Keith Moore The Truth About Temptation Pt 2 The Truth About Sin

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can you say aye amen what would you turn to the book of Hebrews please thank you guys y'all can be seated go to the book of Hebrews please and if you didn't bring a Bible with you this evening we have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours raise your hand if you didn't bring a Bible and find Hebrews for turn there please we're gonna be looking at Hebrews four and then we'll be turning back to Hebrews two we began last week on a new series we're calling the truth about temptation and I'm excited about this series and you know you start talking about temptation you start talking about sin well a lot of folk get quiet and they think well you have anything else you can preach on by the kids but no no you want to hear this I said you want to hear this you you definitely want to hear this because what about the truth now you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free free how many think it's a good idea to be free concerning temptation and concerning sin to be free free well look in Hebrews the fourth chapter and down about the fourteenth verse let's pray before we we start this any further and I would ask you to believe with me it's not just all up to me tonight now if you don't help me much then it'll cost you father God we're all here before you tonight looking to you our eyes are on you give us ears that hear pray it out loud after me say give us ears - here eyes that see a heart open and receptive revealed to me the truth of your word concerning these things and our purpose by your grace not to be a hearer only but a doer of your word and I know as I do I will be blessed because you are faithful to watch over your word and perform it in my life hallelujah thank you Lord we look to your spirit we rest in you we yield to you thank you for ministering to us tonight in Jesus name Amen Hebrews four and 14 Hebrews four and 14 says seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession that words also translated confession for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities infirmities is the word for weaknesses you have to look when you see the word infirm or infirmity throughout the the New Testament you have to look to see what kind of weakness he's talking about infirmity doesn't automatically equal sickness it means weakness the body could be weak as the result of a disease or sickness but sometimes he's talking about a completely different kind of weakness than a physical weakness how many member Romans 8 talks about the spirit helps our infirmities is he talking about us being sick there no he's not he goes on to say for we know not what we should pray for as we ought well what's the weakness that he's talking about ignorance weak because of what you don't know thank God the Holy Spirit can help us how in the world could you pray about something you don't know well thank God for prayer in the spirit praying in other tongues and if you don't believe in that well brother you missing out and you can join us anytime but not knowing is the weakness well here he's talking about you know tell my physical weaknesses per se here either but we have a a high priest we don't have a high priest we should say who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities well another way of saying that is we do have a high priest who is touched with the feeling of our weaknesses but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin now we kept on this for a length of time last Friday and we need to go over it again and we would probably go over it again every time we talk about this for the next ever how many weeks we do but do you believe as it is written here that Jesus was tempted in every way that you were are could be do you believe that if you do then you're different from many Christians you're different from a lot of theologians there are people even though this reads very plainly there are people who don't accept this at face value and they try to make it mean other things and the reason they do is because they believe wrongly about temptation itself many believe that to be tempted means you have there's something inherently wicked about you something inherently evil are elsewise you couldn't be tempted and that for in order for Jesus to be tempted that means there's something wrong in him and that couldn't be so well the Bible said he was tempted in all points let me read it and other translations too to just reiterate it in the the NIV said he was tempted in every way just as we are the English Bible said in every respect he has been tempted as we are we know human beings have been tempted to lie they've been tempted to steal they've been tempted to commit adultery right they've been tempted to disobey God rebel against God and when you start talking about it specifically that's where people start having trouble thinking well not Jesus there's no way Jesus was ever tempted to disobey God there's no way Jesus was ever tempted to do those things well now you can't have it both ways what do you mean by that the first part of that but you see you see how quiet it got when I went into a little bit more detail look at it verse 15 we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses are we tempt able have we experienced feelings of weakness we'll see some have even Surma philosophers who are not believers have talked about this this concept and even some theologians how can a holy perfect God relate to a sinful man how could he even know what it's like to experience what we've experienced God became a man he emptied himself of his mighty weight and power and glory as God he emptied himself of his omniscience his omnipotence and became like other men the Bible says so and as a man he got tired as a man he didn't know everything are you listening now and a lot of folk don't like this but it's the truth it's mister yeah but number the key sometimes you said he knew their thoughts yes and it says other people new things too my word of knowledge yeah but he he calmed the storm and he he raised the dead God used other men to do similar things hasn't he did he ever cease being God no that's the great mystery but he became like other men now if he walked this earth while he lived here knowing everything if he walked this earth not being subject to temptation and weakness than he's not like me right and he's not like you and he can't relate well with me and and that that's one of the big reasons he came now there are many but that's one of the big reasons he came because the Romans talks about yay let God be true and every man a liar that you may God may be justified when you are condemned what does that mean God can do yet people shake their fists and go god it's not fair God you don't understand what it's like to be in my life you don't understand what it's like to be yes he dies yes and the only way he could is if he had been tempted in every way like us let me go further with this I'm