Flagrant 2: Penny For Your THOTS (Full Episode)

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flagrant two no easy buckets analysis by [ __ ] water-cooler commentary for your souls needs and this episode has been brought to you by manscaped ok manscaped manscape calm get your balls get your pubes get your nether regions looking right all right you shouldn't be shaving your body or your pubic hair with the same razor or trimmer that's crazy ok so you get out there you get that lawnmower 2.0 trimmer with skin safe technology for a smooth shave every time everywhere don't play around they got the shaving mat so when you're shaving you can dispose of the hair easily you don't want your pubes all on the floor then you look crazy as well now you answering questions from your girl you shaving your pubes that's none of her business ok the manscape calm is the place to make sure your pubes look right use our offer code flagrant and you get 20% off that's right 20% off plus free shipping alright these guys are shipping the [ __ ] to you for free again manscape calm usually code flagrant to save money and get free shipping on anything you guys want and need after you purchase something let everybody in the know the army strong ok leave a review showing the world that we keep it tight over here manscape calm offer code flagrant now let's start the show I am Andrew Schultz I am here with accosting real life cash we got Alex media and Ed in on the ones and twos and I got a quick announcement real quick we got a couple shows coming up man get on these early ok I'm tired of coming into your city the shows are sold out and then people DM and me the whole weekend like yo how do we get in can we get into the show what can we do that it uh yes you can't get into the show if you buy tickets early that's how you get into the show we do a limited amount of shows in every single place the goals we sell out every one and that's it okay and then you could do bigger venues and then nobody would nobody has a bob l'm a little bit a little easy to go the thing is this we go in I'm gonna tell you guys full disclosure how I work I go in there I tell the comedy club I go out there can sell this many shows out they go do you want the whole week and I said no I don't want the whole weekend I want this many shows and we're gonna sell those [ __ ] out so you guys hear about these shows before anybody else please believe announce him here before I even let the club's blast an email to everybody so you guys get tickets first so we're coming to Cleveland one night only okay two shows for - 13 as April 13th at the hilarities comedy club then we're going to the Austin moon Tower Comedy Festival that was a little weird cuz I think you gotta buy a badge or something to go see the shows like one of these festival things so this is Austin City Limits no no it's called Moontower Comedy Festival yeah so Austin's dope and matter of fact when we're there I want to hit up that BSR sir France so if any of y'all got the plug at the surf ranch we're gonna go do that you know Alex and I are surfers now guys surf on this weekend we're gonna show you we'll talk about that later and then I'm gonna be down to Dallas okay I'm gonna be the third and the fourth of May technically Addison to Addison improv but that's close enough to Dallas on this Dallas all right bit then Nashville Nashville one night okay say nice Nashville five - 18 then I'm in Columbus Ohio May 24th and 25th that's one of my favorite clubs in the country that's an amazing Club which I love Colombo Kneebone and Columbus best chicken tenders of any [ __ ] food establishment I've ever been to in my life is comedies BAM they're chicken tenders okay first of all it seems almost a cliche but they're very tender they're very know it sounds crazy but there are times where you get a chicken tender and it's like a little rubbery it is it's like bread it often like breaks a little bit like bread does to the batter batter oftentimes you get a chicken tender and it's almost like the batter is a shell yeah and then the meat is inside it but they're not even connected all right funny bone chicken tenders I'm doing a plug the whole [ __ ] smacking wait for chicken tender here it is I know this sounds crazy the the the the the one another breading yeah breading yeah the breading almost crumbles off it's like almost wet oh well I like breaks off in your mouth well like we had a trash version of them in Orlando where they still not bomb it was like commie club food is notoriously bearable like terrible you know this is bar food engine bar footage and then imagine like even worse is worship Barbara because the bar don't have are these with second senators are these the same chickens right now you're being disrespectful the size of a chicken tenders there's so many different ways like it is not a popeyes chicken tender is not like after you chicken tender where is that hard crunchy crust I don't mind that do I like it it's a different type I'm with you and there's a different type this is a succulent it is a second delectable did you find out about because you don't read yeah okay I need bread but when I'm at the comedy club I there's something nothing to get so I go chicken tenders fries if there's a little bit of bread other food besides the chicken 10 maybe it's all slapping fam no food I tried the other food there goes right guys I'm telling you right I've gone to other funny bones and I've asked if it's oh it's a recipe they all have because there's another good funny bone Liberty Township is a good funny bone they have good they have good chicken tenders matter fact I'm gonna be there as well but we'll talk about that another time all I'm saying is Columbus we're going ham on the chicken tenders after we sell out the show we have to sell out the chicken tenders it's not a success then I'm gonna be in st. Louis at helium comedy club the 31st of May and then the 1st of June and then Ann Arbor the 7th of Ann Arbor Michigan is outside Detroit Michigan white Detroit some people nobody calls it that I call it that Greektown is like wait is there like a Greek town yeah I love me I was in Detroit dog I liked it it's like what austin probably was before the hipsters ruined it yeah community and detroit yeah I mean that's what they do they move into poor neighborhoods right move out all the poor people there's like but he knows they're they bring it back yeah but it's not like annoying it like the stop its headquarters are there Greektown is cool a little Greek food out there we got movie Creed to there I told you this me and my old my homie diners are doing shows out there I saw a movie four dollars to sikri to brand new and if we wanted the reclining seats for 75 Wow they climbed out the recession yet it's not me it's like going India huh we've legal there see I would feel very just being in a movie theater where somebody couldn't afford the 75 cents to leave that that would make me feel like look at those people who are like 75 cents change their day the fact the fact that there's gonna be people looking up at you with the reclining seats lobby yeah hey Bob you in general I think we'll eat in the theater but I'd never seen this two old ladies walked in with a full bag opened it up three Tupperware's come hug well these [ __ ] are guys go go to the end restores calm right now get those tickets right now Cleveland's moving quick it's only a couple ways away so you know no excuses get on them shits and then next week I got a very special announcement I'm excited to share with you guys I almost want to share with you guys right now go for but uh yeah we can't I know there's some good stuff some good stuff happening some good stuff happens so so I'll I have to wait until next week but I'm excited to let you guys know you guys know yeah Thursday Walla mania tickets are damn near sold out get it [ __ ] by the time this comes out we'll probably sold out but I'm like on the podcast really dope you know he's not in town here bro is the Friday press an ass episode hey what are you upset about this weekend space these days very good good day New York and [ __ ] whoa yeah height beasts and the bus like [ __ ] video game channels and what acid oh yeah should be fun but yeah media man we got it we got to get behind that give support it a sir brothels come through next I got a shout out the I got to do a special shout-out to the flinger Media Group man not only for you know really cooking on these ads but um you know they're building out the flavor Media Group website they've got we got we got patrons that have helped us in every city film I got a shout out the people who are helping us in Orlando it's John Jonathan Jana Jonathan is a sweet kid he's 21 years old he looks like he's 14 years old and we had Weezy from horrible decisions her mom came to the show Weezy Weezy mom she there's like video I think you had the video she just started talking about like how she'd never done anal but like the tip went in and this kid just goes oh my god he [ __ ] floored and the mom just laid in kept going on and leaving it broke she was telling stories about like the people [ __ ] like crazy in studio 54 she was telling story and this poor kid he kept on saying I can't imagine my mom doing can't imagine my mom talking like Weezie's mom said um I am one of the best [ __ ] in the world and we were like what and she was like listen when you've had at least five guys say that you are the best [ __ ] in a world that's how you know that you're one of the best [ __ ] in the world and she's like and we're not talking about guys who don't get [ __ ] we're talking about guys with some experience and when they say you're number one that means you're number one Jesus Christ write this adorable kid adorable kid and so shall Tatiana and Yanis boyfriend as well we're gonna get his name right now but I aah - Marcus and Jonathan man they took photos at the shows man it was it was a crazy was a crazy week and his lady had a seizure at the show that [ __ ] was [ __ ] nuts man greenroom Alex I'm chillin in the greenroom right and one of the waiters just walks in a green room and goes so much is Hannah what someone's almost having a seizure so he goes so you guys good person runs in goes goes goes someone's had a seizure right well I learn what all right [ __ ] it let's go see what happened now the features on stage right excuse me for everybody who haven't been to a comedy show listen right now to feature is the actor goes before the headliner so minimize stage or the middle act right so the features still on stage funny dude named Pedro from Orlando Pedro's onstage woman has a seizure audience starts looking at the woman and then my man just puts the mic back in they turn the lights all the way up right you have both these shows been sold out yeah yeah the Liddy okay the wrong parts of stories so we going now cue my buddy shows sold out right right so this [ __ ] running a [ __ ] is is [ __ ] are there for a show right they getting their get for a show and they're there because they wanna like they want to see me man like they've been waiting to see me for a minute right like these people are legit fans and they [ __ ] with me and they've been listening to this podcast and listen to idiots like and I'm finally in Orlando it means a lot to them down there right and I walk out and I go see this girl is she's she's she's down in the middle of the whole [ __ ] ocean on the side shooting a middle bro the middle of the whole Club 400 people in the club and I'm at the aisle and I'm about to walk in and his dude pops up and he goes all Schultz what's up and I was a hey what's up man he goes y'all [ __ ] crazy right and yeah he goes yo so bad time asked for a pic yeah it's a bad but sudden have a seizure he goes that's two less cool she's it but you chillin after the show I'm just saying man I just want got a real query girl I'm like bro we figured out that's famed oh yeah I real talk over a few times I got a little jealous and good people don't care about [ __ ] dying ready to pick wait for it so we go right I go now everybody lights are on so some people are starting to notice that I'm there right and they're trying to see me and I'm trying to see the woman but she had passed out apparently Harlem shake and then she's on the ground right so I can't see her right um I walk into the middle of the aisle to see if I could see her right she's laying down their face white as a ghost right right like super white she's starting to come to a little bit right just gotta come to a little bit nobody else knows besides the people are directly there there's nobody on stage it's