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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story sorry ma'am my house burnt down so this happened to a classmate of mine in middle school about 10 years ago cindy not her real name had been absent from school for about a week and everyone knew why a gas fire had broken out in her house and her family lost everything luckily though no one was killed or seriously injured they were staying with relatives in the meantime but you can imagine how much they were suffering anyway after a week or so cindy comes back to school and has to deal with hundreds of middle schoolers staring at her and gossiping all day she looked constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown cindy's friend group sat at the table next to mine during lunchtime so i was front and center for the bullcrap that went down see our middle school was a bit nuts about id cards you needed them for everything and were expected to keep them on you at all times well cindy no longer had an id card one of the lunch aides was also a library aide who had seen cindy go to the library during the free period without using her id card to sign in she decided that lunch time was the perfect time to confront her about it so this bitter entitled woman marches up to cindy's lunch table intending on making a scene in front of all her friends to shame her for forgetting her id it's been a decade so exact words are fuzzy but the conversation basically went you are in eighth grade cindy you should know the rules by now next time you don't show your id during the study period in the library you'll spend detention there instead i don't have it anymore unacceptable this is the second time you lost it this year that's totally irresponsible i'm sorry my house burned down there was nothing the aid could say to that so she stood there in disbelief for a few moments at this point another lunch aid with more than one brain cell had finally made her way over to intervene and tell the entitled witch to get the hell out of there i never saw her again so odds are she was fired cindy's family got a huge insurance payout so they ended up okay in a new house but holy crap the stuff that poor girl went through next story entitled karen gets mad at me for not issuing a marriage license hey everyone a little background before we start i work at a town hall one of my tasks is issuing marriage licenses when coveted restrictions ease up like they have so on to the story this happened today i had an appointment to issue a marriage license i grab my mask sanitize my hands grab the different documents and head down to one of our 10 by 10 rooms big enough to have people standing six feet apart since the town hall's doors are locked to avoid walk-ins i had to meet them at the door right away this karen had no mask when i asked her to wear one she said she was exempt showing me a screenshot of a u.s exemption we're in canada we're not allowed to ask for proof so i just dealt with it and pretended like she never showed me i didn't ask i asked her to sanitize her hands again there was refusal oh well so we walk into the room our process for a marriage license is to have them bring their application any prior divorce or death certificates and ids i asked if her partner was going to show up she said yes so we wait for about 10 minutes this puts the appointment a little late we have 30 minutes for each appt and i had one in another room right after partner arrives we exchange pleasantries and we get started i already checked their ids and application by email so i quickly rechecked and wrote the information down on the marriage license from there i get into the covid questions where is your wedding being held a inside the church at x street no big deal we still allow church weddings if the group is less than 10. will you be having a reception if yes where yes and at ex banquet hall red flags are sailing so i asked the third question how big is the group attending well for my group there's about 93 guests and on his side there will be 80 or so we have more coming to the reception i think in total there will be 200 people or so she answered all giddy i looked up at her from the license looked at the guy then back at her and explained that i couldn't issue a marriage license with a gathering that large indoor has to be less than 10 including the couple and the officiant outdoors can be 30 including the three well karen immediately flips telling me i'm infringing her right to get married that the virus is a scam that it has a 99.9 survival rate she should be allowed to get married because she's been planning this for three months and already paid for all the food etc i tried to de-escalate telling her i couldn't because it's against the law i handed her a pamphlet with covid safe marriage info and went to walk them out she's still throwing a tantrum she demands to speak to my manager so i call her down my manager was already busy dealing with other stuff so she wasn't in the best mood karen says i was belligerent called her names didn't accept she wouldn't wear a mask etc my manager looks at her well why don't i pull up the footage and we can take a look karen flips more saying the same stuff as before my manager being done with this looks at her and says no clerk in ex-city will issue a marriage license because it is against the law we need to write down how many people will be at