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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled women expect service right away in a snowstorm pays triple so this isn't my story it belongs to my dad so my dad used to work for a heating and gas company the company would have an after-hours 24 7 emergency service and the area of coverage my dad would do would be let's say a two-hour drive in any direction so one day my dad got an emergency call on the weekend for a town roughly two hours away as he's in that town a blizzard rolls in not terrible but enough that you'd definitely have to drive slower when on the roads as he's at the site he gets another emergency call from a woman in another town two hours the other way closer to where he lives he calls the customer and she says she smells gas so my dad goes through the usual questions he has a few theories on why she may be smelling gas so he asks her to look at a gauge on her propane tank but she refuses to look saying she isn't qualified to look he asked her if she has another source of heat she can use she says she does so my dad tells her to turn off the gas to her house use the backup heat and he'll be there in several hours the woman replies that this is unacceptable that she needs him there right now my dad told her that unfortunately that isn't possible he's in a town several hours away the woman argues with him saying he needs to be here now my dad gave it to her bluntly he told her listen you wanting me there now doesn't change anything i'm in another town two hours away there is a blizzard going on so that will slow me down i can't fly to where you live and i'm not rushing and risking my life just to get to your place sooner so i'm there in a few hours or you can wait until the week when all the technicians are back to work and you can have someone help you then the women backed down and said a few hours would be fine so my dad gets there after a few hours of driving and almost right away sees the issue apparently she was running out of propane and smelling gas is some sort of warning sign a tank is getting low he said to me if she had looked at the gauge like he asked it would have saved the drive and could have called the proper people to fill her tank so because it was an emergency call she had to pay a bill that is triple what a typical weekday call us and the cost of having a truck come out to fill her tank so to give an example a workday call is about 200 depending on what the job entails and to fill up maybe just over 100 next story karen tries to frame my blind friend okay here's the backstory my friend is blind and has a speech disorder where it's impossible to talk we went out to eat a lot and we tried to go out to a different restaurant about three blocks away from a police station my friend also has anxiety which plays a big part in this confrontation so i was going to get lunch with my friend i hadn't had any problems at that point and i just needed to go order for us as we were moving along i sat her down and went to get the food then here comes karen she looks at my friend then looks at her foot which was sticking about three inches out of the booth she then purposely tripped over my friend's foot me and five other people can clearly see she did this on purpose karen then starts to yell and my friend gets very clearly confused she tries to say something but only mumbles a gasp karen rudely interrupts just take your glasses off so you can see where you're keeping your feet by this time i'm moving as fast as i can so that i can get there before a big trouble occurs karen then proceeds to snatch the glasses off of my friend's face hey stop i and five others said simultaneously excuse me she yells this is harassment i'm calling the cops i and the other strangers are just looking at her i could see a little tear run down my friend's face i had had enough i ran over slightly shoving karen out of the way i hugged my friend while slightly whispering to her that it's okay we then heard the cops pull up as the cops entered the restaurant karen started pleading like the innocent i and the five other witnesses tried to explain but karen butted in this woman wears sunglasses and she tripped me i stepped forward to the officer turned towards karen and said listen this is my friend she is blind and cannot speak karen then realized she had made a mistake the cop talked to both me and karen then finally turned to me and said sorry for the inconvenience we will take care of this i snatched my friend's glasses back and we left while we're leaving the restaurant i saw the five other people talking to the officer and explaining what they witnessed and after that we saw karen being taken by the officers out of the restaurant and straight to their car next story entitled people at the pool so for context this was the last summer before covid hit covid wasn't around yet my mom and i decided to go swimming at a water park it was a heck of a time getting there so we already weren't doing well my mom and i swam around for a while before eating and then a kid crapped in the pool surprisingly this was actually the first time i ever experienced that so we decided to go in the lazy river that one was separate from the main pool so it was safe while we were floating in the lazy river basically you sit in a floaty and go it goes in circles i'm not sure if every place has these i started to feel sick i have an esophagus disease and it kicks up at the worst of times i'm in severe agony and you can't just get out at any part of the lazy river there were two areas you were allowed to get out at we were pretty far and moving fairly slow to stay together and i was on the verge of vomiting there were these entitled brats who weren't in their tubes against the rules also can't leave kids unsupervised in the lazy river and they kept smacking me with their tubes and laughing at me when i was clinging to the edge of the pool sick at some point i