Crazy Woman Goes To Nigeria To Find Man 20 Years Younger than Her- Michael & Angela (90 Day Fiance)

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this is going to be a deep dive of biblical proportions Angela and Michael are the two people from 90day fiance I never knew I needed and by needed I hate them I don't hate them but their relationship perpetuates The Stereotype that American people are obnoxious and even to a degree The Stereotype that Nigerians are scammers I don't know what to say I don't know how 90-day fiance managed to pair these two people up but I will tell you one thing it is is destructive and we are going to take a look at the whole series starting from now I will be doing this in Parts because I don't think either of us genuinely could stand the whole thing but each one is a deep dive on a separate segment she visits Nigeria a lot let me just say that and by the way every time Angela makes a weird sound I'm going to take a hit of this Vape I I don't know why I just I thought of the idea she makes a lot of weird sounds it's crazy all right uh by the way if you haven't subscribe to the you know F you or do it or both I don't know if you don't know what I'm talking about Michael and Angelo are from the series 90-day fiance I recently discovered them even though I knew about her mostly from information I didn't actually choose to receive because of lots of the reunions of 90day fiance eventually I got around to seeing how the couple acts when Michael from 0day fiance came over to America and then disappeared only to be found again because he was trying to get away from his wife lo and behold the comments were very negative towards Angela and I said I have to take a look so here it is their Journey I'm Angela I'm from Hazel Hurst Georgia I'm 52 but I tell everybody I'm 50 you should tell everybody you're 70 girl I never seen a 52y old look that old before man what the what are they feeding people in Hazel Town Georgia wherever she's from when she said she was 50 the first time I genuinely like my jaw dropped because Big Ed is like I'm 60 and for to all credit besides the fact that he doesn't have a neck he looks pretty good for his age she looks like she's mummified or something I never seen a 50-year-old look like 150 before that's crazy I've been married one time we was married yeah she's got an evil laugh I got to say it's a very evil laugh mind you uh the evil laugh three years it was my first love but it was a bad experience it was very difficult to trust for him or for you is this Man still alive I'm surprised she was married she also has kids and also a mother who I don't want to spoil it cuz it's not in this episode but when you see the mother you will think of a certain SpongeBob character and it's not the main character I'm just saying so I I just never want to marry again after him ever ever all right within 10 seconds we got the the fact that she's 50 she looks like she's 300 she laughs like a demonic person and she's been married and says she never wants to do it again on a show called 90-day fiance let's see how this goes but then everything change when Michael come along well I go [ __ ] myself there you go 23 seconds within 20 seconds she never want to get married again bad experience 3 seconds later she meets a Nigerian and he's the one getting scammed wow one day a message popped up on Facebook from a guy named Michael he said you look pretty today good morning I think we could all aspire to have the confidence of Michael to not know anyone and be like hello you look pretty today good morning he didn't say good morning he started off with a compliment you know normally if you see a person from Nigeria saying these words I hate to be a stereotypical person but I've seen enough of scam fish before you'd probably block this or not reply but Angela somehow she was is like this guy looks like the man of my dreams I'm going to reply lesson number one if someone befriends you on Facebook and then tries to date you just say no because even if you do fall in love the story of you guys meeting on Facebook is enough to make everyone cry at the wedding and not out of Joy he's from Nigeria and he's 30 years old well I mean he's he's intense looking also he's got half a short on I I mean yeah I guess he's a handsome dude 30 years old and she's 560 something something or in human years 52 that's already a 22e age Gap it's not as big as Jenny and submits but it's 20s something years what is it with American people and trying to find people like 20 30 years your Junior who do you think that you're pulling are you pulling someone's leg what is this all right so she wanted a Christian man which would conflict with everything she does after meeting this person that was the most shocking thing that I've ever heard her say she wanted a good Christian man and proceeded to do devilish things to and with and against him I don't even know what to say man if this is what Christian I mean she's praying she's praying so the producer then asks her what do you think Africa is like she probably plays the song Africa and her head and then he like o this is the anole in my mind like I'm going to be the only white she just makes a sound effect that's what do you think Africa is like woo all right when you ask someone what a continent is like and they don't know so they just make a sound like that's what Africa feels like you know that's Africa what what happened what's Africa what do you think Africa is like in my mind like I'm going to be the only white person over there so you know how do you you wish you were the only person in Africa that was white are you kidding me what the hell maybe in Nigeria to be honest I mean I think she just figured Nigeria must be the whole continent but yeah okay not in South Africa you know that's Africa there it is there it is there it is my sex Nigerian my sex Nigerian within 2 months and she loves she double tapped the phone so hard that she broke it she liked one of the posts so hard the phone is broken my sex Nigerian not my sexy not my husband not my love not Michael magical Michael my sex Nigerian a 7 million year old woman a fossil is saying my sex Nigerian I'm done I'm done I'm at the game baby I'm I'm I'm as sensual right now [Music] that's I get jealous of Michael like when he adds women on his page [ __ ] ah you didn't even meet him yet you're going to Nigeria and you're jealous of him Michael his profile picture is him what looks he looks like he's in a couch with a seat belt on Michael is adding people on Facebook uh because it's very conceivable Michael is looking at the eye candy out in the streets okay I would say if you're from Nigeria or like from some place in Africa internet is not widely accessible you're looking at all these things on Instagram these baddies probably probably trying to add them probably Michael tried to say hello you're pretty to you that's how he got you it's conceivable he's done that to other people I'm just saying you got to recognize the game girl because I would like to be the young pretty girl for him you know and I'm not I'm older might be somewh who can't get the phone that is the only time in the whole series when he doesn't pick up that she will react like a human being every other time she will react like a World War II grenade and just explode every single other time I decided when I get to Nigeria I'm going to propose to him there you go 2 months she's jealous she doesn't know her friends think he's scamming her she's going to propose to him what we have here is a pizza full of [ __ ] toppings like it's just a lot of [ __ ] Anything could happen it's like Lotto Goose to him if he says yes we live together in America I'm going to see my man there she sound like a [Music] [Laughter] duck hell I'm was going through Mina good joke there he just got a way to make me feel comfortable that's awesome I think she's being brave and stupid I thought she was the the most southern woman in Georgia her hairdresser is even I think she's stupid I think she shouldn't do it I I'm just someone who makes her hair seem less shitty but I'm just saying know that say Bon voage congratulations M we don't speak all right so there's another scene where they get her a leing cake and it says bon voyage and you think Angela might be you know the Apex of not smart but then you meet her daughter and she reads Bon voage as is bonjour the South gets a bad rep but like sometimes when you see it in action you can't defend it man that's his flag that's his color yeah that's bonjour no bonjour no English what is he a Frenchman no he's Nigerian it says