Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery | The Copycats | Gumball | Cartoon Network

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[Music] look there's a new exotic food section cowboy caviar yum what is it uh eggs from cowboys i'm judging from your expression that my life will be better if i just believe that yeah look at this one darwin minced fat and connective tissue in a cellulose casing sprayed with liquid flavoring and salt water that's the worst thing i've ever uh when he knows just hot dogs it's not as weird as powdered goat milk who needs that a lactose intolerant astronaut look there's a new exotic food section ew look at this one ribbit mitt's fat and connected tissue in a cellulose casing uh what is going on here uh what is going on here you want a copy huh well copy this i just made you eat cowboy caviar dude he's standing next to the lighties wait so laughing it makes me want to ralph and other people so we were in the exotic food aisle and they were copying everything we did exotic food they were like us but fake like margarine to our butter margarine and butter seriously it was like looking at a mirror made of [Music] are meat even listening to what we're saying oh honey everyone has a doppelganger remember that sunburnt guy's belly that looked like anaes you don't understand they were literally cupping everything we oh there they are [Music] look at this click translate oh here's my doppelganger chichi this goat is attention of the center he is serious don't you trust him a heavy party love hero with powerful personality defectives that makes no sense look at mine ribbit this frog is a frog but why he's so green and mighty you wouldn't trust him with lunch what's that yes he is determined apparently i'm a tired lazy belly man lurking inside sofa watch him obnoxious laugh and spoil yourself i think i just spoiled myself a little look at mine wowie what a mother who cares if she's annoying you what's my doppelganger like delete it what why because women no right to celebrate and republican people it's funny because i don't understand wait this isn't funny at all exactly i'm not part of it because i'm a girl no i mean these guys have their own tv show and they're ripping us off oh look at this the kids you decided to have [Music] these guys are making money out of our lives while we're broke come on we're not that broke mom we're so broke that we give you all means to charity yeah you're right we should sue them guys a lawyer would cost way too much dough how much dough like thousands of dollars i mean how much in cookie dough millions of tons [Music] wait a minute how could they copy that it literally just happened it literally just happened what what the what what the what oh all right let's settle this in a civilized manner hi my name is gumball hi my name is chica reading everything i say but when someone says hi you'll say hi dude sorry [Music] yeah i think she is okay fighting clearly isn't working maybe we should help them find their own identities why should we help those bootleg book clowns
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 9,011,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, baby anais commercial, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program), Darwin's Yearbook
Id: gH5jrEeddf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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