Freeway Rick on Moving Thousands of Kilos, Making Millions, Assassination Attempts (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Freeway Ricky Ross welcome back seem like this my home now you know one of our biggest regular guests see numbers-wise millions and millions of people watch your interviews every time I see man it's like glad want to talk to you again not III like doing your shows though I can actually tell the results on the street yeah oh my so many people like man I learned this from your glad TV I learned that from you over that TV Thank You Man so it's a I mean it's it's many people come to me man glad don't pay you to do those interviews he should be paying you man so you know you go through all that but uh I understand the benefit of coming on your show man you got a powerful show people all around the country watch it I mean Atlanta Memphis Minnesota I mean any place I've been at somebody when I was in that town didn't walk off or say man I saw you blad interview what Vlad look like people to know how to use Google that's that's the problem people don't how to Google anything they just like to get all information from you that's right hey honey give me time well you know since last times we met up I read your book finally finally cover to cover I read the audiobook version you know what it's so many people slipping on that book yeah you know I and I know people like will Rick you charging people to get to work with in that book is so so valuable you know and I don't know if I compass my gold or not with that book but my goal was to take my brain and dump it on those pages so that people could literally read that book and figure out how I think yes that's why I wrote a book well I mean it really outlines you know just a massive story that you know you always hear rumors about you hear secondhand information there's always the urban legend aspect oh except but to have someone actually break down how they went from really nothing being at the very bottom of the you know economic ladder to being in the top point point one you know zero one percent and then going back down to the bottom again back up and then going back up again I mean I think that's the inspirational part yeah yeah I mean this this ride has been fun you know this time are coming out of prison and and cuz you know the first time I built I was a kid and I didn't really know what I was doing I was just like stumbling around and hit my head up against walls and going to this person man what do you think what do you think you know like like the big bird you know you my daddy you mama well you know reading through the book there are a couple things in there that we didn't cover before that you know I just want to talk about because I think there's some interesting points that are made in there you know and as a child you know we talked about how your mother ended up killing your uncle and in self-defense and you ended up moving around a lot during that time but you ended up back in LA and I guess the 92nd Street Hoover area right and in terms of you know kind of gang development I guess you said that was kind of the biggest gang in LA at the time yeah okay and what made that particular gang so big you know I mean you know gangs had just started they were still kind of new in LA the Crips were definitely first time I ever heard of the Crips I was about 12 years old 11 years old and they were standing outside of our elementary school Manchester elementary school which is right off of whose Street which was their core name you know it was the nine-nine news hoover's was was was the actual name and I mean that's what everybody was that you know Tookie was there Raymond Washington you know all the guys who were the major players all was in that area yeah and I remember the book was kind of interesting was that you know you were a kid at the time go to school out there and your mom who didn't have a lot of money bought you a pair of sneakers they ended up being bright red sneakers and you're trying to convince her what she needed to get returned the Seekers teller was gang activity you know she wouldn't understood mom I'll go to a [ __ ] school and you just bought me blood tennis shoes you know guys get run off to the compound for wearing red tennis shoes at Bret our junior high school so yeah that was a that was a time you know but by me being from that area and you know everybody been my friend they just call me red shoes go get a foot of you a little bit a little bit red shoes Dugan was like the worst you know oh man not again I mean I said dragged my foot trying to wear those shoes out yeah and I had wanted some converse so bad like I've been begging my mom to get me some converse and just what happened once he got was red you know wow you killed a whole you killed a whole momentum well and then you had a situation where someone pulled out a gun on you yeah I guess the guy named sleepy right how old were you at the time about 13 he didn't really put a gun on me I was with moon and Jeff Hill moment was a 107 [ __ ] probably one of when the hardest Crips that maybe ever did I mean every shortened had a short life though I think MooMoo got killed when we was 24 maybe I was going to pick him up today he got killed I was going to pick pick me up and when I got to the block where they had killed him at they told me he just got shot didn't know if he was gonna make it he was the 107 we started off in the seventh grade together and you know I hung out with him you know you know one day we were in the hallway and sleeping who was a Denver Lane and them had been fighting nah I wasn't fighting with him but I was with the guys who were fighting in when he pulled a gun out I was kneel down at my locker and moon and was what I could seen and it was scary you know to be looking down the barrel of a gun even though he wasn't pointing at me necessarily but just in that direction to be in the same direction oh yeah cuz he could have just moved it over a little bit and then absolutely you know killed everybody basically absolutely and I guess that was the point where you said I've never been enjoying a game no cuz even after that I still want to be a [ __ ] it was only after I started playing tennis and I got fully and goes and tennis that I had decided that I wasn't gonna be equipped at that time I'm saying cuz you know everybody not neighborhood said cuz you know like blue you know we don't like red the the only thing that I believe that has separated me from the rest is that I wasn't gonna fight because I saw somebody my red you know I'm not gonna jump on you just because you're a family or you a Denver Lane but this was like my family you know these guys I went to elementary school with we played football together we did everything together so it was it wasn't life to me and I never really understand gangs at the time you know I mean I I didn't know that gang shot people hmm you know I never had had had had saw that part of it you know I had never had a fight with nobody who didn't do something to me you know so I didn't really understand the gang life when I was hanging out with you know MooMoo me on Washington who just got out from doing 35 years in the book - I talked about how when we were walking past the nine news Hoover's my first day at Bret Hart junior high school in and how terrified I was you know because I didn't know none of the older guys with me on who was with me knew everybody he just got out from doing 35 years probably for some gang-related crime with the rollin 60s around during this time no not at that time okay that came later they came later the eight-treys that came later also a trace came later okay so this time it was really just West Side Crips hoover's was the first one's right and Tookie was the head of the Hoover's no probably took him Raymond Washington big Alden I mean it was quite a few of them did you know was was right there uh I have some different different stories you know I was fortunate enough for a couple weeks ago I reunited with the guy who taught me how to steal my first car dirty Benny and dirty Benny was kind of running down to me the whole scope of the gangs how they started he knew Raymond Washington he took he I mean he knew everybody you know and he was kind of giving me a little different spirit about how the gangs were formed and who was ready to shot-callers and just the whole thing you know how how Raymond Washington got killed you know what he got killed for and you know I'm thinking about doing a documentary about it if I can get Benny to talk then Pina don't really like the Hakan cameras he's he drill school did you know to Kyoto I had saw it Tookie before but I never spoke to him he he never well I'm sure that before he before he got killed he knew who I was but uh Tookie yeah I'm sure he knew who I was before he got killed well executed I executed yeah cuz he ended up you know getting arrested getting the death penalty right and before he actually passed he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize I think multiple times yeah what you know Tookie was one of the reasons that that did I did in my book you know when when I saw what he did with his book I got I got a lot of game from Tookie you know I used to want to follow him when he was a [ __ ] you know I wanted I want to be like I saw them and when he got no be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize I started to think like you know I had a life sentence at that time mmm without a possibility roll so you know the number one thing on my mind at that time was was how do I get out of prison mm-hmm and so important I try to explain that that that type of determination to people when you're under those circumstances you you don't think about your mother you don't think about your kids the only thing you want to do is to get out and that's the kind of determination that I had started to to build up in myself kind of like the way I saw drugs you know when I saw drugs I saw drugs knowing that I could get killed that day every day that I got up like this could be that day you know did somebody come up in you slipping and they get you or it might be today this might come up and you catch them stiff and then you kill him so I lived under those circumstances every single day and I realized that when I went to prison you know I was like why would somebody be wearing a bulletproof vest around you know and then war you know anything can take place so I realized that if I was able to function under those circumstances could I function just as well from behind bars and after I saw it took he get his nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize I started to say well what if took he wasn't in jail for such a horrendous crime you know not saying if he did the crime because I don't know but if his crime would have been something lesser than a double murder it's a good chance dead on this Western acre could have said you know what we're gonna let him live or we don't even let him out you know maybe maybe he can have some value to society now well I mean I looked it up there was only like 13 people that have been executed in California since they made the death penalty in the early 70s he was one of them and at this point there's a moratorium on the death penalty in California I mean what are your thoughts on the death penalty do you think that there's something that needs to be a you know in society or do you think that this should never be in society well well you know the death penalty doesn't deter crime you know statistics show that the places that execute the most people have the most murders in Texas Miami even though Cianna they execute more people than anybody else so it doesn't work to deter crime it's not gonna stop people