Delusional Man Gets Catfished For 6 Years Thinking He's Dating Katy Perry...

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I have watched many old men and women get catfished by who they think is Johnny Depp or some model who is way too sexy to be in their league and every single time I'm not surprised because the model who is just someone from either Nigeria or India with a name that is not indicative of any model I know as for money it's okay I understand that scam the thing that I don't understand is when a girl catfishes a guy into thinking that she's Katie Perry for no other reason than to have have a fake relationship and that is today's episode of Catfish not scam fish catfish a show created by a guy called Neeve who originally got catfished himself so he's like the founder of getting catfished he's like if KFC had like a mistakely good recipe he would be it he mistakely created a show based on him being gullible that's found treasure honestly anyway this guy who got catfish decided to team up with another guy called Max who has gray hair and also looks like he's and they go to many places in the world to try and figure out whether the catfishes are real unlike most shows I would assume people would humor other people who are like ah my catfish is Dr Dre people would be like oh okay let's find out these guys right off the bat are like you're stupid but somehow the investigation continues and it just takes a wild Twist from there it's one of the most watched episodes on the show and something that someone recommended to me so today I'm going to take a look at it before we get into the video I'd like to thank today's sponsor of this one raycon now as you know Mother's Day is fast approaching and instead of getting these lovely moms gifts like flowers why not get them something cool like rayons now they can tune out the chaos of regular life and you and tune into the things they love like music now you know I'm a mom lover pause and I wouldn't push you to get a product for the moms in your life if I didn't love it myself so as a longtime rayon user raycon has been a staple in my everyday life they're in my ears whether I'm working listening to music or just generally when I want to block out the background noises around me I have the noise isolation feature to thank for that the tap functions mean I can stop and start on the go and the optimized gel tips is so comfortable that before I know it I've worn them all day they allow me to keep up with the chaos especially when I need to multitask which is a skill I learned from my mom I know raycons would take her to the next level allowing handsfree phone calls so she could talk to me while doing everything else on her to-do list and if somehow ol of your siblings got your mom raycons as well raycon offers 30-day returns just in case click the link in the description box so go to byy Leo to get 20% off your raycon purchase plus free shipping I also want to say full disclosure um something really bad has happened in uh my life so I'm not operating at my best I think it's good to be vulnerable with people and honest uh I don't I I thought that doing this would get my mind off how terrible the actual stuff that happened is so all I could say is I hope that that person is okay anyway catfish so here's a quick tip if Katy Perry messages you it's not Katy Perry it's not Katy Perry okay and if it is Katie Perry look you can message me and say hey Leo you've been wrong this is Katy Perry and she's my aunt and I'll be like put her in touch other than that it's not Katy Perry That's not Dr Dre that's not Dre that's dra that's Katie Kirk that's someone else it's not really the person who you think it is usually and if it is it's Kanye West and it's only to tell you about his Yeezys with his silver teeth that he now has that's the only time I accept a celebrity catfishing other than that you're doing it wrong all right cool let's begin my name is my name is Spencer I met Katie on a texting app we chatted as much as humanly possible for the last 6 years start off with like catfish being like uh email Spencer says Katie and him are messaging he doesn't even say the last name cuz he knows he's got a big bombshell to drop on the team and they play this really nice music like woo this is going to be great this is the greatest love story of all time 6 years of texting 6 years of texting someone that's way too many like even if that is your wife that's still too many years to text like at some point just put the phone down start talking to your wife okay Jimmy thank you lives all the way out in California not that long ago Katie finally got to the point to go fully all in with me can you imagine like getting a text and you have no calls no video calls and just after 6 years I'm ready to take this to the next level would you not have a question like what the [ __ ] happened in your life today that you're ready to take this to the next level are you a Super Saiyan why are you transforming today that seems like an odd thing like I don't know I've never been in this position but I feel like if I was just texting someone and they said I'm ready to take this to Next Level I would wonder what exactly has changed cuz nothing has changed I was really excited that our love was finally going over into a relationship she killed that idea without me explaining why Katie claim she sent an email that I never received that she never resent it damn I don't know if they made this email up I think they made this fake email up I was reading it thinking it's an actual one but apparently Katie whoever said I'm going to take this to the next level and he's like how you going to take it to the next level and then she's like by email and then she sent an email trying to break up with him which is just very 1990s of someone that's nostalgic breakup right there like you've got mail and it's bad like one of those and she never resent it so I could read it I'm not sure what she wanted to say to me any help would be greatly appreciated but apparently the maale got lost in the Cyber webs because that's how mail Works uh maybe he just didn't check his junk folder but she could have resent it she didn't want to I guess that's part of her next level relationship is not looking back on anything even if it's breaking up um so that seems to be the situation where Katie over here sent a crazy email that could either hold the bounds of their relationship or their breakup and she's not even willing to repeat it so that is that is a tough position I got to say any help would be greatly