Keefe D on 2Pac, Orlando Anderson, Suge Knight, Puffy (Full Interview)

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Why TF Keefe Ass ain't dead yet the got back Orlando doe surprised his ass ain't get murked

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right here we go I think we have one of the most controversial figures in hip-hop right now ki fede is in the building how's everything all right and how Azam counter words you're pretty controversial you're a pretty controversial but let's go ahead and get into your whole story so you grow up you grew up in Compton yes and you know these days people have a certain perception of Compton being kind of a violent area gang area but when you grew up there it was a totally different when the first started all yeah okay talk about that a little bit it was all it was all white all our neighbors was white moved out there 1965 yeah mostly was white you know bright started coming in like 1916 I said we said we want like and you actually dealt with some racism as a kid yeah let's talk about that one day me and my mom's was coming from the store you know said why Jews in the 57 Chevy came up I was like four or five years old like called us a bunch of in works you know I'm trying to feel scared you know said because I remember Martin Luther King to just place the weight on it and all that so I was kind of scared yeah okay and your dad was a marine yeah okay and how many total kids what was their total Oh 12 12 kids yeah all the same pants yeah Wow okay and I guess you guys are related to nat turner yeah that's pretty crazy you know for those who don't know nat turner was a was a had one of the biggest slave revolts in history where he nailed off a bunch of the slave masters and you know until they finally finally caught up to him yeah so here you are living in Compton and it's mostly white families yes and at one point you have something called white flight yes so explain to me what exactly that is and how that happened in Compton well once the black started moving in so I started moving out different areas to the suburbs stuff like that Riverside pairs all the time okay and they were actually buying homes during that time yes okay so you have this black community who has money who have home ownership at what point does it start to get you know kind of more rough though I say like by $0.75 farce any sleep but my first run-in with some games while it's like 75 76 okay I was on my way from the savings they just save on as a drugstore down there all these World War II was on our way back once we passed Palmer it was called it was a [ __ ] store called a drive-through liquor at the own Long Beach Boulevard it was a gang go pirate rules right there little George Herman jr. Willy T and uh ran into me I ran into Willie T and all he socked me to my little tents we drove all kind of kicked me in the chest so yeah I was my first Willie party thing that happened to me okay I'm nine years old and what year did the gang start to form in Compton well year right boss 70 69 70 okay so a little bit before that time yeah and what what were the gangs that first started started out in that area uh it was a grand ease and bull deal was the first in gangs encounter and spook town and the Grandy's became nutty block yeah it was the first okay we came all about 71 72 okay and we're there actually Crips and bloods originally or did that come a little bit later Jones our crimson blood when he Coptic Christian blood and uh yeah okay and your particular gang they weren't Crips in the beginning they just called us us boys right yeah but then you guys became Crips later on are you 71 72 year so why is that why did you guys go from being the us boys to to South Side Crips I didn't you know I wasn't really old enough to really know about that but uh yeah I didn't know about that back then I was in the sports baseball football stuff like that and when I was like the ball boy for complicado basketball team right it's like number one in the nation every year sending a lot of dudes to the pros UCLA and stuff like that so I was basically up in there that's type of stuff so what point did you start to join a gang really uh I was all in the gang when I was young you know I was live in there I'm never getting into this our claim is a little bit I really got into the game in like junior high school like what seven six seven right yeah okay so you were what about 13 14 years old about 12 12 years old years old yeah okay and what what made you want to join a gang at that point well maybe wanted to join a gang yeah it was just all it was all like a family we stuck together stuff like that you know I was from the neighborhood so I might as well ride with that you know okay well that route so did you get jumped in no no no okay and with that South Side Crips at that point yes okay so sorry time to correct you okay and who is Southside beefing with at that time mostly the Eastside blows like M's loose parts the mas what he or now too most of them wild will still Luthor spark yeah okay and what start happening in the beginning as you're joining 12 13 years old what what type of missions were you going out on I want normal malicious but so what type of gang things were you doing during that time I'll just represent myself you know their fistfights Prince Weis yeah what what do you young boy still I got a little older okay so there's no stabbings there's no you just finished white stuff right there comfortable rate the Crips that come from Compton high school and in the cup of rages started a company in at Lucas Park so confident I was known for like I mean [ __ ] high himself and Luda sparkles know for the PI rules over there it was like Herman jr. mark is none bartend and stuff like that dudes anything like that okay and you know you just mentioned this you were a ball boy for Compton college yes and that's when the drug dealing first started for me yeah yeah counter yeah can you explain that oh oh well the baseball coach he uh he's Brian we you know from me stuff like that so one day I went up there and he just uh he he brought the islands away from for $60 and he pulled out his drawer he like man see what you could do with this game came up came in the drug game and that was cocaine okay he's costing like $3,500 on Islands and this is before crack this is before crack okay so uh doing quarter tees quarter T it cost you $50 you know you just get our teeth full teaspoon things put it in the tea spoon so that what it all well put in a snow seal okay so now you're you're in high school and you're starting to sell coke yeah so now you have money coming in is ivy does and you're a South Side [ __ ] as well yes how does that start to escalate at that point well I caught a couple occasions and these dunes that are I caught a couple of drug cases so the drug dealing starts to build up yeah and you start getting busted yeah and you end up getting four years when you were 20 yeah okay was that the first time you went to prison yes first time for I had you know these guys that jumped me I came on the liquor store you know they hit the corner so I was getting in my car I was like I had a white 68 Chevy back then give him a car and aw [ __ ] they hit the corner was like a dome had bad steaks or cottage [ __ ] so some kind some kind of way they got my door over my passenger door so they kind of floatmeal gave me a concussion broke my little George though so I went to my house got they didn't have a case back then they had a 30-30 got my 3030 two clips I put my nine-millimeter in my back so on my way I hit the corner this man dude they don't hit me in the head stopped at his house he he ran in the house I loaded the clips in his house then I hit the corner his brother was out there so I jumped out the car again with the gun the dude was on the gate he's like uh he's like this but it was too many witnesses so I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't chop him up so I'm just hitting with the butt of the gun and then my homies crushed his [ __ ] eyes you know I went to Japan for that oh so it was actually over that over I guess assault it was all odd they all come they wearing our - snickering what drug case in that case do - okay so a 20 years old you're now going to penitentiary yeah for the first time yeah the DVI was called Tracy okay it was like 38 3700 M eights and half the line was Crips so it was really more equipped I was like [ __ ] capital to order a California back you know the state prison no gloves allowed whatsoever but there's also the black guerilla family it was that there was their faction of that there are not really they they had they had a like block teeth they had some generals up there some sewed on but they didn't really have no soldiers so it was really you know it was our yard so yeah ok that's when the Crips I started taking over the prison system okay and it was an old prison was really ours okay and you said it was like glad gladiator school yeah Tracey was yeah about 13 people died within the three four years on there 13 people about 13 people yeah okay Thursday I hit the yard makes you know fall on the knife BAM like damn this is serious you know on the wall [ __ ] he had a gun tower the middle New York they fly that thing off all the time so yeah okay kind of dangerous and I guess the rapes going on as well uh yeah but I can't one okay I stay away from that type of [ __ ] right yeah but Jenna was only like eight prisons and you had to really do something to go to prison they just need to take everybody the president now just like 40 prisons they take anybody's [ __ ] prison now yeah and you had to really do something back then to go to prison so you get out four years later yeah you're 24 you have 24 24 hour yeah now for some people prison makes them say I'm not gonna do anything more illegal I'm done but you want the exact opposite way no it just made me smarter I saw made me speech smarter and maybe a little rougher and uh maybe made my thoughts a little bit better okay and by that time was crack already out here correct himself yeah okay Craig was out before our love okay what did you see different when crack hit Compton it really messed up our community and uh because mother's was electing their kids you know saying fathers one you know running off on the spending old paycheck you know there's really no kind of [ __ ] up our community you know as I look back at it you know I think I was a part of it and uh you know I ask the Lord to forgive me a few times you know I didn't beat Freeway Ricky yeah and he said that he he's so cracked to his own relatives and you know he's aware of the damage we didn't really know what the dope was gonna do you know I just look at cocaine like I look at we now you know really yeah but did you look at crack the way you got weed really I never saw crackhead okay it was a time that it wasn't a crack here but after a year or two it takes longer than a year really yeah how low does someone go from smoking crack to becoming a crackhead well it's it's a quarter who it is you know there's people that can function they keep their job that can say you know what I'm gonna smoke a ten dollar piece every day I'm gonna smoke with $20 piece every other day and then there's the ones who would say you know what I've been working this job for 20 years I'm tired of this damn job I'm gonna go out I'm gonna be a dope dealer smoker and they just go all the way with it so it varies on on person to person but but I don't think that when it started that we knew that our people were gonna get hooked on crack cuz I sold my people son of my girlfriend I gave my girlfriend my uncle's my brothers I sing him although he did the same thing he sold drugs hero crafts it was absolutely okay how many of them became addicts a lot um did a lot of them did but then I helped him get off okay the ones who wanted to now I got uncle he's 70 some years oh you say you don't see no reason to quit smoking crack were you doing stuff like that no no once I got out of prison I didn't really have to touch the stuff in the world all right made myself smarter when you know when riding around with it doesn't like that I'll use other guys to do that all right it was really kind of hard for the local police to get me look Sam well I wouldn't have to touch the stuff so I thought about this [ __ ] the whole four years I was in jail my plan was to put my plan together I was in there I just wasn't in there in love with different ways doing is I was thinking of a plan that's the plan right I mean a lot of times I hear prison is like criminal school for criminal college where you learned how to well I went to UCLA while I was in high school you know in a battle program stays here you know no I we saw the year and you know I really had books in street sense and common sense yeah so I just put them all three together and that's what make EVD you know okay so you get out and at one point you actually get a Columbian connect yeah mmm yeah I was going around all by three birds from this person fibers from this person I happen to have one of my old G partners in the car with me he like ya got to go all in different places you just get [ __ ] 15 keys he like man I got a plug for you okay cool you know so he he set up a dinner date what to do we get there we pull up with my rag head and get them a boy let their own in Lakewood at that uh Denny's on the ninety arena 91 in Lakewood Boulevard right there so we send their agents to do pull up and the plummeting or climbing tripped me the [ __ ] out he had a head on glasses everything look like a square you know to you know so uh we hate and stuff we like ooh so he said oh he ain't got none right now you can get back with me later somewhere my boy pull it off like damn you don't even look like he got nothing you know yeah like [ __ ] so I went on out out of town I got back I mean cop some more [ __ ] it's just so happening on seat of food on Long Beach Boulevard it was all from that day at all okay and I guess the first time you did business with your Colombian guy he gave you one hundred forty eight kilos on consignment oh man like I was doing like I was gonna bring him like to 300 thousand he like oh man keep you keeping my you need the money so she we went in a one-bedroom apartment who hit that [ __ ] no we went in the kitchen open up all the cabinets whole [ __ ] was full of birds I like damn first time I ever seen that many birds and he thought we box them up in the you all boxes of about of there he charged me 11,000 for each one so um I was hauling after that okay and I guess you had all that together you're looking at like two and a half million dollars man all cocaine yeah so you start distributing all that all that started getting rocked up and distributed and no oh so you just selling the kilos wholesale any work okay cuz I was in Watertown I was just faster different stage and everything you know once we get on that low we didn't get the [ __ ] no okay well cuz you know Freeway Ricky he had a massive operation but he had actual crack houses and he was moving like half a million crack rocks a day like it was like something crazy about you were moving a hundred kilos a day you had a dozen crack houses they were making 40,000 in profit a day and you had a network of dealers they were moving half a million crack rocks a day when you look at these types of numbers and this is all you've laid all this out in your book it is a staggering amount of drugs I mean half a million rocks a day like when you look at that right now how do you even come to grips with it it's like you know that was a summer I stumbled upon you know it was only when I really got in prison that I really understood the magnitude either la we from Compton we're doing a little different okay we use the screen level tools to do that type of [ __ ] did you guys ever cross paths cross paths you know one of my partners went to jail with me on a case down there in San Diego okay well there was also the PCP yeah and you described cooking PCP as one of those ancient hood secrets no I wouldn't call it that we ain't letting nobody in that game you know your Compton was a mint people wear that game okay cuz I guess with PCP if you don't know what you're doing you like blow up your whole house yeah you can't yeah [ __ ] yourself well okay and PCP I mean cocaine a crack is a hard drug but PCP is on a whole different level yeah you know we've interview people that have like one guy cut off his own penis and like you know like crazy [ __ ] I was hired a [ __ ] man with no sleep and [ __ ] I'm just frustrated because you know I couldn't talk to my babies and [ __ ] like that and I had like Opie like three child support payments when I see none of my kids and [ __ ] right and I really thought for that moment in time that I'm be hurting myself just you know not having a vasectomy I would not you know that okay and it was just like I was gonna give myself one to tell you the truth you know me that's the reason yeah and I blasted off hi what a family guy what a family guy and um establish it family got American dead so I was like in a cartoon world can we smoke that that damn web PCP you'll be like you know it [ __ ] is like you just in the car to an electronic world you know electron Neutron world shit's not you know what happens in subatomic world's different what happens in reality in this reality you were a fantasy world not necessarily fantasy world how wouldn't you say well you know I was just in the world different world I was in a subatomic world little subatomic world and you grab a knife I don't know what I grabbed whatever [ __ ] told you when I grabbed might be queer because I didn't I don't know what I grabbed it's like I would have turned my head at that point you know I'm saying but shout out to my [ __ ] I said nobody's queer but I don't know I don't know what they said but somebody said I was grabbed a knife or cutting my [ __ ] bad ate my life and I did some did some you know some ginzu [ __ ] is like nah I don't I don't know no you don't remember it but I remember me - Fupa I mean I mean I mean I made a slice that was to put away the knife or what I got but that was too sharp it was too sharp because what I did when she was late she was like [ __ ] was too sharp it was everyone say was too sharp I was too [ __ ] up to be honestly I grabbed some type of knife Ashley I'm gonna grab some type of knife or steak knife you know say and a nickel sue actually who see me grab steak night they they they justify because I would agree I looked at my eyes - if I don't wanna grab the knife sighs I was telling the truth to make sure my life was not in jeopardy so I recant that statement but I did grab the knife and it was like illustration to the [ __ ] see my kids and it was sent to me a monk type of [ __ ] was on my mind you know I mean were you moving both PCP and cocaine or once cocaine came then it just was more lucrative that way I was just walk okay okay all right so now you have a Colombian plug yes who's giving you hundreds of kilos on consignment yes did you ever have a situation where you couldn't pay him back never never know so he gave you those you'd give you a bunch of keys you'd bring back the money next time and so forth yeah but but [ __ ] happens though the police bust you people steal or you try to ship [ __ ] and it doesn't show up so it's not like this is this is what Islam is and cut you all colombians ain't going to just get any [ __ ] to anybody you say you got to be able you know I'm saying you got to cover your ass you know saying and then gonna give it to those softball personals people will take that [ __ ] you know gangsters out there where I grew up at Compton Watts area they take your [ __ ] in the harpy how us tired of catch a dick off and put any ass put in your mouth whatever you know says I never had no situations like that ever in my life okay because you know with with the drug dealers came the drug robbers those diagonally you know yeah just like everything else in life the guys that basically didn't want to sell drugs they just want to rob drug dealers then have people like doing that - yeah but you never had the squares going to school going to jail on the job you never got robbed never okay well in the book you said at one point you were moving 300 kilos a month yeah what actually you maxed out at 800 kilos a month no never no no it was says yeah I maxed out 7800 kilos a month pulling in a cool for Oh some so much that are wanting to be a drought yeah okay yeah I know yeah you shouldn't go so [ __ ] quick two or three days you be gone no sir okay I mean so now you're touching millions of dollars it was agony what are you doing with all this money oh I was on Armani Briones really see you can't find the spice fights so you know gambling all that [ __ ] my Colombian blood I can't walk and well it was like the devil my mother gonna never lost me the never lost I swear we being Caesars Palace he's [ __ ] chips to be up this [ __ ] I like what the [ __ ] is that you the [ __ ] devil do sort of guide you to do [ __ ] never lost here you go to the [ __ ] a bicycle club 140 town I like what the [ __ ] ed [ __ ] lucky is it [ __ ] but I found out he went to devil because uh the people down in town took his ass down you know Sal oh he got busted eventually he got busted okay and that was your your main plug no yeah come in bro okay let's just rewind for a second you're not moving all this stuff in Compton we're starting to go interstate yeah you know when Ice Cube made the song yeah here are you snitchin fuel snitchin rap resolvers my summer vacation yeah all that st. louis [ __ ] taking a corner back oh yeah yeah lie down Ice Cube [ __ ] you know mgz do the realms or burns a bigger than realms and all in this crazy because you guys are putting cocaine in the rims I never know I was I was older than that okay but other people were yeah yeah okay well you have this operation that's bringing in millions and millions of dollars a month and your plug gets busted yeah but he's there's people way above him yeah and we talked about the when his brother when he got busted his brother came okay a couple of days later I'm like man you want to keep on keep on going alright Paul yeah now is this part of the Pablo Escobar's operation the de Midian cartel er yes okay do they ever ask you to fly to Colombia yourself no no I was on parole I was on parole like a couple of they didn't use I never went down there no you don't want to send anybody down there no I'm gonna no too dangerous yeah okay Escobar didn't play around like me okay and also if you didn't pay him back yeah there's something we said kill your old friend me yeah oh yeah well he was killing invoked on he was killing politicians yeah I'm eating you what yeah okay so so you were basically I don't wanna know Pablo Escobar's guys in the u.s. yeah okay you know plug gets busted his brother takes over so business just doesn't know well what ultimately happens with that whole operation oh [ __ ] oh he [ __ ] that their September [ __ ] last time I seen was September tonight 1996 cuz I was almost singing okay because the newspaper article came out keep he D nephew in the early times got into a shoot at the MGM okay and I met helmet oh I met him at the gas station you had a little time working okay we'll get into that part of the story I see I see what you're saying so basically yeah I'm just gonna chronologically kind of kind of had to I see what you mean though basically the [ __ ] all you got a bug on or that right got it yeah okay so here you are making all this money you know hand over fist and you have this operation and you don't have to touch anything at this point cuz you're essentially a kingpin yeah you know like Reggie Reggie right said the other day on your energy we said whoever somebody else's keeps he taking the credit for think but what was the biggest bust that you knew of in Compton while you were working a guy named think who TPD trying to take credit for that saying it was his but it was Fink's no yeah 63 kilos and he was moving it he had an old man driving a camper you know in this family like they were going on a truck going up you know could they was moving it back south cuz that's where you can get more money for your keys that but they were trying to look like a family but you know they had informants you know I didn't format it said hey there's old man but you know move about 63 70 keys across the country and we stopped them and sees the sees the the the camp and the trailer we was always total speak but I recently heard in this book keeping eat on and take credit like those hairs but I don't believe that yeah I was he can uh I wish he would have told him to downtown that yeah he's just a low-level cop he went no [ __ ] what's going on evidently I was doing a hell of a job you don't say yeah people downtown the big boys you know like the healthy I they knew what was going on you know sir at one point Compton becomes a hip-hop Mecca yeah starting with easy zag me back in like 80 to a about 81 82 we should cook at his mama's house the easies house cook up to the big [ __ ] because for I went to the prison he should cook up you know he used to be in the backroom plan and [ __ ] I'm like man that's some [ __ ] I swear to God I used to tell you that I see this garbage so once I went to the pen I have been hearing the music all the time cause anything I know you know it only had three TV station up there so you ain't seen no videos are not like that I have been walking with my cassette tape listening is cooling down the street in monsters fall yeah so one of the homies came up there is it right doing you know tech you own a song cool down that's easy you got to be [ __ ] he said yeah so yeah easy was like you know working with us and everyday he started off buddy I thought that she was gonna work but that she he came up like a mother for me well easy he was a Kelly Park crib yeah was it was Southside and Kelly Park ooh yeah a whole lotta room is really cool okay Oh Ola Laden is all Crips okay how big of a drug dealer was easy uh why would he was just selling like four nine eight balls for and a house and stuff like he never got two kilos or no you never got two kilos okay but [ __ ] yeah hit the music as we hit it rich row he basically you sell drugs to be successful to get up out that [ __ ] yeah and to get out the gang and all that you you know so you quiet for your friendly well kids these days are doing this [ __ ] is backwards like Chris breezy wasn't that other do name I said do Soulja Boy olive juice is joining us Jeff powers they wait to get a million dollars to get in the game right and I feel sure did the same thing to the way they got rich to get in the game yeah I was stupid as [ __ ] I'm quite sure my boy when they even got with him if he knowed he was gonna do that [ __ ] powerful strike that cuz he was a college student yeah well we'll talk about all that yeah so wait when boys in the hood came out and I remember I was living in the bay yeah it was like the biggest [ __ ] ever yeah cuz it was so different and the production was so crazy yeah with dr. Dre and Ice Cube writing the rhymes all of us just it all came together like a perfect storm and I had never even heard of Compton well yeah I was living in the bay okay you know I wasn't going now I've never been to LA so Compton wasn't this National City you know known worldwide how it is now so he's yelling Compton and everything else like that and it just put Compton on the hip-hop map yeah well before they know Compton was had a lot of athletes a lot of baseball players like nice meal Reggie Smith was the other dude Kenny Landro no Compton had a lot of athletes football players basketball players Dennis Johnson lived on my street play for the Boston Celtics he grew up on my block yeah okay NWA blows the [ __ ] up yeah but then after the first album Ice Cube leaves you know then the second album comes out and then dr. Dre wants to leave yeah and that's when Suge Knight starts to come in right because he's friends you know I've interviewed DLC yeah talked about the whole story how him and showed was cool and I mean you know DLC and Dre were cool so now they come up with an idea I think original is called future shock records yeah and now they they want to basically take dr. Dre and Michelle a into this new into this new record company when Dre and I decided to do this this label it was called future shock that's what joy wanted to call it future shock futures records yeah our summer future second examine something okay in the process of trying to get death row going you Dre n Michelle a were still under contract at ruthless yeah okay now you would actually known Suge Knight as a kid yeah play football his daddy his he's the original shirt sure one and then he had a uncle 90 chilly and I wound up in a federal prison we want them okay up out there in Sanford Arizona well once you started hitting 12 13 14 years old and you started getting involved in gangs from what I understand showed was not no sure one no he played he played football with us he was a good kid daddy amounts of money trucking companies benzos [ __ ] nice vans and all that should nice ass bands that's when the black community presented it in bands and stuff show daddy their money after the football game we used to go over the house go swimming eat hot dogs and chips partition like that right and shoot was actually a really good football player not back then right well as he got to high school because he ended up going to hot water he was you know he was a lineman who can get no shine but it is his cousin Ronald and Donald they was on our team to the twins I don't play quarterback the other won't play tired and cook it and I was like two running back he got there in high school then he went to UNLV yeah okay were you guys in any sort of contact between Pop Warner and and you know high school and college oh I've never seen I've never seen anything like that to the power water okay they're singing well he answer I think he ends up getting drafted by I think the Rams or something like that some protein but it doesn't work out something happens and then you know he died no more yeah yeah he has I've come back to Compton and then he starts kind of dabbling into the music industry yeah so sugars trying to form this record label he gets into contact with eazy-e but easy he doesn't want to just let his artists go and so forth but ultimately some situations happen and he gets a release for dr. Dre a Michele a see yeah I watched that movie and stuff like that oh [ __ ] true because uh he has a whole Alondra behind a lot of a little bit was harder than a little Rosecrans back then you know saying he has a lot of drives to Kelly Parks and it was salsa spook town just David occasions the whole lotta was buying them so we put a let go red red 2vz like that you know Scott I think that was a fucked-up [ __ ] yeah I heard easy never got beat at all I talked to an even mom she came got us he came at us yeah I mean I just talked to mom James yesterday and he even told about the meeting where they went down to try to get the contracts for easy you know for dr. Dre and Jerry Heller was there but easy wasn't even in the office Suge has a problem with eazy-e because he has Michele a and dr. Dre that want to sign with him but here is easy over here who holds all their contracts in place exactly so now you guys go to try to get these contracts now this was played out in the NWA movie but from what I understand the way it was played out is not what actually I'm not a nun your point of view my point of view I was dead we went into the office they his security was dead Jerry Heller look and so let's just let's just rewind for a second so it's you shook and how many more people it's me sure and three others I don't want to say their names because I don't know if they want to be heard mention out there like that so with me shaking three other three little homeboys and we went in there shook said I need to get at Jerry them to get Mitchell aiding them contractor so this is ruthless records all this is Rufus Rufus yeah they all forget and Jerry Heller was there Jerry Heller was there okay an old Jewish man yeah what I mean the movie was just straight booty because it didn't happen like that we went in there the security guard was standing right there light as if to hold us up I'm going in there and you better get the [ __ ] out the way do backed up I'll see you guys pulled out guns on secure all right I had a little bitty-ass 25 i'm incriminated myself on this guy but I had it I had a little person okay and Jerry can testify nine didn't he passed away he passed away okay so you can't justify so this cat he know who he is got out the way when he's seen his little 25 he moved sure when there I closed the door okay sooo to deal with Jerry handle your business so you're not even in the room no so but Jerry's in the room with his big Suge Knight guys H&M truth sure got a check out of him and he