gonna say yet yes but he was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin he never sinned so how could he know the shame of having sinned how could he relate to the embarrassment and the guilt and and the sense of failure since he never sinned how could he relate to that he can because by faith he took it all upon himself when he went to the cross how many understand something powerful was going on in him when he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me he never committed the sin but he he didn't just sympathize with it the Bible said he became sin now there's theologians that don't accept that either but if you don't accept these things then you undermine Redemption itself nor friends we have a complete Redemption we have an amazing Redemption and we got a great high priest there is just one God and there is just one mediator between God and men the man MA in man man smiston he's God yes but he's just as much man just as much man as you are I there is a man sitting at the right hand of majesty right now he knows every feeling he knows every temptation he knows everything that any man a woman has ever gone through now what's the good news about that come on we read the rest of this well actually I need to take you to another place go to the second chapter please of Hebrews 2 and 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him to be made like unto his brethren in how many things was he sort of like us partly like us how many in all things that behooves him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people for him that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted somewhere in others this this King James words sucker doesn't doesn't bring in a cross to us we don't even use that word much in a modern vernacular listen to these are the translations and get excited he said because he himself the NIV suffered being tempted he's able to help those who are being tempted somebody said he can help me he helps me when we when you are tempted now I know I mentioned this but we were in another state thousand miles away a few weeks ago and the Lord got me up in the night time about this and I and and just ministered to me we weren't through with the other series yet but I saw we need to get we need to go to this and the thing is people are not acknowledging temptation nobody wants to talk about it everybody wants to pretend that they're never tempted did you hear me how are you going to be helped with something you won't even acknowledge is going on now you know I mean in the the various 12-step programs that people have gone through and got help one of the first steps is acknowledging you got a problem huh now I don't necessarily agree with going around confessing the rest of your life I'm an alcoholic I believe in the power of your words but you do need at some point acknowledge that you have been a drunk instead of this I don't have a problem I can quit anytime I want to how many spent as long as you're doing that you cannot get help well it's exactly the same thing concerning any form of temptation whether you're tempted to drink and get drunk or whether you're tempted to do something else you have to admit that you're tempted and the probably reason that's been such a problem is because either the church implied it our Christians came out and said it in different ways the implication is that if you are tempted you are guilty if you're tempted something's wrong with you and so it's something to be covered and hid and don't let anybody know you're tempted because men they'll think you're tempted to do what your wicked your perverted your distorted was Jesus tempted did that make him less because he was tempted no being tempted is not sin he was tempted in any way and every way any man or woman could ever be tempted yet without sin just because you're tempted doesn't mean you've done anything wrong if I said that another hundred times sit up on top of the pulpit wave my arms why because we are we're struggling against centuries of tradition right now is it a sin to be tempted does it make you a bad person because you're tempted was Jesus tempted then that should settle it did it make him any less because he was tempted see people try to portray that you come in and you get born again and your sins washed away you get filled with the spirit you can't be tempted you're too holy to be tempted people be black like that you know people are tempted in an area and they won't talk about it oh no they they wouldn't dare let somebody know they had been tempted in that area because they they'll think less of me friend we might as well get over it right now everybody in this room has been tempted everybody in a various ways and if you think well I never been tempted to do that and you think that makes you better than the person who is you're wrong because sin is sin now people have an idea that there's different categories of sin and because you know maybe I've messed up over in this area but you know I've never been even been tempted to do that we're gonna talk about that as time goes on but you got no reason to brag if you've never been tempted if you've never been tempted you've never passed any tests in that area so why would you be bragging about it y'all with me or not I need you to believe with me on this huh we need to get this out don't we for our sake and for anybody that else will little hear it how many standing thousands upon thousands will hear this over the internet and materials that go out and broadcast and so you and I have a responsibility in believin together for it to come out in clarity and precision and exactly the way that it should let me read this again to you further in in Hebrews 2:18 it said in the week's translation says in that he suffered having himself been tempted and put to the test he is able to run to the cry of those who are being tempted and put to the test and bring them aid also the Living Bible I like this the Living Bible says since he himself has now been through suffering and temptation he knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted and he is wonderfully able to help us how many know there are times you need to look up to the Lord and say Lord I'm tempted help me you've been here you didn't give in you didn't yield you know how and it's written that because you've been here and know how you can wonderfully help me I'm asking you help me help me right now but what if you're gonna pretend that you're not tempted that's why people are falling left and right they're falling and falling and falling and falling in sin because they try to hide the fact they try to pretend like they don't have a problem and a challenge in that area they try to pretend I'm not being tempted and hide it and you got whole churches full of people that put on their nice clothes and they come together and sit around look at look at each other even even though they don't say it they go I'm holy you're holy we're all holy then we hear about something that somebody did something that was bad on