appreciated thank you hey so they call Spencer and immediately my impression of Spencer is like bro bruh I mean not saying he's ugly I'm saying that like bro I seen Katie Perry okay bro I know I've seen some celebrities with some stinker looking people I'm like whoa this is one of those bro come on G who's who's next Nicki Minaj just going to text you out of the blue like oh maybe you look like a guy who could handle a real ass like come on Spencer bro hey Spencer how you doing I think this is your best episode ever why is that Katie is Katie Perry there you go Spencer already knows how crazy it sounds and he says it's going to be the greatest episode and he's like Katie is Katie per the Singer California what yeah I okay that one you guys just didn't say anything for a long time I didn't know if you knew who I was talking about what Mac Max gets like hit with like the laughter bullet like he's like so he starts like wheezing laughing has to move back honestly I mean like if you're running a serious show or something and someone said that without laughing that would sound like a damn joke so this is the original like we see it nowadays because it's easier when you see an old person and you are like ah my profile picture I could just put John F Kennedy and say I'm back and scare an old person you know you might actually do that you know what I mean like the two people you can like fool is old people and young people jstation fools people by thinking SpongeBob calls him at 3:00 a.m. old people get fooled into thinking other people people are like trying to sex them off when they should be in the retirement home playing maang this one's a weird one cuz it's a dude who's like of normal age who should be able to use the internet and decipher the fact that this is probably not real if Katy Perry hasn't seen you in six years anyway there we go that's the Katie you were talking about that's right wait time out is she not like with someone else now I think she is dating some yes then what are we here for Spencer why do we exist if she's dating someone you know she kissed a girl and she like she didn't kiss other men she's not doing that she's many things but she's not a cheater Spencer she's a good girl how the [ __ ] you know this is you the LBI CIA what's you who I think it's the elf from The Lord of the Rings Orlando Bloom that's right the the the balls on this man to be like yeah I think she's dating that elf from that shitty movie that ring Movie Lord of the what lord of the Nerds yeah I guess she's dating him what an idiot but anyway she she's really dating me Spencer Orlando Bloom that's a tough competition brother I got to say he's tough competition and what gives you the impression that you are actually talking to Katy Perry because I've been talking to her for 6 years oh well that solves it then what evidence do you have that you and Katy Perry have been talking cuz I've been speaking with her for 6 years that an say absolutely [ __ ] nothing what the hell did I ask you and what did you hear h both of my parents would preachers so strict honestly bro I can go to Wikipedia and that would be the exact like I would startop saying things like uh my name is Mr Bean give me $100 for Teddy oh my real name Rowan Atkinson no I didn't Google it I'm an engineer before comedian why why would you fool for that the millions and millions of details little stories like when she's growing up that only Katie would know how would you know them if only Katie would know them you mother [ __ ] how that's so dumb it hurts me saying things like she told me things only she would know and then claiming to know them too if you know them it's not personal information unless you're in her family and that's way bigger problem than you being catfished by Katy Perry so you pick your poison buddy on this goofy little app and you could interact with other people on it okay so apparently they met on some app it's called goof little app I don't know what it's called but I'm looking at the pictures Katy Perry is a unicorn I don't know if she actually was a unicorn in the picture but Spencer looked like actual Spencer so like I don't know like if he was talking to a unicorn and was like whoa she was on there I was on there at the same time her name on there was Katie Perry I messaged her hi hi are you the singer Katy Perry yep it's not even like that's such a name that's so uncommon that you couldn't fathom another person having the same name just by the way I just want to say it's not like the toughest name to come up with like those Scottish names you know that Scottish town I need to show you this Scottish name all right this is actual thing just 12° over Coastal parts of Eastern England just up the road from Clan if her name was that then I'd be like are you the real then she'd be like yeah I am the real from [ __ ] go I'm that would be a name that would be something sorry that was such a tangent yes very sad anyway must be her it was immediate connection a million I love yous back and forth I love you Katie I love you Spencer that's it she met on a chat app because Katy Perry in between recording song songs like California Goals with Snoop Dog and Teenage Dream with herself and other producer and and and of course Dark Horse with the incomparable Juicy J you know she's got time to message Spencer from Texas Tennessee Tennessee wherever Katie got to the point of really wanting to go all in with me and have me completely attached to her I guess I'm tired of being a part I want you here that's not how people say with me come on man she couldn't even message with properly Katy Perry acting like a little girl she deleted the Yahoo messenger she said that she had sent a message explaining everything but I never got the message I would like to be face to face see if there's a future okay so after everything she just deleted her account sort of ghost to the mans and said she sent things by email but the email clearly didn't come so we've got a ghost Katy Perry on our hand the situation like if you're looking at this objectively you know wake up one day maybe sober up off to the Bender you've been on and realize this is not Katy Perry but Spencer is not doing that so we have to try and convince him that it's not Katy Perry I don't know how he convinced them that she is Katy Perry because there seems to be no evidence that this is anything other than someone who had the username Katy Perry cuz they didn't even meet on a site like Instagram where you have the verified tick and that way youd know it's that person so I don't know why