh but after the spirit has a big part to play in you living condemnation free it is part of it and if you ignore that then you're not going to live condemnation free but is it possible to live with absolutely zero condemnation no sense of guilt or shame at all is it possible it is possible and not only is it possible it's necessary to live a victorious life to be a real faith person and live and walk in overcoming faith and have miracles and have amazing things happen you have to overcome guilt are you with me sation no no option you have to overcome it and it is overcome a ball it belongs to us I want you to back up to verse 2 and say it another time say for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death get that burned into your consciousness go around saying it around your house riding in your car just on a Tuesday afternoon for no reason except you're reminded of it start saying it say it out loud the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death it's not just a matter of locking these things in your head the light of it begins to dawn in your spirit and it just grows and grows and grows go to John's Gospel please a gospel account of John I should say chapter 3 John chapter 3 very familiar passage to many but some of the verses sometimes people just quote one verse or two out of here John 3 and 16 anybody know John 3:16 parents listen to me every child ought to have the opportunity to grow up and be taught at home and in church and learn all the basics to know about Daniel in the lion's den right Jonah and great fish right who are the Twelve Apostles what are the Ten Commandments right every child so we got a whole generation that knows none of these things and and it's it's not just a matter of knowing some stuff and saying I know it these lessons learn put pillars in you to know what's right and what's wrong and how to believe and how to live and so we're believing God and our children's workers are doing an outstanding job do you know they are and they're growing and that's what that's what they're doing is is to to teach these things to your little ones and and if you didn't learn it growing up it's not too late it's not just a medicine yeah I know that I can quote that no it's there's reason why God gave us these things and they I can't even express it I could start talking in tones and have to interpret it but it just does so much for our thinking the way we see things the way we perceive God the world everything these are not just stories hmm they are light they are the way to live and how to overcome so John 3:16 is something everybody should know don't you think God so loved the world that what happened he so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son well I started to quick back up to verse 14 verse 14 all this flows together 14 15 16 17 he says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up now what was he talking about lifted up if you read other passages it's talking about him being lifted up on the pole on the cross he was hung suspended or lifted up off the ground on this pole and the Bible said that this was prefigured by Moses lifting up a snake on a pole how is and actually it was a brass a serpent a snake figurine of a serpent snake made out of brass that then was attached to a pole that was lifted up what had happened if you read back in numbers the people of God had murmured and complained against God and just yielded to unbelief and fear and rebelled against God's commandments and the Bible said serpents snakes had come into the camp and were biting the people and they were dying now it's no strange thing that you'd find a snake in the desert what is interesting is that nothing's been said about snakes till now there's been a protective barrier round about them from the time they were in Egypt isn't that right I mean diseases swept through Egypt but it didn't cross over the border to the land of Goshen there were times when it was pitch-black in Egypt and the sun is shining in Goshen now that's like saying that is pitch-black in Georgia but the Sun is signing you know a couple of feet across the state line in Florida that's a miracle right but you know way before Star Trek God had force fields do you know he still has them today he does and he had encircled in and he was he was keeping them and protecting them from that which would hurt them and destroy them but they're griping and complaining pulled down the force field wonder if there's a lesson there actually the New Testament warns us in 1st Corinthians 10 not to murmur and complain like they did because they got destroyed of the destroyer now I know people like to think that you know maybe murmuring and complaining ain't good but it ain't that big of a deal actually it's a very big deal it's a big deal murmuring and griping can open the door to the destroyer in your life very serious sail ah do we need to think about that we do but anyway in the midst of these snakes coming into a the camp and biting people now if I just turned to poisonous snakes loose in this place just to what do you think could be happening oh man folks might be jumping hollered and rushing to get out running over each other well here's hundreds of thousands of people and their livestock and I don't know hundreds of snakes thousands of snakes this is there's chaos you know and in the midst of this Moses hears from God and he tells him to make a brass snake and put it on a pole and hold that up where everybody can see it and tell everybody whoever looks on this serpent on the pole will live and if you look up the word amplified has a note on it it talks about not just a passing glance but a steady absorbing gaze on what on a snake on a pole and the Bible said everyone that looked lived even if you've just been bitten and venom is coursing through your veins if you'll just ignore everything and look up and fix your gaze on the snake on the pole you live you live and here read it again John 3 and 14 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up so obviously this snake on a pole is a type of Jesus on the cross how is a snake on the pole a type of Jesus on the cross why wasn't a dove on the pole or something else that symbolized purity and peace and love and righteousness you know why because the cross is not a pretty place I know people where the crosses jewelry and I'm not opposed to that at all but in that day it would be like wearing a little electric chair because it was the device of execution for the very worst criminals and the cross remember as he hung on the cross it became dark remember that why because all the sin of all mankind was laid on him past present and future and he didn't just sympathize with it he became it hence the snake brass indicating hardness and judgment and the snake he became sin with our sin it really happened I said it really happened he's in a big deal it's a very big deal if it wasn't a big deal then Jesus becoming sin is not a big