My Decaying Mind in Quarantine

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hello everyone it's me james i just wanted to let you know that i'm launching this card game called cafe chaos on kickstarter today there'll be more info at the end of the video this isn't some fit i actually made a card game i worked really hard on it so please click the link in the description to get your my name's joe exotic i exploit dangerous wild animals for profit and that's only the least reprehensible thing i've done in this eight part docu series i'll show you the bad the horrible and downright disgusting aspects of what it's like to be a polyamorous meth-addicted tiger king i'm the real pokemon master you hear and just like that by watching other garbage humans on his television james felt ever so slightly at peace while the world crumbled around him for the first time in months james smiled i'll be real with you being in quarantine has sucked a lot i miss hanging out with friends i miss going to non-essential businesses and i miss wiping my butt with toilet paper instead of my dog all i've had for company has been floof and my own mind so it's been a little hard to stay motivated during this time but if staying home instead of going to disneyland will save people's lives then i guess i'll have to make that sacrifice it's so hard to be a good person some of the things that have been helping me mentally has been exercise a positive mindset and garbage television i used to think that garbage television was stupid and a waste of my mortal existence but as i started watching more garbage i realized that i've already been fascinated and enjoyed watching garbage content for years have you seen the videos i make i've said this in my conspiracy video that i love watching crazy people talk for hours now take those same people give them a camera crew and a budget and you got a brand new show on tlc what's that you've never heard of tlc the learning channel well tlc is full of wonderful programs and documentaries that'll teach you if you become trashy enough you'll end up on tv and that's what schools should be teaching no this video isn't sponsored by tlc but if they wanted to sponsor me i'd say no i just want to be on an episode of my strange addiction i'll tell you what the addiction is later dlc one show i've been unhealthily binging is called 90 day fiance it's about when a boy meets a girl or a girl meets a girl or a man meets a much younger girl online and they sort of like each other but they're from different countries so when they meet each other they have 90 days to decide if they want to get married before their visa expires it's great that the internet exists so that these clearly desperate people in different countries even have the chance to form a relationship and it's equally great that the internet exists so we can watch very personal moments of these strangers lives the show really shines with the most garbage of couples i've seen other youtubers talk about this one specific couple big ed and rose i don't want to make fun of big ed's appearance but let's just say he saves a lot of money on scarves and turtle necks he's a 54 year old pursuing a relationship and wanting to marry a 23 year old filipino woman named rose and ed has a daughter that's six years older than rose and he's older than rose's father can you imagine for a second if your mom was six years younger than you and on top of that ed is a huge liar he lied about his height he lied about wanting to have kids with her he's also really mean to rose i mean sure he's old enough to be her father so he's probably used to talking down to young people and a dad telling their kids that their legs are hairy and their breath stinks is justifiable but this is his girlfriend at least make her a bag lunch first even if i thought big ed was the best guy in the world do i think a relationship could work between people with a 31 year age gap well let's take a look at the math here is the half year age plus 7 rule graphed out so if you're 30 then it's socially acceptable to be dating someone who's 22 now obviously this graph isn't set in stone but for reference here's big ed's age versus rose's age so when ed was 40 and taking care of his 15 year old daughter rose was 9. so do i think an age gap of 31 can work well mathematically in common sense speaking not until ed is 76 and rose is 45. i think that'll take longer than 90 days though the second and third reason i love this show is david and lana i haven't seen any youtubers talk about this couple but they need to meet david a six-year-old guy from vegas who's fallen head over wallet for a ukrainian woman named lana he's spent seven years and a quarter of a million us dollars on a relationship where he hasn't even met the other person he's tried to meet up with lana on three separate occasions already but got stood up every single time now he's putting all of his credit cards on the table and is willing to risk it all on a fourth trip to the ukraine to meet his soon-to-be mail order who doesn't speak english long story short they meet after 13 episodes david gives her a brand new iphone x to text him on only for him to get eternally ghosted because her