the news nearby look at each other gasps like can you believe that act like it's never crossed their mind and it's a lie I'm having a challenge even talking about it right now if people are looking at me like I don't know what you're talking about yes you do yes you know what I'm talking about if Jesus was tempted who are you oh my how many believe just like it's written Jesus was tempted in every way just like us but he never yielded to it he's our hero he never failed one time he never sinned one time so he knows how to overcome temptation oh and glory to God he ever lives to make intercession for us and since he's been here and done it and overcome he is wonderfully able to help you and me when we're tempted so that we don't have to fail and we don't have to follow but we can overcome the temptation like him and not yield is this worth talking about is this important we're here in Hebrews 2 I want you to go over to let's see the fifth chapter this is so big more I study on it keeps growing and yet when I come to try to teach it I just have to camp on one point so that that would tend to seem like it's gonna take a long time but the Lord is helping us right I'm understand that you know if we hadn't got a 2+2 there's no need in talking about geometry we we just need to get that and then we go to the next thing and and do you know why I'm saying that because when I talk about Jesus being tempted you can feel folks that looks like a brand new idea band new concept Jesus was tempted yes yes how many believes the Bible come on engines believes the Bible he was tempted like I've been tempted yeah and beyond he was tempted beyond what you have been tempted yet without sin glory to God proven you can do it as a man proven and so you and I are going to be judged by him and what I say by him I mean by him as the standard of what's possible so we better start acting like understand there will be all kinds of people that will try to say well yeah but lord I was just a man and and and you you know nobody could do that he'll this point to Jesus and millions who want to say yeah but that's Jesus yeah but he did it as a man without any unfair advantage over us and that's what people don't believe they want to believe Jesus was so holy he couldn't be tempted well if that was the case then he wasn't a man you can't have it both ways right how many believe the Bible and I understand it doesn't make Jesus any less perfect because he was tempted nor does it make you a bad person because you're tempted no how long we go out to stay on this set outloud being tempted is not a sin being tempted is not sin the sin comes in when you yield to the temptation when you give in to it when you follow it but the temptation itself is not sin we're out here in Chapter five look at this in fifth chapter seventh first talking about Jesus verse five had said Christ glorified not himself to be made the high priest the father has given him this glory verse seven Hebrews five seven in the days of his flesh when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared though he were a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him now when you read that what do you think about crying tears suffering what do you think about when you when you read that how many think about the garden go back to Luke 22 let's read about it Luke 22 Luke 22 and 40 how many believe Jesus was strong not weak strong so if he is crying and tears are flowing and he's suffering what's going on something's something's squeezing him right something's pulling on him something's pressing him isn't it and we see that here in Luke 22 look what he tells them as this begin to unfold this night when he was at the place this is Luke 22 40 he said to them pray one pray wine that you enter not into temptation did jesus act like nobody was ever tempted no he's talking to them about temptation like it's the central issue right now isn't it and he's saying you need to watch you need to pray so that you won't be tempted no so that what so that you don't enter the temptation there's a picture of a door here isn't there or a gate and opening you're on one side and the door is open or the gate is open and on the other side someone or something is beckoning you to come in and come through the door and you're being tempted to go in but why would it be a temptation why wouldn't you just say hey it's an opportunity let's go why would it be a temptation cuz you know you shouldn't go in now this is gonna develop a lot as we go on but elsewise you just go right on in and go what's the deal but the reason it's a temptation is because part of you knows you should not go in and yet another part of you wants to go in elsewise temptation can't exist how many member James every man is tempted when he or she is drawn away of their own lust or disaster the devil that's that's you part of you wants it hmm drawn away of their own lust and enticed that's not you how many understand if part of you doesn't want it the devil's got nothing to work with he part of you wants it and the Bible talks about the pleasure of sin for a season preachers get up in the pulpit and parents tell their children that there is no pleasure in the sin and different ones try it out and they find out that's not true there was some pleasure and so they then decide since preacher and mom and daddy lied to me about that part that must've lied to me about the rest of it come on are y'all with me we got to pick up some steam on this brothers and sisters I mean no need acted sanctimonious about this because you know me I'm gonna stay on it I'm gonna stay on it I'm gonna stay on it so you might as well just go hey here we are here we are temptation and sin there we are how many understand you are not going to get victory and you acting like it's not going on and it is kidding yourself how many know you need not kid yourself about your children being tempted oh that's my little angel my little angel ain't never thought anything like that come on now when you were that age what were you thinking yeah but that's my little angel come on Jesus was tempted then your lil angel is tempted to not marvel yes your little angel if they hadn't already yielded he'll minister we hear reports all the time about you know children eight nine ten years old having sex at somebody's kids and somebody's little angel and people like so shocked when their kids do stuff and when they're teenagers do stuff that's so a shocked like they had no clue you should have had a clue you should have known the nature of the flesh and you should have known the way the enemy works you've been there yourself yeah but this small little baby they're different no they are not different they are the same it's me and you and Jesus come on are y'all with me tonight your babies soon as they have enough understanding to know how our gonna be tempted just like you just like anybody else the difference is will they have received the training and help to know how to not yield to the temptation they will be tempted all brother