bonvoyage it means I'm leaving goodbye so who's speaking that him or you no it's just common saying common ariva dery is that a pizza topping all right okay Nigeria it's like it's Africa flag as Africa no Nigeria you told me earlier was this girl just said that's Africa that's a cake you [ __ ] that's not that's neither that's what Africa looks like I can get that in my bakery no it's just a cake but yes Africa is part of n Nigeria is part of Africa but yeah all right cool it is Africa but this is a like there's different states here I don't know how it goes but Nigeria is where I'm going countries countries lots of countries make up a continent or at least a few in your case I guess North America is mind blowing he he explained you know you baby this is Africa you know this is not the United States I believe him I trust him that it's Africa I would hope so he's he's [ __ ] from it I don't what what are we doing here what are you leaving to Nigeria or not I need to see this Nigerian trip so this trip it's going to tell all baby hey honey how you doing unfortunately one day before she's supposed to leave Angela gets some bad news she didn't actually get her passport renewed and when she did her passport didn't come the day she was supposed to leave and she is not feeling good cuz she cannot see the man of her dreams that day um um Michael I don't think I'm coming well what's going on oh sorry I put that Eggman thing there because I saw her body I don't mean to not even trying to body sh this is like impressive that her body looks like an actual but also like I don't know how our how our legs do it but between her and Big Ed if they fused together it would be one impressive looking human being I'm could they just have kids for the sake of it I would love to see the shape that the kids like have you ever seen a bowling pin human being kind of would be them what's going on is they still um the package Still's not here oh please please try uh look do did you really say try and look it up I'm not you know what I'm not even mad I'm not even mad at Angela if someone told me some asinine [ __ ] like try and look it up it's like it's my passort how how would I not know where it is try and look it up this is when you're trying to be a supportive boyfriend and you have nothing to say cuz a go says something there is no way for you to help and you try and offer a logical solution when they want some emotional support I learned the hard way you can't do that sometimes you just have to be like M I am so sorry that's about it hey Michael will learn I'm speechless cuz I I I'm trying to just figure that why is this going on I want to get over there to my Michael I've been waiting a year and and I've worked hard and it's costing me a lot of money and worked hard at what relationship the passport pants that are way too short what are you what you know what for all the Angela is bad when you look at her now if you're just looking at how she is you might think to yourself this is just an opportunistic lady she's just out for love like everyone else and I was thinking the same thing and at this point I was with everyone else it's only when she gets there that I start seeing the true colors on unfold what what's going to happen now what what do you intend to do now I'm tired of talking about it I got to think I already been upset this morning it just overwhelming me I'm upset so Angela ends up crying and she's really sad everybody's sad and I think Michael is happy cuz he has one more day of freedom but the next day Angela is back on track because she receives her passport and she can finally go to Nigeria to meet her man last night got to knock at the door and look what like that I like how she pulled it out like a yellow card and [ __ ] here's what I got yellow card damn that was she she pulled that [ __ ] out like a Yu-Gi-Oh card play my Ultimate Card Yu-Gi-Oh that's not a card that's the name of the series just being an American she made a sound she made I didn't that wasn't a sound effect she made a chicken sound I going to smoked this whole Vape by the time finally knew how to use Vapes that's good that's a concern because I don't know the laws I don't know the rules and I'm coming over there to propose to one of your natives you know there's a rule of thumb that Americans uh seem to not know or not care about um most countries are like other countries there are definitely changes but the basic rules apply don't kill people don't act like an idiot be civil if you follow those three core principles everything else should be fine people make it seem like you're going to another country like she don't speak American yeah it's a Nigeria but if you don't kill someone you probably won't have any problems oh love SC strange she sounded like velcro she did that what number are we up to it's amazing how one woman can make so many sounds she sounds like uh Michael J Winslow it's the guy from Police Academy look it up here guys nothing oh my God she's vlogging she vlogged at the end of a flight bro she's iconic she's like Shan dawon that's iconic bro she waited I looked at the thing as well everyone's off the plane so she sat there waited for everyone to get off you know how the hostesses are like okay goodbye goodbye get the [ __ ] off she's like okay and then she takes her phone out and starts vlogging do you know how awkward it would be having all the co-pilots and everybody be like once she leaves the plane I can I can make the flight back until then we're just going to have to wait oh who is Michael and why am I doing this my name is Michael I'm 30 years old so with that being out the way Angela arrives in Nigeria and Michael is introduced to 90day fiance and Michael for all intents and purposes is a pretty good dude he's not perfect I don't think anyone is and he does make mistakes but he seems to Love Angela for reasons like the pyramids unknown my Dre job is to be a businessman in the United States this is where I live with my mom and my siblings his siblings are over there and his dream job is to be a businessman in the in America and you know I'll tell you what I grew up in Africa too I loved America so much when I was growing up everything I saw looked so cool coming out of America I can completely understand like a lot of people from Africa have like this fixation with America cuz they look so cool compared to what like we grew up with simply oh see see my mentor my business Mentor that was not on my uh 2024 bingo card I I saw the house it was a very humble abode I did not expect the picture of Donald Trump to be there I thought it was some religious figure maybe it is but is Donald [ __ ] J Trump I that is I I just never thought that was okay all right don don Trump I look up to him all right well that yeah why the hell not that's all right then very good just I didn't expect that Angela she's loving protective in Africa in Nigeria we respect our elders ooh that's emotional damage Michael is preparing to meet Angelo he's cleaning his car on the outside and inside and he also says that he respects Elders referring to her so let's hope she doesn't see this or Michael will end up in a ditch somewhere so I think of Angela as my oh oh he doubled down on that [ __ ] all right then well there's no way you're getting out of this one buddy oh [ __ ] that's like telling your wife you see her as your older sister or something that's just gangster to say to someone that you're banging you're like a granny to me a sexy one was face 20 years 20 come on Mike that's too much Mike that's that's that's too much man I really like Michael's friends I think they're all hilarious I think they do have his best interest in mind they might be holding him back just a tad bit but like in general they they Let Her Fly I've never seen such thing in my life does she have kids yeah she has two daughters and grandaughter grand kids oh yeah [ __ ] you know what I think the grand I think her child might be like just slightly younger than Michael at this point can you imagine that like your dad being your stepdad being your age oh that's got a mess with a kid Love is Blind but it's also ugly at times that's as well [Music] yes she's just like your grandma sexy grandma e Grandma can cook but also clean those pipes you know what I mean that wrinkly skin can be used for more than just smiling boy she's not my grandma no no he didn't say she was your grandma that would be incest and very other various degrees of horrible he said she's like your grandma and the fact that your grandma and her could probably Bond over things back in their day you know what happens if you