go time baby [Laughter] that's our roast in this [ __ ] behind am I so wrong well this guy's some of the most come on boards just yet right so at first I start kind of acknowledging what's going on telling people and I realize I'm already on stage let's see if we got some jokes this that the other right we're doing it the paramedics walk in right wearing a tee shirts right looking like Chippendales it looked like it looked like strippers right so I just start roasting the shirts at their where they're trying to save this lady's life and I'm just going in alright [ __ ] cuz I gotta save the lady's life they don't even got a stretcher they're walking the lady out by like holding her hands I'll and oh don't bro the people at the show the people at the show would like having fun with starting a roast and I'm like that shit's going in right by the way we have videotaped every show so we have video this alex is smart enough to tell the people at the audio to go turn audio back on because we record in their audio right right so record on so they start taking the person out and like sociopathic is you let me tell you I had a moment I realized I ain't [ __ ] okay so when shorty hits the ground or whatever and we hear about it so I rush out there because the first thing I'm thinking about it's wheezies mom so I'm Anakin I climb over chairs and [ __ ] looked over I saw it wasn't Weezie's mom's like alright well it was one of those moments where it was like when once we started going yeah what it was like I don't even remember what I was said in the beginning I don't know if you remember I have no clue what I was saying I have no clue it's like yo showed he was like Harlem shake it a little bit she's still there right like it's not like she left yet we're trying to figure out if she's dead or no please you got to keep it real do you got to remember this Florida right so Florida these people dare you so little wild [ __ ] in Florida right so it was one of those things where it was one of the things where just one day did we go I remember I was on stage and I they took her out and I'm just looking at the audience and I was like I said you know what man I could tell you all really want to show tonight you know and they start clapping and then it kind of calms down is because y'all look at this [ __ ] like hurry get the seizure or figure it out outside they drag the chick out we went right into the show and this [ __ ] lady this [ __ ] lady in the front row second row across from wheezy's mom not even lady girl white girl obviously white girl obviously obviously she goes she goes I'm making some jokes she goes no that's not funny you can't joke around about that right I'll go like I forget exactly what I said sometimes why can't we joke around about you can't joke around about it you know this is wrong something happened I'm like whatever it's funny I don't know I don't know exactly what I said somehow I asked for what she does for a living okay oh I say maybe I'm like this is what I do for I make people laugh okay this is what I do for a living so i'ma do my job I go what do you do for a living she's like I'm a paramedic I'm like yeah it's her she starts fake crying right she's got fake crying and then doing this she wiping her tears away with one finger like a cartoon right nobody wipe their tears like this she's going like this like this I go I go oh my god you white lady you you would make someone almost die from a seizure and you not gonna shout you yeah you would make this whole thing that you're the [ __ ] victim people start going crazy that a man it was so the guy in front of her was on a date with her and I was like bro you gotta get rid of this girl he go I'm chewing her out and that's it if she dies she dies I'm like we can't have more than one tonight - the show - show is dope everything was cool man after the show we found out that the woman died so you can even let the listeners enjoy no I must ruin the fun for everybody listening to prove that I know is really going on you know what you first said we never on stage you're like you know I'm low-key kind of jealous because I wish I pass out late pass out a Sinbad show she's like she's just trying to get out of paying the bill paid the whole tables checks but yeah that's yeah we had a [ __ ] good time in Florida man we went surfing we took out surfing yeah and a Puerto Rican do you think kick in with bro therefore we can surf Rodrigo I figure the surface legit - Alex am i brave we took Alex out into the water right he goes surfing first of all I love surfing out I'll tell you guys something about surfing in a second but we take Alex out into the water Alex tries to tries to get up way too fast like okay there's no way I can stand up on a surfboard oh I get your surfboard easy that's easy we got we got that that's easy I promise you I'd get you up on a surfboard promise no matter fact so Alex Alex is uh he trying to get up too fast it's like the excitement like the second he's on the wave he wants to be balanced I'm saying it's like a girl-girl [Applause] [Laughter] I know he said the moment y'all we sittin in a place that could accept that kind of behavior when the story came out about kristaps porzingis and the story was the story was eccentric kristaps porzingis told a black woman that she was his slave and then like forcefully had sex with her that she's a regular knight in Texas his place I don't believe it but back to the finger before you call me a rapist okay now for example you go down a finger a girl I'm not running right into the [ __ ] there's some thigh touching it's almost a tease you know mean it's almost like there's a barrier over to [ __ ] and I'm not even trying to touch the [ __ ] I almost want them to like slide the [ __ ] closer to my hand so that it could be fingered right before I was trying to it was like you ever have like a treat in your hand and a dog is putting his his snout inside like this part right here to get it problem do you know what I'm talking about problem I was just I just thought you had to get to the back of it I thought it was like there was a end goal in fingering I mean like I was like if I get to the back that's what feels the best so that's where I'm gonna get my fingers that's how you were with with surfing just brought him to the deep end exactly was like boom I got to get right up he was raping a surfboard no you're not balancing so perfect description eventually it takes his time he gets up surfs a wave euphoric feeling I mean pretty special al it looked pretty cool I was excited I was exhausted you're excited over it we we got out of the water we talk about you know might be well I can't say where we're gonna go but a place that kind of has a lot of sharks and the guy who's with us our boy Luke shots at Luke he goes he goes man don't worry about the Sharks the Sharks you know sharks in Australia sharks right out there and then you're not even talking to Alex I just like just taking off his wetsuit and I just hear what why do you guys do this like white people don't understand yeah I just want to die like the guy you told me about that goes [ __ ] mountain climbing with no singer here he'd swim the sharks in no cage man Will Smith he's got so much money he white now I've been thinking about this you know cuz it's a it's a popular thing to say like white people want to die you know what I mean and but everybody wants to die everybody's just got their own ways of doing it doing me like like my people using to eat it well like or Indian people might refuse to eat but like will white people will like go shark diving doing mean like black people walk around with $200,000 on her neck everybody tries to die you know what I mean you just do in a different way but that's different that's not like food they cut is like a big momma leg off they still eat the soul food like they'll go yeah everybody got everybody can afford five hundred on stage we all eat fried chicken like we all like we all know that kills us everybody got their [ __ ] your name like like snitchin like y'all refuse to snitch it's like you know it would make the neighborhood safer it would make it way safer if you just we pay people money to take that information and arrest people it makes your neighborhood better and you're like that would be too safe that would be too boring to live a life like that why would I ever live a life like that that's not not snitching is the same as skydiving that's your skydiving you know it's crazy you know who told me not to snitch you over everybody was my I had a teacher in seventh grade yeah that we were reading like Tom Sawyer's I mean he refused to snitch and she was like I see so many kids get in trouble and you just snitched on your friends and his disgusting that teacher [ __ ] kids okay that's what that teacher does that teacher got something to hide you snitch when someone gets it wrong yeah she's probably trying to like this little easily impressionable kid you know I could work on that for sure that's don't say nothin if you see me with your friends don't say nothing how dare you I wouldn't snitch come on bro what do you think priests saying you think priests a snitch yeah that's confessions right isn't it ironic that that whole thing is called confessions and then they just got to keep this big-ass secret no you confess to the person who's touching you yeah this is a perfect system sniffs to the person we gonna do [ __ ] so you know that thing you did to me the other day I'll say the Hail Marys I got me this week all right um so yeah we had an eventful weekend in Orlando and Jacksonville was [ __ ] sick you guys should go you guys should go surfing and go to Orlando it was a cool place now back to kristaps porzingis being a rapist ask you please cuz you you were very close to the situation you had sources and saying that kristaps you knew kristaps was out of here before anybody before a lot of people know yes right yeah and according to the stuff I've read the Knicks knew about this pending case yeah knives knew about this pending case yes so the feds the feds knew because Chris Epps went to the Fed yeah first of all going God knows what to say like these were critical isn't famous people don't rape anybody famous people don't violently rape this doesn't happen so like we could just point that out bar none it doesn't happen eat your [ __ ] that's violent there's no such thing famous is the same as people do not the amount of Lisp that the mouths saliva going on that might have been the greatest [ __ ] ever think about how wet that girls would be with Mike just saying the word [ __ ] so the idea that a famous person worth millions of dollars would violently rape is absurd we really real right not to mention I mean think about it please just take a second don't be woke don't be like Twitter be flagrant - you know why I've thought about often does a famous person violently rape so here's the thing I I didn't ask if you could see it happening because anything could I'd say how is my question yeah no I'm answering yeah relax yeah I would say not as often as they're accused of for sure yeah I would say 30% of the time they're accused max okay give me one example of a famous person violently raping just one no no but we've heard stories of it like we've heard conviction cases you got I haven't but you guys must have because you think happens 30 percent time so yeah violently I misheard the first time I was thinking just rape like one scene type stuff I don't know violently that's why I said it was so much conviction because I know you weren't listening yeah okay violent ly rape this is different Weinstein is me - this is violent right hold you down right the guy just blew out his knee you're a swim move away from no rape yeah and Chris stabbed same defendant nobody trying to escape all right right like also I'm gonna be honest I just saw the business Nigerian and I was like this is scam I'm gonna keep it a full-stack were love you Carrie never only 68 grant you only ask and see have you not seen your emails it's 50 million easy that's what you go for like this is crazy to me 68 grand 68 grand for my brother's college from your brother's college play a state school how many years is he gonna so you know he's dropping out like 60 racks is not a lot yeah it is so what is what it bothers me is it should be illegal this is what the system should be if you accuse someone of rape only your name should go out not the person you accuse until criminal charges have been Ireland you're not even allowed even during criminal charge criminal charges so Ireland the rule is if you're convicted then the name can come out if not