Keith Moore - An Act of Fear - Pt.9 (Rebellion and Fear).wmv

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right you take care of it now be led but watch for opportunities and when the Lord prompts you don't be cheap step up when he prompts you you get up you say yeah I got that I got that I'll take care of that go to John 14 please we could just go home and there's been a lot accomplished already you don't go home you already come out dressed up combed your hair you might as well get the full measure right I know I was Phyllis and I were at some little place different denomination different group would ever been before the Lord has had us in some unusual places you wonder how you got there and different cultures different groups but I really enjoy it I do our diversity enriches us and you learn things about God because he manifests himself a little differently through people and yet you can see same Holy Ghost but a little bit different way and approach and I spoke and I ministered and the fella got up the minister and real thick accent huh I don't remember where we were but he said our brother has brought the word it was a full message because you know me and he said he looked at him he says brethren eat the whole roll brethren eat the whole roll amen what does that mean take it all eat the hold you receive all you heard take it all eat the whole roll John 14 we've been on this for a few weeks now I didn't mean to be on it for a few weeks but yet here we are and it keeps coming up in numerous ways John 14:27 Jesus said What did he say peace I leave with you my peace I give to you if he gave it to you you ought to be enjoying it don't you think not as the world giveth give I unto you you cannot find this peace through any intellectual psychiatric treatment psychotherapy you cannot find this peace through any alcohol or through any drug you cannot find this peace through accumulation of possessions or through sex did you hear me you cannot get this any other place are other ways the world seeks for this peace nobody wants to be tormented nobody don't care what language they speak what religion they claim to be nobody wants to be that's why so many people are in bondage 'iz and sin because they're doing stuff to try to find some satisfaction and some release and relief they want to get high so they can mellow out lay back kick back float but you can't find it in a field oh you can you know you can do some weird stuff to your brain in your body chemistry and you can have some strange sensations but I'm telling you for every good one you have you're gonna have more of the bad and you can drug yourself until you pass out in a coma but that don't mean you got peace right you can drink too you pass out it doesn't mean you got piece you can dull yourself and confuse yourself until you can't tell who you are whether you're coming or going or mess up all your understanding but that is not the same as being in peace that's just being confused and bewildered and dulled muted but Jesus has already given us what the lost world is looking for and what confused and scared Christians are still looking for it's already belongs to them what my piece he said give I unto you not as the world gives what did he what he going to say because he's already given us this peace he expects something and requires something of us head of the church talking again right What did he say let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so if we are afraid it's because we let ourselves get that way and we didn't have to we shouldn't have he told us not to true or not true so it's a very important thing to learn that nothing no one can force you to be afraid did you hear me not the devil himself no person no thing there is nothing so awful and so terrible that it can come on you and force you to fear and there's nothing you can do about it does not exist are you with me for one thing there's nothing and nobody greater than the one that's inside of you and greater than the peace that the Lord's given you and because of you being born again and having authority in his name and the greater one inside you you have the right and you have the ability to resist any fear that comes to you and not let it in you it may come to you but you don't have to let it in you it may try to come on you you may feel it but you don't have to let it in you ever I said ever said out loud nothing no one no spirit can make me be afraid you believe that if you get afraid if you get troubled it's because what according to Jesus you let it you let it in which means you didn't have to now we've learned a number of things if you've been with us on these Friday nights if not go download the previous what is it four sessions or so you can go back into word supply and get them charge as well we've learned that it's a spiritual law that your fears come on you haven't went we've learned that you don't you got it within your power and I do to resist fear and never let it in us we've learned that acting on a fear is just one of the most dangerous things you can do in the whole world acting in faith allows miracle power of God to be manifested acting on a fear gives the destroyer a legal right to manifest destruction in your life that's why your fears come on you but one thing that I'm seeing more clearly is that the people of God are yielding to fear in ways they're not recognizing or acknowledging do you understand there's a lot of fear in the body of Christ oh man a lot of fear is it a problem it's it's opening the door to the destroyer it's hindering God's moving in people's lives but people are yielding in ways that I don't