miss her call how does she react oh like Mike where have you been I've been calling you [ __ ] oh Where Have You Been Mike she said that [ __ ] too oh that's crazy Mike that's sounds like a like an evil creature at this point in love with your grandma yep and the friends basically leave by saying he's in love with a grandma which is pretty accurate to be honest with you and that's how that episode ends Angela looks older or less attractive than I thought I will be kind of disappointed o to throw a spanner into the mix Mike for no reason says that if she's unattractive or older then she looks in her pictures he probably won't be attracted to her weird thing to throw in on the the 11th hour but I guess Michael is feeling the he's feeling the Wrath I mean they're going to meet for the first time they don't know how each other looks and Mike's certainly not hiding anything but Angela's photos do look filtered to say the least the next day and the next episode she comes out of that tunnel finally with a shirt that says be your selfie I would say get rid of it but then I'd see her in less than a shirt so wear more Michael Michael Michael they meet and it's really cute and Michael hugs her and as you can see holds her really tightly looks he looks like he's gripping a lot of smos there that's good and she grips his cheeks and smoes that so they're smooshy lovers sto is kind of bigger than I expected that's um write that down someone that is the best way to say you don't look like you do in the pictures your stature looks bigger than expected was your frame parameters have exceeded the limits of what you have proposed very good Michael I love that and she looks older than the pictures but I mean I'm happy now okay really cute Michael said that she looks older a little bit and a little bigger but he's still he loves her and he said he's really ecstatic and that's that's very cute the way the American women behave it's quite different from yeah in the Nigeria okay all right I have a problem with that cuz Angela cannot possibly represent All American women I'm going to have to take a stand for American woman if all American women are like that nobody would date American woman so I don't know if she stands for all of them but she is loud and very very touchy uh it's kind of amazing her libido is Michael is as much of a sexual athlete as he is a husband at this point there a what baby what are they called hookers hookers hook H been with Angela for the first time God damn do they look like hookers they're selling things on the street and I'm dumb in their ass they literally have things in their hands brother you thought they're a hooker all right all right Angelo this is the kind this is the kind of like uh stuff that you see in movies and you don't expect it to be in real life like you're like oh in my country the hookers only come out at night not midday oh we'll take A Couple come on hookers get in the car we need to see how much we can get really Angela you thought they just hook her all right I mean maybe I don't know she has so much energy like man like a man all right two things you probably don't want to call your wife your Elder who you respect like an elder and also a man I don't know if your wife would be happy with that she's got more energy than a man it's like a man grabbing my dick she's like a real man she grabs it with the meat of her Palms she grabs my meat with her meat you know what I mean I got some surprises for you oh really yeah do you know what this stands for Angela has like a shirt with like a rip back I'm still trying to figure out if it was a normal shirt when she got it or it was like that not am I I want you to am I coling yep wow let's see oh Michael you look good in it no that's what I imagined when I see make America great again a Nigerian man that's fantastic actually best use of the Hat I've ever seen I think great Donald Trump is my business um uh business partner okay this isz from what' you say Donald Trump is his business Mentor all right Christopher Nolan is my accountant oh I love that one you Michael Donald Trump make America great yeah I remember when Donald Trump said make America great again and he threw up the juices make America great again homie make America great again bro he threw up some gang sign West Side then she proceeds to kill her husband by laying on him that's that's great Angela is quite a uh sensual creature she often grabs at this man shows him sex toys talks about her daughter in depth uh about their sex life she's very open to the point that you want to throw your ears in a ditch woo last night with Michael was uh it was awesome all right let's [Laughter] go you know I don't know maybe maybe if I get to that age I'm like 50 something if if I landed a 30 something year old maybe maybe I'd be feeling that too I don't know I'm I'm not in her shoes so all power to her I can't smoke this you want me to put foundation on or you want me to just do my eyes just do it make it I mean look more sweet more more younger it's a makeup Michael not magic she's meeting the mom and you know what the mom in the series is the sweetest she's so nice so accepting of Angela you probably wouldn't find that uh two times out of three honestly like I just I already assume like with every other culture especially in eastern cultures or stuff that's not in the west you see like Indian parents and stuff being like if you're older then that's already a no no if you're a different culture that's a no no there are so many boundaries and stuff it is kind of refreshing to see a mom who's like hey my son's happy this girl's happy I'm happy mama so the one thing that Angela does not like about Nigeria is the food because she's probably used to eating hot dogs and burgers and Nigeria doesn't serve that so when the mom cooks a traditional dish for Angela [ __ ] you can see on her face that she's like thank you yeah specially for you for me for me God damn that looks like something my that that don't look Fri that looks like Carnival food that came back out that's where's the hot dogs at huh I don't know about this Michael it looks good me she says new s hey Angelo in in France es cargo is a delicacy so you're eating the finest [ __ ] right there okay a snail may be a garden creature to you but in France that [ __ ] is beautiful no that's more disgusting you might as well have spit it out honestly so Angela eats the food she decides this is disgusting and she she tells Michael to kiss her so they can swap the food and it looks so disgusting to see this woman in front by the way of the mom who she met for the first time is now not just making out with the Sun but is literally exchanging lips and food with her son in front of her the mom's not stupid by the way just because she's not an English-speaking person it doesn't doesn't mean she can't see that you're trying to put food in someone's mouth in front of them Angela com disgusting we grew up together really you all the same age or older no but be older you be older than me but you know what I'm older than all combined if you add all their ages up you'll still only get like a number that's three or four digits she pre-exists dinosaurs and stuff she's she old so did just doesn't number baby come on yeah do we look okay sure Angela meets uh Michael's friends and the best part of that whole interaction is when she's like do I look okay and the dude to the left is like sure yeah all right sure yeah if you sure why not that is such a fun can you imagine if like you needed that reassurance from someone so badly like the doctor am I going to be okay and he's like sure all right I mean if you if you think so bro that's pretty much sums up what Michael's friends think of Angela at this point anyway Angela is known for being a smoking pack unlike me who's a vapor and is very different this is good for you she cannot stop smoking and Michael doesn't like someone smoking so one of their first fights ironically is about smoking I didn't think it would be about something so trivial oh no no I don't like wait wait let me explain please I need a cigarette now I'm then I know you don't like it I know you want me to stop it's not like I need to stop yeah I'm trying let me get this pack damn I mean look I'm cigarettes are horrible uh sorry no offense but like heroin's worse right so like on one hand I'm like H at least Angela's not like let me just get one just one uh just let me get one more vein I'll be fine like she's saying it to cigarettes but at the same time it's literally just Venom in your lungs at this point so I don't know this girl is already old myel