anyone would be doing this but all right on the scale of 1 to 10 10 being I fully believe I'm in relationship and one being this could be true but probably isn't what's five that's such a why are you running if one is still not perfect what brother brother what's that brother Max one is him not sure what five is like I'm super sure 10 is like bro just leave me alone I'm already with Katy Perry what kind of system is that one should be dude I'm hustling you for views where do you fall on that scale like a thousand have you spoken to her on the phone I have one time in six years that's [Music] 0.88 times a year bro you stupid that's not even fractionally oh my god dude that's not a lot of time I've seen her more than you've seen her and I don't even want to and it was $270 because she had a phone from Canada why do Katy Perry have a phone from Canada why is Katy Perry charging you money to call her one answer one of them bro this is not going to happen like he's just doing that confirmation bias things on why it could be her and not being even killed enough to be like this is probably why it's not her he needs someone to actually step in and be like Spence you're disgraceful come back to reality brother okay great anyway the catfish crew make it pretty clear that they don't really think that this is Katy Perry but they're like ah what the hell a trip to California is a trip to California so they go and they meet sting in Tennessee and then they're like hey tell me more about this and you know what this guy continues to absolutely blow my mind because this is not the only secet secret he's been hiding yes he wants to be with her but he wants to be with her badly enough and he'd marry her right there and then right come in guys I don't even know where to start well what is it about her that you like so much titties I kissed the girl and I liked it name of her song is the same thing that you would find on websites you'd have to go on Incognito I mean you know there's a lot of things I don't know she's probably a cool human being but if you don't know her how would you act what would you say what's a realistic answer she seems nice like you don't know her she's awesome Katie's funnier than I am she's smarter than I am I don't know how many people give her credit for that but she's very intelligent okay so she's funnier she's smarter she's better looking she can sing better has a better career can you ask yourself the question why you at this point I mean I'm just saying like what do you you got the biggest dong of all time or something like what do you got what do you got that she doesn't have that you can give her right are you jealous cuz it can't just be the ding-dong bro it can't just take weener schnit out and be like this is it you don't know her I feel like you need more than that for Katy Perry you mentioned yesterday you've spoken to her once yeah but the majority of your conversations have been through different texting apps and email it must be really sad like in that six-year period I'm sure he saw some articles like Katy Perry now with boyfriend Russell bran Katy Perry now married to Russell BR and he's like oh but I still like you Katie and like meantime she's like yeah I love you too what's up what's wrong it must have been a real real tough situation for this boy not knowing like why she keeps going out with other people and remaining married to them when she's deeply in love with him and calls him once every six years she shared some songs with me some music before they even were released I think the next step is looking at these things so yeah Max actually is trying to push forward this investigation I don't know what's wrong with Neeve at this point he's just like oh tell me more about this Katy Perry I'd like to know about her U Max is like yo okay he said that he got unreleased songs from Katy Perry if that's true that holds a great amount of weight that's a good piece of evidence that it is her so they start looking through these things to see is this actually her are these things that she's only sent him and lo and behold no they're not said hi heart don't even know if you check Katie hi love love love I don't even know if you check email your email tons but I I can't read that I ston laptop so first thing I do is email you love you you there's nothing else to do on this computer so here's a random bunch of my songs least I think unreleased here's D linkx all right that's not Katy Perry that's a 13-year-old girl nobody says here's D linkx unless you're black and a homie and if you're black and a homie and sending love signs you must be part of the friendliest and coolest gang in town I don't know man your email t but I stole Marcus's laptop so first thing she said hi ba you think Katy Perry says hi ba it's not a you don't know her I feel like you get to a age and you just don't say things like here's Dal linkx I don't I've never messaged my friend and be like here's D linkx bro unless I was having like an aneurism and he's like are you okay Hospital time already first thing I do is email you heartart love you Marcus that's her manager just a friend here's a random hold up hold up just W that was sent from someone else he's just a friend he's like yeah I'll send this email Katie here's the link love you that was me saying that not Katie the love you was mine here's the laks unavailable a lot of it is and she she linking them from like random people's YouTube Pages yeah no no don't just say yeah like that's a normal thing that's disproving everything you've just said yeah yeah that's not that's not good that's bad she said that's like me saying listen to my song and then the song is like is Pitbull featuring Chris Brown like that's not my song that's just a song bro what is wrong with you if they were really unreleased tracks from her wouldn't they part of the fun for her was keeping me kind of guessing how romantic I have made a ring for are you the real Lord of the Rings now bro I mean I don't know why you talk about Orlando Bloom you're the real Lord of the Rings you've been making rings for this [ __ ] she ain't even ringed you more than once how is this possible you made a ring yeah my great grandmother's Emerald I took out of it and put in a new diamond band great grandma's ring this is Lord of the Rings type thing this is the damn great grandma wouldn't have want you to get C cfish she didn't even understand that concept now you bestow greatness upon great grandma's ring by saying this ring belongs to no one because the person it was supposed to belong to doesn't exist