Karen Tries To Steal My Medical Knee Brace Because Her Son Wants To Play With It! r/EntitledParents

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hello everyone and welcome to reddit crown today we're going to have some stories from subreddit entitled parents but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to my channel like the video if you enjoyed it and leave a comment below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort i put in every day and now without further ado let's go first story we're having a sixth kid we can't afford so we expect you to give us your college fund i am a 19 years old female my parent's second child i have three brothers 21 13 and seven and a sister sixteen we grew up poor and our parents were often dependent on financial help from relatives friends etc for raising us this is because even though my dad has a mediocre job and my mom doesn't work they just kept on popping out one kid after another my parents are very religious and believe that children are a gift from god personally i think that's total bull crap my parents reproductive choices wouldn't bother me if it hadn't caused mine and my siblings lives to turn to crap while growing up we never had new clothes or toys we had to accept handouts from family members who were better off we never went out or did anything fun to top it off we were well aware that the rest of the family looked down on us for constantly asking for handouts now my older brother and i have managed to get into good colleges and are looking forward to a future that would be better than our parents lives he and i were staying at our parents place for a while due to the covet 19 lockdown one morning my parents called all five of us into the living room mom said she had great news the smile that was forming on my face died a quick death when she said were pregnant i lost my temper i asked them how they could be so stupid and irresponsible do they not have enough financial troubles already that they have to bring in another mouth to feed my older brother tried to calm me down but i was livid after a lifetime of scarcity because of my parents stupidity they still hadn't learned their lesson i asked them how they planned to provide for the kid my dad told me i would have to give up the money our great uncle had left me he had left all five of us some money which only we could access when we turned 18. i said hell no that money would help pay for my college expenses he called me selfish for not being there for the family i told them if they couldn't provide for the kid they should get an abortion my mom started crying and called me a heartless monster dad told me he was disgusted with me i told them there was no way i was going to pay for their stupidity and the only thing i would be willing to pay for as a termination what i was really worried about was my siblings lives getting even worse my older brother and i have escaped our parents clutches but the others especially my younger sister will be expected to help take care of this baby no teenager deserves to have their adolescence ruined by diapers and a screaming baby i know what it's like as i had to go through that it was expected of me to be an unpaid nanny to my younger brothers and sister my older brother could go out with his friends and have fun but i had to stay home and help give baths and feed the toddlers i decided to get some family members involved so they could talk some sense into my parents i called my mom's maternal cousin she's one of my favorite people when i told her that mom and dad were having another kid she reacted with what again i told her everything and how they expected me to hand over my inheritance she said she was going to speak to my parents and told me not to sign over anything i promised her i wouldn't of course i won't i also called two of my first cousins one of whom is an accountant so she could explain to my parents how much of a financial liability this baby is going to be and try to convince them to either abort or give it up for adoption i moved out of my parents home a few days ago i was only going to stay there till the lockdown was relaxed but i just can't bear to listen to my mom's nagging about how this baby is a blessing and that i want to kill it i've moved into a friend's basement for a minimal rent my mom's cousin paid them a visit about a week ago and tried to tell them they weren't doing this child any favors by bringing it into a life of poverty my mom was very rude to my aunt and told her that a woman who chose to remain barren will never understand a mother's love my aunt never wanted kids nor had any one of the reasons she's my fave my dad told her to get out ant told me there was nothing she could do but she did try i didn't blame her the cousin tried to explain the economic impact this kid would have and my mom cried about how everyone was trying to take away her baby what the hell the intervention didn't do anything so now i've decided to cut contact with my parents i just can't watch my family slide further and further into a hell hole i'll be maintaining contact with my sister 16 just to make sure my parents can't brainwash her my older brother is going to stay in touch with all of them which is a good thing as he can act as a link between me and the other siblings if my parents ever forbid them from talking to me otherwise i'm done with these people next story entitled child wants my custom knee brace okay so i walk with a cane and have an expensive hinged knee brace it's a breg if you want to look it up for pricing they range but mine