wants her to stop smoking in case more things happen uh we later find out that the mom has had cancer multiple times this just seems like a slap in the tits doesn't it how much are they I got it baby that goes good I I'm going to smoke a cigarette after I buy them now I don't smoke at all it's not good for the body no it's not good for the heals it's not good for the healths that's what your doctor said it's not good for the heals don't do it and I don't want to be with someone who smokes can I have one B please baby it's okay wait you know damn well if Michael wasn't around she'd get the whole carton she wouldn't get a pack she's doing this just because he's there don't even lie to yourself Angel's like oh my God this is how much they cost in Nigeria give me a give me three bucks give me a suitcase full actually just how much it 10 bucks yeah give me two baby let me be the man okay you just have to quit it no Michael for real okay that's hey what what happened you depressed just quit it let me be the man just stop stop you'll be fine that's that's some that's some third world type advice because you know in the first world you can like actually have like oh this is how I feel third world is like stop just just stop hunger is a problem here stop it's like okay once you put it into perspective Michael's just like yeah that's that's dank don't do that I'm going to smoke now Michael I'm I'm trying to be calm honey they're very beautiful Michael I just I'm I'm big I just got to say when I look at Angela from the earliest episodes it is like watching the process of a a caterpillar turn into a butterfly except the butterfly is like evil and demonic and horrible cuz at the start it's just like a a is this caterpillar just sort of cute and at the end she goes into the Cocoon and when she comes out she's like a demon spawn I don't know what happened cuz like looking at her now you'd still be like oh okay this is just like a sweet sudden lady three episodes later you're like holy [ __ ] she's like a hurricane no no no I'm just saying I'm American and you knew that when I come here right just look at the the queen it's beautiful explain I don't know what she's talking about these are some beautiful dresses I mean look pretty good I thought she wanted to experience the culture but it turns out Angela is sort of more of a I'm American I want to transport you to land of the free whether you like it or not you're coming with me but not in that way but like but kind of and so it's kind of more like that she's just comeing here to survey Michael more than the country cuz she's like oh Nigeria is cool the food's the clothes Michael come on so she's trying to bring her husband back home all of the stuff is not something that she's willing to try or experience unlike Jenny from 90-day fiance who seems to you know at least I guess she's living in India she likes it and it's not her material but I'm self-conscious about my wage okay you don't don't bring out the dress you can maybe bring it out but don't want I like how she let him say a whole line before before she he starts a Nigerian sister she's like all right okay I speak English I think the I think the hand on the shoulder did it for me that was one of the funniest shits I've ever seen because she's fat not fat I'm fat Michael really okay I don't I don't even understand bro I mean you're from a third world country I'm pretty sure everyone there knows the word fat you don't use it for woman you use it for like like to compliment uh your [ __ ] I took a fat [ __ ] that's like oh okay well good for you um I got a fat ass it's not bad if you use the pH there um this a fat dick bro it's all fine this a fat pig looking woman not good to say to a normal girl let alone someone who you plan on marry that's you're you're tethering on the bounds of oh my God you're sleeping on the couch that you don't have and then you know I got a little weight up here and here and I mean it was very um embarrassing to me and insulting you said it yeah yeah no no I'm I'm with her I can see that I don't want my partner saying you fat cow you she she's going to need to to stitch together make it into a puncho all right I don't I don't want that I get it she didn't come here to be insulted that's what you do on WWE Raw that's that's not right here in Nigeria well the rock says if you are the game then quite frankly you need to go back to the drawing board because your game absolutely sucks we're having problems still about the cigarettes and today Michael said that I'm fat and it was kind of a shock to me cuz I didn't expect that I don't know nothing about your culture nothing so Michael and Angela are having marital problems or premarital problems already within the first few months of meeting and within the first few day days of being around she doesn't seem to respect his culture as much as he'd like uh she's not quitting smoking and he seems to have a problem with the things he says granted English is not his first language but I would still say calling someone fat in any language you'd probably understand isn't going to go down well is that better sure yeah two those two time well when you get my age you'll realize time flies quickly so then Michael um proceeds to do her hair he's trying to make up for him you know calling her a fat whale like creature she's then pinned up against the wall this this is how you do hair apparently and and he's trying to make good on the situation cuz it's a new day it's a new opportunity to create more beef with your spouse be with me back to the age thing aren't we what I said I'm back to the age thing it bothers me more than it bothers you see it bothers me too but then why did you damn it oh [ __ ] Michael I was joking man I said it's a new day I didn't say like in two minutes you're going to stop beef again she's like against the wall he's doing her hair like a horse you know he's pulling back he hey you know did it felt bad to you and she's like yeah you know it bothers me when you talk about the weight and then instead of saying I'm sorry he said yeah it bothers me too so now we're on to fight too this is like doubling down like you call someone fat you're like sorry I didn't mean to call you fat I meant to call you obese and huge I the words just slipped out of my mouth I was being too nice I'm already at my wits in with Michael when your friend showing up I a lot of questions for him hey Mike okay so tonight they're going out to dine and Angela is not known for eating the food in Nigeria but she proceeds to keep going out they also meet up with the friends again but Angela is starting to get sort of a bad rep with the friends and the friends don't seem to be understanding why Michael is dating her so there's a bit of a disconnect and hopefully everyone can sort it out unless something happens so how many girlfriends do Michael what the [ __ ] kind of question is that bro why this is such an self- gaslighting human being when you hear things like I'm jealous every time I see Michael with another woman on Facebook and then as soon as you meet his friends you're like how many girlfriends is Michael had huh does he still have girlfriends huh I got to know I'm a jealous person that's really not that's so bad for yourself and for the relationship you got to either fix that problem or don't ask those questions you can't do both that's crazy also what a first thing to ask imagine like you know trying to make a good impression how much [ __ ] does Michael get huh if the answer is above zero I will kill him I looked into Michael's social media pages I found out that Michael had hundreds of beautiful young women he was following on Facebook oh my God he follows young women on F oh [ __ ] oh man wait till you find out about Instagram that that that's a p that promotes these women he'd have to really go looking on Facebook he might even know a couple of these women African they like to be in charge you know that ain't happening damn all right well there we go and you know what for the record I don't even think that's 100% true I think [ __ ] Michael and Angela walk on the basis that she is a domineering sort of woman and he doesn't mind sitting back a little bit cuz if he did mind they'd Clash way more than they do I think he's just too chill to tell her when she's overdoing it and she doesn't know when to actually nurture him instead of just go commando and and start saying some dang [ __ ] so I think like in a sense it works but on the other end like yeah I would I would say that it's not bad in theory just seeing it practically is one of the worst things I've seen serly I'm