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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled neighbor just demanded her garbage back or compensation i just came inside from this confrontation although apparently it started months ago and i just didn't know it now i moved to this neighborhood about a year and a half ago it was bigger than my old place so i wanted a few more pieces of furniture and also wanted to swap out a few pieces i am too cheap to buy new for the most part soft furnishings too big to go in the washing machine are the only things i usually buy new so i upcycle and refinish most of my furniture i do this mostly in my garage but any spraying i do in the front yard on the mulch most of the neighbors had stopped at some point to welcome me or talk about my projects a few had asked if i took orders i told them i do and at a pretty low cost because i don't do professional quality but it would have to wait a little bit as i wanted to finish my personal projects first one of the neighbors who asked was the neighbor lady karen across the street when i gave her my answer she sort of sniffed and said fine this was almost a year ago a few months ago was the yearly large trash pickup where you can put almost anything on the curb and the city will take it to the dump for you it's a great time to pick up new pieces karen had a pile of actually trashed items out but as i was working in the garage i saw her lug a console entry table to the curb it looked beat up but not broken and it was one of the pieces i was actually looking for i headed over it was pretty beat up as suspected the finish was scratched to hell a pet had chewed one of the legs but it was a solid piece so i asked if i could have it karen said of course so i got my dolly and stashed in my garage it sat in the garage for a few months but last weekend i decided to work on it i sand down and refinish most pieces but after assessing the condition of the wood i decided i was just going to paint this piece as the patching for the damage would be too visible through a stain i striped and sanded the piece down and fixed the damage today i got it out and painted it in the front yard it's a navy color and i'm pretty happy with how it's going to turn out just as i was finishing putting away all the tools and paint karen came marching across the street i thought she would just admire it as people like seeing their old trash transformed but instead she said i've decided that i don't want to give you this table so i'm going to come get it when it's done drying no i said you gave it to me it's mine and i've put in a fair amount of time and money to refinish it but it's mine you stole it from me and i want it back no it's now mine if you want it back it will be 150 but it's trash now you ruined it i thought you were going to refinish it then why do you want it back plus i like it like this any other refinishing would have taken too long and cost too much fine if you want to keep it all take 200 for it so i can buy a new one no you said i could take it from your trash pile i even asked you before taking it it's mine now i'll just come take it while you sleep for context i usually leave pieces in the yard overnight to dry fine i guess i'll just take it inside now i then grabbed the leg of the table and proceeded to drag it into the garage karen reached out to stop me but recoiled when she realized it was still wet i pulled it in and waved at her with my now paint covered hand as the door closed it was a bit petty and my hand is covered in paint spray paint so it doesn't come off easily and i'll have to redo the leg but it was worth the look on her face thinking back as i typed this i think this might have been her plan all along get me to take it refinish it and demand it back i normally would have charged like thirty dollars per forty dollars to refinish something like that but because she tried to trick me the price more than tripled and she ended up with nothing of course she still is my neighbor i'm sure all have more fun with her in the future next story entitled cow wants both tests after my last story i received a request to mention a story about cows and luck for y'all my job attracts a lot of entitled people so here's another one for you due to the nature of my job and the health insurance portability and accountability act laws i'm going to frame this event as a vet tech on a farm let me just start off by saying except for when on one farm my desk is usually situated in the front of the barn near the reception area i prefer it this way as i can hear everything and prepare what i need to do during an exam before i even step foot into a room which makes things go faster and a little bit smoother and i mean i hear everything every little tantrum every little karen moment every cough sneeze giggle i hear you you can't so much as moo without my notice this will be important for later anyway my job as a vet tech is to take vitals and swab for mad cow disease as there's a pandemic going on and in comes a married couple mr bull and mrs cow mr bull is in rough shape he's coughing pale nose is running like it's the niagara falls of snot mrs cow on the hand is perfectly fine from what we could tell just looking at her i'm at my desk doing the chart for a different cow i saw earlier on and as usual i can hear the whole conversation mr and mrs cow are having with the tech at the front the front tech informs mr bull that since he's having symptoms we'll be doing both tests on him the reason for that being the rapid test is not as accurate as our send-out tests and can produce false negatives so if the cow is having symptoms we want to make extra sure they're not really positive for the mad cow now i wish the tech hadn't said this in the front reception area because mrs cow immediately pipes up and asks if she can get both tests too the front tech asks mrs cow if she's also experiencing symptoms to which mrs cows says no because she's not having symptoms the front tech reiterates that mrs cow does not need both tests a little while later mr bull and mrs cow are split off into different parts of the barn i end up being the one assigned to mrs cow so i set up my machine for a rapid test and proceed to see her after i do her vitals which were all normal i explained to her how the