deal but it is a big deal he became sin that's when he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me one because the judgment of God came down on him because he had become your sin and my sin he became sin with our sin and so just like Moses lifted up that serpent on the pole even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life just like they didn't die from the snakebite type of the sin and death law of sin and death even so today those that look upon him that was made sin with their sin as he hung on the cross will not die even though you are since tongue and stained and bit you will not die but live and have eternal life how many are beholding him you got your eyes on him looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith or thank you Lord it says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life would you lift up a hand and say I believe on him I believe in him well do you believe the rest of that verse you will not perish you will have everlasting life do you believe it says Saints he said for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believes on him is not condemned do you believe on him he that believes on him is not condemned but he that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and he goes on talking about the same subject but for for today let's let's stop and talk about this did you know that because of sin there is coming a day of judgment there is coming a day of wrath where the guilty will be judged and punished this should be very sobering to us but those in Christ Jesus do not have to fear it let's let's look at some scriptures and talk about it think about it some I know that when's the last time you heard preaching about it we need to know about it we need that we need to think about it there's coming today we're not gonna live like we're living here right now forever the earth is not going to continue like it is people talk about saving the planet well there's no reason to see how badly you can mess it up we do still live here but at the same time ultimately you're not nobody's going to be able to save the planet the planet is dying just like your body our body is made out of the same elements as the planet that's where it comes from and just like our bodies are growing older and dying the same thing is happening to the whole planet and actually the atmosphere everything around it and Roman says that it the earth the crawl creation is groaning and travailing and all these these earthquakes and too hot too cold these imbalances folks want a tribute them to every kind of thing but it's the same thing it's happening with you in your aches and pains the planet is getting older and dying and there come a time that the heavens and the earth are going to pass away they're going to melt with fervent heat and there's going to be no more earth and and an atmosphere like there is now but God's going to give us a new heaven and a new earth hallelujah and the new will be - all of the curse and junk and we're gonna have some of the best weather you have ever seen you're going to be able to run through the jungle without stepping on a thorn and without fear of a tiger getting you because the lion is going to eat straw and grass like an ox here the carnivores will be vegetarians they won't rip each other apart anymore all a lot of what people call nature is actually perverted by sin and curse and it's going to be restored soon do you believe it says but why I'm saying all this is that we don't need to live life down here thinking this is all there is and it's always going to be like this it's not it's not soon and very soon all creation is going to be stand before God on the great day of judgment and he is the righteous judge of all the earth and when you when you hear words like condemned righteous it's legal terminology and it's not that the Bible borrowed from current legal language it was around hey before it's the other way around but it's legal talk and condemned means guilty found guilty justified means cleared of all charges innocent and on that day do you think is going to be very important whether you're guilty or innocent eternity is in the balance if you're innocent if you're righteous you go one way if you're guilty you go the other way if you're righteous you're in one group if you're condemned you're in another group now there's a lot of religious ideas about it but let's go to the word in Revelation 20 turn there and look at this Revelation 20 verse 11 he said I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was no place found for him is our God awesome he is indescribable let's think about this have you ever looked up in the night sky hmm have you ever noticed the Sun the oceans and the mountain ranges what kind of being can create that what kind of be people say well we don't know for sure that God that there is an intelligent creator well maybe you don't know we're settled about if you ever noticed some of the evils supposedly the brightest scientific minds of our age and in previous decades but start describing their godless ideas about creation they don't go very far until they'll start using things that phrases like we don't know for sure nobody knows it maybe nobody has ever proven God didn't create it because he did but think about it what kind of being can not only create the universe the solar system's the stars the plan but keep some operating the bottle said all things are upheld by the word of his power what kind of power does it take to keep the Sun burning that's quite a few BTU right what gravity what kind of power is that it makes anything we've ever any little bomb we've ever made he just looks like a puppet you want to talk about real power you talk about gravitational forces of oceans and planet cores and between planets you talk about the power of stars what kind of being creates that makes that that is the judge of all the earth and that is your father now I appeared what I said the judge is your daddy you should already be feeling better about this so not like the judge of the universe is my daddy oh did you hear that sage did you hear that sex the judge of all the earth it's my father he's my father keep reading I saw a great white throne him that sat on it from whose face from his face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was no place found for I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and the death and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire does it sound like it is really important that your name be in the Lamb's Book of Life you know the disciples when Jesus sent them out he gave them power and authority over unclean spirits to cast them out in the hill every manner of sickness and disease and when they came back they rejoiced this said Lord even the Devils are subject to us in your name he said that's great that's great but this is what the owner will rejoice about that your names are written hallelujah in heaven of all the