I'm a concern about your your life what is it about Angela so this dude's concerned about his whole life Micha has been making apparently such bad life choices that the man in the American t- Captain America over here is genuinely concerned about every life choice he's ever made that's a real good friend right there he's not concerned about how you are right now he's concerned about the way your life is shaping out to be what a what a good guy I believe I believe uh Angela is going to I mean she she's going to provide I mean take care of me so a little a little beef might be started but uh Angela doesn't seem to get the answers she wants out of Michael's friends and Michael's friends don't seem to understand why Michael likes Angela and neither sides sort of gives an inch and that will come into play later but for now A New Day Has happened a good day hopefully put it on put it on I really don't care no more okay well that's we're in the dispute of a car right now and she doesn't want to put on makeup Michael hasn't been great in these situations in the past I don't I don't know what I'm I mean like cuz it sweats off it's nasty so I look better with makeup is what you're trying to say how do you how do you Gaslight a person whose second language is English how do you say things like so I look better with makeup is what if he says no are you supposed to feel happy if he says yes are you supposed to feel happy I don't cuz if he says no and you've been putting on makeup now it seems like he's calling you ugly and if he says yes then it's like he's calling you naturally ugly that's a lose lose situation for dude whose second language is English it probably not even his second language I don't know but that is that's just tough Michael is put in some tough positions right now man Michael stop wiggling stop wiggling it Mikey climbing up this thing we've been battling our relationship to get to each other yeah and sorry about that uh I was looking at the bugy Angel um uh she was climbing that bridge and I was like holy [ __ ] man does it have weight littleit I just couldn't figure it out but anyway Angela goes to some park with Michael they go see the monkeys and the other animals and they walk up the bridges and Angela uses this time to talk about how walking up the bridge is an analogy for the relationship with ups and downs I think it's just our communication I understand your point you know but what I need you to work on is your snapping you know you snap in love oh my God she always puts a third person into these situations whenever she decides to have these really awkward situations she makes sure that she's not in her house like regular people she'll go out to a place where there's another third person whose business is completely not involved with this and then starts the [ __ ] this dude is like I'm taking you to see the monkey and then like 3 minutes later he's like holy [ __ ] I should have called in sick come on man this poor soul all he wanted to do is show you how good nature is now he's like look at this [ __ ] nature right here sucks these two people it's when I say something to you over and over and I ask you not to do it and you still can that means you didn't hear me so then I have to express it like that you make me snap oh okay you make me snap is not a green flag for a relationship you know that that already tells me there's some communication issues especially since he communicated to her that he didn't want her to snap and instead of saying okay I can I can see where you're coming from she was like you make me snap you [ __ ] idiot I'm I'm running across this bridge Michael I'm leaving you behind I'm cutting the ropes you're going to stay here so you have to work on why do I do that being in past relationships where I might as well hold a match on to this gas this [ __ ] top tier gaslighting that you make me do this so you'll have to fix that so I don't snap great work way to do some self-work on yourself in instead of actually figuring out the problem within yourself you blame it on someone else and then never figure out that you're the issue so you'll keep running through people until you finally realize everyone else is scared of you cuz you can't fix your own issues good work Angelo I couldn't trust my partner has put the vulnerability in me also something that if you carry with you you'll never be able to go on if you have weight behind you when you're trying to move on to the Future it's not going to work it's just not going to walk if you can't forgive someone for the past you won't have a future with them this is like what they teach you at day one in Psychology school which I didn't go to just by the way I just looked at the class from like behind it I thought it was really good I learned so much that day so I definitely have a aggressive defense mechanism but there's a way to handle me and Michael better learn how about you learning for Michael how about maybe instead of him learning you like you're a [ __ ] instruction manual you actually put some effort into this relationship so that Michael could also benefit from it besides you sucking him off which which I don't think is a plus honestly just take it easy on me you know you're not a girl I'm hoping to be with Angela God damn what is how do you even win with statements like that imagine if he said you're you're just a girl you're weak it's like you know somehow misogynistic but now she says it to him and it's supposed to be okay you're not a girl oh this is why men don't open up to people this is [ __ ] crazy bro you can already see the toxicity so most make her happy once again I order for Angela so at the end of this whole interaction um Michael basically says I need to make her happy because I he sees like those that uh red white and blue he's his goal seems to be I'm going to get to America so I need to make her happy because she gets to America and I get to go with her so I don't know if he loves her as much as he loves Donald J Trump and the American dream this is a coward C are you shaking I'm not shaking Michael baby okay I'll as the indication that she didn't like snails it wasn't good enough for you Michael he's going to try with other animals until you find one she likes she she likes beef look at her oh I you threw you threw Angela on the deep end you knew it too why do how do you feel Michael Michael no come on do you love me no Michael tries to Goat her into eating by saying do you love me and she's straight off as is like no yeah honestly I feel like sometimes I watch like Americans on like go to other destinations and like their taste palette is so so small that it feels like almost like bro you're missing out on this whole world of food it's like when you hear people be like that's too spicy and it's like the most mild stuff for other people and you're like whoa you you got to expand that palette brother that's crazy yeah she sounds like a drill mhm oh sorry I don't know how to smoke properly since when was there ever buttons you know they used to make smoking easy you just put it in your mouth that don't taste bad so my CS will be in my name I mean you know but you know my age but 633 I think the ways you can do that but Michael that's a lot of money man so I I'm assuming Michael's aware that like after a certain age it becomes very much hard for woman to have kids and I think she's past the age of 50 where it's near impossible I believe so they might have to get surrogacy or some other method that is not as common and that's going to cost a lot of money because it's not as common so that's something that they've had to talk about but apparently they waited till they came to Nigeria and ate coow Hooves to do this I know that that uh artificial sermin that's some money baby seron is when the you do a sermon to the baby and the baby comes out with a Bible and then starts preaching on other people that's seron seron is when you make the baby then after that you seronate him and you better pray it takes you know can you hurry up next so we can go have sex for someone who doesn't want to have babies you sure wants to have someone's babies all over them you know what I [Music] mean Michael Michael's face is like he saw a [ __ ] a demon or look like he watch a scary movie oh Michael's phone to check out the Facebook but instead I run across Instagram and I found out Michael's got a th000 women he's following on Instagram so while Michael was sleeping off to that good good Angela took time being the jealous person she is with the intent to go through his Facebook and instead landed on his Instagram which he didn't know he