from killing people and we also know that more black men or executed and the foot foot for crimes against whites than anybody else you know if you kill a white man you go on to death row you're definitely gonna get killed you kill another black man probably not a black man kill a white man kill a black man he's not going to death row a lesson it has the special circumstances and then it's up to the people who are prosecuting the case to even decide if they're gonna charge you with special circumstances so you know I don't believe that it's issued out equally you know they say the law of justice had the blind eye and I don't believe that I don't believe she's colorblind I think that she see very well and the way it's issued out is issued out in a way to what's the word I want to say I don't know to further their agenda yeah I mean and the argument is is that if one innocent person gets executed it's already not worth it absolutely absolutely yeah and we know that they have executed innocent people oh yeah absolutely 100% a hundred percent you know at the time that you started getting into the drug trade PCP was running in LA yeah and you know it was a whole it was a different kind of situation with PCP because that's it's more of a a violent drug that yes loosen the drug yeah it makes people go out of their minds you know they can't think it's it's sometimes up around a dimer you know I saw people get on PCP and they want to run and climb trees and then I see people who have been on PCP and they just want to lay over so so it kind of has different effects on different people but I was very familiar with PCP you know to block that that I started my first the first probably the first real crack Street crack street well you can go and buy a crack on the block was a X PCP block they were selling PCP on it when I first went over there well yeah I mean I interviewed uh this this rapper named Christ bearer who got high off PCP and cut his own penis off and then jumped out of a window yeah I did the cut and all my lap I cut too much man but you know I probably know [ __ ] this you know you know what [ __ ] the world you know I walk the bucket yeah jump talk about [ __ ] up with [ __ ] this world anyways time Shane y'all know what I still for you know what it is it was like oh it's just only two stories BAM and it was like a celebration it was party and they still a party that's crazy that you that you that you mentioned that on our way here I got a call from lurch on you know big lurch I interviewed him as well yeah well oh just he just call me right on my weight he he ate somebody well he's that's what he was convicted for yeah that's PCP wait lot of critical you know I'm saying waters ooh the pains right so you know I don't get high but one night well we went to the hoodie Awards and all that and I'm with one of my big teeth I'm feelin just prison baby on him and he smokes her and he's a big legend you know a rata and come on a fitting in you know I don't want to look like a pump my I just hit him before but I don't get I don't smoke pot around and that's what we tobacco arming drink so am I you know he'll I don't know nothing so I'm like [ __ ] I hit the way we are party issues and I wake up man I don't know they must I've had been in jail for like two weeks do you know it was like what the hell you know my car was dumb my money was gone they found me walking up the street making their body in her house right where they said he pumped not the girl's kidney liver some out of his stomach yeah cannibalism yeah he was high on PCP so PCP you know he denied it he said there was dogs in the house or something and that's what he doesn't know he actually woke up in shackles and had no idea what had happened if you don't PCP you you totally you can totally lose your mind I had a cousin one time because all of my guys all my guys were getting high on PCP I'm only lucky that I was playing tennis my brothers all of them was getting home pcs well you tried PCP and not to smoke it no well no I mean in the book you said you you tried it once and you never tried it again sat it could've sworn in the book he said he tried he just well now you went cuckoo and you're like okay I'm never gonna try again what happened is I was selling it okay and I dipped a stick in and all the guys what happened one of the guys had I left my sack with one of my friends who was a smoker and he smoked up almost all my money so I was broke again so the fastest way I knew to make money was the sale piece P so I bought ions of PCP from one of the guys on the block and what they used to do is they should dip it inside of a PCP and then they would suck the cigarette up to cigarette it was sucked the PCP up to cigarette and I did it I sucked it up and I inhaled the the fumes and it knocked me out yeah that's what I'm talking about but I never took a match in it it oh okay smokey okay that's all the grace I just read the books oh no no you write the debate it was not that I used it I wasn't trying to use it I was trying to to get back so I could get my sack back and was that get back well you know as you started the whole drug-dealing journey you know you know I was reading how you were selling PCP in order to get some cocaine or to build up the money to get the cocaine and you were kind of hustling on a low level and then you end up getting shot at by like Aziz and automatics and everything can you talk about that situation yeah a Cadillac wheel he's dead now so tell me what happened in that situation well that's crazy yeah Richard who I should steal cars with who was a smoker he uh had contacted me said man I know who got the best cocaine around and I said alright let's go get some so we go over to the house and he wouldn't let me go in the house so he take the money go in the house he get he come back out he pull it off and I'm looking at like man this don't look good it's ain't right so we take it cook it up putting the bottle and then we'll come back so you're like man I take this back get our money back so we go back over there he come back out playing games outta da de da so we say all right we know what to do so the next night you know that night we go over the wheels house and we cut the lock off his back gate you know we pulled his uh we pulled a severe out the back yard he had a severe would at uh zena's on it bumper kid moonroof everything so we pulled it out the yard you know we took him in stripped it cut the top off of it you know I just did a little extra work because I was mad so I cut the top off of it took the wheels and the next day we were sitting around kicking it and then somebody pop out the allottee and just start busting with three dudes with who's he's in just chop my mom's Cadillac up yeah I mean last year I did an interview with this guy I Colin knew our Louis the nra and he took me there's an actual gun range out here in California where they let you legally shoot Aziz and all types of automatics and I got to shoot one off a few of them off for the first time first time shooting a full auto right here I just remember yo the amount of damage that these things do this is on a whole different level like the amount of ammunition that comes out of this gun so quickly like at 3m we only lucky and none of us got here yeah that's what I'm saying the fact that you got sprayed up by Aziz and survived is an absolute miracle we were lucky that none of us got hit because it was three guys had three gunmen there fired at us and we also probably lucky that my mom's car was there too because we was there to duck behind the car and the guys weren't I don't know they weren't really uh always serious about killing us I guess you know because they could while we was duck behind the car they could have kept coming and uh would've had a better chance at shooting this per day they was shooting from about about 20 feet away you know you know we just got lucky but they chopped my mom's car up and you actually met with those guys afterwards yeah one of my friends set it up how does that beating well you know at that time things had changed we had got a lot more powerful at that time and it could have been a war you know Moomin was still alive and he wanted to he wanted to do something you know he was like [ __ ] that we don't we don't take care of that [ __ ] we don't go get him and it could only cause more problems for everybody you know and I didn't really want them problems so you go and meet up with one of the guys that try to murder you face to face and I guess the meeting was like no guns each of you could bring my two other people yeah we met in a mutual space yeah how did that talk go at that point how do you talk to someone that just try to murder you well it was it was it had to be I mean it was a talk that I wanted to have because I didn't really want to kill him you know I knew what the consequences could be because I've been I've been in jail for attempted murder before you know one of my friends had shot at somebody and they said it was me and they put me in jail for it so I've been under that kind of pressure already and I didn't really want in the war you know I was starting to have money I had a couple hundred thousand dollars and the last thing I wanted to do was to go to prison at that point and and I think that will felt the same way and then men find out man where I went to school together you know he went to Bret Hart too we knew some of the same people you know you know we shook hands I took him at his word and he took me at my word that it was over and I thought I think was the best thing to happen well and you guys start doing business together after that no no no it was still it was still a little rocky you know but you know we we didn't think that we had to be running around scared of each other afraid that dad you know I didn't think that we was gonna kill me and and I Hayden have to worry about me trying to kill him yeah I mean because I'd interviewed mob James he was one of the you know the head Piru the Compton Pyro's he was basically the one that brought all the Bloods to death row okay you know what to sug oh yeah yeah yeah and you know he was just kind of explaining the whole like the environment they grew up as an active gay member is that my whole thing was retaliates and every time we got to go back regardless if it was me or one of the homeboys if they shot at us I went back and shot at them I mean retaliation that's just the way we we lived that was the difference in me that I always wanted to think about what I was doing you know what what are the consequences and I felt that it would be some severe consequences on both sides if if we went at it with the Catholic boys because at that time you know we was we was probably at that time probably the richest black guy in LA you know he's the first guy ever seen with a Mercedes Benz first black guy was seeing with a Mercedes Benz and he's dead now you know you hung yourself really yeah yeah you hung yourself Wow are they say hung yourself I'm not sure but you know he had he had cocaine and and PCP going at the same time so he was he was killing it well you know in the book you said that after six months of selling drugs you'd made a hundred thousand dollars yeah you actually had that in cash mm-hmm how did that feel you were how old at the time maybe 20 so 20 years old sitting on a hundred thousand I was unbelievable well you figure out a figure like before it had we couldn't even buy gas you know when gas was like $0.50 a gallon so we couldn't afford to buy gas and now you talk about here we are 100 grand it felt unreal you know when I started in the game you know anyone to make 5,000 right that was me and I was gonna make 5,000 we go buy some zena's for our cars that's it live in mom's garage