What The Hack Is This? | Ancient Chozo

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okay so today we're gonna play a little bit of a rom hack called ancient chozo i was gonna play a shitty rom hack but i don't feel like torturing myself as much lately with shitty rom hacks because we've played a lot and that's kind of how this whole series started was the worst rom hacks yeah we're gonna play ancient shows today ancient chozo is a four and a half star rom hack very highly rated it was made in 2018 there's nothing but praise about the uh about it in the comments i am not trying to read all the comments though because i don't want to get spoiled uh but yeah so we're just gonna hop right into it the average play time is four and a half hours in game time so about seven eight hours my sleep was ass really ass hold on i battled the metroid's on planet babies are found um is this all the same wait no ah there i fold the plans of space pirate leader mother brain to use the creatures to attack galactic civilization that's not the same is it the same i don't i don't recall that being in the and the lore i next fought the metroids on their homeworld sr 388 i completely eradicated them except for a larva which followed me around to my followed me to my ship yeah it normally says follow me like a confused child i'm pretty sure [Music] i delivered it to the station at ceres so scientists could study its energy producing qualities yeah once i start this we'll talk about what i'm going to be doing for dread as well the scientists findings were astounding they discovered that the powers of the metroid might be harnessed for the good of civilization no no this is just a sleep ring it uh tracks your activity and your heart rate and your body temperature and your sleep mainly as you sleep uh i left the station but i had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when i picked up a distress signal sirius station had been under attack been had been attacked realizing that it was too late i decided that i had to eradicate the evil that visited ceres i said course for planet zip zeb zibs yes it's a [ __ ] ring really dude give me some more credit than that no it's got like sensors and [ __ ] in it if you can see yeah the aura ring it's pretty sweet dude i really like having all that like information and those numbers you never charge it it charges in like an hour and it lasts like a week so it's pretty nice all right so let's see what's going on here the map is already laid out for me okay so i'm pretty sure this is a so this is a half hack i think they're called right or a vanilla plus and um yeah like i said extremely highly rated oh this is weird dude you only move as far as your you don't keep momentum oh what the [ __ ] dude you have to hold the direction ah yeah yeah the physics are kind of weird assuming that this is the same i think we can make that assumption i'm assuming we can make an assumption so with this i think with these hacks you continue momentum when you hit the ground so you don't want to this is one thing i don't like about these hacks and it's one thing i don't like about um what is the other one that people like a lot ledge grabbing is kind of not as important because you actually continue momentum if you don't let's grab which takes away the whole point of trying to like expand hitboxes it kind of takes away the the the whole hitbox game and [ __ ] to a degree because you still need to like let grab and then like wall jump or oh one okay jesus so yeah this is like one of the highest rated hacks alongside um oh you know what you can do though if you shoot you can actually re-spin so you can keep your momentum that's kind of one cool thing i do like about these hacks so it kind of adds um an element of technicality um yeah it skips it for you so you can do some weird crazy [ __ ] like that and just deeper momentum it's over here then powerbomb still yeah [Music] actually we'll go this way oh they lock that off like that that is weird though wait no okay you can still keep momentum that way let's say i don't really like that too much wait how was the average play time of this rom hack there must be some cool [ __ ] to this how was the average play time four and a half hours that's like eight hours of gameplay [Music] [Music] that's like that's a really okay where is this around here somewhere found you [ __ ] [Music] oh two hours of non-skippable cutscenes [Music] my god i am winning i'm gonna save just because i don't know what lies ahead [Music] it um anyways thank you for the two months you see the new um implementation that twitch added albert that's a big word nice dude what so what did they add [Music] [Laughter] junior copy and paste it it's okay sometimes i copy and paste too even like really easy [ __ ] words i'll copy and paste because i'm like wait how does that how does that how's that word spelt again [Music] what's up meyer all right see that's why i saved because i don't know how much more difficult it was you get a weird jump on a bomb jump you're a bit of a wonky jump on a bomb jump you can get it [Music] the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] what kind of mechanic is that dude is that intended that's really [ __ ] weird [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] i'm trying to on morph it's not letting me i can't so i cannot morph out of that [Music] yeah there's some weird mechanics to this it's cool so far this is like this is probably one of the cleanest looking hacks i've ever played and i'm only 10 minutes into it like everything is really deliberate and i like the layout so far of everything this is really really cool i like it a lot [Music] um you can i i can't actually so how did that work again oh you just on morph and then i assume i can keep um i assume if i had a slope i can keep the let me try real quick just so we know [Music] [Music] okay yeah there's a slope [ __ ] wow they added a ton of time to the charge as well yeah i don't know so there must still be speed booster which kind of makes everything a little bit cleaner marie debt thanks for the 33 months yeah this is a really pretty hack so far though like i said i'm only 10 minutes deep but it's probably one of the best looking acts [Music] how does that work then oh i gotta do it right before i hit the ground oh [ __ ] it's kind of just a reskin yeah oh sweet okay but it's like so it's a um vanilla plus which normally vanilla plus is pretty weird okay i guess we're gonna save oh this connects to spore spawn does it not this would connect behind spore spawn yeah this is pink brinstar hold on [Music] oh nevermind i'm an idiot that's just for faster okay where is this i don't wait what is this is it it might be above i don't know no it's like bombs is connected to it it's kind of weird i don't know maybe we should just go fight sportsbond first no i could i could leave if i wanted i'm pretty sure or we can just go back around um how do you do that again i don't know if you can you can do it in hyper i don't think you can in this one yeah i saw i saw a man of steel followed again so uh yeah [Music] i saw that like last week and i was like i can't wait for like a calm message or something it's so predictable imagine being that predictable i saw it amongst all the uh follow bot [ __ ] i was like oh yeah man of steel nice here's this degenerate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i would have really preferred now this is really [ __ ] picky okay since we're underwater i would have preferred to enter spore spawn from the top so it's more of like a pit because [Music] i hate entering rooms oh the water's draining actually that's kind of neat i hate entering rooms that already have water but you enter from the bottom it's like wouldn't that have you know i know it's like maybe oh i did backflip how the [ __ ] did i do that [Music] oh you got the crouch to do it that's the right crouch has to be involved okay yeah i'm not the biggest fan of that personally but it is what it is will you wall jump or can i not wall jump that [Music] um there's gotta be a way to connect this so if this hack is like um what the hell's the other one i can't remember everyone [ __ ] loves it and they've speed running and [ __ ] um uh not hyper but it's like um yeah project base yeah um everything just connects in the map no you can't do this dan you can do this this