Grandma I know it's a tough concept for you to understand love is a weird thing nowadays people just fake it oh my God this beautiful how much of your savings has got into this 25% of it probably so quarter of all his money is now into the ring in which he's used to make from his great grandmother's grave stone or whatever he said and she's not really in his life and he hasn't seen her and the most damning piece of evidence is the songs that have been unreleased but also are unavailable to him so he proceeded to make a ring like this is when you're in too deep and you need someone to pull you out of that hole and be like bro I'm going to take you to see this thing called Fresh Air because you need it I want to like break your heart but nothing you've shown us is like good evidence of any I see this as pretty sloppy I mean the Ring The Ring yeah so on the way back max is giving NE you know just the talk down he's like come on the ring like he's just really mad and stuff I feel cuz there's no way it's Katie Perry yeah no [ __ ] Sherlock Max's just giving that you know he's doing a standup routine to ne ne is just trying to drive and stuff but Max is right there's no way there is no way this is Katy Perry you know what I mean like we just got to figure out who it is how to tell Spencer that you know you should probably give this back to Grandma and say it's platonic because ain't nobody getting married all right P oh come on we're almost there here we go we got all right so the the boys do a reverse Google search and something comes up and then they proceed to turn into a screamer band at the same time but a girl pops up and her name is Harriet and like w like just absolutely blew their minds that reverse search works oh we got to hit oh my God we got H Harriet that's her name Harriet [ __ ] that's her name picture and everything wait but this girl is hot ne ne can you stay can you stay with the investigation NE is like I've been on the show Five Seasons this girl is actually hot most of these [ __ ] clowns look like they came out of the swamp and [ __ ] I don't I'm just saying this this is the only one I would date her I wish I got catfish but a [ __ ] like this mine look like three people combined Max is like wa you chill out man yeah cat lady I sold my soul to Lady Gaga and now my feels are all over the place like I mean you know this this is a teenager someone who's maybe in their early 20s that first sentence alone is like oh I can't have an actual relationship with you so just by that alone most people over the age of like I would say 25 would be like ah so a kid then get out let me read it like a man they're reading it like it's actually a thing cat lady I sold my soul to Lady Gaga now my feels are all over the place if you don't like Lady Gaga probably hate you meow meow [ __ ] England that sounds like non-stability and then some if you don't like Lady Gaga I probably hate you meow meow [ __ ] England wait do you think this person really could be in England that's not what why is that the we just found out that firstly this is not Katy Perry big surprise secondly Neeve is now very attracted to this woman thirdly she sold her soul to Lady Gago which is more question I don't understand like how this is the Katy Perry thing and it's also it says England and you're like England that exists bro come on England England exists you could very well live in a country oh we got a h from Calgary Alberta but now lives in England hello all right uh boys are preoccupied with the fact that Harriet looks like Harriet their investigation is leading to deep dock crevices that have cleavage so that's good I think this is the lady cuz she was Canadian now lives in England this is I guess this might be that this seems to be the girl when Katie Perry notices your art Katy Perry liked it so she's a Katy Perry fan obviously all right so let's reach out hey Amy so they figure out that she's also a Katy Perry fan because she did some odd and Katy Perry apparently actually liked it so even though Spencer it might not be with Katy Perry he is potentially with a go who has had something liked by KY Perry That's sex by disassociation stop it get some help so that's good make an episode of C can use your help please get back to me as soon as you can all right so NE sends Amy a Facebook message he probably sent her another one like you single just something like Max Max Max to meet you in between they go to Spencer's house and they are trying to tell Spencer what they found they also meet Spencer's brother who has the funniest face that I've seen he seems like a very nice guy but I would love to have a brother who always looks like he's perpetually smile and Confused um okay I've been talking to this woman for the last 6 years I'm in love with her um wow that's the fact wow oh all right hav been we've see each other every week waited six years for that okay nice it's Katie Perry yeah that's the look that's the look oh are you sure you're my brother do you want to do that DN they test again you got a ring yes I've made her a ring it's our great grandmother's Emerald took a diamond ring like ban to it's Katie Perry it's an engagement ring yeah obvious [ __ ] it's a ring great grandma made it put on her for marriage it's an engagement ring bro this dude knew that he was just in shock from the fact that you said it was Katy Perry 2 minutes ago and didn't give anyone enough time to comprehend the stupidity of what you just said um also this guy's your brother and you took the great grandma's ring so what's he going to take great granddad's stool and put it there and sit down like what do you want like bro that's so sad to the brother that's intense why don't you show your brother the ring sure because he will say yes and we will get married and then that's going to be awkward so that's why check it out wow that's really nice I'm really glad that you've had someone that you've been talking to and there's definitely love there I'm sure you know I'm here for you no matter what so yeah that's a really nice brother he's like uh talk to him almost as if Spencer has had a lot of problems in his life I'm really here for you no matter what Spencer you take all the Rings you want you take everything you you just grave Rob Grandma as much as you need to okay buddy okay whatever makes you feel happy Spence take care now buddy we took the email that you sent we ran the phone number it's registered to Calgary Alberta yep I did that yeah yeah I did that of course I did that obviously that's the easy part a hard part is coming to terms