is well over 400 if i don't wear it my knee buckles backwards and i fall on my face i also use a cane when i walk and have several other health issues i was admire walking around looking at toys last november for my kids for christmas i am very pregnant and my doctor warned me to avoid stress and that the baby will probably be a month early so i'm taking it easy walking slowly taking breaks and relaxing often i get to the toy cars and am looking through them looking for ones my kid doesn't have for stalking stuffers when i feel something touch my leg i look behind me and the spoiled child looks up and smiles at me i smile back and the following happens me hello it's not polite to touch other people's things can you not touch my brace please thank you spoiled child but i want it give it to me no i can't walk without it you can't have it and it's not your size anyway it's made for an adult i don't care if you give it to me or i'll tell my mommy okay that's fine you can tell your mom you cannot have it sweetheart at this point the kid wanders away and i assume that when the kid says they wanted my knee brace they'd get in trouble i can remember wondering how that convo would go for that child and parent i start picking through the cars and find a couple my son doesn't have and put them in my cart and start looking at the track sets they have and check their pricing against amazon's pricing i'm scrolling through my phone when i can feel and hear the velcro being pulled apart on my brace i pull my leg up and turn around and see the kid sitting there me excuse me i told you no you cannot have or touch my brace mom said i could just take it because you're faking i'm not faking anything you need to go back to your mom now he starts to yell mommy the kid is crying shrieking and causing a huge scene screaming for their mother and grabbing at my brace which is making me unbalanced i can feel my heart rate going up and am starting to worry about falling and hurting my baby entitled mother what's the problem here me your child is asking for my brace i told them no and they tried to take it off of me well just give it to him then i don't see what the big deal is you can buy another my insurance only covers me every five years i can't get another one if your son wants a knee brace you need to tell him he can't have mine well he can have yours take it off and give it to me the entitled mother steps forward and bends over and starts to try to undo my brace i kick her in the chest away from me and she falls on her butt it wasn't a hard kick since it was my bad side but enough to know i mean business me no help don't touch me entitled mother you kicked me you kicked me someone called the police i will have you arrested for this now a crowd is forming and i'm crying and my brace is half undone around my leg and sagging giving zero support i pull my cane out of the cart and use it to support myself while management is asking if i'm okay and i'm nodding while entitled mother is shrieking still at everyone they walk me to the shoe department to separate us and i sit on a bench and calm down the next thing i know a cop is asking me for my brace i stole i explained i didn't steal it that it's mine and some woman and her child were trying to steal it off my leg the officer asks for proof it's mine so i pull up recent photos of me getting it fitted and walking with it at the doctor's office as well as my chart where i have the letter stored saying insurance would cover it completely he asked me to take it off since she's claiming its damage so he can inspect it i led him and he informed me that there's a piece missing i look at it and sure enough a piece is missing i start to cry again and realize i've broken my brace and i won't get another for five years he asks if it was broken before i said no it must have broken when i kicked entitled mother off me while she was trying to steal it the officer excuses himself and i'm sitting there with employees after a while he comes back and gives me a case number and informs me he's arresting the entitled mother for destruction of medical equipment and attacking a disabled person i'm in shock but he says he watched the security camera and knows i'm telling the truth and that she attacked me and i defended myself i ended up going into labor that night from the stress and had to stay on iv drip for three days in the hospital to get it to stop i went home and my insurance billed her for a new brace she refused to pay until my friend used his letterhead at a lawyer's office to inform her if she didn't pay that he would be taking her to court for it i had my baby early but not because of this event thank god she's 10 months old now october 2020 and my husband brought it up today and asked me to post it here next story entitled mother tells me i can't use sign language at home because she won't learn it so i've been told to share this not sure if anyone will be interested this is about my adoptive mother my adoptive parents are british citizens who moved to my country in the eu they adopted me actually expecting mental disabilities but i was just profoundly deaf you would think that would be easier so as i grow up i get enrolled in deaf schools where i learn sign language but my mother decides it's too hard for her to learn sign language and actually bans me from using it in the house i had to mime or point at things until i could start writing upon which i carried around a notebook everywhere if i did try to sign i was called disrespectful for not including her in the conversation in a strange way this made my