is just a damage boost animation i'm not i don't know i'm not the biggest fan of that it doesn't really have any utility and it just kind of seems out of place in my opinion as utility and speed runs i'd be surprised if it had really any utility in a speed run i mean unless it's deliberately placed that way like maybe that i guess i mean maybe there is some but anything you can do with that i feel like you just do quicker running or being just better i don't know oh that's kind of neat so that connects to this um [Music] okay that's what i'm saying everything connects in these in these maps it's actually pretty pretty nice you want email or phone verification required um no because we unless something really becomes an issue we talked about this all right i talked about it in the discord a little bit okay i'll have to take a look at the options because everyone's really lazy okay not you chat you're not lazy at all but a new viewer lazy though and no one's going to want to verify they're going to go oh this this viewer this streamer requires verification that's too much work i don't feel like chatting i'm going to leave you know even though they're completely fine whatever they're not a bot they're not a piece of [ __ ] they're just lazy like most of us let's be honest because i could see myself doing that same [ __ ] yeah let's go back so we'll see we'll see it is good though and it does have um that's really good that twitch added something like that okay what's up silver [Music] oh [Music] i have a feeling that this e-tank has been moved somewhere a little less obvious [Music] into the stream oh welcome [Music] die okay we got him [Music] ain't good it's a lot of damage okay no hidden bridge but i'm gonna i'm gonna die unless this feller gives me some oh nice we can do uh bomb hovers [Music] oh yeah we do have shine spark yeah forgot [Music] how convenient [Music] um what was over here again this was just an item that we already got um does that connect no uh i don't want to check that out i don't wanna die [Music] see green hold on i gotta go to the bathroom so when i'm on the toilet i'll change it to see green for you i forgot to open it let me open it unless rack here you can um can you refund him and then you can do it again thank you all right you can do it again yeah i do want to do the trilogy there's just a lot of metroid stuff i want to do before dread comes up while jumping is kind of weird in this [Music] [Music] oh wait a minute they add like an instant morph [ __ ] what is that again if you're holding l and you press down you instant morph wow that's so weird for yeah that's one thing i did not like about speedrunning project base is they make everything way too easy it like they dumbs everything down a little bit which is cool i'm just being an elitist really i'll be right back give me a couple minutes that was a long pee i was trailing toilet paper on my foot huh oh yeah oh yeah there it is dude yeah sniffing windex again so what you can't tell me what to do nightmare light sheared x200 one of the basic pieces of furniture a chair is a type of seat its primary features are two pieces of a durable material attached as back and seat to one another at a 90 degrees or slightly greater angle with usually the four corners of the horizontal seat attached in turn to four legs oh [ __ ] his [ __ ] launch in this rom egg man oh whoa this is what you do when you don't have like speed booster just that i feel like the speedrun consists of optimizing this the best of your ability [Music] [Music] backflip i don't know backflips are pretty slow [Music] i'm doing good how are you no this is ancient shows though it's like on the top of the list four and a half stars okay so i might need to save hold on let's see what this is first [Music] oh there's two versions of the game one of them was like a bomb it had something to do with the bomb fix i just played the normal version is that what um is that what this was i wonder a visual edit no there's there's a lot to it a lot more to it but okay i don't wanna sit there and farm that forever [Music] okay where's our hole don't be the hole around here somewhere is that [Music] hey yup i often need help it'd be more ruthless if i actually uh took it as an insult you know what i'm saying but it's coming from the chat of all you know bodies of people so it's it's quite all right all right so this is pink prince star i know it don't look pink but it is maybe you guys are just color blind yeah that's pink stink brinstar fog this place stinks [Music] so i'm very curious to know why this took so long for people to beat is it because everyone explores and everything i wonder my god dude chill [Music] it [ __ ] what happened hold on did i miss something oh no i didn't we're out of there whoa it's a little bit annoying sometimes and i'm just trying to like search for stuff just launches my ass my peace i didn't feel like bother looking and bothering looking here because i don't wanna i think i'm gonna need some [ __ ] [Music] at least speed well speed booster i have speed booster [ __ ] i don't know let's just take a look well i don't have speed booster but i kind of do ypx was fun it was a good hack i was just being a dumbass half the time on those hacks okay so that's what it is [Music] oh cool problem solved okay just don't take a hit probably vitality i don't know if this is all intended this is very odd i mean it must be like i feel like this might be a um i don't know either an extreme oversight or it's probably intended like that'd be pretty weird if it wasn't [Music] that easy folks yeah i mean how else it's obviously a mechanic right [Music] i don't know this is a this is a very good hack so far though especially aesthetically i think it's one of the coolest hacks i've seen especially for a vanilla plus hack [Music] okay where does this connect um [Music] this is gonna connect to it might just connect the back of x-ray or it might connect all the way to like ice beam [Music] not sure am i drinking a bloody mary no i got an eyelash my eye [ __ ] [Music] what does that connect to i wanna go back and see so this is gonna connect to x-ray i was right the first time [Music] yeah we're gonna be playing it quite a bit i'm gonna be doing a huge marathon when it first comes out nice why why is spacer here by the eighth the spacer looks sweet [Music] so generally x-ray would be here so i'm curious to know if it's just been tucked away spazier has moved all the way to the left here x-ray might be in a different location because of that i don't see a dot yeah um yeah hopefully this hack will be a little bit more straightforward those other ones have been kind of tough but this is red tower thank you chad for the many months oh i just realized something could i could i make that work i wonder and then re-spin if i can re-spin out of that i might be able to do some really weird [ __ ] whoops i really like the aesthetics here [Music] so with everyone doing 24 hour long streams lately well i mean i already did one it was because of um sub timber and like subathon stuff this is connected okay cool but um other than that yeah dread mainly for me check this out check this out peter and strap [Laughter] i was hoping i'd get that charge out of it all right so what's over here i can't respect actually out of that unless i start my spin right away maybe that's a lot of damage okay so that's meridia this is going to intermediate as well yeah i really love this the aesthetics and everything yeah can i get out of here i'd be able to oh they added underwater while jumping it's a little bit tricky [Music] sort of just trying to get out of here um can i just can i do that underwater maybe yeah we're just gonna go down [ __ ] it this might connect us yeah that's a very specific question don't swear shots [ __ ] up [ __ ] okay oh it does work actually i could have shine sparked out oh hmm so pretty [Music] music from metroid prime yep that's where this came from metroid prime music yeah dude they totally ripped off metroid uh majority prime [Music] no metroid prime 2 has torvus bog which is just red brinstar from sm now i assume we're memeing but if we're not meaning [Music] [Music] yeah i'm starting to understand the mechanics a little bit this works i actually can't touch the d-pad until i start moving i think [Music] no you have some speed properties uh to your bomb