you know and they'll happily have after so to have 100,000 was like and you talk about at this time houses in I arioni was going for like 50,000 in LA at that time so mm-hmm we could have bought two houses but you reinvested yeah all of it all of it at one point you couldn't get enough product in LA so you started going to Miami yeah it was hard to get product in LA at one time I mean even when we spawned ounces in eights it was hard you know that's why I wanted but it wheels outs cuz we couldn't find it nowhere else and uh you know like I did when we started with Mike who was really a football player he wasn't a drug dealer he was a football player who somehow got ahold to some cocaine so he's really the one that got us started but what happened with us is once we got started we got addicted you know man I became addicted to to the lifestyle that it didn't matter what links we had to go through to get some cocaine we was gonna get it going through the valley you know going to another city all the way until we find ourselves in Miami you know sitting in a hotel room with 20 kilos of cocaine and I think we had about 1800 hours left right I guess tickets no bus tickets well yeah I mean I guess you had brought six hundred thousand in cash and bought twenty kilos yeah so you getting about thirty thousand a kilo back then but I guess you could take that and sell each kilo for two hundred thousand in LA in LA so that's like four million dollars yeah if you brought it's broke down yeah he broke it down like that it would have been something like that I think we were trying to make off of a party was maybe a million million and a half you know I mean still yeah for us I mean that was it that was it was unbelievable you know we we were we were we had already passed all our dreams I'm not our dreams was ever to to accumulate six hundred thousand you know it was it was good five thousand dollars you know right so now here we are with with more we have a thought that we would have and we just live in their life man you know doing whatever we want to do well you know it's one thing to drive around in your city or in the overall area pick up you know kilo here drop off the cash whatever else flying cross country dealing with people on the other side of the US and everything that goes into it how big of a you know how stressful was that whole situation suddenly doing all that cuz now now you're building up into a much different level well it's nerve-racking you know the first time we went to Miami to be down here with that much money with no guns you know we saw the stories about Scarface robbery and in the whole nine yards but we tried to have some strategies you know like we wouldn't we wouldn't have all the money with us when we leave the money in a hotel room when we will go to the mean we would show him some money they would show us a kilo and and it just you know just gradually to where you felt comfortable because we were we were vulnerable in Miami right and that was one of the reasons that when they offered me to go out to country that that I didn't really want to go out to country because I felt so vulnerable oh so you're Miami connects we're trying to get you to go out of the country yeah yeah they used to try to give me watch and what country Mexico Colombia aha aha had you done that do you think that you would have gotten bigger faster absolutely the price would have been cheaper yeah and when a cheaper price you know it just increases your your profit margin and you know with me increase in my profit margin it would increase the more money that I would have put in and then I would have pass that savings down to my customers so it would have just made things that much bigger yeah but you'd be dealing with people in their own country that probably have governments or controls and yeah so it's just so much to it you know and and and I was making at that time I was making more money than then then I'd ever thought about making you know you figure on the average day in like 8485 I'm probably profiting about 200 thousand a day hundred fifty thousand a day so you know making that kind of profit I saw no need to to increase it and and I didn't see where it necessarily had to have a stop you know I didn't see I didn't see that I didn't see that the cops were going to bear to turn it off you know I thought that I could turn it off and on whenever I got ready well but by 24 years old you're a kingpin you were moving a hundred kilos a day you had a dozen crack houses they were making 40,000 a profit a day and you had a network of dealers they were moving half a million crack rocks a day when you look at these types of numbers and this is all you've laid all this out in your book it is a staggering amount of drugs I mean half a million rocks a day like when you look at that right now how do you even come to grips with it like you know that was the summer I stumbled upon you know it was only when I really got in prison that I really understood the magnitude that of what I was doing was you know glad I was a kid Steele I'm 24 years old but I never read a book right you're literate never watch the news you know my teaching came from guys who probably got they teaching from Tookie you know because you can't get the Tookie so you you deal with OJ you know OJ's a homie from my block and hang out with cooking them so that's where I got my information from you know so so when you look at all of those things then you can understand a person's mentality well I mean was it from what I understand in the book is that it was run like a multi-level corporation because in order just the money counting alone needed like a bunch of employees and then to move the product from one place to another like people I mean you it was almost like a you know I think you're described as like a McDonald's drive-through many times described it was like it was like this but I've always found myself kind of like in a leaders position you know when I football team I was a quarterback we play basketball on the point guard baseball I'm the pitcher you know so it was kind of like I'd always been able to organize my guys I'd always been the one to go out like with dirty Benny you know I started with dirty Benny and jumping Jake and when they went to jail I took all the information I learned from them and then I started teaching it to my guys if that makes sense yeah you know I started off as a it's dirty Benny's driver and then I hired a driver when I started doing it you know so I was just really just copying the things that that I had saw other people do and and trying to master those steps that I saw them doing well I think the one part of the book that kind of made me laugh a little bit was that at one point it was announced that Magic Johnson had signed like the biggest the biggest basketball deal ever and he was making a million bucks a year and you were like I got a million dollars on my bed over there like only a millionaire for a whole year like I make that in a day yeah well acres renewing his contract I think it was yeah yeah and I was like only a million dollars glad I don't play basketball so you were making way more money than Magic Johnson who was the most recognizable basketball player or pretty much sports figure at that point in the the country yeah he was hey man Larry Bird was human Larry Bird initiated yeah yeah I mean at that time I mean one one lawyer you told me that at that time I could have been making more money than Walmart so he said the numbers was like I was like he was like Walmart wasn't making those kind of numbers back then in the early so I don't know many like I said it was it was something that uh that I stumbled up on and it was only when I went to jail that I really learned that I was using some principles and that I was practicing business the way the people who run this country practice business you know I didn't do everything the way they did I made some mistakes you know I really know how to turn it on at this time and how to turn it off at that time and it was only then that after I started learning how to read that I learned what I was doing so before you met you know Danilo Blandon who ended up being your plug afterwards how much cocaine were were you purchasing at that time like at a given time was it in the hundreds of kilos or no no not at that time we were probably born like when we started with the middle oh let me see yeah yeah we were we were buying kilos because you know they think they was tricking us at first we were buying they were making us buy pounds hmm Ivan and Henry had us bond pounds and they were setting us pounds it almost stiffens we were paying at one time like 1,700 I mean seventeen thousand for a pound so if we've been buying a kilo we would have probably only been paying like thirty five thousand when we got extra four ounces every time so they were taking out those extra four ounces on this every time so we were buying about about 18 18 19 pounds from them I'm pretty much a daily basis and I guess you paid 60,000 in order to meet blend on Ivan had got shot those are connected you had I even not get shot and they would have been too if I wouldn't because I never would even have to go to Miami we only went to Miami after Ivan got shot okay when Ivan was was was healthy we was killing the game I mean it wasn't no competition like later on all these guys came in and the Colombians but they would have never got in had Ivan not got hurt okay because we were so far ahead of the market that even though we were paying ridiculous prices for kilos but nobody else could compare with the product and we were getting and the price and we was getting see we was out of business what we did a whole year where we didn't do no business because and we had money we had think man I'll probably have at that time maybe like close to a million bucks so for a year we was just living off our money and spinning and not setting no cocaine after Ivan got shot so it was only when when when David child came that we were able to get back started him business because we know know why they could we could spend our money way like we got six hundred thousand more it's been six hundred thousand or cocaine who can who can say this so it was nobody that could famous at that time well then when don't came in and you started moving up to like on over fifty kilos a day well he came in after Ivan got shot Henry had started trying to come back and take over his business somehow Ivan had got his help back up when he could he was totally paralyzed from the neck down so when day I get a call and we've been going to Miami Ron dope now now we're going to Miami like every week you know once a week going to Miami so I get this call and it was Ivan and he was like he was in Rancho Dominguez Hospital he wanted to see me so we go out and you know talk to him and he's in thing and he's like well I'm gonna have you to start working with brother and off and he's gonna take care of business everything will be just like it used to be no problems so we started in Henry wasn't he wasn't ready with it so what Henry did is Henry got smart and he said what I'm Adama Giselle Rick the connection and he did it without even knowing so I paid him 60,000 and and Danilo paid him 60,000 for the connect right so he got a hundred twenty thousand I'm just setting up a meeting yeah and then once that happened what was back like it was before I haven't got shot well it seemed like he was bigger it was but remember I told you that had I even not get shot and wouldn't have been nobody else in the cocaine business hmm but when he got shot its diaperless for like a year well I guess once planned on got in the picture you were moving up to three million dollars of cocaine a day well yeah