nails were too long to text him back let me remind you that they were in contact for seven years that's how old rose was when ed was 38. me briefly describing these two's relationship just now was so much of an emotional rollercoaster that i don't even need to go back to theme parks anymore it makes me want to puke and i hope you can see why i love this show so much i know that reality tv is fake and who knows if this entire relationship was scripted and manufactured for the show but i don't care if it's fake this smile is real watching garbage television all day isn't as fun or healthy as it may seem believe it or not even though i spent a good portion of this video hyping up trash tv you should also be doing something productive like watching youtube videos to compensate for all the garbage i watch i've been exercising more right when the pandemic began its exponential spike i bought a home gym machine and i've been working out three times a week with my friend dj dj and i met because we're both friends with alan becker who makes these animations versus animator videos and one day i noticed that dj's muscles were a lot like one of my japanese animes he was a walking breathing protagonist that my body dysmorphia had been holding me back from becoming i reached my skinny hands out to dj and said hey dj can we work out together so this is where i put the ipad to talk to dj oh hey james this is where i got the treadmill the weights and this is my favorite piece of equipment this rag up here so i don't bump my head when i do pull-ups this is where i keep my air conditioner because it gets very hot in this garage this is what it used to look like a month ago anyway the reason i started working out more seriously was because people were calling me skinny and other slanderous synonyms like slender and scrawny and i told my friends that i was hurt by these comments but they all unanimously agreed that it's true i am a slim jim it's important to have a reason for working out mine is self-loathing dj is forcing me to push myself we've only been going for about three months or a whole 90-day fiance and i've already gone from struggling to lift up this much weight to struggling to lift up this much weight sorry if i'm flexing too much on you i'm just proud of my progress the point is while trash tv is fun remember to mix in some productive activities during the day for example exercise you don't need equipment do 10 push-ups right now lose clean up after yourself during these hard times keeping your space organized and tidy will be a big boost on your mental health wear a face mask if you need to go out learn how to cook you should also be eating healthy too stop eating so many bagel bites watch parkour fails remind yourself how safe you are inside these guys could get covered and a broken tooth wear a face mask if you need to go out shave your head who cares anymore watch competitive sports fishing and get your blood pressure to rise so much that you feel pressured into working out again and oh my god how big is that fish oh my god it's a 1200 pound bull shark they need seven people to pull it on the boat and oh my god is that big head and last but not least check out my newest game on kickstarter over the last year i've been developing a new game called cafe chaos you start the game by choosing a character with a unique ability target other players and throw food combos like moldy double deep fried couch cushion candy or a frozen chocolate pretzel that's pickled that's actually an illegal move so don't do that avoid taking splat points by ducking or using your character's special ability while grabbing more food to throw at opponents there's a whole bunch of characters to choose from but i also invited some friends of mine to join the fight their cards can be found in the animators pack and you can see all the other packs over on my kickstarter page some of these deals will only be available for the 30 day campaign so be sure to check them out before they disappear forever hopefully this game will help you get through quarantine as much as it's helped me thank you all for watching and wear your seatbelt hello everyone i hoped you liked my big exclusive sneak peek into what i've been up to for the past six months i know things are a bit crazy right now but i hope you're all keeping busy in your own unique way maybe some more mind-numbing than others but hooray another video is created and that means another big hooray for my incredible crew i can't do these videos without them as you've probably heard i'm releasing a card game on kickstarter today so be sure to check that out and as always if you ever decide to go to a foreign country to meet someone that you talk to online for four days wash your hands and wear your seatbelt
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 23,911,278
Rating: 4.9460001 out of 5
Keywords: Cafe Chaos, food fight, Quarantine, garbage television, TLC, 90 day fiancé, Big Ed, Ed, Rose, David, Lana, working out, exercise, DJ Welch, Gym, Kickstarter, Animation, Cartoon, Funny, theodd1sout, theoddisout, theoddonesout
Id: 28YwvwneKoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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