think they're they're connecting that they're you know putting the dots together so to speak there's a lot of talk nowadays about staying connected and connectivity isn't there staying connected and a lot a lot of it has to do with technology and through the internet and stay connected stay connected well there's a spiritual principle that whatever you're connected to you partake of good or bad right whoever you're join to whoever you're connected to you're not just connected to them but now you're connected to whatever they're connected to yes and vice versa that can be a very good thing and it can be a very bad thing the Bible talks about Jehoshaphat who was a who was a good King but he messed up by joining himself to a has ayah who was a wicked King don't turn there but just listen in 2nd chronicles 20 said he joined himself with him and made ships and the prophet prophesied against Jehoshaphat said because you joined yourself with a Hosea the Lord has broken your works and the ships were broken and weren't able to go to Tarsus how many know it's a that's a heavy investment to build ships and all of them got destroyed before they ever left port that's a huge loss and who's to blame Jehoshaphat was why he joined with the wrong people does it make a difference who you hook up with so that's what the Bible's talking about when it says don't be yoked together with unbelievers and you read in the book of Revelation the the the scripture said to the people come out of her toll not the wicked city come out of her lest you partake of her destruction if you're joined with her you're gonna get a taste of what she's gonna get even if you're a good person Jehoshaphat was a good man he's a good king he did a lot of good things but he had a crazy idea he's gonna make a lot of money by hooking up with this wicked King and they go make a navy and they're gonna get all this stuff and all this money but when he joined himself with him he joined himself with destruction can you see this friends you know the Bible said about two what we call the prodigal son he took his money and left home and spent it on riotous living wild partying and when he ran out of money his friends f/2 and he the Bible said he joined himself to a certain citizen of that country and was feeding his pigs did you hear the language how did he get hooked up with this guy he joined himself and so he is living in the Pigpen wanting to eat pig food was this God's idea for this boy no it was just best boys I did he joined himself to it now he's partaking of what this guy is living in because he joined himself to it and yet the Bible says talk about a man and a wife that get married in God jesus said what God has joined together let no man separate is there a difference between man joined you joined yourself with and God joined Oh huge huge where are you you're still in John go to Deuteronomy the first chapter and look at something that is a connector to fear people are yielding to fear through yielding to other things and when you join yourself with it it's like gathering the water but you don't want the wind getting the sucker but you don't want the sticky suck in the lemon but you don't want the sour how many know you hooked up with the lemon you gonna get the sour right you joined to the sucker you gonna get some sticky right and these things are connected to fear so that if you're yielding to one you're gonna get the other and you can't get rid of the other as long as you got the one as you join to it now we saw previously people even God's people are yielding to fear through lying and hiding if you were here with us last week right we talked about that people are yielding to the fear now I hope I'm not going too fast on this back to our text if fear is in you how did it get there you let it because jesus said don't let it so if fear if your heart is troubled and upset if you're scared and in turmoil how did you get that way you let it in or you could select this you yielded to it someway somehow you healed it to it there's no way you're full of fear and you didn't yield to it right you got fear in you it's because you yield it to it but what I'm saying is that as the Lord's helping me to see people are yielding to fear and not realizing they're yielding to it because they're yielding to this and the fear is connected to it people are giving place to fear in their life through lying and hiding we kept on that last time and how many no even if you lied because you're afraid now how can you get rid of the fear about the lie that you told they're connected can you see it how can you get rid of the fear when you lied about it and you know it can come out if you hold on to the lie how can you get rid of the fear oh come on can you see this this is Revelation the Lord giving us if you hid it and covered it and you know it's wrong can you get rid of the fear why are you covering it you can't you can say I rebuke the fear you can say I resist the fear but the truth is you're yielding to the fear by covering and lying so no matter what's coming out of your mouth your actions are talking louder you are you can't give place to it and yield to it and say but I don't want it the fear comes with the lying and the hiding and here's something else that the Lord has shown me that's happening a lot did you find Deuteronomy 1 the first generation of Israelites that God delivered from Egyptian bondage did not enter into nor enjoy the promised land is that true didn't happen even though this Bible says the works were finished from the foundation of the world it was God's will they were supposed to but they didn't what did they do they