Teen Titans Go! | Crazy Rae Rae | @DC Kids

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the world can never see this part of me doesn't she want anyone to know she likes me because it sounds like she's got it bad for you bro I must cleanse myself of darkness [Music] [Music] I snapped the photo will know exactly what our secret is that's a picture of me sigh you know what that means she is crushing so hard on you the price of passage b2 dead man's coins have you the coins No then you shall rot on the black shores of the river for eternity and your bones will be great wait where are you going I don't need a ride but thanks okay okay one dead man's coin but I won't go in or I'm good sometimes I wish I was a real boy again but I've searched the world and there's simply nobody who can I can do that excuse me I can make you human again cuz you know magic why didn't you ever say anything before come on it would take way too long to list everything I can do with magic do you want to hear the list fine teleportation telekinesis fly read the minds of animals see in the darker and water and Timmy and I liquid except for ginger ale someone meteor to ground missiles the wicked and perfectly crack open walnuts Wow okay enough I got some hot tubbing to do is this gonna hurt nope I won't feel a thing and you guys say I'm not funny but seriously this will be extremely painful Azarath metrion [Music] now I have to warn you your human nervous system is very sensitive compared to your robot body do you mind I don't want to dance Oh shocking Raven doesn't want to have fun you know you can't hide inside that cloak your whole life I believe it is the cloak that makes her this way so you think if I changed clothes I'd change personalities perhaps on tantaran we celebrate the day of clortho in wha not in the mood for one of your Tam Iranian stories Ravens right it's not the cloak that makes it no fun it's a terrible personality I think we should try an experiment life aside my dad is bad whoa too many things make me mad hey guys look what I have Oh put on the cloak I'm scared do it do it do it [Music] dude what's it like in there he feels safe hmm quiet aha so nice and dark let me try oh I too would like the experience of the wearing of the cloak I did not enjoy that [Music] careful cyborg that cloak really does change you what is [Music] well well nothing it's just a rag with a hole in it very funny guys what you've got legs God is just so weird I'm only used to seeing your eyes a little bit of your mouth okay that's better oh I love you my little prunes this is a dream come true did I ever tell you how I got this watch I was stationed in France so he says to me that ain't you watch so I says I says to him I found it so it makes it my watch and I'm still wearing the watch charming stories slow dances grandbabies ah you salty codgers now the doctor light is back in prison and the museum is destroyed I wonder what we should do with this well if I were you I probably wouldn't be messing with it easy there Raven yeah what's got you all worked up I'm not worked up oh sorry it's hard to tell how you really feel with your delivery sometimes but you should really stop passing that thing around like a ball you are at least excited about the butt-kicking of the dr. light yes well was that excitement or your trademark use of the sarcasm I think this thing just turned on or something actually there are five Ravens now are you sure does go ahead beast boy we'll wait huh zero one you don't start at zero when you count really huh five it is we just split Raven into five versions of herself you okay Raven I told you not to mess around with that thing what's not to like seems the prism has divided Raven into the five core parts of her personality purple is her passion red is her rage pink her happiness orange her laziness and gray is her timidity well at least now we know what the Ravens are thinking this is gonna be awesome just think five Ravens in battle yeah maybe having five different Ravens around won't be such a bad thing after all now this is Raven when she was three she just destroyed her first universe where did that middle girl girl she grew up and doesn't like to destroy universes anymore dad here's one of us torturing a demon together he was in so much pain that is adorable my father never took the family photos or invited me to do the torture there princess he may not have been there for you but I'm here now thank you [Music] weird he's not your dad's star fire and you're not his daughter this has to stop are you upset he has never given you the kitty lying on the ceiling crazy voice I have been called the lord of madness from time to time yeah what's wrong with them if they haven't driven me crazy yet there's not much hope for you don't give up on them just yet Raven what's that supposed to mean you'll see now if you want me out come and get you know this is so mysterious come on beastie is not that bad right guys I think it makes you look tough I'm serious what is the toughest person you know Raven these legs along with the rest of me shall henceforth be known as lady legasus lady legasus oh well it's been fun I guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what did you want to show me this so what I'm supposed to fall for you because you show me some dancing fish oh look they're so adorable it's like a musical is about to break out so we're gonna take up to kiss your face just wait [Music] [Applause] she doesn't like you Beast Boy she's planning on destroying us all hmm sounds like someone's bum she's not gonna get to slow dance with me tonight oh here look I've been using my magic to watch her every move she doesn't really mean that what a jokester she is she gets grumpy when she hasn't eaten I tried to warn you you okay there's nothing wrong with you it's hard she's an awful person no I know it I'm just not good enough you know there's another girl out there who I bet likes you if she's out there why hasn't she told me you're lucky your animal superpowers are keeping your arm alive while we figure out how to reattach it this should help you hey it's going to be okay Beast Boy no don't let this bum you out well are you not upset with the loss of your appendage nope now I have the sweet robot arm to go with my manly scar okay that is the coolest thing I've ever seen oh hi nothing so cute are you doing Wow I love all people friend Raven you will never achieve inner peace through such acts of the aggression uh what are you taught my fingers your tips when you press your tips together like that a million skin cells rise in