Looney Tunes | Summer Vacation! | WB Kids

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[Music] when normal people travel they fly or drop anything but this it's not sanitary it's nostalgia why don't you relax you went into a real maniac on these trips I am relaxed I'm more relaxed than you'll ever be it's not a competition it's a vacation do you even know where we're going I'm following the directions GPS is never wrong I'm getting claustrophobic here we are Casa de Calma the fanciest mencius resort on earth [Music] what is Casa de Calma Spanish for false advertising yeah I think we'll launch dock never buy a GPS from a vending machine hey isn't that your uncle hey Daffy it's me uncle fish I've never seen that man before in my life let's go [Music] did you know it's a tree at 277 miles long 18 miles wide and over Emily Amy a mile deep I mean in places it's Anna and not a mile deep everywhere of all that it looks like a mile even and did you know able be a recent evidence suggests the Colorado River formed the canyon over maybe they have earplugs in a gift shop Oh many license plate uh-huh Daniel Darvin Doug Eduardo what up no Daffy you have five darvin's and no Daffy Darvin a thousand and one Grand Canyon jokes that's about a thousand more than I thought they were I mean what did someone just match Darrin and Marvin together and think that that's a clever name well it's not it's a stupid name Darvin is the world's stupidest name great name and the soda I left my wallet at home was originally inhabited by in a Native American similar make it considered the Grand Canyon II did it to be a holy site Zoey what do you think I've seen better let's go see a movie sir you threw a can of soda into the Grand Canyon that's littering on federal property and who are you I'm a park ranger who are you Oh Darvin Angela son you're coming with me wait buddy if you don't put some pants on you're gonna be coming with me too I think I saw some in the gift shop let me go and I'll tell you whatever you want I forgot my wallet free him whatever he wants aren't you gonna eat that say something why is the Grand Canyon called the Grand Canyon cuz he thought gargantuan Canyon made him sound fat well if you don't like that one I got a thousand more [Music] support but all my magazines I did the crossword it's all my peanuts I need all your peanuts I peed four times I feel like I've been on this plane forever flight attendants please prepare the cabin for takeoff how long is this flight again 10 hours 10 hours there and 10 hours back that's 20 of your 24 hours mm-hmm someone's good at math that's what I love about you that and your smile when your frown and that in between smile and frown face and your profile Oh in the back your head oh look at your ears what are those noise cancelling headphones you don't happen to have another pair do you [Music] Stonehenge one of the oldest structures in the world Lola is it the Druids who built it or aliens hmm the world will never know it's the Eiffel Tower the world will never know oh my gosh hurry you really have two more hours left in Paris and we haven't fallen in love yet wait have you fallen in love yet okay what quit staring at Stonehenge ooh let's see the rest of the city all right let's not panic we'll just put up the sail and sail back where's the sail I didn't get one what I didn't have enough money I was forced to choose between a sail in this jacuzzi tell if anyone's to blame its porky I gave you everything I had completely broke the fact that you're not more financially successful is not my fault what is it me it's him right we'll just radio the Coast Guard for help but no radio what there wasn't enough money not after I got the second jacuzzi I have an idea let's all take a long hot soak in the jacuzzi it will relax us which will allow us to think of a way out of our predicament I'll take the master jacuzzi you two take that one you remember to bring your swimsuit yep cuz we're gonna do a lot of hanging out by the pool you got sunscreen you look like you're burn easy hello baby this is gonna be big this spring break is gonna be epic we're going for it porky we're not holding back we're not going to bed earlier sitting this one out counting calories we are going hog-wild no offense mmm what ahh I think I look like ironing on at home I think I left it on it's me they start a fire porky please you didn't leave the iron on that's the stress talking that's exactly why we're going down to Mexico to let it all go aren't you gonna bleep that buckle your seat belt I'm on spring break man I don't have to play by the rules [Music] see this is getting warmer already I knew this was the right way to go I don't remember you saying anything about walking to Twain [ __ ] Sal it was implied you little yellow Nimrod [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow you saved my life hey why should we walk for tracks if we could ride the rails [Music] we make a pretty good team 10 we're alive we're alive who cares about that it's like I have a clean slate a fresh start and this time I'm gonna be a little less charitable and not so fast Bob we gotta turn ourselves in are you crazy that guy with a Neanderthal shaped head will kill us I'm not letting one bad apple ruin prison for me I'm going back to jail well I'm gonna live my life on the land [Music] we got to do something about this follow me step one of life on the land change your appearance and if you're gonna be attached to me you're going belong to are you crazy well not so fast I have some business to take care of once we get this chain off you can turn yourself in all you want oh I will jail was the greatest thing that ever happened to me and you're not gonna keep me from it excuse me officer I don't mean to bother you but my name is Bugs Bunny and this is Daffy Duck and we're supposed to be in jail you're Bugs Bunny yeah one and only and you're Daffy Duck I didn't say that I don't see the resemblance well then how do you explain this chain your personal lives or your business stay out of trouble come on let's get out of here where are we going wherever this will take up now this is more like it surfing scuba dive skydiving alligator wrestling cliff jumping there's so many risky activities that require skills I don't have I don't know where to start where's all your stuff I've got everything I need right here Mary Higgins o'clock in my SPF tidy I'm not gonna live like there's no tomorrow I'm gonna lounge like there's no today it's that famous starlet starlett Johansson oh she's mine you hear me my my mine I'm the one who's always loved her I see all of her movies I'm her biggest fan what's her name again [Music] you think I should let that one slide yeah me neither [Music] if there's one thing women love it's a guy who knows how to show up and snort and chew with his mouth open that makes me a triple threat behold masculinity personified [Music] [Applause] [Music] Meiko