had and he has been following a thousand girls which I would say is thirsty but look man he's he's a young man he he likes girls I'm sure he goes on that explore page he sees some of the baddest people like oh man this I'm going to follow her it's it's a guy thing I guess he he likes doing it I I don't support it but like hey he's a young boy maybe maybe he just likes the eye candy who knows so Michael I found the the problem is that Angela is you know she's a 50s something year old woman she is about that life where it's like Michael you get home from work you please me for 3 to 4 hours you cook for me you sleep you get up in the morning you make me breakfast and then you go to work again so I don't have to see your face she's about that life Michael is more like the hey man look I see a girl I say mhm good day to you I'm from a place which is Nigeria where we have multiple wives I could see two girls and say you're both beautiful in your own ways I'm more evolved in these these boxes that these old ladies are trying to put me in so we've got a little conflict of interest problem is that and Ang is a how do I say this night she's crazy and jealous so those two things don't go together well let's see how this goes the Instagram account uh-oh uh-oh SpaghettiOs I like how he just looks to the side and he's like [ __ ] I should have hid that better [ __ ] okay what else did you find oh just that okay cool we'll we'll yep that's good my social media is part of me you know and the more people you follow the more uh people will see your post know that's not even close to True uh but hey if it makes you sleep at night that's fine the more people you follow the more people see your posts ideally they're all sexy girls in bikinis and less that hey man Michael you do your thing that's business baby so I follow a lot of random women and she's not happy about it would anybody me though you know hate to play devil's advocate here but if you had like a wife would anybody be happy like oh I see that you're following baddest [ __ ] on earth oh wow also biggest booties M all right mine's not enough is it like I get it I get it I'm old enough now to be like okay that's that's childish I can see where Angela's coming from I just she's also too much so I don't know what to say I don't have anything to do with them I mean I don't talk to them honestly cuz they don't talk to you come on just say the full truth you talk to them how'd you get Angelo you said hello beautiful lady good morning and you slipped up you messaged the wrong person you just rolled with it now you're married I know how it goes if they're not your friends and you don't talk to them why the hell are you following all them freaking women I have no reason no I have no Reas did you ever expect an AO like that I have no not sure I don't know turn to a Cookie Monster hey wait this isn't funny I don't talk like that why you fallowing so many bad [ __ ] I don't know I have literally no reason to do that yet I'm going to keep doing itay please okay are you are you masturbating and you say you don't I'll get you don't I'll get you maybe I mean it's conceivable the man watches a zip bar those you know this I feel like that's a normal thing to do as long as you're not like overdoing it so maybe but on Instagram it seems weirder now that you mention it it's not what that's for so hopefully not I'll get you done I'll get you hold my page okay just for you to to be up you okay I follow I like a lot of dogs and memes and nanan at this point I don't really follow too many I don't like like seeing that stuff cuz it Doesn't appeal to me not that it doesn't but like it's stuff that's just going to distract me when I'm scrolling on my phone so I try and put stuff that matters to me or that I would see and it makes my day a little bit more of an improvement rather than I look at something and see what I'm missing out on so I don't get the fomo cuz I don't really think that that's a good part of living or a good way to live so I just think like as guys like that's probably a healthier way to do it and for me it's worked so if you're a guy watching this like I've tried it I like it you you don't know what you're missing out on cuz you're not looking for it is there any more secrets so anyway these two go to the beach and sit on a train not sure what they're sitting on here looks like some sort of uh yep some ship wreckage can I see your phone baby and uh the only thing you know it's ironic cuz the ship is wrecked and maybe their relationship would be too because she asks Michael to see his phone and she looks at it for 20 seconds and you think that she's looking for the Instagram or the Facebook but she's not when she came to Nigeria she told Michael to put a profile picture of her as the background of his phone and for 20 seconds cons I don't know what the [ __ ] she was looking at but for 20 seconds she was like just staring at the phone trying to find her face in the background and couldn't see it why did it take so long see why did you take so long for that that would it not take like one second to be like see Michael you didn't have back she was like Michael that's like the most like weird reveal that she's talking about there's nothing on your phone Michael I just don't understand why you didn't already do it all these trust issues it's got me thinking about another incident that happened with Michael that so that are really bad like it's so stupid to not have your partner's face on your phone like I don't know maybe you feel some type of way maybe you don't it doesn't really matter I I guess maybe to some it does but Michael didn't put her on the phone probably cuz he didn't want to look like the phone was cracked from the front because of the wrinkles I don't know whatever reason he didn't do it but there is a bigger problem Angela never disclosed this to the audience but she found out Michael had been doing something way worse than not putting a face on a phone I didn't want to ever talk about it again that's two Liv now shall we go to the third one the [ __ ] thing a year ago when Michael and I made it online oh she just said it the [ __ ] I don't even I feel dirty saying that what what happened what this went from my my face is not on your phone to someone been giving you that slabi I don't know say a girl in your neighborhood didn't have no ride didn't have no money and so you gave her a ride and she paid by giving you a job I did the BJ no for you I you did it oh my God what you on who the girl what confess to her that I did it who I think what he means to say is he got it not he did it uh but anyway if that story is true that's a very horrible story not just the fact that you know it happened but like imagine a guy taking advantage of a woman that would be very disgusting that's not what happened but for some reason Michael thought this is the better lie but I made that to understand that apart from that BJ I didn't do anything with anyone okay so he gave one woman a ride he got one BJ he's like look I'm not an Uber driver but tip me in the best way you know know how she was like all right she started slurping that's apparently what happened it was it's just a thing in in our fantasies now fantasy's only is that a thing Michael told me the girl was really aggressive so he really didn't realize what was happening she was aggressive she was like you will take something of mine yeah you gave me a ride but I'm not leaving this ride until I do something for or to you Michael was like I will pay you back whether you [ __ ] like it or not bro and J was too late here's what I think I think you went to a club you drank a beer with your friends you were horny and you was looking for a [ __ ] to you seen one you got a job and you went home that couldn't possibly be the case you're absolutely right never mind I'll go f myself that's a better story because apparently that's the truth and I was actually relieved I'll be honest with you because I didn't want to think of Michael as someone who would be opportunistic enough to say that to a girl like it just seems like uh sort of disgusting but yeah no he's at a club he drank a beer he's a little horny and he found uh someone to he he had a one nighter okay it happens it I don't know if they were in a relationship if they were that's wrong Angela said they were just starting out so it's a gray area I suppose basically Michael said that to hide the fact that he did more than just do the [ __ ] thing he he he did her and that's worse and now that he's telling Angela a person who is jealous and also can't trust any anyone this is where the