no name okay but I'm saying at bare minimum out of respect for the accused yeah we desert that person deserves criminal charges to be put up on a knock all rights to play devil's advocate here okay yeah I don't think prayers I don't think he did it but of course she's really cool he's 74 right most sex from a seven foot four person is probably gonna feel violent he gonna feel a little violence I doubt the chick was like 610 those are ya bring it on in like knock my head off so what is he really gonna do like I don't know I've never listened I've never seen a person with a broken leg rape somebody somebody before yes okay if you sprain your ankle okay have you tried to do anything with sprained ankle yeah rape that would mean that was actually what like really answer session without be without just doing the opposite thing do you truly think that you could rape with a sprained ankle first of all you saying this [ __ ] like this is a bit of a challenge [Laughter] when they when they did the phone MRI on his knee and she would do it he he only had a torn ACL so maybe she got that MCL going as well there's a possibility possibility listen all I'm saying is or do you wanna [ __ ] my leg up playing basketball like my dick could even get hard the last thing I mind is is [ __ ] talk let's have taken the [ __ ] who is famous and had sex on top like why would you even do that you're worth millions of dollars that these girls are coming over to your house you just let them write it well let them write it and then you get behind him and you can [ __ ] him from the back to finish but like more like laying on top of them well a report came out today like that pretty much doesn't exonerate kristaps but it's pretty like what does it say so basically was just saying like you know there was like an ongoing relationship like in days like after the alleged rape took place by you can tell that the woman was trying to like have a romantic relationship with kristaps and yada yada yada you can tell Chris that was kind of like wow not too long you know and then hey you got to be good and even MVPA they sorted afterwards the the prescient that's impressive one of the representatives on MVPA was basically like after reading the details all that we saw it with Chris that's like yeah no [ __ ] cuz it didn't happen like literally if you hear any famous person is accused of a violent rape you immediately throw away the case cuz it doesn't happen it does guys we're sitting here we cannot think of one shirt off into a plant weird but not violent like can you think of one let's just not thinking in absolutes though yeah that's my thing like you're thinking of you thinking of rape as like an a pleasurable sex thing like when people rape it's not about like I want pleasure it's like a power thing to them so like it's not a felt like you're thinking of you think a very rational way of course yeah you're a powerful famous person why would I need to take [ __ ] I get [ __ ] tossed at me all the [ __ ] time what anybody need to do that right yeah that 30% I think Akash was talking about yeah some people aren't wired that way like that's just how they show dominance that's just how like they take you know they just they just didn't show their power over easy it is to be more powerful than a girl like you know he see it is to just be more powerful like you don't need a [ __ ] like clearly rape is about sex it's not all the time that's what I'm saying no every time I don't know I don't know a ton of violent rape cases even I know Ben Roethlisberger was accused of it a few times I know Kobe that's all I can think of I also know if you got money or getting off jessie smell it if you got money you're not guilty 100% oh it's hard to know what was yeah I can't just say oh they were exonerated they're good for sure yeah cuz it's because if you're famous you can buy your way out of it so I just don't know but I I think I don't think Chris that did it and I think the maps got themselves a hell of a bargain out of a nice false rape case I mean if the Mavs were smart they would have waited on that trade oh really waited right imagine that story came out yo if I'm the maps I leaked that story to the post before the trade actually you guys already won that trade by as much as I like they already got the better player of Liberty that's why oh that's why I thought especially the first thing out the first thing I looked up was like did the next known like they knew so I think it was like with you know we don't know if you're really gonna be back Joe's case over your head like mark you a guy no issue with some sexual harassment facts we've been fighting them so that's what okay so Dennis Smith jr. and DeAndre Jordan it was anybody else come over they got some pics to first rub that's what a rapist is worth Kobe reply yo we're gonna we gonna way more than that even even the Lakers like you know what war at the South makeovers on the rookie contract guarantee huge with the timber wolf by the the reason why they did it also because it happened in New York or supposedly happened in New York so think about he's gonna have to stand trial in New York and play at the same time like they saw the future of him probably being the head of your franchise to be you don't want to face your franchise to have any allegation yorokobi flying in from we got a start a of putting [ __ ] we got to start there has to be some punishment for the fake rape allegation there has to be a jail you have to go to jail yeah because they're not gonna do anything unless you can't go to jail or take away their Instagram what you gotta find a way you gotta take away the girl's Instagram because that that will hurt them more imagine if you accused falsely accuse a guy of rape right you're probably one of these girls that looks good on Instagram because you're sleeping with ballplayers you're sleeping with famous people you take away the industry that's their livelihood that's their access to dick that's their dick portal right there you take whether dick portal they can't do any more fake rape cases they can't trap any more of these dudes that's what you got to do and you can stop raping my feed it is when you see like what are these like like like Instagram models with clothes on like you ever see those pics if they post like they're with their grandmother like the sound thing that indicates there's audio and sometimes I would click just to be like who does this [ __ ] think she it's just music on and then moving their face back and forth oh my gosh and they're on like rollerskates I remember the first time I thought our brains Burgos sounded like yeah would you do such an accident like I was already on our up and I guess she was like talking to like Instagram whatever like talking to the camera and like I don't know what I thought her voices was okay but it wasn't that okay Alex you remember yes bro ruined it it ruined the whole day like she saw man I've been totally just doing the battery not the [ __ ] telling yo [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just like oh yeah let me not let me not be a [ __ ] yes a lot of these Instagram girls Berlin once they open their mouth like they should like if there was like a data metric or something I guaranteed it luzon at least like ninety thousand followers yeah every single time they talk to the camera you want to know really this is like a little sadistic thing that I do on Instagram I follow is wild okay but it's my own joy okay I follow girls that I know from like insider people that are high-level prostitutes okay Colin but see one in action so what happens is I follow girls did I know or high-level prostitutes but it's not it's an it's not further it's not known that they're high-level prostitutes so they still post like motivational things they still do like makeup tutorials like they still like go to woman's marches and [ __ ] like that that's great it's so much fun to follow them because you see when [ __ ] horseshit I want to show you with the one that I follow like known prostitute handle alright I take you to him maybe I'll put it out what now I gotta ask you about about one okay you tell me this code I'll put in the discord and for the patrons but there it is dude is so [ __ ] funny talking about my charity I have to get this your charity is so crazy like man would be a sociopath to do that right so yeah if I guess if I guess which one's a prostitute okay can you throw out a few just name race first of all wait there's another no friends from Burning Man but there's a [ __ ] let me take this on for a second you would only not pay because how expensive the elite level is seems very pricey once you make five million dollars a year and you get to [ __ ] the hottest woman on the planet for chump change or don't like that I thought like low key really easy venmo request yeah headin was over in here let me tell you from the alleys it's about efficiency at when you get to a certain level in your life right and I'm not saying I'm there I'm not saying any of us are there but you get to a certain level your life while you're working 80 hours a week traveling around the world you don't have time to do this wine and dine and then maybe you end up [ __ ] a girl what you do have time for is pay the two grand and hey guess what let's go get dinner too let's go get dinner and then later we go back to the room and [ __ ] or just go to room the [ __ ] it's an efficiency line why do you get all these hookers you're Charlie Sheen do I have to pay for sex babe I don't pay them for sex I pay for them to leave things you had to do he didn't have time for these hookers so what I'm telling you is I promise you the more money I've made in my life the more reasonable [ __ ] hookers is become like wildly reasonable like almost to the point where like why am I not doing this all the time thanks to me like [ __ ] super thrill to chase at this point no the thrill of a change yeah like I I just want to get to the point where it's like oh I can get you this is where you gotta roll you think they're chasing [ __ ] once you get to a certain level I'd rather get like brunch only you get [ __ ] I'm saying I thought just like you for 26 years of my life all right I have a friend who partakes in buying [ __ ] all right I gave him the same [ __ ] talk that you just gave Andrew gave alcohol man you would that's the thrill the chase Eddie and he broke it down exact like he's like dude I go to practice I'll do a parents I'll do this I'll do that and then you see that like you open up the [ __ ] the book it's like a Sears catalog of bad is the baddest [ __ ] you've ever seen and that [ __ ] is like buying like a ham sandwich for you ro that's like going on say again I'll [ __ ] for for for Wendy's you don't realize how [ __ ] inexpensive it is this is what we're talking about on the front this girl on the planet we're talking about imagine the whitest of white women right the bluest of blue eyes the blondness of blond hair right the the pronouncing espresso perfectly okay just imagine imagine that girl right now imagine you just have sex with her for what is the equivalent to what you make now ten bucks and you have to think about it like hold on it's just the moral thing like inside it just don't feel right that's the reason reality mr. scoop scoop which we all choose our morality that's a good point so it's just the idea of purchasing vagina just bothers me so this is the point we choose our morality that is a great point so this is something that you've interesting to me so many times I've gone on boys trips to dr all these places and it is equally one that always turned that is a good point now i I buy that because when you go to these places the amount of cheese it is you've a clean house the wealthy yes and use it if you if you stayed with it that means did it I take it back maybe you would stay true to it maybe you would huh oh gosh I don't know that I would I mean listen I love my girl if I was single I don't think I'd be like I can't yeah me okay what about this I was talking to Mandy on horrible decisions I did an episode with them and she said this to me she goes she goes yeah it's not free to [ __ ] me basically she says this right she goes now we know we don't do like an exact number exchange but it's like yo you're gonna have to take on certain places give me certain things exactly right I get me certain things specifically right or this was what she phrased it it was really interesting like the dynamic she goes uh she goes if I got to take off work this is you don't ask for money you go hey I got to take off work and then the guy goes well oh I'll make sure