Keith don't say that they will be tempted not might be not some of them would they all of them are going they are being tempted they are being tempted they're being tempted by what's going on at school there have been tempted by what's on the internet they're being tempted by what's in the music or the TVs or the movies and the shows you know it's just really ignorant to know that your children are sitting there watching movies of people making out and they're not thinking about it that's ignorant isn't it but we have seen it again and again and again parents pretend somewhere another they delude themselves that their children are above temptation and because of not dealing with it then they're just shocked when things do happen because nobody talked about it nobody would deal with it and now here it is well let's deal with it let's talk about it let's quit playin religious games let's walk in the truth let's walk in reality huh how many understand there's victory to be had in these areas our children can be strong we can prepare them we can say hey baby this is coming up now you gonna be tempted mama was daddy was Oh I'm uncomfortable talking about that but well maybe you'll be more comfortable dealing with a pregnancy are going to get them out of jail they're going to be tempted just like you and everybody needs to be ready they need to be forearmed they need to be prepared they need to know what's come in and how it's gonna come and you don't need to play games you need to look em in the eye and say baby and your body's gonna wanna do it the smuggler precious baby I can't even talk about it you better talk about it you're going to be pulled but here's what's right and you'll know in your heart and Jesus himself has been tempted in all the same ways and he never gave in not one time and because of that and he because he's with us now he's able to help you wonderfully when this comes up I don't care where you are or what's going on you will never be a time when you cannot rise up and say no I'm not yielding to this you'll have the power the Holy Spirit will help you part of you'll be screaming I want to try it I want to do it but the greater want to be inside you and you can overcome the temptation and there'll be beckoning and pulling to come through the door but you can pray and you can be strong and not enter into the temptation come on how many believe this now talk to your kids don't let them learn about stuff perverted and twisted at school little the only thing they know about these things to come from their buddies that don't know anything or to come from some ungodly movies or our books right you prepare them you tell them what's coming up you tell them what the how the nature of the flesh is you don't have to be you don't have to use vulgar language you don't have to be gross but you need to be specific right and you need to talk plain they need to know what you're talking about and not be scratching their head when they leave right Oh are they trying to get to be playing you know the Christian Church has really been damaged by the junk of the world that's been allowed in you see even these children's movies they're supposed to be you know acceptable movies and you'll see the parents are just dummies have you seen it and the parent mom or dad's gonna come talk to the young teenager about the so-called the birds and the bees and the teenager just rolls their eyes like tolerate mom and dad for the little talk here we've been knowing about this for a long time you know that is not the way of God it is not right did you hear me and what they need is not just knowing about Anatomy they need to know about temptation they need to know about the power overcome it and you need to know it yourself and you need to be able to take the experience both of your failures and your successes with faith with the word with the anointing that is on you to be a mama and a daddy and sit down with them and then respect you and listen to you and pay attention knowing that their life is depending on it how many understand one just one wrong sexual relationship can mean death just one just one - the world is telling people all it's normal it's natural you're you know and and then the Church of trust if you know it's not natural if you're really holy you don't have that thoughts it's a lie it's a lie you're a man you're a woman there's something called hormones did you hear the now you are going to be pulled you are going to be tempted that's that's not even debatable you are going to be question is are you gonna yield to it or are you gonna overcome temptation like the master did now was Jesus tempted come on tell me again what's he tempted we're when they went in the garden this is this is hours before he's going to be spit on beard pulled out scourge crucified hours and he knew it was coming how many remember that Moses and Elijah came and talked to him about it mrs. how in the world that happened it happened I'm gonna stand this life is not all there is to it just because you leave this life doesn't mean you cease to be he's talking to people that lived centuries before and they talked to him in detail about what he was about to go through to prepare him and to help him didn't he I'm understanding if Jesus needed preparation if he needed help to deal with this certainly we do and when it all started to go down I'm understand he took there his crew with him and then the three of them he took further into the garden and what did he tell them come on what'd he tell him watch and pray why verse 40 that you in or not into temptation him understand they were about to be tempted as well tempted to what to disown him tempted to deny him that they were about to be put to the test which is what temp means it means to prove to test to try with the idea of enticement and he said you need to you need to pray you knit you need to watch of the translation see other other accounts I should say and he was withdrawn about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed and he said father if you be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him why would he need this are y'all with me now why would he need this well what's the prayer goods go right back to the prayer what is he praying father if there's any other way if there's any other way and how many you put Matthews account and other accounts he said also father all things are possible with you how much then Jesus is a faith man he believes all things are possible with God and he believes what he preaches and to them that that believed as well and he said it is possible with you for me not have to do this and go through this because he knew what he was what he was about to experience but how Minister he came back to not my will but your will be done there what's going on then is he being tempted not to go through with this is he being tempted to disobey God yes is the temptation so strong that it is causing him pain suffering you see that word used together suffered being tempted their different degrees