things we get happy about this order being right at the top of the list right because this has to do with our security and our place in the future when there's no more life on planet earth like it is now where all of this is over and done and all humanity stands before him those who are not found in the Lamb's Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire with all of hell and the devil and all those who've rejected him jesus said if you don't believe I'm the one you'll die in your sins but apparently if you believe he is the one you won't die in your sins you'll die in righteousness and come out in life you slip out of the body and second death has no power over you the Bible says sin has no more dominion over you so death has no more dominion over you because the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord romans 14:9 talks about this 14:9 says to this in Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the Dead and living why do you judge your brother Romans 14:10 or why do you said it not your brother we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ it is written as I live says the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God so then every one of us shall give account of himself to God this is a courtroom scene this is a throne of judgment the judge sitting on the throne the righteous perfect judge and the individual in question is either accused or acquitted either condemned or righteous condemned or righteous you're not both I said condemned or righteous which one are you Saints which one huh are you sure there is therefore now no condemnation to get it settled absolutely settled because you're you are the main witness in this situation your testimony carries huge weight in this judgment what you say about it do you believe it do it go back to Revelation I should have had you stay there maybe you're still there yeah somebody is revelation and the twelfth chapter you know we read last week how the woman was taken in an act of adultery and they pulled her out in front of Jesus and he said he that's without sin among you let him cast the first stone and they convicted by their own conscience went out one by one starting with the youngest to the oldest and then finally nobody was there but Jesus send the woman and he looked at her and he said woman where are your accusers did you hear this language has no man condemned you she said nobody Lord of course she you know bless her heart she's been humiliated out here and and she thought she's dead she thought she's dying just two minutes ago but things are looking up right nobody's standing there accusing her Jesus is the only one left to say yea or nay about what happens to her and he said neither do i condemn you go and walk in the spirit not in the flesh and sin no more come on are you listening Saints he didn't say that is no big deal big deal what happens you know they called it a sin but who knows these day no no she had sinned and he said don't do it anymore but I'm not gonna condemn you either if you're not condemned that means you don't go to jail you don't get punished in revelation 12 verse 9 well actually verse 7 verse 7 you got time for this I could use extra couple of minutes this morning you got them or we will not even have an evening service today so really I should I should be able to go longer right with no evening service I could almost hear somebody said I thought you were already doing that one compared to what there was war in heaven revelation says Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels it is something that they thought they could win some you know if you tell lies long enough you start believing your own lives and they did what they prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven that's one of the reasons the devil hates us so much is because he's lost his place and we have the place in heaven we have an eternal place in the kingdom of God family of God heaven he's jealous of us he's very envious of us verse 9 and that the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceives the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night did you know you have an adversary your adversary is the accuser and you know what he does against you and I all the time day and night before God is accuse us now that's not just trying to slander us or call us a name why would he do this he seeks judgment against us so he can have access to us you get a glimpse behind the scenes with Jobe of Jobe excuse me the devil accusing job to God and he's saying if he loses what he's got he won't stay with you he will curse you to your face if he don't have his health he will curse you to your face he said well no wonder he serves you you've put a fence around everything he's got there's that forcefield what's going on the devil wants to get to him he wants to hurt him and he can't he can't get to him he can't get access to him the devil and everything he's cracked his self up to be so what's he doing he's making these accusations like a prosecuting attorney would he's bringing charges against come on are you listening say and he's seeking a judgment and if you're found guilty he's got a right to destroy and kill and steal in order to make you despise him it's okay to hate him we don't hate people but we hate him he hates you every day and night he's trying to find a way to get you judged now he's not doing it all personally he's got Empson ones that he sins in the signs and they're always trying to accuse you and the testimony that carries some of the greatest weight is what comes out of your own mouth how many know if you if you get charged with something whether you're guilty or not I don't care what kind of law you could have the best lawyer in the world best a defense attorney in the world if you take the stand and grip the rail and go I'm guilty guilty as sin I did it I did you're done right if the judge is righteous he or she has no choice right but to find you guilty you said you are okay what kind of defense you got you've blown it with your testimony read the next verse read the next verse has anybody awake in here they overcame him him who their accuser the prosecuting attorney they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb that's not all and by the word of their testimony does it make a difference what you're saying hmm what are you saying Saints I'm such a poor excuse for a Christian I've just failed in so many ways people think this is being humble people think this is being a good Christian I'm just I'm a sinner I sent everyday I just you know I I you're what you're saying I'm guilty I deserve to be punished I deserve to be judged and even they're Christians all over the colored Christians in this town if you say you know say I'm righteous they go oh no I'm not righteous me I'm a singer well then your you deserve to be judged what is your testimony come on side are you guilty are you righteous are you condemned you can't