that you don't lose the money from work and she goes okay I usually make X amount those nights oh [ __ ] right now she broke something down that blew my mind about this that I never considered before she said he's objectifying my body I'm just a [ __ ] to him I am nothing more than a [ __ ] to him he don't care about my week he don't care about my day he don't care about what I got to say I'm just a [ __ ] for us so he goes she goes she goes I'm just a [ __ ] titties I'm just a body to him etc if you're gonna objectify me and probably not make me [ __ ] why can't you just be a wallet to me mm-hmm I was like I processed it it made very it was a very reasonable argument no I did yeah listen I don't have a problem any of it I'm not saying that there's a problem I'm saying have you ever heard of it phrased in that way we're just a complete commodification on both sides yeah I was thinking as you were talking basically the only difference between the way hooker spoke and the way other girls [ __ ] is hoes take cash and then the rest of these [ __ ] are on the barter system yeah I'll part you for a dinner yeah I'll give you some [ __ ] if you give me a movie in a dinner and a vacation isn't a net and they think we're crazy when we're like come on just hey why don't you come over and she's like well you gotta at least take me out for a drink and it's like that's the price I was respecting you more but not a cranberry vodka right like I think that the idea is taking them out right and making them feel important in their mind right it justifies coming over but it's like you lost money because you gonna have to over to the spot on your own I would over you to mine it's just enough feel like a ho you paid $8 to not feel like a ho yeah instead you're just a very low price ho now you never over me but it is an interesting dynamic in terms of what makes someone feel comfortable yeah you know like I don't know I don't know if I was on that I don't know if I was being completely used there's been times where I felt used not used but like I knew it was an achievement for a girl like sleeping with me all the time yeah and it was like a planned thing and easy to handle it wasn't it wasn't that bad there's no men work for though yeah that's like so you don't have to work for it becomes them coming to you that's yeah that's why men want to be successful you gonna hate fame Alex oh I hate it already what's that dough at me I don't like it really interesting so you like the ones that say no a little hey why don't you take a sip espresso let's see what happens tonight a very appreciative they do throw it at be mostly was a great father and Alex refuses to be a father oh my god do you think Cosby the whole time was like man I got to keep up this nice guy image so I could keep raping what if that [ __ ] had nothing at all to do with him truly being a nice dude and trying to uplift people and be a good example it was just like how do I keep up this right hey pull your pants up black people so I could keep pulling these white [ __ ] pants down nice little discomfort from the black people guys not a tree to grow will playwright talk about Pete Ron man thank y'all so much for for subscribing man it's incredible in the families in the community we be Weiland yeah I've definitely proved me proved me wrong a bunch of times that we really thought there's gonna be some police like yeah it isn't gonna be the one that [ __ ] everybody but like really isn't one video comes out and everybody becomes the expert architect like remember when the 9/11 conspiracy video came out the next day at school everybody's like pimp when was the last time you saw a building just come straight down it's like I've never seen a building so I wouldn't know how they fall down at all you think it'd just tip to the side they would just go to the side something yeah I mean it looked like a controlled demolition like have you ever seen like when they're about to ball it's the last leg much like thing where they go through when they say like here's all the conspiracy theories and here's why they're wrong oh really they defrauded all of them yeah I can see that real easy that I'm just saying the only time I've seen a building come down is when it's been on purpose so that's why I guess for a lot of people it's like open and controlled like in Vegas when they just yeah oh we're gonna blow up this building up everyone gonna watch and it just like comes down like [ __ ] like Legos or some [ __ ] yeah okay so before we get to some some deport this I think it's important to acknowledge some very very sad news yeah I'm glad we started off with some with some with some Joel raped again through today because today today was a rough road I know front do you think that before we go on do you think that kristaps like collars his dick so it looks like a unicorn [Laughter] so we have lost Nipsey Hussle rapper entrepreneur business mogul documentarian nipsey also was killed outside of one of his businesses in he apparently entire block yeah it's like the entire block but uh you know you obviously you guys know if you're listening right now who Nipsey Hussle is if you don't I mean you could you two of them Google of etcetera but um yeah and he was murdered there's not much information on it right now that there's a video out some securities so do we know who the person is is say his name but it's it's it's pretty much out there who did it no allegedly somebody who was close to somebody he knew basically the long story short yeah well story short the story is um you thought that was a snitch in his crew he got home from jail real early wait who is he the alleged assailant I see how okay um the story going around I just came out to nipsey and if she said something jokingly like not even jokingly but like you know like you're you a snitch like you know how the hell you how the hell you are home so early like if you're not a snitch come back with your papers so they all right so and you know it was what it wasn't on some like oh your snitch [ __ ] a do this and it was we're gonna hurt you by oh just go about your business like we're doing this over here just you know you got home a little too early I don't really trust you like whatever if you're not listenin to coming back with your papers he felt disrespected alright came back with a gun 20 minutes later shot him that's the story going around so somebody like he knew close to you know if you see the video after he shoots him he kicked him another time I didn't shot him in the face that's that's that's the story going around people have seen this the photo of the person you know it's uh it's it was it was really a rough one today man like a lot of people especially like and you know I grew up in hip hop media like my entire career most of my entire career so like you know I've known Ipsy for awhile and his entire crew and you know I'm really close to Karen who used to manage him and and um you know he was one of our biggest early supporters of dusa Palooza before Henny Palooza used to come perform not ask for a cent just like I supported y'all y'all gonna focus he's doing it yeah I'm doing on your own like oh right do whatever help y'all need and every time he came up always show loved I'll literally just saw him last time I was in LA well while I in the studio he was right next to us and they were just doing music and Shelley was talking about coming to do staples again and [ __ ] and you know hanging out and and it sucks cuz he just looks like J Cole said something about like the real ones died in the fake ones is lit and like he was he was the epitome of like just everywhere he went he just got mad [ __ ] respect from everybody bloods Crips qudoos not hood dude like and this and this just for like 10 years this is before he really popped off like that so like this past year that was like really his like defining [ __ ] blow up year he had all his businesses booming he's opened up a stem school for like inner-city use he got the Grammy nomination yeah wife kids like all the shit's just I mean like I wasn't like clearly I wasn't like alive and conscious enough for like wouldn't like POC a big passed away but like a lot of the stuff that pot talked about and like nipsey was executed he was he was the realization of that dream like yo you could be a gay man you could be this but you can unite your community you got a buyback here you know you got to build generational wealth you got to buy back your blocks all this type of stuff and the fact that he you know his life is was taking so cowardly by some of the you know allegedly from that that he knew whatever like that's that's that's the part that hurts the most yeah you know questions so hmm you see a guy like nipsey who's this in so many ways a great role model right I was talking about investing in his own community and like putting his money into businesses and it was not new trying to do to talk about the same should make your business grow and and you know not investing in frivolous things that could you know lose value but always gain value over time he's been talking about for years right you see a guy who's like very business savvy yet still seemingly entrenched in gang life know it's different I know what you're trying to yeah I'm curious I'm curious so let me ask a question so it's like at some point in time you have to remove yourself from that world because the way people operate in that world you're dealing with Psychopaths like this guy who [ __ ] murdered him you're not dealing with people who are gonna maybe screw you over in a business deal you're dealing with someone who if you say the wrong thing could [ __ ] murder you and at what point at what point of success in your career do you say hey I got who for the benefit of all the people that rely on me for the benefit of of all the people follow me because I'm a leader at what point do you not remove yourself from that season this is what this is why it hurts like doubly for us today cuz it's like with him gang life was what was the original idea of gang life was what he was doing the reason why Bloods and Crips and all these guys were made it was because they had to protect themselves right in prison in the streets from police all the sort of stuff to protect their neighborhood protect their communities it wasn't always about just all your blood we kill you sugar creep imma kill sure saying like so when a God does everything right like everything right and still gets murdered by somebody within his all block right like in his own community by his oh the cruel guy who who probably fed him right like put food in his mouth right who he put food in yeah you know like that's but I would think but what I'm saying is he if he wasn't gonna do it who else was you know like he put himself out there but that's not the questions point that weights point I you're avoiding my question and I understand it's hard to answer go I would think the thing that drew me to nipsey was I think as I've thought about it cuz I don't normally I can compartmentalize any death pretty much convinced myself I don't give a [ __ ] this one hit yeah and I think it's because you and I are both very much drawn to authenticity right and we hate fraudulent I particularly hate phonies yeah so a dude like that what made him powerful was that he always was authentic he always rolled with the people he came up with tried to help them didn't you move away completely from all these people then you start getting looked at like you left everybody you start getting looked at like it's phony ya know when you try to help us like but you left us don't [ __ ] talk to us about this you left all of us yeah I would think that's the issue that's the struggle yes how do I keep it authentic because that's what there's a survivor guilt a lot of people talk about yeah and sure not even that but like that's his kind of appeal is that he's an authentic dude through and through always authentic that makes a lot of part of that authenticity is I didn't leave you and just forget about you because you're dangerous or whatever I love you I'm gonna help you it's like family yes though there's one thing right is for me is sometimes things become bigger than you and nipsey was in a position where what he was preaching and talking about was bigger than him right Nipsey was an example for people from the hood all over the world right about what you can do and how you can change your life and how you can reinvest in your community and grow your community and become an example for your community etc right so AFA so so so we you have a situation where in my opinion for the benefit of all those