of temptation and this night he was pushed beyond measure because he he is not the least bit in the dark about what he's about to go through and the part that they could see physically as terrible and awful as it was was the small part what we don't know and would be hard to relate to it's what he went through in the spirit he who had never been separated from the father never known evil never known sin and all the sin now when we say all the sin we got we got open our heads now all the sin understand the sins that have happened on this world are heinous I mean the treachery I mean the murder the rape the the crimes and sins against little children and the innocence all of the sin of every man that has ever lived is living or will ever live converged on his sinless spotless being and he became it and was judged for all of it and he was tempted not to go through with it oh but what strength somebody say what strength what strength knowing full well what was coming what was upon him what strength it took for him to come back and say nevertheless not my will but your will be done now the reason I'm going through this I want two things to become very clear Jesus was tempted and then also I want you to see us to see me and you how he dealt with the temptation one of the big things you got to know concerning temptation you have to have some endurance just because you say no once that's not the end right you got to have some endurance how many people resisted the temptation for six months and then gave in right they resisted the temptation for a great length of time and then they gave in well then they lost the battle they failed they sinned I'm understanding Jesus prayed the same prayer repeatedly didn't he why cuz it continued to press him it continued to squeeze and he continued I mean when he felt pressed and pulled he'd come back and say it again father anything's possible with you let this cup pass from me but what would he come back to again nevertheless not what I want but what you want I don't understand in order for you not to yield to the temptation there's got to be something and somebody you love more than what your flesh is screaming for and what your mind is screaming for Jesus was pushed and pressed let's keep reading this there appeared an angel to him from heaven strengthening him and I know that was wonderful and I know that helped him but how many know you and I don't just have an angel to help us now we got the head of the church himself who's been through it said he having been through it is able to help us wonderfully glory to God being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground now hold on why is he experiencing this what why is he praying like this why is he experiencing this pressure where does it come from where is the conflict what is so challenging don't come up with any other theories go back to the prayer what came out of his mouth what came out of his mouth not my will but your will be done then worse the conflict the conflict is his will versus the known will of God oh can you see it was he tempted not to do it oh he was tempted he was tempted beyond what most any of us will ever experience just in that one thing alone now lest you think I'm I'm changing this some way another goat hold your place there go to Hebrews Hebrews the twelfth chapter was Jesus tempted answer it for me was he tempted yes did he'll to the temptation no was it easy no will you be tempted yes do you have to yield to the temptation ever no can it be that temptation comes to you that you just can't resist that was a little weak have you ever heard that before there are some women that like to believe they are irresistible they can seduce any man there are some men that like to believe they are irresistible they can seduce any woman but is there such a thing as an irresistible man or woman sorry to blow their balloon but now there is I don't care what they look like or what they think they are there is no such thing as an irresistible temptation of any kind in any area there is no such thing how do I know that 1st Corinthians 10:13 there is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man there is no special unique temptation coming to you that nobody else has ever experienced but God is faithful he won't allow you to be tempted above what you're able able to what able to resist able to overcome but will with the temptation make a way of escape that you may be able to bet get out of there get out of there there is no such thing as a temptation you can't resist people lie to each other about it but it's not true it's not true Hebrews 12 are you there Hebrews 12 verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith we read that before in the fifth chapter didn't who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross how did he get through that how did he get through it by faith he could see the other side how can you get through stuff same way hmm you're having to put your flesh under having to put your mind under it's squealing I want it I want it I want it I want it now but by faith you can say no no if I'll trust God now if I wait on him he'll give me something better I won't do without hmm and maybe you're going through some discomfort right now but by faith you can look past this and go man I'm gonna come out on the other side God's gonna do such a wonderful thing for me huh that's faith and the joy of what you're seeing by faith will help you get through the tough time for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and faint in your minds you have not yet resisted unto blood striving against what when he sweat blood what was he resisting the temptation to sin and what he's saying is you never been that far so don't act like you can't make it uh Jesus was tempted to the point blood came out of his pores that's how hard he was pushed and pressed and pulled and tempted and even at that he wouldn't get in he wouldn't do it oh he's my hero how about you he wouldn't do it and hear what he's saying to you you know you're hollering and crying and wallowing around but you've never resisted that far you need to just be strong and say no I'm not giving in to this I'm not yielding to this I don't have to I don't have to settle for this God will take care of me God will tell how many believe God can satisfy every need you have every desire every want you can wait on him and he can take care of you the right way and the right time and it'll be exceeding abundantly about what you could have got above what you asked to thought and above what you could have got by sin takes faith though doesn't it trust him the wait on him can you see from Hebrews 12 Luke 22 he was resisting what sin temptation to sin thank you lord go back to Luke 22 I hadn't even got to my point I was but you know this is good too and if we'll get the foundation laid we can build on it beyond the watch for this in your own life talking with other people so many times the Lord will give give us the answer and people just run past it and he'll deal with