the pearl of the Orient I gave it just thought of something I think I left the oven on what are you talking about you booked this morning before I left I made biscuits and I think I forgot to turn off the oven it could start a fire first of all who makes biscuits before they leave town for a week and second of all stop worrying we're on spring break let's just get on the bus and forget all our troubles Acapulco here we come don't go too fast or too slow are you nut sorry my mistake they should really label these buttons more clearly I'll try another one [Music] Wow I'm flying I'm like a bird wait I am a bird come on whatever your name is put your looking balls at your future ex-husband you dumb famous actress [Music] oh my goodness oh you can't help but fall in love when you're at the Louvre surrounded by so many beautiful things beautiful expensive things the Louvre is the most incredible place in the world the lube is an art museum I thought it was a mall oh well when in Rome oh wait a second we're not in Rome we should go to Rome oh we could just roam around here they have great malls in Rome at the mall of America's in Rome oh no wait that's in Canada oh we should go to Canada Wow the White House lowly that would be more white and a little more house looking Oh our poor president has to commute 10 hours to work every morning and then do a bunch of politics all day and then get right back on that plane and fly another 10 hours just to do it all over again the next day that man deserves our support Lola oh say does that star-spangled banner yet oh stop you need to stop talking we're in one of the most beautiful cities in the world let's take a deep breath look around and just take it all in that's a great with no talking [Music] ya know that whole thing would have been a lot more better with talking even on this bus free at nine hours when are we gonna be in Acapulco you see we're here pork you gotta chill out maybe trust me for once in your life [Music] there's a you believe that Beach I'll ask this guy excuse me can you tell me where the beach is the beach Acapulco Acapulco this is in Acapulco this is taka pool cool no don't worry the bus will be back in a week I think I have our answer porky should swim back and get help off you go porky what are you doing no one's swimming anywhere we're sailing back where'd you get a sale it's your bedsheets what 1500 thread count Egyptian cotton do you know how much these sheets cost more than lifejackets that's why there are no life jackets on board well that may make you look stupid [Music] he's unconscious hey what should we do [Music] orky untie me I can't I'm under direct orders not to you know porky being out here in the middle of the ocean and really maybe reevaluate some things I see now so it's not money or things that matter his friends best friends and you Porky Pig you are my best friend do you mean we'll be is it really mean it have you ever known me to lie yes you lied about intimate you needed a kidney transplant just in the past now please untie me so I can give my best friend a great big hug you won't regret this [Music] well I guess it's just me now all alone on a yacht stranded in the middle of the ocean with no lifejackets and no idea how to sail these are coming with me hmm it's like being caressed by an angel [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was a dream that was all a dream that explains why I was such a horrible person and did all those horrible things Hey not a dream you are a horrible person and you did do those horrible things then what happened we were picked up by a passing ship you nearly drowned in your stupid bedsheets what about the queen of the ocean did she survive yeah it was towed back to shore oh thank goodness it is things that matter just prove it we sold it got Porky's money back I have good news and bad news the good news is there's no complications from the near drowning the bad news is we ran some tests and it looks like you're gonna need a kidney transplant huh ironic how much does one of those cost I don't know about $375,000 but I'm sure you have insurance I think I left my curling iron on curling iron you have any hair it's for my tail sometimes I forget to turn it off and it states an evil you're very clearly on the side either do not leave it unattended its unattended you are bumming me out porky now listen we may be in the middle of nowhere but I am determined to make this spring break we got to do something crazy man all right let me think let me think here I got it what if we attach a million balloons to that donkey and just watch him fly away where would we get a million balloons okay good boys I got it maybe we roll them around in maple syrup and stick a bunch of newspapers to him yeah where are we gonna get the syrup or the newspapers you know it's real easy to be the guy who points out the problem I need the guy who points out the solution I can't think they're too hard that's it porky streaking is one of the ultimate Spring Break pranks so we're really doing this uh we are doing this on the count of three one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter with you people don't you get it we're streaking we are completely naked jail for streaking it's Spring Break it's what you do maybe we should have just done something of that Donkey now we're all gonna play a little game we're gonna see who can go the longest without making a sound I don't want to hear one word out of anyone till we get to the Grand Canyon one word I was just going to say that you forgot to take the car off the jack you lose [Music] I miss granny yeah me too it is with sincere regret that the great black shuck Shalaka inform you that he has uncharacteristically lost sight of his most elusive bounty a scratch that call you later [Music] oh now let me see where did I put that pretty bow hair Oh where do you think you're going mr. lumpy bottom you can't go flying out the window without first asking who would have thought the desert would be so hot Jr what are those animals doing in my car burp ah you said I could have them you know you're not allowed to have pets well absolutely dear you said you could keep them fine but I ain't gonna be the one burying them this time it's all fun and games until someone gets crushed oh Henry Jr's just what I like to call lethally affectionate yipe huh I think it might be time to say goodbye to our bear family friends accident in my pants didn't I ask if you had to go to the bathroom before we left but I did not have to go when we left [Music] [Applause] looky [Music] you
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 10,021,935
Rating: 4.603333 out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, speedy gonzales, lola bunny, tazmanian devil, tweety bird and sylvester, LT2018, LTS
Id: 8fKNkiJl_Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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