people following you you got to remove yourself from that environment maybe you lose some authenticity amongst those people that like hi there yeah you're making it seem like he was just like in the hood like he was just like on the streets whatever like he was literally taking pictures with kids outside of a black a store that he owned on the black you know what he owned the bla like it's like shooting the [ __ ] mayor can I just give another take on this so you know how he said earlier when um hips hipsters go in bad neighborhoods and then they make them better yeah he was just trying to make his own neighborhood better we're talking about different things I'm 100% aware of what seemed to leave his game I'm all about I'm absolutely no but then I said no no no no let me get because we're gonna get to it am i tellin am i telling him to leave his gang abso-fucking-lutely are you kidding me a hundred percent and we know what you do you know why you're able to do that you know why your gang allows it because you bought back your block you're hiring these people you're investing in the community you're investing the kids you're creating all these schools and if your gang doesn't allow you to leave so you can continue to lead on a broader scale and help your community then your gang a [ __ ] yeah you're making it seem like you're making it seem like he was like a foot soldier yeah so I grew up in far Rock yeah I was in a gang growing up yeah like the perception of gangs it's a lot different from what they're supposed to be like I was [ __ ] for a while there's like an actual handbook with rules like almost like a Bible right there you have to follow and it's really none of the crime is in that book it's in it's not part of the principle so it's run sort of like a corporation it's really just to help out the community so I feel what he did is like spice staying in the gang it's perfect because it shows like hey this is what a real [ __ ] looks like yeah like what snoop does like hey this is what a real [ __ ] looks like hey I'm part of a gang but I'm giving back to my community I'm doing the right things I'm showing you example instead the [ __ ] that you see in the news with gangs shooting each other like this is what a real [ __ ] looks like so so question and I understand that that what that's what he was going for yeah in retrospect do you think that was the right move I still do unfortunately you absolutely should know because it's like this is what you do you have to look at situations and you have to say how could this be avoided how do we not replicate this we play Monday Morning Quarterback with people's lives all the time we go you should have wore a seatbelt we don't go why didn't he wear a seatbelt you think about things that could have avoided it right this guy nipsey in my personal opinion and I wasn't a big fan of his music I was just a fan of his life philosophy that he's too important he's too important to a movement this way bigger than just what's happening his community he's affecting commutes all over the country - you're just leave like you said earlier these are [ __ ] psychopaths let me go I'm trying to agree with you I'm on your side your point is some of these people a few exceptions are [ __ ] Psychopaths it's just as possible one of those few Psychopaths could say this [ __ ] think he could just leave and forget where he came from [ __ ] that yeah the second he comes back it's on you don't come back so he could just never come back to his neighborhood again because it's it's highly possible he could come back in one of those few small percentage of psycho fans is like you'll [ __ ] this [ __ ] just left it let me ask you a question let me ask you a question where does jay-z hang out usually Marci is that where he hangs out then you interview also 50 some years I'm just saying is that you're using a one single example that might not be that might not be the same as as nipsey is that fair to say that nipsey was spending way more time in this area than there and you're using a very rare specific example there was more of a photo op than it was actual his life because he's in Chelsea right like that's where he's in Tribeca right no way or he lives in LA Yeah right like that that's where everybody okay that that reaches a certain level of leadership and importance within now does jay-z still help his community 100% it's JC still investing lots of people paying off legal fees to get people you know adage it I mean like it's like every other day you see something that Jay is doing to uplift his community invest in community and help his community every single day without having to stand on a storefront where some [ __ ] psycho could potentially because he knows because he's a target Jay is the target and I bet you if Jay was hanging around in Marci somebody would try to come for Jay it is two different playbooks though nipsey's playbook was buyback our neighborhoods it was furious from [ __ ] boys in the hood don't let this is our commercial success make upwards of a billion dollars invested on the way nipsey's was let's protect our own take care of ours that's real quick I'm not trying to get n nipsey wasn't as commercially viable as Jay Z like no I don't know more than five nipsey songs I can name five jay-z song [ __ ] so it was a different playbook it's a different playbook and he was doubling down on his community and oblivious to me so maybe having that presence there is more important very important and I agree with you guys on that I just feel like you get to a certain level of success and leadership where he was taking pictures with kids oh hey do with anything I don't know what that means like that is a fad as a true name cuz you're saying like oh you got to leave the hood you can't be in it like he wasn't just all not black like he was on some brand new block he got caught slippin like there's somebody allegedly that he trusted like there's nobody just getting a guy who builds himself this to that high of a stature especially in that gang it's been a unifying not just those gangs by the entire neighborhood you don't just get close to him like that he has people they they have people to make sure like you don't get within [ __ ] centimeters as much you know I'm saying so it's like so the comparing to jay-z was like 50-plus years old who was still on the Block for much of his career from maybe like three or four albums in yes you could still see him in Brooklyn you can still see him going back when he even when he moved out like to compare a billionaire to a guy who was just trying to get there and and it's not like Jay didn't support everything he did he was the first guy who really he fought for a lot of people Jay was the introduction to the thousand-dollar album ten so a lot of things and it is important for us to see samples other than the drug dealers yeah so that's why it is important for him to still be around the neighborhood and I don't know enough about his life I doubt that he actually lives in the hood no he was just boy yes important listen I'm all about his business model I'm all about my whole my whole argument right now is how do we make sure he can continue to do what he's doing because he's such an important example right and we need to find a way where we recognize we both can invest or have people invest in their hood and be a part of it but also recognize the danger of it yeah right yeah yeah it's weird one jannat where do mobsters get just in Staten Island the other day where'd that mobster get shot right in his [ __ ] hood mm-hmm driving around he said like it's every time a mobster gets killed it's not in the enemy's territory it's it's driving around his own neighborhood with his doors unlocked calm cool casual and then someone pulls up on a go eh you're out of here right now eventually those mobsters they reach a certain level right and these are the same mobsters that go I want to buy up the neighborhood I want to build up the neighborhood protect the neighborhood it's not a novel concept this happens with a lot of people who deal with illegal and legal businesses together eventually those mobsters they go I can't be around these types of things because [ __ ] are trying to take me out and you don't get to see those mobsters on the block no more why do you think that the Mafia operates like that but he shouldn't and you grew up in Staten Island so you've seen these dudes and you know you don't see the Don in a neighborhood you see the underlings Nipsey was it done yeah nipsey's that guy you don't see the done outside the [ __ ] subway shop I do it I do get what you say on some like oh I understand what you're saying man it shows what you're saying is true but also him being there the representations employment which is saying but the thing is it's it says this is why this and I I'm gonna keep saying this wire hurts so much cuz I what the [ __ ] do you do yeah like just like you can't there's no way you play it or you get out safe like this like this is how [ __ ] up it is for a lot of not saying me I wasn't born a Crenshaw I wasn't there but this is how it is for so many people that we grow up around and you saw mobsters get murked understood but at the same time like I've seen this happen to so many people well this is why they say like growing we grow up in a project like it's a project like there's no way there's no way out you know and say so when you see somebody getting out that continues to be authentic continues to come back continue to do what everybody says they want to do or strive to do like you know like own your masters buy back your buildings buy back your neighborhood [ __ ] give the people that look like you opportunity so it's like yo you don't have to sell George you can work at this store you can work at this fish fry you can [ __ ] learn science and technology like he was doing all that that's it so what's like you don't have to be a [ __ ] Poindexter to do it was my whole thing with him like he was doing Poindexter [ __ ] as a coach as a [ __ ] as a real street yes 100% real [ __ ] Street boys in futures I don't [ __ ] know because we're we all wish we're all we all feel the same way right yeah and and we could take time to like have feelings about it 100% and I think we should but at the same time like the way I look at these situations is go how do we make sure this doesn't happen again right and that's what I'm trying to present like the Mafia example I'm trying to present other examples of people who who realize the importance to the organization that they're building and they remove themselves and if they are in a community and a lot of times they still get killed a lot of times they still get killed even if they do remove themselves they still get killed yeah you're not I'm not saying them the mob is it has any higher moral standard and bloods are great don't you like that they're all to me it's all just it's all just scenery it's all the same time that's why I'm use it as the example exactly with that man it's just I just I just want like today like I had I had a terrible sleep bro like it was just a [ __ ] it's just such a hopeless [ __ ] feeling when when you lose somebody like that and it's like yeah yeah when you add like will you ask me like what do you do I'm I don't know right I don't I do not know but you see I think removing yourself is it is easier said than done that's my own I don't think you're necessarily completely wrong you're right I think it's much easier said than done I think I agree I guess yeah it seems like you were against having him I'm not saying so no you it seems like you're against having him be less accessible to people and I feel like that is a necessary component with not only success in general but especially success survival in survival you know like that you cannot access Bill Gates you cannot access Warren Buffett right like no like it wasn't like you said he's out on a street taking pictures of kids that successful no but I'm saying like it wasn't like he didn't have his enemies already times it was like people they tried to touch him before like you couldn't get close to him it was somebody close to him that took him out right you know I mean like yeah in an absolutely vulnerable situation like you're sitting there taking pictures with [ __ ] children right on your block on the block that you own in front of a store that you bought so you can give jobs on the P I don't I don't [ __ ] what would you do our crush I don't know I that's what I think the thing I liked about him was the authenticity in a bet if he's not as accessible doesn't seem as authentic if you're trying to help from a