us to take care of this or do this thing and people go oh yeah yeah right right and then they'll try to go on to something else and it never was done it never was taken care of it never was fixed married people this happens a whole lot they never fix stuff there's issues and they try to pretend we're we're okay let's just go on and it was never fixed and it's there simmering under the surface it's just a matter of time before it comes up again and the reason I refer to that it's because that's what's going on with us right now how start to go on to something else and I understand if we got a bunch of folks still laboring in their mind whether Jesus was even tempted or not there's no need that's talking about anything else right so we need to come back and that's how you need to be you and your spouse that's how you need to be you and your children a lot of times they want it to be done that you know yeah I understand let me go to my room and slam the door no no it's not that with till it's dealt with it's not fixed tonight now you can't you know with your spouse now this is different you can't make them do something and shouldn't try if they don't want to they don't want to hear it well you can't make them of course it'll cause problems if just one person walks in love it helps if just one person will operate in faith it helps it sure beats both of them getting into flashes screaming and hollering and the cue something fall fine then you know you that everything's going down but at the same time you are not going to make progress pretending everything's okay and stuff has not been dealt with and with the children and all these things how many Stan God's the god of truth he deals in truth now where are you right now Luke 22 let's finish reading this Jesus was in an agony verse 44 he prayed more earnestly his sweat was it as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground now you put Hebrews 12 with this what is he resisting he's resisting sin he's being tempted to sin and when he rose up from prayer and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow and he said to them why sleep ye rise and pray lest you enter into temptation well it's just there's there's so many things right here how many understand he knows if he's being pushed like this if they don't do something different than what they're doing they're not gonna make it they gonna fall they goin yield to the temptation and sure enough they did but now the stop could they have overcome the temptation obviously it was possible if they had stayed hooked with him like he told them to if they to put their understand if you can't put your flesh under to keep from going to sleep that's a bad sign that you're gonna not you know yield to your flesh in another area if you can't overcome the desire to sleep how are you going to overcome a stronger desire in a couple hours here that's what he's talking to him about the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak you weak through the flesh and also you see why did he have those three come with him closer can you hear and see he would have liked some support can you see that he would have liked some help didn't he ask him to watch with him and pray with him he could have left him outside with the rest he was hoping they'd support him what do you mean he needed help the angel came and helped him didn't it we've learned so much about overcoming temptation through all these things can't we how many spend if you're being tempted you don't want to go with the bunch that's yielding to the temptation you want to find some folk that you know are not yielding to the temptation and they're going to encourage you not to yield and they're going to help you with the environment I've talked to person after person after person there's a friend of mine who's a pastor of a successful church on the other side of the country and he was head over heels into drugs I don't know 30-some years ago he was a druggie he took so much drugs and did so much stuff that they thought he had permanently damaged his his brain but God healed him and delivered him and made him bright of mind and gave him a wonderful wife and a family and a wonderful successful church somebody say all things possible to him that believes but I've talked to him at length about it because he was completely immersed in the drug world and everything that goes with that and I've heard him and I've heard other people about just using him as an example and a man I asked him you know how did you come out of that how did you get free because he would that send him to clinics and stuff and he'd come out using he'd find a way to get drugs while he was in there you know when let's just stop here he people at the pump point where he was at know that what they're doing is killing them they know it why do they keep doing it because they are so tempted they think about the feelings they think about the euphoria they think about you know and chemically their body is screaming for it they are tempted I'm understand it'd be so much better to never put yourself in that place to be subject subjected to that kind of temptation understand the smart thing is never start but what's going on with them at this point temptation he is tempted I don't care whether it's teen you know you hear about all kind of stuff shopaholic sexaholic this alcoholic every kind of alcohol it all comes down to temptation you tempted to do something and I asked him he said well he said I got a ha he said I got born again and and even even if that he wasn't free but he and I think that's confusing to some people because they come in they get born again and they assume I'm never going to be tempted again and nobody's telling them any different so they they assume because I went out and I was tempted the next day and I failed and sinned again I must not be like them they're holy they wear nice clothes and they don't even know what it's like to be tempted and we do and we have been and everybody is but there's power once you're born again there's power in Jesus there's power by the Holy Spirit to overcome and not yield to the temptation and so he said he begin to learn about faith he began to learn about Redemption and that began to help him but he saw at one point in praying and beginning to fellowship with the Lord when the first thing the Lord told him is you've got to get away from your druggie friends these are people he's known for years they're really you know he's estranged his other family he's worn out his welcome and he's borrowed and lied and stole from everybody for drugs and messed up their homes and and this really is his family now as his fellow druggies in the street and the Lord said you must get out of there you must leave them you must get away from he says one of the hardest things I ever did because I thought that wasn't the only family I had but he knew if he stayed there he would never be free why because he is in an environment where people are yielding to what he's tempted to do and how many stand you are