got Dre [ __ ] he got their contracts out of Jerry's cabinet or whatever the case would be easy he couldn't get okay cuz I had heard stories that you know Jerry Heller was put in the trunk or something else none of that happened no no no we walked out of there and he was sitting at his desk where she left him walked out of there children I don't think she had to put his hands on him with nothing he was that scared yeah so easy never got beat up no no no no he woulda came up okay what were you still cool with easy yeah okay no cool yeah well he was like the hero of Compton I'm sure I will love DZ yeah yeah yeah he's my little partner yeah yeah yeah plenty love you okay so you're not thinking about the music industry at all at this point no you're you're a drug dealer I've got it really been to see your del role yeah I'll turn that [ __ ] down I wasn't did just reach it okay well there's a situation hidden hills and hid him oh yeah we uh we had the day before Hidden Hills we had a low riders lowrider contest hop contest at the hydraulic place did we at all compromise knowledge that he came up there and his boys and [ __ ] he told us all he gave it a video shoot so we exchanged now tree called me and told me to come out to Hidden Hills so we get there it's Reggie junior and sergeant Reynolds out in front of the gate they got on the right way security jackets really Reynolds like I don't know what the [ __ ] y'all come out if we're gonna get in say what you like you what you know [ __ ] y'all out here for this rental sergeant Reynolds collator so uh this girl was running the gate that I knew told her to go get shoes so she came down the hill and he like what lqd and I'll [ __ ] I'm saying this is just full right you know you invited us out here now this fools on my wing getting there he like who or would you just like 18 of us so uh he told him let us all in so I looked at that food windows like yeah [ __ ] and walked on up the hill and [ __ ] so boom you get up there they got on the red faced Rolexes and we had on a blue face rolling so you know it was nice as I was doing big-ass Hills is nice hey some what the [ __ ] uh the balcony was bigger than some of the rooms in County houses you know yeah we had like eight balconies on any joint okay it was death row a thing back then yeah Jeff Road it was a 800 he was doing a video shoot up there called a 69 girls okay so me and my boy are we standing on the hill they had the little the pool didn't run off what is that serenity pool infinity pool infinity pools runoff so we on the hill watches load a little pool looking down agora hill shitty you seen the old glorious when his backyard so he like oh you mean you need to hook up you don't say we take over everything and my mind like [ __ ] you already really hooked up you don't say just don't know yeah but you're still not involved in any sort of music industry [ __ ] at all no just you're making money you're living your life but then you met Eric Vaughn zip Martin who was close friends with puffy yeah yeah ah basically I met puffy befores you know he had called a park a hydraulic place and asked to use a lowrider okay that's when usher first did his first video can I get with you so I want to took my lowrider up there and [ __ ] uh sure was this is a surfers video pup was driving the car and stuff like that that's when I met puppies originally good then all heated up messing up the car yeah yeah uh sure dancing all on the hood and snow so he had to repaint the whole car puffy hate the puffy paid for them there was a candy paint so you pay like forty four hundred to get it rented cuz you get to paint the whole car yeah so uh then a few months later he gave a party at the El Rey we ran into we zipped their night you know it was with our Dana Dana Dana Dana pulled up in this old as a legend I like damn he's starving Dana Dana to do green eyes from a Houdini they put here he was in a green Range Rover so we went all up there to the VIP and stuff like that then I met puff that night and Busta Rhymes acting all drunk and stuff we're all in our Briony and fly for sake Susan she didn't smother I can't drunk spill this little [ __ ] all on your look I'm sorry bro write down this you know I can like a little kid it's stupid you know you know I yet you know saying you put a lot on the [ __ ] you know that's confidence is more laid-back smooth boobs you know yeah okay so you meet puffy you know you guys do the the thing for the Usher video yeah but you guys are only have a relationship then no but then you met Eric Vaughn zip Martin volunteer yo man and well yeah me a hand man is doing with you rich it was all nothing Richie Rich who's the rapper from the base and I don't know if it was you your team on Yonkers I just want to make that clear the real Ricky rich not no rapper a gangster yeah okay see you me bond zip and what starts to happen next oh you started moving moving work and stuff like that you know Henry it used to come down every wasn't what you give me a word and stuff right there okay so bond zip was a drug was an East Coast drug connected yeah okay okay two pockets out of prison yeah and he starts to go crazy on bad boy no before too far got out of prison they had a summer jam and a biggie had that song one more chance it was a hottest song [ __ ] a chart and it was at Irvine medals we went up there when they had a little violent stage so he's up there we had on our little Cowboys [ __ ] ooh jammy witty he's played more dangerous who shot you and uh one more chance so the stage went around he did this row three song we went around she was waiting over there on on the side over there you know so he QbD how you know [ __ ] same way I know you love her he knows that [ __ ] right so yeah you see at all I've seen getting jealous of them dudes then yeah yeah okay so then the source Awards thing happens yeah we're sure gets on stage and says you know if you are you artists who don't you know a lot of people all up in your video dancing yeah oh yeah yeah and that's what really starts setting off the hostility exactly that's what started yeah but seems to me it was wu-tang was the problem with him but he choose some kids Junior MAFIA over the wu-tang who was I guess it was more of a challenge to him you know saying they grow up against wound chains so I guess he chose the kids you know saying I like down because really one town was disrespecting the devil roll up there really as you look at the at the thing but he chose puffy and then blow out his kids little seed big you know kids well but then there was a situation where Big Jake gets killed in Atlanta yeah that was shug's want to show his best friends come on whooping you know yeah they say that wolf was the one who killed him who was Puffy's guy yeah wolf was dead now as well yeah and that and that set off a bunch of friction as well yeah between sugar and puffy yeah okay well then two pockets out and he starts going crazy bad boy he drops hit him up yeah where he just hammers everybody yeah I felt the [ __ ] you know that right who ever [ __ ] with y'all my dad was he talking about me oh okay so let's just talk about that for a second before hit him up was puffy approaching y'all for for security and protection no you know he had a West Coast yeah that a West Coast tour coming up okay San Diego San Jose you know little areas it's at Anaheim la stuff like that Vegas so he called when I'm in zip I don't know whether they had set this up or not but zipper can't pick me up we rollin up Greenleaf in our neighborhood and it's falling boom it was perfect school come out here in concerts I won't be cool so he liked the big CEO do so sugar yeah yeah like Dan what's going on with Charlie like you know she you think this is a school like she just let me know the dates and give me some tickets we've had a Crips there but I see he was trying to play us against each other Crips Bloods you know yeah Chris sugar blood we decrypt so I guess something that was a protection thing going okay so you just gave you guys some tickets to a show yeah figured you know you came late this how scared he was he even had some Navy SEALs in the next room yeah I do you just [ __ ] scared it is do you know damn yeah how does that relationship start to escalate between you and you and puffy in terms of you know you guys actually offering some level of protection no attention it was just uh you know how many friends with my friends you know yeah basically it was for taking it really yeah yeah I guess he played this murder do what the red I get the blue no say there is it there was a situation I think it was the Soul Train Awards where puffy were bad boy and death row ran into each other yeah but they locked they lied on me I never pulled all gone oh no Reggie Reggie said that you brandished a gun death row ran into bad boy correct and somebody brandished a gun me well before you oh I always say was TPD keep your deed was definitely their big gene corrects me I say it was a do name cut up a gun or something like better see got her that's uh Puffy's that's big he's cutting his cousin who's a [ __ ] actually okay I never pull no gun I would even there with you I was in the VIP Claire you know I'll pull the gun somebody's gonna get hurt okay so I didn't put no gun oh boy that's a lie okay and they didn't see me either or nothing alright well so someone pulled out a gun and then Reggie pulled out his gun and it was a standoff you're pointing the gun at Biggie's crew girl and two pockets trying to grab the gun from you he asked pop pop pop pop was about it I mean we could try to take it away [ __ ] would he well he's the lack of a better word instigator uh-huh let me give Wow I mean he ya know I wasn't here I was at the awards but I wasn't with your names backstage no no I'm not saying you were there but this is starting to happen now bad boy and and death row are now running into each other and it's potentially getting violent yeah okay well then hit him up comes out yeah and then that escalates it even further as I okay now you would actually run into Tupac a few times yeah back when he was with uh did you know underground Oh way back then okay I was in the Greek theater he's all that retains about maybe like 10 I was he's older smoking weed as though he came over in a diaper that's funny is what we asked to hit our joint well we just gave we just bought tickets we should be hidden your joint you don't say like yeah kind of clowning that day then the next time I ran into him was at the House of Blues he was with EDI or to do big syke one of them dudes and all my homeboys like a me that [ __ ] what was going along be stand for you know what does that mean when he says recognize from from Long Beach the Rosecrans that's all raw and real for Long Beach and rose grand mean the mob or looters park around okay that's the wrong Street [ __ ] so my homies jammed his ass up I you know what the [ __ ] you saying and do like a really he just rapping the song it wrote that for him okay so they let him go that day you know saying you know what was the next time we see in the dude we seen him tonight on sunset him in our she'll get pulled up and they Rolls Royces she was on the rail one pop was in a white one and Snoop was in the black one and it was maybe like 40 Crips on the corner right there on something right there about House of Blues and his full pull up keep you need he had on a big red hat and he was in the rear of Rolls Royce you know that's one of the Chris was really dominating the streets you know so he like oh what's up big dog I said it's over I'll be reading like let's go to the let's go to paradise so we all jumped in our cars follow you into paradise once we did on Santa Monica and a higher part right there she is doom shot up his car they shot her Foose car shows that Rolls Royce that night okay and all [ __ ] and saying God while they read Godfather was laying in the streets I think red you got the bus and that night he's done or he's doing a white Cherokee little Reggie he shot at somebody he was busted bat okay you know I don't know whether he took it like that was us or no but uh you know I'm a Bryant of you Danny Boy and you know they're rolling around and bulletproof vests and I think Danny boy's car got shot up like it was it was it was bad it was serious I was always serious around death-row when it came to you know threats we walked with security every day you know we had bulletproof vests songs all the time that was just a part of our routine because there was so much hey you know most of the fights that I remember a lot of fights were initiated by people I guess trying to prove that you know he wasn't as gangster of a label as we say we are I think that was more what it was and you know today they call it hatin it was more hating and you know we had to fight to get out of some of them clubs and fight to get out of so in some of those places so you would actually go outside with a bulletproof vest all the time every day I had a security guard that I wasn't able especially more towards the end I wasn't able to move around without security dad your dad whoop that dude out at the club for DJ Quik at that party out there in seinem I like it because they'll all do from role the sixties so I was trying to really dad that's what I figured hit him up comes out which you know to this day is considered the greatest diss song ever I like them no Vaseline you know that uh easy you know that uh what's the day was talking to what you know [ __ ] up rather fact one day I was coming up in 164 wasn't that no Vasily he is already out there on our street on the game I'm like damn when I CD you know what ice cubes okay but he evens more in depth with his own more personalized yeah he was like I [ __ ] your [ __ ] holidays with a juggler yeah at the end I told you I felt that [ __ ] like they're talking about us too okay so at that point puffy is feeling the heat from from death row even more musically yeah there was conversations about a million dollar bounty on sug yeah but we're not gonna say who it's from okay yeah okay fair enough Lois there's rumors of this anything ki fede claims that there is this ongoing conversation it happens on three different occasions but most specifically when he puffier at this place called Greenblatt's deli on Sunset and they're there things have spiraled out of control puffy is really concerned about you know his the welfare is as his safety and he tells ki feed email and I just needed to take care of this situation with with sugar and Tupac it's out of control you know shoes on I'm sorry Tupac's on vinyl talking about killing all of our kids when they croak up and you know it's just it's just become this really serious conflict and he says I just need you to take care of him in ki Fateh he's like that's no problem that's what we do and so an agreement was made according to ki fede for an amount of money and they kind of just let it go at that point in time but of course key feed knows in the back of his mind this a few once done and they all end up an out in the out in Las Vegas shug's out there before you say that there's a couple things I wanna talk about chef Vegas so when you say that Keef he got offered an amount of money according to him was there a dollar amount yeah so there was a dollar amount but I think that you know the nuances of this conversation are that like now I'll give you a million bucks whatever it takes you know it's like exaggerated speech but of course when we interview key foodies like yeah that's the agreement amount was a million dollars so according to key fee he's claiming that puffy offered him a million dollars to kill Suge or Tupac both of us yeah both their names came up were there you know before the whole Vegas incident were there any more run-ins that you guys were involved in then that puffy or death row what was mixed up in or not really not really oh okay I'd heard the puffy start hanging out in Compton never never never a line closes he came to Compton was a day that celebrity basketball game I think Biggie got killed that night yeah he went to Cal say Jimmy's okay that's what everybody that was later on that was later on yeah well big he got killed later on I was a knight big he got killed all the closest he came to country okay got it so let's talk about Orlando for a second Orlando is your nephew yeah these other you don't want to talk about money if y'all want to talk about me okay with me all right but I just want to establish Orlando is your nephew and you guys were very