hundred two hundred three thousand miles away whatever doesn't seem as authentic it's just yeah I guess you're helping but where are you but like you like you're authentically Indian you care about Indians right you're not in India every yeah no I know I can't he might care about the hood I tried to help Indians there would be a certain feeling from a lot of people in India that's like the [ __ ] are you who the [ __ ] are you you come from oh oh America Xavier thank you saw some wood and some of me like who the [ __ ] are you especially it's especially worse if I grew up there and then left and then was like hey guys I got all the answers for you let's do this in this and this it's like let's buy back our neighborhoods it's like you not in our neighborhood [ __ ] you talking about yeah you're listening to the haters right now you're putting too much stock in the haters right these people are bitter because they're not in your position maybe but you gotta turn them out and you not only help the people that want to be helped and we disagree on Malcolm and Martin I was always drawn to Malcolm because I read Malcolm is being more authentic right from what I saw of Malcolm when I read of Malcolm he struck me as more authentic and that struck more of a chord with me that's a me thing but people like me do tend to be more drawn to the people like nibs here the people like Malcolm or whoever right like those are the guys I'm like [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] go right I'm only talking about proximity to help right like I think when you take away that proximity you lose some authenticity yeah but you don't see yourself as an inauthentic Indian do you to a degree I mean yeah if yeah because I don't I think we talked about this I go to India and I feel American here I feel Indian right it's it's an odd thing that's a different I think conversation but see I don't think I think you feel always you represent yourself and you represent your people you can do that from a distance especially if you're helping that maybe that's not up to us and maybe that's how you feel Indians in India see me as American they don't see me as Indian no I'm aware that we did have this novel here what I'm saying is like if you're true and you're trying to help people right and you actually are creating these businesses and creating these opportunities for them right right like nobody's looking at Oprah going over an don't care about them girls in Africa she's not here a lot they're going she opened those schools in Africa she's education Africa who gives a [ __ ] a lot of people give a [ __ ] like if they're helping great but it's different when you're from that community like if your front like you're from Crenshaw and like you're trying to help that city was like oh yeah we could we could you could say whatever you want about an MC cuz he's actually from here he's one of us in on sanli if you come and helping you're not from here cool but it's different when you're one when it's one of your own so like yeah you could say what gives a [ __ ] if he cares about the people from Africa he's not from there and not from that city you don't know what they're go through in the everyday life right nipsey no no what all these people went through every single day so it meant way more to them for him to do that you know I'm say he could have took his money put it in like a some venture capitalist put it in some [ __ ] do what Kanye didn't give it to some [ __ ] in Calabasas school or whatever the [ __ ] and water you could do what would maybe end up doing more good like to your point this might end up doing more good invested in the best mutual funds of the best or whatever and then after you died then you donate all the money sure in the end you might be doing a greater overall good because you have more money to donate but his idea was different his way of helping was kind of sent on around him being there yes mentality his sensibility was and maybe it's wrong but this is the way he wanted out you had this too a lot of people need to see that exist I agree with you in terms of show instead of tell I say it I feel like every week on this podcast I just don't believe that that you have to if you want to buy back your block if you want to start businesses there and you want to employ the people within your neighborhood I don't believe that it only counts if you're at the opening and cutting the ribbon with the scissors I don't believe it I think that you can get in it only counter I'm not saying that's more impactful yeah and on top of that it is more impactful because there's the visual that you associate with and I think and I think that makes sense I guess now the discussion is is it is worth it a reduction of impact to have the way I think of it is a focal point I think it was worth it because if you see you see that also art is worth it just certain people are confused because the fact that you know nipsey's past is proximity so here the coin is worth it I think and this is gonna be hard to say right now yeah cuz we're still very fresh sure but we we have no idea how many new nipsey's were born today like there's so many people who saw who are just learning about him right we're just learning about his passing we're just learning about his life that want to continue what he set out to do there was so many people there was so many things that he was working on it was his whole his whole his catchphrase was the marathon continues so even even if I'm not here no more great like this thing is gonna keep spinning this life goes on and if you listen to his music he listens only on listeners music just watch right to see his message he's gonna affect way more people I think in death than he ever would have done alive I don't think so man I think the Tupac didn't it didn't affect way more people dead than he did a lot no I think that he did I think if two parts still alive right now he's affecting way more people who knows of you those jalapenos these questions that there's no answer so the longer that Tupac was alive it's fair to say that he exponentially increased his effect on the world right so like when he was alive at 20 he had maybe like 10,000 people [ __ ] to them by 24 he had a million people [ __ ] you know when you become a martyr it's like that's a you can't really can't multiply that and the greats died young Jesus died young that was all for back of the day it was premature though like people don't have 40 back in the day I always said the best death was Gandhi's death because he got assassinated and he was 80 or 90 one yeah that's good and that's so great like you lived a full a slide I think it a heart attack like he heard it get assassin a somebody to shoot me right about 1790 yeah starvation hunger come on dude Jesus did win because that's the only name we say right like we were just talking about Gandhi and then Alex had some absurd [ __ ] and you didn't go my heart McCarthy like you said Jesus [ __ ] Christ cuz you know that [ __ ] hits boy everybody got Oh God and they say it in their language like my girls Oh Emile and sparrows me oh we say everyone which is that's what means God my girl says my guru which means God in their language like everybody says oh my god in their language is such an idea was me Oh same thing odd thing what Gandhi have it over Jesus I mean you could let Jesus happy I didn't I didn't want that I had to be like nah that's what everybody says oh my god no language but but but god he's not even your God though right he's not a guy he's just he's a guy he's a guy Saint he was a savior oh oh wait y'all got Saints no but he was a huge team it's funny how you can't using Christian references all right listen all right be Nipsey Hussle we don't know the answer to these things I'm sure you all have some ideas after discussing it hit us up in the Oh if this was patron I say he does something a patreon hit us up in a disc or just uh you know tweet us let's let's have these conversations these are poor man hat let's let's just make sure that they continue and you tell us if there's some things that we're missing and what you thought might be a good idea you know how we can avoid this [ __ ] in in the future it is a tough is a tough thing and when you are someone with massive influence and massive importance and a massive effect on the world you have a target on your back we fear those who move the masses and that's how it's always been for the state of humanity so nipsey it in in a weird way here well exactly the exact thing that made him so special is is what ultimately could have caused the end of him and it is uh and as a chain we got to protect cannons finishing the doctor semi-documentary a lot of people think that's what got Nikki and if she killed dr. Chevy there's a lot of conspiracies I'm really proud Nick Cannon is doing this so that way we know if he makes it then it probably wasn't you know I mean if he gets killed what would the reaction be to dead Nick compared to dead nipsey okay bro Oh from the guy whose career was maybe one a few tweeting imagine the picture of Nick came up and he was dead and everybody was like wow wow wow wow wow I would be so [ __ ] sad and I was starting looking through my wall and our stuff and then I would come across a cheque and I'd be like [ __ ] dead freestyle [Laughter] [Laughter] [ __ ] dude we go how does the flow go for the wild stop for the freestyle the old-school freestyle it's Andrew I'm about to say I'm a stand but I'm not for standing hey turns out Nick got shot with a cannon [Laughter] and reporters okay let's talk about some sports man see we came out of that we came out of that good I was worried how we were gonna come out of the nipsey without a real cannon it's really not gonna make any sense like if you if somebody rolled up on Nick and then with an actual cannon and then like put the ball in that stupid hat flies off his head and slowly flutters to the ground like a fall leaf boy so poetic okay what do we got in sports we've done the rape talk can you talk any college ball RJ Barrett I think mites might not be good you might do you care about college ball I really want the game Sunday off the game Sunday those two owes a great lead eight like every every game was close yes I on got one touch in the last two minutes cuz RJ Barrett's a [ __ ] nut I don't like bear the camera dishes overrated yes design is the only one that's he's worth the number one paper after that that's it somebody called him the thing Steven Naismith called RJ Barrett a poor man's Jalen Rose that's so good what is it exactly I mean like I don't it's not bad like he was getting [ __ ] Kobe comparisons coming out of high school tired cold the comparisons away he just shoots a lot he 6x any shoots of all the [ __ ] time what else could compare go we do like I think it's good he's is not your number one he's realizing that for sure he's good guy he's a very good player I think I like John Moran better than him agreed I don't know what I'm [ __ ] suck things Barret rich that his last name was Peggy okay my bad so alright so Duke somehow man what this was going around on Twitter Duke somehow manages to lose with the top four picks on the draft thanks is is Coach K any lead coach this is an elite coach play those morally Tom Izzo baby someone who said the N word hundred percent under a bet my pinky toe dude you can cut that [ __ ] off tonight bro oh yeah look at his [ __ ] neck and hey do you think there's a chance that he hasn't dropped I think is I think it's the best I think it's the best story in the sort of an actual what is Tom Izzo how everybody was coming for Tom Izzo oh my god how can you yell out those kids in C it's so embarrassing to me he was like yelling at one of his players like in his face screaming at him everybody's coming down on how can you embarrass your kid like that yeah embarrass your player like that and all these players are like no we love Tom yeah we had no problem with that and like here you yell at the players I saw my bro like yeah one I think I think social medias turned everybody to a bunch of [ __ ] when it comes to sports like what think it's [ __ ] it's the heat of the game it's [ __ ] forty thousand people in a goddamn crowd you gonna have to yell at somebody if you miss a [ __ ] backdoor cut all right like you're gonna get yelled I don't get it does it make sense that everybody's like oh my god the way he coaches it's [ __ ] animalistic it's caveman like I thought we grew out that and good Bobby Knight days were tabla Bobby that used to legit hit [ __ ] a kale I said that's different and secondly guesses in the Final Four [ __ ] I