swab will go and she interrupts me to say can i have both tests i have symptoms without missing a beat i say to her that's funny because you told the front tech that you weren't having symptoms y'all the look on this cow's face mrs cow just goes quiet and just stares at me like she stunned that i have the audacity to call her out on her nonsense but i don't really pay any mind to her and proceed to explain how the swabs work from the beginning again after swabbing her i pop her test into the rapid machine when another vet tech informs me that mr bull is positive for mad cow and sure enough mrs cow's test also spits out a positive result so i'm not really sure why she felt a need to ask for both tests but hopefully she's learned not to lie during her vet visits ever again while she and mr bull have to quarantine from all the other cows next story not your maid so the stars of this story will be me my entitled aunt entitled brother and entitled mom before anyone asks i am no longer in this situation and i am doing okay to preface i have some pretty nasty chronic health issues and my family wasn't exactly great to me growing up and standing up to them wasn't something i'd ever felt safe doing so when my grandparents passed away and i moved into their home to look after it my entitled mom and brother insisted that he should move in with me and i wasn't exactly in a position to say no from the start things were bad my brother would start trashing the house and i would be left picking up after him i'm talking dirty laundry all over the living room floor dirty dishes and garbage everywhere ect and it just got progressively worse it became a regular routine that i would wake up in the morning and before i could even eat breakfast i'd be spending about an hour tidying up any messes he made during the night and that was just the mornings it was cleaning all day every day and that's sadly not an exaggeration i would be exhausted in pain so bad i would black out due to overworking myself wound up in the emergency room twice because of this and anytime i would ask him to help out with even the smallest chores around the house i'd be met with sharp words and a slamming door in my face he'd lock himself in his room with video games and i'd be left to reckon with the state of the house he didn't think he needed to lend a hand with anything instead actively undoing any cleaning i did and on a couple occasions if i was gone for a few days he'd turn my room into his own personal storage room with his dirty laundry ripped books unprotected game discs and garbage all over my floor to make matters worse entitled ant would stop by with little to no warning to check up on the place i.e do an inspection expecting martha stewart showhouse perfection and despite me constantly telling her that it was the entitled brother trashing the place and i was doing all i could to just hold the place together i would be the one taking the brunt of her anger in good part because my brother was the only one with a lock on his door and he'd hide whenever she came by it didn't matter if i was in a terrible state when she came didn't matter if i was literally doubled over trying not to cry from pain because i'd just spent the four straight hours prior power cleaning on no sleep no food it was still my fault the house looked like that and i was expected to be the one taking care of everything as for my mom well my brother is her golden can do no wrong child even after i wound up in the hospital the second time she was still making excuses for him she would brush off any attempt i made to tell her how bad it was no just like my brother and aunt she thought i should just shut up and work myself half to death every day because my brother just didn't feel like helping that i should be the one responsible for making everything spotless just because my brother was too lazy to do it i know this doesn't fit in with a lot of the other stories here but the fact they thought they were entitled to me cleaning up after him and doing everything on my own i thought that made this a good fit here bonus i moved out after a year and a half and let me tell you not only did my brother try to guilt me into staying saying i didn't appreciate all he did for me and that i was being selfish but he immediately trashed the place when i left i stopped by a couple times after that to grab some of my things and the oven was pulled open and filled with garbage because he'd run out of places to put it you could hardly walk through the living room my bedroom floor was again covered with his things and i had to basically go on an archaeological dig to find mine to say i'm glad i got out of there as an understatement and in a little karmic justice my aunt finally kicked him out a few months after i left and he moved back in with our parents meaning my mom now has to deal with walking past his room there which you can smell from 10 feet away again wish i was exaggerating and she and the rest of my family are stuck cleaning up after him last i heard they're getting a little sick of him too next story entitled starbucks woman in the straw i was at a starbucks this week and while waiting to pick up my order i saw an entitled woman berate the baristas for not putting a straw in her drink if you haven't been to a starbucks in the last few years they've switched to paper straws for cold drinks on top of that they recently replaced traditional lids with straw holes in the middle with lids that have a small opening for sipping here's your drink we're out of the smaller straws but would you like a large one yes this lady couldn't shove a straw into the sipping hole partly because her long fake nails were in the way and partly because she didn't think about squeezing the straw it's doable but it's more difficult than plastic she ended up spilling some of her drink onto the counter agitated she asks do you have smaller ones as if the barista didn't just tell her that they were out i'm sorry but that's all we have she shoved the drink and straw back to the barista you do it excuse me i can't put it in do it for me i'm sorry but i can't touch it you know due to the pandemic it seems as though that was obvious but nope not to this entitled idiot seriously where has she been for the last year she huffed well what am i supposed to