kind of weird [Music] wish i can make that um [Music] this works too [ __ ] once i [ __ ] up like that then it don't work i'll try to do it a little bit quicker come on [Music] [Music] i wonder if i can do that actually a little bit weird i'm trying to like move to the right the last bomb there we go [Music] no okay [Music] all the issues i can't on morph i could go down actually let's just go down i don't want to okay nevermind let's just go up close enough for now tommy's pretty damn easy i'm sorry i don't speak the way you want me to speak dad forgive me [Music] off don't worry hmm i don't really want to do all this underwater [ __ ] until i get gravity [Music] i'm just gonna go back from where i came go back from where you came what if gravity's in the water area i might but i'm not gonna take that risk because it doesn't really seem like that's the um the direction that the game wants you to go initially oops all right that's one way to do it [Music] oh you escaped meridia i did technically gas delete this is there anything else in here or was this just yeah remember this was just bait wasn't not um i was pretty low health and those crabs are strong as [ __ ] they're called battle crabs yeah let's try to go right now be really hard watch me fail i might actually fail okay now [Music] i was trying to kill it with a that okay let's go up up and down round and round i like how meridia has this dope ass remix like red brinstar [ __ ] and then wrecked ship nah [ __ ] you right [ __ ] yeah good [ __ ] [Music] you get nothing this hack is awesome so far now i'm not normally big on a vanilla plus hacks but i'm just aesthetically alone and uh the changes uh to like the music and all the items seem very very deliberately placed which is always good okay i bet you we're gonna find gravity here nice yeah this this could really use some fog i will say over there am i entering this from like the wrong direction the anus yes hmm well i bet you that we uh yeah we're definitely gonna find gravity here somewhere be surprised if we don't we're in space can't grab that what goes up where would this connect i'm trying to think this connects to the back of the attic i need to so there's an e tank up here can't get there yet i might not actually need to take this uh the up path of the only path i can do oh this is off the map actually it's off the record up here [Music] how's everyone's wednesday going and they're weak yeah that's a great looking hack so far for sure aesthetically probably one of the best ones i've seen good it's okay i wonder why that is albert eating a reuben remy underscore tw cheered x200 brought you up in therapy as the source of all my problems so pretty good what you did oh now your therapist is going to watch your stream yeah just drink coffee forehead i'm his therapist i'm watching he he's a little [ __ ] uh yo nice congrats dude [Music] finally my revenge don't look if you have epilepsy ah that tastes a lot [Music] okay okay i cannot take any more heads and i haven't saved in a little bit so too many hits bro i was gonna say dude good thing i got the speed booster [ __ ] right there that's the only thing that saved my ass their map station i kind of need some more health man i'm not getting any i could have maybe farmed that jesus okay it's gonna be quick oh [ __ ] critical [Music] you're gonna [ __ ] open your dumb ass eye or what okay yep i knew it i [ __ ] i thought i i thought i hit how did that not hit you're tender than hell lunarof cheered x200 a slow instant instant who wins today slow instant instant hello mia did you hear me slurping she's like oh what do you got for me like whenever she hears a like crinkle of a rapper all right cough up the goods your breath stinks oh my god i got a retreat that's um like a rawhide free treat but it smells like just dead animals dude it smells like roadkill but she she loves it probably because of that reason thinks like [ __ ] and she please yeah apparently this uh this also helps clean their teeth but god damn it smells rancid hello mia hold on give me just a little bit i'm entertaining some degenerates man remember we talked about this oh i thought i muted myself sorry you gotta hear that rawhide is bad for dogs anyways you don't want to use ride my raw rawhide alternatives ride alternatives [Music] swift yeah i get the bully sticks as well mainly i think bully sticks is what i get her but these ones just yeah they're just rancid smelling i can't remember rawhide is bad um i think it like gums up their intestines or some [ __ ] hold on i think it's because someone just changed the color you have to wait for the cue [Music] you dehydrate chicken breasts that's a great idea actually i have a dehydrator um well the the oven acts as a dehydrator as well i should do that because i will her up some chicken breasts and stuff to put with her meals i should just do that too it's it's a weird mechanic in this well are you sure it's not intended because you can get speed booster out of um bomb jumps so how would that not be intended that would have to be the biggest oversight ever by the developers of this all right yeah and yeah i'm sure it is intended isn't that okay this way so [Music] i'll grab this there's so many weird mechanics dude with this raw mac okay let's go kill fan soon there was super missiles over there but yeah i'm not gonna do that attack i have not played this before no yeah no yeah there's there's no reason to think i'm gonna die oh yeah spin right into the [ __ ] ex hey mia hey okay all right i'm gonna take a little break go grab a snack yourself i think mia needs to go poop or pee yes or she's being a little drama queen well she already pooped a little bit earlier so i think she's good he's being a little diva you haven't given me attention in like an hour and you played diablo all yesterday you degenerate [ __ ] loser wait what bark oh all right i'll be back give me a minute hey thanks for 24 months mia i just went outside with you you just peed yeah but i want more attention come on i know it's hard having a dog so goddamn energetic sometimes he can run for miles and miles and miles we'll get home from our runs and walks and she'll take like a little just a tiny tiny little nap like a two minute no five minute nap and then she'll be recharged and ready our batteries will be charged up all right so what do you say we go to norfair instead because it's kind of ass yeah i'm gonna have to go fight craig alright a good idea instead of trying to do the phantom first route yeah i said grab yourself a snack but we can get there from my god let's see here we can go to brinstar from that area so let's go let's do that [Music] this is so funny so underneath uh we can also get those items it's just gonna be super missiles i'm not particularly worried right now [Music] hey stop chewing on my chair cut it out [Music] [Music] stop yeah shaz thanks for the 15. how come i didn't see this at first it was well hidden in with this not really but that's a really neat thing yeah i don't know how else to put it but yeah that's a neat thing [Music] okay so let's go down we're going down on joe here okay no matter how you put that that sounds dirty joe who oats who is joe no you know i'm just uh joe mama [Music] damn oats does it again where is this brimming [Music] oh does this connect perhaps [Music] yeah man remember you're the problem that was a funny ass comment for romhack that she wants so like confidently bad okay you can still do that in this attack all right sweet sheeter yep cheater cheater pumpkin eater where did that scene even come about who the [ __ ] eats pumpkins like just straight up [Music] okay i don't think white girls are just cutting a pumpkin and just straight up eating it [Laughter] i think they'd be uh awfully surprised to figure out that pumpkins don't taste quite like a pumpkin spice latte which i do like pumpkin spice quite a bit and pumpkin anything pumpkin seeds are bomb yeah i i've been buying some roasted pumpkin seeds but one thing i don't like about it is the roasted pumpkin seeds normally when i roast them they're like the white like longer pumpkin seeds they're a little bit rougher to chew but they're good i don't think you're supposed to roast those ones ah there's music though put him in an air fryer why don't i just do this yep this sounds identical to dial up internet yep i remember hearing this