What Happens if the God Emperor of Mankind is Actually Killed? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal another day another theoretical video backed up by in-law evidence now there is already a channel dedicated to theories regarding 40k however there is also a channel dedicated to a specific type of architecture yet they have really branched out into other topics in recent times so why can't i what if the emperor died i want to do a quick shout out to kirioth tv who briefly talked about this a couple years ago i didn't get the idea from his video however i always do a quick search when i think of something and he's popped up this video will be quite different to his as the law has progressed a fair bit in the last few years and i'll be talking about theories that are backed up by evidence in the law of the various things that would 100 happen if the emperor died not just the base level discussion about the topic before we get started as you know i have a partnership with the company displayed who print artwork onto metal canvas and those canvases look absolutely mint bra i've had artwork made specifically for displayed and at the moment i'm working with an artist to create artwork for all the homebrew chapters featured in my homebrew adventures animation so far the meme marine and the newly added angry marina available so if you want some new artwork to jazz up your life then this is the place to be order through my link below to get an extra two centimeters added to your dick size yeah i'm pretty sure displayed hate it when i give these kind of guarantees but that's okay today we'll discuss what we know for a fact would happen the moment timmy trips over the emperor's life support chord and what the consequences would be after that we will then discuss what would probably happen but we don't know for sure and then at the end we can make some educated guesses based on a bit of cheeky theory crafting let's get into it the imperium of man the emperor's empire is constantly under threat from zenos demons chaos and itself many of these space [ __ ] would gladly see the emperor as a corpse well you know a dead corpse you know what i mean the biggie already isn't doing so hot after his bold piece of poo son horus put him on disability benefits but he is still clinging to life and basically holding the imperium together from his golden throne but what if he finally dies for real what if the greenskins break in and slay him what if the eldar assassinate him what if corn claims his skull or what if one day is sick of all these ungrateful religious pricks performing war crimes in his name and he decides to unplug his own life support and send himself off well a number of things would happen immediately and none of them would be good for the imperium firstly the ruined webway gate which was supposed to be mankind's salvation from chaos but instead turned into a direct portal to hell would open the emperor was the one keeping it close with his psychic might and with him gone an endless tide of demons would pour into the imperial palace the custodies sisters of silence and other defenders would be able to contain the demons for some time just like how they did during the horus heresy but they would be fighting a losing battle none of that would really matter though as vulcan had planted an emergency doomsday device in the golden throne should the emperor ever truly die a bomb which upon the emperor's death would explode and completely wipe out the planet acting as a last ditch [ __ ] you to whoever took the big e down hence all the custodies demons and countless humans on the planet would instantly die and chaos would be denied terror as a prize now that already sucks a lot however it gets worse as the astronomican the beacon that the imperium uses to figure out where the [ __ ] they are going whenever they walk jump would be destroyed last time the astronomicon went offline for a bit countless ships were forever lost to the warp and a lot of people died on top of that it means that fleets cannot travel large distances at all so whilst local planets and systems would still be within reach isolated planets would be more or less cut off and living in the darkness not aware of what horrors were coming to tickle their rectum metaphorically unless it's the dark elder then quite literally now that is what we know for a fact would happen initially a lot of people are like we would enter into a new age of strife or the emperor would return because he's a perpetu and whilst those theories carry weight they aren't 100 confirmed to be the case call that cheeky mechanical hentai looking fuckboy is actively working on a solution he has nearly not only figured out the location of various pharos devices which act as mini astronomicons built by the necrons but he's almost figured out how to build them himself given enough time and heresy he will figure it out hence he will build a backup plan this currently doesn't exist though and the emperor's light switching off would be a massive setback in terms of finding the other faros devices however it would not make it impossible if giliman some sisters of silence call and a talented psycho like chief liberian tigerists as well as a couple solid navigators were able to reach each other it's likely they would have enough of a dream team to make their way through the warp and reach the different pharos devices to actually succeed on this however they would probably need a necron either the silent king or trancey infinite to lend them a hand would actually be a pretty cool adventure story in the meantime yes thousands of imperial worlds would fall to chaos xenos or to themselves planets reliant on food from agri worlds would be also pretty screwed some places like space marine homeworlds or ultramar would do okay and likely hold together unless invaded by overwhelming odds for a better