Binding & Loosing: "Heaven is allowing what we allow" | Keith Moore

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Matthew 16:19 I was reminded of this this afternoon this is a just a giant giant statement that Jesus made concerning the church Matthew 16:19 he said I'll give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven just that phrase the keys of the kingdom does this sound like this is big to you this is important because it is and what are the keys that whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now I have seen scholars and different ones do back bends trying to reverse this and say you know whatever is bound in heaven will be bound on earth but that's not what it said it said the Lord said it this way whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven heaven is allowing what we allow are you listening Saints and this is one this is an answer to a whole lot of things people you know they get mad at God railing of wine it why'd God do this or what if he didn't do it why did he allow it well the question is why are people allowing it that's that's the issue he is allowing what we allow and one of the greatest lessons we can learn as believers in this life is that we've been given authority we've been given authority to loose to allow to permit things and we've been given authority to bind to shut down things much of the church world does not believe this much of the church world in fact there's been an emphasis in recent times even and it's not a new thing it's just an old thing that's repackaged and that is that you know the main thing we should do is just let go and let God that that's the biggest thing that everybody should do well you should let go of your anxiety let go of your fear let go your worry and cast all your cares over on the Lord that's absolutely true if that's what you're talking about but a lot of times they're not just talking about that they're talking about leave it all up to God and just get out of his way and quit trying to do anything and that is a deception of the enemy that's exactly what the enemy wants you to do is do nothing so he can come might come in and still kill and destroy first Timothy 6:12 if you put that on the screen for us first Timothy 6:12 anybody remember what that says huh fight the good fight of faith let go huh-huh-huh let go well let's lay hold let goes about the same what can you see what I'm talking about you got a lot of people going with but the main thing I need to do is just just quit trying to do anything and get out of God's way and just say Lord whatever you want it's just up to you well you should pray a prayer of commitment and submission I submit to your will whatever you want but the scripture says that we are not to be unwise or foolish but understanding what the will of the Lord is we're supposed to find out from his word in his spirit what he's given us what's available to us and then it takes faith to do what lay hold everybody say lay hold it takes faith to lay hold of it now I know a lot of people throughout the country and throughout the world have lost jobs and and lost income and lost money and and if somebody is an unbeliever the first thing they need has become a believer get to God get to you get to a source who's unlimited who's not restricted by what's happening in the country or in business or in this world but even though you're a believer we must understand it's not all up to God he told us to do some things he told us he gave us the keys to the kingdom operation and whatever we would bind down here would be bound whatever from heaven and whatever we looks down here would be loosed from heaven that's one of the reasons I urged you back what was it week of increase October even to get brother Hagins little mini book he there's nothing I don't have anything else to talk about huh the title of it's how God taught me about prosperity because the Lord corrected him he was hurtin he was behind he was in need his family was in need and and after a time of fasting and seeking the Lord the Lord gave him revelation on this subject and one of the things he told him he said quit praying about money like you've been praying because he all he was doing was asking I need I need God I'm behind help me please begging doesn't work begging and pleading is not going to cut it that's why so many people have prayed so much with so little results because it's ignoring what God told us to do you can't ignore what he told us to do and come out with good results no we have a responsibility and in that little book you don't have it get it or you can struggle for another 10 years you know be behind I'm telling you this works one of the things he told him he said quit praying about money the way you've been praying because all had been doing is begging and crying and asking and talking about what he needed like millions of people all over the world and he was going from bad to worse it wasn't working he said what you need the money you need is down there in the earth God doesn't have a printing press in heaven printing US currency whatever it is you need those things are down here on the planet well there's somebody who wants it all the devil he wants everything he wants the church to have nothing he wants you to have nothing he's a thief he's a robber how many understand you need to shut him down you need to bind him up concerning hindering your provision coming to you and that's what the Lord told him to do he said you he said you stand up and you say this Satan you take your hands off my money I binds you in gee I forbid you to hinder you know the flow coming to me and then he said claim what you need that's another way of saying lay hold our most church-going people doing this no they are not which which explains why so much it's not happening claim what you need out of this world system if you need a thousand dollars to pay a bill and let me give you some advice claim some extra go ahead and round it off on the fat side you know if you need a thousand claim 1250 or you know what I'm saying claim something you'll find something to do with it and claim what you need let's see here's where a lot of people stumble they go well well I I don't want to tell the Lord what to do you're not telling him what to do you're doing what he told you to do I just want to leave it up to him you can't leave up to him what he left up to you and the reason there's such a struggle of people understanding this is not because it's complicated is because the enemy is blinding the minds of people that believe he's doing his best to keep people from ever finding out about this so he can just keep stealing killing and destroying but do we believe the Bible that he gave us the keys to the kingdom whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever we lose will be loosed in heaven he said to claim what you need out of this world and so brother Hagin said he did what he needed X X amount per week to run him in the meeting and to send something home for his wife and kids he was out on the road all the time he claimed it and he said the Lord told him I not find the enemy forbid him to hinder and then he showed him the scripture and Hebrews about angels are ministering spirits sent to minister for those who will be heirs of salvation he said say go ministering spirits caused it to come in they just meet just like evil spirits try to influence people to do evil things God's spirits His angels will influence people to do good things can you see this but it's in response to our faith and our action of faith fight the good fight of faith lay hold everybody say lay hold lay hold lay hold stand up right now let's act on it I know we got a lot of folks in the faith life family you have sown and sown and soul so you've got it laid up in your heavenly account are you laying hold that's a little weak that's a little bit weak which is why we'd be talking about it but do it right now whatever you need for the next week the rest of the this this new month whatever the case is you know you can always add to it later but but claim some and claim some extra right now set out light in Jesus name I'm acting on the word I'll lay hold of more than enough to pay my bills and have extra to get caught up and to get ahead i lay hold of if you got a figure you say it right now in your heart and mind you don't even say it out loud i lay hold of whatever it is thousand dollars ten thousand dollars whatever it is hundred honor whatever it is i lay hold of it right now in jesus name i believe i receive it satan keep your hands off my resources i bind you I forbid you to hinder it ministering spirits go cause it to come in I believe I receive it in Jesus name we'll have more than enough I let who you with will pay every bill every need will be bent ment pay off every debt right so now now when you do it it's time to be in faith not looking at what you see what you feel what you hear you are expecting not based on what you see and fill or even previous experience experiences you're expecting based on the Word of God and that's all you need for your expectation is that okay child of God now if this is new to you get that little book we don't have it here but brother Hagins ministry Rhema has it get it and read it carefully and don't just read the book and so that's what he thinks go to every scripture for yourself see if it's right or not hmm but don't just be passive and wait on God to do everything for you when he told us what to do he's given us responsibility and when we do what he told us to do can you count on him to do what he said he would do every time without fail
Channel: Faith Fan
Views: 13,796
Rating: 4.8976984 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Binding & Loosing, Prayer & Confession, Matthew 16:19, 1 Timothy 6:12
Id: f6gmd-cZL30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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