went to another level because he he took it down even even cheaper than what what Ivan had did but at the same time Colombians had also moved into into the game too what happened with that well the price was going down uh-huh and we were no longer able to dictate at one time I was able to dictate the price like seven seems like when you read the book some of the guys in the book some got mad I put their name in the book with some of these guys that were coming to me who was like shot-callers from the area they would buy like ten pound ten kilos when they were buy ten kilos I might make two hundred thousand off that one guy you know my profit margin was crazy because I'm making ten thousand off for every kilo I sell them yeah but that that margin started to shrink as the Colombian started to come in and other groups started to come in and started to flood the market with uh you know Tommy out not to who's this little Tommy and he was know Tommy was one of my guys who later became one of my competitors okay him in Hindman water hairbow was like became like my biggest competitors in the business okay was that matters here now they've had life sentences - aha was it a friendly competition or a violent collision we wasn't gonna fight we was like brothers okay but that is what ran the price down see remember we were paying forty something a kilo and in at one time that's kilos I bought I bought like nine five hmm so the price punished but the profit margin did you know I went from safe instance at that time I'm making ten twelve thousand off a kilo - now I'm making twenty five hundred off a kilo and you were just dealing with bland dome so you just bring him a ton of cash and he'd give you a ton of cocaine and that's it you were responsible for getting it into this country yeah you weren't trying to you know how he was getting in the end didn't want to know how he was getting in that was none of my business right and you never wanted to go out of the country not to try to try to set up your own trade route yeah you were just happy making your millions of dollars and running your operation but but moving that much cocaine you talked about literally tons metric tons of cocaine not at one time but over time yeah over time over time and all of it is illegal and all the cash is illegal how do you keep an operation like that going with so many people you know along with all the robberies that happen along the way you know you know with money people people get along for money you know they'll work with people they don't like you know it's one of my guys norm said that that I created one of the first priest treaties you know where you can see Bloods and Cripps on the same block selling dope you know and and they weren't fighting because everybody had started to understood understand that if you're fighting the cops are gonna come in and you won't be able to make the money yeah but with the cocaine business comes a lot of violence with the wrong people wasn't a cocaine acarya violence I believe cash money crazy violence true you know which kind of with the new business that I'm in now in the marijuana business we're hoping that the federal government open up the banks because right now it's a cash business oh yeah you gotta have big safes because you can't technically put it in the bank No yeah exactly so you built up this this insane operation and I guess at the time you're trying to legitimize yourself so you start doing real estate yeah and you're doing I I guess 24 unit motel to motel I did partment buildings tire shop junkyard you're just buying a property whenever you could yeah I just buy stuff I have money I just buy it how do you buy something when it's drug money you got to put in someone else's name I sell yeah you do that but you know I mean that's why you try to protect it you know you and you you don't keep nothing in your name very little things in your name you put it in family members people you think you can trust well yeah that's how you do it okay and we're actually building the motels from scratch I built the motels from scratch that's crazy you got the money to pay for the lessons you know everything you didn't learn in school you just paid for it and they teach you how to do it how much was your first Motel like I wish that cost do you remember 400,000 oh that's it yeah that's not bad you know okay but over time you were building multiple hotels yeah when when when they started chasing me I was I was billing 3 I had 3 1 under construction we were as far as had to bulldoze over compacting the dirt the other ones we were finishing up the contracts on owner buying and and uh one we were doing the design for the plans right because I guess your plan was I'm gonna ease away from the drug business and have this real estate business that's gonna make you know enough money for me to be ultra blue yeah I was trying to I figured with the hotels my first hotel when I opened it up and I ran in my first couple months I ran in myself I was making $5,000 a week for $400,000 investment so for me that was like wow make the money back in a couple years yeah so I figured that if I had five of those you know making twenty thousand a better a month that's 100 grand then I could go out without the drug business and just run motels well and then and do the same thing with motels that I did in the drug business start with one you know let the one by by the Hilton right but then the police started the Freeway Ricky task force yep and your crew was call it the freeway boys yep okay and well you got arrested once well I mean and I guess there was a million dollar bail well that was the time I turn myself in okay so you were on the run enjoy yourself in they lied on me that night man there have been raiding my house it's pretty hard they've been hitting hitting my people pretty hard but they they haven't been a the final drugs because I didn't keep drugs in the house you know I had a policy to keep the drugs in a trunk of a car and they raid in the houses and they keep coming up empty so they got helped and said well we're just gonna start bringing the drugs with us it's not planning the evidence when he started planting the evidence so one night what I did is I moved to the valley I start working out the valley I said I'm not gonna even work in LA no more because you know my people will go anywhere you know they probably would drive to Texas to get it so I said I'll just moved to the valley so we moved to the valley but this one night women playing basketball and I was man I seen the homeys in a long time so I go by my tire shop and I looked up and all the fellas in there they shooting dice and stuff so I going in high five everybody in you talk to him and tell him we're gonna be all right we're gonna bounce back you know just let everything cool down a little bit so everybody walked me out to my car I got in the car me and Cornell Cornell was in the front I was in the back so when we take off and I hit my car in the alley I thought I hit it in an alley and going down the street and I see this car coming behind me with no lights on and I'm like and it's a car coming behind us with no lights on so you know I had that cannon I had a 41 Magnum then he always kept witty so he pulled it out the bag and he's like yeah I'm gonna give it to him if they put up they trying to rob us and we turned the corner you know that car pull right up on the side of us and let its window down and he was up it was tomar and I didn't know till more idea cuz he just got out like two weeks before he raided our house and put a trash bag over his head and try to make him open safe tomorrow was a sheriff he was the sheriff yeah the one they called El Diablo the devil mm that's what he called himself to devil really yeah okay so he was actually torturing your guys and stuff like that I'm ready oh yeah okay then went to jail for that that's what they went to jail for torture and an electrocuted a guy you know right be pudding be putting got out of jail behind behind what Omar named into him right well I guess the guy that you know your guy that he tortured with the garbage bag wouldn't tell him even though the safe was empty yeah he wasn't telling it to say he wouldn't give me the combination helos was an empty safe yeah that's a real loyal guy you got on your on your team there well he went all the memes law to herself that was everything that we did he did for itself to you know I already I really like the concept of boss you know an employee I mean like we partners you know this is yours too you know you got to protect us like it's yours you know when people work for you instead of for themselves they don't put the same type of energy in I like I like to to be looked at and I was my partner you know he had $125 I had $125 it just so happened that that I worked him and everybody knew me and they thought he was my bodyguard but I mean he could do whatever he wanted to do you ended up getting locked up will you turn yourself in yeah and then coming up with the the bail was hard because you had to show that it was came from legitimate means okay just give him a million dollars and drug money and say here you go everything had to be they had what they called a 1251 I think they called it and I mean that everything had to be approved from the judge where the judge had to come in if he was the property owner you had to come in and say what a property came from like my cousins who they sent me a hundred thousand they had to go to a bank and get that hundred thousand dollars from the bank and the banker had to do a letter of saying that I'm giving in a hundred thousand dollars so that's what the money had to come from well you're a beating that case I did but then you were Badgett sorry drugs again yeah yeah I wasn't doing drugs and I guess and I'm not sure about the timeline here but you were planning on quitting and you would basically given from day one yeah but at least I based my whole my whole drug concept came from Superfly yeah Ron O'Neal yeah that was my write off in the sunset yeah I wanted to be out like he did yeah but it was a matter of me a competition the goals that I had set for myself and that was well at that time I wanted to have those four motels finish you know I wanted for motels I wanted my tire shop making money my beauty salon you know I want all the things that I started I wanted them to be to be flourishing you know to be successful and the hotels weren't finished yet no the tire shop was still it wasn't it wasn't really doing what it's supposed to be yeah and not at all well I guess none of my businesses wasn't yeah well so the harder was a legitimate business as opposed to you don't think so no well yeah I mean your parent access on a legitimate business what you got to have people who want to see the business go see what I found out when I was in jail my people wasn't interested in making successful businesses they were only interested in getting money for me so they would stay around the business just so that they could say hey brick I need ten thousand I need twenty thousand I need this I need that and that gave them that handicap so that they didn't have to make the business make money well at one point you gave each one 50,000 that was my crude oh that wasn't that was much I use different people to run businesses now that was in my crew that there so drugs with me okay that was my crew members so but with your crew you gave each one 50,000 as I got basically a parting gift because you were getting out yes we we had a I have a cousin net that I brought from Texas and he kind of figured that he had took over my business you know he basically became me like 84 85 I wasn't really selling drugs I was only like the guy that went insane and you know talk to