Justice League Action | Green Arrow Justice | DC Kids

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that fan to feed our Batman what's up I didn't forget Watchtower Duty did I no of course not but Booster Gold did I hate to interrupt your vacation files not exactly a vacation I just been feeling a little unfocused but I thought I'd head back to the island that taught me how to be a hero in the first place this connection is not very no that's likely due to the Bermuda Triangle thunderstorm combo your location is why I'm contacting you Green Arrow booster is missing and the last signal we received from his comm came from your area and you want me to find our missing hero from the future I'd hardly call a dilettante who travelled back from the 25th century to make money a hero but yes keep your eyes open Roger that Green Arrow out this is one serious typhoon yikes I better find a spot to sit down if there is any bingo Kanyon should keep the wind off me give me some time to find a landing Tarasov amazing of living and fossil beautiful majestic get off ugly freak of a chicken thing come with Vince Neil diapers can't believe it a real living pterosaur Batman is gonna be so jealous keep your distance the last one we confronted drained our powers he's welcome to try you need to be careful I need to get this thing off the streets and back to the rock of eternity which is why I'm sending backup I don't need backup sorry cats land on their feet perhaps I should clarify if the brothers Jin reached the center of that volcano their implementation will reopen calico sis Fischer to what end we still don't know I say we go Adam with everything we've got sorry let's not forget the brothers can remove our powers just by saying our names actually I have a way to avoid that I'm almost afraid to ask not one word oh yeah this will totally work right I'd better bring backup just in case good luck with your plan was that sarcasm I never can tell with him let me get this straight bad red versions of both of them knocked you around then flew off with a faulty radiation emitter faulty expectations your red opposites have half your powers and all your aggression good luck beating them with these blue bells I brought you some spare blankets these cells can get drafty I like the way you're thinking Wonder Woman we may have some of Flash's turkey meatloaf left over from our league potluck I'll heat some up for our guests yes maybe we should check in with that man before someone decides to redecorate Luthor's cell my primary concern is where they took that emitter and what they plan to do with it if we found them we could ask them told you they've taken good to a whole new level weird the emitter has a unique kryptonite radiation signature I should be able to track it with our satellite wow that's clever thinking let's give Batman three Cheers please don't found it they're hiding in one of Luthor's abandoned labs let's go we'd be only too happy to help yeah we got this maybe you two could keep cheering or something it is pretty fun hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip hooray tell us where the Joker is talk where is he where is the Joker this is pointless we've been at this for hours and we're no closer than when we started perhaps I can be of assistance hold it nygma's been released Arkham gave him a clean bill of health that's right Robin Hood I've gone straight by card enigma consulting detective you think we'd hire a certifiable criminal I don't think you have a choice based on what I saw the bats demise grows sure by the second he's right it's not like we have any leads but just to be sure [Music] why do you really want to help he's stealing my act I'm the one who came up with leaving baffling clues all over town it's my gimmick he must be stopped whoa you're not seriously considering this and how's the dream guy gonna help us everything is a riddle and I always know the solution it's my superpower Joker plays games the hunting motif and the stuffed vulture are telling you the rules vultures are scavengers scavenger hunt that's okay that makes sense he's also provided the first clue those tiny Minds honestly what must it be like in there one of these things is not like the others it's a rebus a puzzle represented by two or more images son man soldier golf Sol is the proper name for our son the man's dreadlocks indicate we would pronounce it mom another word for foot soldier is grunt and the arrow tells us it's not the ball but rather the golf tee I see kind of put them all together right okay Saul Mon grunt t Salmaan grunt to Salman grunty Saul Mon grunt tea [Music] Batman we have to warn the others just 10 more minutes Alfred I was having the most fascinating dream come on you've got to wake up snap out of it bats I'm back let's move now there's the Batman I know and fear I hope [Music] that's that you of course it's me there's the other guy yeah how do you say it did Jim you turn to dust when I attacked him they're clearly incredibly powerful beings What did he say that are you just inferring then are you still mad I knew it you are still mad about the whole landing on the hood thing doc come on if I left any scratches I'll buff them out or at least you know pay someone else to do it I know it's generous but we're both in the billionaire masked vigilante making the world a better place game and so I figure a little more covert in our covert ops please I was hoping to get out of here without causing a scene so good to see you and you've brought two colorful costume heroes with you how thoughtful yes well I meant to call [Music] [Music] thank you okay now we can start looking for the next clue is this it no poor boy The Joker already told us popcorn - corn pop pastry - Cup close what kind of pastry let's go tart it's a tart tart without a tea art pop art there's a huge pop art exhibition at the Gotham City Institute of Arts what this is this is kind of fun what do we do we jump jump you first just how I like my ghouls well done a polite oculi heads-up Yanks hole the money-grubbers into the birdie line this time I guess [Music] time to give him the old Goliath treatment swapping [Music] that was nuts this is absolutely well you wanted to focus here's motivation whoa that was - all right slump officially over hey that's my good quiver you guys are fast on the ground let's see how you do in the air better make it chance we're connected but we're running low on power we'll only get one shot at this what a mess come on element of surprise remember we talked about this do the right thing give yourselves up we'll forgive you I'm only going to say this once please and bulls-eye get that emitter yeah you should run don't the battery won't have enough energy to beam through the satellite perhaps I can be of some assistance there I've wired the emitter to the watchtowers power core solving the battery issue with the flip of this switch all the leaders around the world will be split in two may the worst hero win my sentiments exactly I knew I liked you likes ya man I look dreadful in red I'm just letting you know yep that's you all right what do you think Green Arrow these pants really make me look like that Green Arrow that takes a long time to say have you considered shortening it to what just arrow I don't think so no I meant just green but green you sure this is gonna work of course all we have to do is disable the power and shut down your TV before you ever get your brilliant idea in the first place get your power blasts ready right Oh nip it in the bud wait a minute I mean do we even have the right to stop that world from ever existing it was a flourishing utopian society who are we to decide the destiny what what are you saying mate that's totally paying attention they're kind of 100 it was nothing important forget it oh hey Green Arrow are you doing here never mind now what am I doing here I need a vacation [Music]
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 2,389,401
Rating: 4.6575408 out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, justice league action, green arrow, batman, the justice league, superman, arrow, justice, the flash, wonder woman, league, action, green, toys, firestorm, animation, Oliver Queen, JLA EN
Id: LO2d7est_Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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