close yeah okay and from what I understand Orlando was a thorough guy he had a reputation for this for for being with the [ __ ] no he was a good person very good person good heart everyday he's really a kid well [ __ ] happen home okay you know Sal shortly before the Vegas incident the Travon Lane gets jumped at the Lakewood mall he really all initiated that whole thing really it was to him and two other guys I think his name was Kevin woods and some other dude matter of fact the other dudes mom's is from our neighborhood Jamie so what's her name well it's her last name stamps on Vanessa stamps her son was up there we'll all know why each other's blood I guess whether his mom or daughters auguste renoir they were yeah okay so a fight happens at the Lakewood mall and they try to take Trayvon's death row chain one of my little homeboys is a football player getting ready to go to college he's at the Lakewood mall at the world footlocker he's up there waiting you know Santa by self Travon Lane woods and the dudes ass down boy he was up there oppressing him talking crazy to him so uh when the homies came in there they see uh my little homie seal so he chops socks Trayvon it's not me something is it's nice to change getting into the shoe rack but they didn't actually get the chain did they yeah okay they got the chain yeah okay because this story differs depending on who you talk to she was like three four-hour change and one no it said he had a bounty on it like that okay cuz that was another story that allegedly there was a ten thousand dollar bounty on death row chains and and I've talked to people in death row like artists and so forth and that was the word that was circulating at death row that there was $10,000 bounties on these chains what he was on the streets that puffy and bad boy was doing a video and they paid they was paying anyone to bring back a death row chain so pop looked at it like this is deeper than blood and clip this is my enemies you know puffy and I'm attacking us now cuz I'm with death row so words on the street that if you bring back this death row chain so we can put in our video this is the words on the street so that's how it got back to the the puffy wanted to have the death row chain in the yes music video this was the rumor so when they try to snatch that chain from from Trey and trade fooled them all back and he got the chain back it was three I think against so many got the chain whatever I really don't know that story whatever happened but he ended up keeping this own chain four hundred dollars change you don't add up well there's a significance to it it don't know that the story the story was was that Buffy wanted one of these chains and put them in a little bitty cheaper change to one number three four hundred I don't want one of them changes what are you gonna do with a change well pop will he went no hater like that on me he's just trying to get his money he wasn't sure to get his money so the open or later alright so 1996 a big fight is happening in Las Vegas yeah it was a Mike Tyson fight in Vegas which at the time was the biggest thing ever yeah you know the equivalent of a commit a Mayweather fight these days yeah maybe bigger bigger yeah I would say that because Tyson was a more exciting yeah Barra he would come in knock someone out in a minute and a half and everyone go crazy whereas Mayweather it would just win but yeah I already say it I need five seconds with the guy right down five seconds with me what I'll do to you do well okay so you guys decide to go down to Vegas and you guys have been going down to Vegas for fights for a while yeah before the rapper's before yeah before a shell game it had his record company he's going to the fight okay yeah and Paul before the end a record company by 88-89 and you know I really started going to fights like 89 okay so you guys go down to Vegas how deep are you guys maybe about 2012 deep yeah okay was dirt rock with you no he was not he didn't go - never okay so you guys go down to Vegas and did you actually watch the fight yeah were you at the in the actual event yeah okay yeah I was there and uh yeah you got a ticket from stammers so our tickets was all all over the place looking upon the twins from Rome the sixties he escaped her and he's I was in no state prison with corker and Tracy days and he said get us tickets to all the sporting events concepts and all that so he used to be in frontal he's like a scalper so all our tickets was separated around and stuff like that okay see you guys all get separated so yeah and I've said before the fight I said meet at the cafe that was inside the MGM okay so uh the fight got over we sent uh all of us who came to the gym so some of my partners from East Coast eleven eight came in there said oh and he just jumped on that few I like who Orlando they said they just jumped on that few I'm like yeah and he like yes or we got up from the table of our food and everything minute nephew okay before before that that fight did you guys see Suge or Tupac or anyone from death row I'll see anything the day before in front of young Jim okay so you knew they were already in town yeah I'm saying we can't check why yeah okay cuz you guys were cool they don't partners you okay eight nine years old right I mean you're talking about all these different situations where you guys are running into each other it all seems friendly every time I'm swimming in a pool running back call it right yeah we it never I never looked at him there's no blood I don't like that you know yeah yeah he was a cool dude so cool all the time okay so so your nephew gets jumped yeah we met up I know it was a few of them East Coast dudes from from the East Coast New York and stuff like that and uh we all met up oh and they said Oh everybody and he jumped on me and stuff like that now what does it mean being a South Side [ __ ] to have a rapper punch you in the face and jump on you what is that what does that mean when you go back to your neighborhood what does that mean yeah what is the significance of that because it's one thing when two gangsters get into each other but but Tupac is not a gangster right so if a non gangster ends up jumping you what are the ramifications for that in terms of gangs oh really I don't know work you know consumption just [ __ ] okay so it's just whatever yeah it's another fight yeah cuz a bunch of actual gangsters were involved in that fight it wasn't just Tupac to park threw the first punch yeah but you know buncher a neckbone's show they all just played up like Walmart you okay Travon Lane meets on Iran our track against Bond Street when he ran for Whaley I read for Rozsival okay yeah so they all jump on our land oh you guys meet up how was really know taking this whole situation how was he taking it yeah I mean he just got jumped I mean he wasn't seriously hurt right there he just said he was our head up with was to pocket yeah okay well since we had seen them the day before they pulled up in him Rolls Royces at the MGM it was uh it was pop and once there so all the girls was around he came you know like a player change jingling he recognized a player can't say what on cue need you a little they might Tyson and worry and uh dude donkey Neil pulled up and in with Ozora Bentley's so that [ __ ] losing like some hot wheels so all the [ __ ] from Rolls Royces over there to new hot wheels right and pretty has been there was been Lea roars the acting pretty [ __ ] look like hot wolves yeah sold I ran into him the day before okay well but Orlando was was involved in that particular situation was there at that Lakewood mall situation so then when they ran into each other at the FGM Travon Lane tells everyone there hey that's one of the guys that was involved in that fight evidently they are because uh let me see how I can put this yeah if he did said that you just said I heard he said that they go to God took my change well I mean I don't didn't take his change but we're laying we'll do it three hundred all the change we we gonna grab with Daniel we don't have five six thousand all the change though like she was gonna have all been saying we you know we wasn't the help we was bosses yeah you know saying we don't want no [ __ ] today change somebody else change what we gonna do with somebody else change okay well when he said that Tupac made a beeline to Orlando and hit him and then at that point everyone else mobbed in and you know start kicking him and punching him I stuff like that well you you and Orlando and everyone else meets up but you guys don't have any guns I'm said that was in the book until zip Vaughn zip came in the picture okay but it is in the book okay yeah let him read apart okay and I guess Foxy Brown was with zip read about it okay well according to the book you know which there's gonna be a link in the video that you could actually order from that's right I mean if a mummy's evil would show the Buddha yeah this is my book here I would like to you guys to buy it and get the real truth instead of from a cop or some [ __ ] our industry people some [ __ ] you're getting it from real [ __ ] so go get the book you know and you can get the real truth about this whole situation think okay I'm going to go ahead and read from the book passage okay on getting a gun for the to pocket while we were waiting for the valley to bring out our cars zip seize the opportunity and call call me over to his Benz as if was a big time you're a player pimp and hustler who used to come out to California handle his business and kick it with us sometimes as I walked up to the driver's side of nose the rapper Foxy Brown was in the car was zip so he instructed her to step out of the car and motion for me to jump in zip had a hidden compartment and he opened up reached in and pulled back a forty clock I'd say he turned to me and said it's time to get the money I say get your $20 and read about that part okay well you initially wanted to go talk to sug about the whole situation yeah yeah we was uh I felt we was on that type of level where we can just get this just squash get a head up and stuff like that we're laying in a two bar you wanted to meet up with Suge but you had no way of getting contact with them yeah one of my homies from are out there about yes I'm always lived out there okay that was got Charlie in the game and he's like a four-hour in for that concert it to see six to quote so bring which was Chuck's club yeah we went up there I heard about that yeah see you guys you guys went over there but there was a bunch of cops and everything and no well there was it no I was there for about 30-40 minutes and in fact parking lot okay but you never with it and I seen where Mark James did he's seen us in the back parking lot that's Romeo were you in Vegas yeah yeah six six two I was running the club at the time right Reggie ride was there but I was doing the door your brother bun tree was there as well bunchy was at the fight he wants you to fight with him we already knew it was it was going to happen that that they was coming to Vegas the whole nine and then when they came they pulled up in front of six six two I learned a bunch in him and told him that keep feeding him I did the South size is out here and they drove off did you see him no I never see nobody okay so we love walk about 40 minutes later he left about 40 minutes later when it doesn't drink right you went to the liquor barn oh I think discount leads liquor okay good bar whatever yeah yeah well you had mentioned in the book that that big Meech from BMF as which oh now that was a typo but it was a dude from Detroit okay so it wasn't big Meech all right you know I don't really know big me to say that but it was a dude from Detroit okay well and also you had a Sea Ray with you yeah and that was one of your salesmen basically yeah one more kappas right yeah so let's talk about what happens next you know based on what the book says zip gave you a Glock gave you guys a Glock and you guys toss them in the backseat and bubble up was a driver and baby lane and freaky we're in the backseat we're just all in the car again okay this was the white Cadillac yeah okay so you guys are driving around and then you hear these girls say to pot to pot no are we coming up what's tonight was that flamingo yeah I think it's flamingo he's coming for me going got to the light he's really go all drank and smoked sweet and he happened to be hanging out the window he's saying another window like he was in for a two pocket yeah he was so what happens next we just go [ __ ] I ain't gonna go into details like that you don't say but uh you know you got it in a book you didn't planted everything else you don't say yeah well in the book you said that as you're driving up towards the tour is the BMW which show driving into Park in the passenger seat and you said the Tupac pulled out a gun if my fingers reaching yeah yeah okay yeah did you actually see it done oh sure he got the region I got the donkey so someone from your car that's what I'll start shooting at Tupac and Suge flame starts blasting you say should look over he sees you he looks right at you when he looks over at you and then you know twofox busy getting shot ever get the story as Tupac's trying to either get out of the back seat or something yeah what do you see happening inside did sir Lando Jonathan start across Dre he leaned over they would roll my side I was a pumpkin knows enemy when he was on the details on I want to keep his streets on I'm gonna go ahead and read from the book well so let him borrow a book okay well I was gonna read this passage the [ __ ] was on Tupac made an erratic move and began to reach down beneath this seat it was the first and only time in my life that I could relate to the police command keep your hands where I could see them instead pot pulled out a strap and that's when the firework star started one of my guys from the backseat grabbed the clock and started busting back the first shot skin should in the head and I thought that [ __ ] was dead I heard some stories supposed to that Tupac that she'll use to pocket the shield when the bullets are flying without some [ __ ] Suge was already wounded and he was the one that got touched as the rounds continued flying I ducked down so I wouldn't get hit facially yeah white Cadillac arm came out the back seat and started letting off what went through your head when you saw that they shoot my [ __ ] so the bullets are flying Tupac Tupac and Suge Skaar get get all shout out was there and I'd heard different versions of the story but the one version I heard was that the other that their entourage started shooting back patiently yeah does anyone from the death row side return fire yes okay can you see what that was yeah he's no longer with us his name was bun tree but I don't want to share right-hand guy our good friend Alan McDonald he chased the car down he also received one gunshot to this his vehicle his car was shot I got a black Toyota Supra and him and another guy returned shots at that corner yeah an H and they left their guns at home wrong they yeah he start shooting back and so are some chicks in a series started following a white sea breeze right top sea breeze why would the girls following you guys I don't know okay that's crazy but I guess their window got shot out from one junior and they stopped following you at that point I've talked to a couple people they were there about the situation and from what they told me was that you know you guys came up you know the car that you were in came up behind Tupac's car you guys didn't the cars were not facing each other no they were not facing each other all right you guys got a parallel to them behind them and you know when you look always are side by side so how would you even see Tupac reach for anything if you're driving behind him one driver bother you so I saw the light okay you guys were already side by side yeah so you guys ended up going back to the hotel together afterwards yeah someone actually suggested that y'all pour out a little bit of liquor for Tupac no water I'm a little looking for us pour down our throat I'm gonna read for the book okay we made it back to the hotel we popped our bottles and party like it was any other night of course someone suggested that we pour out a little for Tupac which we did a smoked our weed like we had planned to in the first place yeah yeah well we are I've just made the boogie decided no any porn all over looking for you you guys didn't put out any liquor for to play how'd you know yeah