with the fact that she's fake that part that's more of a mental thing but physically yeah yeah I ran the numbers she's from Calgary so the next thing we did was we searched her email Harriet he read it too Harriet [ __ ] huh where's that from like the the night that like I fell in love with Katie like a lot of the conversation was dissing on Lady Gaga that's the night you fell in love with her that's the night that you fell in love with Kate you're like Lady Gaga sucks Marry Me Marry Me Oh my God talk dirty to me like that say Jason D sucks too I'm feeling like this is not the person that I've been talking to okay but there's a weird connection so yeah Spencer is in denial this is the part that just gets to me like the old people are like no but come on Johnny Depp said that he's Johnny Depp I come on who would lie and old people are just like that and you have to give it to them you're like they loved 70 years off the last 20 or like whatever it's okay give Grandma the pass this one is like a dude in his 20s being like Katy Perry doesn't like Lady Gaga this girl likes Lady Gaga they're two different people completely that's how life Works obviously the email that you've been connected to this person so then we searched Facebook and one thing came back lives in England fler and ping like all this like suspense music and stuff it's just her profile picture and when they first saw it they were like look at our picture but in private in the incognito tab separately Max in different room rooms okay thank you I'll meet you in 5 minutes give me the lotion when you're done but she did live in Calgary okay that's weird as we scroll down her page we saw that she had made art Katy Perry had favored it so we know she likes Katy Perry Oh you can see the wheels turning in Spencer's head I think he saw the word Katie and it was like how does that happen how do other people know about this Katy Perry I thought what the point is we feel pretty confident that you're actually talking to this girl Harriet who lives in the UK look Spencer could do one of two things one be like damn that's not Katy Perry two be like oh like NE she's total babe what why am I getting catfished by someone who's hot explain that explain it to me so Spencer does neither of those two things he's just really like bro you guys are wasting my time I'm getting Katie to Cole and say it's just a prank bro so I need that to happen who's actually pretty cute oh my God n do you want to marry her do you want Grandma's ring cuz he'll give it to you are you serious we're doing an investigation can you imagine if like there was like a police thing and you're like the body is in the river by the way now that he's dead are you single I mean you'd have to be since he's dead so you are I don't know why I even ask marry me yeah you seem pretty like mad you seem pretty mad I was going to say shaking but mad will do go on it looks like that's the person we can definitely go to England and reach out to her but the only reason NE wanted to go to England is he's like bro I'll be in England in your city real soon if you could just prepare a BNB for us cameras will be rolling but I'll tell you it's off a catfish you know what I mean that's your call so they give him a call to say whether they go to England or not and of course he says yes but realistically NE was going to go regardless you've had six years to tell me who you are so you're ruining like my life right now cuz you're an insecure girl you know what I would say Spencer is a dank like you know just he's dropping the bomb too heavy but like realistically speaking just taking all of the other stuff out of it that's just pretty truthful assessment already of the situation I got not bad Spencer let's go to England um had a little bit more time to think Spencer says I want her to apologize let's go to England because nobody who gets catfished actually has a job cuz they have time to get catfished Spencer then prepares and the next day he thinks about things but he has a different outlook on the situation it took one night for him to sort of change his mind I've gone back and listen to some of her songs in the last album all of them have little bits of lyrics that are Clues to me but I fig figur it out so in between last night and tonight I guess he did a lot of heroin or something happened for him to lose his marbles because I guess that's what happened let's see Katie Perry lyrics maybe this would pertain to Spencer let's listen to Doc course that's a good song I knew you were going to come to me and here you are but you better choose carefully cuz I'm capable of anything pretty telling Spencer okay here's another one so you want to play with magic you should know what you're falling for I'm coming at you like a dark horse there is no going back well Spencer you got the [ __ ] thing solved haven't you there some good lines right here that's enough that's that's all Spencer needed she's smart I think that she has planted this har seed from way back in 2010 it's Katie he thinks it's Katy Perry after to 6 years even though they have found out that it's not her he thinks that she's a scheme and Katy Perry has pulled one of the biggest is just a prank Bros by pulling his leg for 6 straight so he's going to England where she does doesn't love to see her all right did you talk to your bro at all yeah I might have mentioned to him and I'm thinking honestly at this point it's better to go to actual Katy Perry's residence knock on her gate or door or ask security to be like hey please just can you put this guy out of his misery please and then maybe she could come out and be like ew and then he'd be like oh so oops meeting Katy prie possibly wait wait what come on I haven't ruled that out as a possibility dude you're not talking to Katy Perry so max is like done ne's only motivation to even go to England is Harriet and maybe the fact she could ride in his Chariot Max is like bro there is no Katy Perry I mean she does exist but not in your [ __ ] world so he's he's done catfish has made it to the UK Amy wrote back of course I'll do anything I can to help so like I said they messaged Amy they went to England and she replied Amy is the friend of Harriet I'm going to see if I can FaceTime her hi oh hi Amy right yeah yeah hey it's NE and Max is this even real that's how they greet people in England Hi and then they keep it up like NE for like 5 10 seconds hello how are you doing like what do you say [ __ ] me for doing an episode right now we were wondering if you could tell us a little bit more about your friend