think his coaching has done quite well Michigan State the one where they're raping the gymnastics yeah yeah and who was Michigan State I didn't like about the job he kind of didn't he kind of defended all dude gold medals into these [ __ ] right to do the same treatment players that's what he was dream on got so good yes it's not a coincidence that he went to another place where they're gay people he who wears the bread is butter to San Francisco that's the same guy but it's Kevin Durant [Laughter] you out here sometimes need some tough love though you yell at adults they're 18 years old we can send them to war but we can't tell them not [ __ ] defensive what do you think's happening when they're at war you think there calmly saying hey you're gonna kick in the door you're gonna be the first person to make the shot no right they're [ __ ] going hey get out there it's war argument the tight end yeah yeah when he was in the universe in Miami and I guess like somebody got hurt like [ __ ] it's like either them or me it's more out there [ __ ] soldiers and like he had like on a plate we gotta get someone we gotta get some guys with CTE on this so we get CT on the show they got a sense of humor about it well I don't know no Willie don't have it right but we get guys to have real CT we get them on the flow and then what we do is we read them their WIC we ask them questions about their own Wikipedia page and we see if they can answer them the only risk is if the question pisses them off they'll murder all of us and this table jails really well for like breaking like this is a good WWE type table so we'll need some like maybe we'll do smaller players or something like that maybe like running back somebody we can handle you know are you kidding me he's five six to 80 not anymore these two ladies is wide now Amy Smith my height I think now everybody got me MSP got five seven oh it's different I see now Marshall Faulk like a month ago now Marshall my god a little inflated though he look like its face is little it look like somebody stuck a bike pump in Marvin young Marshall talking started Welker out of here oh yeah and sprawled abaca dance balls I'll [ __ ] you up go me I'm an alpha male what you guys say before you fight someone you sure you want this [Laughter] you really don't think you can [ __ ] up football players up there I could [ __ ] up a lot of people you was different yeah I got some hits off I felt like just football players in like they're just like kind of build different I can definitely beat up some anyway we bring them on here we ask them questions about their life and see if they remember him and I think it can be really fun that's a great idea every time they don't remember we headbutt them so there's an extra incentive to remember it's more CD what should we call it guys yeah where did you go to college blah blah blah what years I forget whom just whack I love it great game oh we need the same cuz listen they're gonna be guys that have a sense of humor about their memory loss right they don't my dad has one he's gonna forget like mid game that he's playing a game and once you headbutt on miscue boy Fritzie for we don't want to headbutt him into like a rage like some Chris Benoit [ __ ] that's it they just out there you had like the braid of like a nine year old or something then Wow yeah it was [ __ ] really yeah just from doing what the jumping off the high stuff well his finishing move was a diving headbutt what no yes way to get CT here right I can tell you we're judging it by the way you said if just from other diving off the don't matter what Chris Benoit diving headbutt this is a finishing move is every [ __ ] man I want to see it he literally was just [ __ ] jumping and head-butting somebody off the top rope I'm 100% supportive that's pretty [ __ ] high okay let's get what a [ __ ] idiot that decides that this is gonna be his move and he is top-heavy he looks like an incredible who's [ __ ] jacked oh [ __ ] every [ __ ] night why wouldn't he just brace the foot like break it with his that's what most people do that's what most people did you just gotta brace the fall you just you just spread out a little bit and right before your bus to hit you go like that but he would just go all head and that apparently that just wasn't good for you this Sunday of metalife Stadium WrestleMania xxx xxx come to Wally mania though that's gonna be with it's at MetLife well I stadium you okay oh this is last match yes who's that this is no it's not booty that is a that is a the Angelo de niro the Pope tournament volume akka Oh volume volume volume here comes describe what we're watching them yeah so basically he's climbing up the top rope and doing his finishing with the diving headbutt which you know I guess this oh Jesus Christ I don't remember that act shot gave him the CT yeah yeah that's that's a that's a 20-foot drop onto someone's foot yes and that is unknown and the reason why he was so good is because most people would just kind of brace themselves but he went for it but he would just go for like whatever whatever would make it look [ __ ] more realistic you shouldn't have killed your family brother so that's like I wasn't that's what I was thinking was it worth it but like outside of that like he's it wasn't worth it I'm pretty sure that's clear yeah I was like I was mad somebody died he's my favorite wrestler really sorta he was one about my he was legitimately the best wrestler ever saying that's what killed him for and like we've died I thought was like like carbon monoxide [ __ ] is your fault kids you didn't like him so much phenomenal Russell around I like mankind yeah yeah Karma's legit alright what else we got man um Floyd training-wise Floyd training again I don't know but I hope he's not gonna fight I really hope he keeps posting these Instagram videos he looks phenomenal he always looks phenomenal so what's the training you just as we're starting to record Andrews like what's my training for and so one of these videos I don't know man he's in the gym he's you know say not perfect but always trying to be perfectionist or something and yeah i think i think it unfortunately means he's gonna be fighting again and it's just heartbreaking i think if anything it's another easy to an exhibition match and i also think there's some about fluoride which is its every famous person you don't want to give the spotlight that easily he likes keeping the speculation going about whether or not he might fight again ooh yeah hundred percent right this just came to my mind topic was did you see 50 cent post did you see the guy from power he won so hard award I think it was an N double ACP a woman and he shakes jay-z's hand and then he goes and he hugs Beyonce gives her a kiss on the cheek got someone give her another kiss on the cheek a little loop and very close to the lid on a little gala one third of the lip on the side right here look at this video editing is about to pull it up this guy has balls the balls on this man my bro what are you doing but you know you know Beyonce loved that beard cuz jay-z can't gross [ __ ] oh one time you look happy about that no she's flushed look back with all that testosterone she just felt you know come on look at that oh my god is that disrespectful I figure you gotta fight him I think adjustable cuz he got like mad vision on her yeah you know go for B and then I'll be like I'll give me kiss girls and then she can watched a police vehicle straight dudes in the cold faithful faithful bro like there's no dude and like dudes that were apparently famous but I didn't know yeah I was just finding out like tre no clips there that is the most generic looking black guy you'll ever see in your life it looks like every it looks like [ __ ] Craig David like filming oh dude almost like UK guys look like Craig Davidson be she'll say FA F is gonna build my legend yeah babe your Red Bulls right that's yeah that's why he's a legend like a fencer Tehran resound like a fencer or maybe like a seltzer water you talk about teairra Marie who's a better [ __ ] dear Marie or tear on me who finally okay can we at least admit we're not saying all black people look alike but we could admit that all black soccer players look generic as [ __ ] we could admit that what get him up he's like he's very handsome say like you want to [ __ ] he's a he's a handsome man get him up video adding most famous soccer player nothing like the rest of it will pop up ry Henry HTML why is in our wire NR ie you got it okay let's see the handsome ass here Henry that's my got like five cousins oh there he goes that's Alex dog come on that's Alex oh my god tell me that ain't Alex with the beers nobody look at your buddy bro listen come on bro this is every dude keep going other pictures every light-skinned bald dude this a very nice come on that's guy probably dated it's a rain and secure click on this one right here come on man that's like the Dean and Howard this is why I'm so terrified of coming up as like a little bit insecure about the a balding like I think I got a bald spot definitely balls let's see it turn it around let's see it come on all the road why would I do to him I want to be that yarmulke let me see that yarmulke can we see it I felt bad too because I was on the shoot that day you saw and I saw a penis cause oh yeah you pronounce your name different no it's all the same hold on let me see you back man change his name for a check listen no no no lean back down some it's small let me see turn turn turn towards me turn towards me can you change this living hold on what's a go can you just stay in one position just right there that's it okay that's nothing yeah yes fine so when the Sun hits it like it's about to be spring and summer and [ __ ] I can't I mean all you got to do is keep it tight if you keep your hairline very tight it won't even look like you're balding no I mean like I do what I like grow back out I'm gonna get like my Mohawk back and [ __ ] so like it's gonna look like yeah like it's gonna be noticeable it's gonna be thin spot and laughs I get the hems of the hems [ __ ] grown I too late for that you know corners get hymns and they get corners or get my hair transplant transplant bro if I got patients for smart this guy's different this guy the Italian one yeah Mario Balotelli he looks a little different because he got my hair he was like the [ __ ] he was like his old deed to do before right like but there's no way you could tell a soccer that's here on rewrite very armory to look at that go back to this guy right here that's go back up to rg3 black day soccer thug caught on CCTV punching white woman in the face Oh that'll make it they had to make sure they said white woman in the face you can tell yeah I'm trying to see that oh it is alright website oh [ __ ] oh well [ __ ] that we don't shout out that website on here all right let's this is compelling looking at that whoa look at these little shorties look at that guy that's here honoree they're all Terry hombre okay anyway I think that we we're pretty much in agreement I think we're pretty much in agreement with this anything else before we here so the dear brother lay beyond and Keenan Allen beef sounds great talk to me about this alright so if you guys I'm a jazz fan Le'Veon Bell is trying to become a rapper he took a lot of the year off to focus on his rap career if anybody know this but um he tweeted out today like yo don't let me know if y'all [ __ ] with this and that yeah daddy got a Keaton I love the LA Dodgers yeah Kenan said and I quote hold on I gotta keep it banned bro this ain't it with the trash emoji so Kenan said that Levien's album was trash video yeah yeah video be said are you ready fire or trash can emoji both emojis and then okay now is it I gotta keep it BAM bro this ain't in trashcan emoji lady I'm not responded if you honestly felt that way you could have just texted me and said hello but it seems even people with check marks on the troll to seek attention for menses now nowadays enjoyed this buzz for us it's still all positive vibes Canella responded I was not trolling on my mama bro I don't troll like I said I speak facts you shouldn't have ax if you ain't what's the truth I mean that's true don't ask if you don't want to know the answer did you listen to the album I heard the song I wasn't going song was trash really bad can we play a little of it through your phone I'm a Jets fan - I got the clips right here but play it through the phone yeah so we can talk [ __ ] flags you know I'm alright let me see you here hey you got it up alright this levy on Bell's rap song you can talk over right here give me give me