I wasn't suggesting but I ain't poor no legal boy I was suggesting about one of the homes yeah okay so you guys leave Vegas what the next day yeah laughter next day that Mardi well you said that you guys went and stash the gun I guess I'm one of the wheels and the Cadillac but when you came back the gun was gone yeah you guys drove back in that white Cadillac back to LA no back to Compton no no okay well somebody drove one of the homies drove the Cadillac okay got it and then you guys went and got the Cadillac repainted I guess yeah you gotta pay me why it's early but yeah okay it was a rental yeah and you said you know uh you told uh baby lane don't tell nobody would happen not even your mama don't say a [ __ ] thing no you know if anyone asked what happened nothing yeah told old Carter you came back Sunday they had Mardi we was all sitting on all in our neighborhood Reggie senior to captain Lee County Police comes up run the stop sign I guess he had just finished debriefing his own his soldiers and to come to PD he run our stop sign on my street came up jumped out of scarring like a [ __ ] in case on cue you killed my son [ __ ] that's all all right what the [ __ ] is you talking about [ __ ] you he's like I'm just telling you [ __ ] the bells coming on just wonderful just stupid then two hours later he get our little trap spot rated take all our guns all that [ __ ] so it's basically uh see accomplices against South Side's so but it was some dudes from the company police's that I went to school wouldn't play football with at Compton high a blue book man Eric period and they all came over there and say we with that [ __ ] man you don't say we from the crib side and we with that [ __ ] I'll watch our ass let's try to stay out of Compton you know say cuz there's you know we know that he was gonna come with the comfort of holiness well the Compton police know we're working with death-row right that right damn red cars all that [ __ ] right and I talk to Reggie about this particular situation he said yeah my father threatened ki fede said nothing better happened to my son Keef he said that your dad threatened ki fee about here about Keef he going after you was the war broke out yeah that's true that's true yeah he I didn't believe it when I heard it well you know everybody I'm on social media with everybody I come a nearby and some people told me he said this about your dad it's not calling over there he said when I heard they were talking about doing this doing I total [ __ ] been then then but not having the Reggie Junior cuz you know you know I was running 100 y'all y'all gonna have some problems yeah he co-signed the holes that you idiot and Reynolds you know but maybe about the day before she'll go to court I get a call oh never you saying BB at all at the lawyer's office get there his Reynolds Reggie and [ __ ] a shirt came caster's out don't say I said you know put a full court appearance they cast you out yeah sure she'll paid you pay those $60 long yeah that was for Orlando to testify on Sean's behalf yeah that was them between attorneys I was there how it happened was uh Edie fall we all know Edie fall from me one of the guys that representative on the the Rodney King that the warrants the beat of Reginald Denny he was pop popular attorney from that way anyway eighty father David Kenner or that we all met at the studio at the SPD falls office and they came up with a when they were about to sue or they were in the process of suing to pop and they came up to agreement well hey if you come and testify because we're trying to save ships from going to jail to do that you know nine year violation and testify that [ __ ] was trying to really help you he was trying to get get them off you he wasn't one that assaulted you he was really trying to stop everybody from assaulting you if you come and testify to that will give you us you know we're selling this case with you for I think it was sixty thousand dollars when you was going to sue to pawn which which was a great deal in our mind because yeah we all know what two bottles worth especially after the all eyes on me and the makaveli album had dropped yeah it was worth a lot of money we're selling the case for six okay so that's how that deal they got a bunched a bunch of these deals yeah these lawsuits together and here are 60,000 you comma you get on the stand let's say you know tell in our mind at the time was the truth yeah you say different you say you saw okay well you know we were trying to not see a kick but it didn't matter because she altered it I was found guilty in chorus well he was found violated for his probation exactly and he went back to jail correct he did five and a half years when I interview Greg Kaeding he told me that they were that he had informants all over Compton I had informants all over the place and sometimes you know you get together and meet him at the Starbucks they give you some information you give him you know a hundred bucks and you go about your business and what they're thinking you know this is an important component of this is what they're thinking is that you know I'm paying this forward because when the time comes where I do get pickled up and I'm in trouble I've already done these guys favors and they're gonna return the favor so there's all these nuances to these relationships that get developed between cops and informants okay and the money that you would pay to these informants you just get reimbursed by the police department nowadays yeah it's all very controlled but back then yeah you just pull money out of your own pocket okay know the guy and never report it it's just you know yeah right he also said that that Orlando's aunt called in and told told the police what happened you ever saying one of the guys they boasted to Brooks was an informant for the police one of several one of several from the south side crips so there's others in that in that crew that was hearing Orlando say I just killed Tupac that was actually going back to the police and saying hey I got something for you in addition to a family member of Orlando Anderson's own family who early on was contacting detectives and saying my nephew was likely involved in this my nephew yeah we talked about KPD know is it as a female so Orlando Anderson Zandt was reporting to the police that her nephew killed to pot there was definitely somebody in that immediate family environment that was I don't want to create continued issues for you know what what takes place in these everyone's gonna go and try to figure out who this is right of course you know there's a responsibility of my part not to create harm for people and but yeah this is this is the way it played out there was a family member a female who was calling the police ratting out Orlando Anderson I'm not sure if that's your sister or on on the other side of the family do you know about this I read I read uh I've been to the fence so I know [ __ ] there's a lot of people that been to the state like Tracy oh you know that they've been to the state you know county jail stone the fence is a little different you can go to the Freedom of Information Act and get the information or every federal case right so people take TT high and for me stuff like that they got they got the [ __ ] blacked out and stuff like that but I know who they are because it happened to me and I lived through this you don't say and I can date back to that situation I got a nice brain on me and I'm not no dumb dude and I'm not to go to the Freedom of Information Act right to get the information so everybody had think they hiding from me there you're not okay you know that so what you had mentioned that searay snitched yeah and that was one of your lieutenants or your captains yeah I figured because all his neighbor got killed me he got some kind of got spooked and they were Bobby finstock shot a whole lot of times and he came over all I was in the projects and grocery he came over and said uh Sheila got a hit out on me you and me you and my brother I like how you gonna [ __ ] how you know that he like me I'm trying to tell you to make ya'll woohoo I said well you go tell that [ __ ] we don't hit him for free you don't sound sister ain't him cause I died me hit him there since he got a hundred thousand you know so you know yeah so you're saying this show had $100,000 bounty on your head that's what quarry see ray came told me came over I was in the project he got a bounty out on me him and my little brother okay I like where you [ __ ] you get that wrong how you get information that not Orlando I guess he was trying to knock off the you know you knock off the head of the snake oh then the body go though he's trying getting oh geez okay trying to get the month with the big players okay which yeah I co-financed yet you know so the same day you get back your Colombian plug a sense of a meeting with you owe that money that money Warner I went met him he had that same [ __ ] la time article like yeah yeah it's going to jail yeah that was the last time I seen him but he had enough some little coke you know some people that sell burn during little co-workers that he was you know his runners he left him you know but he never came big like today right and he said he told you come on homie you're supposed to be smarter than that we have a multi-million dollar business you're tripping yeah and you said he was right yeah yeah you right so here's this huge operation you have that crumbled the next day yeah me me and shook [ __ ] crumbles seem like you know saying and basically I helped start death both both both things went down both million dollar operations okay well you lose your plug the police start swarming in yeah and then a war breaks out in Compton because the word on the street was that the south side crips killed Tupac what happened was that all the players that were from Compton came back to Compton and we were told that hey you know Southside was responsible for the shooting of Tupac so it's coming back to Compton and what that meant to us the war was about to start and sure enough like two days later it started okay how many people were killed during this war I think in the next 10 days we had three people murdered and I want to say 11 11 shooting students yeah between South Side Crips and the mob Piru and looters Park okay so just a full full-blown war okay yeah it was a semi war one who wouldn't like that but yeah it wasn't you wouldn't consider that a war yes some people lost a life how many people got killed in the next Lake month or so we lost one person that's a loss like four okay like Bobby Finch he was like moonlighting doing that uh he's a police for Compton Unified School District he's an easy polish to accomplish Unified School District so he knew little Reggie big Reggie and Reynolds named while already then I thought I'd seen like the fans that came down you know started raining everybody else tonight at a rate of [ __ ] just dude it all due to grease trucks you got to do the he own prom Crown Prince grease his little brother came and knocked on my door and said there's a busload sitting in the parking lot a bus confidence I mean the sheriff was sitting in the parking lot in the neighborhood I bought a doughnut shop like you're pushing a whole lot of holiness so about five minutes before they came I got the [ __ ] up on it just in time well in the book you mentioned that you had a couple of white boy neighbors yeah and you sent one of them the dressed up in a UPS outfit to jokes to do yeah yeah and I guess if she'll get open the door they were to kill [ __ ] I ain't gonna try to get me waxed okay yeah well it's in the book yeah okay you know like I'm not I'm not I'm not just making this stuff up I'm not fishing here like you know it's right here in the book that is in the link you know if you click below you could order this book and write a detail yeah right fox keepo telling the whole story but the potable okay but it's now it's now getting getting serious yeah uh and I guess Orlando he he got out the way as well right I mean he wasn't just hanging out on his front front steps waiting for someone to come shoot him no it was though the guys from the Crypt decrypt comfortable leases came told us like blue or Bookman and uh Airy prayer Don he became the mirror he can't he came with like a with that [ __ ] and y'all stay up out of trauma at home you know say okay did well during that time did uh did baby Lane ever get shot or anything I know I know that he ended up getting killed two years later but before then was there ever a shooting or anything of that sort oh okay alright fair enough so in the book you said the third day after getting back from Vegas you guys met up with zip in LA hey Wayne stop a-wing stop yeah not waiting stop with all hot wings well I was yeah yeah and I guess you said the puffy puffy call and said was that us and you didn't say nothing there's also you go into the book that apparently there was supposed to be a million dollars that zip was supposed to bring back but he ended up keeping the money buying a nightclub with it that's what the FBI sent FBI said that you know you guys never got any money never for anything not even a pair of Sean John drugs you know saying that's crazy it seemed like Pope do that though yeah seemed like every time some person bass he going around here he he it look like it's some [ __ ] on the grass don't step around us you get away from that [ __ ] well you talked about how you made a crucial mistake by having a big meeting in the neighborhood yeah wasn't in the neighbor was at a park outside of it okay then Cerritos yeah okay and what was the what was the mistake that you made I said I was just going to get some bread from pop you get us some guns because they kept on raiding our houses taking our guns and there was informants that was listening to this whole conversation yeah things do and they reported that that back yeah I wish you can all enter the FBI's they don't know they don't do [ __ ] like this you know saying Greg Cain he was just an LA detective you know saying yeah he act like he made me crumble and all that he didn't make me crumble this is my friends around me they took me down right because well your whole life is being turned upside down at this point exactly you have you had this multi-million operation well you know one you know FBI you know well police raids you know guns being taken people starting to turn informant and turning against you it was that that one event changed everything in your life how stressed out were you during this time I was just watching my ass smoked more a lot more like you know well Suge because of that fight Suge was looking at violating his probation yes because well and we you know I've covered this already you know earlier there you know he had pulled out a gun on on these two producers and shot in the air made him strip yeah and he was on probation over that situation yeah you know I interviewed the the president of solar records we talked about that there in the building we're paying all the bills we get a phone bill from the studio floor that was something like I want to say $8,000 for month okay so Griffey cos again and he says look at this bill this is redic if you can't get those knuckleheads down there to stop using the phone I'm gonna throw you out so that night should comes into the building you know it goes up to the to the third floor and one of the Stanley Brothers was on the phone and I wasn't there so this is what was important to me you know that he asked a guy to get off the phone and he said I think the Stanley Brothers had been part of the world class wreckin group and they were actually there to try and get tray by this is becoming known as I as I had producer to do something for them and so you tell sure you didn't know should what really was he said hey look I'm uh I'm wanna get a trace guess go talk to him and Suk's it I don't talk to him I run this I said man go leave me alone so sugar Paradis goes out goes back downstairs to his car gets a gun comes back puts the gun to his head and says nothing look I told you get off the phone so then he hangs up the phone and she takes him into the the major we had at the studio we we had had a big it was a big studio because we reconstructed it in the days when you made records with musicians and so you know and in the olden days if you want to do a string date you would bring in the string section from the LA Philharmonic and that's how you'd do string overdubs and stuff so we had a we had a