the celebration you then have to post the green paper outside the venue and an officer may or may not drop in if we are found to issue a license and there are more people present you will be fined the clerk will no longer be able to give licenses and we will be in a lot of trouble as you told the clerk you have only planned this for three months which means you've had enough time to know it's a pandemic because of your attitude to my clerk we will no longer be accepting any appointments for you or your partner as far as i'm concerned you're banned she then took the application stamped rejected on it and took it with her we ended up having to call security to escort them out the building oh and as for her partner he did nothing literally sat in the chair and did nothing but at least he wore a mask next story this is soda hi first time contributor here not sure if this is the correct thread for this if not i sincerely apologize anyways here goes when the movie 300 was released in south africa i actually went to see it twice in the span of two days on the second viewing morning show the theater didn't have a large audience enter entitled jerkwad with a heavyset french accent was sitting at the end of one of the rows up front answering his phone and speaking very loudly and discourteously spoiling the experience for others sure enough an usher was called in entitled jerkwad was so horribly abusive to the usher who kindly just asked him to take his call outside and then come back in after he finished the abusive patron was swearing and half threatened to beat up the usher and demanded to speak to management as it so happens the manager of the cinema complex walks in a very smart african lady with hell of a poise and grace on seeing the manager the snotty entitled jerkwad becomes racially abusive swears at the manager and starts denigrating her anatomy the manager then does an about face and mentions that she will have a security guard escort him off the premises snooty jerk proceeds to sit down with a smug victorious snort and continues with his telephone call when something seems to arc in the air across the cinema screen very small but very out of place i didn't recall this from last night's screening is it a spear is it an arrow what the splash a can of coke expertly lobbed across the breadth of the cinema deftly hits the racist jerk against the side of his head erupting on impact and causing his phone to get all wet and screwed up he's now properly soaked and buggered and starts roaring like a wounded animal demanding to know who threw the coke at this point the manager walks in with the security guards who forcefully he resisted escort the jerk out of the cinema to the roaring applause of the audience he may have fallen against a seat or two and walked into a door twice when the lights came up at the end of the movie we all stood up to see who our savior was but the only person seated in that vicinity was an elderly lady in her 60s who mumbled something about still being thirsty next story i need that elevator now so i'm an elevator technician when they break i'm the one who fixes them when parts wear out i replace them you get it the other day i was on a job replacing a worn-out emergency light back in the day it was a habit to use the battery of the emergency light to power the elevator's siren system modern emergency lights have different voltages being led so i can't use the old way of connecting everything so i have to wire everything up from scratch including new battery and siren no big deal but it takes a little longer to complete the task note that this is a three-stop elevator ground floor first and second i start with hanging up all my out of order signs and start working on the ground floor five minutes in just disassembled the old piece the story begins in comes the entitled woman mid-40s can walk perfectly fine carrying one barely filled grocery bag excuse me is the elevator broken again not exactly ma'am i'm changing this showing her the new emergency light because the old one wasn't working anymore this will probably take about an hour to complete at this point her daughter walks in how am i supposed to get my groceries upstairs i was starting to get annoyed i looked at her bag and give her the are you freaking kidding me look mom seriously take the stairs it's two floors her daughter told her while looking annoyed at her mom's attitude no i pay for this elevator and i need it now her daughter sighs and says i'm going up then takes the stairs how long is this going to take like i said ma'am about an hour the woman then sits down on a bench in the hallway waiting for me to finish really oh well i do my thing in the cabin not hurrying at all mount the new e-light to the ceiling and pack my things to go one floor up to start the wiring on the top of the cabin are you done yet no ma'am i still have to wire things up on top of the elevator no i can see you're done you're packing your things yes i have to take my bag one floor up so i can start on the wiring can't i use it now no ma'am you can't there's exposed wiring up there if you use it now you can cause a short and you will get stuck it's really not safe fine and she sits back down on the bench seriously pissed off i take my bag and make my way upstairs as soon as i stood in front of the first floor door i heard the door on the ground floor close and sure enough she went into the elevator and