every time we boot up the internet back in the day hahaha yeah you can it's pretty neat the vibrato flute let's go you guys didn't know i did this flute solo on my flute game has a secret technique i mean there's this technique there's this technique there's this technique what else i wanted to have oh and before this is better than dread okay so how am i supposed to there's got to be some sort of hidden passage maybe underneath where i just was get off the phone i'm trying to talk to your auntie sorry mo good will come out 11 p.m pacific wait i thought it was 12 p.m est don't [ __ ] with me this has got to go down is it a joke what the [ __ ] was the message don't even know where i came out no i'm double checking my math okay dude i don't think you need math to figure this [ __ ] out when's when's the release when does it say it's released dude's [ __ ] pulling out a scientific calculator oh that's what it says on um on the website or something or what [Music] [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] those mouth doesn't uh lock up [Music] [ __ ] fine we're gonna do this the hard way then or the easy way now the hard or the easy i don't know [Music] okay i think he's dead this friday october 8th okay why do you need to do math then yeah friday october 8th utc four when is utc four for eastern time again okay we got varyam guy we're all this [ __ ] uneducated huh wait what is this we need like 100 people to figure out wait so it is midnight eat est or edt whatever i guess [ __ ] wait it doesn't come out at four in the morning for me does it okay i thought we're talking military time [ __ ] oh it's four hours ahead we're brilliant all right cool that's what i figured it was midnight oh i couldn't just shine spark yeah [ __ ] forget that exists such a weird mechanic maybe i can do it from here yeah so that was the plan i'm playing it i need this i'm playing it at midnight because i'm gonna be waking up doing my normal [ __ ] um i'm gonna try to nap i'm gonna nap during the day a little bit and also just so you guys know i wanted to talk about this a little bit um i'm releasing um or i am i am uh i'm giving away i'm releasing my mixtape no um i'm giving away probably 12 copies of dread he's excited too during the actual um marathon itself [Music] i don't want to be in meridia yet i just don't so yes if um so yeah here's how it's gonna work i'm gonna start my uh stream at midnight we're gonna do it in a way that um every hour we're gonna be giving away a copy it's gonna be through one of my moderators i think tickleton's gonna take care of it for me um because i just want to play the game and so every hour he's going to um trusting singleton nicholson's fine i trust tickleton um i know believe it or not but i trust them we ain't seen them copies oh it's so i'm not sure how to do this i can either give 60 gift card or like sixty dollars in like switch points or however that works or we can do um the amazon like dread release but i can't get a hold of those codes until like the actual release of the game i'm a little bit afraid is it only us unfortunately i can't make it only you or else it turns into gambling um because by only us i assume you mean only subs because there's no way to differentiate a lurker really oh all right okay put a couple dots in there dude us is also a word um only us no because what we're gonna do is if you have a switch you're gonna add tiggleton on your switch he is going to then give you the code via a message on your switch once one code every single hour then you can delete tickleton because no one wants to be his friend you know you don't have to be friends with tickleton okay i already thought about this being a potential problem so garrick thank you so much for the 17 months we could maybe do it to where uh you can be whispered so it's gonna be like this every hour tickleton's gonna go okay if you wanna be a part of this press one in the chat or some [ __ ] you have to have a switch to enter um and then i'll whisper the winner or i'll at the winner and then you have to whisper me or some [ __ ] i'm a little bit concerned that tickleton's gonna be high out of his mind and he's like not gonna hand out the right codes he's gonna hand out the same code albert was saying he's gonna hand out the same code like 12 times which i could see that being a problem he's gonna like pocket the rest but he's gonna he's not he's not gonna do it because he's being malicious he's gonna do it just because you know well he's been saying he doesn't have any weed right now oh that's right he's out of weed that is really sad um she went out about 20 minutes ago about 20 she should be fine [ __ ] i'm jumping so weird i'm here hello yeah anyway so i'm going to be giving out copies i'm not sure how to do it yet basically i just need the code i think i think i'm going to do the amazon the amazon method yeah i'm gonna have tickleton do that [ __ ] like he's gonna well you won't have access to my channel so i might need to give either give him moderator access to nightbot this is getting dangerous anyone else want to do this for me what about a physical copy i can't give away physical copies that's too much [Music] i can step on those things doesn't give him any power but he can still access the giveaway stuff right i just gotta say that again [Music] i'm going to try to stream longer than that they're kind of the same i'm going to try to stream at least 16 to 24 hours then i'll just go to bed at midnight you know if i do 24. and then wake up in the morning and then just do it again [Music] and then die i don't know oh it's caleb barely handles 24 i've done a 26 and a half hour stream all right i'm good okay where does this [Music] um i think i got a lot of coffee to drink up first gekkou i'll let you know though thanks man i really do love that coffee i bought a coffee maker even though we already had something like a keurig specifically for that coffee that you got me and a coffee grinder all right so let's try to i can either go to the right i think i need to try to go run if it's brewed right man it is the smoothest coffee i've ever had it's so good i do have a french press as well i have made uh french press with that as well the uh coffee that kecker gave me death wish okay no death wishes for [ __ ] recovering addicts man like no too much [Music] yeah there's an item over there tone of coffee no you're thinking the uh copy luau or whatever coffee and besides i wanted to try that coffee anyways that's uh yeah that's out of the sevite or cevet cat or whatever the only problem is i don't know if i want to try that the kopi luwak yeah i don't know if i want to try that coffee because it is incredibly um um they mistreat these animals really badly because it sells for so much money so they started to farm the animals they started to put them in cages they started to you know and that's the coffee you're more than likely gonna get the only way i would try it is if it was from the wild because then in the wild it was so hard to get but when they do it this way they can sell it for the same exact price and say oh see same exact thing and you don't know where it's coming from but they can do it for you know less than a quarter of the cost so yeah i'm not gonna try it unless it's 100 guaranteed to not be from a beaten cat [Music] okay shark fin soup is the dumbest [ __ ] thing ever and i know people are gonna go oh it's that tradition you're being uh you know insensitive sure i don't give a [ __ ] like that's a dumbass tradition that shouldn't happen [Music] uh [Music] oh [ __ ] he fast i know i'm just saying i don't know how people are gonna react to that yeah it's just basically just disgusting soup i've heard anyways i don't know it's more of a social status kind of thing god damn it okay so is there no way to do a horizontal shine spark how the [ __ ] does it work you have to press up oh god i hate that i [ __ ] hate that dude because i press r to do these normally because that's one way to break out a spin i think that's that's a pretty bad way to do that mechanic there's a couple of decisions in this i don't really like personally but it's fine [Music] still a good rom hack [Music] wait i'd have to make tickleton moderator or editor of my nightbot okay what kind of access does he have though i mean that should be fine i do trust singleton all jokes aside he seems like a