student that was big enough to accommodate all those so should brings him into the studio and has everybody yeah people for the rehearsal I want you all to come in here and he said this is what's going to happen if you use that phone and so it tells tells a guy take off his clothes and he says I'm not taking off my clothes so then he shoots the gun he hands by the guys here so shoog was already on probation here he is in this video kicking Orlando he tried to say that he slipped and he was trying to stop it but he actually paid Orlando 60,000 dollars to testify that she didn't do anything yeah he prayed was you and did that kind of ease the tensions and Compton yeah yeah yeah right it seemed like all the [ __ ] mayor everybody you know Sam they put the blood that put down the power remove any confidence it the city they had the city all then for the police department you're saying he buying [ __ ] all kind of [ __ ] from their wallets so it kind of took over so we that made us really stay apart a company well even though Orlando testified on shug's behalf showed was still found Val T yes it's still violated his I raised the crash death row once you got valid yeah right so basically everybody lost the three hairdos the to add the three air dudes lost two of us lost and one still going okay that's Paul six months later biggie gets killed yeah and people start blaming South Side for the murder yeah top of the police's it's like a conspiracy you know saying they know they saw I did that [ __ ] so they keep the heat up off them they came and said he we did it south side it wasn't [ __ ] and they you know know they needed it to be State Police's our gangsters man and saying quit the [ __ ] of course you'll be doing all this dirty [ __ ] out of here you know say [ __ ] ain't right to me they should like randos the rights they shoulda quit the [ __ ] force you know Sam yeah there's a lot of dirty cops exactly a lot of in our city yeah yeah where were you guys there you know cuz cuz you you hear these different stories there is you know and from what I understand you guys had nothing to do with the biggie murder at all you know from everything I've heard there was a guy named Poochie the night the night before we may have puff at the House of Blues okay so you met up with puffy at the House of Blues the night before [ __ ] he told us they having a celebrity game and they having a thing with Quincy Jones at that uh the car museum here the carbons okay okay so so okay so let's just stop for a second so six months later after Tupac is killed was that the first time you've seen puffy yeah okay and how did those conversations go he was all at the House of Blues and we was outside in front of a car comes outside in the car and he came up to the window he seen we came up to the window like what's up dog got me out well it was a lot of people use like the celebrity if you ever come flowers all them [ __ ] and everything is all around his ass but he went paying attention in any kind of tension to us you know saying cuz once he got into the window I had to be pro/5 him or my life and see like so he backed away he was telling us that it ain't giving a basketball gana gonna be at this basketball game cal state dominguez and they giving a party the next night but at this point you know there's a whole rumor over both lost a million dollars and there's a rumor that well phones use a million dollars but you guys don't have a million dollars so was there any sort of conversations tensions anything big dog puffs nail was all maybe just getting started I had more money yeah you just getting started baby yeah billion dollars still a million dollars you're right like I said he was just getting started he was uh I was filling the tub a dumper y'all at cristão and saying I'm wrong no one showed him on a ball like that he was drinking white lightning you know saying hey Bernard railroads at the at the room an anti I feel to tell us up full of ice a doll for your on the crystal and stuff like that you want their names drinking white light not like what is this okay yeah so then the next night biggie gets killed yeah I've seen yeah I've seen him at the House of Blues no no the House of Blues on sunset he came up to the window talking to me and somebody telling you that there are it was gonna be in a celebrity game met him up there - was up there act on the damn fool you guys got into it with desk Snoop you know the dog pound it was cool cuz it wasn't super freaky was kind of friends so he the only one was that's on the damn food I like you better get that little [ __ ] or we do something you know sound yeah he was an off-brand [ __ ] anyway you know it's now or no real [ __ ] yeah so then big he gets killed that just that the celebrity game when we seen the dog fouling up to your yeah and that night we went up to the Peter pitchers in New Zealand you know she went up in the air he get was like maybe like 12 passes to get in got in there he pulled me to the side and said the FBI's in the building it'll be careful so we went on the other side has started our all no party she if he want to call this off all probably big one and everybody got killed you know Sam okay yeah how did you react when you found out big he got killed that night I walked up because you had met biggie before and all our young party and all that you guys don't even know him like three four years yeah came they came again her biggie biggie did and the LAPD I feel they made a mistake because uh they was to directing traffic out instead of taping the whole thing off I'd have been as scenes were they make everybody stay today interview everybody but it was one in the middle of the road he was to write the traffic and making everybody leader from the Peter pitcher Brazil so that Uzi Reynolds pulled over my nephews on what uh y'all kill biggie [ __ ] what yeah stupid [ __ ] he I guess that's just to keep the heat up off they ass right because from everything that I have in terms all the interviews I've done in people I talked to everyone points the finger at this guy named Poochie who was affiliated with Suge yeah who's now dead yeah y'all killin all central something like that yeah they got killed motorcycle or so yeah yeah two years after the Vegas incident Orlando's grandmother dies that's your mother oh that's my mother's mother your mother is your grandmother yeah you can't put this feeling it ain't on Martin in the book okay but you for grandmama in there yes she died uh I one day I got the day I got arrested the fish came to the suite took us all to jail the next day my grandmother passed away and whenever you killed the same the same day yeah yeah so that was like a devastating right and I interviewed a blondie and his partner who investigated that case I guess it happened right by the police station yeah what had happened was Orlando's grandmother had passed away the night before and apparently he had been drinking all night with one of his best friends Michael Darrow and they went over to a place called mom's Burgers across the street from the carwash get something to eat well he sees a guy that owes from another gang in Compton a [ __ ] set in Compton that owes his uncle and his friend DeAndre I forgot was five grand 10 grand somewhere in there about five grand over some cocaine so he decides because they've been drinking and everything else they got a gun in the car they're gonna go over and jam him up about the money he owes well this guy's from another gang in Compton called corner pocket and some of the other corner pocket gang members were there and there they start coming up like hey what's this all about ye jamming them up and next thing you know Orlando pulls out a gun and shoots two of the corner pocket persons that are there or shoots one of them right away and then another corner pocket guy starts shooting back at Orlando and pretty much hit some dead center I mean he wasn't alive much longer after that his partner that was in the car with Orlando took the gun and then started shooting back and ended up shooting another corner park I that shot Orlando they went around the corner crashed the car and we were pulling up there when Orlando was being pulled out of the car the other guy took off running dumping the gun and we're waiting for paramedics and one of our our partners ray Richardson was over there talking to Orlando and he was basically taking his last breaths at that time and two of the persons at the gas station that they were shooting at also died that day so it was a triple murder and it was all dope related I wouldn't know because I the day before our the fish came to get a sweep on like 70 crew members okay and I was one of them I see that you got hemmed up I got the day before the day before so then a shootout happens over I think it was from what I was told over some money owed or something like that a bunch of people got shot yeah including including Orlando how did you feel when you heard all that who got killed I was in jail that early and deep down inside he's the closest thing to me man I heard a real bad hurt real bad my grandmother - she's like a mile so it's because my mom's died I was younger - did that was devastating yeah it's a very very tragic situation it was like and and in jail - yeah the chaplain came about for that morning to you my mother passed away yeah by for that evening he's knocking on the door again I was in my cell it was doing count time and he's like uh I'm thinking he he said you need to call home I called home he said whenever you pass away wait damn it I was devastating news okay bad day for my family but when you got caught up in that in that sweet how much time did they give you it gave me seventy ones you know all it was before [ __ ] phone call from believe it so five five years they gave me 70 months that's all so yeah almost almost six years or six years yeah just for a seven second phone call I didn't even know they could do this what did you say in the phone call do call to say you got two for two why like yeah so Cully goes I said I'm running a wife and I I'm seeing 15 minutes and that was that I said we start about 2 kilos of cocaine he said the price and I describing it being white and uh while ordered it like I can beat this case but you ain't in here for this you know say they were trying to tie you to the Tupac and the biggie murders hey Stan I'm the rapper killer yeah yeah he's coming up there every month oh my ass people saying AJ didn't care about the guy they cared about the guy because of the Major Crime Unit from FBI got on the case soon as that [ __ ] happen and while you were locked up you said the puffy never reached out never pretty bunny came in a soup or another super only chance they that me angry well she wasn't the only one a lot of people necessary [ __ ] all the [ __ ] all the people I helped all I said a game Frank buy my son a pair of Jordans no you do you're almost six years yeah and the first day you get out somebody tries to kill you yeah I was all my brother picked me up from the halfway house got off the car walking around it this little green car pulled up [ __ ] boom boom boom boy like seven shots I did the old prison will just hit the ground I guess it's hard to hit a person on the ground you know that's what the police say when they be shooting in a prison get on the ground I guess it's hard to hit him dude he was close to me like damn yeah do you know who did it no no do you know what it was about oh they said my hello homies they got into it with some dudes at the bowling alley so what did you have to do with that she's gonna get anybody and then they were okay so the south side yeah yeah so you ended up violating your parole and you have to do another six months yeah what did you violate how did you violate our Valley yeah I don't know the feelings they tense at filing a warning like eight times the one I was tired of that [ __ ] yourself you know I said I was the best way to get off to get a weed dirty I was a little sentence I can get so I wanted to know once I violated I went up to my lawyer's office and uh he called the prosecutor it's my way eight I know he had like three four hundred cases after that it's more like ooh DVD tell him I'm asking for the max I did a lot of [ __ ] remember me it's all on cases hey you don't know who you are you know Sam write down is this the US Attorney Sanders to my attorney why on the speakerphone I gotta [ __ ] you remember me yeah that's what happened when I got out of there that's when they hooked up the task force so there was a 146 man task force uh our whole crew following people around a hundred and fifty agents all together was it you don't know why I I gotta say there's uh all together when uh they follow the whole crew around there's gonna forty eight people in jails they use a lot of lot of agents you know LAPD it was different offerings from different agencies the is with the US Marshals [ __ ] our DEA FBI LAPD and stuff like that Sheriff's Department well at one point the FBI try to make you offer you a deal to be a consultant and they offered you half a million dollars hey I wanna do this [ __ ] so basically be a paid informant Yeah right yeah okay so you'd basically be legally dealing drugs something like that III didn't want to hear that [ __ ] because I'm letting me I II want to [ __ ] him in the first place yeah but my family my daughters and they lose it they are waiting me for I didn't want to [ __ ] me then in the first place I don't I ain't never been no snitch so [ __ ] y'all okay well the first thing I said when I guess they try to set up like a fake movie movie deal for you at all they tried everything Universal June came out of double-breasted suit all the time Timmy Brennan was down there we'll okay well for people in your crew end up stitching up and cooperating there was Gucci see ray the Reaper and dirt rock more than that yeah how many people and end up cooperating they said it was 18 18 people and you were close with all these guys I even deal with a beanie people for him to be trying to tell us setting me up like that well they said they had 18 do is one of the Glen jewelry write down okay here they are and yeah [ __ ] you know they uh they put that little snowball at the top they rolled it from the bottom there's no wall get bigger you don't say sorry attached to people all these boom boom - thank you I thought affairs work at one point they said that you were running a PCP ring oh that's a lie well dirt rock who was cooperating with the police came ball came and did a drug deal yeah while while wearing a wire or cooperating whatever way yeah yeah well anyone just a know if you want a few yeah okay and you had no idea no no I do okay and based on that Greg hating this partner showed up at your house and offered you a deal key fede was living down here in Southern California out in Riverside County when we initially met up with him we just went to his house and met him on his own property informed him of some of the charges that we built up against him during a long drug investigation and the charges the distribution of PCP distribution of large amounts of cocaine and wiretap investigations which are these electronic crimes okay Oh what kind of wiretap crimes were you using a public utility in order to commit a crime okay there's a lot of little technical white collar type of crimes I see what you're saying so you guys just basically showed up a key foodies house that's correct okay it was a you and another officer it was it was me and my partner Darren Dupree okay so you just knocked on his door unannounced that's correct we actually the garage door was open he came outside and we encountered him initially right in his driveway what was the sort of initial reaction when two cops subtly show up at your door like that I can't speak for him I mean ki fede you know comes from a long history of criminal activity and police encounters so it wasn't his first rodeo but I'm sure he was quite curious as to why we were there okay so when you initially started talking to him how did you sort of present the information - well we sat down in his garage and explained to him that we had been conducting a long-term covert operation looking at him and others members of his family even in a big drug trafficking ring and once he realized we knew what we were talking about who we're dropping names and talking about events that we witnessed then he knew that there was some serious problems now why did you go to his house as opposed to bring him in we had