wandered around in a dry barren place it was not a land that flows with milk and honey come on think about it now when God delivered them out of Egyptian bondage out of slavery they were supposed to come right through that place into a land that flowed with milk and honey that was supposed to learn some lessons for a few days about faith and being led and putting God first out there in the desert but they were supposed to come right through and spend the rest of their long life with orchards and vineyards and flocks and houses full of all good things you know the scriptures right I mean a rich full enjoyable life materially and spiritually and it didn't happen it didn't happen they lived in a dry bleak hot uncomfortable barren wasteland where they subsisted the remainder of their short tormented life and they're God's people they're his chosen right now when they came to the place of entering into the Promised Land you're there in Deuteronomy 1 just hold that go to numbers 14 we'll put more of the story together I'm trying to save time but don't want to rush too much numbers 14 and then again in Deuteronomy 1 describes what happened there and this is not just a history lesson first corinthians tell us that there are examples for us first Corinthians 10 tells us that what happened to them happened as examples for us and Hebrews talks about that we're too weird to watch less the same thing happened that happened to them happened to us unless you know opportunity of us entering into the rest of God we miss it - through unbelief why did they not go in why did they not enjoy the riches and blessings of God's plan and promises why we know fear was a part of it don't we big part fear and unbelief we know it but I want you to see what it was connected to this is the thing the Lord showed me today in the clear wedding I ever seen it before yes it was the fear yes it was the unbelief but notice what it was connected to that caused it so they couldn't get rid of the fear how many know Psalm 34 talks about it I cried to the Lord right he heard me and he delivered me from all my fifth house belief you're in I don't care how much fear you're in God can deliver you from all of it can t he'll come to him and do the right thing he can get you full of faith in free from fear can t I don't care if you were the worst worrier and the worst around you can get free you can get free from fear and instead of being full of fear you can get full of faith but this connector thing I'm talking about if you're holding on to the thing that we're going to see and won't turn loose of it it causes you so that you can't get rid of the fear because they're connected and in yielding to one you give place to the other now we know what happened did they ever get freed from their fear and unbelief never did they wandered around out there in that hot bleak dry barren place year after year after year after how many know 40 years is a long time to live a miserable life no luxuries no niceties no comfort no place of your own not able to build on anything and none of this is the will of God none of it and finally they all died out there every one of them except for Joshua and Caleb so I'm ask you again did they ever get free from their fear and unbelief never did if you read the whole story it's obvious they never did because other things came up while they were out there and if anything they responded with more fair and more unbelief it's a sad story we've heard it so many times it's familiar to us but it's a very sad story but I want us I want you to see this connector which we keep referring to numbers 14 well in numbers 13 they had sent the spies and they came back from searching the land and they said men it's a great land it's a great land but the majority of the spies said oh no we can't take it the the people are big and the walls are tall and we're not able to they brought up an evil report chapter 14 verse 1 all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night and all the children of Israel murmur - gets Moses and against Aaron and the whole congregation and they said to them would God that would have died in the land of Egypt or what God would have died in this wilderness why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword so our wives and children should be a prey we're it not better for us to return to Egypt and they sent one to another let's make us a captain and let's go back to Egypt it's fear and unbelief the only problems they've got what else is going on here you said it rebellion they have heard the plan of God and they said forget that we're gonna get us a new leader and we're going back to Egypt now you'll see this over and over and over again but a bigger problem they had than fear and unbelief was rebellion and when they yielded to the rebellion it brought the fear in did you did you hear me keep reading this I want you to see it from the word here Moses and Aaron fell on their face before all the assembly verse 6 Joshua the son of nun Caleb the son of Jephunneh they they that searched the land they tore their clothes and and they said to the company the land which we passed through the searchin it's an exceeding good land if the Lord delight in us he'll bring us into this land and give us a land which flows with milk and honey only what only what rebelle not against the Lord now friend this is what I want you to see fear is not the innocent thing so many have thought it is fear is not innocent like so many think they think if you're afraid will bless your heart you need a hug cuz they're just scared yeah but why are you scared right now you gonna have to stay focused or