written language skills very good as well as my lip reading skills which many deaf people have challenges with it was very difficult and upsetting living with her my adoptive father was nice but he just listened to whatever she wanted so he became a bad parent too i went to university and had limited contact with them the one time i tried to visit them for the holidays i returned to a house with a stranger family my adoptive parents had moved back to britain without telling me who does that next story entitled parents think they are entitled to their adult daughter's medical records to help them shame her in healthcare one of the most difficult things to deal with are family members of patients they are understandably angry upset grieving devastated and often feel helpless most of the time i try to understand this and not get too annoyed when family causes problems but these parents were on another level one of my patients was an 18 year old woman who had a pelvic infection she got very sick required a moderate stay in hospital she was a dream patient open honest and generally a lovely person her parents were none of these things every day they would come in and start demanding this or that or the other thing from the nurses on the wards they wanted an extra bed in the room so the mother could stay overnight honestly it's covid times you're lucky you're even allowed to visit in many places no visitors are allowed you can't stay overnight they were rude to the student nurse who was doing their daughter's jobs to the point that the charge nurse moved the student nurse to a different set of patients to get her away from them but when the doctors were around they were the sweetest people you ever met right up until we were out of sight or we said no to one of their requests they were disruptive loud and just generally obnoxious people thankfully their daughter was aware of their awful behavior and had informed us that she didn't want them to be told anything about her condition unless she approved it she was a legal adult so she was entitled to her privacy this wasn't a huge issue to begin with as she shared most of the details with them but then her mother googled pelvic infections and discovered that sometimes they can be caused by sexually transmitted infections as far as she was then concerned we had screwed up and gotten the diagnosis wrong because there was no way there was any possibility that her angel had even thought of having sex with a boy they demanded to see their daughter's medical records so they could prove that we were lying about the infection politely telling them to duck off was the highlight of my week unfortunately that wasn't the end of it they came in the next day with legal papers trying to demand we hand over the medical records turns out they'd lied to the lawyer because the papers were for a minor still under guardianship of the parents not a grown woman they then threatened to sue each of us individually this isn't america you can't just sue doctors randomly they then tried to get some crackpot alternative doctor in to check her hymen thankfully the daughter screamed bloody murder when the guy tried to examine her which resulted in me getting to watch security escort and trespass the lot of them off the premises i honestly hope she presses charge for that next story entitled karen my son sexually harassed you well you're supposed to let him how dare you defend yourself this happened when i was 15. a boy in my neighborhood would often call me and try to grab me he was around my age i had told him to leave me alone i had complained to his parents but to no avail when i told my parents about it they just told me to ignore him one day when i was walking home from school he caught up with me as usual he made some filthy comments about my body things he would do to me etc i walked faster in an attempt to lose him i just wanted to get home but he grabbed my arm and lifted up my skirt exposing my underwear i lost it i began punching and kicking him with all my strength and with all the rage that had been building up inside me i didn't stop until someone pulled me off of him it was his mother she screamed at me for hurting her little boy and told me she would be speaking to my parents i said fine and walked home i knew it would get ugly that evening but his blood on my knuckles made me feel a little better that evening when my parents got home karen was already waiting beside our front door apparently she had been messaging my parents all day telling them about the beating she berated them again in person the boys will be boys defense was used here's the fun part my parents actually apologized to her and promised her they would discipline me when she left i told them my side of the story but my dad just repeated what he had said earlier that i should have ignored him and icing on the cake he told me if i didn't want to draw the attention of boys i should lengthen my skirts never mind the fact that i had pretty much been assaulted my mom told me to grow up and be more ladylike instead of getting into fights with boys my two brothers who are younger than me were much more sympathetic my 13 year old brother said he'd get his friends to gang up on him if he ever came near me thankfully it never came to that the coward never harassed me again i guess getting beaten up by a girl can really kill a misogynist's confidence edit i want to thank all of you for your supportive and thoughtful comments except that one idiot who commented that catcalling was no big deal and let me just clarify that this happened 23 years