not going to make it in that kind of environment it's tough enough just yielding resisting the temptation without being around other people that shooting up and snorting and smoking this and that you got to get out how many saying you got to get out how many remember Joseph huh Joseph Potiphar's wife she must have been a looker probably wasn't dressed properly she's been pressuring him price-earning she worked it worked it around where nobody's in the house she's got him in the bedroom or somewhere thinks this is it I don't understand he got to the place where he couldn't talk he couldn't say well let's sit down here on the side of the bed and talk about now he got to the place where he ran out of his jacket didn't he I mean he he could not stay there one minute more wine why cuz he knew he was being honest about how tempted he was but it's the holier-than-thou deceived individual oh my oh I'm not tempted I'm not tempted you know yeah I used to be in all this but God delivered me and and I'm not tempted at all I understand a man like that a woman like that is this far away from falling and sinning I remember a lady minister one time was talking about how that she had been in a bunch of stuff that was not right and sinful and she decided she's gonna go back in to some of these dark dives where she used to be all the time and she's gonna witness and so she said I am with a bunch of folks that was doing what she used to do and she started trying to talk to him about the Lord and and next thing you knew she was looking at one of them's margarita and she used to be big on margaritas you know boy she could drink them by the pictures and and just got drunk out of her head and did all kind of stupid stuff and next thing you know she had slid one over kind of toward her her place next thing you know she was trying to talk to him out the Bible and she's running her finger around the top of the the glass and licking the saw how many stand she's kidding herself about where she is and she realized it and got up and god I didn't even explain herself ran out the door and that's probably why she was able to he talking to us at that point go with me to second Peter I think I can start to begin to close or at least begin to think about starting to close second Peter the second chapter second Peter - Jesus was tempted tempted - what sin he resisted sin Hebrew this is not my words now this is verse 12 he resisted sin to the point of blood didn't he and he overcame the temptation to sin sin is bondage and the result and end of sin is death we read that last week in Romans 6 the last verse the wages of sin is what death sin is bondage but now the devil lies about it he tells you and the devil is subtle he's crafty so he mixes in a little bit of truth with a bunch of live he's very subtle he's very crafty has sometimes because the church is mixing in some lies with truth - they're trying to tell you there is no pleasure in sin if you were really sanctified and holy you wouldn't want to do that and real Christians never have temptations and thoughts and feelings like that and that's all lies and so the enemy is able to convince people what something's wrong with you you different because you want to do it and in fact you enjoy doing it so you must not even be saved or something there is pleasure in sin no needing you lying to your kids about it right you need to tell them the truth there is pleasure but it is temporary it's very brief and then there's death now that doesn't mean that just fall physically dead the moment and that's what you know that goes all the way back to the garden doesn't the Lord warned him about it and the devil told tomorrow you won't die and of course he knows they're thinking about falling dead physically and everything else but there's a lot more to death than falling dead physically people are sinning and it's killing stuff in their soul it's killing parts of them in their mind it's killing marriages and homes and relationships it's killing their faith come on it's killing their ministries do you understand it don't think you can sin and no death comes out of it you may not fall out dead physically and yet you could do but every time sin happens death happens that's what the Lord is warning us about this for he's been trying to spoil our fun he's trying to keep us from dying being destroyed isn't he he loves us second Peter the 2nd chapter down about the 18th verse he said when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure that's a word that goes along with temptation through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonness they allure those who were clean escaped from them who live in error he stole my people who have been delivered they've been delivered out of stuff and yet here are individuals that are alluring them with great swelling words of vanity understand there are some people who can talk come on now don't look so sanctimonious there's people you used to run with you talk you talk Conn shut dive right don't talk man and some of them you may wonder how you know the next day or the next week how did I let them talk me into that well there's a number of reasons all of it boils down to being your fault so don't even think about trying to shift the blame but a lot of these guys that are so-called silver-tongued Devils silver tongue woman devil woman they have super natural assistants because they are yielding understand if I yield to the Holy Spirit I'm gonna get supernatural assistance talking to you about the truth and about living right and free tonight but on the other end of it there are people who yield into wrong spirits and so they are supernaturally enabled and helped with their vocabulary and their manner and the stories they bring up and and the logic and the reasoning and they get into this debate about what's really sin and what's not and how many know what I'm talking about it goes right back to the same spirit they got ahold of the serpent out there right what was he doing I understand Adam and Eve are not dumb they are no dummies but they stood out there and they listened to it and the devil is crafty crafty and he if you listen to him now why would you be standing out there listening to him cuz part of you wants to part of you wants to try it out and you know it's not right but the part of you that wants to do it is open to any suggestions that could help me rationalize what I know is not right through great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lusts of the flesh whose lust of the flesh we told my yours they wouldn't have anything you know you wouldn't you wouldn't even care to listen to what they're saying unless there's something in you in your flesh wants to think about it wants to look at it wants to try to figure out how to justify doing it through much wantonness those who were clean escaped from them who live in error how many know we we need to know this and we need to be able to help our people who get saved in church here right who got delivers from drug addiction he delivers