be both which one are you the devil is provoking he's prodding he's bringing accusations against you he's doing his best to get you to just go beauty I deserve it I'm such a sad beautiful yeah I deserve everything you're good and here we go see see they're guilty oh but just friends you need to know this you don't just have an accuser you have an advocate somebody say glory to God for the Advocate first John turned their first John to first John - who makes me happy how about you first John 2 verse 1 my little children these things write I unto you that you want it's sin a big deal that's the big deal my little children this is addressed to the church God does not refer to the unsaved as his little children my little children these things write I unto you that you would send not and if any man sin if you do if you do don't just say I'm guilty if you do remember we have an advocate that's a legal term I said that's a legal term that's your defense attorney and he is the best that's ever been he's the best in the universe do you believe it say she said out loud we have an advocate I have an advocate there is an accuser there's somebody against you accusing you know always trying to find bring charges against you if I get judgment against you but he's the lesser one he's the defeated one we have an advocate with the father the big judge and our advocate is Jesus Christ the righteous hallelujah verse 2 he is the propitiation he here is the payment for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world if the world that don't even believe him that did cuss him if they just knew it hid before him he's their advocate he paid the price for their sins - right if they just receive him Oh somebody say glory to God they skip down to the fourth chapter get ready to shout some more first John for you have an advocate yeah there's an accuser anything happened to you bad anything looked like it could happen to you or might happen to you the devil will come and sit on your shoulder and bring thoughts to your mind and tell you you deserve it you've missed it so many ways you've come so short you don't deserve to be healed you deserve to be sick and suffering all the way you've lived all the stuff you've done you don't deserve to have a good marriage all the mistakes you've made the lies you've told the unfaithfulness you don't deserve to be happy you don't deserve to have a a good family you deserve this problem you deserve this trouble you deserve this curse he's the accuser he uses you to God he accuses you to yourself others to you he's just the accuser he does it all the time and what he's trying to do is to get you to break and add your testimony to his and agree with him that he's right that you're a failure and you're guilty and you don't deserve any blessing and you deserve curse and punishment and if you do you're done for you're done for oh but friend you have an advocate and even if you've been thrown in in the cell and things ain't looking too good and they got a pile of evidence against you they got you on video breaking the law your advocate will come and you'll say don't worry about it I got this that's what I was gonna say he said now here study this manuscript it's the bibl II and don't say anything else other than what I've told you to say let's go over again there's real slow II don't I don't care what the accused now the accuser is gonna come he's gonna razzle-dazzle he's gonna do a lot of stuff stay cool don't let him rattle you and don't say anything except what I have told you did did the Lord tell you that you were guilty in it did he tell you that you should be punished he told you you're righteous he told you you're healed he told you you're redeemed he told you you're free didn't he didn't he if you're smart you'll go yes sir they said don't don't worry about this now just stay with me so the accuser comes he says guilty they're guilty guilty they've done this they've done that they didn't do what you told them to do they rebelled against you they disobeyed they did this they did that they deserve to be punished and so they look to you and you go I'm innocent I'm innocent of all charges that's right I'm the righteousness of God in Christ now the accuser says no you're guilty you're a sinner you deserve to be punished you go no I'm innocent of all charges I don't deserve to be punished at all we have proof you were there you did this you did that exhibit a show the video and they turn it on and there's nothing there [Applause] there's nothing on the video there's nothing on the audio the pictures are blank it's all been washed by the blood [Applause] now if you two said I'm guilty it'd be there but if you stay cooling you go mmm I'm innocent come on everybody practice I'm innocent come on say it again I'm innocent I don't deserve to be judged oh not guilty not guilty how do you plead if you if you stick to it long enough the righteous judge will tell your accuser to shut up and your advocate will stand forth did the Bible say he ever lives to make intercession for that's not just a prayer thing that's a legal thing he said Your Honor my father this is sounding good already they accused my brother your son or no your liking the sound of this already has testified that they are righteous undeserving of any punishment I present for the courts consideration Exhibit A my blood on the mercy seat and the Bible said that blood testifies doesn't it it speaks you know what he's saying innocent innocent they're innocent innocent father says the court has accepted that evidence and Your Honor my father the accused my brother your son has testified that by my stripes they are healed deserve no punishment of did you notice this by his what you're healed what'swhat's stripe stripe is the result of being punished beaten he took the beating so you don't have to he said I present for the courts consideration Exhibit B the stripes from my back the court has accepted that evidence you know what's going to happen you are found innocent not guilty that means the devil has no right no access to come on are you listening Saints what is your confession they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and and by the word of their testimony Jesus said by your words you will be justified by your words you will be condemned didn't he say it said out loud I have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I'm not guilty I don't deserve to be punished I'm innocent an aside an aside hallelujah your advocate backs you up heaven backs you up the blood backs you up the father backs you up if you'll agree with them stand on your feet everybody said out loud I agree with God I agree with my advocate I'm innocent
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 3,866
Rating: 4.7073169 out of 5
Id: E0i__OIAl6U
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Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2013
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