started throwing up on the side of the pool and one of the kids hit me in the back of the head hard those tubes aren't soft that was my breaking point i turned toward them and screamed at them to watch it and called them jerks they started crying and ran to tell a lifeguard who came to talk to us at this point i'd gotten out of the lazy river and was puking the bathroom was across the park i couldn't have made it past the crowd of people and the lifeguard had the kids go back to their parents and to top it all off there was a guy who was toward the top of the huge water slide nearby pointing to me and laughing at me while i was puking and crying i don't usually cry easily in public but i felt humiliated so my mom complains about it because you know that's not cool so they had him come down there was a separate little staircase next to the slide i guess for people who wanted to back out of it and explain what happened and then he said fatty probably ate too much and it made her throw up dot dot not cool the guard then told him that he was kicked off the water slide and he was livid deserved my mom and i just left after this next story an entitled customer can't count money yesterday i was working as a cashier and because of kovid there are times where we don't have any spare coins to give customers because of this our registers were changed so instead of giving change we would give them extra money so we can keep our change so say i owe you 3 cents i instead will give you a whole dollar anyway everything was fine a lot of customers were surprised but happy they got a free dollar after all except for this one lady who seemed over 50 because her daughter had a child who seemed eight or so thank you very much come again i proceed to hand her the receipt in the dollar where's my three cents three cents yes it says right here you owe me three cents oh right i'm not allowed to give our sense so we're paying you to let us keep our sense i don't want to hear that i want my money why are you trying to rob me now in my mind all i could think about was now listen here you little jerk but as a cashier i was forced to stay polite like i said man i'm paying you so i can keep the sense you're getting a dollar extra stop trying to rob me i want my three cents now the customers behind her were getting annoyed at her they had common sense and realized she was getting more money and is arguing that i'm robbing her i gave you a dollar which is more than three cents give me my three cents she grew louder and louder and so my manager rushed over what's going on he's trying to rob me fire him my manager looked at me in confusion she knew i'm a hard worker and very honest so i explained to her confused look she wants point three cents instead of a dollar my manager didn't didn't even bother she just told me to give her the dollar and the customer walked away with a one dollar and three cents congratulations you annoying lady the next five customers were just criticizing her when she left and i joined because that was really weird next story entitled woman and her kid try to steal my seven months old dog in front of me hi guys so this happened today while i was walking my almost eight months old dog named mafalda and my other dog named sebastian he's two years and both are poodle toys close to my apartment there's this pink road where people can walk and drive their bikes and there's a huge grass around it and a park for kids to play it's been in reconstruction since two days ago i walk my dogs to the end on the pink road and then come back home after they do everything they need while i was doing that miffalda likes to run at huge speed like turbo that she doesn't let people pet her as she is always interested in playing and not pets i was far behind my dogs but i could see them as i see them i see a kid trying to pet mifalda but she doesn't let him and she runs to play the kid then tries to catch her and i thought he just wanted to play with her until i saw his mom trying to catch her with her kid i walk faster and mafalda runs to me and i grab her carefully as she was wet from the raining the woman then comes to me and makes an excuse to take my dog with her this is how it went oh thank god you catch my dog he's always running around and it's hard to catch him first it's a she second she's my dog third if you try to catch her with your kid again i will sue you because no one here especially kids goes around running and trying to catch others people's dogs oh please you don't even know his name and you already have one dog she points at my other poodle toy again it's a she and her name is mafalda a portuguese name and has my stepdad's number on her leash don't try to lie give me my dog or i will call the police on you for stealing it i then show the woman her leash that has her name and my stepdad phone number wanna say that again oh rude chick i'm not a mirror by the way have a bad day i then walked past her with my dog in my arms while my other dog was now waiting close to the trash can near the park and i walked home without letting my eyes off the woman to see if she follows me or does something else the end thanks for reading next story my entitled fiancee gets mad at my entitled parents over a dispute about our wedding planning i just got engaged to anna and we are in the very early stages of wedding planning we can afford to pay for it ourselves but it will be a small diy wedding i knew that my parents were going to offer to pay because i'm the last to get married and they paid for both of my siblings anna and i have talked about my parents money before and mutually decided that when they offered to buy us a house not trying to be an entitled jerk but they bob both of my siblings a house we are going to decline because it comes with strings attached my mom drops by whenever she wants my mom makes executive parenting decisions for my sister and sister-in-law and anna and i don't want that we had dinner with my