good guy i know i know oh it's you're playing with fire uh [Music] goddammit [Music] why must you be there [Laughter] yeah he'll somehow have access to like raid his own channel from nightbot he's gonna wait until i have max viewers raid raid the channel lock me out of my own nightbot even though this is you know this would never happen but it'd be funny if it did yes he'd transfer all that money to himself somehow that's some sigma male [ __ ] he acts silently violently ready to strike that's what sigma males do [ __ ] yeah we're gonna ride this puppy [Music] god i suck [Music] i just want to die it hasn't been too long since we've saved but still won't take that risk where does this connect [Music] the one how did i find that that's actually [Music] i impressive trying to do a crazy bomb jump okay so it's about right there maybe [Music] might be able to actually get a charge oh there's nothing up here actually [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yeah where's this putting me dude i'm too far drop me off no my stop was back there come on jesus all right let's save [Music] zero did i thank you for 67 months if i didn't i should now because yeah that's a long time i wonder what this is is this even randomized [Music] oops [Music] so i'm missing something over there what was that again if i had to try to guess that's just a missile we're not going to go down and fight ridley yeah so let's see if i can get ice the winner is nightbot what who's the winner he falls asleep and the winner is [Music] i'm tired cointown thank you so much for the five gifted subs oh this wraps all the way around doesn't it this wraps all the way around doesn't it ah you'd be bubbling all night that's okay he's out of weed remember he ain't gonna be out of weed in a week though that's for sure ain't no way a professional stoner is gonna be out of weed for more than a week [Music] i don't know what i used to smoke weed [Music] in video games i of course when you have it you're like [ __ ] yeah i'm just gonna smoke because i'm gonna relax i don't give a [ __ ] but when you don't have it you're like oh this kind of sucks and the next day you're like oh yeah i don't really care at all you know it's like you're over it the next day instantly yeah it's just weed i mean physically you so a lot of people need weed to function if they're like smoking all the time so i feel like there could be some sort of um yeah i mean i guess that would be considered mental i don't know there's got to be some sort of physical thing to it where like i don't know not much of one though yeah just like a chemical imbalance but but it's it's not like you're gonna be having seizures and [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah no i always hate when people say there's no dude you know what i love about weed bro is there's no addiction whatsoever man five minutes later yo bro you wanna smoke i'm just gonna clear this bowl real quick you look outside he's packing a fresh bowl all right i cleared it dude [Laughter] okay i've never had a friend ask me if i want to drink the bong water that's hardcore respect [Music] how about the people who used to smoke resin dude i used to smoke resin when i was out of weed that's how i knew there was like a serious uh mental addiction to it i'd be like oh i'm out of weed okay well let me [ __ ] scrape out the the wanny a little bit so i can get high tonight what video game was that uh gta [Music] that's most certainly where the um mental aspect comes out of it [Music] [Music] we got the fast fast ultra or mega fast opening yeah wheat is legal here and i told myself when i move i'm gonna like smoke and like relax and stuff i haven't smoked in like two years then with drinking it's like a year and a half well i mean when i when i drink now it's like a sip of wine but i don't i don't ever even get buzzed i just don't feel the need i don't know [Music] like wine is good for your heart okay i'm pretty sure that's a wives tale is it not i'm pretty sure that's what wine moms conjured up so they could there's good the amount of [ __ ] that's the amount of wine that you drink that's good for your heart is so much less than even a small small glass or some [ __ ] so like when people say it's good for your heart they always push it past that like you're not gonna just i'm stuck you're not just gonna have like a shot glass full of wine and then i don't even think it's a glass i remember i remember watching something about this and how it's like such a small amount that anything will overdo it but who the [ __ ] just drinks like a few ounces of wine no one you're drinking a whole bottle all right or you're not trying caffeine apparently is good for some stuff of course in moderation and [Music] yep this is my prescription frenzy uh yeah two-thirds of bottle down you know that wine is good for you drunk all the time taking painkillers as well it's so good for you time to go pick up my kids from soccer practice 4pm yep alright kids mommy needs a nap mom it's it's noon we need to eat lunch those people the advanced alcoholics like that especially the wine moms they're always so goddamn ready to go in the mornings it's something something happens it's like the contrast between like a good night's rest and waking up groggy is so much better than their wine drunkness throughout the day so they just wake up ready to go cleaning they're like oh [ __ ] i feel way better than i did last night i still feel like [ __ ] but you know it's way better at least i like a bloody mary [Music] [ __ ] [Music] i really like bloody mary's though i don't know i feel like an old man in that regard because it's definitely like i don't know it's i feel like a bloody mary is also one of those alcoholic drinks it's like you're putting your breakfast in an alcoholic beverage in the morning yeah like a pickle you got an egg in there you got half a steak and potatoes and [ __ ] and you have a bloody mary and you put vodka with it all right air the dog yeah that's what i'm saying that's like people's breakfast potatoes and eggs you know crack a rag and a beer for their hangover yeah that [ __ ] yeah no that don't work dude that is a myth that certainly does not help it might take some of the pressure off your head for a little bit but let's do this again [Music] you're getting there half you're getting there how do you know oats what are you some sort of doctor well i mean there's certain things that i can make claims about that i feel pretty good about um drink chugging up beer with an egg in the morning to try to cure your hangover is certainly uh not gonna fix it false oh well all right donald plump thanks man i guess that's false alcohol definitely fixes a hangover no alcohol prolongs a hangover oh alcohol does not fix hangovers [Music] all right let's see here so that's brynstar let's well [ __ ] we already did let's go where we went before and then we'll go down actually [Music] so that's up here right [Music] yeah it's also another reason i don't drink anymore oh that's below this and then that turns into the water area okay says the guy that drinks a sip of wine for dinner once every like six months yeah dude i used to drink a [ __ ] ton alcohol after you drank does not fix your hangover it only prolongs it i like um i like a nice rose every now and again now but that's about it [Music] because i can't hang with the big dogs yeah dude that's why [Music] i was just so embarrassed i couldn't hang with the big dogs okay so where am i right now where did they put me [Music] oh okay this is a forgotten highway kind of [ __ ] [Music] go this way i'm gonna save yep if you're always drunk you're never hungover [Music] yep stds are a conspiracy by big condom [Music] yep crack an egg in that rosette yours you little [ __ ] yeah babies are conspiracy as well actually everyone loves babies so like you know they say oh you don't want kids they're lying to you you want kids a whole litter full of them they're great they're a blessing they say oh what a little angel this is my miracle [Music] [ __ ] that there's little timothy he's our miracle child [Music] oh he does that sometimes shits its pants looks like a [ __ ] bobbit worm at the bottom of the ocean just disgusting dude um all right so i think we have to go left [Music] you guys can't tell i'm not having kids and if i do then that child will uh be my miracle baby no i