Harriet and she's actually my ex-girlfriend exgirlfriend bombshell bombshell you thought you were dating Katy Perry you were dating a lesbian named Harriet that's crazy now you got to ask yourself the question what is she a lesbian is she by she's 100% gay okay that's pretty certain that's just something you guys say but if Spencer had enough Riz in his game he could transform her Spencer had that game maybe she could go from gay to yay how long were you guys dating for a couple months month or two wa okay he kissed a girl and she liked it apparently it was very helpful good One Max I know you've been sitting there the whole time waiting to make this guy's life even worse good One Max you with that stupid camera just waiting to do drop your zingers and make spense for life even more of a living hell good work Max that's all you had to say after this to me that's like huge evidence like it's not this person to you I bet that's more evidence that it's Katy Perry Okay Sherlock Holmes it's pretty big evidence since she's not Katy Perry and a lesbian that it's not Katy Perry I mean right you're on the right path son you're on the path to Glory with that it is on the table for me how how though how just what can you see out of what has happened that indicates that it is Katy Per we're not even in the right country bro we're not in the right continent son I mean look I'm just worried if we don't meet Harriet then he's going to keep somehow believing that he's talking to Katy par so there Max is genuinely the most mad person I've seen this episode he's like bro we got to fix this and is like look if we don't meet Harriet then I don't know what I'm going to do because I would love to meet her so badly and while they're like figuring out what they're going to do the like a weird phone rings but it's nobody's phone it's actually the hotel's front desk and they have like surprising news receptionist hello she's here okay uh tell her I'll be down shortly thank you in a shocking surprising move Harriet is actually meeting them the hunter has become the lesbian that doesn't even make sense how did she we told Amy we were staying here this is like seven where Kevin spy just shows up at the police station what's in the box or it's like Kevin spy's real life where he just shows up at the police station and turns himself in either one US deodorant or something no I put it on you want to know hello okay sus Spencer's been putting on deodorant he's getting ready to meet Katy Perry who's not Katy Perry and they're like this girl is ready to tell you the truth and they go down and they meet this sort of frail looking girl who that's your Katy Perry right there Spencer Hi I like how Neeve is like hey I'm I'm going go first Neeve nice to meet you anyway this is the guy you've been talking to but I'm the guy you're going to be talking to and that's Max he's just he's angry you don't know Katy Perry [Music] no imagine just looking like your life is in shambles you're looking at this girl and she's like no no Katy Perry I'm sorry I guess it's not the kind of thing you guess your sorry about that's cold man that's cold she said I'm sorry I guess oh no I'm sorry sorry I'm not Katie sorry I'm gay like whoops just you're a guy it seems like an understatement yeah forgive me but starts like evil laughing again everyone's just looking a bit concerned but like what the hell are we falling into and I genuin I start to feel bad for Spencer like I'm this guy's stupid for even thinking it's Katy Perry but like clearly out of heart like he's just a guy who wants love just like everyone else so like you know what I mean like ah this poor dude is there anything about this situation that you find humorous no yes a guy fell for someone who he thought was Katy Perry then went to England which is a was a big Mish hit man that's pretty bad he said that you had to be Katie because you knew so much about her life and all these details again Spencer how could you know [ __ ] I don't think Katy Perry knew everything that you're checking in would have to be online wouldn't it right which means someone would have have to know the information unless Katy Perry herself controlled all that information you crazy so the same information you're checking could very well be the information Harriet has been checking as well if I go on Wikipedia that's not private information bro oh my God it just was kind of really six years of Googling Katie where she's at what she's doing six years of stalking Katie Perry is not a helpful thing bro you don't just say this you don't want to go to jail I'm telling you Katy Perry is not there 6 years is the first time us meeting I'd feel like more excitement maybe more she is she is a lesbian and I although you look like a very handsome woman I don't know dude it's her okay so Spencer's going through some sort of w roll type thing that is not human he suddenly decides this is not her I think it's his fight or flight mode kicking in and he's like she clearly doesn't know anything so she's not the real Katy Perry and he starts asking questions like what would be the names of our kids that we said and she names two of three of them and he's like she doesn't even know the third one she's not really Katy Perry I don't think it is man who else could it be I mean really Katie you can't possibly think it's still Katie Perry I do Max is going to actually blow up Max is going to turn into Mad Max from the series and get a car and start like driving over things now okay so just you want to keep Max on the right he's like 10 seconds away from becoming the Hulk pop his bubble for a second and tell him that he has not been talking to Kitty if you don't pop something Max is going to pop his ball sa really what's the name of our kids that we talked about jumbo Jimmy J huh it was Leica Luca something else start with L probably it's not her not her lies not really Katy Perry [ __ ] Cur she might be like Jennifer Lopez but she's not Katy Perry Harriet Harriet Tubman more like why did she get the name wrong no she got the first two names right he doesn't remember things as you he's like she only got two out of three of these personal that's a personal question see that's not something you can get from Wikipedia there's no Wikipedia of Spencer okay so if she got those two right that's a very good guess because if you ask Neeve to guess he he just wouldn't and if you ask Max he'd say Max and Maxi so I think that Katie would get a kick out of me getting punked a little bit yeah yeah I remember Katy Perry becoming Ashton Kutcher and then