the agony come on just look now try again [Music] Raven transport me into Beast Boy stomach okay maybe I should have shrunk him first no sign of the sandwich in there oh that was intense circle of life baby I thought you'd like it I can't believe this but for the first time I feel like someone gets me you should wear your hood down more often [Music] Thanks [Music] well I better uh yeah [Music] what Raven wants someone who can match her intensity oh my gosh weak Raven making contact with fictional characters could permanently alter their reality perhaps Beast Boy can disguise himself as the Pegasus sorry don't do mythological creatures bro it's just a horse with bird wings you can do it ah I guess I could give it a shot [Applause] [Music] just don't talk to them maybe if we give the unicorns juice and cookies they'll stop playing their loud music [Music] sparkle-face and butterbean this is amazing you guys are even fluffier in person who are you my name is Raven and these are my friends would you like to be a part of our flirt lend me your ears I will tell you a tale of a tower and within it a maiden so fair who was blessed with long locks of luxurious Oh Rapunzel I'll tell her fast at least one of us can get out of her tower there was a princess named Rapunzel who was trapped in a tower all the princes of the land wanted to rescue her the tower had no stairs but luckily Rapunzel was gifted with long healthy is very curly fingernails come on Prince or you can rescue me or not it's the nails isn't it can't you just cut him what would you use to climb up and rescue me yeah they're just so gnarly you princes are worthless forget this if I'm gonna escape I'll just do it myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] milady I would ask for your hand in marriage also I brought you this nail file no one's gonna cage this bird again and so Rapunzel went on to live an awesome life of adventure and intrigue using her rad fingernails to slice and dice her way to fame and fortune so the moral of the story is forget boys this is the nicest other dimensional plane I have ever seen what happened to you well I defeated my father in the ultimate battle of good versus evil afterwards I was reborn as pure energy when all-powerful force of good now I pretty much keep the whole universe in balance hang on a sec as their ass metrion zinthos just saved a planet good job so you're like a celestial goddess or something it's a living what are you guys doing up here anyway you're not dead are you nah just looking for someone to go to the movies with us sorry balancing all the good and evil throughout the galaxies is a full-time job and a big response don't you say that work that's it I call upon the League of legs to disband we would be happy to if you can prove you're still strong enough to lead the league of legs a challenge a jumping contest if you win we'll go back to being the Titans but if I win you're out of the league forever no way what don't have the thickest eyes on the block anymore are you the chicken you certainly have the legs of such a bird fine I accept your challenge good luck you'll need it because I've got a leg up on this competition watch and learn [Music] [Applause] [Music] beat that how impossible tisk tisk tisk i used to think it was all about dem legs but now I realize it's all about these legs your legs they're becoming evil oh yeah sure look at them we don't take orders from you anymore lady legasus or should I say Raven you remember our deal come on you guys let's stretch our legs [Music] look there's something you should know about your girl what what is it I think she's in the l word with you really you think so why else would she be spending so much time picking your brain about everything concerning you and the Titans sounds like she's using him to collect intel on us do you know what else it sounds like somebody's Jake that's sweet Raven but I've found my match still friends I hate you all oh god it's so busy don't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how can I win if you know that's a good question and the answer is she can't win bro which means we can't lose crazy let them drive me go ahead celebrate she's right this moment is too beautiful not to commemorate if we can't hop live and that's hard for me you surrendered your king I win what are you doing I was just doing what you were doing what was I doing my face beach boy that was kind of nice really we should have known guys not a good time you have caused us a lot of pain now we're gonna return the favor by crushing you with rocks rocks why can't we summon some sharks look I know we're going through a tough time but I've hated the Titans way longer than you have let me have this I'm beginning to think hating them is all we had in common in the first place how about you smash it with rocks I'll throw some sharks and we agree to see other people whatever [Music] so what are we talking about I don't remember [Music] put aside the threat in your thighs and cruelty in your calves it doesn't need to be this way how dare you challenge us you don't have a leg to stand on you're right I have two super meaty ones now here's something I think you might get a kick out of you're on your last legs legasus join us or suffer the consequences whenever I call upon the ancient spirit of legs quadratus femoris [Music] aren't the wet noodles I thought but can you stand up to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't deserve those legs what happened I don't think our legs are controlling us anymore oh thank you for shattering all the bones in our legs lady legasus wheeze was acting like real jerks we should have listened when you warned us about being corrupted by leg power I'll never use my legs again I know how you feel but in time you'll earn the right to call yourself captain cankle again no I will literally never use my legs again you're broken very badly what are you looking at congratulations oh you don't get it I'm not crazy I mean you all drive me crazy all the time but you know what in the end that's what keeps me sane that makes no sense you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 40,221,863
Rating: 4.3922415 out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, teen titans, rae, teen titans go! (tv program), teen titans go, teen titans go episodes, all about rae song, teen titans (tv program), teen titans go!, new teen titans, raven, titans, teen, beast boy, bb, bbrae, starfire, go, cyborg, robin, TTG EN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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