the guys but he really ran everything and he started thinking that that was his business that it wasn't mine anymore it was his you know and he started talking to all the guys oh man this you know this all Rick stuff we got it we got to do this on our own we got to take over and uh so we had a meeting so y'all want to start your own businesses this is mine you know Danilo I know get your normal cocaine if I tell him not to write the money y'all been using is my money you know that y'all had no million dollars that's my million dollars they're my customers that's my friend you know Chris we grew up together Chris angle by dough for nobody with me you know so so we started going through that and then I was like well if y'all feel like y'all can do it then here this yours is yours just everybody go their own way do your own thing so it was yeah kind of like a severance okay so you paid them all off but they were happy about it not at all why is that they wanted they wanted more hmm you know they wanted they wanted me to sell dope and they keep taking care of them do they ultimately turn against you a few of them did testified against you and so oh no no no nobody testified against no but they turned against you meaning what um they know all my all my techniques I hid my dope I hid my money and they started taking advantage of that breaking in cars so I was stealing from you I'm stealing from me mm-hmm how did he feel when your own crew sorry I'm from you your own family start stealing from you [ __ ] up [ __ ] up guys that you felt that you breathed on you know like he was dying and breathe oxygen and he hmm you know I've pushed the stomach you know pumped him back to life and then for him to I mean my cousin he tell me he got I'll keep running these kids everyday you know about 14 kids in LA in LA in Texas right in LA two years he's busy you know when somebody like that turn on you and it's like wow man you to you know I like well you pay for for somebody's open someone's mother's open-heart surgery was that what are your crew members yeah no renzo did he turn on you nah not the Renzo is not he's good okay just checking yeah Renzo could he could have he could have cut his sentence in half I mean Lorenzo could do never never no arguments no no he not one of them your main plug planned dome gets busted but you know before the situation that you know you guys went through so he gets busted for you know drug you know drug trafficking when the shares red his house yeah did you know about that no no idea yeah he just disappeared for a while no he didn't disappear we had set up a system where we were working out of Westwood and Danilo had a condo in Westwood where he had his guys stand so nothing never changed you know we would go to Westwood the car would be an underground parking lot the dope in it we would put a car with the money in and on the underground parking lot and if he done good so we never I would only talk to Danilo if I needed you know I wanted to cheap a price or something like that there so it wasn't like we would make a contact hmm every day as you were just working with his people yeah we were working basing so even while he got busted you kept buying drugs from his organization yeah I never know we never knew that it was disrupted okay but he did get busted he did and then that's when he started making the deals not that time he didn't when he got busted did he did he turn into an informer I was already in prison he got busted in 92 I think I'd already been in prison like three years okay but then you know when he gets out and you're out you guys end up reconnect I got out before he D yeah then you guys end up reconnecting again so I got out when I got out they take him to a judge and tell the judge that if they let him out of prison he can reconnect with me and then I'm responsible for selling loritts Quan he's a crack cocaine in the los angeles area which was a lie because at that time I just got out of prison so I hadn't sold no dope in in like five and a half years the judge agreed with them and allowed him to get out and to make contact with me okay and then that's when he set you up yep how what was the transaction that you were making that final time I knew kilos a hundred kilos yeah street value of how much I don't know at that time I wasn't selling drugs at that time that was Chico's deal I really was the broker that deal I broke or did you just the middleman and you're gonna take a cut I was going to the club okay how much were what kilo selling for back then I think about twelve thousand okay so twelve thousand one hundred kilos a million two million two so this is a million dollar deal and you're gonna get take what ten percent or something I don't know a couple hundred million of autographed and then right when that deal happen was about to happen what was the setup from the start I mean first ad he called me all the phone calls that they wanted to be heard was recorded you know it was crazy sitting in court I mean the first conversation and he called me a and what's going on we talking and and he's like I got him and I hear myself say how much and it was like when I'm missing interaction in court I'm like what the [ __ ] was just thinking about you know like it was a him selling cocaine why would you ask him how much and that conversation kind of kill me yeah I remember there was an interview we put up with um with big Meech from prison you know it was a prison interview you know there my friend Kivar you had done and he was saying how he never talked on the phone I didn't talk about nothing the song for me is either you comment or you ain't sharing point claim that's what the only thing is Paulus for you coming annoying of it are you gonna be able to make it that's what that's what it's for you coming or not it ain't for nothing else man he got busted because of just witnesses and conspiracy in whatever else but they never caught anything on the phone now his brother he said was in love with the phone I really had his hand on me the whole time you know and my brother you know I'm saying I love him to death man don't get me wrong that's my brother you know saying he's too strong too you know so I mean he had a beautiful life I know plenty of brothers they got you one brother living other brother dead you know I'm saying she a medium both enjoy life you know I'm saying he was a little more laid back but he throw that phone and iPhone got us yeah I mean he's no late that but you guys didn't he got he bribed Maybachs and all that [ __ ] - it ain't like nothing he just tree can choose right he refuses go to the club or every night and then stand on the carpet and it will toughen anybody else and and enjoy myself he chose the to do that every now and he do it we need to do it every now and but you talk on the phone that was a we did you thought of all you got everything [ __ ] up you got caught on on a phone call conversation basically asking about drug prices and agreeing to it yeah yeah I mean I mean you know what with the federal government though it's it's you you you in a position of almost a no-win I mean who would think because somebody asks how much is that enough evidence you know to to show a drug deal or to show in my case they had to show predisposition see they have to prove that I was actively looking for a drug deal out of him throwing the bait out yeah you know because it's illegal for a government agent and an informant is agent of the government to talk an innocent person into committing a crime or to influence an innocent person into committing a crime so the jury had to decide was I pre disposed prior to him coming and messing with me to to sell cocaine in my case is it's really hard to prove because you know I've been on record for selling large quantities of cocaine before so it's easy for jewelry to infer that I was pretty predisposed but then on top of that they bring in an all-white jury mm-hmm you know my lawyer had said if I get two blacks on my jury I walk you can get that he couldn't get it right because the jury pool just literally had no black people in it and the judge she recognized it they put on the record that that we were all black everybody in the courtroom was was white except the three defendants right so she recognized it and she did give us another jury pool but that jury who had one black inning and I think he was pushed all the way back to like 48 or something you only need 12 jurors right so he was no way that he was gonna make the jury did you know when you got busted during that last deal that it was over yeah I know from the time that I drove to San Diego but I kind of fixed myself with the mindset of I'm riding up to San Diego and I'm looking at the coast you know enjoying the scenery you know like damn I'd rather be in prison don't and broke so I'm glad to be in prison then broke that's what I'm telling myself on my way doing this trip because I'm knowing that if this don't go right if anything go wrong and anything could go wrong you know when you're doing the dope do you anytime the police could pop up anybody could have been the feds you know Chico could have been Mike could have been you know the Nilo could have been anybody you know the ponies could be danilo they could be following us you know so you know that you're taking that chance I was never one of those guys that they felt that I was gonna get away with my dope deal every time you know I knew that every time that I took that I picked up drugs it could be the time that I'll go to prison I mean when that deal happened then you got busted was there an actual finishing date like I was solid okay look I gotta make it two more months and then I'm a hundred percent done or do you think you would have hit that and said oh yeah I don't I don't at the a the right thing on Crenshaw and Adams I was 32 I've been fighting that payment my whole five years I've been fighting that payment I did a I I get a guy nine hundred thousand right before I went to prison right before I got I gave $900 I got arrested two weeks later hmm so for two weeks for that I told him 300 more thousand on that building so my girl go in and and she cut the deal wouldn't finish the deal it up and then he stick her for $6,000 a month for the three hundred thousand so while I'm in prison I'm fighting six thousand dollars a month payment when I get out I'm thirty thousand dollars behind the guys gonna take the building from me for thirty thousand so I'm running around trying to get thirty thousand to save my building so that I could start putting the plan that I had in motion before I went to prison in motion and uh this deal would have solidified that so how'd this deal fully gone through you if you never did that last drug deal you may just be the king of hip-hop the business guy I would've been the king of hip-hop yeah no hands down you know I'll do all the things that I'm doing right now the way I'm literally taking over all these industries right now I would have did that back then because it's the same principles and and I wasn't as smart being as I am now because I hadn't read as many books but it would have been there we've been the same thing you know that I did I have for the theater every rapper in the country were the one to come and perform on that stage you know it held 4,500 people I would have been the only person in LA with what uh what a theater that big that could hold that many people doing doing shows yeah I've been selling weed out of one here I had the music studio and in Chico Chico and Chico was a big part of me doing that deal too you know Chico had a fool inside the theater had enough space for a full-fledged music studio and Chico had all of this equipment sitting in a garage he got like five hundred thousand dollars