ago when i was 15. next story mama karen wanted me to turn off my tv when her family walks by my apt bc her kid is grounded i just moved into an apartment last week so far everyone i have met in passing has been nice no one has been too loud at unreasonable hours arguing with each other stealing parking spaces and other typical shared space craziness yet at least only been here a week i did however encounter a mama karen and her six-years-old son my apartment is one of those half in the ground units with two other floors on top as such the top of my patio wall is level to the walking path if i have my blinds open you can easily see into my living room and kitchen this honestly doesn't bother me the weather is finally really nice here so after work yesterday i opened my patio sliding door and blinds to let the cooler air in while playing some minecraft after a while i could hear a couple of women talking outside a few units down just general chit chat i also heard a smaller kid running around messing with the gravel along the pathways and generally just being a bored kid while mommy talked with her friend really no big deal at all then it happened i heard one of the women called for the kid jason jason get over here jason fake name for protection i looked up to see the kids standing on the path next to my unit transfixed on the tv uh oh he didn't answer quick enough mama karen came stomping over to him and jerked his arm to force him to look at her while she yelled in his face about answering her and to not watch tv especially someone else's i thought the way she was acting was overkill but let it be he's not my kid and i'm not a parent at all just to my furbabies two cats i did pay attention to if things got worse to jump in but didn't stare i only looked over when she called out to me to apologize for her son note not for her behavior i said it was fine mama karen took him back over to her friend and they continued talking eventually the kid started playing around near them again soon he was back over at my patio looking and watching me play soon after that i hear mama karen yell at him again this time he flinched hard it broke my heart to see the effects of abuse in action and was just frozen staring at her this time i jumped up and went to my patio door she was already at him by them and yelling at him again i tried to interject to say i truly didn't mind that he was watching me play this is where the karen aspect comes in she turned to me sickly sweet the demon gone for the moment and kindly explained that dear jason was grounded and not allowed to even look at a tv i said a bummer dude to him in sympathy she didn't like that i addressed him and not her i also don t think she liked that i showed him sympathy instead of instantly taking her side even though i had no idea why he was punished in the first place i wouldn't doubt if it was some asinine non-existent reason on her part or her being bothered by normal child behaviors she then asked me something that blew my mind can you please shut off your tv when we're out here we are usually out here for some outside time for about an hour a day or you can just shut your window and blinds not gonna lie the people pleaser i have been raised to be almost said oh sure no problem and was going to do it then i stopped myself thinking uh what telling me what to do in my house i'm trying to have a shinier spine i told her no i won't oh boy that sure as hell is her trigger word i thought she was going to reach in and jerk me around and yell at me like i was her child the look was so instantly pissed off she again explained the situation fully expecting me to cooperate this time she laid out her case she made the demand again not a faux question this time i again told her no i came home to relax and this is how i do it she asked me if i have kids i'm solidly child-free and according to the laws of parenting my thoughts and opinions are completely and instantly invalid unless i pop out at least one entire mostly full-term crotch spawn i told her no and she smirked i thought so i was ready for a lecture on how to handle kids properly or something but she just jerked her son away back towards the other woman who i assumed was still there she said something as she went but i didn't really hear it so i don't know if it was to me her son or her friend maybe even grumbling to herself i hadn't seen those two before yesterday but apparently they are out there for at least one hour daily around the time there's a pool a few barbecue pits and a grassy area outside my unit in between the surrounding units and buildings i get to see all the good doggos walk by and it makes my day i really hope she doesn't cause issues for me i just want to live there and not be bothered i'm not going to help her parent her child no one else in the whole world should be expected to accept her i just don't get how she thinks she can ask a total stranger to turn off the tv in their home because she's punishing her child like no it doesn't work that way i'm proud of myself for standing my ground as brief as the encounter was i worry for the kid though and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 44,617
Rating: 4.8792534 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, medical knee brace, knee brace, karen steals, karen and her son, entitled karen, entitled brat, entitled child, cops, lawsuit, compensation, assault, reddit krown, entitled parents, entitled people, college fund
Id: XMHi3wGaWNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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