parents recently and my dad offered us seventy thousand dollars for the wedding i saw anna's eyes light up i asked what the strings would be and my dad said we would have to let my mom help plan invite a certain number of their friends make sure the food included things they liked and if he was spending that sort of money it wasn't just for us his wife better be happy i told anna it was her call anna got upset and said no to the conditions which i was fine with anna then said my parents are selfish which is okay fair enough then she started to beg for the seventy thousand dollars without the strings my dad said that was out of the question she kept it up so i changed the subject the next morning she told me she was going to call my mom and try to convince her to drop the conditions i told her that she was being entitled and they have the right to give conditions i wouldn't personally do it but i think it is their right i told her that if she called my mom it would embarrass me because of the entitlement she now thinks i'm on their side and she is deeply hurt that i used the word entitled because she prides herself on being a hard worker next story entitled at the post office this happened to me in 1997. for me that year was awesome quick backstory in 1995 i lost my dad to cancer after that happened hubby and i decided to start a family so in january of 1997 my little man was born also i was active duty in the military at the time not getting political here just giving information for what was happening in the military at the time government decided to downsize the military so recruiting slowed incentives were given to people who were close to retirement to take early retirement same as with people who had re-enlistment coming in the next year i fall into the last category so hubby active duty as well talked it over and we decided that it was too much for both of us to be active duty so since he outranked me and had more time in service yep you guessed it i got out so as i said my baby was born in january 1997. my pregnancy was normal except at 23 weeks i measured 26 weeks the doctor sent me to have an ultrasound immediately they thought i could be having twins even though they could not hear two heartbeats not totally unheard of please correct me if i'm wrong about the heartbeat is in no way shape or form do i have any form of medical training so i did an ultrasound and nope just one really healthy baby boy we start getting closer to my baby's day the doctor decided that i could not have a normal delivery because of his size so c-section here i come hubby and i decided we wanted a minimum of two kids and with any form of luck try and time them to be around 18 to 24 months apart after our baby was born the doctors told us to be extra cautious so that i don't get pregnant again right away as this was 24 years ago i don't remember the exact details only that i would have a really high risk pregnancy if i did and we found out in june of 1997 my pumpkin was on her way now how does the downsizing come into play we decided to put the paperwork in for me to get a six-month early out meaning i only have to complete three and a half years instead of four years and it counts the same as if i did the four years no more no less paperwork approved discharge date fall 1997. i was still going to work but because of pregnancy i was having a hard time finding work no complaint and i have never thought in any way was i discriminated against so when filling out the application i was always upfront about pregnancy the interviews i did get a few of them said that i got the interview because it showed how honest i was so hard adjusting going from two incomes to one so the only job i could get was as a temporary at a postal distribution center so i'm not anti-social but i'm not really comfortable around strangers either so i show up for my first day my supervisor was not happy as human resources failed to notify him about my limited work conditions so i would help sort packages until there was a build-up of damaged packages then i would try to piece them back together so a truck from the area would bring in packages from area a we would then separate those packages into mail bags the mail bags would be labeled all zip codes within a certain area in one bag when said bag was full it was put in a metal bin that would be put on a plane and delivered to a processing center like where i was i didn't think so at the time but my stupid part was taking the job and risking pumpkin to start with so the male bags are in a u shape and there are four people that work within the u there are multiple u-shaped work centers one right next to the other same with metal bins but they were directly across from the male bags we were using now i was the only white person in that section i go to the right or to the left and include my you so having been in the military i quickly clue in the ones around me who were filipino so i got down and started to work engaging in small talk here and there getting to know them day three one lady asked where i would go after x time i tell them i'm pregnant and i'm limited duty then they go off on me because i'm not only sorting packages i was throwing the full mail bags in the metal bins i basically got told to do no more than sort the packages so here is where karen comes in karen looks well into menopause she starts telling everybody she is pregnant and deserves the same treatment as me i remind you at no time did i ask for said limits and even tried to calm them down over everything supervisor heard it all and said this will be dealt with after this karen was not seen again the other people though they were some of the best people to work with one of the best jobs i had and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 22,092
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: O-PEjzKbVis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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