mean if i have a kid i would uh i would always remind that child that they weren't planned but also i would give that kid a good life [Laughter] life sucks sometimes but they're just a bunch of work and people that say hey dad here kids are super rewarding a bunch of work no you just misery enjoys company okay that's a fact so don't act like there wasn't a year or two of your life to where you were like oh my god [ __ ] my life you like contemplated you like flashed back to high school and like where it went wrong and [ __ ] [Music] that probably happened for a good year of your life i know it's probably rewarding afterwards for sure but dude it's it's a lot of work i can't even imagine having to having mia is a lot of work and time's at by multiple and yeah that's tough [Music] that still just sounds horrible i'm so selfish i mean if you're selfish then yeah you should understand [Music] yeah it's worth it in the end but it's worth it when when you hit like 50 and they're out of out of the house and you can you can retire you know i mean here's the thing though i know everyone always has their little epiphanies in their deathbed and they go oh i wish i would have done this and this i'm pretty sure that's what a lot of people would say is oh i wish i would have had kids or annoying it only sucks for the first 24 years or so man come on no if you have kids uh more power to you there's nothing wrong with that not make it sound like it's a problem um no that's great but yeah it's hard work and um you're stronger than i am okay [Music] no i'd be a great dad but yeah it's just hard i can't even imagine the hard work that would go into that [ __ ] yeah anyways guys i have to take a couple years off a stream yeah turns out we're having triplets [Music] yeah if you could keep supporting me at the same time though yeah that'd be great all right see you right here enjoy your night [Music] oh it's raised them on stream what so i can become one of those psychotic like youtube couples that has their kid that they use for like views poggers yes [Music] yeah all right make it look like you're crying no like this i am crying mom yeah yeah but look at the camera i'm saying that because that actually happened you guys were wondering their pet dog died and then uh this this this lady this mom youtube blogger whatever that uses her kids in a lot of her videos was like acting like she was crying too and then she stopped she didn't realize she was still recording and then she's like all right all right look like this um or something i don't know but she was just like she totally turned off the emotions and then she's like telling her kid to uh look all sad for the thumbnail and she did it for like a good couple minutes just like all right come on now like hurry up like it needs to be better than that and then uh the little kid was like mom i am crying i'm sad and she's like yeah yeah but but do do this and then like do this angle do this angle [Music] jesus criminy [Music] um the the xenix x 1204 um yes now i can speed boost yeah they go to the left still um there's another sand pit but i also need to make it to dragon so i think i'm gonna try to go back up and then yeah [Music] and then from there it's looking like go to the right [Music] this might be locked if it's anything like the vanilla game plasmers um i assume plasmers is locked that's locked yeah okay [Music] you don't see the value in tick tock at all [Music] i mean just it's what it is oh yeah we couldn't do that where did i go from here last time to the left yeah just social media [Music] i mean the people that say oh tick-tock has like surveillance and [ __ ] i'm never gonna use it i mean you realize how much [ __ ] it has surveillance look at your iphone look at uh yeah just any cell phone that you have yeah it all sucks but damn yeah the micro chip in your arm [Music] ah let's go down and rides [Music] yeah i haven't really heard any microchip [ __ ] i think that's all shifted because people realize how dumb that is uh kept hill thank you very much for the prime [Music] [Music] yeah i don't really hear that anymore unfortunately sad a shame really there's an item over here uh if i became magnetized dude [Music] 5g introduced the future of tracking dude the future of tracking was always here long before 5g i'd prefer a better cell phone reception in connection everywhere i go than you know the potential that they can make sure that i'm in the mcdonald's as opposed to within the vicinity of the mcdonald's like you know it ain't that deep dude see we all want better things in life but then the same people that want those better products and things they also want to like try to [ __ ] it up for everyone by saying oh it's this it's this but then they like consume that [ __ ] as well oh well thank you finally some better cell phone reception it's like you can't have it both ways like [Music] location targeted ads i mean oh no they already know where you're at i mean good give me some [ __ ] groupon coupons for when i'm at the uh you know uh dick's sporting goods i don't care like they already know i'm there with 4g like perfect [Music] what all right yep the reception leads to better and more accurate location targeting i dude that's what i'm saying who gives a [ __ ] because that's already they already that that's why i'm saying the obvious joke of oh no they know that i'm specifically 100 in the mcdonald's as opposed to within like a 10-foot radius like why does it matter at that point [Music] target spotted in the mcdonald's [Music] here hit him with a uh hit him with a coupon for uh for um some uh for two dollars off chicken nuggets [Music] we got him we got him gentlemen quick yeah hit him with the 5g frequency to uh release endorphins in his brain so he'll buy even more yep dude i knew it i knew it [Music] i knew they were working big microchip was working with mcdonald's all along [Music] yeah i got it it's just going to come down to better law enforcement encounters um i mean that would imply that they already use stuff like that in order to [Music] i mean it would i think it would help with like investigations if that's what you mean [Music] possibly because right now they just use cell phone towers to ping which vicinity [Music] but um like the general vicinity you've been in yeah the only way that you're going to not be tracked by the government is if you live in the woods in a cabin okay like some ted kaczynski tazinsky [ __ ] ted kaczynski yeah that's what it is that crazy [ __ ] all right yeah even he got found i mean to be fair he wasn't like everyone knew where he was like he lived in a town he actually did [ __ ] in that town okay so let's go get plasma his family sold them out oh well good they did yeah some family that is all right see you nightmare got him [Music] yeah i know what you mean wait where is plasma here so i gotta go left up so i gotta go all the way around um i can do that from here i think [Music] [Music] yeah apparently he was super intelligent but then i mean i've listened to interviews obviously i've i do watch a lot of like murder serial killer [ __ ] and cult [ __ ] um and um he certainly doesn't speak like someone that you would consider intelligent i don't know it's very weird but obviously i'm a dumbass too so the way he talks is just so weird yeah apparently he's a crazy mathematician and stuff but i'm also dumb ass so he was on hinge though it's crazy yeah i know him being an actual psychopath probably doesn't help that but [Music] [ __ ] i mean i understand my place in the pecking order of uh you know the grid all right [Music] i could certainly be a lot dumber but ain't no bright shining bulb either [Music] oh we have to be careful here okay i didn't say simple okay well our main cletus all right so plasma this plasma look like it looks pretty normal pretty sweet though yeah i like it um it really depends if you want a mixer if you want a mixer to do more for you like with uh software and stuff then i probably wouldn't get it but i like the actual like everything right there at my fingertips um this is what it looks like [Music] so you know it's got all three four and stuff and i have one thing going to my computer one thing going to my audio uh my audio interface um and then like you know i control all that [ __ ] piano is on that this is my microphone it's got compression and stuff and yeah a bunch