that was our kind of a strategic approach was you know we knew that we needed him to talk and so we wanted to be as cordial initially as we could we wanted to give him the opportunity to evaluate what we're telling him and then make a decision whether or not he wanted to cooperate so immediately we advised him get yourself an attorney and I meet us down at the US Attorney's Office and let's talk this out so they just came with all they came and said oh that they want to talk to me and show me something okay yeah then I went down there I know the US Attorney's do said he's from DC he was out here to give me and they all he did was threaten me said they're gonna take all our all our properties take all our properties and put us all in jail got kids on the street okay so I told me more all I would do is plead guilty in the first court appearance you get the lowest thing going and the other dude stood up is like [ __ ] we gonna take you out you're not gonna ever get all you gonna want it tear you up yeah you're gonna die in here all right what the charges that they were you know the the the crimes that they were charging you with would have given you life in prison he was about to get charged with this PCP a drug ring cocaine right had you guys gone forward with those charges and he got convicted in a court for those charges how long would he have gotten in prison life life so he was fighting a life a life sentence essentially that's correct why he would have gotten 25 because there's a minimum mandatory sentencing and because of his prior drug convictions and the amount of drugs that we would have charged him with in the crimes that we would have charged him with he would have gotten 25 to life and you know that's when you're in your late 40s you know that's a essentially a life sentence that true no oh sure Robbie brought uh he brought a verb and he was a PCP for me I was allowed to pleaded guilty in the first court appearance out of God me like 10 to 20 years the other dudes instilled up and said when we got you on several murders you're not ever it's over you know our conviction rate is 90% defense yeah so they shall be the first day they pull down a thing and show me a little bit Hey so it was right before the holidays they said you enjoy your holidays come back here on the 9th of January and let us know your decision what you want to do but the aim is talking about we want you to do the what's that do name you know Denzel play Frank Luka to the Frank okay so that morning on the 9th I said well let me tell you something I'm not gonna sell out none of my up here is another that [ __ ] I'll tell you what the [ __ ] I did and I know what you want yeah you right there I already had all the evidence do otherwise I wouldn't said and the [ __ ] thing they already knew everything too close oh why was in in jail in 98 99 they came they kept coming up there they showing me that they had me because they are they put a position where we were sitting in the cars you don't say hey come on showing me and it was telling me that your friend Cory is telling on you like to have damn you know really hurt it you don't say it cuz I mean it was really tight and lycorine is telling you you see where yeah see right well you got offered a deal where if you cooperate with Greg Kading and answer all his questions that whatever you say can't be used to prosecute you exactly it's a proper agreement yeah proper oh yeah they saw [ __ ] they offered me a deal yeah had you and uh I didn't know he was names gonna have a tape recorder did they say they don't know Timmy correct well I interviewed predicating about he said that well he had a hidden tape recorder you know he probably was unaware of the fact that his being owed so there wasn't a tape recorder right there when I was like a hidden recorder yeah oh really so he was being secretly recorded by by the police while giving his confession yeah okay and that's legal oh absolutely all day long all day long yeah when you go into a police interview room you better expect that there's a recording going on and you're not gonna see the recorder but it's oh wow oh that's how it's done these days watch any crime documentary and you're sitting there watching videotape of a guy being interviewed and a guy doesn't necessarily know that there's a video tape on okay was he videotaped or just audio recorded I just audio recorded yeah cuz we did the it wasn't at the police station we actually did the interviews at his lawyer's office and you guys just had tape recorders on you I mean recording yeah yeah small little concealable recorders got it hmm well all the stuff that you said on tape and I've listened to all the tapes you said that not one person went to jail behind it okay he also said that you saved a lot of my fellows from going to jail for for extremely long sentences we did with your cooperation yeah at the time that you gave these statements to cating Orlando was dead yeah I was only yeah and two other people in the car had passed as well right yeah but one person was still alive who was that dad jab him or to know before we okay who's the last person that was living at that point I okay fine but based on everything that you said that person never got convicted no well nobody going woman you nobody got convicted yeah because I was a proper and that she was never posed to come out ever in life never in life that's why they killed him type of deals because you can get somebody killed with this type of [ __ ] you know well you go in and give these statements and they drop all the charges against you yeah things are they they started the indictment the one just gives me it was against the whole everybody that I ever dealt with so everybody involved in that case got all their charges dropped yeah they're shredded an indictment so they gave me a deal like a [ __ ] refused to cut and share otherwise they wouldn't got a [ __ ] thing on me some years later though Greg cating ended up taking these tapes stole yeah yeah he centrally took them he didn't own those tapes at all right he took them from his job yeah there's LA Weekly article where they reference those tapes yeah and put your name in it yeah when that happened what was the effect to keep he deed oh they affected me yeah sure they'd already been a threatening [ __ ] I mean he said and if they even hear I'm selling anything don't say the people downtown so special Oh what's he called a major crime unit from downtown yeah I ain't gonna say his ankles and what with my big white guitar don't want to give it again but uh he said if he even think I'm selling dope he's gonna feel sad where my house out well how did I quit okay period well how did how did your family members as well other south side crips react to that well I didn't even know Phil there or what's the name I didn't feel the temperature or them I wanted I wasn't worried about him no way [ __ ] him you were living in Compton at the time no but I uh my family we weld enough they'll go with Brendan say I'll go over there go where any goddamn goddamn ready go over here well he may be keeping a low profile you know they heard some people weren't too happy about his interview from the neighborhood so yeah you don't go over there you're scared to go crazy they all go over there any time already you know in that life there there's very strict codes yeah about snitching allowed me some people consider this snitching yeah other people don't consider snitching yeah you know for example when I brought this story up to big you yeah and I brought up you know in the recording you'd mentioned their Orlando did the shooting and what I mentioned their Orlando was dead biggie was like oh well whatever then did you hear the key fede confession mm-hmm he didn't hear a key fede and that's a bodyguard okie fede was Orlando Anderson's uncle what do you confess to killing well he confessed that Orlando killed Tupac oh you want to hear it no he was given a deal and this was he was get Keef he didnít know yeah so so the deal essentially was was they had caught him with a bunch of a PCP and they allowed him to say what he knew about Tupac's murder in exchange for them dropping all those charges and the way the deal was set up whatever he said as long as it wasn't proven to be false it couldn't be used against him directly to indict him and at the time essentially everyone outside of him was was dead that was in that car Oh Orlando was already dead at the time Oh everyone else told him a dead man essentially yeah okay dig him up and put him in trial yeah you saw that right yes but when it comes to this type of thing it's not like it's a it's written in stone everyone has their own interpretation of it yeah so some people do consider it snitching exactly for the people that considered snitching what's your response to that they can either dig oh and I don't care they got a problem when we bring it have you ever had anyone ever approach you over that do you feel I felt [ __ ] up for long last time cuz that wasn't me and I you know obviously opportunities I saved myself I'm gonna say everybody else I saved my [ __ ] self and they offered me a deal I couldn't refuse he's gonna put my family on the street take my house my freedom they's gonna rape me you're saying it's gonna rape me for my freedom for everything I [ __ ] all do all I did was gave me a big threatening letter I'm over play was a play with me if you want to you be our friend we can be your worst nightmare you know Sam and they showed me I want to told him [ __ ] but they showed me all the evidence didn't they have my ass part of walls and they don't come unless they got you right and the way Gregg Katie explained it to me was that so he went and met with you at the US Attorney's Office and was there a deal that you offered him at that point it's not a deal it's a agreement it's known as a proffer agreement and he's given the opportunity through a agreement between his attorney in the United States attorney to evaluate whether or not it's in his best interest to cooperate and so that was the that was the arrangement that he would sit down tell us everything we wanted to know about anything we asked and that he had to be entirely truthful or else he would be charged not only for the drug crimes but for potentially his own confession they already knew everything - they knew everything why I even got there they already had they had all my friends man everybody turn around he knew everything and hov were man a whole lot of people's going to jail right and you said that the worst part about this whole story is that you know the people that end up turning on you or some of your closest friends and some are even family members yeah yeah you fast forward to 2019 these tapes have been released not all of them but some of them movies have been made yeah Greg Katie made murder rap and then the Tupac and Biggie movie I saw unsolved came out and you were actually in it I mean a character that was else playing you was in it oh he made all the money off they didn't get my rights or nothing when it showed your scene and unsolved is that pretty much how it happened all that [ __ ] was a lie I didn't you think I'll not follow up you're looking for me I wasn't right I never dressing like that okay I was making million dollars what I look like dressing like a game it was sagging you don't saying I was wearing suits crying three three four thousand all the Crocs all that [ __ ] look like an old [ __ ] like that then he said he came up to the auto-fire at the job it was a whole lot of Lies in there okay I mean he also told me that at one point he approached you and told you he's putting out the tapes and you said go ahead you actually tell ki fede you meet with Keefe he didn't say I'm about to release these tapes oh yes sir I'm sorry yeah yeah so before right when I was publishing the book I didn't tell him I was going to come out with the tapes I just told him I was publishing a book based on the investigation he including his confession and so I tell him that we're sitting in my truck we're down in front of his house in Corona California sounds like here's the deal QD you know I'm retired I'm gonna release a book it's gonna detail everything that happened in the investigation including what you had to say I just want to give you a heads up cuz who knows you know what the consequences of that all this will be and he says they bring it on I'm a gangster I can deal with this [ __ ] no I never told him what you thought he came over there and said he pulled out a book do you want to move - I wanna move and they say you know the book hit this thing then the real FBI came and said they offered me do I want to move or something like that all right no I I'm not worried about that [ __ ] yeah okay now that all that said I'm not gonna let nobody harm me right you know I love to take myself to the fullest yeah and I'm still that same [ __ ] yeah I mean now that all this stuff has come out and now documentaries movies all these interviews everything else like that how do you feel about the whole thing I failed all he robbed me for my story he's full of [ __ ] that's [ __ ] you know Sarah and I see like people scared to take the case I offer at least three four lawyers to try to help me out and get this get this [ __ ] that [ __ ] is wrong because the FBI says so you know saying you need to sue but the FBI told you you should sue Greg Katie I should sue you okay it's gonna be insane suing everybody involved it's gonna be expensive you know how lawsuits are they told me you sue everybody involved you know you know I just try to keep this [ __ ] under the rug what do you keep keep keep coming just [ __ ] you said in the book at this point in my life I can say that I have a deep sense of remorse for what happened to Tupac he was a talented artist with tons of potential to impact the world I hate the Tupac's family friends and fans especially his mother Afeni Shakur had to go to the pain of losing her son is terrible losing people like that I know that pain too well however I stand firm on the point that Tupac Suge Knight and the rest of those dudes didn't have any business putting their hands on my beloved nephew baby laying period then jumping on my nephew gave us the ultimate green light to do something to their ass sorry so you have a sense of remorse for what happened to to pocket yeah yeah since we mostly happening any brother you know that we should stop all this [ __ ] when he you with each other black on black crimes [ __ ] and yet neither wake up our community Tupac was special though and he was you know he was I was old who he shot a couple of cops protecting protecting a black kid that was getting beat up by those cops okay well you shot a couple cops we never shot a couple cops you know you still see his music you know 25 years later people still love it is still love his music his music is still being played in the clubs and on the radio and on people's playlists the message of upliftment you know for for black people it still rings very true and still very much needed he talked about black presidents in a way before it ever happened but he put himself in a position he did it you know there is people make mistakes understand and I've talked to people different people about this I've talked to the outlaws and I've also you know I've talked to mob James and some of the other guys and people look at it differently some people say that he died gang banging some people say he died just standing up for his homies if you connect the fight at the MGM to the shooting that happened right afterwards you could say that Tupac died gangbang because that situation with Orlando was it as a gang situation and POC wasn't a blood wasn't you know I mean he was he was rolling with sugar and he was associated with it boy I see what I'm saying you got that's like us we not Crips or Bloods but we could you know we could call 50 [ __ ] up here and half of them be Crips half on me Bloods you know I'm saying and these is all my homie said I'm a robbery you know I'm saying was to the same situation you know me pod was right with him you know I mean just like they was riled with him you know I mean if some some [ __ ] kicked off [ __ ] would have been the first to Rafah pocket he was the same way he was wrong with his homies whoever it was it could have he could have been with you know whoever that day and it break it down even more simpler me and you become good homies and you get into a situation and I defend you as a homie yeah take the