off equipment sitting the garage so he was like man we're gonna put all your equipment in there let's just do the deal so so he influenced me as well and he was looking out for me you know Shikoh it and gave me a few bucks and you know he was like one of the young guys who came back you know like yeah I'm gonna look out for you so so he was influential in until you have Mexico yeah New Mexico I'm not sure yeah you probably see it in a new single okay I'm down attending I telling you on the scene all right let's do it you ended up dropping a new book so last time yes the 21 cases of success yeah which I haven't read yet but I did purchase the book it's on my Kindle right now how do you get it it's hard to get it's not Amazon Sun Amazon you could download the digital copy yeah $13 and I remember before the book was even released you're posting some of these keys on your Instagram and the one that really got me was key number 18 don't front what you can't lose huh yeah can you explain that well you know an adult game we we fronted out of dope you know like I got people owed me millions of dollars right now but I could afford to lose that money you know that money wasn't gonna kill me it wasn't gonna take me out to game and some people like they would go and get dope from you and they never give to somebody else on credit and they couldn't afford to do that that's what that's what that mean don't Phunk what you can't lose I can't afford to lose yeah you know no I maintain a page called Platt stocks wherever I talk about stock investing and one of the most common questions is how much money should I start with and my answer is very simple you know since stock is a long-term play you should only put an amount of money that you know you don't have to touch for years yeah because if you put an amount and three months later your rent is due or your phone bills due and you got a chip away at that you're you're in a losing game you know I'm saying you're gonna take them money out at the wrong you know at the wrong time when the market might be low and then you're gonna mess yourself up yeah so you know it kind of reminds me of that of that whole of that you know what you're talking about is only put it in if you know that you can't you know that you could lose it right you don't know never put money that you depend on right and that you absolutely got to have that it's gonna send you to the poorhouse yeah and so that's what I would never do I would never give somebody something that that I couldn't afford and that's how I learned the lesson that I valuable lesson I learn about my businesses because you know when I was in prison I was I was just you know I was just thinking you know and I was like why none of your businesses worked and then some came to me said well you would never get nobody your whole dope sack you know even though Jayda used to run my business he couldn't get to my dope sack you know he could only get to parts of the dope sack so my business is I turn my businesses over totally to people yeah and could never do that and I should have never done that you know I should have always kept a ring around it to where I could reel them in if I needed to and that's one of the things that I that I did wrong in business that uh from being in prison well yeah everyone who says I want to start a business so I could run it and then step away from it and have it run itself you're never going to start a business like that no just keep keep your day job yeah entrepreneurship is not for you if that's your goal it's never gonna happen like no I agree yeah totally agree you know you have to love you know like right now I'm having so much success because I just love doing it you know I'd do it all night I can't sleep at night you know I go to bed huh oh go to sleep man it's 200 warning it who can you call and you know Troy ain't up 5:00 in the morning I'm looking for somebody to card I feel you then I'm up at 3:00 and working on my visit so you know it's it's like a passion that I would do it if I ain't making no money you know like right now all the money that I got I throw back into it you know it's crazy I'm gonna come one day we're gonna have to do an interview I'm gonna bring my pants that I wore from jail okay let you see them fans they gave me when I got out I still got us okay don't let you see those key number 19 justified anger what does that mean sometimes you got a right to be angry and it can be justified but it still has to be controlled just because it's justified don't mean that you can go out and do whatever you want to do or that you should go out and do whatever you want to do you know you have to sit down and calculate everything everything is this stuff is really science and math you know just the world of science and math if you can do science which is break down a situation and analyze it from start to finish and do the numbers you know which way it makes sense number wise key number six gained independence by not working for money explain this one well I I get a lot of information from people because they don't have to pay me to be around it's like if I go to a job and I say you know what I'm gonna do this job but I don't want to money you ain't gotta pay me just let me just let me clean up let me watch the windows whatever it is that got to be done let me do that because I know that if I hang out with you long enough I'm gonna learn all your secrets yeah and then you're gonna start depending on me and then you won't bear to live without me because I'm gonna I'm a handicap you I'm gonna make you feel so comfortable it's so good that you're gonna be like man I just let Rick handle it well you read the richest man of Babylon how many times I just heard for the first time actually about a year ago and yeah it's the the concept of you know number one taking 10% of your money and putting aside you actually said 20% me no no I say ninety 90 percent I say you live off ten okay well in the book it says take 10% for yourself and then invest that money and have that money work for you and I like to cheat okay I machine there you go but but that but that was I mean to me when I start investing in stocks that was really like the big game-changer for me like wow I could have this money sitting here and as I'm working my company this money is working for you it's working for me absolutely was absolutely a game-changer I wish I learned this that's what I was already doing in adult business when I give somebody some dope on credit yeah that money that credited I gave him was money that just would be sitting around mm-hmm so I would say okay I'm gonna take this hundred thousand I'm gonna at him take it and I'm gonna make twenty thousand off of him yeah I've been working for their money yeah yeah and then when you look at you know and the legitimate side of things when you look at things like compound interest and stuff like that you know talk about that in a book where meet Irina and Ramon used to go buy dope and how when we started they had more money than I did vote for them was already getting rich and they they both had over 20,000 I was at the time and when I turned him on to the cocaine game they started getting that money a little different than they had been getting it and was a little easier and both men went bought brand new cars yeah which turned them into my workers instead of me being a workers which it could have been where I worked for them had they been smart and say you know what I'm gonna spend the whole twenty thousand on dope and you know both of those guys got they got so big that that they paid everything you know they bought me houses and you know they bought my girls houses I mean I could get the money that they bring sometimes well before ty we got ready Tyree got ready they took a million dollars out this house one time and they kind of messed him up but they they just spent so much money with us you know like forty thousand sometimes I was seeing we pulled 40,000 out the bag for yourself you know like damn and that all came from when we were buying ounces and they took pay money and bought cars and I wouldn't bought a pound of dope well I interviewed um one of my regular guests on the show China Mack he's a Chinese guy yeah who you know was part of the Chinese gang culture in New York at one point when he was active he was selling drugs and I asked him were you selling drugs in your own community and he said no with the community you know the Chinese people was always you would never really see us sell our drugs in the community and I'm saying if anything we would get the kid we would get the drugs and pushes somewhere else yeah I'm saying you wouldn't see that you know and and and I want to say that I wouldn't say um it was because well I want to say most the majority of reason of why that was so isn't I'm sure a piece of like a good part of it was that we didn't want to give it to home people I'm saying but um another big part of it was that we knew that when we do that in our own neighborhood is gonna make us hot you know I'm saying so like you know the the smarter thing to do is get the drugs and put it somewhere else so our community isn't hot so we can have a little more you know shelf life and doing whatever we're doing and we can get more money and we can you know make ourselves hot I'm saying but if we're on the corner and selling it you know it's hot yeah I mean so the police is gonna come and that's gonna be short-lived and I'm saying so I guess you know Chinese people will always the Chinese gangs always looked at that and always took that into consideration you look at most black gangs and black drug dealers they're usually selling drugs literally where they live on their own blocks in their own communities well we don't really have much outside our blocks explain we don't have anything blacks are broke South Central LA is now home by others we don't own that anymore you know that used to be a black community is no longer a black community we don't own that neighborhood anymore so we're kind of confined to to our areas we don't have a homeland you know that debt debt that we can go to or we can escape to you know this is like everything that we have is right here you know even even Africa they don't really accept American blacks you know they don't really like us there's a friction between American blacks and in Africa African American blacks don't have no friction they have a free yeah American blacks like everybody this is just like accept anybody coming out community oh come on in bring your store and all your goods and everything will buy that [ __ ] you might not be work for damn but we'll buy it we'll support you yeah you're right the racism comes from the African side yeah we don't we don't have any that American blacks I feel have been given away their stuff too long you know it's time for us to become more conscious about everything that we do what we do with it who we allow to to to to and get our money and I think that once they do that it's gonna it's gonna be a big difference but uh no we don't we don't we don't have anything against them they have a friction against us right but you know for example I interviewed VG knockout recently who was it you know Compton crit no peasy and he said that I've interviewed people that have said you know I don't remember who it was but have said that they've dealt drugs to their own mother my grandparents my aunties and uncles you've dealt drugs your own auntie's and grants really yes I did how do you feel when you say that out loud I hate it first of all we didn't really know what the dope was gonna do you know I just look at cocaine like I look at we now you know really yeah but did you look at crack the way you really I'd never saw crackhead