beginning of the end happens it's that early in their relationship it happens here and it's like a crack in the ice that just keeps so now from now on all you will see is this crack manifesting into bigger problems Michael I told Angela yeah she said like she had like a theory and then he confirmed it and she's like I never thought I was right I was just guessing I was just making that [ __ ] up Michael Michael last name I cannot believe you well goes a Lon bastard you brought me all the way over here and you're damn fake man you oh and you ain't even that oh you know okay so uh at night time Angela is broken like something's wrong with whatever she's saying or the way she's saying it I've never heard more sentences started but not finished before Michael is sad but he confessed the truth and they're going to have to move on it's going to be a tough time because these two have met for the first time they're sleeping in the same bed but they don't know what to do because some real [ __ ] has come out didn't you just you the wrong American didn't you I'm going home tonight y'all I just can't stand his ass I can't stand him I open that door and I'm get my all right so Angela is going home she said this is not something I want to deal with Angela's trust issues have come out she doesn't want to be part of the situation anymore so she's calling it quits she's calling her today and she's going back to America and this relationship didn't work out it's really sad but but at least they called it quits while you know things are in that stage and didn't keep going with it matter of fact I a going in there cuz I don't trust you lie throw my door come on get your oh okay everyone's calling it [ __ ] now you take my [ __ ] out the door all right get your [ __ ] well thank you put my [ __ ] in a uh a bag that is important [ __ ] thank you very much also why are you wearing pants that look like a green screen tell me that when you have time okay I don't want around me I don't want to see him I don't want to talk to him I'm just at my point I'm done take off my what do you think she said there take off my what could it have been take off my pants like what did they sensor I don't want now you know what you will not you will not I repeat you will not odd time to make a phone call I got to say in the middle of a fight hello yes I have time H is that the rate oh yes I'd like to change my phone plan yeah right yes I have time no no that's the TV yes my damn present at [ __ ] you better get out my Georgia ass face the calling your calling your 2B husband a [ __ ] is just I I don't even I the realm of like funniness to me for calling like a husband like [ __ ] not even like she she says to like a southern person which is just makes it funnier [ __ ] just like so insulting to me you [ __ ] get out of my way [ __ ] it's kind of like not not what you expect your wife to call you what what's your pet name [ __ ] I call him [ __ ] baby back [ __ ] she then starts manhandling him which is going to be a common theme in this and I've said it in every series I think that it needs to like 90day fiance TLC need to make sure that this is never a thing and never shown on TV and made to seem like it's okay you don't put hands on a person whether you're a guy girl and it doesn't matter what gender you what you choose to identify as it doesn't matter people shouldn't put hands on other people because we're civil we're not sages okay so that's that's done she's literally she's using Hulk Hogan wrestling moves she started doing the elbow she's like pushing him I was afraid that she was going to put him tuck him between her elbow and like DDT him onto the floor or something that very very scared I'm going be why you do you're in trouble so as soon as the sun comes up in the morning my ass is going home all right so once the sun comes up her ass is going home that's what the last thing that happened she did a little fight with him uh little DDT little WWE once the sun comes up my ass is home that's when the plane leaves once the sun comes up that's we're identifying time like that now and she's she put him on the couch she doesn't want this to happen again he's a liar he's a cheat whatever she's gone I'm really glad that she's stood up for herself Des despite how she did it but at least this relationship can be like severed before it gets worse and that's the important part making sure that a relationship that is probably not going to work out ends because CU if you keep that going it's like beating a dead horse and you wouldn't want that so I'm really proud of Angelo Michael don't touch me no go I don't have many days left here and I Nera bab please you don't have any days left you said once the sun came up your your [ __ ] was on the plane back what what am I I was proud I'm proud of you still cuz you're leaving today you know I said that I was leaving I'm not it's t What in the God Church are you talking about you said once the sun came up your [ __ ] and all of its belongings were gone back on that plane to George you called him a [ __ ] you did WWE moves to him you made him sleep on the couch now you're not leaving oh my God it's too much money to change it at the end of the day I paid for this trip I worked hard for it I'm I'm going to ride it out I'm staying for me the Spark's going now oh okay well at least every All Things Considered she she tells Michael the spark is gone and there is no more relationship maybe they can hober a friendship and hopefully they can be good friends in the future but the relationship is gone and she communicated that really well so hopefully there won't be another like there won't be any of these mishaps even though she's staying maybe they could just create some boundaries and be friends and it's sad but it's much better than um beating that dead horse so I'm devastated and mad at myself because I want to spend my life with her in America I like how every time he ever talks about her he mentions America just you know just so that his mind always is focused on the goal I want to stay with her because she is my ticket to America fighting I'm worried my neighb hand and it's kind of stressful kind of stressful oh my gosh it's been like a few days and it's already stressful Angela lets Michael take her around even though they're just friends now and she's sleeping in the car I know she looks like she's needs to be in a coffin but she's just he then hits her with her own bag which is just that's that's dirty I'm going have a black eye I don't even know what to say there that's just oh you sleeping I'm sorry I'm sorry and she like I'm going to have a black eye Michael you hit me with that heavy bag what's in there your makeup a damn blood guy what blood guy you just hit me across my nose Michael doesn't even understand he's like black eyy what black eyye a black eye Michael I'm going to have a black eye now that I've calmed down I want to hear what he has to say I'm here you know I still love him no matter what he's done so damn way to beat that dead horse aie just get let's get back on that dead horse and pull it to the Finish Line I don't want to give up on him if he go teams out you know I'll make it up to you know if Angela tells me she's going to end the relationship I'll be stuck in Nigeria yes exactly right we get one more shot of Michael being like holy [ __ ] If this relationship ends I'm going to be stuck here with all these non-trump people look at this guy this guy doesn't even know Donald Trump this Nigerian man starts turning into one of the Americans before we even know it but I'm done fighting with Michael it's just time for us to talk being like a like a partner to me be like a mother you know oh my God Michael what the [ __ ] man Michael's fifth language should be English he should just learn some other languages so she gets she's like less hard on him cuz if he could speak French and like other things then at least they' be like oh okay this guy really doesn't know what he's saying the fact that he called her fat elderly and a mother is like anything but a wife is what he's calling her at this point I don't want to use it I love you so much Angela no more lies I promise you no more lies okay so the problem was this dude keeps lying that was the real issue and so now that he's done lying this relationship is let's revive that horse guys this relationship is is is going It's Going the Distance this horse is going to get there let's see if you can fix this thank you so much I mean that's really I mean that gives me joy within me I go see now I hate fighting like this I I've been in situations like this