this is revelation if go back to our text if you me anybody is scared particularly tell my children of God now Christians if we're scared how do we get that way we let it in we yielded to it right so are we totally innocent in this thing no we let it in we need more than just a hug and here you see and you'll sit clear and clear as we go the reason they were so full of fear and unbelief is because they were so rebellious so hard-headed unyielding unwilling to be teachable and do what the Lord said do and in yielding to this rebellion when you join yourself to one thing you just joined yourself to what is hooked up to it and rebellion and fear are connected it's really an eye-opener when you realize what the devil has portrayed that if you're tough and rebellious you're fearless I ain't scared of nobody and I don't obey anybody rules are made for breaking you are looking at a scared man and they'll do sometimes some wicked things to try to cover their fear did you hear me and they'll do some terrible things out of fear but it's impossible to be rebellious and fearless now whether you see all this tonight or not don't throw it away chew on it meditate on it search it out see don't take my word for it search the Scriptures with these people scared they cried in their tents all night were they full of unbelief yeah but what does he bring out and talk to him about he said quit this rebelling against the Lord neither what are they connected rebelled not against the Lord neither fear somebody say rebel not fear not don't rebel and don't fear how could they get rid of the fear stop rebelling has this been taught very much if somebody's afraid they need a hug these people need a hug they're scared out of their minds they stayed up all night last night crying their their self silly they really are terrified of dying do they need a hug they need to stop rebelling and if they would they could get rid of that fear this is revelation France the whole rest of this chapter is rich along this line you know I won't continue go to Deuteronomy 1 Deuteronomy 1 and 25 he said they took of the fruit of the land in their hands they brought it down to us and they brought us word again they said it's a good land which the Lord our God does give us notwithstanding you would not go up but did what rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God and you murmured in your tents verse 28 says he they discouraged their their hearts of their brethren verse 29 I said to you do what dread not neither be afraid are the two connected the rebellion and the fear are they connected but this is the enemy's been able to cover this up he's been able to hide this like I said one of the clearest examples of it is the tough-guy persona rebel against everything ain't scared of nobody it's a lie I said it's a lie the rebellious man is full of fear they do stupid stuff to try to prove they're not but they're still full of fear when everybody goes home and they lay down at night by their self because they're connected you can't yield to the rebellion and not get to fear and if you want it no matter how much you want to be rid of the fear you can't get rid of it why are you holding onto the rebellion do you see let me just read some of these to you don't try to turn there see how many times he he referred to this Deuteronomy 9 he said verse 6 he said understand the Lord your God has not given you this good land to possess it because of your righteousness for you are a stiff-necked people he said verse 7 you have been rebellious against the Lord he verse 23 you you haven't hearkened to his voice verse 24 he said you've been rebellious against the Lord from the day I knew you from the first day we met you've been rebellious this whole time till now so now in examining this I could read you another half-dozen scriptures that said the same thing have you read the Old Testament how many times has referred to them as stiff necked stubborn rebellious over and over and over again why did they die out there in that dry bleak place we know unbelief kept them out we know fear of the Giants fear of the walled cities we know that that kept them out but that's not the whole picture is it why are they so full of fear why are they so faithless and full of unbelief because when you yield to rebellion you let it all in oh do you see this friends when you yield to rebellion who is the most rebellious of all Satan himself he's the original rebel and when people sashay around and talk about what a rebel they are it's really ignorant how ignorant can you be nobody should ever want to be a rebel about anything you saying you want to be like the devil oh there's some confused ignorant folks in these areas they think wow you know I'd rather rule in Hell than serve in heaven most of my friends are there anyway we'll party might be a little hot but hey stupid stupid stupid what can you say if they were dropped in hell right now for 30 seconds and then lift it out when they quit screaming they would never say such a stupid thing again ain't nothing funny about hell ain't nothing cool about Hell literally or figuratively and to be a rebel is to be a scared person and a weak person oh you can try to hide it all you like you can hurt people you can be mean you can be cruel it doesn't change the fact that you're full of fear and you cannot get rid of the fear as long as you yield to the rebellion look with me as somebody that personifies this in First Samuel 15 you got a little more time for this because I'm not quite through 1st Samuel fifteen tells us about a man named saw you member saw saw was big guy he was warrior he was a fighting