Shaking Shelter Dog Covers Her Foster Dad's Face With Kisses | The Dodo Foster Diaries

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she was cowering under the table shaking just so scared [Music] inch by end she would let me get a little bit closer and closer [Music] before she would let us touch here a couple minutes she would run up and smell me and then run away she let me pet her a couple times i would put the leash on then i would take it off when i realized she would get very scared and shaken up i would put it on take it off put it on and take it off then eventually i put it on and she kind of gave me this look like okay where are we going and that's when i knew it was time on the way out she was sniffing and pulling i could tell she had a lot of anxiety and energy bottled up i thought she was going to be a nervous wreck the whole way home before the trunk was even open she jumped right in oh nice work [Music] she's super sweet but she's extremely timid this is her first time coming up to me like this right now okay i'm gonna have so much fun i promise congrats oh look at her i knew this wasn't the safest thing in the world but she was just dying to be next to me and i couldn't move her i just can't believe she's even uh doing this with how timid she just was this is awesome i was so excited i kept telling her the dogs can't wait to meet you and i knew the pack would help her come out of her shell [Music] look at your new home for a little while her tail is up yeah and i could tell she would go back to not trusting me fully for a little bit my biggest fear was her running away i wanted her to feel as calm and as safe as possible so i started off with all the little ones the chihuahuas and my dachshund we think that's molly that's molly that's butters and then kind of went up by size she was doing very well she was a little bit hesitant [Music] see i protect her i want her to know that she's safe while also giving them love i don't want to do what it is on it [Music] again look at that i can't believe that works all right so that could not have gone any better so now we're going to introduce her to the entire pack i could see in her face like oh my goodness she said this is where i am right now she couldn't believe her life she was just so happy [Music] by her bringing me that stick she wanted me to be proud of her she was so free playing with all the sticks and running around it was in her element this was the place that she was born to be going across the trails and exploring through the river i don't think she's ever seen water before i'll never forget it so beautiful man just to see her look at her yeah you yeah you beautiful just to see where she was so scared what you doing crazy kids what are you doing over here how come i didn't get a call to the party [Music] just such a happy dog she is the most grateful dog every day and i love her so much you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 3,371,566
Rating: 4.9613333 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, the dodo foster diaries, foster diaries, foster diaries the dodo, the dodo dog, dog, black dog, shelter, shelter dog, lee asher, lee asher the dodo, the dodo lee asher, asher house
Id: pqvbv2z_fEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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