and it is oh it just gives me a little PTSD when when someone has all the power and then you give them that power or they take that power and then they say I'll give you a chance and you like so happy that you even say things like I thank you so much for giving me one like it's a job interview or something his relationship shouldn't be like that it should be like I'm sorry that I did this and that's probably why you did this I'm sorry okay you're sorry too let's fix this cuz I care about you it's not like I'm giving you one more chance if you [ __ ] this up I'm going to put you out on the street where you belong Michael that's like more of a power Dynamic that you don't want in a relationship so already I don't I see some red flags here but the horse has been revive so we're going to walk to the Finish Line they so for me oh all right well that's how you fix any issue sorry for [ __ ] someone a lemon cake for you I'm sorry I am so sorry I went to the club I had a good time lemon cake just lemon cake man it solves issues can I eat it now sure it's yours so she eats the cake and guess the same day they go for a walk she makes a haw s she is so good at sound effects I can't believe it I just choke you for doing this I'm Taking Angela to that's the first flight of stairs and she's like just dying how you going to make it bro made up your mind yet about you marrying me no so Angela had come with the express purpose to propose to Michael and then with the fights and everything that's happened she doesn't know Michael even also are you going to marry me which is I don't know why that's so funny like are you going to propose to me or it's just a funny thing to like ask someone else and not do it yourself but yeah so Angela says I don't know and they're in a restaurant the next day and Angela is like here I'm going to propose you but she does it in the most American way the most patriotic way possible he takes a flag of America out from her boobs that's how that's how old people should propose that's the American flag Michael it means you're going to America that's how you do it I put a ring in an American flag I put the flag in my cleavage I took that [ __ ] out that's everything you like there in my chest ring flag titties and then Michael gets the happiest he's ever been in the series meeting her he was like medium happy this is like 10 so he's he hasn't been this happy ever you can see see the actual Joy on his face at furthest now we are engaged us I'm coming yeah that's the guy wants to see you Donald Trump is he's he's going to meet you bro so yeah hey man Michael got his proposal he got the thing that he wanted Angie also got a husband even though they seem to have some issues that need fixing and probably should fix those issues before they commit to a lifetime of marriage which I never understood why people still have problem s are like yeah let's get married and and don't try and sort those problems out not really sure but all right coming to see you baby this man is more excited to see Donald Trump than he is Angela which they kind of look similar to be honest Donald Trump and Angelo look like they could have been like cousins or sisters I mean not both maybe I don't know will you be my woman but then Michael also does a sweet thing he doesn't take a Nigerian flag out of his dick and then throw it at her but he does have a ring and he proposes right back to her well now that we both said yes this is another Journey we're having to take not an easy one I'm sure guess what guys the horse just got bigger this is now a Double Horse this it was a dead horse it got revived and it's on steroids now so woo let's see how this goes things been easy about Michael and I relationship but you know what Michael's coming to America and I can't wait yeah what happened next that's I just I wrote that down cuz I what happened next who knows you want to get a quickie before I go now we got to the next level K1 visa she a for quickie and she do that does that thing where it sounds like a l also your tire is blown up stay off social media I'm quit smoking I'm quit smoking kiss my ass there you there it is so she leaves by trying to like control something he does she uh gets him to say like uh can you stop smoking and then she tells him to kiss her ass and conceivably he said I would but I would die before I get through all of it and then she goes home she's back in America and things are great oh no they're not upon arriving in Georgia Angela tried to use her debit card and found that her bank account was empty that's really bad cuz Angela could have been saving like tens of $20,000 she has a lot of money probably in her debit account and if it's all empty that is a lot of money gone yeah can you come out here okay okay what's up man unable to reach Michael she called a producer who was filming in Michael's interview in Nigeria hey baby my bank account's empty your bank account is empty supposed to withraw no more than 300 right at one point I told Michael take out 300 my bank statement says Michael took out $900 oh my god did I just watch 29 minutes of something and then realize this was a Nigerian scammer what oh my God Michael and it happened at the bank to 300 300 and 300 I'm freaking out right now I have no money in my bank wait hold on yeah wait hold on you had $900 in your bank all right okay why are you going to Nigeria with 900 what the hell why you give what why does he have your bank card what all right I'm asking you because you're the one at the C hey where is but to take my money out my bank account how dare him oh my God so it it apparently turns out Michael stole the money from Angela he was just waiting for her to come there so he could take out $900 that's why he had been with her for so long $900 you know that's all that's money that's a lot of money let us investigate this you don't want that's what you what do you mean I should go to what and she tells Michael to go to effing hell and you know what happens after that guys [ __ ] nothing this has never been brought up again I don't know whether he did take money I don't know whether he did I don't know if the money gets recovered they never talk about it in this series again that is the most unsatisfying conclusion it never happens again and she goes to Nigeria again multiple times everything's fine I don't know conceivably this woman just mistakely saw a different number and was like oh sorry Michael my bad sorry [ __ ] and then just left I don't know what happened but it never gets brought up they don't fight about that anymore ever so good job that Cliffhanger there's also a little reunion part I I wasn't going to do talk about the reunions because those are videos for themselves maybe I'll need to but the one thing that I remember is when he called her an elder she actually did end up seeing it and stormed off the set I think of Angela as my Elder I'm not your Elder you think it's funny Michael I'm done already I said we're done bastard any chance I get to see Sean for one second I'm happy she's as usual not doing anything and just letting the [ __ ] happen good work Sean but that's actually how the season ends so we've just watched the first trip of Angela and Michael Angela goes to Nigeria part one I hate to I hate to tell you but there is a lot more where this comes from and we're about to see a relationship devolve if you've ever watched Pokemon and you watch like them evolve into their final form this is like doing it in rforce so prepare yourself for the next episode I'm so glad that you watched this one I hope that you continue to watch the other ones with me because if you don't I will cry because I had to do it I will say on the next one it gets even more spicy and it just continues from then so thank you so much and please if you're ever in a relationship uh only throw hands if you're going to hug your partner thank you bye-bye did a dash and B it last you know it Dash and she know
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 226,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo, 2024, ryan trahan, benoftheweek, 90 day fiance, before the 90 days, marriage tv show, 90 day fiance videos, 90 day fiance full episodes, 90 day fiancé, happily ever after, reality tv series, angela 90 day fiance, angela 90 day fiance fight, angela 90 day fiance michael missing, angela 90 day fiance weight loss, angela 90 day fiance best moments, angela 90 day fiance tell all, angela 90 day fiance im an american, angela 90 day fiance wedding
Id: IpRHD2Ies4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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