man and he was a rebel the golden text on rebellion was written about him if you set up he's gonna say down if you say do it he's gonna say no and he's big and he's bad he don't care and at this point he's become king and nobody can tell him in any way different but God threw the man of God told him to go do something told him exactly what to do and how to do it a campaign and he went and did it changed it all up did it like he wanted to how many Stan modification is disobedience well I just changed it a little bit rebellious right well I did it you know I mean it got done in that what counts no that's not all that counts by a long shot No No when the man of God confronted him and said why did you do this God told you something to do why did you do he said we're that do it some I said rebellious how many know when a man of God like this ask you a question like that you ought to be on the floor you ought to be on the floor repenting before God praying that you'll get mercy on this deal he's up in his face arguing with him now listen but what we've learned already what else do we know about song he's a fearful man the more rebellious a person the more full of fear they'll be and can't get rid of it I don't care how much I pray I don't care how much people cast out of him or lay hands on him I don't care how much they fast you can't get rid of the fear - you stop yielding to the rebellion and finally when the man of God told him well let me tell you what the Lord told me he's found him somebody else little obey him he's taking the kingdom away from you he said well I did it because I was afraid of the people fear I feared the people sometimes we've kind of read over that and said ah you know he didn't well he said he did and the Bible said he did fears in him well without going through all the chapters and the verses the but let me just read it to you the Bible said after that day you know he grabbed ahold of Samuels clothes and tore him and it's going to make him stay with him and honor him before the people why is he doing this oh he's tough he's bad he's gonna make you why is he doing it though he's full of fear he's full of fear that he's losing everything and he is because your fears will come on yet and isn't it a terrible situation that the fear is just filling him up the fear is increasing in his life and he can't get rid of it nothing he does can get rid of it why he won't quit rebelling and the Bible said after this you know David wound up in his court and would play for him and he'd get some relief sometimes when the anointing would come when David played but the Bible said first Samuel 1812 Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him verse 15 when Saul saw that David behaved himself wisely he was afraid of him verse 29 and Saul was yet the more what and how is how was it manifested by him trying to be so bad right trying to kill him Oh friend are you getting the picture the tough so-called toughest of the tough the gang leaders the hardened criminals the worst ones in the max security prisons that are supposed to be the meanest the baddest the toughest break every law break of a rule what's the truth they are full of fear that's why some of them sit around get to thinking about it and go kill their best friend afraid they might tell the law something on them kill their only friend cause their self untold pain and can't get free from it it's just going to get worse and worse the more you rebel the worse it's going to get Saul's rebelling against God it's the plan of God for David to come in he knows all that and yet he refuses to have it that way he's gonna fight it and so he keeps chasing him and he imagine the fear that came on him when he realized he was 2 feet from David in that cave or when he was asleep and they got close enough to take what was right by his head and never woke him up and called on him and said hey basically we could have killed you anytime and the combination of it came he's so full of fear he goes to a witch and tries to get her to find that because he can't hear from God and she tells him you and your boys gonna die tomorrow in the battle through the experience and the Bible said he was so afraid it sounds like he went into shock or something he was he was kind of paralyzed First Samuel 28 5 when he saw the host he was afraid his heart greatly trembled he's the big tough guy his heart's trembling and verse 20 when he heard about that he fell straight well on the earth he was sore afraid there was no strength in him he was so afraid he's paralyzed and the next day all his fears came true Philistines killed him him and his boy can you see the torment in his life from that day of him rebelling against God and against the man of God every day after that concerning David and concerning his future in his life for fear just kept growing in him until he was out of his mind his heart shaking in him paralyzed laying on the floor don't even have enough strength to get up that's how much of a panic and terror this man was in and he's also the one that the verse was written about rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft it was written in reference to him can you see this friends go with me to Psalms please Psalm 68 does the Lord one wants to be completely free from fear free from unbelief Psalm 68 and six reveals a law a truth 68 will we read verse 5 God is a father of the fatherless somebody say yes he is he's a judge of the widow's yes he is his God in His holy habitation I'll get this verse 6 God sets the solitary in families he brings out those which are bound with chains but but what the rebellious what happens to