okay it was a time that it wasn't a crack here but after a year or two it takes longer than a year really yeah how long does someone go from smoking crack to becoming a crackhead well it's a corner who it is you know there's people that can function they keep their job that can say you know what I'm gonna smoke a ten dollar piece every day I'm gonna smoke with $20 fees every other day and then there's the ones who would say you know what I've been working on this job for 20 years I'm tired of this damn job I'm gonna go out I'm gonna be a dope dealer smoker and they just go all the way with it so it varies on on personal person but but I don't think that when it started that we knew that our people were gonna get hooked on crack cuz I sold my people some of my girlfriend I gave my girlfriend gave my uncle's my brothers I see him all dough so you did the same thing you sold drugs to Oh craps it was absolutely ok how many them became addicts a lot um did a lot of them did but then I helped him get off ok the ones who wanted to now I got uncle he's 70 some years okay I don't see no reason to quit smoking crack really no why not a day for what when I'm across one crashing 76 years old what do you yeah only thing I don't like about crackers you can't get much is everything Wow okay so you know so it's really the opinions of the person who who's doing it you know when do they want to quit you know my brother's was doing the smoking Primos you know I'm fortunate enough that I was able to get him to quit did you know Nipsey Hussle at all yeah okay his area is that close to where you live yeah like a few blocks kinda okay that's how neighborhoods that's not number one my neighborhood where I grew up at in his neighborhood or like are my enemies okay so rollin 60s and who's Lars they've been fighting forever forever when you saw when you heard about the news over him getting killed and he looked at the situation around it what did you think oh well the first thing that happened is I hoped that it wasn't an outside gang that was the first thing that I see it the first thing happened I said well you know maybe your 60s I probably wrote on somebody's hood and that was a retaliation because they hit somebody from the hood that was really respected and they came back and retaliated and the only way they felt they couldn't retaliate was get somebody that was important to to the sixties and you know when one of the most popular people in in there now is you know as is his nipsey so the most popular person from the 60s from the outside I know internally yeah but I mean from the world looking in he was the the biggest figure claiming wrong 60 the biggest fan base yes but I was the first thing came to my mind and then the next thing was somebody from his own hood doing it to him and that's what happened well I know I almost know I got called about about three minutes that that happened okay so I knew almost immediately and and when I told the guys we started talking about it and I kind of told him what scenario had pretty much took place you know and then he turned out to be that it was somebody from his neighborhood right and I mean from I mean the story that everyone's running with is essentially that nipsey called him a snitch and told them to to leave the area I heard that too and that's I mean that's something that people kill over in South Central let me explain to me what is this jacket when you when you get us this jacket what happens well I mean would a snitch jacket you could kill from the right person and then it's a cardinal who you who you snitched on you know pretty much they're gonna run you out the hood though you know I I don't know anybody that walks around South Central right now with a with a snitch jacket on I'm sure it is somebody around here who told and don't nobody really know but that's that's a tough jacket to live you know you yourself never snitched on anybody but you did testify against the police mm-hmm I'll cross back behind that did certain people consider that stitching in jail they did and if it was usually like the guys who were like shot-callers from different different neighborhoods who felt I got off from that case and they didn't get off but yeah they did yeah you know and this is one of the topics we've covered a lot like for example BG knockout was talking about how you ever heard the book called the art of war yeah Sun Tzu okay so this is one of the books that you know prison gangs and groups read in jail they study this book and they they live by it now the whites in prison and the Mexicans for the most part have a policy that they can tell on anybody that's not a part of their group it comes from the art of war is pretty much you know getting rid of your enemy by any means and the greatest word fought is one that I mean the greatest war one is one that you don't have to fight necessarily right so they have this thing go and and one thing that I do know is that if you at war at odds with somebody are with an enemy and you don't fight the war the same way probably that you're probably not gonna win in black gang culture snitching is frowned upon period friends enemies doesn't matter you don't snitch but you saying how in white and Mexican gangs you're allowed to snitch against your enemies right that's tolerated or our different race yeah or a different race like they can tell on a black and an ain't no consequence not a big deal that they'll get you know they'll be gang you know all ganged out on the stand saying he did it right and the gang accepts them back like like no no issues at all he feels that this puts blacks at DISA data to black gangs at a disadvantage because their enemies are able to do things that they can i memory interviewed bosco i feel it makes us stronger though like hmm okay i feel us for me i feel it makes us stronger we are we care you know when you look at it as someone who has been snitched on and given life in prison how do you how do you really you know how do you feel about that whole thing I don't know I've been out of that that whole like what it feels like what they say and all that I've been out of that so long now that it it's my opinion probably is not the opinion of most people you know I accept if you in a drug business somebody's gonna snitch on you okay you yourself if you got robbed you call the police on somebody today 2018 that's a [ __ ] when they say you know cuz you still have those principles you grew up with they sorry to say me I mean I've never been robbed you know it's like I bet I never had to happen you know I never been in a position of vulnerability you know but I know one time one of my friend's daughter got kidnapped and he asked me what should I do I said call the FBI yeah because I knew that if he wanted his daughter back that he needed help you know and he did that and they had her back in three or four hours you know soon as the guys came to pick up the ransom money they got his daughter back so I mean you know it's it's certain situations you know if somebody do something to old lady of course she should call the police on me when you look at the nipsey situation and let's just say that that that's what happened because that's the story that has been just you know circulating and no one's really disputed it you know nipsey calling somebody a snitch in that type of environment you know someone of nipsey's caliber doing that Nancy's a multi-millionaire nobody everybody knows who he is worse yeah has more power if one of the little guys say it and don't mean as much it's not as cutting but you know nipsey was probably like he probably looked up to nip see you know he's like that's my big homie you know that's my idol so it's like your idol in the way that they to describe a murder to me it was almost like a love murder you know like a passion like a crime of passion it wasn't just by my shoe chewing it's over it was like normal kill you you know they I mean it's stories I heard that he shot him and he left and nipsey say I'm good I'm good I'm good and he came back and shot him again it was on video yeah I mean watch the videos yeah you know I haven't participated at all I didn't want to to you know I try to stay out of that kind of stuff you know all together I didn't want to participate a benefit from it or nothing I just don't have anything to do with it it's that situation but I've been reviewed nipsey before you know and it the fact that he was able to do that come back shoot him again kick him in the head like that and the story did I kind of heard he came back like three times no one was there no one returned fire he was able I mean there was a reasonable chance that had he shot him and then kind of lived and then that was it he could have just gone to the hospital gotten patched up and been okay but the fact that he was able to just shoot him again point-blank range [ __ ] up situation man so sad he want him dead he wanted him dead yeah I mean that's the kind of crime that you know that he wanted to kill him he didn't want to live something in his twisted mind you know have you have you experienced I mean with your crew and people around you if you these types of murders occurred you know the wrong word gets said and suddenly people are dying I don't know people who get killed over a dollar you know start off over dollar argument next thing you know somebody pulled a gun out so yeah I've known murders I mean you know South Central somebody could kill all the time over there yeah you know I remember when I interviewed big you and I said you know look with all the surveillance that's out there right now all the cameras cellphone triangulation so forth has that really slowed down on the violence you know in terms of gang activity he said people still get mad when you mad you mad yeah if you if you if you upset you you you own your thing you might be cut but you going now it may stop that dude who's not really serious about it but it's not gonna stop somebody who if they going they're going and they really ain't caring in that moment about though cameras and I've seen it happen and they don't care about the camera Eric Holder did in broad daylight he there's literally a camera right there in front of c-store I was pointing out on the whole time as well as the cameras in the gas station and everything else like that dozens of witnesses is there you know he came into it knowing there was no chance he was gonna walk away from this yeah pretty much and he did it anyways tragic out of control you know last time we talked about snowfall and since that time John Singleton has died did you feel any type of way when that happened because the two of you weren't on the best of terms oh no I didn't cry I can tell you that that's very and was just like somebody died you know I mean people die in South Central all the time I got killed few months ago right on my on my street one corner of my block so I didn't feel nothing for him you know I didn't know what he did what his past was what his present was supposed to be so it had absolutely no effect on me when John passed the only effect that I could think about is that you know he stole my story that was number one thing that popped up to me oh the guy who stole your story died yeah you know and when I read the book when I read your book you know after watching you know the first two seasons snowfall I'm like wow this is a lot of this stuff is really like a one-to-one kind of situation like these situations like I mean I felt the same way he felt about me you know he didn't feel nothing for me he didn't offer me a job you know sad but you know that's the state that we in you know a God would take your [ __ ] and use it and don't feel that he's supposed to do nothing for you for it you know not even having the