tried to take it upstairs hell no i wasn't having that i take my emergency key and as soon as the elevator starts moving i open the lock cutting the safety chain and the elevator comes to a sudden stop this scared the hell out of her and she screamed i opened the door and in my most fake surprised voice i yell oh no what have you done while calmly pressing the emergency stop on top of the elevator yep this thing isn't going anywhere soon this is exactly why i said the elevator is unsafe to use now i'll do my best to get it working again as soon as possible but you made a mess up here so i don't know how long it's going to take there was no mess but i couldn't resist teaching her a little lesson she then swears yells makes a scene i'll be right back i have to go to the engine room to see if i can get it working again i close the door and make my way up on the second floor the daughter came out of the apartment because of the yelling of her mother i quickly explained what happened oh no please get her out of there but then she comes closer and whispers to me don't hurry make her suffer music to my ears i smile give her a thumbs up and make my way up to the engine room i call my supervisor to explain the situation in case she files a complaint in the engine room i start playing around with the fuses putting her in the dark because yeah i haven't connected the e-light yet i play with her for about half an hour before i turn off the emergency stop i activated the elevator synchronizes to the lowest floor and i wait for the doors to open please don't ever do that again her face becomes white as a sheet and she's now shaking no i won't and she takes the stairs and goes inside i never heard from her again i calmly finish my job and leave the building with a smile on my face mission accomplished next story entitled woman gets soaked in the rain i was at a general store i like to go to that is owned and staffed by mennonites they are the nicest people you can imagine and the cashiers are usually young women in their late teens early 20s they are modest soft-spoken ladies and unfailingly polite and helpful i have never before today seen anyone be rude to them in this store or any other run by them large population of them in this area this store is pretty busy most of the time but the cashiers are good about getting people checked out quickly and have an organized system we were getting ready to check out when she appeared a wild karen something rarely seen in this area had zoomed forward with her two loaded carts she first drew our notice when she uttered the mating cry of her type husband where are you at the top of her lungs as she shoved her way in front of the people who were next in line the soft-spoken husband and adorable well-behaved daughter are nearby he is helping the little one decide on candy from the immense selection of candies on the bulk candy wall are you checking out already we aren't done i don't care if you aren't done you better hurry up she bellowed as she slammed things on the counter in front of a cashier who can't be more than 17. the poor victim i mean cashier tried to keep track of what she had scanned as the woman slammed more and more on the counter in the middle of the already scanned items we had moved to another register but could clearly hear her berating the poor cashier as she tried to ring up two carts worth of goods and bag box things for the woman the cashier was really quite fast considering the system as not automated other than a hand scanner she had checked her out in less time than it took us to check out with fewer things as she finished up at the register and slammed the last of her things into her carts we and likely the entire large store heard her say it took long enough i guess cute child isn't getting anything meanwhile husband and cute child have decided on a candy and he is helping her bag and label her treat they are clearly not ready to check out and the woman has already paid i saw him speak to her but couldn't hear what was said as the man had enough manners not to bellow like a cow that has lost her calf woman bellowed i guess i'll have to do it myself as she headed for the door i looked up in time to see husband step up to the counter with cute child to pay for her candy i can read lips well enough to know he was apologizing to the sweet cashier woman came stomping toward the door where i was sitting on a bench next to the register waiting for my mom and son to check out i'm disabled and was exhausted she threw up her arms and bellowed oh my god now it's raining she turned to look at me and i heard her mutter i guess a isn't going to open the door for me and shoved her way out really glad mom and son didn't hear that it wouldn't have been pretty husband meanwhile is calmly helping cute child into her raincoat in no particular hurry as cute child shows me her bag of candy with a big no front teeth smile he was definitely in no hurry and we had our things loaded and were pulling out of our parking spot before they emerged from the store as we left down the street we saw the woman slamming things into her trunk on the other side of the street soaked from the pouring rain and madder than a wet hen it was a truly beautiful sight and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 19,205
Rating: 4.929019 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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