starring in pun for like 6 years cuz she loves that humor then she turned into Johnny Knoxville and got hit by a bull in the ass that was a good day that were pretty important so she didn't care that much which is maybe harder to to accept Max is going cuz she didn't care she doesn't give a [ __ ] about you and then like he calmed down he's like which which I understand is hard for you to get right now but she doesn't give a [ __ ] bro you need to know that you're not talking to K Perry this is the the actual human being crazy as he might be Who whoo as weird as he looks this is a human being I've done a DNA test I know I thought he was a frog as well but anyway as weird as that is you can't talk to frog I mean humans that way so wow Neeve you got to stop pointing at him and calling him weird he's he's already not feeling good bro has a heart and was giving it to you 100% for 6 years of his life he has a heart okay he's giving you the heart as weird as he is he has a heart weird people people can have feelings too I've done five seasons it took me four seasons to learn even weird people sometimes deserve love between NE and Max like I actually I can't believe Max is necessary at times but he actually is whenever ne's going off the deep end which he does more often than I care to admit Max is like hey I'm going to be the guy to like just call it as it is and you kind of need that for both of you there's some self-reflection that needs to happen I said why don't we get out of here Neeve did say one thing that was really off value he said that it's easier to live in the fantasy and the delusion than it is to face the truth and sometimes you're so deep that that's like barring your head down and not looking at the reality of the situation which sometimes crumbles before you and just looking at it all at once is a bit overwhelming and for that other girl Harriet I don't know she got some clear issues we need to sort out later on but like right now Spencer needs to at least slowly come to the realization and sober up that Katy Perry wouldn't even guess that you existed sorry I'm turning it to Max I'm not saying this to sound harsh there's no Katy Perry at the end of this rainbow there's not even a girl who's in love with you Max hates this [ __ ] not only is there no Katy Perry there's a lesbian which means if she saw a girl and you you wouldn't even be in the picture [ __ ] if you and Ellen were standing next together she'd say Ellen's sexier than you think about that for body confidence and life confidence bro Ellen's Hot you're not and you got catfished by a girl who just wouldn't have you so not saying this to sound mean but there's no way you'll ever win from this situation buddy you might as well take Grandma's bring and put it on your brother's hands that's the closest thing you'll get to a marriage you really need to spend some time accepting that take some time to start closing this door in a very tough like you know tough love situation they're like basically telling Spencer you got to you just have to make peace for the fact this is not going to happen which is a very hard thing to do when you had your heart set on something especially for 6 years as silly as it sounds for him to go with Katy Perry must have been somewhat real in his head so I'm sure it would have been a very tough sobering thing for him but the conversation needs to happen and he needs to talk to Harriet is there anything you want to like hear from her today a little more awareness of what I've gone through I guess the next day or maybe the next week or something they meet with Harriet again and she's less nervous and awkward and now she's more sort of reflective and I appreciate this whole scene because she seems to at least understand that okay my actions when I was younger was just not good and I need to fix that were you shocked that this guy believed that you were Katy Perry yeah he was like the only one I have tried for so many guys he is the only one for 6 years to solemnly believe I'm Katy Perry so I don't know which one sad or me playing cosplay for 6 years or him believing it so if he could accept you saying that you were Katy Perry then he would accept anything about you yeah I don't know you pulled out up One Max is like exceptionally nice to this girl and exceptionally mean to Spencer Max just made that [ __ ] up and she's like yeah sounds like a good conclusion he would believe anything that I want to that sounds cute yep obviously I wasn't able to say that to him and it made me feel really like guilty like that I made him like go to such an extent cuz in 6 years you know that's what was happening you better feel a little guilty for that bro you know in 6 years they must have had some conversations in six years man I can see that you're a warmer person than you appeared to be yesterday you need to step up today with him I like how NE is still trying I can see that you're warmer but you'd be hot under me and Max is like yeah okay anyway you actually need to fix this so can you go and talk to him and be mature about it and you know be accountable be responsible yeah how are we feeling Neve literally didn't say any of that he's like the host of catfish he's like I can see your warmer Max had to be like yeah but you got to be accountable for your actions besides you being warm today dude today feeling better thanks so yeah Slender Man and the lady meet each other the next day how about you uh better yeah is it cool if we give you a minute to talk they have moved the piano just by the way like I saw the piano in the last episode on the grass I don't know if it was a contractual thing to put the piano where these two were I'm not sure if someone was going to play like prove your Katy Perry she doesn't play music well prove this might be Katy Perry I don't know without us come on Harriet we'll see you guys in a little bit okay thanks guys I get that it's you know fun for so they leave the cameras behind but the cameras are still there that's how it actually they're like should we give you some space and they're like yeah and then the cameras are right there in their face but now they have a honest conversation about what has happened and they both admit to some fault and way of moving forward it like just all started cuz I lived like in the middle of nowhere I don't know I thought it would be kind of easy to talk to someone online you know what I've lived in pretty nowhere type beat for most of my life actually I get that it sucks sometimes but I don't think I've ever thought to be someone else and I think