of effects so you can have any effect that you want and then do this and then yep [Music] oh yeah the x12 before [Music] uh bam thank you so much for the 20 months ma'am nuggies and then all address thank you for the 13 months and newtarius for three months posh thanks for the three months um i'm gonna try to go left and then down that entire thing i don't know if this has auto tune [Music] now all it has is a pitch [Music] yeah it has the pitch shifter can you hear that hello hello yes this is my sigma voice [Music] yeah anyways [Music] yes a little [ __ ] what about now hello wait hello s test now you can't gotcha all right so can you still hear it how you this is my real voice all right anyways that was fun for like a moment now it's just too much all right um let's you turn it higher yeah hold on mateoski oh six how much did that mixer cost oh ass um i don't know hello yes this is my real voice yes the chat snowflake voice is i'm turning that off finally oh it's all right some nice music finally yeah it's a good mixer though um i've just been too lazy to set it up with other uh audio like cables coming to the back and [ __ ] to really split everything up but i think i can do it in a way to where i can split specific channels for like um just like desktop audio and a bunch of random stuff and you're a programmer too i'm sure you can figure out some good stuff but it's just a standard uh behringer uh x-1204 not that expensive either [Music] one creepy thing is i can do that to the game too [Music] oh yeah [Music] your what [Music] what the [ __ ] turn off it won't let me go to zero [Music] okay there all right i just had to turn it off then all right anyways yeah it's fun for like five minutes to [ __ ] with but after that you know it's [Music] there's really no actual utility for it unless i become a v tuber perhaps this is me on the uh flute this solo right here yep okay can i [Music] what i was listening to that where the [ __ ] can i go from here i guess just up and to the right down i can go back to the red tower oh this is where i was when i was stuck wait how did i get i must have progressed remember i was stuck i went to the left i'm pretty sure i went to the left yeah cause i was stuck here that i went through this i think i jumped through that i did die but it was it was further through this [ __ ] because i remember the music oh right here i did not see that at first yeah okay um i'm not sure we'll see it it seems like it could be a cool speed run mechanics are a little bit weird but i'm convinced nope never mind i'm not convinced any longer it's just not what i'm used to go back to 100 100 is really cool yeah so this is where i was before [Music] i think i need a faster charge oh i get it right there normally if you face the other direction before you start moving all right how does that work i think you get it sooner yeah weird i don't know actually it seems random yeah this is where i was before and this just leads back to meridian [Music] okay i was gonna say please don't bring me all the way to the surface i thought we were going back to my ship [Music] okay so [Music] all right here we go you shine sparked well you [ __ ] up [Music] where's the item that i'm seeing show up here get out the way turtle damn you got a flat hank hill ass all right how do i do this [Music] oh i see jesus is that what the bomb looking thing is for i assume what it's trying to tell me if i do this right so it's a little the camera can pan so if i do it that way stop call this a boss fight oh i could short shot it at least it's hit a couple i think how many bombs does this take [Music] epileptics where they cheered x 500 long thai yt viewer keep going oats thank you so much for the 500. now holding down does this yeah jesus finally all right no supers didn't work before all right what if i missed anything over there [Music] um i don't think i'm missing any items there's there is that i assume it's just a reserve tank maybe i can go down to the right if i go to the map area i think that map area and this connects to um the top of brinstar or the top of uh [Music] around crates layer i'd assume since that's generally where it would be anyways the normal layout of the map what is this [Music] yes it's very project base all right so let's go this way pulling down on the d-pad will morph oh really that would have come in handy akitsuki akari there i just got back from sushi dinner have you scanned the save room yet everyone knows that orts you dumbass oh i'm sorry on the back flip like that okay i already knew about that but okay so this was remember oats you're the problem i don't really like the backflip mechanic it doesn't really seem to have any it seems that very uh few practical uses in the actual game here can i go down from here okay let's go try to kill riddlers let's go riddlers where the [ __ ] did this bring me oh i know where we're at okay we're close [Music] oh my god the charge lasts forever [Music] it's me versus you rodney okay i need to pee really bad i'll be right back give me a few minutes um i'm gonna run an ad to get sort of pre-rolls give me a few minutes i'm gonna go pee and possibly actually grab a snack this time a couple chocolate covered pretzels and some santa fe trail mix i'm not the biggest fan of santa fe trail mix but um i know as i get older i feel like i acquire more of a taste for like the old man food i feel like santa fe trail mix is for old men i need a little spice in my trail mix now i've always liked tapioca [Music] wow [Music] hey oh they that's why they put that there so you well in their mind [Music] hey i forgot these round backs typically you can charge have everything come to you or not other room [ __ ] i say are you gonna die or what oh man he just uh just wouldn't die a lot of health i'll three film mikey's gone thank you so much this must connect to the back of um that connects to the back of either mickey mouse or uh around the uh power bombs of shame i bet [Music] um kind of it is quite a bit different it's like vanilla plus except um it's probably the best vanilla plus rom hack i've played okay fine i'll go this way jesus oh no that wouldn't connect to mickey mouse what am i thinking mickey mouse is way up here so yeah that goes down uh yeah more towards ridley himself [Music] let's [ __ ] [Music] that's a ripley i'm sorry [Music] [ __ ] [Music] it's miller time it ain't no crime yeah so the way these are always laid out it's the same with project base is everything connects um everything's meant to connect and feel cohesive and really easy to navigate the problem that i have is they always make all the tricks extremely easy they like they kind of dumb down everything like there really is no need for short charging you can certainly but nice dude um what else the whole bomb thing was weird um you continue more momentum respin i have no problem with respin i think respin would have been potentially something that could have been awesome in i need to kill everything here in the vanilla game i think it could have added a speed um a skill cap to the game potentially it's hard to say can you keep yourself airborne no this isn't [ __ ] rocket jumping like halo [Music] [Music] or quake there's plenty of games that have missed the jumps rocket jumps okay there we go um i don't know i i'm not gonna like waste a bunch of missiles a try if you know how to do it i'll give it a shot but yeah i have no no idea i was going to restart the room but we don't need to restart nothing dude this is easy press start up a a no i'm not gonna do that make me look like a dumbass [Music] [Music] wait there's no cash using this right i don't think there's cash using santa fe trail mix no [Music] no i'm allergic to i i'm allergic to um very allergic what the [ __ ] that chemical called there's shawl or whatever cashews some tree nuts have it um so like whenever i eat a cashew [ __ ] no yeah um like i'll my mouth will break out my around my lips will break out like a poison ivy kind of like rash it's [ __ ] awful it happened to me like last week [Music] yeah urushiol russia [Music] yeah it's the same same chemical and cashews um uh pistachios i believe also i just can't eat that anymore but it was awful did my stomach hurt like i had an intestinal goddamn rash i could feel it my stomach was just hurting my mouth was just raw and like this there was like a bunch of skin