gangbangers [ __ ] away because me you not a gangbang I'm not a gangbanger you know I'm saying but you own Vlad TV and the hills and I ride for you yeah did I die for Vlad TV you know I mean that I die reporter that I die you know me that's not Lester would you say that Tupac died gangbang no I think Tupac died because he put himself in the situation that he he had no business to [ __ ] and have no business doing what he was doing which was a gang situation which it was a gang situation it shouldn't put herself in that situation you see what I'm saying though you get yourself in a gang situation some aren't you gangbangers at that point this is I mean you I mean you gotta hang around you don't guilty by association and that's what he was he was guilty by association now I'm not gonna play the part just to fit in you got money and just like I said before you you can't go buy another Tupac you know what I'm saying you can't go buy another one of them you got 15 blocks right here that this will be getting a little change for so this equipment something we all pot rules from confidence go get his ass for what he did to park you said you said right in in his chair you my money don't let him run off and go hit somebody he don't know nothing about and that's why the man is not here you could definitely say that being around sug and the piratical or rubbed off on him you know he had mob tattooed on his own he are to me he's a set jumper he New York Baltimore Oakland LA Compton damn lime he says how many tats you all put on you he never had a home base he jumped around a lot this is very true how many times you see one saying how many tests you gonna put on a said jumper you're saying you don't think so he moved around a lot okay you know he he never had a home base like a Nipsey Hussle who was you know rollin 60s his old life yeah you know but but people still consider him the greatest rapper of all time would you agree about that boys right that great that Drake or Drake over number-25 Drake is hard them oh yeah all right now yeah great but Drake doesn't have that that social message the Tupac had you right yeah and he got people right boy true yeah Tupac wrote all his own stuff that what we are you got to give you absolutely I liked he sang and rap he's art you know saying to be a pretty boy like that I've got out number one okay Jagger to pop beat let me stop for you you know don't you think so I still put Tupac is number one that's your favorite yeah I also put two pockets number one oh you just just like in reggae output Bob Marley's number one okay yeah right cuz you know because I felt like it's one thing to be an artist but there isn't but once you have a message it takes you to a different place because because the struggle is felt around the world I won't I just wanted to put this out to my peoples we needed to come together as as blacks stand on you know stand together build a foundation and stop gaming and against you doesn't stop these throwing our each other life you know sad and they'll prolific each other I mean do you still consider yourself a South Side [ __ ] that's more always being more yeah as always being more that's why I'm wrong we like a family you don't say I'll always be here you have children and grandchildren yes do they bang no no no no no my grandkids are they playing football they gonna gonna be some pretty good athlete yeah big boys but you made sure that your kids in father's footsteps that's right I see nobody won't that for for none of the kids yeah you know I wish that [ __ ] never started and Sam between that in the drugs talk a minute II general but I see the last time I went to the pen 2015 the new generation is not going to the pen in the world and that's a good positive thing I can say about our community okay well they like when the bus loans come it'll be 35 Mexicans five brothers five whites back when I first when they used to be [ __ ] 40 brothers five missions in two White's anything change so changing I see our people getting smart and stop committing crimes want to make something out of it so and that's good for our community well you look at your own life and you know gang banging is romanticized it's always been romanticized I don't care or if it's well it doesn't have to be black it could be the Mafia all the Mafia movies or it could be the Asian Games yeah the black our aim it was the hardest one the Republican yeah yeah in England yeah the Irish Irish Republican Army well they're always going to be gangs and outlaws from Billy the Kid to whoever else they're always gonna be romanticized and glamorized but here you are and how old are you now I'm 56 56 years old you made millions of dollars yeah but you didn't get to keep millions of dollars you're right you you live life by your own rules but you also did all this prison time how much prison times you do altogether if you add it all up I'm about 15 years 15 years it ain't worth a quarter a quarter more than a quarter of your life in a cage I was on a UCLA and my calculus class my teacher my professor used to use my paper as a key so I could have been somebody yeah if you chose a different route yes and you know kids in the hood they want to be brought up on war environment do people want to be oh jeez that they want to be a shot-caller but here you are 55 years old and you're not promoting that anymore I ain't good all they do is only to the Graveyard you know call harm on our community and the heartaches were for our loved ones yeah when you found out about Suge when he ran over Terry Carter and after a couple of years he ultimately took a 28-year plea deal how did you know with your history with Suge how did you feel about that all right damn because I at all I ain't seen him a couple of times since the incident since the Vegas is there oh really I seen him at the UH at the basketball game it was a New Jersey Nets against the Lakers Jason Kidd yeah I seen him when I first got out out of out of the fish sitting there then I've seen him at the little Wayne video shoot we came in a little way at that gray art y'all seen him a couple of times we talked you know in school you know there was no animosity no no he just got knocked out on that door over there one uh at that graveyard when I seen him go kinda like wonder animosity you know no he just said yeah he says he said some shitty by God like man all seem like all my homies rolled over y'all huh yo homie stays strong but he didn't know that there that the fbi's was attacking my homies like that you know a lot of people died at death row yeah a lot of bloods you know kill each other yeah you know I interviewed mob James we talked about that including his brother bun tree that was killed by a blood so the situation of a puncher you said that George killed him yeah and George was a Piru also yeah okay he got stabbed who your brother know he was shot nine times he was shot nine times but Allen wasn't the first that was killed under [ __ ] Night Watch and this is where everybody is a bunch of you it's just blunt read a you got Vincent you got hair on you got Hendo you got chin you I mean I can just name this was a 10 or 11 people yeah you got all of these guys up under 10 or 11 PI ruse Piru were killed so associating with death-row yeah by other members by the same members that's endeavour all I know to do yeah rah World War yeah he was he was killed by a dude named George this is what uh well bun tree said and he said wasn't what Bob James said George from Lucas Park oh yeah so much death of both sides and you know you look at you know the one thing that Bob James said is that when you look at all all the Bloods that went over to death row put in work beat people up you know people allegedly got killed people got you know tortured people had to drink piss like you know people got intimidated all these people ultimately at the end of the day had nothing to show for it they either ended up dead broke or in prison we got 1 million and we ain't got $1000 we gots not one not one man prospered from that not one everybody is back where they yet and and when I say that a lot of people give me twisted and saying that I'm bitching about what we got paid and where we yet take your legs I take my legs I'm the first one to admit that if I can do this again I would I get paid and everybody else would be getting paid but everybody knew what the outcome of this was gonna be pretty much because when sugar went to jail she'll get back everything you didn't want nobody to drive you didn't want nobody believed so so all the cars were basically leased under death row yeah and then when he went to jail he took it was Carter and now what Reggie right pointed out you can include Suge yeah in that group of people as well well I mean according to mob James at the end of the day all these guys that work for death row who put in work who beat people up who intimidated people who shook people down who did everything that show wanted him to do all walked away with nothing correct sugar stick as well and sugars well yeah didn't even think about it that way yeah yeah yeah you kind of kind of put a full circle there you know portray he was the only one that really walked away it's no film a that's true he's now getting 28 years he's gonna get out he's he's broke he couldn't pay his own he did really she couldn't pay his okay here's a euphy 54 get out of like 80 years old yeah average an American lived in like 76 you're dead you don't add up yeah you know you look at all the other potential and all the hundreds of millions of dollars yeah let me drain drain Snooper so cool but all the all the people involved on the street level they all walked away with nothing yeah and you look at your situation on the south side crips side and you pretty much have the same situation don't you yeah clusters of cousins on people downtown hey being right up I swear to god he was saying what uh they they didn't care about to point yes the [ __ ] they did cuz I'm ready or living they dude follow me around for 15 years to one plan he didn't run up that's all I can tell you you don't sound and he told me he was gonna give me your family get your ass why do you think that ultimately Tupac's murder never got solved no one ever got convicted no one ever got charged it's still an open case as well as Biggie's murder he want anyone talking and one phone too late you don't say my homies didn't talk to later yeah and I'd also heard that Vegas didn't want that we didn't want that solved ultimately at the time that it happened in Vegas was trying to mark this office I'm Emily Fowler you were read the murder book I didn't read the book I saw the 13,000 people said they killed him it it really yeah it's a murder book oh yeah they're like 13,000 people all kind of him call every day I killed you about yah yeah yeah they showed me some of the quotes in the world yeah look at this TV you don't sound like damn well yeah they pulled it my FBI file was this high like Jeff all that's why me yeah well so yeah that did neighbors on my house for longest time Eddings don't show you us huh yeah do you ever worry that they'll try to bring that that case up again and and charge you with something oh all t think you do that because the US attorney gave me that you sit a little bit bigger than the you know just a case or [ __ ] county case US attorney yeah yeah well ki fede appreciate you coming in and telling your story okay I'll show everyone want to do it man you've been give me an asset you yes you that everybody a name wah-wah-wah be a rap band era of other [ __ ] party right yeah well I haven't last for five years a half and I've been putting it out publicly yeah and you and I have been talking about doing this for a while yeah and you know you were very forthright in answering everything you know there's certain things you didn't want to talk about but you essentially answered most of the questions I think this is kind of last piece of a puzzle that I have been putting together for a long time because there's always conspiracy theories that Oh sug yeah you know sug had Tupac killed which which was ridiculous I've always found that or the government did it or I just don't like I all he had his friends his polish friends old gangsters polys turning this into the FBI that was just a [ __ ] it's wrong it's wrong as hell well ultimately you know for example talk about the topic of all ages yeah that's wrong too truth the cases is he were downtown they think that dude on me man yeah what's that I remember when I talked to Freeway Ricky and when he when he got life in prison he said the one thing that he realized you know after being angry and and so forth once that anger is sited is that he realized that when it comes to the drug game snitching is always going to be part of it see way I look at it is first of all I made the mistake of getting in the drug business that was my first mistake my next mistake was I went back into the drug business as I say I quit yeah so what he did is he only did what people do in the drug business they tell they set you up and for somebody to go into the drug business and not understand that which I was in the drug business and didn't understand it but I came to grips with it you may think that you have a solid crew that everyone's gonna remain silent that everyone's gonna hold strong and they're gonna do their time and hold their tongues but ultimately people will tell on each other so if you get into selling drugs you have to accept this is going to actually happen yeah the FBI really ain't get to do their job I think it just get your homies your vamp sure get your homies man that's how they do and and you are a victim of that as well as you could say victim but you know your homies told on you your family members told on you you spend a quarter of your life in prison yeah over people telling me and you know we don't try to glamorize this drug-dealing [ __ ] you know I want everyone to get you know legitimate job yeah right and and it's just to stay out of this [ __ ] yeah that's all you doing this arm of your community call your people and making other people commit more crimes to get your drugs yes oh yeah and you're taking you know you [ __ ] all kids like exactly exactly welke fede I appreciate you coming in and telling your story yeah and I quit for the last ten years man I needed that [ __ ] i'm done everyone never do no you wrote a book and you know a few seconds of an interview that you did showed up on yeah what movie was it what show was a BT Tetro Chronicles but this is the first time you've actually sat down and told your whole story yeah how do you feel now that you've let all that out I feel release you know a lot of people you know they know what they did and they uh you know they hide up under they told rocks Heidi hands you know saying living a life of Lies I'm robbing a real man yo sell it happening it happened to me and they gave me a deal I took it I figured 98% of it people would did the same thing I did they keep on saying you know I agree yeah I agree you can't I can't beat that I'm still here got my freedom my health I want to win in there with this counselor you don't think I quite something that [ __ ] place older died you know Sam yeah I'm here you know well I I think that it's a very important lesson you know whether you agree with what what ki fede did whether you disagree whether you put him on a pedestal or you condemn him you know at the end of the day the key fede story is a very important lesson that involves some people that the whole world knows about Oh God and you know you should walk away from this story learning something and altering a path that may lead to your destruction that's right it's the youngsters stuff that came in you get in this music industry get to millions of dollars and you guys doing it backwards we're originators of this [ __ ] on me we do this [ __ ] to get out of this [ __ ] we don't get a million dollars to get into the [ __ ] you guys are doing bad with kids you need to stop this [ __ ] like six nine [ __ ] a Chris Brown or [ __ ] all soldier boy all you do is doing this [ __ ] backwards [ __ ] ain't right just you know that [ __ ] for the burns on me yeah that's what it is key feed II appreciate you coming in all right so
Channel: djvlad
Views: 2,832,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Keefe D
Id: 43oKS6aXh3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 9sec (9909 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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