them they dwell in a dry land hidden net what we saw with that first generation of Israelites they dwelt where in a bleak barren dry life equals lonely barren unfruitful listen to other translations the Webster says God sets the lonely in families he brings out prisoners with singing but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land the NA s says God makes a home for the lonely he leads out the prisoners into prosperity several translations say prosperity now get denseness the NA s are you looking only the rebellious dwell in a parched land we have entirely too many lonely people among believers can y'all hear this word tonight we have lonely people they don't have the relationships they don't have the fellowship and it's not that you have to be married you don't have to be married to have a family they don't have to be blood kin right no child of God is supposed to be lonely and you got people in the midst of big churches and big ministries and big communities and they are just lonely out of their mind they get up along they eat alone they go to bed alone and and they're full of fear think with me now they're full of fear they're afraid of the future they're afraid of running out of money they're afraid of being sick they're afraid of driving they're afraid of getting caught in this and caught in that they're afraid they're I'm talking about church-going people lonely and scared and most people think they need a hug it's real quiet in here are we gonna change what we believe now who dwells in the dry bleak barren lonely place rebellious people and no matter how much you pray for more they pray for themself or how many books they read and how many people lay hands on them or cast out or anoint can you get rid of that fear while you hold on to the rebellion you cannot God has a plan where everybody has a part right everybody has a part everybody has a place where they fit where they belong and he's joined this one to this one and this one to this one and this one to this one God joinings I said God joining us and through God joinings there's a supply of the Spirit hallelujah and you might live by yourself and you might do some things by yourself but you're not supposed to be the Lone Ranger you're supposed to have friends you're supposed to be involved in things you're supposed to have family in the family of God and if you got nobody it's you I said it's you there's some things the Lord's told you to do and you wouldn't do there's some things he told you be a part of and you wouldn't do it and when you say no I'm too scared I don't want to know I can't do it No then you're rebelling they won't listen and won't do and if you REBOUND what's joined to that rebellion fear can you get rid of it now No and if you keep yielding to it it's going to get worse and worse and worse and you will dwell in a dry lonely unfruitful place and you can blame God you can blame other people if you want to but it's not true did I read scriptures tonight or did I just make all this up let me read you some more I like this God makes a home for the lonely God sets the lonely in families is this word true or not is it true or not so if you're lonely you have a word from God don't you what that you're not gonna stay lonely that he's gonna set you in a family God's Word traditions God places lonely people in families he leads prisoners out of prison into productive lives but rebellious people must live in an unproductive land the English version he gives the lonely a home to live in and leads prisoners out into happy freedom but rebels will have to live in a desolate land the Living Bible he gives families to the lonely he releases prisoners from jail singing with joy but for rebels there is famine and distress and you can't get out of it can't get rid of the fear as long as you hold on to the rebellion how many remember Isaiah 1:19 if you be willing and obedient that's the opposite of unwilling and this will be if you're willing and obedient you're what you're what you're you're not dwelling in a dry bleak place na na you are eating the good you are wearing the good you're living the good enjoying the good with other people the good life that he's made ready for us but that's not the very next verse very next verse verse 20 says but if you refuse and rebel what will happen you'll be devoured consumed it's being rebellious a serious thing is it man I've got another hour here I don't know that I should get into it but I don't just want us to talk about this tonight if it's been this way how many think it could change tonight if you've been rebellious and if you have you just need to admit it don't you you just need to admit it I've been hard-headed don't listen to anybody and realize that's why you've been so lonely that's why you've been so full of fear unable to get free from it what if you'd come and humble yourself before the Lord tonight what if you do that would it be worth it to finally get that fear out of here and to get that torment out of you to finally begin to have fellowship with people like you're supposed to have finally begin to have the right connections and joinings and relationships and fellowship that you're supposed to would it be worth it to quit being so lonely lonely is torment you're supposed to be lonely do you believe it stand on your feet please musicians come
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 6,929
Rating: 4.8415842 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, An, Act, of, Fear, Pt, 9, Rebellion, and, Fear
Id: SifECQQ51Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2012
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