do i can't drink it like this you can drink it through the lid or you can take the lid off to use the straw i can give you another one to a reasonable person those are reasonable options but this sub is entitled people after all i want to use the straw normally i want your manager now holy hell that escalated quickly i missed the bulk of her conversation with the manager who offered the same options and also offered to remake the woman's drink not sure how that would solve her straw problem but whatever fortunately she the manager was adamant that they could not and would not handle her drink or her straw eventually though the woman stormed out this is ridiculous i don't want you to make another drink this is the worst service um there's nothing wrong with their service your attitude on the other hand was the worst the stupid entitled woman ended up leaving her full drink on top of the trash can outside all because she didn't want to or know how to drink without a straw on the plus side she wasted her money next story i'm totally fine so due to the nature of my actual job and the laws that govern it i'm going to frame this event as a story of a vet tech visiting a pig farm as a vet tech i go from farm to farm to take vitals and do nasal swabs on pigs as you all know there's a pandemic of swine flu going on and that's what the nasal swabs are for swine flu detection anyway i get this one pig in my office and the poor thing is sweating heavily like well like a pig my exam chair was literally soaked afterwards like this was not a normal amount of sweat and i know for a fact that it wasn't due to heat considering i was cold even in a sweater over my scrubs so this pig sits down and informs me it has a dentist appointment at 10. mind you it's like 9 30 when this pig came in to get swabbed so i'm highly doubtful that's going to happen but whatever dude the entire time i'm doing vitals for this pig it's sitting there and constantly looking at its watch while impatiently tapping its foot part of doing vitals is getting the pig's height in weight which i asked the pig and it tells me it's lost some weight recently due to lack of appetite i asked the pig how long it has been having a lack of appetite and it says last few days or so then the pig asks for a blood test to see if it has any antibodies for swine flu i tell the pig it can't have the test because it's showing symptoms the pig looks at me confused and says it feels fine i'm like ah you don't seem fine the pig insists that it's fine and that it's just a little sweaty before i can object the pig reiterates that it has a dentist appointment and tells me that i should hurry up with the blood test i tell the pig i have to check with the vet first and that it'll only be a few moments i present my case to the vet and the vet goes into the barn to tell the pig we absolutely cannot do the blood test because of the sweat and lack of appetite the pig keeps insisting and says it's fine the vet then says that the pig may be feeling fine but it's still displaying symptoms and protocol as that we can't run antibody tests on pigs with symptoms the pig finally relents as at this point it doesn't want to waste any more time and just get to its dentist appointment so i resume with the rest of the visit i do the nasal swab pop it into the machine and not even four minutes later the pig's results are back it tested positive i tell the vet as much and the vet goes to deliver the news to the pig after the pig leaves the vet comes out and says unbelievable i'm like what she tells me about how the pig had gotten the swine flu from a friend who also tested positive a few days ago but despite being positive the two pigs still hung out anyway she then tells me that it asked her if it can still go to its dentist appointment to which she said absolutely not apparently the pig told her it was going to go anyway because nothing's gonna stop it and it's not going to reschedule so yeah hopefully whoever that pig dentist does they require a negative test result for swine flu next story i bought the treats but it's your dog so you owe me i just want to preface this by saying that i love my gran she's like a mother to me i owe her so much and i'd take a bullet for her but every now and then she can be a little entitled this happened earlier today and i just felt like sharing side note i'm 26 and live with my gran and brother so last february gran bought us a puppy which we named binks she made the decision to get him she paid for him and it's even her name on the records but she immediately told me he was my puppy okay great i always wanted my own dog i feed him i walk him i teach him tricks even potty trained him in a matter of days i take good care of binks because he's my dog right however she has a habit of buying things for binks things he doesn't necessarily need and then complaining to me about how much my dog is costing her the biggest culprit of this is treats she will spend a fortune on dog treats feed them to binks left and right and then make a fuss about how much she spends on treats after they're all gone and often she'll act like i owe her for the treats she bought today was no different she spent around twenty dollars on bags of dog treats today but when i let her know that she still owed me ten dollars for something else she pointed to the treats and said something to the effect of i owe you after buying all of this for your dog i pointed out that i never asked her to buy the treats that it was her own decision to buy them and that if it were up to me he wouldn't be eating as many treats as she gives him because it's not healthy she just rolled her eyes gave me the ten dollars she owed me and said all remember that when you ask me for something like i said i love her but i don't see why i should owe her when she decides to drop money on treats for my dog treats he doesn't even need because he's already getting a little chunky i've tried telling her not to give him so many but then she's just like why have a dog then well that's all i have sorry it's not super eventful or exciting just something i wanted to get off my chest and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 30,657
Rating: 4.8771534 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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