a man we don't have to talk over not now we're fine yeah so I mean it's like a broke-ass me goes right you know what it sounds like it sounds like a wacko version Alonzo ball music lots of all get your marriage get your marriage get some right yeah I never heard the Lanza what our records wrong what was the keys put out this is why no athlete to me had good music with allen iverson 40 bars 1430 legendary flames I heard all Robbie ref word mad time no quote allen iverson I'm not gonna say it in the word listen come up me with F for Tennessee's you'd be sleeping with a maggots B I'll say oh my god aside from the homophobia and I was a fire fire barber oh so you don't remember that Reebok commercial back in the day when they were playing like the instrumental for it yeah but you know it as soon as you hear that like the first the first couple joins he had one of the few good non jordan shoes backing her kids are some of the best non your questions of the answer yeah yeah I like the questions and the answers Alan average rules okay we live in June dude this [ __ ] is not over this listen [ __ ] them yesterday hold on you two all the rap game chees yes hurry yes okay you'll be sleeping with a maggots beat that's what's up whoa that was hard up yo hey I could had a rap that's a record it sounded like aggressive spoken word spoken word all right anything else before we run out fellas castings harden got the MVP sewn up so you got it wrong now is there is there conventional wisdom it says that uh jhanas should get it because their record is better that's what I mean that everybody used to say it's just whoever's I don't think I'm gonna win because he wanted last year what do you mean by wait a minute hold on what are you people hate giving it to people two years in a row Shaq deserved it ten of the years he played right LeBron deserved it ten of the years he's playing shortened Jordan is arted every year you play they just don't so I just don't know if he'll get it for that he probably deserves it but they just didn't want to give it to him two years ago so he gave it to Russell Westbrook has a triple-double Russell Westbrook had a triple-double again he's spoken to this yes but they didn't want to give it to him twice in a row so gave it to harden harden I don't think they want to give it to him twice in a row also for me I got to see it in the playoffs before I finally give it up to him I'm not gonna give up so here's a question you have your the NBA and you are giving this award away as a marketing tool if you're smart to the least marketable superstar in history boom why not give it away to the guy who has a very good chance of taking your sport to the next level I mean LeBron is out of here Steph is not a spring chicken mm-hmm I mean Jonas could do what he does for the next he's not a spring chicken he's a third oh he's got a shooter though so he's gonna these days of dominance are numbered they're not over here boy thus mastered the one skill you could use until you're like 40 best player in the league or top five player we think I know three four years the exact argument right so it's like Jonas is how old 23 it so he could do this for another 10 years minimum 10 minimum 10 health forbidden yeah with all them yeah same health thing is all them matter of fact Steph has got more injuries more injury prone than javis right so it's like if I'm MBA I'm marketing this new young guy that the kids love that a sneaker is about to come out that's transitioning this style of play he's made position less basketball official in a lot of ways I give it to Jonas and I dump everything behind him and I bet you if John is played for a big market team that MVP would be locked the [ __ ] up but since he's stuck up there in Milwaukee all the sudden it's maybe we should give it to heart UMI's there's more money behind the Rockets I don't think it's that thing the mostly the drops looking mad 50-point triple-doubles but they love these points they were not even in the playoffs like what in the first two months of the year and now they're what third seed might be a second seed in the West Mike who's got a better record the Bucks but they're not and everyone this is hurt do you just get wait no he just came back today I actually he gets the Brooklyn Nets how long is he her for maybe a couple weeks without thinking let's shut him down for the rest of the season though right now he wants to play what I was little I didn't play but alright so how come Steph Curry come in there either get it every year because of his fatigue right that's what we were just saying there's MVP fatigue there's words I love their rose I hated with LeBron went to the heat I hated him when he was on the heat LeBron she got that MVP course they just didn't want to give it to her sometimes they just don't shaq should have more than one MVP this is beautiful on reshares has won MVP like that is absolutely absurd can you name a more valuable player in the m in the NBA during Shaq's heyday than Shaq maybe Tim Duncan I don't think so Duncan was the best player of that generation I always I've always been a Tim Duncan over : either way Tim Duncan you have more than one MVP are a 2wp or she actually have more than one yeah either one of these as structured thoughtfully out more than one of it Steve never got the same number every piece which is crazy it's just it's voting there it's a vote when have we ever what have votes ever been great right our current president just push it to a vote and expect the best person to win to your Derrick Rose thing I mean like this times we're like those teams take that leap and I think like ganas took that leap so I guess that's why I would I would probably want to go with you honest over that year but it's like the dudes had so many just can you think of a more annoying player to get back-to-back MVPs sure that's to the point of us again I think where it's just you can't really trust votes but what I'm saying is who Steve Nash was loved he was universally praised everybody loved that salad basketball James Harden for as good as he is people are really put off by how he plays especially considering how good he is the fact that he's so good and his popularity so much lower than how good he is means he's pretty annoying to people I just can't imagine a more annoying repeat MVP it could happen yeah but I it would be he's the [ __ ] oh it's the most annoying infuriating game to watch oh no man who has the numbers to back it up they they beat the Warriors three out of four times this year same thing with the box but it is a regular season award I get I guess I hear what you're saying it has to be one of the other I just hope they don't give it to heart and because I just think he's so annoying trust me I don't wanna be so petty when he loses like I want to see it I want to see him lose just for his reaction how he's gonna be on social media how he's gonna be in interviews like it's gonna really bother him right now who would be their matchup and someone check the standings because the NBA the basically the four through eight seed is tight in the West yeah I think it's Nuggets warriors Rockets I really want warriors and thunder in the first round click on the West yeah a regular season MVP of Finals regular season how would you not isn't the goal winning a championship yes but regular season MVP means more Finals MVP isn't even like a considered for some reason that's like the fifth thing they bring up when they talk about the greatest players of all time like like they won't say like Kobe only has two Andre Iguodala as a Finals MVP like how valuable what happens a lot of times all the time but a lot of times in the playoffs up role-player steps up and is the difference maker and that's what happened so now if you look at Finals MVP and you put it above a regular CMP you're like when it was Andre Iguodala more important than Year Dan James Harden I do think you're right I think I should carry more weight than it does right like I think the fact that Steph has zeros a little weird yeah I had it last year that I was very easily could have been they gave it to KD but it could be that one shot overall let's hit that [ __ ] that that's shut down shot that played his ass off last year the the Warriors complaining about the officiating they were going nuts about the officiating in the Timberwolves game and it was just weird to see them complaining about bad calls sure but also the way you won Game one of the finals last year on the bra net 15 a triple-double in the finals was pretty horrible officiating look good to me guys we got to get out of here man it's getting late anything else we want to say real quick no come to Caroline's April 26th and 27th a BDCs are doing shows they were headlining don't you say this in the beginning man well I forget we got we got yeah we got oh yeah you start talking about the girl in the Hamelin no it's all good I can't interrupt the [ __ ] ambulance so April 26th and 27th you can get tickets at Caroline's comm 732 shows a BDCs come through come through get those men that would be dope thank you guys so much for watching views from the SIS the full special is officially out all six chapters youtube.com slash the andrew schultz continue watching sharing you know thrown it in him group chats and just making these clips go viral we're over two and a half million views already yeah damn it's it's pretty amazing to see what's happening with this man it's like it's amazing to see how we've you know transition comedy and the effect has had like I got a buddy came up to me yesterday he was he's a comic and he was in Estonia and there was a comic in Estonia that came to him they're like yeah man we were following the you know Andrew Schultz blueprint and we were putting all our stuff out like this and cutting up to pieces it's just like crazy to see the effect on the industry globally so we did a very special thing by by really kind of changing a traditional structure and everybody who you know share the clips and help them go viral and help them have success you are intimately involved in the success that I saw I'm incredibly grateful man another cool thing for you guys to check out if you haven't seen already we did a tour documentary that we shot with the special and I hadn't really promoted it because I didn't want it to get confused with the special but if you look at the drop in in series that I have on YouTube there is a dropping in for London there's a dropping in for Copenhagen and dropping in for Oslo and a dropping in for Amsterdam and those for dropping ins have bits of stand-up and checking out the city etc that's the tour documentary for views from assists so for every city that we film the special in we also ran around the city you know check in a red light district in Amsterdam you know getting constipated in London looking at Viking ships in Oslo you know going to this hippie community in Copenhagen it was some pretty sick pretty sick [ __ ] man so uh so yeah go give those a check out if you finish using the cyst and you still want a little bit more make sure you check those out and thank you guys so much for just support and everything that's going on man we got some really cool stuff coming up in the future I'm excited to share so next week I'll start lady I'll know what's up with that man but we appreciate y'all [ __ ] with us for all the patrons if you're not a patron yet come [ __ ] with us come join us join the army and check exactly what we got going on over here means a lot did you support what we do and help us grow and we got some cool things we're gonna be cooking up and we are oh right now I'm looking at real estate space because I wanna I want to get a compound that we can take this to the next level on and I'd rather pay one of you guys if you're in real estate and some random dudes so if you work in industrial or office commercial real estate just contact me shoot me a DM or shoot Alex a DM and if you're in New York City let us know because again I'd rather keep the money within the [ __ ] harmine and spread it outside so yeah just reach out man appreciate y'all so much man it's been another episode of clay going to get a piece you
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 29,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flagrant 2, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, interviews, kaz, real life kaz, akaash singh, alex media, alexxmedia, porzingis, kp, james harden, mvp, jesus, gandhi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 50sec (7430 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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