them from you know sleeping all over town all astir he delivers them but they need to know the enemy still out there you still got flesh right and you can be tempted and you don't need to subject yourself to unnecessary temptation and you need to know how to deal with the temptation when it comes that's what this series is about we going to camp on it come on you gonna help me pray for me pray about this come and bring faith and believe how many think we oughta camp on this until we know how till we know how to identify what's going on and and not be duped and and not play with stuff and and know how to deal with it head-on and overcome it like the master learn how to tap in to that wonderful help he's talking about giving us in temptation yes now notice notice what it says verse 19 these these silver tongue Devils speaking these great alluring words swelling words here's part of them what are they telling them they are promising them what Liberty oh you go over there that church they just bind you up everything's I'm saying can't do anything can't have any fun can't party can't do this can't do that that's just man's rules God wants you to be free free free and and without saying it the implication is free to sin free to sin and that's why there's a whole lot of people not in this church tonight they're not in this building tonight they're out sinning why because they think they want to be free I want to be free to have sex with whoever I want to I want to be free to do all the drugs I can buy I want to be free I'm gonna freed freed act crazy I want to be free to be wild I was born to be wild I got to be me and I got to be freed I got to be I got to do it my way they are in bondage they are in bondage they are a slave to sin and won't admit it and they'll do stuff and they'll blow their money and they'll hurt their body and they'll hurt other people and they'll do all kind of stuff for now they'll have no self-confidence no self-worth and value and it just gets worse and worse and worse but they're free and their buddies are telling how free they are and there's even some of them can wax eloquent in talking about the life of freedom instead of being with all those stuffy Christians while they promise them Liberty come on reading while they are promising them Liberty they themselves who the silver-tongued devil the devil woman they themselves are the what servants of corruption four of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage I know a friend of mine I'd been I had graduated Bible School couple of years and I saw this guy that I was I knew back in high school he was always a while with and he knew me before I was in the ministry too and and he an hour do you know she's doing some little nothing stuff friending each other and thought hi how you doing and we were sad we'd go get a burger and talk a little bit and here came this really nice-looking woman that won't buy the front of the place a tall man he bout knocked the hamburger off the table he's going ah man you know talking about that one quite a babe what a fox but and he looked at me I didn't say anything he said hard I come on now man he said you know know tell me that if you had opportunity to be with her you wouldn't do it I said no I wouldn't he said you ain't evil man well now I got to control myself and smacking him I don't forgot about the woman Dale and I'm ready to host another nice thing to say you ain't even my man I mean but anyway thank God I controlled myself and I you know we talked a little bit he he just act like he couldn't relate to what I was trying to say to him and and we left and I was thinking about you know what does righteousness have in common with our unrighteousness and light with darkness and I had gotten saved and gone another way and he happened and what I realized though is he didn't realize what he had told me he was telling me he was too weak to resist the temptation he's telling me might not be in a man and I'm talking about being a strong enough man I don't have to yield and be weak with my feelings oh come on can you see that but that's how twisted and warped the world is yielding to temptation doesn't prove you're man it proves you're weak right whatever kind of temptation it is understand Jesus was not weak he is so strong and in every yielded proving it could be done keep reading this now of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage whatever you let overpower you whatever you yield to and succumb to and give in to you are its slave you are not free in your sin you are a slave to your sin how many understand the further it goes the worse it gets until people are crying out in desperation and they don't want to keep doing it they want to quit and they feel helpless and powerless they just keep yielding just keep yielding are they free their slaves for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ say it again you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free if they are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning understand you do not want to come and get saved and get delivered and get cleaned up and then go back out into the sin that you got delivered from it'll be worse then than it was before for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they had known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them I know that is a strong thing to say but it has happened to them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire people read that they don't even like to read it they think oh that's disgusting I don't know how much then the Lord could have used different language if he had wanted to he used it for a reason why because spiritually it is just like this going back into the sin that you were delivered from is just as filthy and disgusting and defiling as a dog going back to vomit we think oh that's politically incorrect that's just too harsh I don't you need to look at it I need to look at it God chose these words for a reason somebody sorry I ain't going back I'm not going back I'm not letting myself be defiled I'll not let myself be a servant of sin no I don't have to I can be does that mean I can never have any fun no it means you can be free to have real fun fun with that guilt freedom real blessing see that's one of the reasons why the devil fights prosperity so hard it's one of the reasons because he has been able to a lot of people that they have to live a crooked life to have the stuff and that really if you serve God you're not supposed to have anything when the world finds out that God wants to make them rich and they're taken with that line and stealing and sinning they can be more blessed than if they did lie and steal sin begins to lose its allure stand up on your feet
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 2,700
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Truth, About, Temptation, Pt, 2, The, Truth, About, Sin
Id: m1DHwIFj6lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2012
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