reference as to what would happen we have imperium nilius which is currently half of the galaxy that has been cut off from astronomicon due to the fall of cadia and abaddon's first ever actual victory things are obviously pretty grim on this side of the galaxy however mankind still stands strong especially since the blood angels are on that side they do still receive help from the other side of the galaxy which does have the astronomicon so it's not a perfect model however the point i'm trying to make is that with the space marines mankind will likely fare better cut off from each other now than during the age of strife now it has been confirmed that the emperor is a perpetual which basically means he is technically cannot die or if you want to kill him it's super difficult his perpetual status is why he's still able to be alive despite appearing super dead the effort is taking him to power the astronomicon and keep tara from getting overrun from demons is counteracting his healing effects leaving him in this suspended undead state now being perpetual doesn't mean you're like wolverine and you just heal it means that if your body is completely destroyed to the last atom you'll reappear somewhere else so logically if the emperor was killed and then obliterated by vulcan's super bomb then he would reappear somewhere else so we should just kill the emperor right wrong the emperor is aware of his perpetual status and also what would happen if he died yet he chooses to stay on the throne it's likely that he believes the loss of the terror the astronomicon as well as himself for an unknown period of time it takes for him to regenerate would not be worth him returning in the flesh on top of that the emperor is considered to be more powerful now in his corpse state than when he was on the battlefield due to thousands of years of countless humans praising him he's currently fighting a war against the chaos gods themselves in the warp so it's likely that if he was forced back into his mortal form the chaos gods will be able to exert even more influence upon the galaxy finally there's a chance that due to his wound sustained by horus he would not properly regenerate or not regenerate at all maybe he would be weakened or maybe he would have amnesia whatever the cause of it a regenerated emperor would not be worth the cost that more or less sums up what we know would happen the lights would turn off terror would explode and a lot of people would die yet mankind would continue to endure at least for a time without some kind of intervention or saving grace overall a [ __ ] time at least initially here is where some theory crafting comes in the imperium are the only faction in the galaxy that used the astronomicon the elder have their web way the towel use limited warp jumps that don't require geller fields or navigators the orcs just yellow it and trust gawk and walk to send them somewhere fun and the necrons have galactic teleporters or also use the webway depending on what you see as canon so there are solutions pretty much all the zenos other than the tyrions have been shown to be willing to work with mankind in desperate situations giliman was revived by the eldar the tower and the imperiment fought the tyranids together as have the orcs in the imperium and the necrons on the imperium [ __ ] tyranids the loss of the emperor is a pretty desperate time hence i believe it could create an alliance between mankind and certain xenos a proper alliance call and parts of the mechanicus would be happy to treat with the necrons especially the progressive ones like the silent king or trancey infinite in order to combat chaos together as chaos would be running rampant throughout the galaxy like an adhd kid who took an epipen instead of ritalin this would likely lead to the use of more necron pylons and the forest devices to aid mars in exchange for their help in reversing the necrons back into their flesh and blood forms which is the silent king's ultimate goal meanwhile giliman and his blue boys would shack some elder to get their help likely promising the return of eldar maiden worlds as well as all crawford's coming under imperial protection in exchange for limited use of the webway now this is all just theory crafting and knowing 40k things would go wildly wrong at some point however there is a good chance that the more reasonable parts of humanity could team up with the zenith to not only survive but also thrive if the emperor does revive as we expect him to as well then perhaps in a couple thousand years mankind united with xenos will have beaten chaos and the tyranids but alas i am a heretic and i expect an inquisitor's bullet to come visit my brain any second now and that does this for today guys what would happen if the emperor died in the short term not good in the long term probably not good however there is potential for a very interesting scenario which i hope games workshop will one day have the balls to explore people just gotta stop buying the [ __ ] primaris first and instead buy some xenos and we could be on here if you enjoyed the video want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai and 10 gives you access to the premium magical hentai calendar also chapter master varak hentai is on the way so you won't want to miss that hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more theoretical content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 536,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Emperor, Primarchs, Tyranids, Greenskins, 40k, Fantasy, Sigmar, Kirioth, Lore, Explained, Story, Australia, What if, Australian, Majorkill, Space marines, Astartes, God Emperor of Mankind, Perpetuals, Vulkan, Terra, 30k, Horus, Horus Heresy, Blood Angels, Eldar, Xenos, Audio, How to, Guide, Orks
Id: 4QolSOtrkl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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