just falling off because it was just a rash in my mouth and [ __ ] yeah no it's uh yeah no cashews for me gonna [Applause] it's not like a um bad it's not like a bad reaction like you would have hives or something and like get your epipen and [ __ ] it's more of um actual poison ivy because i'm so allergic just to that [Music] [Applause] it's almost like if you were to eat caffeine crunch except for breakfast lunch and dinner for three days with uh triple servings and then that's what my mouth felt like [Applause] you ever gonna swoop or is it just pogos okay or on the right i think it's just glitched out please don't tell me it's gonna like lock behind me that's where that one's are the doors look like buttholes guys they don't look like buttholes okay ridley where's your item [ __ ] give me don't unlock this door i demand entry no dorks allowed did i miss anything here something down here for sure i don't see why i would carry over to the next room that seems really weird but i'll give it a shot [Music] what i'm thinking is that's an exit you did no i think that's an exit it might actually be end game exit no i'd be a weird ass taurian i don't know if i can get it yet though uh watching me play through what oh well no that was a zero mission hard mode so there's quite a bit of a difference there the hard mode was stupid the normal game probably awesome yeah uh i don't know i think i should just leave you're allergic to losing your virginity well nice that means that you had to lose your virginity in order to figure that out nice bro that's a roundabout way of telling us you got laid brother all right anyway yeah i don't know i do see the speed blocks here never went to firefly oh yeah let's exit actually that way you're right for once zero gates is right i don't know something's going on here sending me to my death i'm just kidding [Music] what does austin 316 mean to you that sounds like john 3 16 except for hicks that live in uh no austin is a little more um regressive than the rest of texas so i don't know oh okay that makes sense too [Music] um i'm vero thanks for the three months nothing here huh all right [Music] get wrestling oats be wrestling i'm gonna become a professional wrestler you already have a name for it oats and goats not that type of wrestler dude [Music] this might actually loop all the way around to that item with some like crazy long ass section [Music] never mind this game sucks okay i think it's a great hack for being a vanilla plus typically i don't like vanilla plus but this is uh not bad so far you want to change bombs to sigma bombs that's it that's all you want to do for your rom hack is change the bombs to sigma bombs um i was thinking about playing a terrible hack today but also i didn't want to suffer so i decided to play something actually good [Music] [Music] no [Music] warning [Music] [Music] oh god man bring me back excuse me [Music] [Music] all right i have no idea to get that how to get that item down there like look there's a whole [ __ ] thing maybe it has to do with that thing on the left i don't know i don't even know if it's worth it go down left i'll check out what that big room is um was it down no left see what this is it might just be one huge loop around yeah i need to find it might be it nope left up left oh that brings me back to the beginning so let's just go left that's just a missile up there i'm sure i bet i can shy spark all the way back up that yeah so this i think i'm right actually i bet this is another exit which doesn't connect to that room on the left that that shaft the blue one it doesn't connect to that that's grapple it connects to the bottom which goes all the way straight up how do i get to that oh no i guess we'll just leave oh it's was right so i mean i often often am but um do i go up from there or i can just go all the way right and then up yeah so far we've beaten every boss [Music] probably is but i was still curious it's fun to try to find that like the hidden zones i've been playing too much diablo all right um keep going left the bone zone necromancer build oh all right oh it's where you take me to the bone zone no maybe when you're older squirt right ask your mother that sounds about right this is way faster pace because everything just connects to everything what's the any percent record like 20 minutes not even i'd say 22 minutes if i had a guess but it might be even lower no idea there's no serious station as well okay that's not what i meant by that you're the one that keeps bringing it up dude you sick mother effort there it is again oats mother effort [Music] yeah maybe you're right incest what's this stream my family reunions [Music] i'm so sorry [Music] oh 31. i feel like that's awfully high i have no [ __ ] clue though let's be real [Music] back i've never played uh seems like kind of a high time for this three hours into it [Music] i can beat it god i'm an [ __ ] [Music] memory unions must be so awkward i can't imagine sitting across from my ex shut up y'all need jesus sincerely so how's that new game chat the one game everyone's playing new world god there's a lot of people streaming that [ __ ] i know the servers are [ __ ] but beyond the servers there was like a million people watching it yesterday here's pretty [ __ ] i watched summit i don't know um i watched um what's his face just for a little bit and it looked pretty sweet i actually really wanted to try it just from watching him play just a little bit like it intrigued me to where i kind of wanted to give it a shot but i know the servers are asked so i'm just gonna wait you don't think he's doing anything new it doesn't have to do anything new is it doing anything better i think is the big thing seems generic okay because it's hard to come up with like brand new ideas and i don't know so yeah i think as long as it's doing whatever better then it's you know and i'm all ears a whole new dmca your channel now belongs to disney hmm i don't know if i have to kill these things [Music] i was gonna say if i can't get the baby skip god i [ __ ] suck oh it's the yolo scoop yep someone clipped that gonna be gonna be putting that in everyone's channel yo did you see oats new skip and super metroid bro oh yeah let's see it dude it's gonna be this you gonna do it man it's the yolo yolo skip yeah so it's like um it's um i like how they take it with the shaking oh my god i would see like yodels or devil dogs [ __ ] a devil dog so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's kind of scary to do the stand-up glitch yeah i mean they make everything way faster i didn't make the [ __ ] song don't give me credit for that [ __ ] dude [Music] [Music] [Music] i need to be careful because i don't know how fast this is gonna turn into a rainbow beam [Music] the [ __ ] are you x-ray why all of a sudden is x-ray available well what do you say we scan let's say here [Music] nope i should have scanned it [ __ ] all right what do we got here okay all right good thing i have x-ray am i right uh-oh [Music] yeah i know i know [Music] that's nothing you [ __ ] with me dude i know i saw it below but i was just curious fine i won't do the normal blocks ticking junior [Music] did you see how fast that was really that's a lot of water pressure jesus save the animals let's see here these animals get me killed and i will kill them [Music] [Music] that easy folks [Music] and that's world record hi me are you here to congratulate me yep now give me snacks your skincare routine i bathe in mud is that really a world record no the 80 is like 30 minutes i'm playing through this i'm not speedrunning this oh they were next to the ship i didn't see that [Music] he just got the 28 oh i don't think i can beat that time all right the santa fe trail mix is going away you guys sure you don't want any okay country max shutter oh my god wowzers sorry trail gives me diarrhea makes trail makes gives because it makes or gives
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 41,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, what the hack, what the hack is this, wth, what, hack, ancient chozo, ancient, chozo, wth ancient chozo, what the hack is this ancient chozo, what the hack ancient chozo
Id: EufZgo6eSKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 41sec (11561 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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