that that may be my thought but like it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that someone growing up who's trying to find themselves would think to be someone else and I'm sure having that attention would work meanwhile this guy's a bit older he's probably had hot break in his life or goals doing this or that and wanted someone who would give him that attention somehow in a morbid way it actually worked that they found each other and both needed that thing to grow so in in a very weird way it's like that period of their time probably worked to its benefit what a crazy life right life is real unfair and shocking in my opinion I am also just not feeling it today but that's probably why I'm saying it we out the time we've been talking the past six years like my dad died two years ago I'm sorry like how he just I'm sorry and then like he's in on his phone like did Katy Perry's dad die okay well then I'm sorry sorry about that sorry your dad died I died my dreams died like rearing and like knowing that I've hurt you acknowledging that is hard for me like evil staring her down like I'm really sorry know was really going to be sorry when the camera's over sorry you ever met me I'm like genuinely sorry can't really changed what I did but I understand it was really wrong I came into the situation with open heart so that's something I have to learn so like they both I mean she she's self-reflective enough to understand that there are these major consequences and hopefully hopefully like you know that leads to her finding her own individuality I'm sure as people grow up they're not trying to catfish people just cuz that that already seemed like a a very weird thing in itself like nobody's even trying to take money from this dude or anything that was an thing that they were see and then this dude of course needs to be more emotionally mature and strong to realize that maybe he doesn't need to lean on a celebrity singer to fall in love they didn't care about you and I do care about you it's like obviously I'm not straight it's kind of weird yeah like guy she said obviously she's like obviously I'm not straight obviously I'm gay obviously bro I'm not straight I'm not going to date you e not because you're you because I don't find men attractive bro duh cuz obviously things weird yeah I mean it absolutely but then like I don't know where that leaves you like I'll be okay then she was like I don't know should I should I try being straight like does it is it okay obviously I'm not but like I don't know where that leaves you so like we've got this place for one I mean you know maybe right ne's probably like what I just listen anyway they they sort of like have that good communication and 2 months later catfish team checks up this is like the a part that's I I think is really cool it's checking up a while after the damage to see if they've like leared or if they're doing better and they check up on both Spence and Harriet on a scale of 1 to 10 how sure are you that you were talking to Katy Perry zero it turns out Spencer is like uh he's he's figured it out he's also figured out a new look wearing the hat backwards hopefully his brother won't copy that godamn God have you had any communication with Harriet been a couple emails oh so you've tried and she hasn't responded nothing so there is one more twist comes at the very end and Spencer says that he's not had any contact from Harriet his friend now he has sent a couple emails so he has tried to reach out so then they're like oh okay let's call Harriet and check so they do call Harriet and they check well hi how are you feeling pretty good you got some emails from Spencer yeah it wasn't what I expected uhoh I can convert you let me try give me a chance something like that maybe just about how he met a girl in England and he was confused as why he didn't meet Katie so it turns Spencer has been lying to everyone he's been coercing with Katy Perry email address being like yo they send me on a wild goose chase some stupid girl in England said she's Harriet lesbian I don't know it's not you so can you just tell them the jigs up so we can get married finally very end of the episode Spencer's still holding on to hope but they call him back one more time and they're like Spence and he's like no that was a long time ago I'm I'm good now Spencer we just spoke to Harriet okay she told us you sent some email describing your trip to England he was smiling and then they're like Spencer [ __ ] you guys call P this [ __ ] up and Oscar questions you leave me alone bro I was still doing some investigating there is no Katy Perry yeah everybody knows yeah everybody knows that bro everybody everybody and their mom knows that you have humiliated me Max you are my arch nemesis I will make sure to cfish you one day just leave me the just okay bye well that's good to hear be good and and party on party on say white stuff and they all disconnect conversation and that's how the episode ends party on it's not a phrase that anybody's said before or since this episode but yeah that's uh that's a dude who got catfished by Katy Perry who turned out to be sexy lesbian I don't know what very crazy episode of Catfish I don't know man if you're getting catfished by people on IG or anything let me know about it I want to hear about it on IG I've been getting catfish recent because everybody's been seeing that catfish episodes and saying things like hi I'm Jennifer Lopez I can tell you're not her it's not easy but eventually I understand okay so if you're going to try you got to try a little harder than that guys anyway take care of yourselves thanks so much for being here I know that that doesn't mean much to most people but like just distracting myself from what actually is happening is a huge huge thing today but thanks uh take care of yourselves and tell the people you love that you love them please bye hello I'm Katy Perry and I'm going to be on
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 162,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo, 2024, ryan trahan, benoftheweek, katy perry songs, katy perry roar, katy perry super bowl, katy perry firework, katy perry dark horse, catfish billy, catfish full episode, catfish spencer, catfish reveal, catfish reveals that even left nev shook, catfish reveals that went well, catfish reveals that didnt go well, catfish reveals were still not over part 2, catfish reveal compilation, catfish reveals were still not over
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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