courtesy you know to say you know what man thanks you know thanks for doing this for me you know well but I mean they offered you a consultant position on their then they know only today when we call you coming down some steps I think that I was gonna beat his ass he offered me everything that day but you gave me the wrong number oh oh well you know listen what rest in peace John Singleton boys in the hood is still an all-time classic you know and I think the people that know they'll watch snowfall that actually know your story no that's actually your story yeah I mean that's cool I mean I don't really care about Nona I want yeah I should have got some money out of it I agree I should I should have benefited from it you know people just feel that they can just you know like [ __ ] over everybody you know like whoever and and and then they don't really appreciate the things that I'll allow him to do you know like plenty of times that people don't like minutes go over the entire set up no that ain't what's happening you know it's crazy you know and they don't really get that until like that day when he was coming up them steps and we was coming into a grand party and I was coming down the steps in about three or four of my guys and he was coming up two steps and he saw me like he saw a ghost you know mmm might have been a day the stroke started we'll just leave it at that you know one of the things the nipsey did which was very different was that he opened up businesses in his own neighborhood the businesses that you had were they in south-central yep so you were doing the same thing 30-something years ago right now right now okay but you started was what I'm saying 30-something years ago you know what when I look at all the celebrities out there all the rappers producers whoever and I ran into damn near all of them one way or another Nipsey was the only one on the only one that I knew that was actually doing that lots of people have businesses but no one you know jay-z had doesn't have anything in Marcy Marcy projects you know across the street isn't owned they're the corner stores over there or whatever else Nipsey was opening businesses in south-central on Crenshaw and Slauson and once that situation happened a lot of people said well you have to help the hood from afar sometimes being opening up businesses and staying in that neighborhood is what ultimately led to nipsey's demise but but you were doing that before so so what is your take on that well I carry myself in in a way that that people like me people in my neighborhood they want to see me succeed we used to live in that same neighborhood right yep they want to see me succeed I would never call somebody a snitch even if do you knew that you were there were snitch even if I knew yeah I'm gonna run nobody off my block you know cuz I don't own the street he has just as much right to that block as I do I try to treat everybody the way I want to be treated but even though you do that you can't help everybody to the extent that they want help but I want to help everything is not possible but I want to I know you want to but when people see that passion in you they respect that they know even if you can't help them you really wanted to like I really want to help everybody I come in contact with in your community everywhere everywhere I really want to help people when I saw cocaine I really thought I was helping people okay and when you do it with that type of passion people feel it and they understand it serious saying you've never had anyone showed jealousy to you I got more jealousy in jailed and I get on the street huh explain when jail is other guys that are big from the areas so like if they little homies like safe isn't when I was in jail I had a book club where I was teaching these guys how to cut a study business from jail and the other guys who were lifers like me would make fun of it and would call the guys and would say oh man you you you you Rick's flunky you following Rick around you know so I have more jealousy like that Dan then I get on the street on the street it's like it's not so confined and the people that I come in contact with are coming in contact for me to help them so it's not a jealousy thing it's more Rick can you give me a hand can you help me out I'm you know they killed Gandhi you know I mean they killed John F Kennedy they killed Martin Luther King but I can't like I don't what happened to somebody else because I can't look back into their back ground and say what he did what he didn't do what he did right what he didn't do right I can only go by what I feel okay and I feel that with the mechanism that I use can't lose what's real so you have businesses in South Central right now I know do you see what they are yeah cars tow trucks marijuana I'm spearheading a social equity program in LA with the marijuana I'm starting my own strings this is my new vape in I just signed a vape pen deal I think I'm getting ready to do CBD I'm getting ready to start building houses again okay credit repair motivational speak in my books I don't know and probably more than that I just my clothes you know I'll do my t-shirts my sweatshirt you know we can really shoot the movie that's coming along well I mean just so many things that I'm doing right now I just name a few well you know I mean I remember someone said you know to look at nipsey helping his neighborhood and getting killed and using that as an excuse not to help the neighborhood people do dumb [ __ ] in the neighborhood all the time and people repeat that pattern over and over again why would you not repeat something positive why would you use one negative situation to avoid doing good in the future I agree I agree and say that you can't invest in your neighborhood I mean that's what they've been telling the people with money for years that's why all the people with money they move out of the neighborhood and they leave the people who who don't have in the neighborhood to fend for themselves but me myself my neighborhood has been great to me you know my neighborhood protected me I mean I just just everything that I ever got coming from over there you know come from those guys and knows those women from from from South Central LA you know and I feel that they love me and I don't see any any concern to not go over there well since we last talked Takashi 6-9 after he got arrested he told on everybody that's how you don't do that you told me he was going to do this you're a fortune-teller something which was not a hard fortune to tell let me tell you he told on everyone everyone's facing like football numbers and they're saying that he's gonna walk away you know they're saying by the end of the year he's gonna get out you're not surprised at all no that's the life that's how it works in the face it's a Fed case it's not a state case yeah so they're gonna tell somebody's gonna tell yeah and he agreed to tell on everybody we actually brought in his his uh his daughter's mother and had had her read the plea deal application under this agreement are as follows that he shall truthfully and completely disclose all information of the activities of himself and others to the US Attorney's Office that he will cook that he will cooperate fully with the New York City Police Department the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms homeland security investigations and other law enforcement agencies you want me to keep going yeah keep got now he shall attend all meetings of the office that he shall provides the office upon request any document that shall truthfully testified before the grand jury or at any trial that he shall bring the offices attention all crimes which he has committed and that he shall commit no further crimes okay and just and read the next paragraph and that'll be it if the defendant does this the office and this is detailed on page four on pages 4 and 5 of the agreement agrees not to prosecute the defendant for the crime set forth in courts and counts one to nine of superseding information as well as additional crimes that the defendant has told the government about did any of your guys ever do this yeah to two of my guys agree to cooperate on me and they told on you and everybody else well I I didn't go to trial you pleaded I pleaded out yeah well you plead it to life no different case no if you plead if out a pair out to live out still be gone right yeah but I had two guys to my neighbors to two guys that grew up with us they are they definitely told them okay and you've said that in the in the drug game this is just part of it yeah as part of their life if you if selling drugs and you don't know that they're gonna tell on you didn't you foolin yourself yeah well you had a situation recently yeah what happened exactly uh I was sitting in a hotel room I mean in a hotel parking lot in my car and the cops pulled in with their lights out they walked up to my car and asked me that I have idea I had my ID xmin was on parole or probation I told him no my son was with me who it's just gotten out not long ago the other cop asking was him parole he said yeah the cop told the other one this is on parole so the cop say oh you lied to me get out the car so they drugged my son out the car threw him in the back of the police car he asked me to get out I got out he said sit on the ground I told you I'm not sitting on the ground he said when you're going to say oh I said okay take me to jail and he start to handcuff me and I shook my hands around like you know I don't want to be handcuffed in a little struggle person they took me to the ground and handcuffed me and took me to jail for what exactly obstructing an investigation okay and what happened that case I'll go to court next month what's the worst case that will happen with something like this they're gonna throw it out they're gonna throw it out can you say what your son I'd gotten out for robbery okay did any of you how many kids you have seven eight seven or eight yeah okay did any did any of your kids follow your footsteps in terms of drug dealing yeah I had a couple kids who tried to sell cocaine what happened with that they didn't it didn't work out for him they went to prison no I didn't go to prison for it but they got out of the cocaine business okay they didn't last long any violence involved in those situations and he won't get shot or anything else like that mmm not behind that I don't think okay we've had kids that have been shot yeah I had a son that got killed really mm-hmm what was the situation about he broke his friends jaw in a fight your friend came back and killed you oh well I'm sorry how old was he nineteen oh man you know have you done your best to deter your kids from all the mistakes that you made along the way or are they just gonna do they're gonna try to you know we try we do the best we can or what we got yeah but you know who knows it who has the perfect formula when it comes to kids nobody mm-hmm there's matter how many phd's you have or everybody's gonna you know do what they want to do at any given time yeah I'm sorry for your lost my 19 years old that's that's horrific yeah well Freeway Ricky ma'am always always love when we sit down and talk likewise we'll come back yeah I don't have much time today you know we running as always as always I'll be back with we're talking in absolutely absolutely ran in a few months let's get up again and come back and we're posting we together let's do it peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 734,753
Rating: 4.7252502 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Freeway Rick
Id: xKLMhyFqV_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 10sec (6850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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